A newer version is available at the documentation home.


This manual provides the reference information for the CUBA platform and covers the most important topics of developing business applications with it.

Knowledge of the following technologies is required to use the platform:

  • Java Standard Edition

  • Relational databases (SQL, DDL)

Additionally, knowledge of the following technologies and frameworks will be helpful to get a deeper understanding of the platform:

This manual and other documentation related to the CUBA platform can be found at www.cuba-platform.com/manual. Video materials and presentations that can help you to understand the platform are available at www.cuba-platform.com/tutorials. You can also check out online demo applications at www.cuba-platform.com/online-demo.

If you have any suggestions for improving this manual, feel free to report issues in the source repository on GitHub. If you see a spelling or wording mistake, a bug or inconsistency, don’t hesitate to fork the repo and fix it. Thank you!

1. Introduction

This chapter provides information about the CUBA platform features and requirements.

1.1. Overview

CUBA platform is an ideal tool for development teams working on line-of-business applications, typically having extensive data model, hundreds of screens and complex business logic.

Based on a mainstream technology stack, CUBA platform brings unparalleled productivity by utilizing a rich set of ready to use data-aware components, extensive scaffolding, visual interface designer and hot deploy.

Open architecture allows a developer to customize any part of the framework, providing high levels of control and flexibility. Developers have the freedom to use popular Java IDEs and have full access to the source code.

CUBA applications fit seamlessly into the corporate IT environment, supporting major databases and application servers, as well as popular aPaaS clouds. Streamlined clustered deployment ensures scalability and failover, while a generic REST API enables easy integration with other systems.

1.2. Technical Requirements

Minimum requirements for development using CUBA platform:

  • Memory – 4 GB

  • Hard drive space – 5 GB

  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows, Linux or macOS

1.3. Release Notes

CUBA platform changelog is available at http://files.cuba-platform.com/cuba/release-notes/6.9

2. Installation and Setup

Minimum software requirements are as follows:

Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 8

Install JDK 8 and check it by running the following command in the console:

java -version

The command should return the Java version, e.g. 1.8.0_152.


Java 9 is not supported yet. You can build and run CUBA applications only on Java 8.

In order to build and run projects outside Studio, you need to set the path to the JDK root directory in the JAVA_HOME environment variable, e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_152.

  • On Windows, you can do this at ComputerPropertiesAdvanced System SettingsAdvancedEnvironment variables. The value of the variable should be added to the System variables list.

  • On macOS, it is recommended to set JAVA_HOME in ~/.bash_profile:

    export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)

    If you install Java 9 on macOS, CUBA Studio and applications won’t start, regardless of the JAVA_HOME value. In this case, see the troubleshooting section below.

Java IDE

IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse. We recommend using IntelliJ IDEA (Community or Ultimate).


In the most basic scenario, the built-in HyperSQL (http://hsqldb.org) can be used as the database server. This is sufficient for exploring the platform capabilities and application prototyping. For building production applications, it is recommended to install and use one of the full-featured DBMS supported by the platform, like PostgreSQL for instance.

Web browser

The web interface of the platform-based applications supports all popular browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera 15+, Internet Explorer 9+, Microsoft Edge.

  1. If you install Java 9 on macOS for some reason, CUBA Studio and applications won’t start. To recover from this situation, do the following:

    1. Make you JDK 9 installation not used by default throughout the system: rename /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.0.1.jdk/Contents/Info.plist file into Info.plist.disabled (replace jdk-9.0.1.jdk with the actual version of your JDK 9).

    2. Replace JavaAppletPlugin.plugin installed by Java 9 to the one from Java 8:

      • Remove or rename /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin

      • Install JDK 8 again, it will re-create the plugin.

    3. Make sure you have specified JAVA_HOME with -v 1.8 argument as shown above. Re-login or source .bash_profile after making changes.

  2. Make sure your environment does not contain CATALINA_HOME, CATALINA_BASE and CLASSPATH variables. They may cause problems starting Apache Tomcat web server which is used at development time. Reboot your computer after removing the variables.

2.1. CUBA Studio Installation

  • Make sure that Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 8 is installed by running the following command in the console:

    java -version

    The command should return the Java version, e.g. 1.8.0_152.

  • If you are using OpenJDK on Linux, install OpenJFX, for example:

    sudo apt-get install openjfx

  • If you connect to the internet via a proxy server, some Java system properties must be passed to the JVM running Studio and Gradle. These properties are explained here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/net/proxies.html (see properties for HTTP and HTTPS protocols).

    It is recommended to set these properties system-wide in the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. The Studio launch script passes JAVA_OPTS to the Java executable.

Fresh installation of CUBA Studio
  1. Download an appropriate installer or ZIP archive from https://www.cuba-platform.com/download.

  2. Run the installer or unzip the archive to a local directory, e.g. c:\work\studio.

  3. Launch the installed application or open the command line, go to bin directory and run studio.bat or studio depending on your operating system.

  4. In the CUBA Studio Server window, enter the following parameters:

    • Server port − CUBA Studio server port (the default port is 8111).

    • Remote connection - by default, Studio accepts connections only from localhost. Select this checkbox if you need to connect to this Studio instance from a remote host.

    • Silent startup - if selected, the Studio server starts in tray and opens UI in default browser automatically. This option is available only for Windows.

    studio server window
  5. Click Start to run the Studio server.

    When the web server is started, the URL of the Studio interface will appear in the URL field. By clicking , you can open the address in your default web browser; by clicking Copy you can copy the address to the clipboard.

  6. Open the specified URL in the web browser and switch to the Settings tab in the Studio web interface. Enter the following parameters:

    • Java home − JDK installation to be used for building and running projects. If you have set the JAVA_HOME environment variable as described in the beginning of this chapter, it will appear in this field. Otherwise, Studio will try to find your Java installation itself.

    • Gradle home - Gradle installation to be used for building projects. Leave it empty; in this case, the required Gradle distribution will be downloaded automatically.

      If you want to use a local Gradle distribution, enter a path to the respective directory. Current version of the project build system is tested with Gradle 4.3.1.

    • IDE port − IDE plugin listening port (the default port is 48561).

    • Offline - enable working with projects without an Internet connection, provided that all the required libraries have been previously downloaded from the repository.

    • Check for updates - check for new versions on every start.

    • Send anonymous statistics and crash reports - enable Studio to send error statistics to developers.

    • Help language - built-in help language.

    • Logging level - the logging level: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL. INFO by default.

    studio server settings
  7. Click Apply and proceed to projects.

  8. Click Create new to create a new project, or Import to add an existing one to the Recent list.

  9. Once the project is opened, the Studio will download the source code of the platform components and save it to the local folder. Before building the project, it is recommended to wait until the download is finished and make sure that the background task indicator in the bottom left corner has faded out.

Updating CUBA Studio

If you are updating Studio to a newer bug-fix version (e.g. from 6.5.0 to 6.5.1), install it to the existing folder, e.g. on Windows it would be C:\Program Files (x86)\CUBA Studio 6.5. When installing a new minor or major version, use a separate folder, e.g. CUBA Studio 6.6.

If installed from Windows EXE installer or ZIP archive, Studio supports auto-update on newer bug-fix releases. Update files are saved in the ~/.haulmont/studio/update folder. In case of any problems with the new version, you can remove the update files and Studio will revert to the version installed manually.

Auto-update does not work for minor and major releases and if Studio was installed from macOS DMG. In this case, you should download new installer and run it manually.

2.2. IDE Integration

Take the following steps to integrate Studio with IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse:

  1. Open or create a new project in the Studio.

  2. Switch to Project properties section and click Edit. Select the required Java IDE by checking IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.

  3. Select Build > Create or update <IDE> project files in the Studio menu. The corresponding files will be created in the project directory.

  4. For IntelliJ IDEA integration:

    1. Run IntelliJ IDEA 13+ and install CUBA Framework Integration plugin, from the plugin repository: File > Settings > Plugins > Browse Repositories.

  5. For Eclipse integration:

    1. Run Eclipse 4.3+, open Help > Install New Software, add http://files.cuba-platform.com/eclipse-update-site repository and install the CUBA Plugin.

    2. In the CUBA section of the Window > Preferences menu, check Studio Integration Enabled, and click OK.

Please note that IDE: on port 48561 label has appeared in the bottom left corner of the Studio. Now the corresponding source code files will be opened in IDE when you click IDE buttons in the Studio.

3. Quick Start

This section describes the process of creating an application using CUBA Studio. Similar information is provided in the videos available at www.cuba-platform.com/quickstart.

Make sure that the necessary software is already installed and set up on your computer, see Installation and Setup.

Key stages of our application development:

  1. Data model development including creation of entities describing application domain and corresponding database tables.

  2. Development of the user interface screens enabling to create, view, update and delete data model entities.

3.1. Application Details

The application should maintain information about the customers and their orders.

A customer has the following attributes:

  • Name

  • Email

Order attributes:

  • Reference to a customer

  • Date

  • Amount

quick start 1

The application UI should contain:

  • Customers browser screen;

  • Customer editor screen, containing as well the list of this customer’s orders;

  • General orders browser screen;

  • Order editor screen.

3.2. Creating a Project

  1. Start CUBA Studio and open its web interface (See CUBA Studio Installation).

  2. Click Create new.

  3. Specify the name of the new project in the Project name field of the New project window – for example, sales. The name should contain only Latin letters, numbers and underscores. Think carefully on the project name at this stage, as changing it later on will require complex manual intervention.

  4. The following fields below will be automatically populated:

    • Project path – the path to the new project directory. You can select the directory manually by clicking the …​ button next to the field. The Select folder window will appear with the list of folders n your hard drive. You can select one of those, or create a new directory by clicking the + button.

    • Project namespace – the namespace which will be used as a prefix for entity names and database tables. The namespace can consist of Latin letters only and should be as short as possible. For example, if the project name is sales_2, the namespace can be sales or sal.

    • Root package − the root package of Java classes. It can be adjusted later, but the classes generated at project creation will not be moved.

    • Repository − binary artifacts repository URL and authentication parameters.

    • Platform version – the platform version used in the project. The platform artifacts will be automatically downloaded from the repository on project build.

      qs new project
  5. Click OK. Empty project will be created in the specified sales directory and the main Studio window will open.

  6. Assemble the project: select option Build > Assemble project in the Studio main menu. At this stage all required libraries will be downloaded and project artifacts will be assembled in build subdirectories of the modules.

  7. Create the database on the local HyperSQL server: select option Run > Create database in the menu. The database name is the same as project namespace by default.

  8. Select Run > Deploy menu option. Tomcat server with the deployed application will be installed in the project deploy subdirectory.

  9. Select Run > Start application server option. The link next to the Web application caption on the status panel will become available in a few seconds so you will be able to open the application directly from Studio.

    The username and password are admin / admin.

    The running application contains two main menu items (Administration and Help), as well as security and administration subsystems functionality.

3.3. Creating Entities

Let’s create the Customer entity class.

  • Go to the Data Model tab in the navigation section and click New > Entity. The New entity dialog window will appear.

  • Enter the name of the entity class – Customer – in the Class name field.

    qs create customer entity
  • Click OK. The entity designer page will be displayed in the workspace.

    qs customer entity
  • The entity name and the database table name will be automatically generated in the Name and the Table fields respectively.

  • Leave the existing value – StandardEntity - in the Parent class field.

  • Leave the Inheritance strategy field blank.

Next, let’s create entity attributes. To do this, click the New button below the Attributes table.

  • Create attribute window will appear. Enter the name of the entity attribute − name, in the Name field. Select DATATYPE value in the Attribute type list, specify String attribute type in the Type field and then set the length of the text attribute to 100 characters in the Length field. Check the Mandatory box. The name of the database table column will be automatically generated in the Column field.

    qs new attribute

    Click Add to add the attribute.

  • email attribute is created in the same way but the value in Length field should be set to 50.

After creating the attributes, go to the Instance Name tab in the entity designer to specify the Name pattern. Select the name attribute in the Available attributes list and move it to the Name pattern attributes list by clicking the button with the right arrow on it.

qs customer instance name

Customer entity creation is now complete. Click OK on the top panel to save the changes and close the page.

Let’s create the Order entity.

Click New > Entity on the Data Model tab. Enter the Class nameOrder. The entity should have the following attributes:

  • Namecustomer, Attribute typeASSOCIATION, TypeCustomer, CardinalityMANY_TO_ONE.

  • Namedate, Attribute typeDATATYPE, TypeDate. Check Mandatory box for date attribute.

  • Nameamount, Attribute typeDATATYPE, TypeBigDecimal.

3.4. Creating Database Tables

It is sufficient to click Generate DB scripts button in Data Model tab on the navigation panel to create database tables. After that, Database Scripts page will open. Both incremental DB update scripts from the current state (UPDATE SCRIPTS) and initial DB creation scripts (INIT TABLES, INIT TABLES, INIT DATA) will be generated on this page.

qs generate db scripts

Click Save and close button to save the generated scripts. To run update scripts, stop the running application using the Run > Stop application server command, then select Run > Update database.

3.5. Creating User Interface Screens

Now we will create screens for customers and orders data management.

3.5.1. Screens for Customer

Select Customer entity in the Data Model tab on the navigation panel to create standard screens for viewing and editing Customers. Click New > Generic UI screen at the top of the section. After that, the template browser page will appear.

Select Entity browser and editor screens in the list of available templates.

qs create customer screens

All fields in this dialog are already populated with default values, there is no need to change them. Click Create and then Close buttons.

customer-browse.xml and customer-edit.xml items will appear in Web Module on Generic UI tab of the navigation panel.

3.5.2. Order Screens

Order entity has the following distinction: since one of the attributes is the Order.customer reference attribute, you should define a view including this attribute (standard _local view does not include reference attributes).

Go to the Data Model tab on the navigation panel, select the Order entity and click the New > View button. View designer page will open. Enter order-with-customer as the view name, click on customer attribute and select _minimal view for the Customer entity on the panel on the right.

qs order view

Click OK on the top panel.

After that, select the Order entity and click New > Generic UI screen.

Select order-with-customer in the View fields for both browser and editor templates and click Create.

qs create order screens

order-edit.xml and order-browse.xml items will appear in the Web Module on the Generic UI tab of the navigation panel.

3.5.3. Application Menu

At the moment of their creation, the screens were added to the application menu item of the default application menu. Let’s rename it. Switch to the Generic UI tab on the navigation panel and click Open web menu. The Menu Designer page will open. Select the application-sales menu item to edit its properties.

Enter the new value of the menu identifier − shop − in the Id field, then click OK on the top panel.

3.5.4. Customer Editor With a List of Orders

Do the following to display the list of Orders in the Customer’s edit screen:

  • Go to the Generic UI tab on the navigation panel. Choose customer-edit.xml screen and click Edit.

  • Go to the Datasources tab on the screen designer page and click New.

  • Select the newly created datasource in the list. Its attributes will appear in the right part of the page.

  • Specify collectionDatasource in the Type field.

  • Select Order entity in the Entity list.

  • The data source identifier − ordersDs - will be automatically generated in Id field.

  • Select _local view in the View list.

  • Add the WHERE clause to the query generated in the Query field:

    select e from sales$Order e where e.customer.id = :ds$customerDs order by e.date

    The query contains orders selection criterion with ds$customerDs parameter. The parameter value named like ds${datasource_name} will contain id of the entity selected in datasource_name datasource at the moment, in this case it is the id of the Customer being edited.

    qs customer screen orders ds
  • Click Apply to save the changes.

  • Next go to the Layout tab in the screen designer and find the Label component in the components palette. Drag this component to the screen components hierarchy panel and place it between fieldGroup and windowActions. Go to the Properties tab on the properties panel. Enter the label value Orders in the value field.

    qs customer screen label

    If the application is intended to be used in multiple languages, use the localization button next to the value field to create the new message msg://orders and define label values in required languages.

  • Drag Table from the components palette to components hierarchy panel and place it between label and windowActions. Select this component in the hierarchy and specify table size in the Properties tab: set 100% in the width field and 200px in the height field. Choose orderDs from the list of available datasources. Then generate the table identifier using the generate_id button next to the id field: ordersTable.

    qs customer screen table
  • Click OK on the top panel to save the changes in the screen.

3.6. Running the Application

Now let’s see how the created screens look in the actual application. Select Run > Start application server.

