2.2. IDE Integration

Take the following steps to integrate Studio with IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse:

  1. Open or create a new project in Studio.

  2. Switch to Project properties section and click Edit. Select the required Java IDE by checking IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.

  3. Select Build > Create or update <IDE> project files in the Studio menu. The corresponding files will be created in the project directory.

  4. For IntelliJ IDEA integration:

    1. Run IntelliJ IDEA 13+ and install CUBA Framework Integration plugin, from the plugin repository: File > Settings > Plugins > Browse Repositories.

  5. For Eclipse integration:

    1. Run Eclipse 4.3+, open Help > Install New Software, add http://files.cuba-platform.com/eclipse-update-site repository and install the CUBA Plugin.

    2. In the CUBA section of the Window > Preferences menu, check Studio Integration Enabled, and click OK.

Please note that IDE: on port 48561 label has appeared in the bottom left corner of Studio. Now the corresponding source code files will be opened in IDE when you click IDE buttons in the Studio.


If you are using CUBA CLI, switch to the project folder in a terminal and run the command gradlew idea to create the project files for IntelliJ IDEA integration.