
DataGrid, similarly to the Table component, is designed to display and sort tabular data, and provides means to manipulate rows and columns with greater performance due to lazy loading of data while scrolling.

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XML name of the component: dataGrid.

The component is implemented for Web Client.

An example of component definition in an XML-descriptor of a screen:

    <collectionDatasource id="ordersDs"
            select o from sales$Order o order by o.date
<dataGrid id="ordersDataGrid"
        <column id="date" property="date"/>
        <column id="customerName" property="customer.name"/>
        <column id="amount" property="amount"/>

In the example above the id attribute is a column identifier, and the property is the name of the entity attribute from the data source that populates the column with data.

dataGrid elements:

  • columns - mandatory element that defines the DataGrid columns set. Each column is described in the nested column element with the following attributes:

    • id - an optional attribute with the column identifier. If not set, the string with the property value will be used as the column identifier. In this case setting the property value is mandatory, otherwise the GuiDevelopmentException exception will be thrown. The id attribute is still mandatory for the columns created in the screen controller.

    • property - contains the entity attribute’s name. Can be either an attribute of the entity from the data source or a linked entity – object graph traversal is indicated with a dot. For example:

          <column id="date" property="date"/>
          <column id="customer" property="customer"/>
          <column id="customerName" property="customer.name"/>
          <column id="customerCountry" property="customer.address.country"/>
    • caption - an optional attribute containing the column caption. If not specified, a localized attribute name will be displayed.

    • expandRatio - sets the column width ratio. By default, all columns have equal width (i.e. expandRatio = 1). If another value is set for at least one column, all implicit values are ignored, and only set values are considered.

    • collapsible - defines whether a user can hide or show columns using the sidebar menu in the top right of DataGrid. The default value is true

    • collapsed - an optional attribute; hides the column by default when set to true. The default value is false.

    • collapsingToggleCaption - sets the column’s caption in the sidebar menu. By default its value is null, in this case the caption remains the same as the column’s caption.

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    • resizable - defines whether a user can change the column’s size.

    • sortable - an optional attribute to disable sorting of the column. Takes effect if the whole DataGrid has sortable attribute set to true (which is by default).

    • width - an optional attribute controlling default column width. May contain only numeric values in pixels.

    • minimumWidth - sets the minimal column width in pixels.

    • maximumWidth - sets the maximal column width in pixels.

    The column element may contain a nested formatter element that allows you to represent the attribute value in a format different from the standard for this DataType:

    <column id="date">
        <formatter class="com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.formatters.DateFormatter"
                   format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"/>
  • actions - optional element to define actions for DataGrid. Besides custom actions, the standard actions from the ListActionType enumeration are also supported: create, edit, remove, refresh, add, exclude.

  • buttonsPanel - creates a ButtonsPanel container with action buttons above the DataGrid component.

  • rowsCount - optional element that creates a RowsCount component for the DataGrid. RowsCount enables pagination of data, the page size is set by limitation of records in the data source with the help of CollectionDatasource.setMaxResults() method from the screen controller. Another way to do this is to use a universal Filter component bound with the same data source as the DataGrid.

The RowsCount component can also display the total number of records returned by current data request without loading these records. When a user clicks the "?" button, it calls the AbstractCollectionDatasource.getCount() method that passes to the database a request with the same parameters as current but with COUNT(*) aggregation function instead of getting results. The returned number is displayed in place of "?" symbol.

dataGrid attributes:

  • columnResizeMode - sets the mode of columns resizing by user. Two modes are supported:

    • AMINATED - the columns size follows the mouse when dragging (default mode).

    • SIMPLE - the columns size is changed after the dragging is finished.

    The column size changes can be tracked with ColumnResizeListener.

  • columnsCollapsingAllowed - defines whether a user can hide columns in the sidebar menu. Displayed columns are checked in the menu. When a column name is checked/unchecked, the value of collapsed attribute of each column is updated. When set to false, the collapsed attribute of any column cannot be set to true.

    The column collapsing changes can be tracked with ColumnCollapsingChangeListener.

  • contextMenuEnabled - enables turning on and off the context menu. Default value is true.

    The right mouse clicks on the DataGrid can be tracked with ContextClickListener.

  • editorBuffered - sets the buffered editor mode. The default mode is buffered (true).

  • editorCancelCaption - sets the caption on the cancel button in the DataGrid editor.

  • editorEnabled - enables the item inline editor UI. Default value is false. If dataGrid is bound to ValueCollectionDatasource, it is supposed to be read-only, and editorEnabled attribute becomes nonsense.

  • editorSaveCaption - sets the caption on the save button in the DataGrid inline editor.