Log in using default credentials in the login window. Open the Shop > Customers menu item:

qs customer browse
Figure 1. The Customers browser

Click Create and create a new customer:

qs customer edit
Figure 2. The Customer editor screen

Open the Shop > Orders menu item:

qs order browse
Figure 3. The Orders browser

Click Create and create a new order, selecting the newly created customer in the Customer field:

qs order edit
Figure 4. The Order editor

The new order is now displayed in the customer’s editor:

qs customer edit 2
Figure 5. The Customer editor

4. Cookbook

This collection of practical recipes for developing on CUBA platform contains examples of implementing typical use cases and solving common problems. The information in each section is organized from basic to advanced topics, so feel free to jump to another section or leave the documentation at any time and start coding.

Most of the sections are accompanied by the sample applications. You can see them online, view their source code on GitHub or download and run locally. You will also see the applications on the Samples tab in Studio.


The cookbook is a work in progress and will be gradually improved. If you have any ideas for new recipes which are worth demonstrating, feel free to create issues in the source repository on GitHub.

4.1. Organizing Business Logic

When you start developing on the platform, one of the first questions is "where should I put my business logic"? Using Studio for creating data model and CRUD screens is simple, but any real project requires some logic beyond CRUD. This section explains how you can effectively organize your business logic depending on your requirements.

Most examples in this section work with the following data model:

business logic model 1

In these examples, we will calculate discounts for customers based on total amount of their purchases.

4.1.1. Business Logic in Controllers

If we want to run the discount calculation when a user clicks a button on the customer’s browser screen, the most straightforward way to accomplish this is to put the calculation logic right in the browser screen controller.

See the Calculate discount button in the demo application and the screen controller implementation: CustomerBrowse.java. Please keep in mind that the provided calculation process is not optimal and see more options in the Loading and Saving Data section.

This approach is acceptable if the logic is invoked from a single point and it is not too complex to fit into a couple of short methods.

4.1.2. Using Client Tier Beans

Let’s complicate the task from the previous section a bit. Now we want to invoke the calculation both from the customer browser and editor screens. To not repeat yourself, we should extract the logic to a common place available for both controllers. It can be a managed bean of the client tier.

A managed bean is a class annotated with the @Component annotation. It can be injected into other beans and screen controllers, or obtained via the AppBeans.get() static method. If the bean has a separate interface, you can access the bean through the interface instead of the class.

Please note that in order to be accessible for screen controllers, the bean must be located in global, gui or web modules of your project. In the former case the bean will be also accessible for the middleware.

See the Calculate discount button on both browser and editor screens of the demo application and the implementation:

using client beans 1

4.1.3. Using Middleware Services

In the previous section we considered the encapsulation of business logic in a managed bean of the client tier. Now we will go further and implement our logic in the most appropriate place: on the middle tier. By doing this, we will achieve the following goals:

  • Our business methods will be available for all types of clients including Polymer UI.

  • We will be able to use APIs available only on the middleware: EntityManager, transactions, etc.

In order to invoke a middleware business method from the client, you need to create a service. Studio can help you to scaffold the service stub:

  • Switch to the Middleware section and click New > Service.

  • Change the service interface name to DiscountService. The bean class and service names will be changed accordingly. Click OK or Apply.

  • Click IDE and open the service interface in your IDE. Create a method and implement it in the service class.

See an example implementation in the demo application:

using services 1
  • CustomerBrowse.java and CustomerEdit.java - screen controllers that invoke the service.

  • DiscountService.java - service interface.

  • DiscountServiceBean.java - service implementation.

  • DiscountCalculator.java - a managed bean of the middle tier which actually calculates discounts. Of course, a service can contain the business logic itself, but we will use this delegate to share logic with entity listeners and JMX beans (see next sections).

    Please note that this bean is different from the one mentioned in the previous section: it is located in the core module and uses EntityManager for loading the amount of purchases from the database.

Let’s now make our business method accessible for external clients through the REST API:

  • Open the service editor in Studio and switch to the REST Methods tab.

  • Select the REST invocation allowed checkbox for the method.

Studio will create the rest-services.xml file and write the method description into it. After restarting the application server you will be able to invoke your business method using HTTP requests. For example, the following GET request should work with our online demo server:


Please note that the demo application allows anonymous access. In the most real-world usage scenarios you need to authenticate prior to executing REST requests.

4.1.4. Using Entity Listeners

Entity listeners allow you to execute your business logic each time an entity is added, updated or removed from the database. For example, we could recalculate the discount for a customer each time an order for this customer is changed.

An entity listener stub can be easily created using Studio:

  • Switch to the Middleware section and click New > Entity listener.

  • Change the class name to OrderEntityListener and select checkboxes for BeforeInsertEntityListener, BeforeUpdateEntityListener and BeforeDeleteEntityListener interfaces.

  • Select Order entity in the Entity type field.

  • Click OK or Apply and open the listener class in your IDE.

See an example implementation in the demo application:

using entity listeners 1
  • OrderEntityListener.java - the entity listener.

  • DiscountCalculator.java - a managed bean of the middle tier which actually calculates discounts. An entity listener can contain the business logic itself, but we will use this delegate to share logic with services and JMX beans.

If you open the Logic in Entity Listeners screen of the demo application, you will see two tables: orders and customers. Create, edit or remove an order, then refresh the customers table, and you will see that the discount of the corresponding customer is changed.

4.1.5. Using JMX Beans

With JMX beans you can expose some administrative functionality of your application without creating a user interface for it. The functionality becomes available via the built-in JMX console and via external JMX tools like jconsole.

In our example with discounts, a user having access to JMX console is able to recalculate discounts for all customers and for a customer with a given id.

Studio cannot help you with scaffolding JMX beans at the moment, so all classes and configuration entries have to be created manually in the IDE.

See an example implementation in the demo application:

using jmx beans 1
  • DiscountsMBean.java - JMX bean interface.

  • Discounts.java - JMX bean implementation.

  • DiscountCalculator.java - a managed bean of the middle tier which is invoked by the JMX bean. A JMX bean can contain the business logic itself, but we will use this delegate to share logic with services and entity listeners.

  • spring.xml - registers the JMX bean.

4.1.6. Running Code on Startup

Sometimes you need to run some code on the application startup, at the moment when all application functionality is already initialized and ready to work. For this, you can use application lifecycle event listeners.

In this section we demonstrate how to dynamically register an entity listener on application startup. Consider the following task: a project has an Employee entity that is linked one-to-one to the platform’s User entity.

app start recipe 1

If the name attribute of the User entity is changed, for example, through a standard user management screen, the name attribute of the related Employee should change as well. This is a common task for "denormalized" data, which is typically solved using entity listeners. Our case is more complicated, since we need to track changes of the platform’s User entity, and thus we cannot add an entity listener using the @Listeners annotation. So we will add a listener dynamically using the EntityListenerManager bean on application start.

As a result, the initEntityListeners() method of the AppLifecycle class will be invoked on the middleware block startup. This method registers the sample_UserEntityListener bean as an entity listener for the User entity.

The onBeforeUpdate() method of the UserEntityListener class will be invoked every time before the changes in the User instances are saved to the database. The method checks if the name attribute exists among the updated attributes. If yes, a related Employee instance is loaded and its name is updated with the new value.

4.2. Modeling Problem Domain

In this section, you can find recipes for the data model design and working with entity attributes.

4.2.1. Assigning Initial Values

There are different ways to assign initial values to the attributes of new entity instances. Entity Fields Initialization

Simple attributes (Boolean, Integer etc.) and enumerations can be initialized in the declaration of the corresponding field of an entity class, see for example active and grade fields in Customer.java.

Additionally, a specific initialization method with a @PostConstruct annotation can be created in the entity class. In this case, any global infrastructure interfaces and beans can be invoked during initialization, see for example the init() method in Customer.java. Initialization Using CreateAction

If the initial value of an attribute depends on the data of the invoking screen, you can use setInitialValues() or setInitialValuesSupplier() methods of the CreateAction class.

See an example of handling Customer and CustomerAddress entities in the demo application:

init values 1
  • customer-address-browse.xml - a screen descriptor with two linked tables, one for customers and another for their addresses.

  • CustomerAddressBrowse.java - the screen controller. In its init() method, the setInitialValuesSupplier() is used to provide initial value for customer attribute of a created address. It will be the currently selected in the first table customer. Using initNewItem Method

Initial values can also be defined in the initNewItem() method of the screen controller of the created entity.

Consider the following entities:

composition recipe 3

In the demo application, CustomerDetails attribute (info) is edited on the same screen as Customer itself. It requires creating of a CustomerDetails instance together with the owning Customer.

  • customer-edit.xml - a customer edit screen descriptor. It contains a nested datasource for a linked CustomerDetails instance. The infoField text area component is connected to this datasource.

  • CustomerEdit.java - the screen controller. It defines the initNewItem() method that creates a new CustomerDetails instance and sets it to a new Customer. The created instance will be available through the nested datasource and later saved to the database when the screen is committed.

4.2.2. Composite Structures

CUBA platform supports two types of relationship between entities: association and composition. They are called ASSOCIATION and COMPOSITION respectively in the CUBA Studio interface. Association is a relationship between the objects that can exist separately from each other. Composition, on the other hand, is used for "master-detail" relations, when the detail instances can exist only as part of the master. A case of an airport and its terminals may be considered an example of composition: a terminal that does not belong to any airport does not make sense.

Typically, the entities belonging to a composition are edited together since it is more natural. For example, a user opens the airport editing screen and sees the list of terminals, so the user can create and edit them, but all changes both for the airport and the terminals are saved to the database together in one transaction, and only after the user confirms saving of the master entity (the airport). One-to-Many: One Level of Nesting

Let’s implement a one-to-many composition using the Airport and the Terminal entities as an example:

composition recipe 1
  • Terminal.java - the Terminal entity contains a mandatory link to the Airport.

    In the Studio entity designer, set for the airport attribute: Attribute type - ASSOCIATION, Cardinality - MANY_TO_ONE, Mandatory - on.

  • Airport.java - the Airport entity contains a one-to-many collection of terminals. The corresponding field is annotated with @Composition in order to implement composition, and @OnDelete for cascaded soft delete.

    In the Studio entity designer, set for the terminals attribute: Attribute type - COMPOSITION, Cardinality - ONE_TO_MANY, On delete - CASCADE.

  • views.xml - the airport-terminals view of the airport editing screen contains the terminals collection attribute. We are using the _local view for this attribute, because the airport attribute of the Terminal entity is set only at the creation of a new Terminal instance and never changes after that, so we do not need to load it.

  • airport-edit.xml - the XML descriptor of the airport editor defines a datasource for the Airport instance and a nested one for its terminals. It also contains a table displaying terminals.

  • terminal-edit.xml - a standard editor for the Terminal entity.

As a result, editing of an airport instance works as follows:

  • The airport edit screen shows a list of terminals.

  • A user can pick a terminal and open its editor. When OK is clicked in the terminal editor, the updated instance of the terminal is not saved to the database, but to the terminalsDs datasource of the airport editor.

  • The user can create new terminals and delete existing ones. All changes will be saved to the terminalsDs datasource.

  • When a user clicks OK in the airport edit screen, the updated Airport instance together with all the updated Terminal instances is submitted to the DataManager.commit() method on the middleware and saved to the database within a single transaction. One-to-Many: Two Levels of Nesting

Composition can be deeper, with up to two nested levels. Let’s extend the previous example by adding a MeetingPoint entity describing a meeting point at an airport terminal:

composition recipe 2

The Terminal entity contains the meetingPoints attribute – a collection of the MeetingPoint instances. In order for all three entities to become a single composition and be edited together, the following should be done in addition to the steps described above:

  • Terminal.java - the meetingPoints attribute of the Terminal class is marked as @Composition and @OnDelete similarly to the terminals attribute of the Airport class.

  • views.xml - the terminal-meetingPoints-view view of the Terminal class contains the meetingPoints collection attribute. This view is used in the airport-terminals-meetingPoints-view view of the Airport entity.

  • airport-edit.xml - the Airport edit screen XML descriptor contains datasources for an instance of the Airport and nested entities for the entire composition (airportDs > terminalsDs > meetingPointsDs).


    Here, the meetingPointsDs datasource is not associated with any visual components, however it is needed for correct operation of joint editing of the composition.

  • terminal-edit.xml - the terminal edit screen XML descriptor contains a nested datasource and a corresponding table for the meetingPoints collection.

As a result, the updated instances of the MeetingPoint, as well as the Terminal instances, will be saved to the database only with the Airport instance in the same transaction. One-to-Many: Three Levels of Nesting

Suppose that you need an additional entity that contains some details of the meeting point: Note. So the whole structure looks as follows: Airport > Terminal > Meeting Point > Note.

composition recipe 4

CUBA can handle compositions with up to 2 levels of nesting. Here we have 3 levels, so we should limit the depth either from the top or from the bottom. Below we consider two different approaches (from the user experience perspective) of excluding the airport from the composition. Both of them solve the same problem: as now terminals are saved to the database independently from the airport, you cannot save a terminal for a newly created airport which is not saved to the database yet.

  • In the first approach, the airport browser and editor look the same as above, but the editor has additional Save button to save a new airport without closing the screen. A user cannot create terminals until the new airport is saved.

    • airport-edit.xml contains a standalone datasource for terminals instead of the nested one. This standalone datasource is linked to the airport datasource and thus loads terminals for the edited airport. Besides, airport editor contains extendedEditWindowActions frame which allows a user to save airport without closing the screen.

    • AirportEdit.java - here in the postInit() method of the airport editor, we manage the enabled state of the terminal’s Create action and pass the current airport instance to initialize the airport attribute of a created terminal.

  • In the second approach, we have split the airport browser into two panels: one for the list of airports and another for the dependent list of terminals. That is the list of terminals is now outside of the airport editor. The terminal’s Create action is disabled until an airport is selected.

    • airport-browse.xml contains a standalone datasource for the list of terminals. It is linked to the airports datasource and thus loads terminals for a selected airport.

    • AirportBrowse.java - here in the init() method of the airport browse controller, we manage the enabled state of the terminal’s Create action and pass the currently selected airport instance to initialize the airport attribute of a created terminal. One-to-One Composition

The one-to-one composition will be illustrated by the Customer and CustomerDetails entities:

composition recipe 3
  • Customer.java - the Customer entity contains an optional link to CustomerDetails annotated with @Composition.

  • CustomerDetails.java - the CustomerDetails entity.

  • customer-edit.xml - the customer edit screen descriptor. It contains a nested datasource for the CustomerDetails instance. In order to load the nested instance, the root datasource uses a view of the Customer entity that includes the details attribute. The field group in the customer edit screen just declares a field for the details attribute.

As a result, customer editing works as follows:

composition recipe oto 1
  • When the open action is invoked, a new instance of CustomerDetails is created and its edit screen is shown. When OK is clicked in the details editor, the details instance is not saved to the database, but to the detailsDs datasource of the customer edit screen.

  • The picker field displays the instance name of the details entity:

composition recipe oto 2
  • When a user clicks OK in the customer edit screen, the updated Customer instance together with the CustomerDetails instance is submitted to the DataManager.commit() method on the Middleware and saved to the database within a single transaction.

  • If the user invokes the clear action of the picker field, the CustomerDetails instance is deleted and the reference to it is cleared in the same transaction after the user commits the customer editor.

4.2.3. Many-to-Many Associations

The many-to-many association implies that multiple records in one table are related to multiple records in another table. The joining table will store primary keys of both related entities. Optionally, this table may contain additional columns.

Depending on whether you need additional fields in the joining table, you can implement many-to-many relationship with an additional entity or without it. The following examples illustrate both approaches. Direct Many-to-Many Association

Let’s implement a many-to-many association using the Airport and the Airline entities as an example. An airport can handle many airlines, and an airline carrier, in turn, can provide service to many airports:

association recipe 1
  • Airport.java - the Airport entity contains a many-to-many list of airlines.

    In the Studio entity designer, set for the airlines attribute: Attribute type - ASSOCIATION, Cardinality - MANY_TO_MANY.

    Airport will be marked as the owning side of the relationship, and Studio will ask you to create the corresponding airports attribute in the Airline entity as the inverse side of the relationship.

    @JoinTable(name = "SAMPLE_AIRLINE_AIRPORT_LINK",
        joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "AIRPORT_ID"),
        inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "AIRLINE_ID"))
    protected List<Airline> airlines;
  • Airline.java - the Airline entity now contains the many-to-many list of airports: Attribute type - ASSOCIATION, Cardinality - MANY_TO_MANY.

