Using Configuration Interfaces

To create a configuration interface in your application, do the following:

  • Create an interface inherited from com.haulmont.cuba.core.config.Config (not to be confused with the entity class com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.Config).

  • Add @Source annotation to specify where the property values should be stored:

    • SourceType.SYSTEM – values will be taken from the system properties of the given JVM using the System.getProperty() method.

    • SourceType.APP – values will be taken from *app.properties files.

    • SourceType.DATABASE – values will be taken from the database.

  • Create property access methods (getters / setters). If you are not going to change the property value from the application code, do not create setter. A getter return type defines the property type. Possible property types are described below.

  • Add @Property annotation defining the property name to the getter.

  • You can optionally set @Source annotation for a particular property if its source differs from the interface source.

  • If the @Source value is SourceType.DATABASE, the property can be edited on the Administration > Application Properties screen provided by the platform. You can use the @Secret annotation in order to mask the value on this screen (PasswordField will be used instead of the regular text field).

Config interfaces must be defined inside of the root package of the application (or in inner packages of the root package).


@Source(type = SourceType.DATABASE)
public interface SalesConfig extends Config {

    String getCompanyName();

    String getFtpPassword();

Do not create any implementation classes because the platform will create a required proxy automatically when you inject the configuration interface or obtain it through Configuration.