
ButtonsPanel is a container that streamlines the use and placement of the components (usually, buttons) for data management in a table.

gui buttonsPanel

XML-name of the component: buttonsPanel.

A sample definition of ButtonsPanel in screen XML-descriptor:

<table id="customersTable"
       editable="false" width="100%">
        <action id="create"/>
        <action id="edit"/>
        <action id="remove"/>
        <action id="excel"/>
        <button action="customersTable.create"/>
        <button action="customersTable.edit"/>
        <button action="customersTable.remove"/>
        <button action="customersTable.excel"/>
        <column id="name"/>
        <column id="email"/>
    <rows datasource="customersDs"/>

buttonsPanel element can be located either inside a table, or in any other place of a screen.

If the buttonsPanel is located in a table, it is combined with the table’s rowsCount component thus using vertical space more effectively. Additionally, if a lookup screen is opened using Frame.openLookup() (for example, from the PickerField component) the buttons panel becomes hidden.

alwaysVisible attribute disables panel hiding in a lookup screen when it is opened by Frame.openLookup(). If the attribute value is true, the buttons panel is not hidden. By default, the attribute value is false.

Attributes of buttonsPanel

align - alwaysVisible - enable - expand - height - id - stylename - visible - width