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Interface EntityEditorProps


  • MainStoreInjected
  • object
    • EntityEditorProps




associationOptions: Map<string, DataCollectionStore<Partial<WithId & SerializedEntityProps>> | undefined>

A map where keys are names of entity properties with relation type Association and values are data collections containing entity instances that can be assigned to the corresponding property (i.e. possible options that can be selected in a form field)


dataInstance: DataInstanceStore<Partial<WithId & SerializedEntityProps>>

A data instance representing the entity instance being edited


entityName: string

Name of the entity being edited


fields: string[]

A list of entity properties for which the form fields should be rendered. Certain fields might not be editable if the user lacks edit permissions.

Optional mainStore

mainStore: MainStore


onCancel: function

A callback that is executed when Cancel button is clicked. Examples of behavior initiated by this callback may include navigating back to the entity browser screen or, if the EntityEditor was opened in a modal, closing that modal.

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

Optional onSubmit

onSubmit: undefined | function

A callback that is executed when the form is submitted. Execution happens only after a successful client-side validation. This prop can be used to override the default behavior which is to send a request to REST API to update the entity.


the values of antd Form fields. It can be obtained via antd Form's getFieldsValue(fields) method. fields parameter of this method is a list of entity properties for which the form field values should be collected.

Optional parentEntityName

parentEntityName: undefined | string

Used in a context of Composition relationship. When EntityEditor is used to edit a nested entity, parent entity name shall be supplied via this prop.

Optional submitButtonText

submitButtonText: undefined | string

This prop can be used to override the default caption on Submit button

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