
buildUberJar – the task of the CubaUberJarBuilding type that creates JAR files containing the application code and all its dependencies together with embedded Jetty HTTP server. You can create either a single all-in-one JAR file or separate JARs for each application block, e.g. app-core.jar for the middleware and app.jar for the web client.

The task must be declared in the root of build.gradle. The resulting JAR files are located in the build/distributions project subdirectory. See the UberJAR Deployment section for how to run the generated JAR files.

The task can be configured using the Deployment > UberJAR settings page in Studio.

Task parameters:

  • appProperties - a map defining application properties. These properties will be added to the WEB-INF/local.app.properties files inside generated JARs.

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate' : true]
        // ...
  • singleJar - if set to true, a single JAR containing all modules (core, web, portal) will be created. false by default.

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        singleJar = true
        // ...
  • webPort - port for single (if singleJar=true) or web JAR embedded HTTP server, 8080 if not defined. Can also be set at run time using the -port command line argument.

  • corePort - port for core JAR embedded HTTP server, 8079 if not defined. Can also be set at run time using the -port command line argument for the respective JAR.

  • portalPort - port for portal JAR embedded HTTP server, 8081 if not defined. Can also be set at run time using the -port command line argument for the respective JAR.

  • appName - name of the application, which is app by default. You can change it for the whole project if you set Module prefix field in the Project Properties window in Studio, or you can set it only for the buildUberJar task using this parameter. For example:

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        appName = 'sales'
        // ...

    After changing the application name to sales the task will generate sales-core.jar and sales.jar files and the web client will be available at http://localhost:8080/sales. You can also change web contexts at run time without changing the application name using the -contextName command line argument or just by renaming the JAR file itself.

  • logbackConfigurationFile - defines a relative path to a file to be used for logging configuration.

    For example:

    logbackConfigurationFile = "/modules/global/src/logback.xml"
  • useDefaultLogbackConfiguration - while true (default value), the task will copy its own standard logback.xml configuration file.

  • coreJettyEnvPath - defines a relative (from the project root) path to a file which contains JNDI resource definitions for Jetty HTTP server.

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        coreJettyEnvPath = 'modules/core/web/META-INF/jetty-env.xml'
        // ...
  • webJettyConfPath - a relative path to a file to be used for Jetty server configuration for the single (if singleJar=true) or web JAR (if singleJar=false). See https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/9.4.x/jetty-xml-config.html.

  • coreJettyConfPath (do not confuse with coreJettyEnvPath described above) - a relative path to a file to be used for Jetty server configuration for the core JAR (if singleJar=false).

  • portalJettyConfPath - a relative path to a file to be used for Jetty server configuration for the portal JAR (if singleJar=false).

  • coreWebXmlPath - a relative path to a file to be used as a web.xml for the core module web application.

  • webWebXmlPath - a relative path to a file to be used as a web.xml for the web module web application.

  • portalWebXmlPath - a relative path to a file to be used as a web.xml for the portal module web application.

  • excludeResources - a file pattern of resources to not include in JARs.

  • mergeResources - a file pattern of resources to be merged in JARs.

  • webContentExclude - a file pattern of web content to not include in web JAR.

  • coreProject - a Gradle project representing the core module (Middleware). If not defined, the standard core module is used.

  • webProject - a Gradle project representing the web module (Web Client). If not defined, the standard web module is used.

  • portalProject - a Gradle project representing the portal module (Web Portal). If not defined, the standard portal module is used.

  • frontProject - a Gradle project representing the Frontend User Interface module. If not defined, the standard front module is used.