    @JoinTable(name = "SAMPLE_AIRLINE_AIRPORT_LINK",
        joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "AIRLINE_ID"),
        inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "AIRPORT_ID"))
    protected List<Airport> airports;

    Airline will be also marked by default as the owning side of the relationship, which enables modification of the collections on the both sides.

  • views.xml - the airport-airlines view of the airport editing screen contains the airlines association attribute with the _minimal view. The airline-airports view includes the airports association as well.

  • airport-edit.xml - the XML descriptor of the airport editor defines a datasource for the Airport instance and a nested one for its airlines. It also contains a table displaying airlines and the actions add and remove.

  • airline-edit.xml - the XML descriptor of the airline editor defines a datasource for the Airline instance and a nested one for its airports. It also contains a table displaying airports and the actions add and remove.

    So, the Airport and the Airline editors are absolutely symmetrical.

As a result, editing of an airline instance works as follows:

The airline edit screen shows a list of airports.

A user can click Add, the Airport lookup will be opened, and the user can either select an airport to add or open its editor. When OK is clicked in the airport editor, the updated instance of the airport is saved both to the database and to the airportsDs datasource of the airline editor, as the Airport entity is fully independent.

The user can create new airports and delete existing ones, and all changes will be saved to the database in a separate transactions and to the airportsDs datasource.

When a user clicks OK in the airline edit screen, the updated Airline instance together with newly created links to the Airport instances is submitted to the DataManager.commit() method on the middleware and saved to the database.

It works absolutely the same way from the other side in the Aiport editor. Many-to-Many Association with Link Entity

The many-to-many association is always implemented using a joining table, but creating an entity to reflect this table is optional. The joining entity can be created in case you want to store some additional fields in the joining table.

Let’s demonstrate this approach using the Airport and the DutyFree entities as an example. Many different duty-free shops can be located in one airport, and one duty-free shop can be represented in many different airports. Suppose that we want to store the link airport-shop and the currency used in this shop and this airport:

association recipe 2
  • Airport.java - the Airport entity contains a one-to-many composition of AirportDutyFree instances.

    In the Studio entity designer, set for the dutyFreeShops attribute: Attribute type - COMPOSITION, Cardinality - ONE_TO_MANY.

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "airport")
    protected List<AirportDutyFree> dutyFreeShops;
  • DutyFree.java - the DutyFree entity contains a one-to-many composition of AirportDutyFree instances, too.

    In the Studio entity designer, set for the airports attribute: Attribute type - COMPOSITION, Cardinality - ONE_TO_MANY.

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "dutyFree")
    protected List<AirportDutyFree> airports;
  • AirportDutyFree.java - thus, the AirportDutyFree entity contains two many-to-one references: airport and dutyFree.

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "AIRPORT_ID")
    protected Airport airport;
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "DUTY_FREE_ID")
    protected DutyFree dutyFree;
    @Column(name = "CURRENCY")
    protected Integer currency;
  • views.xml - the airport-duty-free view of the airport editing screen contains the composition of dutyFreeShops (referencing the AirportDutyFree joining entity) with dutyFree and currency attributes.

    The dutyFree-airport view follows the same logic: it includes the composition of airports (referencing the AirportDutyFree joining entity) with airport and currency attributes.

  • duty-free-edit.xml - the XML descriptor of the duty-free shop editor defines a datasource for the DutyFree instance and a nested one for its airports. It also contains a table displaying airports and the custom action to pick an airport directly, bypassing the AirportDutyFree editor.

As a result, editing of a DutyFree instance works as follows:

The DutyFree edit screen shows a list of airports and the currency drop-down.

A user can click Add airport, the Airport lookup will be opened, and the user can either select an airport to add or open its editor. When the user selects an airport, the new AirportDutyFree instance is created with the default currency. This instance it is not saved to the database, but added to the airportsDs datasource of the DutyFree editor.

When OK is clicked in the Airport editor, the updated instance of the airport is saved both to the database and to the airportsDs datasource of the DutyFree editor, as the Airport entity is fully independent.

The user can create new airports and delete existing ones, and all changes will be saved to the database in separate transactions and to the airportsDs datasource as well.

When a user clicks OK in the duty-free edit screen, the updated DutyFree instance together with all the updated AirportDutyFree instances is submitted to the DataManager.commit() method on the middleware and saved to the database within a single transaction.

4.2.4. Entity Inheritance

This section demonstrates how to use entity inheritance in CUBA applications.

Let’s assume that we have two types of clients - companies and individuals, which have some common attributes. We would like to store the common attributes in one table and use separate linked tables to store specific attributes.

So, the data model contains the Client entity, which is a base class stored in the SAMPLE_CLIENT table. The Company and Person entities are stored in separate tables with foreign keys that reference the base table.

The Order entity has a reference to Client. As the client can be of the different types, when users create orders, they should be able to choose the type of the client.


Client.java entity:

  • Inheritance strategy is set to JOINED

  • Discriminator column name DTYPE and type String are left default

  • Discriminator value is set to C

Company.java entity:

  • Parent class is set to Client

  • Discriminator value is set to M

Person.java entity:

  • Parent class is set to Client

  • Discriminator value is set to P

The OrderEdit.java screen controller contain the Client selection components and logic.

4.3. Working with Generic UI

This section of the cookbook covers topics related to Generic UI, which is a primary frontend development technology in CUBA applications.

4.3.1. Screen Layout Rules

Below we explain how to properly place visual components and containers on your screens. Positioning of Components
Size types

Component dimensions, width and height, can have the following types:

  • Content-based - AUTO

  • Fixed (pixels) - 10px

  • Relative (percent) - 100%

screen layout rules 1
Content-dependent size

The component will take enough space to fit its content.


  • For Label, the size is defined by text length.

  • For containers, the size is defined by the sum of all component sizes inside a container.

<label width=AUTO/>

Components with content-dependent size will adjust their dimensions during screen layout initialization or when the content size is changed.

screen layout rules 2
Fixed size

Fixed size implies that the component dimensions will not change at runtime.

<vbox width=320px height=240px/>
screen layout rules 3
Relative size

Relative size indicates the percentage of available space that will be occupied by the component.

<label width=100%/>

Components with relative size will react to changes in the amount of the available space and adjust their actual size on the screen.

screen layout rules 4
Container specifics

By default, containers without the expand attribute provide equal space for all nested components. Exceptions: flowBox and htmlBox.

For example:

    <button caption="Button"/>
    <button caption="Button"/>
screen layout rules 7

Components and containers width and height are content-dependent by default. Some containers have different default dimensions:

Container Width Height










The root layout element is a vertical container (VBox), which has 100% width and height. The height can be AUTO in dialog mode.

Tabs within a TabSheet are VBox containers.

GroupBox component contains a VBox or an HBox, depending on the orientation property value.

Example of a container with content-based size:

        <button caption="Button"/>
        <button caption="Button"/>
screen layout rules 8

Example of a container with relative size:

<layout spacing="true">
    <groupBox caption="GroupBox"
    <button caption="Button"/>
screen layout rules 9

Here, layout, as well as vbox or hbox, provides equal space to all nested components, and groupBox has 100% height. In addition to that, groupBox has 100% width by default and takes all the available space.

Component specifics

It is recommended to set the absolute or relative height for Table and Tree. Otherwise, a table/tree can take unlimited size, if there are too many rows or nodes.

ScrollBox must have fixed or relative (but not AUTO) width and height. Components inside ScrollBox, positioned in the scrolling direction, may not have relative dimensions.

The following examples show the correct use of horizontal and vertical ScrollBox containers. If scrolling is required in both directions, both height and width must be set for the components (AUTO or absolute).

screen layout rules 5
The expand option

The container’s expand attribute allows specifying the component that will be given maximum available space.

The component specified in expand will have 100% size in the direction of the component expansion (vertically - for VBox, horizontally - for HBox). When container size is changed, the component will change its size accordingly.

<vbox expand="bigBox">
    <vbox id="bigBox"/>
    <label value="Label"/>
screen layout rules 6

expand works relatively to component expansion, for example:

<layout spacing="true"
    <groupBox id="groupBox"
    <button caption="Button"/>
screen layout rules 10

In the following example, the auxiliary Label element (spacer) is used. Due to applied expand, it takes all the space left in the container.

<layout expand="spacer">
    <textField caption="Number"/>
    <dateField caption="Date"/>
    <label id="spacer"/>
    <hbox spacing="true">
        <button caption="OK"/>
        <button caption="Cancel"/>
screen layout rules 11 Margins and Spacing
Margin for screen borders

The margin attribute enables setting margins between container borders and nested components.

If margin is set to true, the margin is applied to all sides of the container.

    <vbox margin="true" height="100%">
        <groupBox caption="Group"
    <groupBox caption="Group"
screen layout rules 12

Margins can be also set for each individual side (Top, Right, Bottom, Left). The example of top and bottom margins:

<vbox margin="true,false,true,false">
Spacing between components

The spacing attribute indicates whether the space should be added between nested components in the direction of the container expansion.

screen layout rules 13

Spacing will work correctly in case some of the nested components become invisible, so you should not use margin to emulate spacing.

<layout spacing="true">
    <button caption="Button"/>
    <button caption="Button"/>
    <button caption="Button"/>
    <button caption="Button"/>
screen layout rules 14 Alignment
Aligning components inside a container

Use the align attribute to align components within a container.

For example, here the label is located in the centre of the container:

<vbox height="100%">
    <label align="MIDDLE_CENTER"
screen layout rules 15

Component with specified alignment should not have 100% size in alignment direction. The container should provide more space than required by the component. The component will be aligned within this space.

The example of alignment within available space:

<vbox height="100%">
    <label align="MIDDLE_CENTER"
screen layout rules 16 Common Layout Mistakes
Common mistake 1. Setting relative size for a component within a container with content-based size

Example of incorrect layout with relative size:

screen layout rules 17

In this example, a label has 100% height, while the default height for VBox is AUTO, i.e. content-based.

Example of incorrect layout with expand:

screen layout rules 18

Expand implicitly sets relative 100% height for the label, which is not correct, just like in the example above. In such cases, the screen may not look as expected. Some components may disappear or have zero size. If you encounter any layout problems, check that relative sizes are specified correctly first of all.

Common mistake 2. Components inside a ScrollBox have 100% dimensions

Example of incorrect layout:

screen layout rules 19

As a result of such mistake, scroll bars in ScrollBox will not appear even if the size of nested components exceeds the scrolling area.

screen layout rules 20
Common mistake 3. Aligning components with insufficient space

Example of incorrect layout:

screen layout rules 21

In this example, HBox has content-dependent size, therefore the label alignment has no effect.

screen layout rules 22

4.3.2. Passing Parameters to a Screen

Passing parameters from one screen to another is one of the most common tasks in UI development. Let’s consider this task taking an "order management" application as an example.

Opening screen with openWindow

Parameters can be passed by providing them in a map to openWindow(), openLookup() or openEditor() methods. They will be available in the opened screen as a map in the init() method and individually if you inject them with the @WindowParam annotation.

Suppose we want to filter the products in the Product browser passing some parameters from the Order editor.

  • OrderEdit screen contains the addOrderLine() method which is invoked by addOrderLine action. The method opens a products lookup screen passing two parameters to it:

    • the currently selected customer,

    • the list of already added products.

      After a user selects a product, the QuantityDialog screen is opened for entering product quantity. When the user closes it, a new instance of OrderLine entity is created and added to the table.

              items -> {
                  if (!items.isEmpty()) {
                      openQuantityDialog((Product) items.iterator().next());
                      "customer", getItem().getCustomer(),
                      "added", orderLinesDs.getItems().stream()
                                              .map(line -> line.getProduct().getId())
  • ProductBrowse screen modifies its datasource query depending on passed customer. If a customer is provided, the table shows only products for this customer and those without reference to a customer. The parameters are injected in the screen controller using the @WindowParam annotation:

    private Customer customer;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        if (customer != null) {
                    "select e from sample$Product e left join e.customer c " +
                    "where c.id = :param$customer or c is null");

    When the product browser is opened for looking up items to be used as order lines, it also creates and applies programmatically a filter to show only products not yet added to the order.


    Filters should be added in the ready() method, as at the moment of the init() method invocation filters are not yet initialized.

    private List<UUID> added;
    public void ready() {
        if (added != null && !added.isEmpty()) {
            FilterEntity filterEntity = metadata.create(FilterEntity.class);
            filterEntity.setName("Not added yet");
            filterEntity.setXml("<filter>\n" +
                    " <and>\n" +
                    " <c name=\"id\" class=\"java.util.UUID\" inExpr=\"true\" hidden=\"true\" operatorType=\"NOT_IN\" width=\"1\" type=\"PROPERTY\">" +
                    " <![CDATA[((e.id not in :component$filter.id_list) or (e.id is null)) ]]>\n" +
                    " <param name=\"component$filter.id_list\" javaClass=\"java.util.UUID\">NULL</param>\n" +
                    " </c>\n" +
                    " </and>\n" +
            filter.setParamValue("id_list", added);

    The contents of the FilterEntity.xml attribute can be taken from a filter created at runtime: go to Entity Inspector, find the created filter which is stored as an instance of the sec$Filter entity and copy its XML.

Opening screen from a PickerField

The PickerField component and its ancestors can also pass parameters to opened screens. The parameters should be defined for the PickerField actions: LookupAction or OpenAction.

Suppose we want to customize the caption of the Customer browser if it is opened from a PickerField in the Product editor.

  • In the ProductEdit screen we set the parameters for the PickerField LookupAction using its setLookupScreenParams() method:

    public class ProductEdit extends AbstractEditor<Product> {
        private PickerField customerField;
        protected void postInit() {
            customerField.getLookupAction().setLookupScreenParams(ParamsMap.of("product", getItem()));
  • Then, we inject the passed parameter in the CustomerBrowse screen:

    private Product product;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        if (product != null && product.getName() != null) {
            getFrame().setCaption("Select a customer for " + product.getName());

Now, if the customer browser is opened from the product editor, we will know exactly which product it was.

4.3.3. Returning Values from an Invoked Screen

The methods used for opening screens (openWindow(), openLookup(), openEditor()) also allow you to get values back from these screens.

Returning a value from lookup screen

The openLookup() method accepts a handler for the items selected in the opened lookup screen. In our example, the handler implemented by the lambda expression sets the selected customer for the edited Order instance.

        items -> {
            if (!items.isEmpty()) {
                getItem().setCustomer((Customer) items.iterator().next());
Returning a value from an arbitrary screen

The idea is that you return a reference to the controller of the opened screen, and then add a CloseListener to this reference. In the listener, you handle the values after the screen is closed.

OrderEdit screen controller demonstrates two ways of looking up a Customer: from a lookup screen and from an arbitrary screen, both returning a Customer instance.

The openWindow() method in the following example will open the customers list screen as a dialog window. CloseWithCommitListener will be notified when the screen is closed by action with Window.COMMIT_ACTION_ID. This listener will be used to set the selected customer for the edited Order instance.

CustomerList window = (CustomerList) openWindow("customer-list", WindowManager.OpenType.DIALOG);
window.addCloseWithCommitListener(() -> {

4.3.4. One-to-One Composition with a Single Editor

It is often convenient to edit the One-to-One composition in one single editor. Let’s see how it can be implemented taking the Customer and the CustomerDetails relationship as an example.

  • customer-edit.xml descriptor contains the main customerDs and the nested detailsDs datasources:

        <datasource id="customerDs"
            <datasource id="detailsDs"

    Fields for editing both entities are grouped into one fieldGroup, where some fields are bound to the nested datasource:

    <fieldGroup id="customerGroup"
        <column width="200px">
            <field property="name"/>
            <field property="email"/>
            <field datasource="detailsDs"
            <field datasource="detailsDs"
  • In the CustomerEdit controller we override the initNewItem() method. It will create a CustomerDetails instance and link it to the new Customer instance when the latter is just created:

    private Metadata metadata;
    protected void initNewItem(Customer customer) {

    Finally, let’s handle the situation when a user clicks Create and then wants to close the editor without changing anything. This user will be asked for saving changes, as the detailsDs datasource already contains an empty instance and isModified() method of the AbstractEditor will always return true. To prevent the appearance of confirmation dialog, we should make isModified() consider changes only in the master datasource:

    public boolean isModified() {
        return customerDs.isModified();

Now, both linked entities can be created and edited in one editor screen.

4.3.5. Using Individual Fields instead of FieldGroup

Using the FieldGroup component in an entity’s editor is not mandatory. You can easily replace it with separate fields to create a custom screen layout.

