Appendix B: Application Properties

This appendix describes all available application properties in alphabetical order.


Defines the names of additional data stores used in the application.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.additionalStores = db1, mem1

Allows the generic filter to use sequential filtering mode. See also Sequential Queries.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in the Web Client and the Middleware blocks.


Login name of the user on behalf of which the anonymous session is created.

Default value: anonymous

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Determines whether the server should run the database update scripts at the application start.

Since CUBA 7.2, you can control the execution of database update scripts separately for the main and additional data stores: for the main data store use the cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate_MAIN property, for additional data stores use properties in the form of cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate_<store_name>. The concrete properties have priority over the common one.

Default value: false

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


List of supported user interface languages.

Property format: {language_name1}|{language_code_1};{language_name2}|{language_code_2};…​



{language_name} – name displayed in the list of available languages. For example, such lists can be found on the login screen and on the user edit screen.

{language_code} – corresponds to language code returned by the Locale.getLanguage() method. Used as a suffix for message pack file names. For example,

The first language listed in the cuba.availableLocales property will be selected in the list of available languages by default if the list does not contain the user’s operating system language. Otherwise, user’s operating system language will be selected by default.

Default value: English|en;Russian|ru;French|fr

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


The maximum number of active background tasks.

Default value: 100

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines an interval in milliseconds for checking timeouts of background tasks.

Default value: 5000

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in Web Client.


Enables a mechanism for the protection against password brute force cracking.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Blocking interval in seconds after exceeding a maximum number of failed login attempts, if the cuba.bruteForceProtection.enabled property is on.

Default value: 60

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


A maximum number of failed login attempts for the combination of user login and IP address, if the cuba.bruteForceProtection.enabled property is on.

Default value: 5

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


If set to true, the framework checks connections to all additional data stores on the application startup. If the connection fails, a message is written in the log. Keep in mind that such checks can slow down the startup process.

Default value: false

Used in the Middleware block.


When set to false (which is the default), LoginPasswordLoginProvider of the client block sends user’s password as is to the middleware AuthenticationService.login() method. This is appropriate if the client and middleware blocks are co-located in the same JVM. For a distributed deployment when the client block is located on a different computer on the network, the connection between the client and middleware in this case should be encrypted using SSL.

If set to true, LoginPasswordLoginProvider loads the User entity by the entered login and checks the password itself. If the password matches the loaded password hash, the provider performs login as a trusted client using the password specified in the cuba.trustedClientPassword property. This mode saves you from setting up SSL connections between clients and middleware in trusted networks, and at the same time does not exposes user passwords to the network: only hashes are transmitted. However notice that trusted client password is still transmitted over the network, so the SSL-protected connection is still more secure.

Default value: false

Interface: WebAuthConfig, PortalConfig

Used in the Web and Portal blocks.


Enables interaction between Middleware servers in a cluster. See Configuring Interaction between Middleware Servers for details.

Default value: false

Used in the Middleware block.


Path to JGroups configuration file. The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

For example:

cuba.cluster.jgroupsConfig = my_jgroups_tcp.xml

Default value: jgroups.xml

Used in the Middleware block.


Limits the queue of middleware cluster messages. When the queue exceeds its maximum size, new messages are rejected.

Default value: Integer.MAX_VALUE

Used in the Middleware block.


Sets the timeout in milliseconds for receiving state from cluster on node start.

Default value: 10000

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines location of the configuration folder for an application block.

Default value: ${app.home}/${cuba.webContextName}/conf, which points to a subdirectory of the application home.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Sets Middleware connection timeout for client blocks. Non-negative value is passed to the setReadTimeout() method of URLConnection.

Default value: -1

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Sets Middleware connection timeout for client blocks. Non-negative value is passed to the setConnectTimeout() method of URLConnection.

Default value: -1

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Sets Middleware server connection URL for client blocks.

Property value should contain one or more comma separated URLs http[s]://host[:port]/app-core, where host is the server hostname, port is the server port, and app-core is the name of the the Middleware block web application. For example:

cuba.connectionUrlList = http://localhost:8080/app-core

When using a cluster of Middleware servers, their addresses should be listed separated with commas:

cuba.connectionUrlList = http://server1:8080/app-core,http://server2:8080/app-core

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Additive property defining a credits.xml file containing information about the software components used by the application.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in the Web Client block.


cuba.creditsConfig = +com/company/base/credits.xml

Batch size for loading related entities from different data stores by DataManager.

