Configuring Email Sending Parameters

Email sending parameters can be configured using the application properties listed below. All of them are runtime parameters and are stored in the database, but can be overridden for a specific Middleware block in its app.properties file.

All email sending parameters are available via the EmailerConfig configuration interface.

  • cuba.email.fromAddress – the default sender’s address. It is used if the EmailInfo.from attribute is not specified.

    Default value: DoNotReply@localhost

  • cuba.email.smtpHost – the address of the SMTP server.

    Default value: test.host

  • cuba.email.smtpPort – the port of the SMTP server.

    Default value: 25

  • cuba.email.smtpAuthRequired flags whether the SMTP server requires authentication. It corresponds to the mail.smtp.auth parameter, which is passed at the creation of the javax.mail.Session object.

    Default value: false

  • cuba.email.smtpSslEnabled flags whether SSL protocol is enabled. It corresponds to the mail.transport.protocol parameter with the smtps value, which is passed at the creation of the javax.mail.Session object.

    Default value: false

  • cuba.email.smtpStarttlsEnable – flags the use of the STARTTLS command when authenticating on the SMTP server. It corresponds to the mail.smtp.starttls.enable parameter, which is passed at the creation of the javax.mail.Session object.

    Default value: false

  • cuba.email.smtpUser – the user name for SMTP server authentication.

  • cuba.email.smtpPassword – the user password for SMTP server authentication.

  • cuba.email.delayCallCount – is used in asynchronous sending of emails to skip first few calls of EmailManager.queueEmailsToSend() after server startup to reduce the load during application initialization. Email sending will start with the next call.

    Default value: 2

  • cuba.email.messageQueueCapacity – for asynchronous sending, the maximum number of messages read from the queue and sent in one call of EmailManager.queueEmailsToSend().

    Default value: 100

  • cuba.email.defaultSendingAttemptsCount for asynchronous sending, the default number of attempts to send an email. It is used if the attemptsCount parameter is not specified when calling Emailer.sendEmailAsync().

    Default value: 10

  • cuba.email.maxSendingTimeSec – the maximum expected time in seconds, which is required to send an email to the SMTP server. It is used for asynchronous sending to optimize the selection of SendingMessage objects from the DB queue.

    Default value: 120

  • cuba.email.sendAllToAdmin – indicates that all messages should be sent to the cuba.email.adminAddress address, regardless of the specified recipient’s address. It is recommended to use this parameter during system development and debugging.

    Default value: false

  • cuba.email.adminAddress – the address, to which all messages are sent if the cuba.email.sendAllToAdmin property is switched on.

    Default value: admin@localhost

  • cuba.emailerUserLogin – the login of system user, used by asynchronous email sending code to be able to persist the information to the database. It is recommended to create a separate user (for example, emailer) without a password, so that it will be impossible to log in under their name via user interface. This is also convenient to search for messages related to email sending in the server log.

    Default value: admin

  • cuba.email.exceptionReportEmailTemplateBody - path to the exception report email body *.gsp-template location.

    The templates are based on Groovy SimpleTemplateEngine syntax, thus you can use Groovy blocks inside of the template content:

    • toHtml() method converts the string to HTML string by escaping and replacing special symbols,

    • timestamp - last attempt date to send the email,

    • errorMessage - the message of error,

    • stacktrace - stack trace of the error,

    • user - a reference to the User object.

    Example of a template file:

    <p>User login: ${user.getLogin()}</p>
  • cuba.email.allowutf8 - if set to true, allow UTF-8 encoding in message headers, e.g., in addresses. This property should only be set if the mail server also supports UTF-8. It corresponds to the mail.mime.allowutf8 parameter, which is passed at the creation of the javax.mail.Session object.

    Default value: false

  • cuba.email.exceptionReportEmailTemplateSubject - path to the exception report email subject *.gsp template location.

    Example of a template file:

    [${systemId}] [${userLogin}] Exception Report

You can also use properties from JavaMail API, adding them to the app.properties file of the core module. The mail.* properties are passed at the creation of the javax.mail.Session object.

You can view the current parameter values and send a test message using the app-core.cuba:type=Emailer JMX bean.