The universal REST API provides the following functionality:

  • CRUD operations on entities.

  • Execution of predefined JPQL queries.

  • Execution of service methods.

  • Getting metadata (entities, views, enumerations, datatypes).

  • Getting current user permissions (access to entities, attributes, specific permissions).

  • Getting current user information (name, language, time zone, etc.).

  • Uploading and downloading files.

REST API uses the OAuth2 protocol for authentication and supports anonymous access.


The detailed documentation for the API is written according to Swagger specification and is available at the following URL: http://files.cuba-platform.com/swagger/6.6.

Any running CUBA application also exports the swagger documentation at the URLs http://HOST:PORT/APP_NAME/rest/v2/docs/swagger.yaml and http://HOST:PORT/APP_NAME/rest/v2/docs/swagger.json.