Default value: 50

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Indicates that DataManager should perform bean validation when saving entities.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Indicates that DataManager should check entity operation permissions and in-memory constraints on the middle tier.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines JNDI name of the javax.sql.DataSource object used for connection to the application database.

Default value: java:comp/env/jdbc/CubaDS

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines the location of the work folder for an application block.

Default value: ${app.home}/${cuba.webContextName}/work, which points to a subdirectory of the application home.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Defines the location of the database scripts directory.

Default value for Fast Deployment: ${catalina.home}/webapps/${cuba.webContextName}/WEB-INF/db, which points to the WEB-INF/db subdirectory of the web application in Tomcat.

Default value for WAR and UberJAR deployment: web-inf:db, which points to the WEB-INF/db subdirectory inside the WAR or UberJAR.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines the DBMS type. Affects the choice of DBMS integration interface implementations and the search for database init and update scripts together with cuba.dbmsVersion.

See DBMS Types for details.

Default value: hsql

Used in the Middleware block.


An optional property that sets the database version. Affects the choice of DBMS integration interface implementations and the search for database init and update scripts together with cuba.dbmsType.

See DBMS Types for details.

Default value: none

Used in the Middleware block.


When using Legacy Roles and Permissions, defines the set of files with the user’s default permissions. Default permission values are used when no role defines an explicit value for permission target. Used mostly for denying roles, see more in the default-permission-values.xml section.

Default value: cuba-default-permission-values.xml

Used in the Middleware block.


cuba.defaultPermissionValuesConfig = +my-default-permission-values.xml

Defines default transaction timeout.

Default value: 0 (no timeout).

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Disables the startup check which ensures all entities are properly enhanced.

Default value: true

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Contains a list of data stores for which the platform should disable ESCAPE in JPQL queries with LIKE operator in filters.

Stored in the database.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Disables automatic generation of the orm.xml file for extended entities.

Default value: false (orm.xml will be created automatically if any extended entity exists).

Used in the Middleware block.


Additive property defining a dispatcher-spring.xml file of a client block.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


cuba.dispatcherSpringContextConfig = +com/company/sample/portal-dispatcher-spring.xml

Defines a list of folders from which the Middleware files can be downloaded from via com.haulmont.cuba.core.controllers.FileDownloadController. For example, file downloading is utilized by the server log display mechanism found in the Administration > Server Log web client screen.

The folder list should be separated with a semicolon.

Default value: ${cuba.tempDir};${cuba.logDir} (files can be downloaded from the temporary folder and the logs folder).

Used in the Middleware block.*

Email sending parameters described in Configuring Email Sending Parameters.


Defines file storage folder structure roots. For more information, see Standard File Storage Implementation.

Default value: null

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Backward compatibility toggle. If set to true, enables running JPQL delete from statement for soft-deleted entities when soft deletion mode is on. Such statement is transformed to SQL which deletes all instances not marked for deletion. This is counter-intuitive and disabled by default.

Default value: false

Used in the Middleware block.


Backward compatibility toggle. If set to false, the filter conditions in datasource query filters and Filter component will be applied once at least one parameter value is supplied; the session parameters will not work.

Default value: true

Used in the Web Client block.


If set to true, DataManager checks entity attribute permissions. When false, attribute permissions are checked only in Generic UI data-aware components and REST API endpoints.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Used in the Middleware block.


Activates the entity log mechanism.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: EntityLogConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Sets the maximum number of unused compiled Groovy expressions in the pool during Scripting.evaluateGroovy() method execution. It is recommended to increment this parameter when intensive execution of Groovy expressions is required, for example, for a large number of application folders.

Default value: 8

Used in all standard blocks.


Defines a list of classes imported by all Groovy expressions executed through Scripting.

Class names in the list should be separated with commas or semicolons.

Default value:

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.groovyEvaluatorImport =,

When set to true, the generic filter works in the immediate mode when every change of filter parameters automatically reloads data. When set to false, the filter will be applied only after the Search button is clicked. See also applyImmediately filter attribute.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Influences the behavior of the Filter component.

