Setting Up Environment

In order for background tasks to work correctly, the following configuration should be performed for the application project:

  • Timeout-based task interruption is implemented by the WatchDog bean. To ensure that it is invoked periodically, you should add the following declaration to the spring.xml files of the Web Client *and *Desktop Client blocks:

    <bean id="backgroundWorkerScheduler" class="org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler">
        <property name="daemon" value="true"/>
        <property name="poolSize" value="1"/>
    <task:scheduled-tasks scheduler="backgroundWorkerScheduler">
        <task:scheduled ref="cuba_BackgroundWorker_WatchDog" method="cleanupTasks" fixed-delay="2000"/>
  • In the Web Client block task state polling is initiated by the client code running in web-browser. Polling interval is defined by the cuba.backgroundWorker.uiCheckInterval application property; the default value is 2 seconds.

    Additionally, background tasks running in the Web Client block are affected by cuba.backgroundWorker.maxActiveTasksCount and cuba.backgroundWorker.maxClientLatencySeconds application properties.