
Datatype interface defines methods for converting values to and from strings (formatting and parsing). Each entity attribute, if it is not a reference, has a corresponding Datatype, which is used by the framework to format and parse the attribute value.

Datatypes are registered in the DatatypeRegistry bean, which loads and initializes Datatype implementation classes from the metadata.xml files of the project and its application components.

Datatype of an entity attribute can be obtained from the corresponding meta-property using getRange().asDatatype() call.

You can also use registered datatypes to format or parse arbitrary values of supported types. To do this, obtain a datatype instance from DatatypeRegistry using its get(Class) or getNN(Class) methods, passing the Java type that you want to convert.

Datatypes are associated with entity attributes according to the following rules:

  • In most cases, an attribute is associated with a registered Datatype instance that can handle the attribute’s Java type.

    In the example below, the amount attribute will get BigDecimalDatatype

    @Column(name = "AMOUNT")
    private BigDecimal amount;

    because cuba-metadata.xml has the following entry:

    <datatype id="decimal" class="com.haulmont.chile.core.datatypes.impl.BigDecimalDatatype"
              format="0.####" decimalSeparator="." groupingSeparator=""/>
  • You can specify a datatype explicitly using the @MetaProperty annotation and its datatype attribute.

    In the example below, the issueYear entity attribute will be associated with the year datatype:

    @MetaProperty(datatype = "year")
    @Column(name = "ISSUE_YEAR")
    private Integer issueYear;

    if the project’s metadata.xml file has the following entry:

    <datatype id="year" class="com.company.sample.YearDatatype"/>

    As you can see, the datatype attribute of @MetaProperty contains identifier, which is used when registering the datatype implementation in metadata.xml.

Basic methods of the Datatype interface:

  • format() – converts the passed value into a string.

  • parse() – transforms a string into the value of corresponding type.

  • getJavaClass() – returns the Java type which this datatype is designed for. This method has a default implementation that returns a value of the @JavaClass annotation if it is present on the class.

Datatype defines two sets of methods for formatting and parsing: considering and not considering locale. Conversion considering locale is applied everywhere in user interface, ignoring locale – in system mechanisms, for example, serialization in REST API.

Parsing formats ignoring locale are hardcoded or specified in the metadata.xml file when registering the datatype.

See the next section for how to specify locale-dependent parsing formats.