Standard Actions over Collection

For inheritors of ListComponent (Table, GroupTable, TreeTable and Tree) the set of standard actions is defined in ListActionType enumeration; their implementation classes are located in com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.actions package.

The example of using standard actions in a table:

<table id="usersTable" width="100%">
      <action id="create"/>
      <action id="edit"/>
      <action id="remove"/>
      <action id="refresh"/>
      <button action="usersTable.create"/>
      <button action="usersTable.edit"/>
      <button action="usersTable.remove"/>
      <button action="usersTable.refresh"/>
      <column id="login"/>
  <rows datasource="usersDs"/>

These actions are described in details below.


CreateAction – action with create identifier. It is intended to create new entity instance and open its edit screen. If the edit screen successfully commits a new instance to the database, CreateAction adds this new instance to the table data source and makes it selected.

The following specific methods are defined in the CreateAction class:

  • setOpenType() allows you to specify new entity edit screen open mode. THIS_TAB by default.

    Since it is quite often required to open edit screens in another mode (typically, DIALOG), you can specify an openType attribute with desired value in the action element when using declarative creation of the create action. This eliminates the need to obtain action reference in the controller and set this property programmatically. For example:

    <table id="usersTable">
          <action id="create" openType="DIALOG"/>
  • setWindowId() allows you to specify the identifier of the entity edit screen. By default, {entity_name}.edit is used, for example sales$Customer.edit.

  • setWindowParams() allows you to set edit screen parameters passed into its init() method.

    In order to get parameter values right before the action is invoked, you can create a subclass of the standard action and override its getWindowParams() method returning the map of parameters from it. For example:

    customersTable.addAction(new CreateAction(customersTable) {
        public Map<String, Object> getWindowParams() {
            Customer customer = metadata.create(Customer.class);
            return ParamsMap.of("customer", customer);

    This parameter can be further used directly in the datasource query via the param$ prefix or injected into the screen controller using the @WindowParam annotation.

  • setInitialValues() allows you to set initial values of attributes of the entity being created. It takes a Map object, where keys are attribute names, and values are attribute values. For example:

    Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
    values.put("type", CarType.PASSENGER);

    An example of setInitialValues() usage is also provided in the section of development recipes.

  • afterCommit() is invoked by the action after the new entity has been successfully committed and the edit screen has been closed. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden in inheritors to handle this event.

  • setAfterCommitHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after the new entity has been successfully committed and the edit screen has been closed. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterCommit() to avoid creating the action subclass. For example:

    private CreateAction customersTableCreate;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        customersTableCreate.setAfterCommitHandler(new CreateAction.AfterCommitHandler() {
            public void handle(Entity entity) {
                showNotification("Committed", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
  • afterWindowClosed() is the last method invoked by the action after closing the edit screen regardless of whether the new entity has been committed or not. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden in inheritors to handle this event.

  • setAfterWindowClosedHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after closing the edit screen regardless of whether the new entity has been committed or not. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterWindowClosed() to avoid creating the action subclass.


EditAction is an action with edit identifier, intended to open an edit screen for a selected entity instance. If the edit screen successfully commits the instance to the database, then EditAction updates this instance in the table datasource.

The following specific methods are defined in the EditAction class:

  • setOpenType() allows you to specify entity edit screen open mode. THIS_TAB by default.

    Since it is quite often required to open edit screens in another mode (typically DIALOG), you can specify openType attribute with desired value in the action element when creating the action declaratively. This eliminates the need to obtain action reference in the controller and set this property programmatically. For example:

    <table id="usersTable">
          <action id="edit" openType="DIALOG"/>
  • setWindowId() allows you to specify entity edit screen identifier. {entity_name}.edit is used by default, for example, sales$Customer.edit.

  • setWindowParams() allows you to set edit screen parameters, passed to its init() method.

    In order to get parameter values right before the action is invoked, you can create a subclass of the standard action and override its getWindowParams() method returning the map of parameters from it. For example:

    table.addAction(new EditAction(table) {
        public Map<String, Object> getWindowParams() {
            return ParamsMap.of("customer", getItem());

    This parameter can be further used directly in the datasource query via the param$ prefix or injected into the screen controller using the @WindowParam annotation.

  • afterCommit() is invoked by the action after the entity has been successfully committed and the edit screen has been closed. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden in inheritors to handle this event.

  • setAfterCommitHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after the new entity has been successfully committed and the edit screen has been closed. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterCommit() to avoid creating the action subclass. For example:

    private EditAction customersTableEdit;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        customersTableEdit.setAfterCommitHandler(new EditAction.AfterCommitHandler() {
            public void handle(Entity entity) {
                showNotification("Committed", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
  • afterWindowClosed() is the last method invoked by the action after closing the edit screen regardless of whether the edited entity has been committed or not. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden in inheritors to handle this event.

  • setAfterWindowClosedHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after closing the edit screen regardless of whether the new entity has been committed or not. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterWindowClosed() to avoid creating the action subclass.

  • getBulkEditorIntegration() provides a possibility of bulk editing for the table records. The table should have the multiselect attribute enabled. The BulkEditor component will be opened, if multiple table lines are selected when the EditAction is called.

    The returned BulkEditorIntegration instance can be further modified by the following methods:

    • setOpenType(),

    • setExcludePropertiesRegex(),

    • setFieldValidators(),

    • setModelValidators(),

    • setAfterEditCloseHandler().

    private EditAction clientsTableEdit;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {


RemoveAction - action with remove identifier, intended to remove a selected entity instance.

The following specific methods are defined in the RemoveAction class:

  • setAutocommit() allows you to control the moment of entity removal from the database. By default commit() method is invoked after triggering the action and removing the entity from the datasource. As result, the entity is removed from the database. You can set autocommit property into false using setAutocommit() method or corresponding parameter of the constructor. In this case you will need to explicitly invoke the datasource commit() method to confirm the removal after removing the entity from the datasource.

    The value of autocommit does not affect datasources in the Datasource.CommitMode.PARENT mode, i.e. the datasources that provide composite entities editing.

  • setConfirmationMessage() allows you to set message text for the removal confirmation dialog.

  • setConfirmationTitle() allows you to set removal confirmation dialog title.

  • afterRemove() is invoked by the action after the entity has been successfully removed. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden.

  • setAfterRemoveHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after the new entity has been successfully removed. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterRemove() to avoid creating the action subclass. For example:

    private RemoveAction customersTableRemove;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        customersTableRemove.setAfterRemoveHandler(new RemoveAction.AfterRemoveHandler() {
            public void handle(Set removedItems) {
                showNotification("Removed", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);


RefreshAction - an action with refresh identifier. It is intended to update (reload) entities collection. When triggered, it invokes refresh() method of a datasource associated with the corresponding component.

The following specific methods are defined in the RefreshAction class:

  • setRefreshParams() allows you to set parameters passed into the CollectionDatasource.refresh() method to be used in the query. By default, no parameters are passed.


AddAction – action with add identifier, intended for selecting an existing entity instance and adding it to the collection. When triggered, opens entities lookup screen.

The following specific methods are defined in the AddAction class:

  • setOpenType() allows you to specify entity selection screen open mode. THIS_TAB by default.

    Since it is often required to open the lookup screens in a different mode (usually DIALOG), the openType attribute can be specified in the action element, when creating the add action declaratively. This eliminates the need to get a reference to the action in the controller and set this property programmatically. For example:

    <table id="usersTable">
            <action id="add" openType="DIALOG"/>
  • setWindowId() allows you to specify entity selection screen identifier. {entity_name}.lookup by default, for example, sales$Customer.lookup. If such screen does not exist, attempts to open {entity_name}.browse screen, for example, sales$Customer.browse.

  • setWindowParams() allows you to set selection screen parameters, passed into its init() method.

    In order to get parameter values right before the action is invoked, you can create a subclass of the standard action and override its getWindowParams() method returning the map of parameters from it. For example:

    table.addAction(new AddAction(table) {
        public Map<String, Object> getWindowParams() {
            return ParamsMap.of("customer", getItem());

    This parameter can be further used directly in the datasource query via the param$ prefix or injected into the screen controller using the @WindowParam annotation.

  • setHandler() allows you to set an object implementing Window.Lookup.Handler interface which will be passed to the selection screen. By default, AddAction.DefaultHandler object is used.


ExcludeAction - an action with exclude identifier. It allows a user to exclude entity instances from a collection without removing them from the database. The class of this action is an inheritor of RemoveAction, however, when triggered it invokes excludeItem() of CollectionDatasource instead of removeItem(). In addition, for an entity in a nested datasource, the ExcludeAction disconnects the link with the parent entity. Therefore this action can be used for editing one-to-many associations.

The following specific methods are defined in the ExcludeAction class in addition to RemoveAction:

  • setConfirm() – flag to show the removal confirmation dialog. You can also set this property via the action constructor. By default it is set to false.


ExcelAction - an action with excel identifier, intended to export table data into XLS and download the resulting file. You can add this action only to Table, GroupTable and TreeTable components.

When creating the action programmatically, you can set the display parameter with an ExportDisplay interface implementation for file download. Standard implementation is used by default.

The following specific methods are defined in the ExcelAction class:

  • setFileName() - sets the Excel file name without extension.

  • getFileName() - returns the Excel file name without extension.