2. Data Model


Attributes with names starting with *act prefix are references to the Activiti identifiers.

  • ProcModel - the process model. Model attributes:

    • name - the model name.

    • description - the model description.

    • actModelId - ID of a model from Activiti engine, stored in ACT_RE_MODEL table.

  • ProcDefinition - the process definition. Entity attributes:

    • name - the process name.

    • code - the process code. It can be used to determine an entity instance from the application code.

    • actId - ID of a process from Activiti.

    • active - defines, whether a new process instance start is allowed for the current ProcDefinition.

    • procRoles - collection of objects that defines process actors.

    • model - the reference to a model.

  • ProcRole - the process role. Objects of this type are created automatically on process deployment. ProcRole defines a process actor type. Entity attributes:

    • name - the role name.

    • code - the role code. It can be used by an application for a role identification.

    • order - the order number. It can be used by an application to display roles in an appropriate order.

    • procDefinition - the reference to a process definition.

  • ProcInstance - the process instance. ProcInstance can be started both with a link to a project entity and without a link. For example, the contract approval process instance can be linked with a contract entity. Entity attributes:

    • description - the description of a process instance.

    • startDate - the process instance start date.

    • endDate - the process instance end date

    • startedBy - the user who started a process.

    • active - the indicator that shows if a process was started but hasn’t been completed yet.

    • cancelled - the indicator that shows if a process was canceled.

    • actProcessInstanceId - the identifier of the corresponding ProcessInstance from Activiti.

    • startComment - the comment on process start.

    • cancelComment - the comment on process cancel.

    • entityName - the linked entity name.

    • entityId - the linked entity ID.

    • entityEditorName - the screen name that will be used to edit the linked entity.

    • procTasks - the process tasks collection.

    • procActors - the process actors collection.

    • procAttachments - the process attachments collection.

  • ProcActor - the process participant. The entity defines an executor with a particular role for a process instance. Entity attributes:

    • user - the reference to a user.

    • procInstance - the reference to a process instance.

    • procRole - the reference to a process role.

    • order - the order number. The field is used to define the order of actors for a sequential task for multiple users.

  • ProcTask - the process task. Objects of this type are automatically created when a process reaches the User task node. Entity attributes:

    • name - the task name.

    • startDate - the task start date.

    • claimDate - the claim date. The field is used in a case of a task without an explicit process actor.

    • endDate - the task end date.

    • outcome - the task completion result.

    • comment - the task completion comment.

    • procActor - the executor.

    • actTaskId - the Activiti task ID. This field is used to report the Activiti engine about task completion.

    • actExecutionId - the Activiti execution ID. This field is used for process variables read/write.

    • actTaskDefinitionKey - in a process XML it is an id attribute of the UserTask element. It is used for building a name of a variable that stores the task result ([task_id]_result). See Transitions Depending on Task Outcomes.

    • cancelled - the identifier that shows if the task was completed on process cancelation.

    • candidateUsers - the list of possible process actors for a group task.

    • procInstance - the reference to a process instance.

  • ProcAttachment - the process attachment. Entity attributes:

    • file - the reference to FileDescriptor.

    • type - the attachment type (ProcAttachmentType).

    • comment - the comment.

    • author - the reference to the author of an attachment.

    • procInstance - the reference to a process instance.

    • procTask - the optional reference to a process task.

  • ProcAttachmentType - the attachment type. Entity attributes:

    • code - the attachment type code.

    • name - the attachment type name.