Examples of Date and Number Formatting in the Application Code

If you need to format or parse values of BigDecimal, Integer, Long, Double, Boolean or Date types depending on the current user locale, use the DatatypeFormatter bean. For example:

private DatatypeFormatter formatter;
String localDate = formatter.formatDate(dateField.getValue());

Below are examples of using Datatype methods directly.

  • Date formatting example

    protected UserSessionSource userSessionSource;
    Date date = ...;
    String dateStr = Datatypes.getNN(Date.class).format(date, userSessionSource.getLocale());
  • Example of formatting of numeric values with high accuracy (up to 5 decimal places) in Web Client:


    coordinateFormat = #,##0.00000


    protected Messages messages;
    protected UserSessionSource userSessionSource;
    String coordinateFormat = messages.getMainMessage("coordinateFormat");
    FormatStrings formatStrings = Datatypes.getFormatStrings(userSessionSource.getLocale());
    NumberFormat format = new DecimalFormat(coordinateFormat, formatStrings.getFormatSymbols());
    String formattedValue = format.format(value);