Below is an example of such editor for the Order entity.

The order-edit.xml descriptor contains the main orderDs and the nested orderLinesDs datasources, as well as the independent customersDs datasource for selecting a customer in a lookupField:

    <datasource id="orderDs"
        <collectionDatasource id="orderLinesDs"
    <collectionDatasource id="customersDs"
            <![CDATA[select e from sample$Customer e]]>

Now, all we have to do is to create the fields for the Order attributes, bind them to the appropriate datasources and define the entity’s attribute using the property attribute:

  • the order’s number:

    <textField id="numField"
  • the order’s customer:

    <lookupField id="customerField"
  • the order date:

    <datePicker id="datePicker"
  • the table containing the order lines:

    <table id="orderLinesTable"
        <rows datasource="orderLinesDs"/>
        . . .

This approach is more flexible in terms of screen layout design. You can select any visual components for the fields, group the fields and place them wherever you like on the screen.

4.4. Loading and Saving Data

This section describes different ways of loading and saving data to the database.

4.4.1. DataManager vs. EntityManager

Both DataManager and EntityManager can be used for CRUD operations on entities. There are the following differences between these interfaces:

DataManager EntityManager

DataManager is available on both middle and client tiers.

EntityManager is available only on the middle tier.

DataManager is a singleton bean. It can be injected or obtained via AppBeans.get().

You should obtain a reference to EntityManager through the Persistence interface.

DataManager defines a few high-level methods for working with detached entities: load(), loadList(), reload(), commit().

EntityManager mostly resembles the standard javax.persistence.EntityManager.

DataManager in fact delegates to DataStore implementations, so the DataManager features listed below apply only to the most common case when you work with entities located in a relational database:

DataManager EntityManager

DataManager always starts new transactions internally.

You have to open a transaction before working with EntityManager.

DataManager loads partial entities according to views. There are a few exceptions, see details here.

EntityManager loads all local attributes. If a view is specified, it affects only reference attributes. See details here.

DataManager executes only JPQL queries. Besides, it has separate methods for loading entities: load(), loadList(); and scalar values and aggregates: loadValues().

EntityManager can run any JPQL or native (SQL) queries.

DataManager checks security restrictions when invoked on the client tier.

EntityManager does not impose security restrictions.

When you work with data on the client tier, you have only one option - DataManager. On the middleware, use EntityManager when you need to implement some atomic logic inside a transaction or if the EntityManager interface is better suited to the task. Otherwise, on the middleware you can use both.

If you need to overcome restrictions of DataManager when working on the client tier, create your own service and use EntityManager to work with data. In the service, you can check permissions using the Security interface and return data to the client in the form of persistent or non-persistent entities or arbitrary values.

4.5. Using REST API

This section contains REST API usage examples.

The detailed information about REST API methods is written according to Swagger specification and is available at address http://files.cuba-platform.com/swagger/6.9.

4.5.1. Getting an OAuth Token

An OAuth token is required for any REST API method (except when you are using an anonymous access). A token can be obtained by the POST request on the address:


An access to this endpoint is protected with a basic authentication. REST API client identifier and password is used for basic authentication. Please note that these are not an application user login and password. REST API client id and password are defined in the application properties cuba.rest.client.id and cuba.rest.client.secret (the default values are client and secret). You must pass the client id and secret, separated by a single colon (":") character, within a base64 encoded string in the Authorization header.

The request type must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the encoding is UTF-8.

The request must contain the following parameters:

  • grant_type - password.

  • username - application user login.

  • password - application user password.

POST /oauth/token
Authorization: Basic Y2xpZW50OnNlY3JldA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


You can also use cURL:

curl -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic Y2xpZW50OnNlY3JldA==" -d "grant_type=password&username=admin&password=admin" http://localhost:8080/app/rest/v2/oauth/token

Method returns a JSON object:

  "access_token": "29bc6b45-83cd-4050-8c7a-2a8a60adf251",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "refresh_token": "e765446f-d49e-4634-a6d3-2d0583a0e7ea",
  "expires_in": 43198,
  "scope": "rest-api"

An access token value is in the access_token property.

In order to use the access token, put it in the Authorization header with the Bearer type, for example:

Authorization: Bearer 29bc6b45-83cd-4050-8c7a-2a8a60adf251

The refresh_token property contains a refresh token value. A refresh token cannot be used for accessing the protected resources, but it has a longer lifetime than an access token and it can be used to obtain new access token when the current one is expired.

The request for getting new access token using the refresh token must contain the following parameters:

  • grant_type - refresh_token.

  • refresh_token - a refresh token value.

POST /oauth/token
Authorization: Basic Y2xpZW50OnNlY3JldA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


See also the following application properties related to tokens:

4.5.2. REST API Authentication with LDAP

LDAP Authentication for REST can be enabled using the following properties:

  • cuba.rest.ldap.enabled - whether LDAP authentication is enabled or not.

  • cuba.rest.ldap.urls – LDAP server URL.

  • cuba.rest.ldap.base – base DN for user search.

  • cuba.rest.ldap.user – the distinguished name of a system user which has the right to read the information from the directory.

  • cuba.rest.ldap.password – the password for the system user defined in the cuba.web.ldap.user property.

  • cuba.rest.ldap.userLoginField - the name of an LDAP user attribute that is used for matching the login name. sAMAccountName by default (suitable for Active Directory).

Example of local.app.properties file:

cuba.rest.ldap.enabled = true
cuba.rest.ldap.urls = ldap://
cuba.rest.ldap.base = ou=Employees,dc=mycompany,dc=com
cuba.rest.ldap.user = cn=System User,ou=Employees,dc=mycompany,dc=com
cuba.rest.ldap.password = system_user_password

You can obtain OAuth token using the following end-point:


An access to this endpoint is protected with the basic authentication. REST API client identifier and password are used for basic authentication. Please note that these are not the application user login and password. REST API client id and password are defined in the application properties cuba.rest.client.id and cuba.rest.client.secret (the default values are client and secret). You must pass the client id and secret, separated by a single colon (":") character, within a base64 encoded string in the Authorization header.

Request parameters are the same as for standard authentication:

  • grant_type - always password.

  • username - application user login.

  • password - application user password.

The request type must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the encoding is UTF-8.

Also, standard authentication with login and password can be disabled:

cuba.rest.standardAuthenticationEnabled = false

4.5.3. Custom Authentication

Authentication mechanisms can provide access tokens by key, link, LDAP login and password, etc. REST API uses its own authentication mechanism that cannot be modified. In order to use custom authentication process, you need to create a REST controller and use its URL.

Let’s consider the custom authentication mechanism that enables getting an OAuth token by a promo code. In the following example we will use a sample application that contains the Coupon entity with code attribute. We will send this attribute’s value as an authentication parameter in GET request.

  1. Create a Coupon entity with the code attribute:

    @Column(name = "CODE", unique = true, length = 4)
    protected String code;
  2. Create a user with promo-user login on behalf of which the authentication will be performed.

  3. Create a new Spring configuration file with name rest-dispatcher-spring.xml under the root package (com.company.demo) of web module. The content of the file must be as follows:

    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
           xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-4.3.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-4.3.xsd">
        <context:component-scan base-package="com.company.demo.web.rest"/>
  4. Include the file into the cuba.restSpringContextConfig application property in the modules/web/src/web-app.properties file:

    cuba.restSpringContextConfig = +com/company/demo/rest-dispatcher-spring.xml
  5. Create the rest package under the root package of web module and implement the custom Spring MVC controller in it. Use the OAuthTokenIssuer bean to generate and issue the REST API token for a user after the custom authentication:

    public class AuthCodeController {
        private OAuthTokenIssuer oAuthTokenIssuer;
        private LoginService loginService;
        private Configuration configuration;
        private DataManager dataManager;
        private MessageTools messageTools;
        // here we check secret code and issue token using OAuthTokenIssuer
        @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public ResponseEntity get(@RequestParam("code") String authCode) {
            // obtain system session to be able to call middleware services
            WebAuthConfig webAuthConfig = configuration.getConfig(WebAuthConfig.class);
            UserSession systemSession;
            try {
                systemSession = loginService.getSystemSession(webAuthConfig.getTrustedClientPassword());
            } catch (LoginException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Error during system auth");
            // set security context
            AppContext.setSecurityContext(new SecurityContext(systemSession));
            try {
                // find coupon with code
                LoadContext<Coupon> loadContext = LoadContext.create(Coupon.class)
                        .setQuery(LoadContext.createQuery("select c from demo$Coupon c where c.code = :code")
                                .setParameter("code", authCode));
                if (dataManager.load(loadContext) == null) {
                    // if coupon is not found - code is incorrect
                    return new ResponseEntity<>(new ErrorInfo("invalid_grant", "Bad credentials"), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
                // generate token for "promo-user"
                OAuthTokenIssuer.OAuth2AccessTokenResult tokenResult =
                        oAuthTokenIssuer.issueToken("promo-user", messageTools.getDefaultLocale(), Collections.emptyMap());
                OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = tokenResult.getAccessToken();
                // set security HTTP headers to prevent browser caching of security token
                HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
                headers.set(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-store");
                headers.set(HttpHeaders.PRAGMA, "no-cache");
                return new ResponseEntity<>(accessToken, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
            } finally {
                // clean up security context
        // POJO for JSON error messages
        public static class ErrorInfo implements Serializable {
            private String error;
            private String error_description;
            public ErrorInfo(String error, String error_description) {
                this.error = error;
                this.error_description = error_description;
            public String getError() {
                return error;
            public String getError_description() {
                return error_description;
  6. Exclude the rest package from scanning in web/core modules: the OAuthTokenIssuer bean is available only in REST API context, and scanning for it in the application context will cause an error.

    <context:component-scan base-package="com.company.demo">
        <context:exclude-filter type="regex" expression="com\.company\.demo\.web\.rest\..*"/>
  7. Now users will be able to obtain OAuth2 access code using GET HTTP request with the code parameter to


    The result will be:


    The obtained access token should then be passed to REST API, as described in the documentation. Social Login in REST API

The mechanism of social login can be used in REST API too. The complete sample application is available on GitHub and described in the Social Login section, below are the key points of getting an access token with a Facebook account.

  1. Create the restapi package under the root package of web module and implement the custom Spring MVC controller in it. This controller should contain two main methods: get() to get a ResponseEntity instance and login() to obtain an OAuth token.

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ResponseEntity get() {
        String loginUrl = getAsPrivilegedUser(() ->
                facebookService.getLoginUrl(getAppUrl(), OAuth2ResponseType.CODE_TOKEN)
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.set(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, loginUrl);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.FOUND);

    Here we check the Facebook code, obtain an access code and issue the access token using OAuthTokenIssuer:

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "login")
    public ResponseEntity<OAuth2AccessToken> login(@RequestParam("code") String code) {
        User user = getAsPrivilegedUser(() -> {
            FacebookUserData userData = facebookService.getUserData(getAppUrl(), code);
            return socialRegistrationService.findOrRegisterUser(
                userData.getId(), userData.getEmail(), userData.getName());
        OAuth2AccessTokenResult tokenResult = oAuthTokenIssuer.issueToken(user.getLogin(),
                messageTools.getDefaultLocale(), Collections.emptyMap());
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.set(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-store");
        headers.set(HttpHeaders.PRAGMA, "no-cache");
        return new ResponseEntity<>(tokenResult.getAccessToken(), headers, HttpStatus.OK);
  2. Exclude the restapi package from scanning in web/core modules: the OAuthTokenIssuer bean is available only in REST API context, and scanning for it in the application context will cause an error.

    <context:component-scan base-package="com.company.demo">
        <context:exclude-filter type="regex" expression="com\.company\.demo\.restapi\..*"/>
  3. Create the facebook-login-demo.html file in the modules/web/web/VAADIN folder of your project. It will contain the JavaScript code running on HTML page:

        <title>Facebook login demo with REST-API</title>
        <script src="jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
        <style type="text/css">
     #users { display: none; }
    <h1>Facebook login demo with REST-API</h1>
    <script type="application/javascript"...>
    <a id="fbLink" href="/app/rest/facebook">Login with Facebook</a>
    <div id="users">
        You are logged in!
        <div id="usersList">

    The following script will try to login with Facebook. Firstly, it will remove code parameters from URL, then it will pass the code to REST API to get an OAuth access token, and in case of successful authentication we will be able to load and save data as usual.

    var oauth2Token = null;
    function tryToLoginWithFacebook() {
        var urlHash = window.location.hash;
        if (urlHash && urlHash.indexOf('&code=') >= 0) {
            console.log("Try to login to CUBA REST-API!");
            var urlCode = urlHash.substring(urlHash.indexOf('&code=') + '&code='.length);
            console.log("Facebook code: " + urlCode);
            history.pushState("", document.title, window.location.pathname);
                url: '/app/rest/facebook/login',
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                dataType: 'json',
                data: {code: urlCode},
                success: function (data) {
                    oauth2Token = data.access_token;
    function loadUsers() {
            url: '/app/rest/v2/entities/sec$User?view=_local',
            headers: {
                'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + oauth2Token,
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
            success: function (data) {
                $.each(data, function (i, user) {
                    $('#usersList').append("<li>" + user.name + " (" + user.email + ")</li>");

    Another example or running a JavaScript code from CUBA applications you can find in the JavaScript Usage Example section.

4.5.4. Getting an Entity Instances List

Let’s suppose that the system has a sales$Order entity and we need to get a list of this entity instances. Besides, we need to get not all the records, but only 50 records, starting with the 100th one. A response must contain not only simple properties of the sales$Order entity but also an information about the order customer (a reference field named customer). Orders must be sorted by date.

A base URL for getting all instances of the sales$Order entity is as follows:


To implement all the conditions described above the following request parameters must be specified:

  • view - a view, that will be used for loading entities. In our case the order-edit-view contains a customer reference.

  • limit - a number of instances to be returned.

  • offset - a position of the first extracted record.

  • sort - an entity attribute name that will be used for sorting.

An OAuth token must be put in the Authorization header with the Bearer type:

Authorization: Bearer 29bc6b45-83cd-4050-8c7a-2a8a60adf251

As a result, we get the following GET request URL:


Using cURL, the request will look like:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer d335902c-9cb4-455e-bf92-24ca1d66d72f" http://localhost:8080/app/rest/v2/entities/sales$Order?view=order-edit&limit=50&offset=100&sort=date

The response will be like this:

    "_entityName": "sales$Order",
    "_instanceName": "00001",
    "id": "46322d73-2374-1d65-a5f2-160461da22bf",
    "date": "2016-10-31",
    "description": "Vacation order",
    "number": "00001",
    "items": [
        "_entityName": "sales$OrderItem",
        "_instanceName": "Beach umbrella",
        "id": "95a04f46-af7a-a307-de4e-f2d73cfc74f7",
        "price": 23,
        "name": "Beach umbrella"
        "_entityName": "sales$OrderItem",
        "_instanceName": "Sun lotion",
        "id": "a2129675-d158-9e3a-5496-41bf1a315917",
        "price": 9.9,
        "name": "Sun lotion"
    "customer": {
      "_entityName": "sales$Customer",
      "_instanceName": "Toby Burns",
      "id": "4aa9a9d8-01df-c8df-34c8-c385b566ea05",
      "firstName": "Toby",
      "lastName": "Burns"
    "_entityName": "sales$Order",
    "_instanceName": "00002",
    "id": "b2ad3059-384c-3e03-b62d-b8c76621b4a8",
    "date": "2016-12-31",
    "description": "New Year party set",
    "number": "00002",
    "items": [
        "_entityName": "sales$OrderItem",
        "_instanceName": "Jack Daniels",
        "id": "0c566c9d-7078-4567-a85b-c67a44f9d5fe",
        "price": 50.7,
        "name": "Jack Daniels"
        "_entityName": "sales$OrderItem",
        "_instanceName": "Hennessy X.O",
        "id": "c01be87b-3f91-7a86-50b5-30f2f0a49127",
        "price": 79.9,
        "name": "Hennessy X.O"
    "customer": {
      "_entityName": "sales$Customer",
      "_instanceName": "Morgan Collins",
      "id": "5d111245-2ed0-abec-3bee-1a196da92e3e",
      "firstName": "Morgan",
      "lastName": "Collins"

Please note, that every entity in the response has a _entityName attribute with the entity name and an _instanceName attribute with the entity instance name.

4.5.5. New Entity Instance Creation

New sales$Order entity instance can be created with the POST request on the address:


An OAuth token must be put in the Authorization header with the Bearer type.

