
CssLayout is a container that enables full control over placement and styling of enclosed components using CSS.

XML-name of the component: cssLayout.

Below is an example of using cssLayout for simple responsive screen.

Displaying components on a wide screen:

gui cssLayout 1

Displaying components on a narrow screen:

gui cssLayout 2

Screen’s XML-descriptor:

<cssLayout responsive="true"
    <vbox margin="true"
        <textField caption="Field One" width="100%"/>
        <textField caption="Field Two" width="100%"/>
        <button caption="Button"/>
    <vbox margin="true"
        <textField caption="Field Three" width="100%"/>
        <textField caption="Field Four" width="100%"/>
        <button caption="Button"/>

Content of modules/web/themes/halo/halo-ext.scss file (see Extending an Existing Theme for how to create this file):

@import "../halo/halo";

@mixin halo-ext {
  @include halo;

  .responsive-container {
    &[width-range~="0-900px"] {
      .group-panel {
        width: 100% !important;

    &[width-range~="901px-"] {
      .group-panel {
        width: 50% !important;
  • responsive attribute indicates that the component should react on change in the available space. It is false by default.

  • stylename attribute enables setting predefined styles to the CssLayout component either in the XML descriptor or in the screen controller.

    • v-component-group style is used to create a grouped set of components, i.e. a row of components which are joined seamlessly together:

      Unresolved directive in gui_vcl.adoc - include::../../source/gui_vcl/cssLayout_3.xml[]
      gui cssLayout 3
    • well style makes container look "sunken" with shaded background.

    • card style name makes a layout look like a card. Combined with an additional v-panel-caption style name for any enclosed layout, it provides a possibility to create enhanced composite layouts, for example:

      Unresolved directive in gui_vcl.adoc - include::../../source/gui_vcl/cssLayout_4.xml[]

      and result will be the following:

      gui cssLayout 4

Attributes of cssLayout

enable - height - id - responsive - stylename - visible - width