
TreeTable component is a hierarchical table displaying a tree-like structure in the leftmost column. The component is used for entities that have references to themselves. For example, it can be a file system or a company organization chart.

gui treeTable

XML-name of the component: treeTable

The dataContainer attribute of the treeTable component should contain a reference to a collection container, and the hierarchyProperty attribute defines the name of the entity attribute which is a reference to same entity.

Below is an example of component description in a screen XML descriptor:

<data readOnly="true">
    <collection id="departmentsDc" class="com.company.sales.entity.Department" view="_local">
        <loader id="departmentsDl">
                <![CDATA[select e from sales_Department e]]>
    <treeTable id="departmentsTable" dataContainer="departmentsDc" hierarchyProperty="parentDept" width="100%">
            <column id="name"/>
            <column id="active"/>

The functionality of TreeTable is similar to a simple Table.