Creating a Custom Theme

You can create one or several application themes in the project and give the users an opportunity to select the most appropriate one. Creating new themes also allows you to override the variables in the *-theme.properties files, which define a few server-side parameters:

  • Default dialog window size.

  • Default input field width.

  • Dimensions of some components (Filter, FileMultiUploadField).

  • Correspondence between icon names and constants of the com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome enumeration for using Font Awesome in standard actions and screens of the platform, if cuba.web.useFontIcons is enabled.

New themes can be easily created in CUBA Studio, in CUBA CLI or manually. Let’s consider all the three ways taking Hover Dark custom theme as an example.

In CUBA Studio:
  • In the main menu, click CUBA > Advanced > Manage themes > Create custom theme. Enter the name of the new theme: hover-dark. Select the hover theme in the Base theme dropdown.

    The required file structure will be created in the web module. The webThemesModule module and its configuration will be automatically added to the settings.gradle and build.gradle files. Also, the generated deployThemes gradle task allows you to see the changes without server restart.

  • Create the following file structure in the web module of your project:

  • The app-component.scss file:

    @import "../hover-dark";
    @mixin com_haulmont_cuba {
      @include hover-dark;
  • The hover-dark.scss file:

    @import "../hover/hover";
    @mixin hover-dark {
      @include hover;
  • The styles.scss file:

    @import "hover-dark-defaults";
    @import "hover-dark";
    .hover-dark {
      @include hover-dark;
  • Create the hover-dark-theme.properties file in the web subdirectory of your web module:

  • Add the webThemesModule module to the settings.gradle file:

    include(":${modulePrefix}-global", ":${modulePrefix}-core", ":${modulePrefix}-web", ":${modulePrefix}-web-themes")
    project(":${modulePrefix}-web-themes").projectDir = new File(settingsDir, 'modules/web/themes')
  • Add the webThemesModule module configuration to the build.gradle file:

    def webThemesModule = project(":${modulePrefix}-web-themes")
    configure(webThemesModule) {
      apply(plugin: 'java')
      apply(plugin: 'maven')
      apply(plugin: 'cuba')
      appModuleType = 'web-themes'
      buildDir = file('../build/scss-themes')
      sourceSets {
        main {
          java {
            srcDir '.'
          resources {
            srcDir '.'
  • Finally, create the deployThemes gradle task in build.gradle to see the changes without server restart:

    configure(webModule) {
      // . . .
      task buildScssThemes(type: CubaWebScssThemeCreation)
      task deployThemes(type: CubaDeployThemeTask, dependsOn: buildScssThemes)
      assemble.dependsOn buildScssThemes
  • Run the theme command, then select the hover theme.

    The specific file structure will be created in the web module of the project.

  • Modify the generated file structure and the files' contents so that they correspond to the files from above.

  • Create the hover-dark-theme.properties file in the source directory of your web module:


The build.gradle and settings.gradle files will be updated automatically by CLI.

See also the example in Creating Facebook Theme section.

Modifying server-side theme parameters

In Halo theme, Font Awesome icons are used for standard actions and platform screens by default (if cuba.web.useFontIcons is enabled). In this case, you can replace a standard icon by setting the required mapping between the icon and the font element name in <your_theme>-theme.properties file. For example, to use "plus" icon for the create action in the new Facebook theme, the facebook-theme.properties file should contain the following:


cuba.web.icons.create.png = font-icon:PLUS

The fragment of the standard users browser screen in the Facebook theme with the modified create action:

gui theme facebook 1