The request body must contain a JSON object that describes a new entity instance, e.g.:

  "number": "00017",
  "date": "2016-09-01",
  "description": "Back to school",
  "items": [
      "_entityName": "sales$OrderItem",
      "price": 100,
      "name": "School bag"
      "_entityName": "sales$OrderItem",
      "price": 9.90,
      "name": "Pencils"
  "customer": {
    "id": "4aa9a9d8-01df-c8df-34c8-c385b566ea05"

Below is an example of cURL POST request that creates a new Order instance:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer d335902c-9cb4-455e-bf92-24ca1d66d72f" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"date\": \"2018-10-12 15:47:28\", \"amount\":  9.90, \"customer\": {\"id\": \"383ebce2-b295-7378-36a1-bcf93693821f\"}}" http://localhost:8080/app/rest/v2/entities/sales$Order

A collection of order items (items) and a customer reference are passed in the request body. Let’s examine how these attributes will be processed.

First, let’s have a quick look to the Order class:

package com.company.sales.entity;

import com.haulmont.chile.core.annotations.Composition;
import com.haulmont.chile.core.annotations.NamePattern;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.StandardEntity;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.annotation.OnDelete;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.DeletePolicy;

import javax.persistence.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Set;

@Table(name = "SALES_ORDER")
@Entity(name = "sales$Order")
public class Order extends StandardEntity {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7565070704618724997L;

    @Column(name = "NUMBER_")
    protected String number;

    @Column(name = "DATE_")
    protected Date date;

    @Column(name = "DESCRIPTION")
    protected String description;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "CUSTOMER_ID")
    protected Customer customer;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "order")
    protected Set<OrderItem> items;

    //getters and setters omitted

The items collection property is annotated with the @Composition. REST API methods for entity creation and update will create a new entity instances for all members of such collections. In our case, two instances of OrderItem entity will be created with the Order entity.

The customer reference doesn’t have a @Composition annotation, that’s why the REST API will try to find a client with the given id and set it to the customer field. If the client is not found then an order won’t be created and the method will return an error.

In case of successful method execution a full object graph of the created entity is returned:

  "_entityName": "sales$Order",
  "id": "5d7ff8e3-7828-ba94-d6ba-155c5c4f2a50",
  "date": "2016-09-01",
  "description": "Back to school",
  "version": 1,
  "number": "00017",
  "createdBy": "admin",
  "createTs": "2016-10-13 18:12:21.047",
  "updateTs": "2016-10-13 18:12:21.047",
  "items": [
      "_entityName": "sales$OrderItem",
      "id": "3158b8ed-7b7a-568e-aec5-0822c3ebbc24",
      "createdBy": "admin",
      "price": 9.9,
      "name": "Pencils",
      "createTs": "2016-10-13 18:12:21.047",
      "version": 1,
      "updateTs": "2016-10-13 18:12:21.047",
      "order": {
        "_entityName": "sales$Order",
        "id": "5d7ff8e3-7828-ba94-d6ba-155c5c4f2a50"
      "_entityName": "sales$OrderItem",
      "id": "72774b8b-4fea-6403-7b52-4a6a749215fc",
      "createdBy": "admin",
      "price": 100,
      "name": "School bag",
      "createTs": "2016-10-13 18:12:21.047",
      "version": 1,
      "updateTs": "2016-10-13 18:12:21.047",
      "order": {
        "_entityName": "sales$Order",
        "id": "5d7ff8e3-7828-ba94-d6ba-155c5c4f2a50"
  "customer": {
    "_entityName": "sales$Customer",
    "id": "4aa9a9d8-01df-c8df-34c8-c385b566ea05",
    "firstName": "Toby",
    "lastName": "Burns",
    "createdBy": "admin",
    "createTs": "2016-10-13 15:32:01.657",
    "version": 1,
    "updateTs": "2016-10-13 15:32:01.657"

4.5.6. Existing Entity Instance Update

An existing sales$Order entity instance can be updated with the PUT request on the address:


The last part of the query here is the entity identifier.

An OAuth token must be put in the Authorization header with the Bearer type.

The request body must contain a JSON object containing only fields we want to update, e.g.:

  "date": "2017-10-01",
  "customer" : {
    "id" : "5d111245-2ed0-abec-3bee-1a196da92e3e"

The response body will contain a modified entity:

  "_entityName": "sales$Order",
  "id": "5d7ff8e3-7828-ba94-d6ba-155c5c4f2a50",
  "date": "2017-10-01",
  "updatedBy": "admin",
  "description": "Back to school",
  "version": 2,
  "number": "00017",
  "createdBy": "admin",
  "createTs": "2016-10-13 18:12:21.047",
  "updateTs": "2016-10-13 19:13:02.656",
  "customer": {
    "_entityName": "sales$Customer",
    "id": "5d111245-2ed0-abec-3bee-1a196da92e3e",
    "firstName": "Morgan",
    "lastName": "Collins",
    "createdBy": "admin",
    "createTs": "2016-10-13 15:31:27.821",
    "version": 1,
    "updateTs": "2016-10-13 15:31:27.821",
    "email": "collins@gmail.com"

4.5.7. Executing a JPQL Query (GET)

Before the execution with the REST API a query must be described in the configuration file. The rest-queries.xml file must be created in the main package of the web module (e.g. com.company.sales). Then the file must be defined in the application properties file of the web module (web-app.properties).

cuba.rest.queriesConfig = +com/company/sales/rest-queries.xml

rest-queries.xml contents:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<queries xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/rest-queries.xsd">
    <query name="ordersAfterDate" entity="sales$Order" view="order-edit-view">
        <jpql><![CDATA[select o from sales$Order o where o.date >= :startDate and o.date <= :endDate]]></jpql>
            <param name="startDate" type="java.util.Date"/>
            <param name="endDate" type="java.util.Date"/>

To execute a JPQL query the following GET request must be executed:


The request URL parts:

  • sales$Order - extracted entity name.

  • ordersAfterDate - a query name from the configuration file.

  • startDate and endDate - request parameters with the values.

An OAuth token must be put in the Authorization header with the Bearer type.

The method returns a JSON array of extracted entity instances:

    "_entityName": "sales$Order",
    "_instanceName": "00002",
    "id": "b2ad3059-384c-3e03-b62d-b8c76621b4a8",
    "date": "2016-12-31",
    "description": "New Year party set",
    "number": "00002",
    "items": [
        "_entityName": "sales$OrderItem",
        "_instanceName": "Jack Daniels",
        "id": "0c566c9d-7078-4567-a85b-c67a44f9d5fe",
        "price": 50.7,
        "name": "Jack Daniels"
        "_entityName": "sales$OrderItem",
        "_instanceName": "Hennessy X.O",
        "id": "c01be87b-3f91-7a86-50b5-30f2f0a49127",
        "price": 79.9,
        "name": "Hennessy X.O"
    "customer": {
      "_entityName": "sales$Customer",
      "_instanceName": "Morgan Collins",
      "id": "5d111245-2ed0-abec-3bee-1a196da92e3e",
      "firstName": "Morgan",
      "lastName": "Collins"

A full list of possible request parameters is available in the Swagger documentation.

4.5.8. Executing a JPQL Query (POST)

It is also possible to execute a query with POST HTTP request. POST request can be used when you need to pass a collection as query parameter value. In this case, the type of the query parameter in REST queries configuration file must end with square brackets: java.lang.String[], java.util.UUID[], etc.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<queries xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/rest-queries.xsd">
    <query name="ordersByIds" entity="sales$Order" view="order-edit-view">
        <jpql><![CDATA[select o from sales$Order o where o.id in :ids and o.status = :status]]></jpql>
            <param name="ids" type="java.util.UUID[]"/>
            <param name="status" type="java.lang.String"/>

Query parameters values must be passed in the request body as JSON map:

  "ids": ["c273fca1-33c2-0229-2a0c-78bc6d09110a", "e6c04c18-c8a1-b741-7363-a2d58589d800", "d268a4e1-f316-a7c8-7a96-87ba06afbbbd"],
  "status": "ready"

The POST request URL:


4.5.9. Service Method Invocation (GET)

Suppose there is an OrderService service in the system. The implementation looks as follows:

package com.company.sales.service;

import com.haulmont.cuba.core.EntityManager;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.Persistence;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.Transaction;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class OrderServiceBean implements OrderService {

    private Persistence persistence;

    public BigDecimal calculatePrice(String orderNumber) {
        BigDecimal orderPrice = null;
        try (Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction()) {
            EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();
            orderPrice = (BigDecimal) em.createQuery("select sum(oi.price) from sales$OrderItem oi where oi.order.number = :orderNumber")
                    .setParameter("orderNumber", orderNumber)

        return orderPrice;

Before the execution with the REST API a service method invocation must be allowed in the configuration file. The rest-services.xml file must be created in the main package of the web module (e.g. com.company.sales). Then the file must be defined in the application properties file of the web module (web-app.properties).

cuba.rest.servicesConfig = +com/company/sales/rest-services.xml

rest-services.xml content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<services xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/rest-services-v2.xsd">
    <service name="sales_OrderService">
        <method name="calculatePrice">
            <param name="orderNumber"/>

To invoke the service method the following GET request must be executed:


The request URL parts:

  • sales_OrderService - a service name.

  • calculatePrice - a method name.

  • orderNumber - an argument name with the value.

An OAuth token must be put in the Authorization header with the Bearer type.

A service method may return a result of simple datatype, an entity, an entities collection or a serializable POJO. In our case a BigDecimal is returned, so the response body contains just a number:


4.5.10. Service Method Invocation (POST)

REST API allows execution not only of methods that have arguments of simple datatypes, but also of methods with the following arguments:

  • entities

  • entities collections

  • serializable POJOs

Suppose we added a new method to the OrderService created in the previous section:

public OrderValidationResult validateOrder(Order order, Date validationDate){
    OrderValidationResult result=new OrderValidationResult();
    result.setErrorMessage("Validation of order "+order.getNumber()+" failed. validationDate parameter is: "+validationDate);
    return result;

OrderValidationResult class looks as follows:

package com.company.sales.service;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class OrderValidationResult implements Serializable {

    private boolean success;

    private String errorMessage;

    public boolean isSuccess() {
        return success;

    public void setSuccess(boolean success) {
        this.success = success;

    public String getErrorMessage() {
        return errorMessage;

    public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage) {
        this.errorMessage = errorMessage;

The new method has an Order entity in the arguments list and returns a POJO.

Before the invocation with the REST API the method must be allowed, so we add a record to the rest-services.xml configuration file (it was described in the Service Method Invocation (GET)).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<services xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/rest-services-v2.xsd">
    <service name="sales_OrderService">
        <method name="calculatePrice">
            <param name="orderNumber"/>
        <method name="validateOrder">
            <param name="order"/>
            <param name="validationDate"/>

The validateOrder service method may be called with the POST request on the address:


In case of the POST request parameters are passed in the request body. The request body must contain a JSON object, each field of this object corresponds to the service method argument.

  "order" : {
    "number": "00050",
    "date" : "2016-01-01"
  "validationDate": "2016-10-01"

An OAuth token must be put in the Authorization header with the Bearer type.

The REST API method returns a serialized POJO:

  "success": false,
  "errorMessage": "Validation of order 00050 failed. validationDate parameter is: 2016-10-01"

4.5.11. Files Downloading

When downloading a file, passing a security token in the request header is often inconvenient. It is desirable to have a URL for downloading that may be put to the src attribute of the img tag.

As a solution, an OAuth token can also be passed in the request URL as a parameter with the access_token name.

For example, an image is uploaded to the application. Its FileDescriptor id is 44809679-e81c-e5ae-dd81-f56f223761d6.

In this case a URL for downloading the image will look like this:


4.5.12. Files Uploading

In order to upload a file, you should get an access token which will be used in the subsequent requests.

Suppose we have the following form for the file input:

<form id="fileForm">
    <h2>Select a file:</h2>
    <input type="file" name="file" id="fileUpload"/>
    <button type="submit">Upload</button>

<img id="uploadedFile" src="" style="display: none"/>

We will use jQuery for the upload and get a JSON with data which is the newly created FileDescriptor instance. We can access the uploaded file by its FileDescriptor id with the access token as a parameter:

$('#fileForm').submit(function (e) {

    var file = $('#fileUpload')[0].files[0];
    var url = 'http://localhost:8080/app/rest/v2/files?name=' + file.name; // send file name as parameter

        type: 'POST',
        url: url,
        headers: {
            'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + oauthToken // add header with access token
        processData: false,
        contentType: false,
        dataType: 'json',
        data: file,
        success: function (data) {
            alert('Upload successful');

                'http://localhost:8080/app/rest/v2/files/' + data.id + '?access_token=' + oauthToken); // update image url

4.5.13. JavaScript Usage Example

This section contains an example of using REST API v2 from JavaScript running on a HTML page. The page initially shows login form, and after successful login displays a message and a list of entities.

For simplicity, we will use modules/web/web/VAADIN folder for storing HTML/CSS/JavaScript files, as the corresponding folder in the deployed web application is used for serving static resources by default. So you will not need to make any configuration of your Tomcat application server. The resulting URL will start from http://localhost:8080/app/VAADIN, so do not use this approach in a real world application - create a separate web application with its own context instead.

Download jQuery and Bootstrap and copy to modules/web/web/VAADIN folder of your project. Create customers.html and customers.js files, so the content of the folder should look as follows:


customers.html file content:

        <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css"/>
        <div style="width: 300px; margin: auto;">

            <div id="loggedInStatus" style="display: none" class="alert alert-success">
                Logged in successfully
            <div id="loginForm">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="loginField">Login:</label>
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="loginField">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="passwordField">Password:</label>
                    <input type="password" class="form-control" id="passwordField">
                <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="login()">Submit</button>

            <div id="customers" style="display: none">
                <ul id="customersList"></ul>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="customers.js"></script>

customers.js file content:

var oauthToken = null;
function login() {
    var userLogin = $('#loginField').val();
    var userPassword = $('#passwordField').val();
        url: 'http://localhost:8080/app/rest/v2/oauth/token',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': 'Basic Y2xpZW50OnNlY3JldA==',
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        dataType: 'json',
        data: {grant_type: 'password', username: userLogin, password: userPassword},
        success: function (data) {
            oauthToken = data.access_token;

function loadCustomers() {
        url: 'http://localhost:8080/app/rest/v2/entities/sales$Customer?view=_local',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + oauthToken,
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        success: function (data) {
            $.each(data, function (i, customer) {
                $('#customersList').append("<li>" + customer.name + " (" + customer.email + ")</li>");

Login and password from the user input are sent to the server by the POST request with the Base64-encoded client credentials in the Authorization header as explained in Getting an OAuth Token section. If the authentication is successful, the web page receives an access token value from the server, the token is stored in the oauthToken variable, the loginForm div is hidden and the loggedInStatus div is shown.

To show the list of customers, the request is sent to the server to get the instances of the sales$Customer entity, passing the oauthToken value in the Authorization header.

In case the request is processed successfully, the customers div is shown, and the customersList element is filled with items containing customer names and emails.

rest js 1
rest js 2

4.5.14. Getting Localized Messages

There are methods in the REST API for getting localized messages for entities, their properties and enums.

For example, to get a list of localized messages for the sec$User entity you have to execute the following GET request:


An OAuth token must be put in the Authorization header with the Bearer type.

You can explicitly specify the desired locale using the Accept-Language http header.

The response will be like this:

  "sec$User": "User",
  "sec$User.active": "Active",
  "sec$User.changePasswordAtNextLogon": "Change Password at Next Logon",
  "sec$User.createTs": "Created At",
  "sec$User.createdBy": "Created By",
  "sec$User.deleteTs": "Deleted At",
  "sec$User.deletedBy": "Deleted By",
  "sec$User.email": "Email",
  "sec$User.firstName": "First Name",
  "sec$User.group": "Group",
  "sec$User.id": "ID",
  "sec$User.ipMask": "Permitted IP Mask",
  "sec$User.language": "Language",
  "sec$User.lastName": "Last Name",
  "sec$User.login": "Login",
  "sec$User.loginLowerCase": "Login",
  "sec$User.middleName": "Middle Name",
  "sec$User.name": "Name",
  "sec$User.password": "Password",
  "sec$User.position": "Position",
  "sec$User.substitutions": "Substitutions",
  "sec$User.timeZone": "Time Zone",
  "sec$User.timeZoneAuto": "Autodetect Time Zone",
  "sec$User.updateTs": "Updated At",
  "sec$User.updatedBy": "Updated By",
  "sec$User.userRoles": "User Roles",
  "sec$User.version": "Version"

To get the localization for enum, use the following URL:


If you omit the entity name or enum name part in the URL, you’ll get the localization for all entities or enums.

