
DataTable is used to present data in tabular form.

Data table showcase

It uses Ant Design Table under the hood and provides the following additional benefits:

  • out-of-the-box integration with DataCollectionStore

  • powerful filters

  • support for action buttons (e.g. for CRUD operations)

At the same time <DataTable> provides developer with a full access to underlying Table via its tableProps and columnDefinitions properties (see below).

Example of using <DataTable> API:

<DataTable dataCollection={this.dataCollection}
               field: 'price',
               columnProps: {
                 align: 'right'
             bordered: true
  • dataCollection - instance of DataCollectionStore.

  • columnDefinitions - describes the columns to be displayed. See more details below.

  • onRowSelectionChange - callback that takes the ids of the selected rows, can be used together with buttons e.g. to facilitate CRUD operations.

  • buttons - array of React elements representing the controls that will be rendered above the table.

  • tableProps - can be used to override any of the underlying Table properties.

Deprecated props (use columnDefinitions instead):

  • fields - names of properties that shall be displayed.

  • columnProps - can be used to override underlying Column properties. Applied to every column.

columnDefinitions is more flexible and provides greater ability to customize the columns. columnDefinitions will take precedence over fields and columnProps if used simultaneously.


columnDefinitions describes the columns to be displayed. The columns can represent entity properties or have arbitrary content (for example: an action button column, a calculated field column).

There are 3 ways you can define a column:

  1. Simply put an entity property name as a string. In this case DataTable will render a column with default settings for that property.

             // more columns
  2. If you want to customize the default column, use a ColumnDefinition object where field is an entity property name and columnProps is an Ant Design ColumnProps object. The properties you put in columnProps will override the default properties.

               field: 'manufacturer', // property name
               columnProps: { // Ant Design ColumnProps object
                 align: 'right'
             // more columns
  3. If you want a column not bound to an entity field, create it from scratch using columnProps and do not specify a field.

               columnProps: { // Ant Design ColumnProps object
                 render: (text, record) => { /* render some custom content */ }
             // more columns

If you need even more control, you may want to start with a vanilla Ant Design Table and take a look into exported functions in DataTableHelpers. These functions are used to create DataTable custom functionality such as custom filters. You may also want to look into using DataTableCustomFilter directly. Note that both these approaches may require a deeper understanding of how DataTable works internally.