
Entity meta-annotations are a set of key/value pairs providing additional information about entities.

Meta-annotations are accessed using meta-class getAnnotations() method.

The sources of meta-annotations are:

  • @OnDelete, @OnDeleteInverse, @Extends annotations. These annotations cause creation of special meta-annotations for describing relations between entities.

  • @NamePattern, @SystemLevel, @EnableRestore, @TrackEditScreenHistory annotations. These annotations cause generation of meta-annotations with keys corresponding to the full name of Java class of the annotation.

  • Optional: custom annotations can be defined in a project, and reflected to corresponding meta-annotations in the overridden MetadataImpl.initMetaAnnotations() method.

  • Optional: entity meta-annotations can also be defined in metadata.xml files. If a meta-annotation in XML has the same name as the meta-annotation created by Java entity class annotation, then it will override the latter.

    The example below shows meta-annotations definition in metadata.xml:

        <entity class="com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.User">
            <annotation name="com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.annotation.TrackEditScreenHistory" value="false"/>
            <annotation name="com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.annotation.EnableRestore" value="true"/>