2.3. MapViewer Component

You can display maps in your application screens using the com.haulmont.charts.gui.components.map.MapViewer component.

To add the component, declare the chart namespace in the root element of the screen XML descriptor:

<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"

XML-name of the component: mapViewer. Component declaration example:

    <vbox id="mapBox" height="100%">
        <chart:mapViewer id="map" width="100%" height="100%"/>

You can define the following component parameters in the screen XML-descriptor:

  • id, width, height - standard component properties.

  • mapType - map type corresponding to the MapViewer.Type options: roadmap, satellite, hybrid, terrain. Default is roadmap.

  • vendor - map service provider. Currently the only supported value is google.

Main configuration of the map and its components is performed in a screen controller. For this, you only need to inject the component declared in the XML-descriptor:

private MapViewer map;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    GeoPoint center = map.createGeoPoint(53.490905, -2.249558);
Map configuration methods
  • fitToBounds() - sets the minimum map zoom as the one which will be sufficient to show in full an area limited by north-eastern and south-western coordinates.

  • removePolygonVertex() - removes vertex from polygon.

  • setCenter() - sets the map center point.

  • setCenterBoundLimits() - sets map center possible locations bounds.

  • setCenterBoundLimitsEnabled() - sets whether map center possible locations should be limited.

  • setDraggable() - enables/disables map dragging mode.

  • setKeyboardShortcutsEnabled() - enables/disables keyboard shortcuts.

  • setMapType() - defines map type.

  • setMaxZoom() - sets the maximum available zoom level.

  • setMinZoom() - sets the minimum available zoom level.

  • setRemoveMessage() - sets the popup message for vertex removal.

  • setScrollWheelEnabled() - enables/disables map zoom with a mouse scroll wheel.

  • setVertexRemovingEnabled() - toggles vertex removing availability.

  • setVisibleAreaBoundLimits() - sets boundaries of the visible area of the map.

  • setVisibleAreaBoundLimitsEnabled() - enables visible area limitation mode.

  • setZoom() - sets the map zoom level.

Map component interfaces

The interfaces listed below can be found in com.haulmont.charts.gui.map.model package.

  • Circle - a component that displays a circle. A Circle properties are similar to a Polygon, except that its shape is defined by two additional properties: center (GeoPoint) and radius. You can use the createCircle() and addCircle() methods of the MapViewer interface to create this object and put it on a map.

    Circle circle = map.createCircle(center, 130.5);
    Figure 39. Map Circle
  • DrawingOptions - auxiliary drawing component. Only polygon drawing is currently supported. Drawing mode can be enabled by passing an instance of DrawingOptions to the MapViewer. Example:

    DrawingOptions options = new DrawingOptions();
    PolygonOptions polygonOptions = new PolygonOptions(true, true, "#993366", 0.6);
    ControlOptions controlOptions = new ControlOptions(
    Position.TOP_CENTER, Arrays.asList(OverlayType.POLYGON));
  • GeoPoint - an auxiliary component, which is not displayed on the map. This component can be used to set such map parameters as the center point, boundaries, or to create more complex map components. The object can be created using the createGeoPoint()`method of the `MapViewer interface. For example:

    GeoPoint center = map.createGeoPoint(53.490905, -2.249558);
  • HeatMapLayer - a map layer showing a heat map intended to display data density distribution across different geopoints. Data density is highlighted with color. By default, regions with higher points density are displayed in red and regions with lower density – in green. You can use the createHeatMapLayer() and addHeatMapLayer() methods of the MapViewer interface to create this object and put it on a map. For example:

    HeatMapLayer heatMapLayer = map.createHeatMapLayer();
    List<GeoPoint> data = new ArrayList<>();
    data.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.450, -2.090));
    data.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.451, -2.095));
    data.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.452, -2.092));
    data.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.453, -2.093));
    data.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.454, -2.093));
    data.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.454, -2.092));
    data.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.453, -2.092));
    Figure 40. HeatMapLayer

    The data used for the heat map layer can be changed using a separate setData() method. This change does not require re-adding the layer to the map.

  • InfoWindow - a map component that displays information in a pop-up window. You can use the createInfoWindow() and openInfoWindow() methods of the MapViewer interface to create this object and put it on a map. For example:

    InfoWindow w = map.createInfoWindow("Some text");

    Information window can be tied to a marker, for example:

    map.addMarkerClickListener(event -> {
        Marker marker = event.getMarker();
        String caption = String.format("Marker clicked: %.2f, %.2f",
        InfoWindow w = map.createInfoWindow(caption, marker);
    Figure 41. Info Window
  • Label - a component to display a text label on the map.