When set to true, does not allow to apply a filter without specifying parameters.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the number of columns with conditions for the Filter component.

Default value: 3

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the location of the conditions panel in the Filter component. Two locations are available: top (above the filter control elements) and bottom (below the filter control elements).

Default value: top

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Sets a template for Filter controls layout. Each control has the following format: [component_name | options-comma-separated], e.g. [pin | no-caption, no-icon].

Available controls:

  • filters_popup - popup button for selecting a filter, combined with the Search button.

  • filters_lookup - lookup field for selecting a filter. The Search button should be added as a separate control.

  • search - Search button. Do not add if use filters_popup.

  • add_condition - link button for adding new conditions.

  • spacer - an empty space between controls.

  • settings - Settings button. Specify action names that should be displayed in Settings popup as options (see below).

  • max_results - group of controls for setting the maximum number of records to be selected.

  • fts_switch - checkbox for switching to the Full-Text Search mode.

The following actions can be used as options of the settings control: save, save_as, edit, remove, pin, make_default, save_search_folder, save_app_folder, clear_values.

The actions can also be used as independent controls outside of the Settings popup. In this case, they can have the following options:

  • no-icon - if an action button should be displayed without an icon. For example: [save | no-icon].

  • no-caption - if an action button should be displayed without a caption. For example: [pin | no-caption].

Default value:

[filters_popup] [add_condition] [spacer] \
[settings | save, save_as, edit, remove, make_default, pin, save_search_folder, save_app_folder, clear_values] \
[max_results] [fts_switch]

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Influences the behavior of the Filter component.

When set to true, screens containing filters will not trigger corresponding data loaders automatically on opening, until the user clicks the filter’s Apply button.

The value of cuba.gui.genericFilterManualApplyRequired is ignored, when opening browser screens using an application or search folders, i.e. the filter is applied. The filter will not be applied, if the applyDefault value for a folder is explicitly set to false.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the options for the Show rows drop-down list of the Filter component.

NULL option indicates that the list should contain an empty value.

Default value: NULL, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the number of items displayed in the popup list of the Search button. If the number of filters exceeds this value, Show more…​ action is added to the popup list. The action opens a new dialog window with a list of all possible filters.

Default value: 10

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the properties hierarchy depth in the "Add Condition" dialog window. For example, if the depth value is 2, then you can select an entity attribute, if the value is 3, then, etc.

Default value: 2

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines whether all generic filters should trim input values. When set to false, the text filter will not trim values.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Allows you to disable the screen analyzer available in the context menu of the main window tabs and the modal window captions.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the default number of options on one page of the drop-down list in the LookupField and LookupPickerField components. It can be overridden for a concrete instance of the component using the pageLength XML attribute.

Default value: 10

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client.


If the property is set to true, screens will not save their settings automatically on close. In this mode, a user can save or reset settings using the context menu which appears on clicking a screen tab or a dialog window caption.

Default value: false

Interface: ClientConfig

Stored in the database.

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables displaying action icons in Table context menu and PopupButton items.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables the display of SQL-scripts for creating / updating / retrieving an entity instance in the System Information window.

Such scripts actually show the contents of the database rows that store the selected entity instance, regardless of security settings that may deny viewing of some attributes. That is why it is reasonable to revoke the CUBA / Generic UI / System Information specific permission for all user roles except the administrators, or set the cuba.gui.systemInfoScriptsEnabled to false for the whole application.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the layout of the dialog displayed when a user attempts to close a screen with unsaved changes in DataContext.

Value of true corresponds to a layout with three possible actions: "Save changes", "Don’t save", "Don’t close the screen".

The value of false corresponds to a form with two options: "Close the screen without saving changes", "Don’t close the screen".

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the standard window validation error validation error notification type.

Possible values are the elements of com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Frame.NotificationType enumeration:

  • TRAY - tray popup with plain text message,

  • TRAY_HTML - tray popup with HTML message,

  • HUMANIZED - standard popup with plain text message,

  • HUMANIZED_HTML - standard popup with HTML message,

  • WARNING - warning popup with plain text message,

  • WARNING_HTML - warning popup with HTML message,

  • ERROR - error popup with plain text message,

  • ERROR_HTML - error popup with HTML message.

