Directory Structure
polymer-client/ |-- src/ | |-- app-shell.html | |-- shared-styles.html |-- images | |-- app-icon/ | |-- favicon.ico |-- .gitignore |-- bower.json |-- index.html |-- manifest.json |-- package.json |-- polymer.json |-- service-worker.js |-- sw-precache-config.js
- src
Folder where components are placed.
- package.json
Lists dependencies on Node.js modules which will be used in a build purposes.
- bower.json
Lists dependencies on web libraries (primarily web components) which will be used at runtime.
- polymer.json
Polymer build configuration.
- index.html
An application entry point. Contains logic on loading polyfills and <appname>-shell.html import.
- manifest.json
Web app manifest. Contains information which used when the application is being added to a device’s home screen. More info: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Manifest
- service-worker.js
Service worker stub.
- sw-precache-config.js
Config used by sw-precache library in order to generate service worker at build time (disabled by default). See Offline Capabilities.