  • frozenColumnCount - sets the number of fixed DataGrid columns. The 0 value means that no columns will be fixed except the predefined column with checkboxes for multiple choice if the multiselect mode is used. The -1 value makes even multiselect column not fixed.

  • headerVisible - defines if the DataGrid header is visible. The default value is true.

  • reorderingAllowed - defines whether a user can change the columns order by dragging them with a mouse. The default value is true.

    The column order changes can be tracked with ColumnReorderListener.

  • selectionMode - sets the rows selection mode. There are 4 predefined selection modes:

    • SINGLE - single record selection.

    • MULTI - multiple selection as in any table.

    • MULTI_CHECK - multiple selection using the embedded column with checkboxes.

    • NONE - selection is disabled.

      Rows selection events can be tracked by SelectionListener.

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  • sortable - enables or disables the DataGrid sorting. The default value is true. When the sorting is enabled, the click on the column name will display the sorting icon to the right of che column caption. Sorting of any specific column can be disabled by this column’s sortable attribute.

    The DataGrid sorting events can be tracked by SortListener.

  • textSelectionEnabled - enables or disables text selection in the DataGrid cells. The default value is false.

Methods of the DataGrid interface:

  • getColumns() - returns the current set of DataGrid columns in their current display order.

  • getSelected(), getSingleSelected() - return instances of the entities corresponding to the selected rows of the table. A collection can be obtained by invoking getSelected(). If nothing is selected, the application returns an empty set. If SelectionMode.SINGLE is set, it is more convenient to use getSingleSelected() method returning one selected entity or null, if nothing is selected.

  • getVisibleColumns() - returns the current set of visible DataGrid columns in their current display order.

  • scrollTo() - method allows you to scroll the DataGrid to the specified row. It takes an entity instance identifying the row as a parameter. Besides the entity instance, an overridden method can take a ScrollDestination parameter with the following possible values:

    • ANY - scroll as little as possible to show the required record.

    • START - scroll to place the required record in the beginning of the DataGrid visible area.

    • MIDDLE - scroll to place the required record in the centre of the DataGrid visible area.

    • END - scroll to place the required record in the end of the DataGrid visible area.

  • scrollToStart() and scrollToEnd() - scroll the DataGrid to the top and to the end respectively.

  • setCellStyleProvider() - enables setting the DataGrid cell display style.

  • setRowStyleProvider() - enables setting the DataGrid row display style.

  • setEnterPressAction() - method allows you to define an action executed when Enter is pressed. If such action is not defined, the table will attempt to find an appropriate one in the list of its actions in the following order:

    • The action defined by the setItemClickAction() method.

    • The action assigned to the Enter key by the shortcut property.

    • The edit action.

    • The view action.

    If such action is found, and has enabled = true property, the action is executed.

  • setItemClickAction() - method allows you to define an action that will be performed when a table row is double-clicked. If such action is not defined, the table will attempt to find an appropriate one in the list of its actions in the following order:

    • The action assigned to the Enter key by the shortcut property.

    • The edit action.

    • The view action.

    If such action is found, and has enabled = true property, the action is executed.

    Item click events can be tracked with ItemClickListener.

  • sort() - sorts the data for the specified column in the sort direction chosen from 2 values of the SortDirection enum:

    • ASCENDING - ascending (e.g. A-Z, 1..9) sort order.

    • DESCENDING - descending (e.g. Z-A, 9..1) sort order.

  • setCellDescriptionProvider() methods allows to set the CellDescriptionProvider instance for generating optional descriptions (tooltips) for individual DataGrid cells. The description may contain HTML markup.

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  • setRowDescriptionProvider() sets the RowDescriptionProvider instance for generating optional descriptions (tooltips) for DataGrid rows. If a CellDescriptionProvider is also set, the row description generated by provider is used for cells for which the cell description provider returns null.

        if ("name".equals(columnId)||"lastName".equals(columnId)){
            return null;
        String description="<strong>"+
                ": </strong>";
        if ("grade".equals(columnId)){
            description += messages.getMessage(entity.getGrade());
        } else if ("active".equals(columnId)){
            description += getMessage(entity.getActive() ? "trueString":"falseString");
        } else {
            description += entity.getValue(columnId);
            return description;
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    Usage of DataGrid inline editor:

The DataGrid component has an API for inline editing of records in the cells. When an item is being edited, the inline edit UI with default save and cancel buttons is displayed.

Methods of inline editor API:

  • getEditedItemId() - returns the id of the item that is currently being edited.

  • isEditorActive() - returns whether an item is currently being edited in the editor.

  • editItem() - opens the editor interface for the provided item. Scrolls the grid to bring the item to view if it is not already visible.

You can add and remove listeners to the editor using the following methods:

  • addEditorOpenListener(), removeEditorCloseListener() - DataGrid editor open listener.