Default value: TRAY.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables using JOINED inheritance strategy for composite entities. If set to true, provides the correct order of inserting new entities in the database.

Default value: false


Defines the text returned from a request to the health check URL.

Default value: ok

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Defines HTTP-session inactivity timeout in seconds.

Default value: 1800

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.

It is recommended to use the same values for cuba.userSessionExpirationTimeoutSec and cuba.httpSessionExpirationTimeoutSec properties.

Do not try to set HTTP session timeout in web.xml - it will be ignored.


Additive property defining icon sets.

Used in the Web Client block.


cuba.iconsConfig =

Enables in-memory filtering of duplicate records instead of using select distinct at the database level. Used by the DataManager.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines a user login that should be used for system authentication.

Default value: admin

Used in the Middleware block.


Used as a key for AES encryption of the entity security token. The token is sent inside an entity instance when it is loaded from the middleware in the following cases:

Although the security token does not contain any attribute values (only attribute names and filtered entity identifiers), it is highly recommended to change the default value of the encryption key in the production environment.

Default value: CUBA.Platform

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


When an instance of entity inherited from BaseLongIdEntity or BaseIntegerIdEntity is created in memory via Metadata.create() method, an identifier value is assigned to the entity right away. This value is obtained from the mechanism that fetches the next id from a database sequence. In order to reduce the number of middleware and database calls, the sequence’s increment is set by default to 100, which means that the framework obtains the range of ids on each invocation. So it "caches" this range and yields the ids without going for the next value to the database until the whole range is used.

The property defines the sequence’s increment and the corresponding size of the cached range in memory.

If you change the value of this property when there are already some entities in the database, recreate also all existing sequences with the new increment (which must be equal to cuba.numberIdCacheSize) and the starting values corresponding to the maximum values of existing ids.

Do not forget to set the property on all blocks used in the application. For example, if you have Web Client, Portal Client and Middleware, you should set the same value in, and

Default value: 100

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Same as cuba.passwordEncryptionModule but defines the name of the bean used for user password hashing for users created before migration to the framework version 7 and having the SEC_USER.PASSWORD_ENCRYPTION field empty.

Default value: cuba_Sha1EncryptionModule

Used in all standard blocks.


Disables the user interface language selection when logging in.

If cuba.localeSelectVisible is set to false, the locale for a user session is selected in the following way:

  • If the User entity instance has a language attribute defined, the system will use this language.

  • If the user’s operating system language is included in the list of available locales (set by the cuba.availableLocales property), the system will use this language.

  • Otherwise, the system will use the first language defined in the cuba.availableLocales property.

Default value: true

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Specifies the location of the log folder for an application block.

Default value: ${app.home}/logs, which points to the logs subdirectory of the application home.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Additive property defining a main message pack for an application block.

The value may include a single pack or a list of packs separated with spaces.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.mainMessagePack =

Maximum file size (in megabytes) that can be uploaded using the FileUploadField and FileMultiUploadField components.

Default value: 20

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Additive property defining a menu.xml file.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in the Web Client block.


cuba.menuConfig = +com/company/sample/web-menu.xml

Additive property defining a metadata.xml file.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.metadataConfig = +com/company/sample/metadata.xml

Defines the name of the bean used for user password hashing. When creating new user or updating user’s password, the value of this property is stored for the user in the SEC_USER.PASSWORD_ENCRYPTION database field.

Default value: cuba_BCryptEncryptionModule

Used in all standard blocks.


Enables password policy enforcement. If the property is set to true, all new user passwords will be checked according to the cuba.passwordPolicyRegExp property.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the client blocks: Web Client, Web Portal.


Defines a regular expression used by the password checking policy.

Default value:

((?=.*\\d)(?=.*\\p{javaLowerCase}) (?=.*\\p{javaUpperCase}).{6,20})

The expression above ensures that password contains from 6 to 20 characters, uses numbers and Latin letters, contains at least one number, one lower case, and one upper case letter. More information on regular expression syntax is available at and

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the client level blocks: Web Client, Web Portal.


Must be set to true in case you need to disable PerformanceLogInterceptor.

