Storing Properties in Files

Properties that determine configuration and deployment parameters are specified in special property files named according to the *app.properties pattern. Each application block contains a set of such files which is defined in the appPropertiesConfig parameter of web.xml.

For example, the set of property files of the Middleware block is specified in the web/WEB-INF/web.xml file of the core module and looks as follows:


The classpath: prefix means that the corresponding file can be found in the Java classpath, while file: prefix means that it should be loaded from the file system. A path without such prefix means the path inside the web application relative to its root. Java system properties can be used: here app.home system property points to the application home directory.

An order in which files are declared is important because the values, specified in each subsequent file override the values of the properties with the same name, specified in the preceding files. If any of these files does not exist, it is silently ignored.

The last file in the above set is local.app.properties. It can be used to set or override application properties specific to a particular deployment environment.

Use the following rules when create *.properties files:

  • File encoding – UTF-8.

  • The key can contain Latin letters, numbers, periods and underscores.

  • The value is entered after (=) sign.

  • Do not quote values using " or ' brackets.

  • Set file paths either in UNIX (/opt/haulmont/) or Windows (c:\\haulmont\\) format.

  • You can use \n \t \r codes. The \ sign is a reserved code, use \\ to insert it in a value. See more at: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/data/characters.html.

  • To enter a multi-line value, use \ sign at the end of each line .