4.5.15. Data Model Versioning Example

Entity attribute was renamed

Let’s suppose that the oldNumber attribute of the sales$Order entity was renamed to newNumber and date was renamed to deliveryDate. In this case transformation config will be like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<transformations xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/rest-json-transformations.xsd">
    <transformation modelVersion="1.0" currentEntityName="sales$Order">
        <renameAttribute oldName="oldNumber" currentName="newNumber"/>
        <renameAttribute oldName="date" currentName="deliveryDate"/>

If the client app needs to work with the old version of the sales$Order entity then it must pass the modelVersion value in the URL parameter:


The following result will be returned:

  "_entityName": "sales$Order",
  "_instanceName": "00001",
  "id": "46322d73-2374-1d65-a5f2-160461da22bf",
  "date": "2016-10-31",
  "description": "Vacation order",
  "oldNumber": "00001"

The response JSON contains an oldNumber and date attributes although the entity in the CUBA application has newNumber and deliveryDate attributes.

Entity name was changed

Next, let’s imagine, that in some next release of the application a name of the sales$Order entity was also changed. The new name is sales$NewOrder.

Transformation config for version 1.1 will be like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<transformations xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/rest-json-transformations.xsd">
    <transformation modelVersion="1.1" oldEntityName="sales$Order" currentEntityName="sales$NewOrder">
        <renameAttribute oldName="oldNumber" currentName="newNumber"/>

In addition to the config from the previous example an oldEntityName attribute is added here. It specifies the entity name that was valid for model version 1.1. The currentEntityName attribute specifies the current entity name.

Although an entity with a name sales$Order doesn’t exist anymore, the following request will work:


The REST API controller will understand that it must search among sales$NewOrder entities and after the entity with given id is found names of the entity and of the newNumber attribute will be replaced in the result JSON:

  "_entityName": "sales$Order",
  "_instanceName": "00001",
  "id": "46322d73-2374-1d65-a5f2-160461da22bf",
  "date": "2016-10-31",
  "description": "Vacation order",
  "oldNumber": "00001"

The client app can also use the old version of data model for entity update and creation.

This POST request that uses old entity name and has old JSON in the request body will work:


  "_entityName": "sales$Order",
  "_instanceName": "00001",
  "id": "46322d73-2374-1d65-a5f2-160461da22bf",
  "date": "2016-10-31",
  "description": "Vacation order",
  "oldNumber": "00001"
Entity attribute must be removed from JSON

If some attribute was added to the entity, but the client that works with the old version of data model doesn’t expect this new attribute, then the new attribute can be removed from the result JSON.

Transformation configuration for this case will look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<transformations xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/rest-json-transformations.xsd">
    <transformation modelVersion="1.5" currentEntityName="sales$Order">
            <removeAttribute name="discount"/>

Transformation in this config file contains a toVersion tag with a nested removeAttribute command. This means that when the transformation from the current state to specific version is performed (i.e. when you request a list of entities) then a discount attribute must be removed from the result JSON.

In this case if you perform the request without the modelVersion attribute, the discount attribute will be returned:


    "_entityName": "sales$Order",
    "_instanceName": "00001",
    "id": "46322d73-2374-1d65-a5f2-160461da22bf",
    "deliveryDate": "2016-10-31",
    "description": "Vacation order",
    "number": "00001",
    "discount": 50

If you specify the modelVersion then discount attribute will be removed


    "_entityName": "sales$Order",
    "_instanceName": "00001",
    "id": "46322d73-2374-1d65-a5f2-160461da22bf",
    "deliveryDate": "2016-10-31",
    "description": "Vacation order",
    "oldNumber": "00001"
Using custom transformer

You can also create and register a custom JSON transformer. As an example let’s examine the following situation: there was an entity sales$OldOrder that was renamed to sales$NewOrder. This entity has an orderDate field. In the previous version, this date field contained a time part, but in the latest version of the entity, the time part is removed. REST API client that request the entity with an old model version 1.0 expects the date field to have the time part, so the transformer must modify the value in the JSON.

First, that’s how the transformer configuration must look like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<transformations xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/rest-json-transformations.xsd">

    <transformation modelVersion="1.0" oldEntityName="sales$OldOrder" currentEntityName="sales$NewOrder">
            <fromVersion transformerBeanRef="sales_OrderJsonTransformerFromVersion"/>
            <toVersion transformerBeanRef="sales_OrderJsonTransformerToVersion"/>


There are a custom element and nested toVersion and fromVersion elements. These elements have a reference to the transformer bean. This means that custom transformer must be registered as a Spring bean. There is one important thing here: a custom transformer may use the RestTransformations platform bean (this bean gives an access to other entities transformers if it is required). But the RestTransformations bean is registered in the Spring context of the REST API servlet, not in the main context of the web application. This means that custom transformer beans must be registered in the REST API Spring context as well.

That’s how we can do that.

First, create a rest-dispatcher-spring.xml in the web or portal module (e.g. in package com.company.test).

Next, register this file in the app.properties of the web or portal module:

cuba.restSpringContextConfig = +com/company/test/rest-dispatcher-spring.xml

The rest-dispatcher-spring.xml must contain custom transformer bean definitions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-4.3.xsd">

    <bean name="sales_OrderJsonTransformerFromVersion" class="com.company.test.transformer.OrderJsonTransformerFromVersion"/>
    <bean name="sales_OrderJsonTransformerToVersion" class="com.company.test.transformer.OrderJsonTransformerToVersion"/>


The content of the sales_OrderJsonTransformerToVersion transformer is as follows:

package com.company.test.transformer;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.haulmont.restapi.transform.AbstractEntityJsonTransformer;
import com.haulmont.restapi.transform.JsonTransformationDirection;

public class OrderJsonTransformerToVersion extends AbstractEntityJsonTransformer {

    public OrderJsonTransformerToVersion() {
        super("sales$NewOrder", "sales$OldOrder", "1.0", JsonTransformationDirection.TO_VERSION);

    protected void doCustomTransformations(ObjectNode rootObjectNode, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
        JsonNode orderDateNode = rootObjectNode.get("orderDate");
        if (orderDateNode != null) {
            String orderDateNodeValue = orderDateNode.asText();
            if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(orderDateNodeValue))
                rootObjectNode.put("orderDate", orderDateNodeValue + " 00:00:00.000");

This transformer finds the orderDate node in the JSON object and modifies its value by adding the time part to the value.

When the sales$OldOrder entity with a data model version 1.0 is requested, the result JSON will contain entities with orderDate fields that contain time part, although it is not stored in the database anymore.

A couple more words about custom transformers. They must implement the EntityJsonTransformer interface. You can also extend the AbstractEntityJsonTransformer class and override its doCustomTransformations method. The AbstractEntityJsonTransformer contains all functionality of the standard transformer.

4.5.16. Using Entities Search Filter

REST API allows you to specify ad-hoc search criteria when getting a list of entities.

Let’s suppose that we have two entities:

  • Author that has two fields: lastName and firstName

  • Book with three fields: title (String), author (Author) and publicationYear (Integer)

To perform a search with conditions we must use the URL like this:


The search conditions must be passed in the filter parameter. It is a JSON object that contains a set of conditions. If the search is performed with the GET request, then the filter parameter must be passed in the URL.

Example 1

We need to find all books that were released in 2007 and have an author with the first name starting with "Alex". The filter JSON should look like this:

    "conditions": [
            "property": "author.firstName",
            "operator": "startsWith",
            "value": "Alex"
            "property": "publicationDate",
            "operator": "=",
            "value": 2007

By default, search criteria are applied with the AND operation.

This example also demonstrates that nested properties are supported (author.firstName).

Example 2

The next example demonstrates two things: how to execute a search with the POST request and how to use OR groups. In case of POST request all parameters must be passed in the JSON object that is passed in the request body. The search filter must be placed in the object field called filter. All other parameters (view name, limit, etc.) must be placed in fields with corresponding names:

  "filter": {
    "conditions": [
        "group": "OR",
        "conditions": [
            "property": "author.lastName",
            "operator": "contains",
            "value": "Stev"
            "property": "author.lastName",
            "operator": "=",
            "value": "Dumas"
        "property": "publicationDate",
        "operator": "=",
        "in": [2007, 2008]
  "view": "book-view"

In this example, conditions collection contains not only condition objects, but also an OR group. So the result search criterion will be:

((author.lastName contains Stev) OR (author.lastName = Duma) AND (publicationDate in [2007, 2008]))

Notice that the view parameter is also passed in the request body.

4.6. Working with Application Components

Any CUBA application can be used as a component of another application. An application component is a full-stack library providing functionality on all layers - from database schema to business logic and UI.

Application components published on CUBA Marketplace are called add-ons, because they extend functionality of the framework and can be used in any CUBA-based application.

4.6.1. Using Public Add-ons

An add-on published on Marketplace can be added to your project in one of the ways described below. The first and the second approaches assume that you use one of the standard CUBA repositories. The last approach is applicable for open-source add-ons and doesn’t involve any remote repositories.

By Studio
  1. Edit Project properties and on the App components panel click the plus button next to Custom components.

  2. Copy add-on coordinates from the marketplace page or from the add-on’s documentation and paste them in the coordinates field, for example:

  3. Click OK in the dialog. Studio will try to find the add-on binaries in the repository currently selected for the project. If it is found, the dialog will close and the add-on will appear in the list of custom components.

  4. Save the project properties by clicking OK.

By manual editing
  1. Edit build.gradle and specify the add-on coordinates in the root dependencies section:

    dependencies {
        // your add-ons go here
  2. Execute gradlew idea in the command line to include add-on in your project’s development environment.

  3. Edit web.xml files of the core and web modules and add the add-on identifier (which is equal to Maven groupId) to the space-separated list of application components in the appComponents context parameter:

        <param-value>com.haulmont.cuba com.haulmont.addon.cubajm</param-value>
By building from sources
  1. Clone the add-on’s repository to a local directory and import the project into Studio.

  2. Execute Run > Install app component main menu command to install the add-on to the local Maven repository (by default it is ~/.m2 directory).

  3. Open your project in Studio and select the Use local Maven repository checkbox on the Advanced tab of the Project properties page.

  4. On the App components panel, click the plus button next to Custom components and select the add-on in the drop-down list at the bottom of the dialog. The add-on’s coordinates will be shown in the field at the top.

  5. Click OK in the dialog and save the project properties.

4.6.2. Creating Application Components

This section contains some recommendations useful if you are developing a reusable application component.

Naming rules
  1. Choose the root package using the standard reverse-DNS notation, e.g. com.jupiter.amazingsearch.

    Root package should not begin with a root package of any other component or application. For example, if you have an application with com.jupiter.tickets root package, you cannot use com.jupiter.tickets.amazingsearch package for a component. The reason is that Spring scans the classpath for the beans starting from the specified root package, and this scanning space must be unique for each component.

  2. Namespace is used as a prefix for the database tables, so for a public component it should be composite, like jptams, not just search. It will minimize the risk of name collisions in the target application. You cannot use underscores and dashes in namespace, only letters and digits.

  3. Module prefix should repeat namespace, but can contain dashes, like jpt-amsearch.

  4. Use namespace as a prefix for bean names and application properties, for example:

Installing into the local Maven repository

In order to make the component available to the projects located on your computer, install it into the local Maven repository by executing the Run > Install app component menu command. This command just runs the install Gradle task after stopping Gradle daemons.

Uploading to a remote Maven repository
  1. Set up a repository as explained in Setting Up a Private Artifact Repository.

  2. Specify your repository and credentials for the project instead of the standard CUBA repository.

  3. Open build.gradle of the component project in a text editor and add uploadRepository to the cuba section:

    cuba {
        // repository for uploading your artifacts
        uploadRepository {
            url = 'http://repo.company.com/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots'
            user = 'admin'
            password = 'admin123'
  4. Open the component project in Studio.

  5. In the Search dialog (Alt-/), find the uploadArchives Gradle task and run it. You can also run this task from the command line. The component’s artifacts will be uploaded to your repository.

  6. Remove the component artifacts from your local Maven repository to ensure that they will be downloaded from the remote repository during the next assembling of the application project: just delete the .m2/repository/com/company folder located in your user home directory.

  7. Now, when you assemble and run the application that uses this component, it will be downloaded from the remote repository.

Uploading to Bintray
  1. Register at https://bintray.com/signup/oss


    You can use social login (GitHub, Gmail, Twitter) on Bintray, but later you will have to reset your password, as this account’s password is required for getting an API-key (see below).

  2. Get the Bintray user name. It can be found in the URL you see after login to Bintray. For example, in https://bintray.com/vividphoenix the vividphoenix is the user name.

  3. Get the API-key. It can be found in Bintray interface if you edit your profile. In the API-key section, you will be asked to input your account password to obtain the key. Then you will be able to use this key and the username for plugin authentication:

    • The Bintray credentials can be added as environment variables:

    • Instead of environment variables, you can explicitly define these parameters in the build.gradle file of the project:

      bintray {
          user = 'bintray_user'
          key = 'bintray_api_key'
    • Alternatively, you can provide Bintray credentials in the command line:

      ./gradlew clean assemble bintrayUpload -Pcuba.artifact.version=1.0.0 -PbintrayUser=your_bintray_user -PbintrayApiKey=9696c1cb90752357ded8fdf20eb3fa921bf9dbbb
  4. Create a public repository of Maven type. Setting a license type is mandatory for open source (OSS) repositories.

    Bintray structure implies using packages inside the repositories. At this stage, creating a package is not mandatory, as it will be automatically created while running the gradle bintrayUpload task.

  5. In your build.gradle, add the Bintray upload plugin dependency as follows:

    buildscript {
        // ...
        dependencies {
            classpath "com.haulmont.gradle:cuba-plugin:$cubaVersion"
            // Bintray upload plugin
            classpath "com.jfrog.bintray.gradle:gradle-bintray-plugin:1.8.0"
  6. At the end of build.gradle, add the Bintray plugin settings:

    /** * If you have a multi-project build, make sure to apply the plugin and the plugin configuration to every project which artifacts you want to publish to Bintray. */
    subprojects {
        apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.bintray'
        bintray {
            user = project.hasProperty('bintrayUser') ? project.property('bintrayUser') : System.getenv('BINTRAY_USER')
            key = project.hasProperty('bintrayApiKey') ? project.property('bintrayApiKey') : System.getenv('BINTRAY_API_KEY')
            configurations = ['archives']
            // make files public ?
            publish = true
            // override existing artifacts?
            override = false
            // metadata
            pkg {
                repo = 'main'           // your repository name
                name = 'amazingsearch'  // package name - it will be created upon upload
                desc = 'AmasingSearch'  // optional package description
                // organization name, if your repository is created inside an organization.
                // remove this parameter if you don't have an organization
                userOrg = 'jupiter-org'
                websiteUrl = 'https://github.com/jupiter/amazing-search'
                issueTrackerUrl = 'https://github.com/jupiter/amazing-search/issues'
                vcsUrl = 'https://github.com/jupiter/amazing-search.git' // mandatory for Open Source projects
                licenses = ["Apache-2.0"]
                labels = ['cuba-platform', 'opensource']
                //githubRepo = 'amazingsearch/cuba-platform' // optional Github repository
                //githubReleaseNotesFile = 'README.md' // optional Github readme file
    • here, pkg:repo is your repository (use main),

    • pkg:name is the package name (use your unique name, as amazingsearch),

    • pkg:desc is the optional package description that will be shown on Bintray interface,

    • and pkg:userOrg - is the name of an organization the repo belongs to (if not set, the BINTRAY_USER will be used as the organization name by default).

  7. Now you can build and upload the project with the following command:

    ./gradlew clean assemble bintrayUpload -Pcuba.artifact.version=1.0.0
  8. If you publish the add-on on the CUBA Marketplace, its repository will be linked to the standard CUBA repositories and users won’t have to specify your repository in their projects.

