Чтение и изменение данных во вложенной транзакции

Рассмотрим сначала зависимую вложенную транзакцию, создаваемую через getTransaction():

void methodA() {
    Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction();
    try {
        EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();

        // (1) loading an entity with name == "old name"
        Employee employee = em.find(Employee.class, id);
        assertEquals("old name", employee.getName());

        // (2) setting new value to the field
        employee.setName("name A");

        // (3) calling a method creating a nested transaction

        // (8) the changes are committed to DB, and
        // it will contain "name B"
    } finally {

void methodB() {
    Transaction tx = persistence.getTransaction();
    try {
        // (4) retrieving the same instance of EntityManager as methodA
        EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();

        // (5) loading an entity with the same identifier
        Employee employee = em.find(Employee.class, id);

        // (6) the field value is the new one since we are working with the same
        // persistent context, and there are no calls to DB at all
        assertEquals("name A", employee.getName());
        employee.setName("name B");

        // (7) no actual commit is done at this point
    } finally {

Теперь рассмотрим тот же самый пример с независимой вложенной транзакцией, создаваемой через createTransaction():

void methodA() {
    Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction();
    try {
        EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();

        // (1) loading an entity with name == "old name"
        Employee employee = em.find(Employee.class, id);
        assertEquals("old name", employee.getName());

        // (2) setting new value to the field
        employee.setName("name A");

        // (3) calling a method creating a nested transaction

        // (8) an exception occurs due to optimistic locking
        // and commit will fail
    } finally {

void methodB() {
    Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction();
    try {
        // (4) creating a new instance of EntityManager,
        // as this is a new transaction
        EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();

        // (5) loading an entity with the same identifier
        Employee employee = em.find(Employee.class, id);

        // (6) the field value is old because an old instance of the entity
        // has been loaded from DB
        assertEquals("old name", employee.getName());

        employee.setName("name B");

        // (7) the changes are commited to DB, and the value of
        // "name B" will now be in DB
    } finally {

В последнем случае исключение в точке (8) возникнет, только если сущность является оптимистично блокируемой, т.е. если она реализует интерфейс Versioned.