Main Message Pack
Each standard application block should have its own main message pack. For the client tier blocks the main message pack contains main menu entries and common UI elements names (for example, names of OK and Cancel buttons). The main pack also determines Datatype transformation formats for all application blocks, including Middleware.
cuba.mainMessagePack application property is used to specify the main message pack. The property value can be either a single pack or list of packs separated by spaces. For example:
cuba.mainMessagePack=com.haulmont.cuba.web com.abc.sales.web
In this case the messages in the second pack of the list will override those from the first pack. Thus, the messages defined in the application components packs can be overridden in the application project.
Existing messages from CUBA base projects can be also overridden by specifying new messages in the project’s main message pack:
com.haulmont.cuba.gui.backgroundwork/backgroundWorkProgress.timeoutMessage = Overridden Error Message
Messages about database unique constraint violation should contain keys equal to constraint names and be in uppercase:
IDX_SEC_USER_UNIQ_LOGIN = A user with the same login already exists