
TokenList component offers a simplified way of working with lists: instance names are listed vertically or horizontally, adding is done using drop-down list, removal – using the buttons located near each instance.

gui tokenList

XML-name of the component: tokenList

Below is an example description of TokenList in an XML-descriptor of a screen:

    <instance id="orderDc" class="com.company.sales.entity.Order" view="order-edit">
        <collection id="productsDc" property="products"/>
    <collection id="allProductsDc" class="com.company.sales.entity.Product" view="_minimal">
        <loader id="allProductsDl">
            <query><![CDATA[select e from sales_Product e order by e.name]]></query>
    <tokenList id="productsList" dataContainer="orderDc" property="products" inline="true" width="500px">
        <lookup optionsContainer="allProductsDc"/>

In the example above, the nested productsDc data container which includes a collection of products within an order is defined, as well as allProductsDs data container containing a collection of all products available in the database. The TokenList component with productsList identifier displays the content of the productsDc container and enables changing the collection by adding instances from allProductsDc.

tokenList attributes:

  • position – sets the position for the drop-down list. The attribute can take two values: TOP, BOTTOM. Default is TOP.

gui tokenListBottom
  • inline attribute defines how the list with selected items will be displayed: vertically or horizontally. true corresponds to horizontal alignment, false – to vertical. An example of a component with horizontal alignment:

gui tokenListInline
  • simple – when set to true, the items selection component will be hidden with only the Add button left. Clicking the Add button opens the screen with the list of entity instances which type is defined by the data container. Selection screen identifier is selected according to the rules for the PickerField standard lookup action. Clicking the Clear button will remove all elements from the TokenList component’s container.

    gui tokenListSimple withClear
  • clearEnabled - when set to false, the Clear button is hidden.

tokenList elements:

  • lookup − values selection component descriptor.

    Attributes of the lookup element:

    • lookup attribute makes it possible to select items using an entity lookup screen:

      gui tokenListLookup
    • inputPrompt - a textual prompt that is displayed in the lookup field to prompt the user for input. If not set, the lookup is empty.

      <tokenList id="linesList" dataContainer="orderItemsDс" property="items" width="320px">
          <lookup optionsContainer="allItemsDс" inputPrompt="Choose an item"/>
      gui TokenList inputPrompt
    • lookupScreen attribute sets the identifier of the screen used for items selection in lookup="true" mode. If this attribute is not set, screen identifier is selected according to the rules for the com.haulmont.cuba.gui.actions.picker.LookupAction standard action.

    • openType attribute defines how the lookup screen will be opened, similar to what is described for the com.haulmont.cuba.gui.actions.picker.LookupAction standard action. Default value – THIS_TAB.

    • multiselect - if this attribute’s value is set to true, then the entity lookup screen will be set into multiple selection mode. Every screen that is intended to change a lookup component selection mode must implement com.haulmont.cuba.gui.screen.MultiSelectLookupScreen interface. The StandardLookup provides the default implementation of this interface. In case you need to provide the custom implementation, override the setLookupComponentMultiSelect method, for example:

      public class ProductsList extends StandardLookup {
          private GroupTable<Product> productsTable;
          public void setLookupComponentMultiSelect(boolean multiSelect) {
  • addButton – descriptor of the button for adding items. Can contain caption and icon attributes.

The component can take a list of options from a data container: for this purpose, the optionsContainer attribute is used. Arbitrarily, the list of component options can be specified using the setOptions(), setOptionsList() and setOptionsMap() methods. In this case, the <lookup> attribute value in the XML descriptor can be empty.

  • setOptionsList() enables specifying programmatically a list of entities to be used as component options. To do this, declare a component in the XML descriptor:

    <tokenList id="tokenList"

    Then inject the component into the controller and specify a list of options for it:

    private TokenList<OrderItem> tokenList;
    private CollectionContainer<OrderItem> allItemsDc;
    public void onAfterShow(AfterShowEvent event) {

    The same result will be achieved using the setOptions() method which enables working with all types of options:

    private TokenList<OrderItem> tokenList;
    private CollectionContainer<OrderItem> allItemsDc;
    public void onAfterShow(AfterShowEvent event) {
        tokenList.setOptions(new ContainerOptions<>(allItemsDc));

The TokenList component is able to handle user input if there is no suitable option in the list. The new options handler is invoked if the user enters a value that does not coincide with any option and presses Enter.

There are two ways to use newOptionHandler:

  • Declaratively using the @Install annotation in the screen controller:

    private CollectionContainer<Tag> tagsDc;
    private Metadata metadata;
    @Install(to = "tokenList", subject = "newOptionHandler")
    private void tokenListNewOptionHandler(String string) {
        Tag newTag = metadata.create(Tag.class);
  • Programmatically with the help of the setNewOptionHandler() method:

    private CollectionContainer<Tag> tagsDc;
    private Metadata metadata;
    private TokenList<Tag> tokenList;
    public void onInit(InitEvent event) {
        tokenList.setNewOptionHandler(string -> {
            Tag newTag = metadata.create(Tag.class);

tokenList listeners:

  • ItemClickListener allows you to track the click on tokenList items.

  • ValueChangeListener enables tracking the changes of the tokenList value, as well as of any other components implementing the Field interface. The origin of the ValueChangeEvent can be tracked using isUserOriginated() method.