Using a Service

In order to call a service, the corresponding proxy object should be created in the client block of the application. There is a special factory that creates service proxies: for the Web Client block, it is WebRemoteProxyBeanCreator, for Web Portal – PortalRemoteProxyBeanCreator, for Desktop Client – RemoteProxyBeanCreator.

The proxy object factory is configured in spring.xml of the corresponding client block and contains service names and interfaces.

For example, to call the sales_OrderService service from the web client in the sales application, add the following code into the web-spring.xml file of the web module:

<bean id="sales_proxyCreator" class="com.haulmont.cuba.web.sys.remoting.WebRemoteProxyBeanCreator">
    <property name="serverSelector" ref="cuba_ServerSelector"/>
    <property name="remoteServices">
            <entry key="sales_OrderService" value="com.sample.sales.core.OrderService"/>

All imported services should be declared in the single remoteServices property in the map/entry elements.


CUBA Studio automatically registers services in all client blocks of the project.

From the application code perspective, the service’s proxy object at the client level is a standard Spring bean and can be obtained either by injection or through AppBeans class. For example:

private OrderService orderService;

public void calculateTotals() {


public void calculateTotals() {