PerformanceLogInterceptor is triggered by the @PerformanceLog annotation of a class or a method, which provides logging of each method invocation and its execution time in the perfstat.log file. If you don’t need such logging, we recommend you to disable PerformanceLogInterceptor for performance reasons. To enable it again, delete this property or set the value to false.

Default value: false

Used in the Middleware block.


Must be set to true when the application is running performance tests.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Default value: false

Used in Web Client and Middleware blocks.


Additive property defining a permissions.xml file.

Used in the Web Client block.


cuba.permissionConfig = +com/company/sample/web-permissions.xml

Additive property defining a persistence.xml file.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.persistenceConfig = +com/company/sample/persistence.xml

Defines a user login that should be used for anonymous session in the Web Portal block.

The user with the specified login should exist in the security subsystem and should have the required permissions. User password is not required, because anonymous portal sessions are created via the loginTrusted() method with the password defined in the cuba.trustedClientPassword property.

Interface: PortalConfig

Used in the Web Portal block.


If set to false, the query cache functionality is disabled.

Default value: true

Interface: QueryCacheConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Maximum number of query cache entries. A cache entry is defined by the query text, query parameters, paging parameters and soft deletion.

As the cache size grows close to the maximum, the cache evicts entries that are less likely to be used again.

Default value: 100

Interface: QueryCacheConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines expiration timeout for "remember me" cookies and RememberMeToken entity instances.

Default value: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 (30 days)

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in the Web Client and Middleware blocks.


Additive property defining a remoting-spring.xml file of the Middleware block.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in the Middleware block.


cuba.remotingSpringContextConfig = +com/company/sample/remoting-spring.xml

Enables the CUBA scheduled tasks mechanism.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.

For backward compatibility, enables using default-permission-values.xml configuration file. See Legacy Roles and Permissions for details.

Default value: false

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.

For backward compatibility, determines the security roles behavior. See Legacy Roles and Permissions for details.

Available values:

  • 1 - before CUBA 7.2: if a permission is not defined, the target is allowed; roles types are used.

  • 2 - CUBA 7.2 and later: if a permission is not defined, the target is denied; the only possible permission is "allow"; design-time roles can be used.

Default value: 2

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Specifies an implementation of the Serialization interface which is used for serialization of objects transferred between the application blocks. The platform contains two implementations:

  • com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.serialization.StandardSerialization - standard Java serialization.

  • com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.serialization.KryoSerialization - serialization based on the Kryo framework.

Default value: com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.serialization.StandardSerialization

Used in all standard blocks.


Additive property defining a spring.xml file in all standard application blocks.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.springContextConfig = +com/company/sample/spring.xml

Specifies an email address to which exception reports from the default exception handler screen, as well as user messages from the Help > Feedback screen, will be sent.

Report button in the exception handler screen will be hidden if this property is set to an empty string.

In order to successfully send emails, the parameters described in Configuring Email Sending Parameters must also be configured.

Default value: empty string.

Stored in the database.

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables synchronous sending of new user sessions created on login to the cluster. See Synchronous replication of user sessions for details.

Default value: false

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines the location of the temporary directory for an application block.

Default value: ${app.home}/${cuba.webContextName}/temp, which points to a subdirectory of the application home.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Must be set to true when the application is running automatic UI tests.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Default value: false

Used in Web Client and Middleware blocks.


Defines a set of * files that store theme variables, such as default popup window dimensions and input field width.

The property takes a list of files separated with spaces. The files are loaded as defined by the Resources interface.

Default value for Web Client: com/haulmont/cuba/ com/haulmont/cuba/ com/haulmont/cuba/

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables the processing of bean invocation trigger files.

The trigger file is a file that is placed in the triggers subdirectory of the application block’s temporary directory. The trigger file name consists of two parts separated with a period. The first part is the bean name, the second part is the method name of the bean to invoke. For example: cuba_Messages.clearCache. The trigger files handler monitors the folder for new trigger files, invokes the appropriate methods and then removes the files.

By default, the trigger files processing is configured in the cuba-web-spring.xml file and performed for the Web Client block only. At the project level, the processing for other modules can be performed by periodically invoking the process() method of the cuba_TriggerFilesProcessor bean.

Default value: true

Used in blocks with the configured processing, the default is Web Client.


Defines the period in milliseconds of trigger files processing if the cuba.triggerFilesCheck is set to true.