4.6.3. Example of Application Component

In this section, we’ll consider a complete example of creating an application component and using it in a project. The component will provide a "Customer Management" functionality and include the Customer entity and corresponding UI screens. The application will use the Customer entity from the component as a reference in its Order entity.

app components sample
Creating the Customer Management component
  1. Create a new project in Studio and specify the following properties on the New project screen:

    • Project name - customers

    • Project namespace - cust

    • Root package - com.company.customers

  2. Edit Project properties and on the Advanced tab, set the Module prefix to cust.

  3. Create the Customer entity with at least the name attribute. Switch to the Instance name tab and add name to the name pattern attributes.


    If your component contains @MappedSuperclass persistent classes, make sure they have descendants which are entities (i.e. annotated with @Entity) in the same project. Otherwise such base classes will not be properly enhanced and you will not be able to use them in applications.

  4. Generate DB scripts and create standard screens for the Customer entity: cust$Customer.browse and cust$Customer.edit. After that, go to main menu designer and rename the application menu item to customerManagement.

  5. Click to the App component descriptor link on the Project properties panel. Save the generated descriptor by clicking OK.

  6. Test the Customer Management functionality: Run > Create database, Run > Start application server, then open http://localhost:8080/cust in your web browser.

  7. Install the application component into the local Maven repository by executing the Run > Install app component menu command.

Creating the Sales application
  1. Create a new project in Studio and specify the following properties on the New project screen:

    • Project name - sales

    • Project namespace - sales

    • Root package - com.company.sales

  2. Edit Project properties and on the Advanced tab check Use local Maven repository checkbox.

  3. Switch back to the Main tab and on the App components panel click the plus button next to Custom components. In the Custom application component dialog, select the customers project in the Registered project drop-down list. The list contains all projects registered in Studio that have an app-component.xml descriptor. Click OK in the dialog. The Maven coordinates of the Customer Management component will appear in the list of custom components. Save the project properties by clicking OK.

  4. Create the Order entity and add the date and amount attributes. Then add the customer attribute as a many-to-one association with the Customer entity - it should be available in the Type drop-down list.

  5. Generate DB scripts and create standard screens for the Order entity. When creating standard screens, create an order-with-customer view that includes the customer attribute and use it for the screens.

  6. Test the application functionality: Run > Create database, Run > Start application server, then open http://localhost:8080/app in your web browser. The application will contain two top level menu items: Customer Management and Application with the corresponding functionality.

Modifying the Customer Management component

Suppose we have to change the component functionality (add an attribute to Customer) and then reassemble the application to incorporate the changes.

  1. Open the customers project in Studio.

  2. Edit the Customer entity and add the address attribute. When saving the entity, select both browser and editor screens to include the new attribute.

  3. Generate DB scripts - a script for altering table will be created. Save the scripts.

  4. Test the changes in the component: Run > Update database, Run > Start application server, then open http://localhost:8080/cust in your web browser.

  5. Re-install the application component into the local Maven repository by executing the Run > Install app component menu command.

  6. Close the sales project in Studio (if it is open) and open it again. This is necessary to download the new component source code in Studio.

  7. Execute Build > Clean, then Build > Assemble project menu commands.

  8. Execute Run > Update database - the update script from the Customer Management component will be executed.

  9. Execute Run > Start application server and open http://localhost:8080/app in your web browser - the application will contain the Customer entity and screens with the new address attribute.

4.6.4. Registering DispatcherServlet from Application Component

This section will learn you how to propagate the servlets and filters configuration from an application component to the owning application. To avoid the duplication of code in the web.xml file, you need to register your servlets and filters in the component using the special ServletRegistrationManager bean.

The most common case of servlets registration is described through the example of HTTP servlet registration. Let’s consider a more complex example: an application component with a custom implementation of DispatcherServlet for processing web requests.

This servlet loads its config from the demo-dispatcher-spring.xml file, so to see it working you should create an empty file with such name in the root source directory (e.g. web/src).

public class WebDispatcherServlet extends DispatcherServlet {
    private volatile boolean initialized = false;

    public String getContextConfigLocation() {
        String configFile = "demo-dispatcher-spring.xml";
        File baseDir = new File(AppContext.getProperty("cuba.confDir"));

        String[] tokenArray = new StrTokenizer(configFile).getTokenArray();
        StringBuilder locations = new StringBuilder();

        for (String token : tokenArray) {
            String location;
            if (ResourceUtils.isUrl(token)) {
                location = token;
            } else {
                if (token.startsWith("/"))
                    token = token.substring(1);
                File file = new File(baseDir, token);
                if (file.exists()) {
                    location = file.toURI().toString();
                } else {
                    location = "classpath:" + token;
            locations.append(location).append(" ");
        return locations.toString();

    protected WebApplicationContext initWebApplicationContext() {
        WebApplicationContext wac = findWebApplicationContext();
        if (wac == null) {
            ApplicationContext parent = AppContext.getApplicationContext();
            wac = createWebApplicationContext(parent);


        String attrName = getServletContextAttributeName();
        getServletContext().setAttribute(attrName, wac);
        if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            this.logger.debug("Published WebApplicationContext of servlet '" + getServletName() +
                    "' as ServletContext attribute with name [" + attrName + "]");

        return wac;

    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
        if (!initialized) {
            initialized = true;

    protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

    public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {

    private void _service(ServletResponse res) throws IOException {
        String testMessage = AppContext.getApplicationContext().getBean(Messages.class).getMainMessage("testMessage");

                .write("WebDispatcherServlet test message: " + testMessage);

To register DispatcherServlet, you have to load the class manually, instantiate it and initialize, otherwise different ClassLoaders may cause an issue in case of SingleWAR/SingleUberJAR deployment. Moreover, the custom DispatcherServlet should be ready to double initialization - first time we initialize it manually, second time it is initialized by a servlet container.

Here is an example of a component that initializes WebDispatcherServlet:

public class WebInitializer {

    private static final String WEB_DISPATCHER_CLASS = "com.demo.comp.web.WebDispatcherServlet";
    private static final String WEB_DISPATCHER_NAME = "web_dispatcher_servlet";
    private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebInitializer.class);

    private ServletRegistrationManager servletRegistrationManager;

    public void initialize(ServletContextInitializedEvent e) {
        Servlet webDispatcherServlet = servletRegistrationManager.createServlet(e.getApplicationContext(), WEB_DISPATCHER_CLASS);
        ServletContext servletContext = e.getSource();
        try {
            webDispatcherServlet.init(new AbstractWebAppContextLoader.CubaServletConfig(WEB_DISPATCHER_NAME, servletContext));
        } catch (ServletException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to init WebDispatcherServlet");
        servletContext.addServlet(WEB_DISPATCHER_NAME, webDispatcherServlet)

The createServlet() method of the injected ServletRegistrationManager bean takes the application context from ServletContextInitializedEvent and the fully-qualified name of the WebDispatcherServlet class. In order to initialize the servlet, we pass the instance of ServletContext obtained from ServletContextInitializedEvent and the servlet name. The addMapping() method is used to define an HTTP mapping for accessing the servlet via URL: /webd/.

4.7. Miscellaneous

Here you can find various recipes that do not belong to the above categories.

4.7.1. Getting Localized Messages

This section covers ways of getting localized messages in different parts of the application.

  • In screen XML-descriptors, component attributes for displaying static text (such as caption) can address localized messages using the rules of MessageTools.loadString() method. For example:

    • caption="msg://roleName" – gets a message defined by the roleName key in the message pack of the current screen. Screen message pack is defined by the messagesPack attribute of the root window element.

    • caption="msg://com.company.sample.entity/Role.name" – gets a message defined by the Role.name key in the com.company.sample.entity message pack.

  • In screen controllers, localized strings can be retrieved in the following ways:

    • From the current screen message pack:

      • Using getMessage() method inherited from the AbstractFrame base class. For example:

        String msg = getMessage("warningMessage");
      • Using formatMessage() method inherited from the AbstractFrame base class. In this case, the extracted message is used to format submitted parameters according to the rules of String.format() method. For example:


        warningMessage = Invalid email address: '%s'

        Java controller:

        String msg = formatMessage("warningMessage", email);
    • From an arbitrary messages pack via an injection of Messages infrastructure interface. For example:

      private Messages messages;
      public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
          String msg = messages.getMessage(getClass(), "warningMessage");
  • For components managed by a Spring container (managed beans, services, JMX-beans, Spring MVC controllers of the portal module), localized messages can be retrieved with the help of the Messages infrastructure interface injection:

    protected Messages messages;
    String msg = messages.getMessage(getClass(), "warningMessage");

    Localized messages for the Thymeleaf templates in the portal module can also be obtained by the message key from the main message pack of the portal module:

    <h1 th:text="#{messageKey}"></h1>
    portal main message pack
    messageKey = Localized message
  • In application code where injection is not possible, the Messages interface can be obtained using the static get() method of the AppBeans class:

    protected Messages messages = AppBeans.get(Messages.class);
    String msg = messages.getMessage(getClass(), "warningMessage");

4.7.2. Loading and Displaying Images

Let’s consider a task of loading, storing and displaying employee photos:

  • An employee is represented by Employee entity.

  • Image files are stored in the FileStorage. The Employee entity contains a link to the corresponding FileDescriptor.

  • The Employee edit screen shows the picture and also supports uploading, downloading and clearing the picture.

Entity class with a link to the image file:

@Table(name = "SAMPLE_EMPLOYEE")
@Entity(name = "sample$Employee")
public class Employee extends StandardEntity {
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "IMAGE_FILE_ID")
    protected FileDescriptor imageFile;

    public void setImageFile(FileDescriptor imageFile) {
        this.imageFile = imageFile;

    public FileDescriptor getImageFile() {
        return imageFile;

A view for loading an Employee together with FileDescriptor should include all local attributes of FileDescriptor:

<view class="com.company.sample.entity.Employee"
    <property name="name"/>
    <property name="imageFile"

A fragment of the Employee edit screen XML descriptor:

<groupBox caption="Photo" spacing="true"
          height="300px" width="300px" expand="image">
    <image id="image"
    <hbox align="BOTTOM_LEFT"
        <upload id="uploadField"/>
        <button id="downloadImageBtn"
        <button id="clearImageBtn"

Components used to display, upload and download images are contained within the groupBox container. Its top part shows a picture using the image component, while its bottom part from left to right contains the upload component and buttons to download and clear the image. As a result, this part of the screen should look like this:

images recipe

Now, let us have a look at the edit screen controller.

import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.FileDescriptor;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.FileStorageException;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.*;
import com.company.employeeimages.entity.Employee;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.data.DataSupplier;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.data.Datasource;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.export.ExportDisplay;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.export.ExportFormat;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.upload.FileUploadingAPI;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.util.Map;

public class EmployeeEdit extends AbstractEditor<Employee> {

    private DataSupplier dataSupplier;
    private FileUploadingAPI fileUploadingAPI;
    private ExportDisplay exportDisplay;
    private FileUploadField uploadField;
    private Button downloadImageBtn;
    private Button clearImageBtn;
    private Datasource<Employee> employeeDs;

    private Image image;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        uploadField.addFileUploadSucceedListener(event -> {
            FileDescriptor fd = uploadField.getFileDescriptor();
            try {
                fileUploadingAPI.putFileIntoStorage(uploadField.getFileId(), fd);
            } catch (FileStorageException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Error saving file to FileStorage", e);

        uploadField.addFileUploadErrorListener(event ->
                showNotification("File upload error", NotificationType.HUMANIZED));

        employeeDs.addItemPropertyChangeListener(event -> {
            if ("imageFile".equals(event.getProperty()))
                updateImageButtons(event.getValue() != null);

    protected void postInit() {
        updateImageButtons(getItem().getImageFile() != null);

    public void onDownloadImageBtnClick() {
        if (getItem().getImageFile() != null)
            exportDisplay.show(getItem().getImageFile(), ExportFormat.OCTET_STREAM);

    public void onClearImageBtnClick() {

    private void updateImageButtons(boolean enable) {

    private void displayImage() {
        if (getItem().getImageFile() != null) {
        } else {
  • The init() method first initializes the uploadField component that is used for uploading new images. In the case of a successful upload, a new FileDescriptor instance is retrieved from the component and the corresponding files are sent from the temporary client storage to FileStorage by invoking FileUploadingAPI.putFileIntoStorage(). After that, the FileDescriptor is saved to the database by invoking DataSupplier.commit(), and the saved instance is assigned to the imageFile attribute of the edited Employee entity. Then, the controller’s displayImage() method is invoked to display the uploaded image.

    After that, a listener is added in the init() method to the datasource containing an Employee instance. The listener enables or disables download and clear buttons, depending on the fact whether the file has been loaded or not.

  • postInit() method performs file display and refreshes the button states, depending on the existence of a loaded file.

  • onDownloadImageBtnClick() is invoked when the downloadImageBtn button is clicked; it downloads the file using the ExportDisplay interface.

  • onClearImageBtnClick() is invoked when the clearImageBtn is clicked; it clears the imageFile attribute of the Employee entity. The file is not deleted from storage.

  • displayImage() loads the file from storage and sets the content of the image component. Displaying Images in a Table Column

To amplify the previous task, let’s add pictures to the table as employees' icons on the Employee browse screen.

The pictures can be displayed in a separate column or inside any existing column. In both cases the Table.ColumnGenerator interface is used.

Below is a fragment of the Employee browse screen XML descriptor:

<groupTable id="employeesTable"
        <action id="create"/>
        <action id="edit"/>
        <action id="remove"/>
        <column id="name"/>
    <rows datasource="employeesDs"/>
    <buttonsPanel id="buttonsPanel"
        <button id="createBtn"
        <button id="editBtn"
        <button id="removeBtn"

To display pictures inline with an employee’s name in the name column, let’s change the standard representation of data in this column. We will use the HBoxLayout container and place the Image component into it:

import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.FileDescriptor;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.*;
import com.company.employeeimages.entity.Employee;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.xml.layout.ComponentsFactory;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.util.Map;

import static com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Image.*;

public class EmployeeBrowse extends AbstractLookup {

    private ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;

    private GroupTable<Employee> employeesTable;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

        employeesTable.addGeneratedColumn("name", entity -> {
            Image image = componentsFactory.createComponent(Image.class);

            FileDescriptor userImageFile = entity.getImageFile();

            Label userLogin = componentsFactory.createComponent(Label.class);

            HBoxLayout hBox = componentsFactory.createComponent(HBoxLayout.class);

            return hBox;
  • The init() method invokes the addGeneratedColumn() method that takes two parameters: an identifier of the column and an implementation of the Table.ColumnGenerator interface. The latter is used to define the custom representation of data in the name column.

  • Inside this method we create an Image component using the ComponentsFactory interface. We set the scale mode of the component (CONTAIN) and its size parameters.

  • Then we get the FileDescriptor instance with the picture stored in the File Storage. The link to this picture is stored in the imageFile attribute of the Employee entity. The FileDescriptorImageResource resource type is used to set the source for the Image component.

  • We will display the name attribute in the Label component alongside the picture.

  • We will wrap both Image and Label components into the HBoxLayout container, and make the addGeneratedColumn() method return this container as the new table cell layout.

image recipe

You can also use a more declarative approach with the generator XML attribute.

4.7.3. Sending Emails

This section contains a practical guide to sending emails using the CUBA email sending mechanism.

Let us consider the following task:

  • There are the NewsItem entity and the NewsItemEdit screen.

  • The NewsItem entity contains the following attributes: date, caption, content.

  • We want to send emails to some addresses every time a new instance of NewsItem is created through the NewsItemEdit screen. An email should contain NewsItem.caption as a subject and the message body should be created from a template including NewsItem.content.

  1. Add the following code to NewsItemEdit.java:

    public class NewsItemEdit extends AbstractEditor<NewsItem> {
        // Indicates that a new item was created in this editor
        private boolean justCreated;
        protected EmailService emailService;
        // This method is invoked when a new item is initialized
        protected void initNewItem(NewsItem item) {
            justCreated = true;
        // This method is invoked after the screen commit
        protected boolean postCommit(boolean committed, boolean close) {
            if (committed && justCreated) {
                // If a new entity was saved to the database, ask a user about sending an email
                        "Send the news item by email?",
                        new Action[] {
                                new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.YES) {
                                    public void actionPerform(Component component) {
                                new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.NO)
            return super.postCommit(committed, close);
        // Queues an email for sending asynchronously
        private void sendByEmail() {
            NewsItem newsItem = getItem();
            EmailInfo emailInfo = new EmailInfo(
                    "john.doe@company.com,jane.roe@company.com", // recipients
                    newsItem.getCaption(), // subject
                    null, // the "from" address will be taken from the "cuba.email.fromAddress" app property
                    "com/company/demo/templates/news_item.txt", // body template
                    Collections.singletonMap("newsItem", newsItem) // template parameters

    As you can see, the sendByEmail() method invokes the EmailService and passes the EmailInfo instance describing the the messages. The body of the messages will be created on the basis of the news_item.txt template.

