2.8.1. Creating Users

In order to demonstrate the process, create three users in the Administration > Users screen:

  • login: norman, First name: Tommy, Last name: Norman

  • login: roberts, First name: Casey, Last name: Roberts

  • login: pierce, First name: Walter, Last name: Pierce

Assign the bpm-process-actor role to the users in order to grant access to BPM entities.

Create the quick-start role and grant it the necessary permissions to work with the project:

  1. Go to Administration → Roles screen and create a new role with the quick-start role.

  2. In the Screens tab allow BPM → Process Tasks screen. It is not allowed in bpm-process-actor role because it may not be needed for some projects.

  3. Also, allow the screens:

    • Application →Contracts

    • bpm$ProcTask.edit

    • bpmdemo_Contract.edit

    • bpm$ProcInstance.edit

  4. Allow bpmdemo_Contract in the Entities and Attributes tabs.

  5. Save the role.

Assign the quick-start role to the users .