3.10.3. Extending Business Logic

The main part of platform business logic is contained in Spring beans. This enables to easily extend or override it in the application.

To substitute a bean implementation, you should create your own class that implements the interface or extends the base platform class and register it in spring.xml of the application. You cannot apply the @Component annotation to the extending class; overriding beans is possible only in the XML configuration.

Below is an example of adding a method to the PersistenceTools bean.

First, create a class with the necessary method:

public class ExtPersistenceTools extends PersistenceTools {

  public Entity reloadInSeparateTransaction(final Entity entity, final String... viewNames) {
      Entity result = persistence.createTransaction().execute(new Transaction.Callable<Entity>() {
          public Entity call(EntityManager em) {
              return em.reload(entity, viewNames);
      return result;

Register the class in spring.xml of the project core module with the same identifier as the platform bean:

<bean id="cuba_PersistenceTools" class="com.sample.sales.core.ExtPersistenceTools"/>

After that, the Spring context will always return ExtPersistenceTools instead of the base PersistenceTools instance. A checking code example:

Persistence persistence;
PersistenceTools tools;

persistence = AppBeans.get(Persistence.class);
tools = persistence.getTools();
assertTrue(tools instanceof ExtPersistenceTools);

tools = AppBeans.get(PersistenceTools.class);
assertTrue(tools instanceof ExtPersistenceTools);

tools = AppBeans.get(PersistenceTools.NAME);
assertTrue(tools instanceof ExtPersistenceTools);

The same logic can be used for overriding services, for example, from application components: to substitute a bean implementation, you should create a class that extends the base service functionality. In the example below the NewOrderServiceBean class is created to override the method from the base OrderServiceBean:

public class NewOrderServiceBean extends OrderServiceBean {
    public BigDecimal calculateOrderAmount(Order order) {
        BigDecimal total = super.calculateOrderAmount(order);
        BigDecimal vatPercent = new BigDecimal(0.18);
        return total.multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.add(vatPercent));

Then, if you register the new class in spring.xml, the new implementation will be used instead of the one from OrderServiceBean. Note that the base service id from the application component is used with the fully qualified name of the new class:

<bean id="workshop_OrderService" class="com.company.retail.service.NewOrderServiceBean"/>