Default value: 5000

Used in blocks with the configured processing, the default is Web Client.


Defines password used to create TrustedClientCredentials. The Middleware layer can authenticate users who connect via the trusted client block without checking the user password.

This property is used when user passwords are not stored in the database, while the client block performs the actual authentication itself. For example, by integrating with Active Directory.

Interfaces: ServerConfig, WebAuthConfig, PortalConfig

Used in blocks: Middleware, Web Client, Web Portal.


Defines the list of IP addresses, which is used with TrustedClientCredentials and TrustedClientService. For example:

cuba.trustedClientPermittedIpList =, 10.17.*.*

Default value:

Interfaces: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


A regular expression which is used by UniqueConstraintViolationHandler to find out that the exception is caused by a database unique constraint violation. The constraint name will be obtained from the first non-empty group of the expression. For example:

ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "(.+)"

This property allows you to define a reaction to unique constraint violations depending on DBMS locale and version.

Default value is returned by the PersistenceManagerService.getUniqueConstraintViolationPattern() method for the current DBMS.

Can be defined in the database.

Used in all client blocks.


Enables using current transaction, if there is one at the moment, for loading entity instances via the configuration interfaces. This could have a positive impact on performance. Otherwise, a new transaction is always created and committed, and the detached instances are returned.

Default value: false

Used in the Middleware block.


If the property is set to true, sequences for generating identifiers for BaseLongIdEntity and BaseIntegerIdEntity subclasses are created in the data store the entity belongs to. Otherwise, they are created in the main data store.

Default value: false

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Indicates that EclipseLink ORM will use JOIN ON clause for inner joins instead of conditions in WHERE clause.

Default value: false

Used in the Middleware block.


When true, the Web Client and Web Portal blocks invoke the Middleware services locally bypassing the network stack, which has a positive impact on system performance. It is possible in the case of fast deployment, single WAR and single Uber JAR. This property should be set to false for all other deployment options.

Default value: true

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Indicates that all load methods of DataManager use read-only transactions.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines the full name pattern for user.

Default value: {FF| }{LL}

The full name pattern can be formed from the user’s first, last and middle names. The following rules apply to the pattern:

  • The pattern parts are separated with {}

  • The pattern inside {} must contain one of the following characters followed by the | character without any spaces:

    LL – long form of user’s last name (Smith)

    L – short form of user’s last name (S)

    FF – long form of user’s first name (John)

    F – short form of user’s first name (J)

    MM – long form of user’s middle name (Paul)

    M – short form of user’s middle name (P)

  • The | character can be followed by any symbols including spaces.

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the display name pattern for the User entity. The display name is used in different places, including the upper right corner of the system’s main window.

Default value: {1} [{0}]

{0} is substituted with the login attribute, {1} – with the name attribute.

Used in the Middleware and Web Client blocks.


Defines the user session expiration timeout in seconds.

Default value: 1800

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.

It is recommended to use the same values for cuba.userSessionExpirationTimeoutSec and cuba.httpSessionExpirationTimeoutSec.


Activates the user session log mechanism.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: GlobalConfig.

Used in all standard blocks.


Defines the Middleware block URL used for logging users in.

This parameter should be set in additional middleware blocks that execute client requests but do not share the user session cache. If there is no required session in the local cache at the start of the request, this block invokes the TrustedClientService.findSession() method at the specified URL, and caches the retrieved session.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Additive property defining a views.xml file. See Views.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.viewsConfig = +com/company/sample/views.xml

Defines URL of the Web Client application.

In particular, used to generate external application screen links, as well as by the ScreenHistorySupport class.

Default value: http://localhost:8080/app

Stored in the database.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Can be used in all standard blocks.


Additive property defining a screens.xml file.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in the Web Client block.


cuba.windowConfig = +com/company/sample/web-screens.xml

Enables access to the application screens for non-authenticated users.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables handling of browser Back button in the application if the login and/or main window implements the CubaHistoryControl.HistoryBackHandler interface. If the property is true, the standard browser behavior is replaced with this method invocation.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines application folders refresh period in seconds.

Default value: 180

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Determines the initial mode for the main application window – "tabbed" or "single screen" (TABBED or SINGLE respectively). In the "single screen" mode, when a screen opens with the NEW_TAB parameter, it completely replaces the current screen instead of opening a new tab.