    This listener is triggered by a double click on the DataGrid area that instantiates the inline editor and enables to get the fields of the edited row. This enables to update some fields depending on other fields' values without closing the editor.

    For example:

    customersTable.addEditorOpenListener(event -> {
        Map<String, Field> fieldMap = event.getFields();
        Field active = fieldMap.get("active");
        Field grade = fieldMap.get("grade");
        ValueChangeListener listener = e ->
  • addEditorCloseListener(), removeEditorCloseListener() - DataGrid editor close listener.

  • addEditorPreCommitListener(), removeEditorPreCommitListener() - DataGrid editor pre commit listener.

  • addEditorPostCommitListener(), removeEditorPostCommitListener() - DataGrid editor post commit listener.

The changes are committed to the datasource only. The logic to save these changes in the database should be added separately.

The editor field can be customized with the help of ColumnEditorFieldGenerator interface. Apply the setEditorFieldGenerator() to a column in order to set a custom component for editing this column:

ordersGrid.getColumnNN("amount").setEditorFieldGenerator((datasource, property) -> {
    LookupField lookupField = componentsFactory.createComponent(LookupField.class);
    lookupField.setDatasource(datasource, property);
    lookupField.setOptionsList(Arrays.asList(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ONE, BigDecimal.TEN));

    return lookupField;

The result:

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Usage of the ColumnGenerator interface:

DataGrid enables adding generated columns with the help of the methods:

  • addGeneratedColumn(String columnId, ColumnGenerator generator)

  • addGeneratedColumn(String columnId, ColumnGenerator generator, int index)

ColumnGenerator is a special interface that defines the generated, or calculated, column:

  • value of each column’s row,

  • the type of value - common for the whole column.

Below is an example of generating a column that displays users' login in the upper case:

public void init(Map<String, Object> params){
    DataGrid.Column column = usersGrid.addGeneratedColumn("loginUpperCase",new DataGrid.ColumnGenerator<User, String>(){
        public String getValue(DataGrid.ColumnGeneratorEvent<User> event){
            return event.getItem().getLogin().toUpperCase();

        public Class<String> getType(){
            return String.class;
    column.setCaption("Login Upper Case");

The result:

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ColumnGeneratorEvent, passed in the getValue method, contains information on the entity, displayed in the current DataGrid row, and the column propertyId.

By default, the generated column is added to the end of the table. There are two possible ways to manage the column’s position: either using an index in the code or adding a column in advance in the XML descriptor and pass its id to the addGeneratedColumn method.

Usage of renderers:

The way the data is displayed in columns can be customized by means of renderers. For example, to display icons as pictures in the cells, the path to an icon can be used together with the ImageRenderer class:

public void init(Map<String, Object> params){
    DataGrid.Column avatar = usersGrid.addGeneratedColumn("userAvatar", new DataGrid.ColumnGenerator<User, String>() {
        public String getValue(DataGrid.ColumnGeneratorEvent<User> event) {
            return "icons/user.png";

        public Class<String> getType() {
            return String.class;
    }, 0);

The result:

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The WebComponentRenderer interface allows you to display components of different web components types in the DataGrid cells. This interface is implemented only in the Web Module. Below is an example of creating a column with the LookupField component:

import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.Configuration;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.GlobalConfig;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.AbstractWindow;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.DataGrid;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.LookupField;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.xml.layout.ComponentsFactory;
import com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.User;
import com.haulmont.cuba.web.gui.components.renderers.WebComponentRenderer;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

public class Users extends AbstractWindow {
    private ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;
    private Configuration configuration;
    private DataGrid<User> usersGrid;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

        Map<String, Locale> locales = configuration.getConfig(GlobalConfig.class).getAvailableLocales();
        Map<String, Object> options = new TreeMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Locale> entry : locales.entrySet()) {
            options.put(entry.getKey(), messages.getTools().localeToString(entry.getValue()));

        DataGrid.Column column = usersGrid.addGeneratedColumn("language",
                new DataGrid.ColumnGenerator<User, Component>() {
                    public Component getValue(DataGrid.ColumnGeneratorEvent<User> event) {
                        LookupField component = componentsFactory.createComponent(LookupField.class);

                        User user = event.getItem();

                        component.addValueChangeListener(e -> user.setLanguage((String) e.getValue()));

                        return component;

                    public Class<Component> getType() {
                        return Component.class;

        column.setRenderer(new WebComponentRenderer());

The result:

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When the field type does not match the data type that can be processed by a renderer, one can use the converters to match data types of the model and the view. For example, to display a boolean value as an icon, it would be handy to use the HtmlRenderer to display HTML layout and a converter, which will convert a boolean value to the layout for icons' display.

