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Interface FieldProps


  • MainStoreInjected
    • FieldProps



Optional componentProps

componentProps: FormFieldComponentProps

Props that will be passed through to the underlying component (i.e. the actual component that will be rendered, such as DatePicker or Select).

Optional disabled

disabled: undefined | false | true

When true, the field will be non-editable.


entityName: string

Optional formItemProps

formItemProps: FormItemProps

Props that will be passed through to Form.Item component.

Optional mainStore

mainStore: MainStore

Optional nestedEntityView

nestedEntityView: undefined | string

This prop shall be supplied if the entity property has Composition relation type. It is a view that will be used to limit the entity graph of a nested entity.

Optional optionsContainer

optionsContainer: DataCollectionStore<WithId>

This prop shall be supplied if the entity property has Association relation type. It is a data collection containing entity instances that can be assigned to this property (i.e. possible options that can be selected in a form field).

Optional parentEntityInstanceId

parentEntityInstanceId: undefined | string

This prop shall be supplied if the entity property has Composition relation type. It is an id of the enclosing entity instance.


propertyName: string

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