1.4. Field Value Formats

You can specify the formatting for any field output by the report in the Parameters and Formats tab of the report editor. Below is the form to add a format:

report formatter
  • Value name - report field name with the band prefix, for example Book.name.

  • Format string - field format. For number values, you must specify the format according to the java.text.DecimalFormat rules, for dates - java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

With the help of formats, it is possible to insert images and HTML blocks into the document.

  • In order to insert an image, you must specify the image URL as the field value and the format string must be as follows: ${image:<Width>x<Height>}, for example ${image:200x300}.

  • In order to insert an HTML block, you should return an HTML markup in the field, and select ${html} as the format string. In the output value, you may omit top-level tags up to <body> inclusive. If necessary, all missing top-level tags will be added automatically. All blocks should be encoded with UTF-8. CSS and the style attribute are not supported.

You can specify your own custom formats as well. To do this, type the new value in the field without opening the dropdown and press Enter. You can also choose any format from the dropdown, edit its name in the field and press Enter. Custom format will be saved in both cases.