Frontend Generator Reference

If you haven’t read our introductory Getting Started section, we encourage you to do so now.
This section describes how to use the generator from CLI. You can also use many of the described features from CUBA Studio UI. The commands description contains information on which features are available in Studio. See Studio manual for more details on using the generator from Studio.

Run gen-cuba-front (or npx @cuba-platform/front-generator) without arguments to see usage info.

Usage: gen-cuba-front [command] [options]


    -v, --version  output the version number
    -h, --help     output usage information


    list [options]                                   List all available clients and their clients
    polymer2:app [options]                           Generates polymer2 app
    polymer2:blank-component [options]               Generates polymer2 blank-component
    polymer2:entity-cards [options]                  Generates polymer2 entity-cards
    polymer2:entity-edit [options]                   Generates polymer2 entity-edit
    polymer2:entity-list [options]                   Generates polymer2 entity-list
    polymer2:entity-management [options]             Generates polymer2 entity-management
    polymer2:query-results [options]                 Generates polymer2 query-results
    polymer2:service-data [options]                  Generates polymer2 service-data
    polymer2:service-form [options]                  Generates polymer2 service-form
    polymer2-typescript:app [options]                Generates polymer2-typescript app
    polymer2-typescript:blank-component [options]    Generates polymer2-typescript blank-component
    polymer2-typescript:entity-cards [options]       Generates polymer2-typescript entity-cards
    polymer2-typescript:entity-edit [options]        Generates polymer2-typescript entity-edit
    polymer2-typescript:entity-list [options]        Generates polymer2-typescript entity-list
    polymer2-typescript:entity-management [options]  Generates polymer2-typescript entity-management
    react-typescript:app [options]                   Generates react-typescript app
    react-typescript:blank-component [options]       Generates react-typescript blank-component
    react-typescript:entity-cards [options]          Generates react-typescript entity-cards
    react-typescript:entity-management [options]     Generates react-typescript entity-management
    sdk:all [options]                                Generates sdk all
    sdk:model [options]                              Generates sdk model
Polymer client is deprecated.

Run gen-cuba-front <command> --help to see the list of available options.

Most commands use interactive prompts to capture necessary inputs such as which entity you want to use, which view, etc. Alternatively, answers command line parameter can be used to provide these inputs. You may want to use it if you want to automate the generation. answers is a base64-encoded JSON string. See descriptions of individual commands for details on what shall be put inside this JSON.

Example of using answers:

gen-cuba-front react-typescript:entity-management \
  --dest ../model-playground/modules/front/src/app/car \
  --model /home/myusername/model-playground/projectModel.json \
  --dirShift ../../ \
  --answers eyJlZGl0VmlldyI6eyJuYW1lIjoiY2FyLXZpZXciLCJlbnRpdHlOYW1lIjoibXBnJENhciJ9LCJlZGl0Q29tcG9uZW50TmFtZSI6Im1wZy1jYXItZWRpdCIsImxpc3RWaWV3Ijp7Im5hbWUiOiJjYXItdmlldyIsImVudGl0eU5hbWUiOiJtcGckQ2FyIn0sImxpc3RDb21wb25lbnROYW1lIjoibXBnLWNhci1saXN0IiwibGlzdFR5cGUiOiJsaXN0IiwiZW50aXR5Ijp7Im5hbWUiOiJtcGckQ2FyIn0sIm1hbmFnZW1lbnRDb21wb25lbnROYW1lIjoibXBnLWNhci1tYW5hZ2VtZW50In0=