
The SuggestionPickerField component is designed to search for entity instances according to a string entered by a user. It differs from SearchPickerField in that it refreshes the list of options on each entered symbol without the need to press Enter. The list of options is loaded in background according to the logic defined by the application developer on the server side.

SuggestionPickerField is also a PickerField and can contain actions represented by buttons on the right.

gui suggestionPickerField 1

XML name of the component: suggestionPickerField.

The component is implemented for the Web Client.

SuggestionPickerField is used to select reference entity attributes, so you usually set its datasource and property attributes:

    <datasource id="orderDs"
    <suggestionPickerField id="suggestionPickerField"

suggestionPickerField attributes:

  • asyncSearchDelayMs - sets the delay between the last key press action and asynchronous search.

  • metaClass - sets the link to the component’s MetaClass if the component is used without binding to a datasource, i.e., without setting datasource and property.

  • minSearchStringLength - sets the minimal string length which is required to perform suggestions search.

  • suggestionsLimit - sets the limit of suggestions to be displayed.

Base SuggestionPickerField usage

In the most common case, it is sufficient to set SearchExecutor to the component. SearchExecutor is a functional interface that contains a single method: List<E extends Entity> search(String searchString, Map<String, Object> searchParams):

suggestionPickerField.setSearchExecutor((searchString, searchParams) -> {
    return Arrays.asList(entity1, entity2, ...);

The search() method is executed in a background thread so it cannot access visual components or datasources used by visual components. Call DataManager or a middleware service directly; or process and return data loaded to the screen beforehand.

The searchString parameter can be used to filter candidates using the string entered by the user:

public class OrderEdit extends AbstractEditor<Order> {

    private SuggestionPickerField suggestionPickerField;

    private DataManager dataManager;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        suggestionPickerField.setSearchExecutor((searchString, searchParams) ->
                    LoadContext.createQuery("select c from sample$Customer c where c.name like :name order by c.name")
                        .setParameter("name", "%" + searchString + "%"))));
ParametrizedSearchExecutor usage

In the previous examples, searchParams is an empty map. To define params, you should use ParametrizedSearchExecutor:

suggestionPickerField.setSearchExecutor(new SuggestionField.ParametrizedSearchExecutor<Customer>(){
    public Map<String, Object> getParams() {
        return ParamsMap.of(...);

    public List<Customer> search(String searchString, Map<String, Object> searchParams) {
        return executeSearch(searchString, searchParams);
EnterActionHandler and ArrowDownActionHandler usage

Another way to use the component is to set EnterActionHandler or ArrowDownActionHandler. These listeners are fired when a user presses Enter or Arrow Down keys when the popup with suggestions is hidden. They are also functional interfaces with single method and single parameter - currentSearchString. You can set up your own action handlers and use SuggestionField.showSuggestions() method which accepts the list of entities to show suggestions.

suggestionPickerField.setArrowDownActionHandler(currentSearchString -> {
    List<Customer> suggestions = findSuggestions();

suggestionPickerField.setEnterActionHandler(currentSearchString -> {
    List<Customer> suggestions = getDefaultSuggestions();