
This is a component that allows a user to choose from a list of options. Radio buttons are used to select a single value; a group of checkboxes is used to select multiple values.

gui optionsGroup

XML name of the component: optionsGroup.

  • The simplest case of using OptionsGroup is to select an enumeration value for an entity attribute. For example, a Customer entity has the grade attribute of the CustomerGrade type, which is an enumeration. Then you can use OptionsGroup to edit this attribute as follows:

        <instance id="customerDc"
        <optionsGroup id="gradeField" property="grade" dataContainer="customerDc"/>

    In the example above, the customerDc data container is defined for the Customer entity. In the optionsGroup component, the link to the data container is specified in the dataContainer attribute and the name of the entity attribute is set in the property attribute.

    As a result, the component will be as follows:

gui optionsGroup customerGrade
  • The list of component options can be specified arbitrarily using the setOptionsList(), setOptionsMap() and setOptionsEnum() methods, or using the XML optionsDatasource or optionsEnum attributes.

  • setOptionsList() allows you to specify programmatically a list of component options. To do this, declare a component in the XML descriptor:

    <optionsGroup id="optionsGroupWithList"/>

    Then inject the component into the controller and specify a list of options in the onInit() method:

    private OptionsGroup<Integer, Integer> optionsGroupWithList;
    protected void onInit(InitEvent event) {
        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();

    The component will be as follows:

    gui optionsGroup integerList

    Depending on the selected option, the getValue() method of the component will return Integer values: 2, 4, 5, 7.

  • setOptionsMap() allows you to specify string names and option values separately. For example, we can set the following options map for the optionsGroupWithMap component, described the XML descriptor, in the onInit() method of the controller:

    private OptionsGroup<Integer, Integer> optionsGroupWithMap;
    protected void onInit(InitEvent event) {
        Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        map.put("two", 2);
        map.put("four", 4);
        map.put("five", 5);
        map.put("seven", 7);

    The component will be as follows:

    gui optionsGroup integerMap

    Depending on the selected option, the getValue() method of the component will return Integer values: 2, 4, 5, 7, and not the strings that are displayed on the screen.

  • setOptionsEnum() takes a class of enumeration as a parameter. The options list will consist of localized names of enum values, the value of the component will be an enum value.

  • The component can take a list of options from a data container. For this purpose, the optionsContainer attribute is used. For example:

        <collection id="coloursDc"
            <loader id="coloursLoader">
                    <![CDATA[select c from app_Colour c]]>
        <optionsGroup id="coloursField" optionsContainer="coloursDc"/>

    In this case, the coloursField component will display instance names of the Colour entity, located in the coloursDc data container, and its getValue() method will return the selected entity instance.

    With the help of the captionProperty attribute entity attribute to be used instead of an instance name for a string option names can be defined.

  • The multiselect attribute is used to switch OptionsGroup to a multiple-choice mode. If multiselect is turned on, the component is displayed as a group of independent checkboxes, and the component value is a list of selected options.

    For example, if we create the component in the XML screen descriptor:

    <optionsGroup id="roleTypesField" multiselect="true"/>

    and set a list of options for it – RoleType enumeration values:

    protected OptionsGroup roleTypesField;
    protected void onInit(InitEvent event) {

    then the component will be as follows:

    gui optionsGroup roleType multi

    In this case, the getValue() method of the component will return a java.util.List, containing RoleType.READONLY and RoleType.DENYING values.

    The example above also illustrates the ability of the OptionsGroup component to display localized values of enumerations included in the data model.

    You can also make some values selected programmatically by passing a java.util.List of values to the setValue() method:

    optionsGroup.setValue(Arrays.asList(RoleType.STANDARD, RoleType.ADMIN));
  • The orientation attribute defines the orientation of group elements. By default, elements are arranged vertically. The horizontal value sets the horizontal orientation.