The user is able to change the mode later using the Help > Settings screen.

Default value: TABBED

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines whether the Web Client can close the UIs and the session when the session timeout is expired after the last non-heartbeat request.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Additive property defining a configuration file containing information about the application components supplied in separate jars or defined in cuba-ui-component.xml descriptor of web module.

For example:

cuba.web.componentsConfig =+demo-web-components.xml

Defines custom viewport width for HTML page. Affects "viewport" meta tag of Vaadin HTML pages.

Default value: -1

Interface: WebConfig

Used in blocks: Web Client.


Defines whether the default screen can be closed by close button, ESC button or TabSheet context menu when TABBED work area mode is used.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the screen to be opened after login. This setting will be applied to all users.

For example:

cuba.web.defaultScreenId = sys$SendingMessage.browse

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines default width (in pixels) for the folders panel.

Default value: 200

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables the folders panel functionality and using keyboard shortcuts in the folders.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Determines whether the folders panel should be expanded by default.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Determines whether the HtmlSanitizer bean should be used by the UI components implementing the HasHtmlSanitizer interface to to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) in HTML content. The sanitization can also be enabled or disabled by individual components using htmlSanitizerEnabled attribute.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines what screen will be open for non-authenticated users when they first open the application URL. Requires the cuba.web.allowAnonymousAccess to be set to true.

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables/disables LDAP login mechanism of the Web Client.

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.enabled = true

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Specifies LDAP server URLs.

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.urls = ldap://

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Specifies base DN for user search in LDAP.

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.base = ou=Employees,dc=mycompany,dc=com

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


The distinguished name of a system user which has the right to read the information from the directory.

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.user = cn=System User,ou=Employees,dc=mycompany,dc=com

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


The password for the system user defined in the cuba.web.ldap.user property.

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.password = system_user_password

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


The name of an LDAP user attribute that is used for matching the login name. sAMAccountName by default (suitable for Active Directory).

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.userLoginField = username

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines a list of URL commands handled by the LinkHandler bean. See Screen Links for more information.

The elements should be separated with the | character.

Default value: open|o

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines default user name, which will be automatically populated in the login screen. This is very convenient during development. This property should be set to <disabled> value in production environment.

Default value: admin

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines default user password, which will be automatically populated in the login screen. This is very convenient during development. This property should be set to <disabled> value in production environment.

Default value: admin

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Set to false to hide the "powered by CUBA Platform" link on the login dialog.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Identifier of a screen to be used as login screen of the application.

Default value: login

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Identifier of a screen to be used as main screen of the application.

Default value: main

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines which component will be used for TABBED mode of main window. May have one of two possible string values from the MainTabSheetMode enumeration:

  • DEFAULT: CubaTabSheet component is used. It loads and unloads components each time the user switches tabs.

  • MANAGED: CubaManagedTabSheet is used. It doesn’t unload components from the tab when the user selects another tab.

Default value: DEFAULT.

Interface: WebConfig.

Used in the Web Client block.


If the cuba.web.mainTabSheetMode property is set to MANAGED, defines the way the managed main TabSheet switches its tabs: hides or unloads them.

Default value: HIDE_TABS

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the maximum number of tabs that can be opened in the main application window. The value of 0 disables this limitation.

Default value: 20

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the initial scale of HTML page if cuba.web.customDeviceWidthForViewport is set or cuba.web.useDeviceWidthForViewport is true. Affects "viewport" meta tag of Vaadin HTML pages.

Default value: 0.8

Interface: WebConfig

Used in blocks: Web Client.


Allows you to completely disable opening the Vaadin developer console in browser by adding ?debug to the application URL, and, therefore, disabling the JavaScript debug mode and reducing the amount of server information available from the browser.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Allows you to completely disable server push. The Background Tasks mechanism will not work in this case.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


Enables switching to long polling instead of WebSocket for server push implementation.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


Defines push timeout in milliseconds, which is used in case of setting long polling instead of WebSocket for server push implementation, i.e. cuba.web.pushLongPolling="true".

