
PickerField displays an entity instance in a text field and performs actions when a user clicks buttons on the right.


XML name of the component: pickerField.

  • As a rule, PickerField is used for working with reference entity attributes. It is sufficient to specify dataContainer and property attributes for the component:

        <instance id="carDc" class="com.haulmont.sample.core.entity.Car" view="carEdit">
        <pickerField dataContainer="carDc" property="color"/>

    In the example above, the screen defines carDc data container for a Car entity having the color attribute. In the pickerField element, a link to a data container is specified in the dataContainer attribute, and a name of an entity attribute is set in the property attribute. The entity attribute should refer to another entity, in the example above it is Color.

  • For PickerField, you can define an arbitrary number of actions, displayed as buttons on the right.

    It can be done either in the XML descriptor using the actions nested element, or programmatically in the controller using addAction().

    • The framework provides a set of standard PickerField actions: picker_lookup, picker_clear, picker_open. They perform the selection of a related entity, clearing the field and opening the edit screen for a selected related entity, respectively. When declaring standard actions in XML, you should define the action identifier and its type using the type attribute.

      If no actions are defined in the actions element when declaring the component, the XML loader will define lookup and clear actions for it. To add a default action, for example, open, you need to define the actions element as follows:

      <pickerField dataContainer="carDc" property="color">
              <action id="lookup" type="picker_lookup"/>
              <action id="open" type="picker_open"/>
              <action id="clear" type="picker_clear"/>

      The action element does not extend but overrides a set of standard actions. Identifiers of all required actions have to be defined explicitly. The component looks as follows:

      gui pickerFieldActionsSt

      Use addAction() to set standard actions programmatically. If the component is defined in the XML descriptor without actions nested element, it is sufficient to add missing actions:

      protected PickerField<Color> colorField;
      protected void onInit(InitEvent event) {

      If the component is created in the controller, it will get no default actions and you need to explicitly add all necessary actions:

      private InstanceContainer<Car> carDc;
      private UiComponents uiComponents;
      private Actions actions;
      protected void onInit(InitEvent event) {
          PickerField<Color> colorField = uiComponents.create(PickerField.NAME);
          colorField.setValueSource(new ContainerValueSource<>(carDc, "color"));

      You can customize the standard actions behavior by subscribing to the ActionPerformedEvent and providing your own implementation. For example, you can use a specific lookup screen as follows:

      private ScreenBuilders screenBuilders;
      private PickerField<Color> pickerField;
      protected void onPickerFieldLookupActionPerformed(Action.ActionPerformedEvent event) {

      For more information, see Opening Screens section.

    • Arbitrary actions in the XML descriptor can also be defined in the actions nested element, and the action logic should be implemented in this action’s event, for example:

      <pickerField dataContainer="orderDc" property="customer">
              <action id="lookup"/>
              <action id="show" icon="PICKERFIELD_OPEN" caption="Show"/>
      private PickerField<Customer> pickerField;
      protected void onPickerFieldShowActionPerformed(Action.ActionPerformedEvent event) {
          CustomerEdit customerEdit = screenBuilders.editor(pickerField)

      The declarative and programmatic creation of actions is described in Actions. The Action Interface section.

  • PickerField can be used without binding to entities, i.e., without setting dataContainer/datasource and property. In this case, metaClass attribute should be used to specify an entity type for PickerField. For example:

    <pickerField id="colorField" metaClass="sample$Color"/>

    You can get an instance of a selected entity by injecting the component into a controller and invoking its getValue() method.

    For proper operation of the PickerField component you need either set a metaClass attribute, or simultaneously set dataContainer/datasource and property attributes.

  • You can use keyboard shortcuts in PickerField, see Keyboard Shortcuts for details.