
buildUberJar – the task of the CubaUberJarBuilding type that creates JAR files containing the application code and all its dependencies together with embedded Jetty HTTP server. You can create either a single all-in-one JAR file or separate JARs for each application block, e.g. app-core.jar for the middleware and app.jar for the web client.

The task must be declared in the root of build.gradle. The resulting JAR files are located in the build/distributions project subdirectory. See the UberJAR Deployment section for how to run the generated JAR files.


The task can be configured using the Deployment settings > Uber JAR page in Studio. See its context help for details.

Task parameters:

  • coreJettyEnvPath - required parameter that defines a relative (from the project root) path to a file which contains JNDI resource definitions for Jetty HTTP server. The file must at least contain definition of a JDBC data source for the main database. Studio can generate this file on the basis of entered database connection parameters.

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        coreJettyEnvPath = 'modules/core/web/META-INF/jetty-env.xml'
        // ...

    You can also provide different DB settings for one and the same UberJar at run time using different jetty-env.xml files and the -jettyEnvPath command line argument.

  • appProperties - a map defining application properties. These properties will be added to the WEB-INF/local.app.properties files inside generated JARs.

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate' : true]
        // ...
  • singleJar - if set to true, a single JAR containing all modules (core, web, portal) will be created. false by default.

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        singleJar = true
        // ...
  • webPort - port for single (if singleJar=true) or web JAR embedded HTTP server, 8080 if not defined. Can also be set at run time using the -port command line argument.

  • corePort - port for core JAR embedded HTTP server, 8079 if not defined. Can also be set at run time using the -port command line argument for the respective JAR.

  • portalPort - port for portal JAR embedded HTTP server, 8081 if not defined. Can also be set at run time using the -port command line argument for the respective JAR.

  • appName - name of the application, which is app by default. You can change it for the whole project if you set Module prefix field on the Project Properties > Advanced tab in Studio, or you can set it only for the buildUberJar task using this parameter. For example:

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        appName = 'sales'
        // ...

    After changing the application name to sales the task will generate sales-core.jar and sales.jar files and the web client will be available at http://localhost:8080/sales. You can also change web contexts at run time without changing the application name using the -contextName command line argument or just by renaming the JAR file itself.

  • logbackConfigurationFile - defines a relative path to a file to be used for logging configuration.

    For example:

    logbackConfigurationFile = "/modules/global/src/logback.xml"
  • useDefaultLogbackConfiguration - while true (default value), the task will copy its own standard logback.xml configuration file.

  • webJettyConfPath - a relative path to a file to be used for Jetty server configuration for the single (if singleJar=true) or web JAR (if singleJar=false). See https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/9.4.x/jetty-xml-config.html.

  • coreJettyConfPath (do not confuse with coreJettyEnvPath described above) - a relative path to a file to be used for Jetty server configuration for the core JAR (if singleJar=false).

  • portalJettyConfPath - a relative path to a file to be used for Jetty server configuration for the portal JAR (if singleJar=false).

  • coreWebXmlPath - a relative path to a file to be used as a web.xml for the core module web application.

  • webWebXmlPath - a relative path to a file to be used as a web.xml for the web module web application.

  • portalWebXmlPath - a relative path to a file to be used as a web.xml for the portal module web application.

  • excludeResources - a file pattern of resources to not include in JARs.

  • mergeResources - a file pattern of resources to be merged in JARs.

  • webContentExclude - a file pattern of web content to not include in web JAR.

  • coreProject - a Gradle project representing the core module (Middleware). If not defined, the standard core module is used.

  • webProject - a Gradle project representing the web module (Web Client). If not defined, the standard web module is used.

  • portalProject - a Gradle project representing the portal module (Web Portal). If not defined, the standard portal module is used.

  • polymerProject - a Gradle project representing the Polymer UI module. If not defined, the standard polymer-client module is used.

  • polymerBuildDir - the name of the directory where the Polymer UI is built. It is es6-unbundled by default. Set this parameter if you have changed the build preset in polymer.json.