
Embedded component is intended for displaying images and embedding arbitrary web pages into the application screens.

XML name of the component: embedded

gui Embedded dia

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client. Desktop Client supports image display only.

Below is an example of using the component to display an image from a file located in FileStorage.

  • Declare the component in an XML screen descriptor:

    <groupBox caption="Embedded" spacing="true"
              height="250px" width="250px" expand="embedded">
        <embedded id="embedded" width="100%"
  • In a screen controller, inject the component itself and the FileStorageService interface. In init() method, get the FileDescriptor passed from the calling code, load the corresponding file in a byte array, create a ByteArrayInputStream for it, and pass the stream to the setSource() method of the component:

    private Embedded embedded;
    private FileStorageService fileStorageService;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        FileDescriptor imageFile = (FileDescriptor) params.get("imageFile");
        byte[] bytes = null;
        if (imageFile != null) {
            try {
                bytes = fileStorageService.loadFile(imageFile);
            } catch (FileStorageException e) {
                showNotification("Unable to load image file", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
        if (bytes != null) {
            embedded.setSource(imageFile.getName(), new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
        } else {

In Web Client, the component enables displaying of files located inside VAADIN folder. For example:


You can also define a resource files directory in the cuba.web.resourcesRoot application property and specify the name of a file inside this directory:


In order to display an external web page, pass its URL to the component:

try {
    embedded.setSource(new URL("http://www.cuba-platform.com"));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

Attributes of embedded

align - height - id - stylename - visible - width