5.2.2. A List of Forms for a Process Model Designer

A list of forms available in a process model designer is built according to the configuration files that are defined in a bpm.formsConfig application property. To add a new process form do the following:

  1. Create and register a screen for the form. Screen controller must implement the ProcForm interface.

  2. Create an XML file with custom forms description. Put it under the src directory of the web or the gui module.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <forms xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/bpm-forms.xsd">
        <form name="myCustomForm" default="true">
            <param name="someParam" value="hello"/>
            <param name="otherParam"/>

    myCustomForm is a screen id.

    The above configuration also describes available form parameters with their names and default values.

    A form with a default="true" attribute will be used as the default form in the model.

  3. Override a bpm.formsConfig property in the web-app.properties file.

    bpm.formsConfig = bpm-forms.xml app-bpm-forms.xml