1.2.3. HTML Template

An HTML template is defined in an .html file (UTF-8 encoding without BOM). FreeMarker tags are used to place data (FreeMarker documentation is available at http://freemarker.org/docs).

The FreeMarker document model has the following structure:

Band {
      bands [ bandName : [ band, .. ], .. ]
      fields [ fieldName : fieldValue, .. ]

For example, you should use the following expression to access the name field in a row having index 0 of the band band:


You may variables for convenience, e.g.:

<#assign headerRow = Root.bands.Header[0]>
<p>Date: ${headerRow.fields.reportDate}</p>

Below is an example of a template which outputs a report consisting of two bands, Book and Authors. The first band outputs a book name and genre, and the second outputs a list of authors of this book.

<!doctype html>
   <#assign book = Root.bands.Book[0] />
    <#assign authors = Root.bands.Authors />

    <p>Name: ${book.fields.name}</p>
    <p>Genre: ${book.fields.literatureType.name}</p>
    <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="200">
                <td>First name</td>
                <td>Last name</td>
        <#list authors as author>

Below is a more complex example. Let us assume we have the following bands structure:

Root {
    HeaderBand {
        query = return [[ "name" : "Column1" ],[ "name" : "Column2" ]]
    Band1 {
        query = return [
            ["field1" : "Value 11", "field2" : "Value 12"],
            ["field1" : "Value 21" , "field2" : "Value 22"]
    Band2 {
        query = return [[ "header" : "Header1" ], [ "header" : "Header2" ]]
        SubBand1 {
            query = return [["header" : 'SubHeader1'] , [ "header" : 'SubHeader2' ]]
  • Inserting a field:

<!doctype html>
        <title> Simple template </title>
        <#assign Tree1 = Root.bands.Band2>
        <h1> Header </h1>
  • Inserting a list:

<!doctype html>
        <title> List </title>
        <#assign Table1Header = Root.bands.HeaderBand>

        <#if Table1Header?has_content>
            <#list Table1Header as header>
            <li> ${header.fields.name} </li>
  • Inserting a table:

<!doctype html>
        <title> Table </title>
        <#assign Table1Header = Root.bands.HeaderBand>
        <#assign Table1 = Root.bands.Band1>
        <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="200">
                <#list Table1Header as header>
                    <td> ${header.fields.name} </td>
            <#list Table1 as row>
  • Inserting a multi-level list:

<!doctype html>
        <title> Multi-level list </title>
        <#assign Tree1 = Root.bands.Band2>
            <#list Tree1 as item>
                <h2> ${item.fields.header} </h2>
                <#if item.bands.SubBand1?has_content>
                    <#list item.bands.SubBand1 as subitem>
                        <h3> ${subitem.fields.header} </h3>