public void init(Map<String, Object> params){
    DataGrid.Column hasEmail = usersGrid.addGeneratedColumn("hasEmail", new DataGrid.ColumnGenerator<User, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean getValue(DataGrid.ColumnGeneratorEvent<User> event) {
            return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(event.getItem().getEmail());

        public Class<Boolean> getType() {
            return Boolean.class;
    hasEmail.setCaption("Has Email");
    hasEmail.setConverter(new DataGrid.Converter<String, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean convertToModel(String value, Class<? extends Boolean> targetType, Locale locale) {
            return null;

        public String convertToPresentation(Boolean value, Class<? extends String> targetType, Locale locale) {
            return BooleanUtils.isTrue(value)
                    ? FontAwesome.CHECK_SQUARE_O.getHtml()
                    : FontAwesome.SQUARE_O.getHtml();

        public Class<Boolean> getModelType() {
            return Boolean.class;

        public Class<String> getPresentationType() {
            return String.class;

The result:

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The renderers can be created in two ways:

  • passing a renderer interface to the fabric method of the DataGrid interface. Suits for GUI and Web modules.

  • directly creating a renderer implementation for the corresponding module:

    dataGrid.createRenderer(DataGrid.ImageRenderer.class) → new WebImageRenderer()

    For the moment this way is suitable only for the Web module.

The list of renderers supported by the Platform:

  • TextRenderer - displays plain text.

  • HtmlRenderer - displays HTML layout.

  • ProgressBarRenderer - displays double values between 0 and 1 as a ProgressBar component.

  • DateRenderer - displays dates in the defined format.

  • NumberRenderer - displays numbers in the defined format.

  • ButtonRenderer - displays string values as a button caption.

  • ImageRenderer - uses the path to an image to display the image.

  • CheckBoxRenderer - displays boolean values as a checkbox icon.

Header and Footer:

HeaderRow and FooterRow interfaces are used to represent header and footer cells respectively. They can be a merged cell for multiple columns.

The following methods of DataGrid allow to create and manage the DataGrid header and footer:

  • appendHeaderRow(), appendFooterRow() - adds a new row at the bottom of the header/footer section.

  • prependHeaderRow(), prependFooterRow() - adds a new row at the top of the header/footer section.

  • addHeaderRowAt(), addFooterRowAt() - inserts a new row at the given position to the header/footer section. Shifts the row currently at that position and any subsequent rows down incrementing their indices.

  • removeHeaderRow(), removeFooterRow() - removes the given row from the header/footer section.

  • getHeaderRowCount(), getFooterRowCount() - gets the row count for the header/footer section.

  • setDefaultHeaderRow() - sets the default row of the header. The default row is a special header row providing a user interface for sorting columns.

HeaderCell and FooterCell interfaces provide means of customization of static DataGrid cells:

  • setStyleName() - sets a custom style name for this cell.

  • getCellType() - returns the type of content stored in this cell. There are 3 types of DataGridStaticCellType enumeration available:

    • TEXT

    • HTML


  • getComponent(), getHtml(), getText() - returns the content displayed in this cell depending on its type.

Below is an example of DataGrid the header that contains merged cells, and the footer displaying calculated values.

<dataGrid id="dataGrid"
        <column property="country"/>
        <column property="year2014"/>
        <column property="year2015"/>
public class DataGridHeaderFooterFrame extends AbstractFrame {
    private DataGrid<CountryGrowth> dataGrid;
    private CollectionDatasource<CountryGrowth, UUID> countryGrowthDs;
    private UserSessionSource userSessionSource;

    private DecimalFormat percentFormat;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {


    private DecimalFormat initPercentFormat() {
        percentFormat = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(userSessionSource.getLocale());
        return percentFormat;

    private void initRenderers() {
        dataGrid.getColumnNN("year2014").setRenderer(new WebNumberRenderer(percentFormat));
        dataGrid.getColumnNN("year2015").setRenderer(new WebNumberRenderer(percentFormat));

    private void initHeader() {
        HeaderRow headerRow = dataGrid.prependHeaderRow();
        HeaderCell headerCell = headerRow.join("year2014", "year2015");
        headerCell.setText("GDP growth");

    private void initFooter() {
        FooterRow footerRow = dataGrid.appendFooterRow();
        footerRow.getCell("country").setHtml("<strong>" + getMessage("average") + "</strong>");

    private double getAverage(String propertyId) {
        double average = 0.0;
        Collection<CountryGrowth> items = countryGrowthDs.getItems();
        for (CountryGrowth countryGrowth : items) {
            Double value = countryGrowth.getValue(propertyId);
            average += value != null ? value : 0.0;
        return average / items.size();
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