Default Values

You can specify default values for properties defined by configuration interfaces. These values will be returned instead of null if the property is not set in the storage location – the database or *app.properties files.

A default value can be specified as a string using the @Default annotation, or as a specific type using other annotations from com.haulmont.cuba.core.config.defaults package:

String getAdminAddress();

int getDelayCallCount();

int getDefaultSendingAttemptsCount();

@Default("2013-12-12 00:00:00.000")
@Factory(factory = DateFactory.class)
Date getDateProp();

@Default("1 2 3")
@Factory(factory = IntegerListTypeFactory.class)
List<Integer> getIntegerList();

@Factory(factory = StringListTypeFactory.class)
List<String> getStringList();

A default value for an entity is a string of the {entity_name}-{id}-{optional_view_name} format, for example:

User getAdminUser();

Role getAdminRole();