
SourceCodeEditor is designed to display and enter source code. It is a multi-line text area featured with code highlighting and optional print margin and gutter with line numbers.

XML-name of the component: sourceCodeEditor.

SourceCodeEditor is implemented for Web Client.

Basically, SourceCodeEditor mostly replicates the functionality of the TextField component and has the following specific attributes:

  • if handleTabKey is true, the Tab button on the keyboard is handled to indent lines, when false, it is used to advance the cursor or focus to the next tab stop. This attribute should be set when the screen is initialized and will not work if changed at a runtime.

All following properties can be easily changed at a runtime:

  • highlightActiveLine is used to highlight the line the caret is on.

  • mode provides the list of languages supported for the syntax highlight. This list is defined in the Mode enumeration of the SourceCodeEditor interface and includes the following languages: Java, HTML, XML, Groovy, SQL, JavaScript, Properties, and Text with no highlight.

  • printMargin attribute sets if the printing edge line should be displayed or hidden.

  • showGutter is used to hide or show the left gutter with line numbers.

Below is an example of SourceCodeEditor component adjustable at a runtime.


<hbox spacing="true">
    <checkBox id="highlightActiveLineCheck" align="BOTTOM_LEFT" caption="Highlight Active Line"/>
    <checkBox id="printMarginCheck" align="BOTTOM_LEFT" caption="Print Margin"/>
    <checkBox id="showGutterCheck" align="BOTTOM_LEFT" caption="Show Gutter"/>
    <lookupField id="modeField" align="BOTTOM_LEFT" caption="Mode" required="true"/>
<sourceCodeEditor id="simpleCodeEditor" width="100%"/>

The controller:

private LookupField modeField;
private SourceCodeEditor simpleCodeEditor;
private CheckBox highlightActiveLineCheck;
private CheckBox printMarginCheck;
private CheckBox showGutterCheck;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    highlightActiveLineCheck.addValueChangeListener(e -> simpleCodeEditor.setHighlightActiveLine(Boolean.TRUE.equals(e.getValue())));

    printMarginCheck.addValueChangeListener(e -> simpleCodeEditor.setShowPrintMargin(Boolean.TRUE.equals(e.getValue())));

    showGutterCheck.addValueChangeListener(e -> simpleCodeEditor.setShowGutter(Boolean.TRUE.equals(e.getValue())));

    Map<String, Object> modes = new HashMap<>();
    for (SourceCodeEditor.Mode mode : SourceCodeEditor.Mode.values()) {
        modes.put(mode.toString(), mode);

    modeField.addValueChangeListener(e -> simpleCodeEditor.setMode((SourceCodeEditor.Mode) e.getValue()));

The result will be:

gui SourceCodeEditor 1

SourceCodeEditor can also support code autocomplete provided by the Suggester class. To activate word completion, the setSuggester method should be invoked, for example:

private SourceCodeEditor suggesterCodeEditor;
private CollectionDatasource<User, UUID> usersDs;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    suggesterCodeEditor.setSuggester((source, text, cursorPosition) -> {
        List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();
        for (User user : usersDs.getItems()) {
            suggestions.add(new Suggestion(source, user.getLogin(), user.getName(), null, -1, -1));
        return suggestions;

The result:

gui SourceCodeEditor 2