Appendix A: FTS Configuration File

The full text search configuration file is an XML file, which is usually located in the src directory of the core module and contains the description of indexed entities and their attributes.

The set of FTS configuration files, including those defined in the base projects, is specified in the cuba.ftsConfig application property.

The file has the following structure:

fts-config - root element.

fts-config elements:

  • entities - list of entities to be indexed and searched.

    entities elements:

    • entity - indexed entity description.

      entity attributes:

      • class - entity Java class.

      • show - defines whether this entity should appear in the search results. The false value is used for connecting entities which are not of interest to the user, but are required, for example, to link uploaded files and entities of the domain model. Default is true.

      entity elements:

      • include - determines whether to include a single or multiple entity attributes in the index.+ include attributes:

        • re - regular expression to select attributes by name.

        • name - attribute name. It can be reference attributes path (divided by period). The type is not checked. However, if the name is defined by a path, then the final attribute must be an entity. Including non-entity type attribute does not make sense here, as it must be indexed within its owning entity.

      • exclude - excludes attributes previously included by include element. Possible attributes are the same as in include.

      • searchables - a Groovy script to add arbitrary entities associated with the changed one to the indexing queue.

        For example, when a CardAttachment instance is either added or removed, the associated Card instance should also be re-indexed. The reason is that the Card instance itself will not be added to the queue, as it has not been changed (it stores a collection of CardAttachment instances). Thus it will not be shown in search results if matching data is found in its linked entity - a newly added CardAttachment.

        The following objects are passed into the script at invocation:

        • searchables - the list of entities that should be appended.

        • entity - the current entity instance, which is being added to the queue automatically.

        Script example:

        <entity class="com.haulmont.workflow.core.entity.CardAttachment" show="false">
      • searchableIf - a Groovy script to exclude certain instances of the indexed entity from the queue.

        For example, you may not want to index old versions of documents.

        When running the script, the entity variable - the current entity instance - is passed into it. The script should return a boolean value: true if the current instance should be indexed, and false otherwise.

        Script example:

        <entity class="com.haulmont.docflow.core.entity.Contract">
                entity.versionOf == null

FTS configuration file example:


        <entity class="com.sample.library.entity.Author">
            <include re=".*"/>

        <entity class="com.sample.library.entity.Book">
            <include re=".*"/>

        <entity class="com.sample.library.entity.BookInstance">
            <include re=".*"/>

        <entity class="com.sample.library.entity.BookPublication">
            <include re=".*"/>

        <entity class="com.sample.library.entity.Publisher">
            <include re=".*"/>

        <entity class="com.sample.library.entity.EBook">
            <include name=""/>
            <include name="attachments.file"/>

        <entity class="com.haulmont.workflow.core.entity.CardAttachment" show="false">
            <include re=".*"/>
            <exclude name="card"/>

