
AbstractEditor is the base class for edit screen controller. It is a subclass of AbstractWindow.

When creating a controller class, it is recommended to parameterize AbstractEditor with the edited entity class. This enables getItem() and initNewItem() methods work with the specified entity type and application code does not need to do additional type conversion. For example:

public class CustomerEdit extends AbstractEditor<Customer> {

    protected void initNewItem(Customer item) {

AbstractEditor defines the following own methods:

  • getItem() – returns an instance of the entity being edited, which is set in the main datasource of the screen (i.e. specified in the datasource attribute of the root element of the XML-descriptor).

    If the instance being edited is not a new one, screen opening procedure will reload the instance from the database with the required view as set for the main datasource.

    Changes made to the instance returned by getItem(), are reflected in the state of the datasource and will be sent to the Middleware at commit.


    It should be considered that getItem() returns a value only after screen is initialized with setItem() method. Until this moment, this method returns null, for instance when calling from inside init() or initNewItem().

    However, in the init() method, an instance of an entity passed to openEditor() can be retrieved from parameters using the following approach:

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        Customer item = WindowParams.ITEM.getEntity(params);
        // do something

    The initNewItem() method receives an instance as a parameter of the appropriate type.

    In both cases the obtained entity instance will be reloaded afterwards unless it is a new one. Therefore you should not change it or save it in a field for future use.

  • setItem() – invoked by the framework when a window is opened using openEditor() to set the instance being edited to the main datasource. By the moment of invocation all screen components and datasources will have been created and the controller’s init() method will have been executed.

    It is recommended to use template methods initNewItem() and postInit(), instead of overriding setItem() in order to initialize a screen.

  • initNewItem() – a template method invoked by the framework before setting the edited entity instance into the main datasource.

    The initNewItem() method is called for newly created entity instances only. The method is not called for detached instances. This method can be implemented in the controller, if new entity instances must be initialized before setting them in the datasource. For example:

    private UserSession userSession;
    protected void initNewItem(Complaint item) {

    A more complex example of using the initNewItem() method can be found in development recipes section.

  • postInit() – a template method invoked by the framework immediately after the edited entity instance is set to the main datasource. In this method, getItem() can be called to return a new entity instance or an instance re-loaded during screen initialization.

    This method can be implemented in controller for final screen initialization, for example:

    protected EntityDiffViewer diffFrame;
    protected void postInit() {
        if (!PersistenceHelper.isNew(getItem())) {
  • commit() – validates the screen and submits changes to the Middleware via DataSupplier.

    If a method is used with validate = false, commit does not perform a validation.

    It is recommended to use specialized template methods – postValidate(), preCommit() and postCommit() instead of overriding this method.

  • commitAndClose() – validates the screen, submits changes to the Middleware and closes the screen. The value of the Window.COMMIT_ACTION_ID will be passed to the preClose() method and registered CloseListener listeners.

    It is recommended to use specialized template methods – postValidate(), preCommit() and postCommit() instead of overriding this method.

  • preCommit() – a template method invoked by the framework during the commit process, after a successful validation, but before the data is submitted to the Middleware.

    This method can be implemented in controller. If the method returns false, commit process gets interrupted, as well as window closing process (if commitAndClose() was invoked). For example:

    protected boolean preCommit() {
        if (somethingWentWrong) {
            showNotification("Something went wrong", NotificationType.WARNING);
            return false;
        return true;
  • postCommit() – a template method invoked by the framework at the final stage of committing changes. Method parameters are:

    • committed – set to true, if the screen had changes and they have been submitted to Middleware.

    • close – set to true, if the screen should be closed after the changes are committed.

      If the screen does not close the default implementation of this method displays a message about successful commit and invokes postInit().

      This method can be overridden in controller in order to perform additional actions after successful commit, for example:

      private Datasource<Driver> driverDs;
      private EntitySnapshotService entitySnapshotService;
      protected boolean postCommit(boolean committed, boolean close) {
          if (committed) {
              entitySnapshotService.createSnapshot(driverDs.getItem(), driverDs.getView());
          return super.postCommit(committed, close);

The diagrams below show initialization sequence and different ways to commit changes for an edit screen.

Figure 17. Edit Screen Initialization
Figure 18. Committing And Closing a Window With an editWindowActions Frame
Figure 19. Committing a Screen With an extendedEditWindowActions Frame
Figure 20. Committing a Screen With an extendedEditWindowActions Frame