
The Form component is designed for the joint display and editing of multiple entity attributes. It is a simple container similar to GridLayout, it can have any number of nested columns, the type of nested fields is defined declaratively in XML, the fields' captions are located to the left of the fields. The main difference from GridLayout is that Form enables binding all nested fields to one data container.

Form is used instead of FieldGroup by default in generated editor screens since the framework version 7.0.

gui Form 1

XML-name of the component: form

Below is an example of defining a group of fields in an XML screen descriptor:

    <instance id="orderDc" class="com.company.sales.entity.Order" view="order-edit">
    <form id="form" dataContainer="orderDc">
        <dateField property="date"/>
        <textField property="amount" description="Total amount"/>
        <pickerField property="customer"/>

        <field id="statusField" property="status"/>

In the example above, the form component shows attributes of the entity loaded into the orderDc data container. Nested form elements define visual components bound to entity attributes using the property XML attribute. Captions will be created automatically based on the localized names of entity attributes. The nested components can have any common or specific attributes like description shown in the example.

Apart from concrete visual components, the form can also contain generic fields defined with the nested field element. The framework will choose an appropriate visual component on the basis of the corresponding entity attribute and existing component generation strategies. The field element can have a number of common attributes like description, contextHelpText, etc.

In order to inject a nested component to the screen controller, give it id attribute in XML. The component will be injected with its concrete type, e.g. TextField. If a generic field is injected into the screen controller, it has the Field type which is a superclass of all visual components that can be displayed in the form.

Attributes of form:

  • childrenCaptionWidth – specifies fixed captions width for all nested columns and their child elements. Set -1 to use auto size.

  • captionPosition - defines the fields' caption position: TOP or LEFT.

Elements of form:

  • column – optional element that allows you to position fields in multiple columns. For this purpose, nested fields should be placed not immediately within the form, but within a column. For example:

    <form id="form" dataContainer="orderDc">
        <column width="250px">
            <dateField property="date"/>
            <textField property="amount"/>
        <column width="400px">
            <pickerField property="customer"/>
            <textArea property="info"/>

    In this case, fields will be arranged in two columns; the first column will contain all fields with the width of 250px, the second one with the width of 400px.

    Attributes of column:

    • id – an optional column identifier, which allows you to refer to it in case of screen extension.

    • width – specifies the field width of a column. By default, fields have the width of 200px. In this attribute, the width can be specified both in pixels and in percentage of the total horizontal width of the column.

    • childrenCaptionWidth – specifies fixed captions width for nested fields. Set -1 to use auto size.

Methods of the Form interface:

  • add() - enables adding fields to the Form programmatically. It takes a Component instance as a parameter, and you can also define the position of the new field by adding column and row indexes.

    Data container is not assigned to the components added programmatically, so you have to use the component’s setValueSource() method for data binding.

    For example, if you have declared a form with the name field:

        <instance id="customerDc" class="com.company.demo.entity.Customer">
        <form id="form" dataContainer="customerDc">
                <textField id="nameField" property="name"/>

    You can add an email field to the form programmatically in the screen controller as follows:

    private UiComponents uiComponents;
    private InstanceContainer<Customer> customerDc;
    private Form form;
    private void onInit(InitEvent event) {
        TextField<String> emailField = uiComponents.create(TextField.TYPE_STRING);
        emailField.setValueSource(new ContainerValueSource<>(customerDc, "email"));