    Label can be created and put on a map with the createLabel() and addLabel() methods of the MapViewer interface. It can be removed, in turn, with the removeLabel() method. For styling, it supports HTML markdown.

    The Label component has the following attributes:

    • value - string value of the label. If the content type is set to HTML, the label value will be parsed by the browser.

    • position - an implementation of GeoPoint that represents the geographical position of the label.

    • contentType - sets whether label value will be parsed as HTML or not. Can take 2 possible vales: PLAIN_TEXT and HTML.

    • adjustment - sets the label adjustment relative to the its GeoPoint position marker.

    • styleName - sets additional stylename to the label.

      Label label = map.createLabel();
      label.setValue("<span style=\"color: #ffffff; font-size: 24px;\">White label</span>");
      label.setPosition(map.createGeoPoint(42.955, 32.883));
      Figure 42. Map Label
  • Marker - a component that marks a location on the map. By default, a standard icon of the map service vendor is used. You can use the createMarker() and addMarker() methods of the MapViewer interface to create this object and put it on a map. For example:

    Marker marker = map.createMarker("My place", map.createGeoPoint(53.590905, -2.249558), true);

    The clearMarkers() method, in turn, removes all the markers from map.

    The MarkerImage interface is used to set a Marker icon or shadow image.

    MarkerImage markerImage = map.createMarkerImage("https://www.cuba-platform.com/sites/logo.png");
    GeoPoint center = map.createGeoPoint(21.11, -76.20);
    markerImage.setSize(map.createSize(44, 44));
    markerImage.setOrigin(map.createPoint(0, 0));
    markerImage.setAnchor(map.createPoint(-5, 50));
    Marker marker = map.createMarker("Cuba", center, true, markerImage);
    Figure 43. Marker Image
  • Polyline - a component that displays a polyline. You can use the createPolyline() and addPolyline() methods of the MapViewer interface to create this object and put it on a map. For example:

    List<GeoPoint> coordinates = new ArrayList<>();
    coordinates.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.4491, -1.9955));
    coordinates.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.6200, -1.9539));
    coordinates.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.4425, -1.6196));
    coordinates.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.1900, -1.4969));
    coordinates.add(map.createGeoPoint(53.1926, -1.6197));
    Polyline polyline = map.createPolyline(coordinates);
    Figure 44. Polyline
  • Polygon - a component that displays a polygon. You can use the createPolygon() and addPolygonOverlay() methods of the MapViewer interface to create this object and put it on a map. For example:

    List<GeoPoint> coordinates = new ArrayList<>();
    coordinates.add(map.createGeoPoint(48.560579, 7.767876));
    coordinates.add(map.createGeoPoint(48.561386, 7.782791));
    coordinates.add(map.createGeoPoint(48.541940, 7.782861));
    coordinates.add(map.createGeoPoint(48.545641, 7.768749));
    Polygon p = map.createPolygon(coordinates, "#9CFBA9", 0.6, "#2CA860", 1.0, 2);
    Figure 45. Polygon
Event listeners

The listener below are located in the com.haulmont.charts.gui.map.model.listeners package.

  • CircleCenterChangeListener - user changes the position of a circle center in map editing mode.

  • CircleCompleteListener - user creates a circle in map editing mode.

  • CircleRadiusChangeListener - user changes a circle radius in map editing mode.

  • InfoWindowClosedListener - user closes an information window.

  • MapInitListener - map initialization complete. This listener is invoked once after the first load of the map when all the tiles are loaded and coordinates are available.

  • MapMoveListener - user drags a map with a mouse button pressed.

  • MarkerDragListener - user drags a marker.

  • PolygonCompleteListener - user creates a polygon in map editing mode.

  • PolygonEditListener - user edits a polygon (moves or adds a vertex to an existing polygon).

Left click listeners:

  • CircleClickListener - user clicks on a circle.

  • MapClickListener - user clicks on a map.

  • MarkerClickListener - user clicks on a marker.

  • PolygonClickListener - user clicks on a polygon.

Right click listeners:

  • CircleRightClickListener - user right-clicks on a circle.

  • MapRightCLickListener - user right-clicks on a map.

  • MarkerRightClickListener - user right-clicks on a marker.

  • PolygonRightClickListener - user right-clicks on a polygon.

Double click listeners:

  • MarkerDoubleClickListener - user double-clicks on a marker.

  • CircleDoubleClickListener - user double-clicks on a circle.

For a more detailed information about the methods and parameters of map components, please refer to the corresponding JavaDocs.