API of Components
  • unwrap() - returns client-specific component instance (Vaadin or Swing component). Can be used in client module to simplify invocation of underlying API, see Working with Vaadin Components section.

    com.vaadin.ui.TextField vTextField = textField.unwrap(com.vaadin.ui.TextField.class);
  • unwrapComposition() - returns the outmost external container of client-specific component instance. Can be used in client module to simplify invocation of underlying API.

Available for all components.

  • commit() - updates all changes made since the previous commit to the data source.

  • discard() - discards all changes since last commit. The object updates its value from the data source.

  • isModified() - returns true if the object value has been modified since it was last updated from the data source.

if (textArea.isModified()) {

Available for components:

  • addExpandedStateChangeListener() - adds the listener implementing the ExpandedStateChangeListener interface to intercept the component’s expanded state change events.

    groupBox.addExpandedStateChangeListener(e ->
            showNotification("Expanded: " + groupBox.isExpanded()));

    Available for components:

  • add() - adds child component to the container.

  • remove() - removes the child component from the container.

  • removeAll() - removes all children components from te container.

  • getOwnComponent() - returns the component directly owned by this container.

  • getComponent() - returns the component belonging to the whole components tree below this container.

  • getComponentNN() - returns the component belonging to the whole components tree below this container. Throws an exception if not found.

  • getOwnComponents() - returns all components directly owned by this container.

  • getComponents() - returns all components belonging to the whole components tree below this container.

Available for components:

  • indexOf() - returns the index of a given component in an ordered container.

Available for components:

  • applySettings() - restores the last user settings for this component.

  • saveSettings() - saves current user settings for this component.

Available for components:

  • addValueChangeListener() - adds the listener implementing the ValueChangeListener interface to intercept the component’s value changes.

    textField.addValueChangeListener(e ->
            showNotification("Before: " + e.getPrevValue() + ". After: " + e.getValue()));

Available for components:

  • addLayoutClickListener() - adds the listener implementing the LayoutClickListener interface to intercept the clicks on the component area.

    vbox.addLayoutClickListener(event ->

Available for components:

  • setMargin() - sets the margins for the component.

    • Sets margins on all sides of the component:

    • Sets margins only on the top and the bottom of the component:

      vbox.setMargin(true, false, true, false);
    • Creates new instance of MarginInfo configuration class:

      vbox.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, false, true));
  • getMargin() - returns margin configuration as an instance of MarginInfo class.

  • setOuterMargin() - sets the outer margins outside the border of the component.

    • Sets outer margins on all sides of the component:

    • Sets outer margins only on the top and the bottom of the component:

      groupBox.setOuterMargin(true, false, true, false);
    • Creates new instance of MarginInfo configuration class:

      groupBox.setOuterMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, false, true));
  • getOuterMargin() - returns outer margin configuration as an instance of MarginInfo class.

Available for component:

  • addShortcutAction() - adds an action which is triggered when the user presses a given key combination.

    cssLayout.addShortcutAction(new ShortcutAction("SHIFT-A", shortcutTriggeredEvent ->
            showNotification("SHIFT-A action" )));

Available for components:

  • setSpacing() - adds space between the component and its child components.


Available for components: