Backend Model

src/cuba directory contains TypeScript representation of project’s entities, views and facades to access REST services and queries. See more details in TypeScript SDK section. Here is the layout of the directory:

  • entities - project entities and views;

  • entities/base - framework and addons entities;

  • enums - project enums;

  • services.ts - middleware services exposed to REST;

  • queries.ts - REST queries.

Consider the Role entity class of CUBA Framework generated in typescript:


export class Role extends StandardEntity {
    static NAME = "sec$Role";
    name?: string | null;
    locName?: string | null;
    description?: string | null;
    type?: any | null;
    defaultRole?: boolean | null;
    permissions?: Permission[] | null;
  • You can easily access the entity name using static NAME property: Role.NAME,

  • The Role class contains all properties of the domain model entity including ones from the class hierarchy. Reference fields has corresponding types as well so that you can work with them in a type-safe manner:

function changeRole(role: Role) {
  role.defaultRole = true;   // ok
  role.defaultRole = 'foo';  // compilation fails