3.9.6. Other REST API Settings

cuba.rest.client.id - defines a default REST API client id.

cuba.rest.client.secret - defines a default REST API client secret.

cuba.rest.client.tokenExpirationTimeSec - defines an access token expiration time for the default client in seconds.

cuba.rest.client.refreshTokenExpirationTimeSec - defines a refresh token expiration time for the default client in seconds.

cuba.rest.client.authorizedGrantTypes - a list of authorized grant types for the default client. To disable refresh tokens remove the refresh_token item from the property value.

cuba.rest.maxUploadSize - defines a maximum file size that can be uploaded with the REST API.

cuba.rest.reuseRefreshToken - specifies whether a refresh token should be reused.

cuba.rest.requiresSecurityToken - indicates that additional system attribute must be sent in JSON. See details in Security Constraints for Collection Attributes.

cuba.rest.tokenMaskingEnabled - specifies whether REST API token values should be masked in application logs.