1.6.4. PieChart

The PieChart component allows you to create pie/donut charts.

pie chart
Figure 17. PieChart

XML name of the component: chart:pieChart.

Data binding:
  1. Using a datasource.

    You can assign a datasource of a CollectionDatasource type to the chart and then define the titleField and valueField attributes for the pieChart element:

    <chart:pieChart id="pieChart"
  2. Using the chart:data element.

PieChart event listeners:
  • ChartClickListener - click on the canvas.

  • ChartRightClickListener - right click on the canvas.

  • SliceClickListener - click on a slice in a pie chart.

  • SlicePullInListener - shift of a slice of a pie chart into the chart.

  • SlicePullOutListener - shift of a slice of a pie chart out of the chart.

  • SliceRightClickListener - right-click on a slice in a pie chart.

For more details, see AmCharts documentation.