Default value: -1

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


Enables displaying Remember Me checkbox in the standard login screen of the web client.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


Enables configuring whether web resources should be cached or not. Value is set in seconds. Zero cache time disables caching at all. For example:

cuba.web.resourcesCacheTime = 136

Default value: 60 * 60 (1 hour).

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


Enables configuring whether WebJar resources should be cached or not. Value is set in seconds. Zero cache time disables caching at all. For example:

cuba.web.webJarResourcesCacheTime = 631

Default value: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 (1 year).

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


Sets a directory for loading files to display by Embedded component. For example:

cuba.web.resourcesRoot = ${cuba.confDir}/resources

Default value: null

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


If set to true then password is required on user creation from the Web Client. It is recommended to set value to false if you use LDAP authentication.

Default value: true

Interface: WebAuthConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables hiding of the breadcrumbs panel which normally appears on top of the main window working area.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables the folders panel icons. When enabled, the following application theme files are used:

  • icons/app-folder-small.png – for application folders.

  • icons/search-folder-small.png – for search folders.

  • icons/set-small.png – for record sets.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


A comma-separated list of users that are not allowed to use external authentication (such as LDAP or IDP SSO) and should log in to the system using standard authentication only.

An empty list means that everyone is allowed to login using external authentication.

Default value: <empty list>

Interface: WebAuthConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Adjusts Table caching in the web browser. The amount of cached rows will be cacheRate multiplied with pageLength both below and above visible area.

Default value: 2

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Sets the number of rows to be fetched from the server into the web browser when Table is rendered first time on refresh. See also cuba.web.table.cacheRate.

Default value: 15

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the name of the theme used as default for the web client. See also cuba.themeConfig.

Default value: halo

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the interval of the heartbeat requests for Web Client UI. If not set, the calculated value cuba.httpSessionExpirationTimeoutSec / 3 is used.

Default value: HTTP-session inactivity timeout, sec / 3

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the path to the HTML page that is shown when an application doesn’t support the current browser version.

cuba.web.unsupportedPagePath = /com/company/sales/web/sys/unsupported-browser-page.html

Default value: /com/haulmont/cuba/web/sys/unsupported-page-template.html.

Interface: WebConfig.

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines how URL changes should be handled.

Possible values are the elements of UrlHandlingMode enumeration:

Default value: URL_ROUTES.

Interface: WebConfig.


If this property is enabled for Halo theme, Font Awesome glyphs will be used for standard actions and platform screens instead of images.

The correspondence between the name in the icon attribute of a visual component or action and font element is defined in the file of the platform. Keys with cuba.web.icons prefixes correspond to icon names, and their values - to com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome enumeration constants. For example, a font element for the standard create action is defined as follows:

cuba.web.icons.create.png = font-icon:FILE_O

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Controls the web client application header for Halo theme and its inheritors. If true, the header will be dark (inverse), if false - the header takes the colour of the main application background.

This property is ignored in case

$v-support-inverse-menu: false;

property is set in the application theme. This makes sense for a dark theme, if the user has the option to choose between a light and a dark theme. In this case, the header will be inverse for the light theme, and the same as the main background in the dark theme.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines whether a user is able to choose the default screen. If the false value is set, the Default screen field in the Settings screen is read-only.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Handles the viewport width. Set true if device width should be used as viewport width. This property affects viewport meta tag of Vaadin HTML pages.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in blocks: Web Client.


Defines a list of file extensions displayed in the browser when downloading the file using The | character should be used to separate the list items.

Default value: htm|html|jpg|png|jpeg|pdf

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the web application context name. It is usually equivalent to the name of the directory or WAR-file containing this application block.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in blocks: Middleware, Web Client, Web Portal.

For example, for the Middleware block, located in tomcat/webapps/app-core and available at http://somehost:8080/app-core, the property should be set to the following value:

cuba.webContextName = app-core

Defines the host name of the machine, on which this application block is running.

Default value: localhost

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in blocks: Middleware, Web Client, Web Portal.

For example, for the Middleware block, available at http://somehost:8080/app-core, the property should be set to the following value:

cuba.webHostName = somehost

Defines the port, on which this application block is running.

Default value: 8080

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in blocks: Middleware, Web Client, Web Portal.

For example, for the Middleware block, available at http://somehost:8080/app-core, this property should be set to the following value:

cuba.webPort = 8080