component is a hierarchical table displaying a tree-like structure in the leftmost column. The component is used for entities that have references to themselves. For example, it can be a file system or a company organization chart.

XML-name of the component: treeTable
The component is implemented for both Web Client and Desktop Client.
For TreeTable
, the hierarchicalDatasource should be set in the datasource
attribute of the rows
element. Declaration of a hierarchicalDatasource
should contain hierarchyProperty
attribute – the name of the entity attribute which references the same entity.
Below is an example of component description in a screen XML descriptor:
<hierarchicalDatasource id="tasksDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Task" view="browse"
select t from sales$Task t
<treeTable id="tasksTable" width="100%">
<column id="name"/>
<column id="dueDate"/>
<column id="assignee"/>
<rows datasource="tasksDs"/>
The functionality of TreeTable
is similar to a simple Table.
- treeTable attributes
align - aggregatable - aggregationStyle - columnControlVisible - contextMenuEnabled - editable - enable - height - id - multiLineCells - multiselect - presentations - reorderingAllowed - settingsEnabled - sortable - stylename - tabIndex - textSelectionEnabled - visible - width
- treeTable elements
actions - buttonsPanel - columns - rows - rowsCount
- column attributes
align - caption - captionProperty - collapsed - dateFormat - editable - id - link - linkInvoke - linkScreen - linkScreenOpenType - maxTextLength - optionsDatasource - resolution - sortable - visible - width
- column elements
- rows attribute