
SplitPanel − a container divided into two areas by a movable separator.

gui splitPanel

Component XML-name: split.

An example description of a split panel in a screen XML-descriptor:

<split orientation="horizontal" pos="30" width="100%" height="100%">
    <vbox margin="true" spacing="true">
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date" caption="Date"/>
        <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer" optionsDatasource="customersDs" caption="Customer"/>
    <vbox margin="true" spacing="true">
        <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount" caption="Amount"/>

split container must contain two nested containers or components. They will be displayed on both sides of the separator.

split attributes:

  • minSplitPosition, maxSplitPosition - defines a range of the available position of the split which can be set in pixels or percents.

    For example, you can restrict moving the splitter between 100 and 300 pixels from the left side of the component as follows:

    <split id="splitPanel" maxSplitPosition="300px" minSplitPosition="100px" width="100%" height="100%">
        <vbox margin="true" spacing="true">
            <button caption="Button 1"/>
            <button caption="Button 2"/>
        <vbox margin="true" spacing="true">
            <button caption="Button 4"/>
            <button caption="Button 5"/>

    If you want to set the range programmatically, specify a unit of value with Component.UNITS_PIXELS or Component.UNITS_PERCENTAGE:

    splitPanel.setMinSplitPosition(100, Component.UNITS_PIXELS);
    splitPanel.setMaxSplitPosition(300, Component.UNITS_PIXELS);
  • orientation – defines component orientation. horizontal – nested components are placed horizontally, vertical – they are placed vertically.

  • pos – an integer number defining percentage of the first component area compared to the second one. For example, pos="30" means that the areas ration is 30/70. By default the areas are divided 50/50.

  • reversePosition - indicates that the pos attribute specifies a position of the splitter from the opposite side of the component.

  • If the locked attribute is set to true, users are unable to change the separator position.

  • The stylename attribute with the large value makes the split handle wider.


SplitPanel methods:

  • You can get a position of the splitter using the getSplitPosition() method.

  • The events of moving the splitter can be intercepted with the help of PositionUpdateListener.

  • If you need to get a unit of splitter position, use getSplitPositionUnit() method. It will return Component.UNITS_PIXELS or Component.UNITS_PERCENTAGE.

  • isSplitPositionReversed() returns true if position is set from the opposite side of the component.