  2. Create the body template file news_item.txt in the com.company.demo.templates package of the core module:

    The company news:

    This is a Freemarker template which will use parameters passed in the EmailInfo instance (newsItem in this case).

  3. Launch the application, open the NewsItem entity browser and click Create. The editor screen will be opened. Fill in the fields and press OK. The confirmation dialog with the question about sending emails will be shown. Click Yes.

  4. Go to the Administration > Email History screen of your application. You will see two records (by the number of recipients) with the Queue status. It means that the emails are in the queue and not yet sent.

  5. To process the queue, set up a scheduled task. Go to the Administration > Scheduled Tasks screen of your application. Create a new task and set the following parameters:

    • Bean Name - cuba_Emailer

    • Method Name - processQueuedEmails()

    • Singleton - yes (this is important only for a cluster of middleware servers)

    • Period, sec - 10

    Save the task and click Activate on it.

    If you did not set up the scheduled tasks execution for this project before, nothing will happen on this stage - the task will not be executed until you start the whole scheduling mechanism.

  6. Open the modules/core/src/app.properties file and add the following property:

    cuba.schedulingActive = true

    Restart the application server. The scheduling mechanism is now active and invokes the email queue processing.

  7. Go to the Administration > Email History screen. The status of the emails will be Sent if they were successfully sent, or, most probably, Sending or Queue otherwise. In the latter case, you can open the application log in build/tomcat/logs/app.log and find out the reason. The email sending mechanism will take several (10 by default) attempts to send the messages and if they fail, set the status to Not sent.

  8. The most obvious reason that emails cannot be sent is that you have not set up the SMTP server parameters. You can set the parameters in the database through the app-core.cuba:type=Emailer JMX bean or in the application properties file of your middleware. Let us consider the latter. Open the modules/core/src/app.properties file and add the required parameters:

    cuba.email.fromAddress = do-not-reply@company.com
    cuba.email.smtpHost = mail.company.com

    Restart the application server. Go to Administration > JMX Console, find the Emailer JMX bean and try to send a test email to yourself using the sendTestEmail() operation.

  9. Now your sending mechanism is set up correctly, but it will not send the messages in the Not sent state. So you have to create another NewsItem in the editor screen. Do it and then watch how the status of new messages in the Email History screen will change to Sent.

4.7.4. Creating Custom Visual Components

As explained in the Custom Visual Components section, the standard set of visual components can be extended in your project. You have the following options:

  1. Integrate a Vaadin add-on. Many third-party Vaadin components are distributed as add-ons and available at https://vaadin.com/directory.

  2. Integrate a JavaScript component. You can create a Vaadin component using a JavaScript library.

  3. Create a new Vaadin component with the client part written on GWT.

Futher on, you can integrate the resulting Vaadin component into CUBA Generic UI to be able to use it declaratively in screen XML descriptors and bind to datasources.

And the final step of integration is the support of the new component in the Studio WYSIWYG layout editor.

This section gives you examples of creating new visual components with all the methods described above. Integration to the Generic UI and support in Studio are the same for all methods, so these topics are described only for a new component created on the basis of a Vaadin add-on. Using a Third-party Vaadin Component

This is an example of using the Stepper component available at http://vaadin.com/addon/stepper, in an application project. The component enables changing text field value in steps using the keyboard, mouse scroll or built-in up/down buttons.

Create a new project in CUBA Studio and name it addon-demo.

A Vaadin add-on may be integrated if the application project has a web-toolkit module. Create the module by clicking the Create web toolkit module link of the Project properties navigator section.

Then click the New UI component link. The UI component generation page will open. Select the Vaadin add-on value in the Component type section.

studio vaadin addon wizard no gui

Fill in the following fields:

  • The Add-on Maven dependency field contains Maven coordinates of the Vaadin add-on. The add-on will be included as a dependency to the project. You can define coordinates in two formats:

    1. As an XML copied from the add-on web site (http://vaadin.com/addon/stepper):

    2. In one line as you add dependencies in build.gradle: org.vaadin.addons:stepper:2.2.2

  • The Inherited widgetset field contains a widgetset name of the add-on:

  • Integrate into generic UI - deselect this checkbox as we do not integrate the component into the Generic UI in this example.

Press the OK button.

If you open the project in the IDE, you can see that Studio has changed two files:

  1. In build.gradle, the web module now contains a dependency on the add-on that contains the component.

    configure(webModule) {
        dependencies {
  2. The AppWidgetSet.gwt.xml file of the web-toolkit module now inherits the add-on widgetset:

        <inherits name="com.haulmont.cuba.web.toolkit.ui.WidgetSet" />
        <inherits name="org.vaadin.risto.stepper.widgetset.StepperWidgetset" />
        <set-property name="user.agent" value="safari" />

    You can speed up the widgetset compilation by defining the user.agent property. In this example, widgetset will be compiled only for browsers based on WebKit: Chrome, Safari, etc.

Now the component from the Vaadin add-on is included to the project. Let’s see how to use it in the project screens.

  • Create a new entity Customer with two fields:

    • name of type String

    • score of type Integer

  • Generate standard screens for the new entity. Ensure that the In module field is set to Web Module. Screens that use Vaadin components directly must be placed in the web module.


    Actually, screens can be placed in the gui module as well, but then the code that uses the Vaadin component should be moved to a separate companion.

  • Next, we will add the stepper component to the screen. You can place it in a FieldGroup or in a separate container. Let’s examine both methods.

    1. Add the custom = "true" attribute to the score field of the fieldGroup component of the customer-edit.xml screen.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
      <window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
              <datasource id="customerDs"
          <layout expand="windowActions" spacing="true">
              <fieldGroup id="fieldGroup" datasource="customerDs">
                  <column width="250px">
                      <field property="name"/>
                      <field property="score" custom="true"/>
              <frame id="windowActions" screen="editWindowActions"/>

      Add the following code to the CustomerEdit.java controller:

      package com.company.addondemo.web.customer;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.AbstractEditor;
      import com.company.addondemo.entity.Customer;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.FieldGroup;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.VBoxLayout;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.data.Datasource;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.xml.layout.ComponentsFactory;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.web.gui.components.WebComponentsHelper;
      import com.vaadin.ui.Layout;
      import org.vaadin.risto.stepper.IntStepper;
      import javax.inject.Inject;
      import java.util.Map;
      public class CustomerEdit extends AbstractEditor<Customer> {
          private ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;
          private FieldGroup fieldGroup;
          private Datasource<Customer> customerDs;
          private IntStepper stepper = new IntStepper();
          public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
              Component box = componentsFactory.createComponent(VBoxLayout.class);
              Layout layout = (Layout) WebComponentsHelper.unwrap(box);
              stepper.addValueChangeListener(event ->
                      customerDs.getItem().setValue("score", event.getProperty().getValue())
          protected void initNewItem(Customer item) {
          protected void postInit() {

      The init() method initializes the custom score field. The ComponentsFactory creates an instance of BoxLayout, retrieves a link to the Vaadin container via WebComponentsHelper, and adds the new component to it. The BoxLayout is then returned to be used in the custom field.

      Data binding is implemented programmatically by setting a current value to the stepper component from the edited Customer instance in the postInit() method. Additionally, the corresponding entity attribute is updated through the value change listener, when the user changes the value.

    2. The new component can be used in any part of the screen outside of the FieldGroup. In order to do this, declare the scoreBox container in the XML-descriptor:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
      <window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
              <datasource id="customerDs"
          <layout expand="windowActions" spacing="true">
              <fieldGroup id="fieldGroup" datasource="customerDs">
                  <column width="250px">
                      <field property="name"/>
              <hbox id="scoreBox" spacing="true">
                  <label value="Score" align="MIDDLE_LEFT"/>
              <frame id="windowActions" screen="editWindowActions"/>

      Inject the container to the screen controller, retrieve a link to the underlying Vaadin container and add the component to it:

      package com.company.addondemo.web.customer;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.*;
      import com.company.addondemo.entity.Customer;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.data.Datasource;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.web.gui.components.WebComponentsHelper;
      import com.vaadin.ui.Layout;
      import org.vaadin.risto.stepper.IntStepper;
      import javax.inject.Inject;
      import java.util.Map;
      public class CustomerEdit extends AbstractEditor<Customer> {
          private FieldGroup fieldGroup;
          private Datasource<Customer> customerDs;
          private BoxLayout scoreBox;
          private IntStepper stepper = new IntStepper();
          public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
              Layout box = (Layout) WebComponentsHelper.unwrap(scoreBox);
              stepper.addValueChangeListener(event ->
                      customerDs.getItem().setValue("score", event.getProperty().getValue())
          protected void initNewItem(Customer item) {
          protected void postInit() {

      Data binding is implemented in the same way as described above.

  • To adapt the component style, create a theme extension in the project. Click the Create theme extension link in the Project properties navigator section. Select the halo theme. After that, open the themes/halo/com.company.application/halo-ext.scss file located in the web module and add the following code:

    /* Define your theme modifications inside next mixin */
    @mixin com_company_application-halo-ext {
        @include halo;
        /* Basic styles for stepper inner text box */
        .stepper input[type="text"] {
           @include box-defaults;
           @include valo-textfield-style;
           &:focus {
             @include valo-textfield-focus-style;
  • Start the application server. The resulting editor screen will look as follows:

customer edit result Integrating a Vaadin Component into the Generic UI

In the previous section, we have included the third-party Stepper component in the project. In this section, we will integrate it into CUBA Generic UI. This will allow developers to use the component declaratively in the screen XML and bind it to the data model entities through datasources.

Create a new project in CUBA Studio and name it addon-gui-demo.

Create the web-toolkit module by clicking the Create web toolkit module link of the Project properties navigator section.

Then click the New UI component link. The UI component generation page will open. Select the Vaadin add-on value in the Component type section.

studio vaadin addon wizard gui

Fill in the Add-on Maven dependency and Inherited widgetset as described in the previous section.

Then fill in the fields of the bottom section:

  • Integrate into Generic UI - defines that a component should be integrated into the Generic UI.

  • Component XML element - an element to be used in screen XML descriptors. Enter stepper.

  • Component interface name - a name of the component Generic UI interface. Enter Stepper.

  • FQN of the Vaadin component from add-on - fully qualified class name of the Vaadin component from the add-on. In our case it is org.vaadin.risto.stepper.IntStepper.

When you click OK, Studio will do the following:

  • Add the Vaadin add-on as a web module dependency in build.gradle.

  • Include add-on widgetset in AppWidgetSet.gwt.xml of web-toolkit module.

  • Generate stubs for the following files:

    • Stepper - an interface of the component in the gui subfolder of the web module.

    • WebStepper - a component implementation in the gui subfolder of the web module.

    • StepperLoader - a component XML-loader in the web module.

    • ui-component.xsd - a new component XML schema definition. If the file already exists, the information about the new component will be added to the existing file.

    • cuba-ui-component.xml - the file that registers a new component loader in web module. If the file already exists, the information about the new component will be added to the existing file.

Open the project in the IDE.

Let’s walk through generated files add make necessary changes.

  • Open the Stepper interface in the gui subfolder of the web module. Replace its content with the following code:

    package com.company.addonguidemo.web.gui.components;
    import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Field;
    // note that Stepper should extend Field
    public interface Stepper extends Field {
        String NAME = "stepper";
        boolean isManualInputAllowed();
        void setManualInputAllowed(boolean value);
        boolean isMouseWheelEnabled();
        void setMouseWheelEnabled(boolean value);
        int getStepAmount();
        void setStepAmount(int amount);
        int getMaxValue();
        void setMaxValue(int maxValue);
        int getMinValue();
        void setMinValue(int minValue);

    The base interface for the component is Field, which is designed to display and edit an entity attribute.

  • Open the WebStepper class - a component implementation in the gui subfolder of the web module. Replace its content with the following code:

    package com.company.addonguidemo.web.gui.components;
    import com.company.addonguidemo.web.gui.components.Stepper;
    import com.haulmont.cuba.web.gui.components.WebAbstractField;
    import org.vaadin.risto.stepper.IntStepper;
    // note that WebStepper should extend WebAbstractField
    public class WebStepper extends WebAbstractField<IntStepper> implements Stepper {
        public WebStepper() {
            this.component = new org.vaadin.risto.stepper.IntStepper();
        public boolean isManualInputAllowed() {
            return component.isManualInputAllowed();
        public void setManualInputAllowed(boolean value) {
        public boolean isMouseWheelEnabled() {
            return component.isMouseWheelEnabled();
        public void setMouseWheelEnabled(boolean value) {
        public int getStepAmount() {
            return component.getStepAmount();
        public void setStepAmount(int amount) {
        public int getMaxValue() {
            return component.getMaxValue();
        public void setMaxValue(int maxValue) {
        public int getMinValue() {
            return component.getMinValue();
        public void setMinValue(int minValue) {

    The chosen base class is WebAbstractField, which implements the methods of the Field interface.

  • The StepperLoader class in web module loads the component from its representation in XML.

    package com.company.addonguidemo.web.gui.xml.layout.loaders;
    import com.company.addonguidemo.web.gui.components.Stepper;
    import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.xml.layout.loaders.AbstractFieldLoader;
    public class StepperLoader extends AbstractFieldLoader<Stepper> {
        public void createComponent() {
            resultComponent = factory.createComponent(Stepper.class);
            loadId(resultComponent, element);
        public void loadComponent() {
            String manualInput = element.attributeValue("manualInput");
            if (manualInput != null) {
            String mouseWheel = element.attributeValue("mouseWheel");
            if (mouseWheel != null) {
            String stepAmount = element.attributeValue("stepAmount");
            if (stepAmount != null) {
            String maxValue = element.attributeValue("maxValue");
            if (maxValue != null) {
            String minValue = element.attributeValue("minValue");
            if (minValue != null) {

    The AbstractFieldLoader class contains code for loading basic properties of the Field component. So StepperLoader loads only the specific properties of the Stepper component.

  • The cuba-ui-component.xml file in the web module registers the new component and its loader. Leave the file unchanged.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <components xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/components.xsd">
  • The ui-component.xsd file in web module contains XML schema definitions of custom visual components. Add the stepper attributes definition.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns="http://schemas.company.com/agd/0.1/ui-component.xsd"
        <xs:element name="stepper">
                <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:attribute name="caption" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:attribute name="width" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:attribute name="height" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:attribute name="datasource" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:attribute name="property" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:attribute name="manualInput" type="xs:boolean"/>
                <xs:attribute name="mouseWheel" type="xs:boolean"/>
                <xs:attribute name="stepAmount" type="xs:int"/>
                <xs:attribute name="maxValue" type="xs:int"/>
                <xs:attribute name="minValue" type="xs:int"/>

Let’s see how to add the new component to a screen.

  • Create a new entity Customer. The entity have two fields:

    • name of type String

    • score of type Integer

  • Generate standard screens for the new entity.

  • Add the stepper component to the editor screen. You can place it in a FieldGroup or in a separate container. We’ll examine both methods.

    1. Using the component inside a container.

      • Open the customer-edit.xml file.

      • Define the new namespace xmlns:app="http://schemas.company.com/agd/0.1/ui-component.xsd".

      • Remove the score field from fieldGroup.

      • Add stepper component to the screen.

      As a result, the XML descriptor should look like this:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
      <window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
              <datasource id="customerDs"
          <layout expand="windowActions" spacing="true">
              <fieldGroup id="fieldGroup" datasource="customerDs">
                  <column width="250px">
                      <field property="name"/>
              <app:stepper id="stepper" datasource="customerDs" property="score" caption="Score"
                           minValue="1" maxValue="20"/>
              <frame id="windowActions" screen="editWindowActions"/>

      In the example above, the stepper component is associated with the score attribute of the Customer entity. An instance of this entity is managed by the customerDs datasource.

    2. Using the new component inside a FieldGroup:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
      <window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
              <datasource id="customerDs"
          <layout expand="windowActions" spacing="true">
              <fieldGroup id="fieldGroup" datasource="customerDs">
                  <column width="250px">
                      <field property="name"/>
                      <field property="score" custom="true"/>
              <frame id="windowActions" screen="editWindowActions"/>
      package com.company.addonguidemo.web.customer;
      import com.company.addonguidemo.gui.components.Stepper;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.AbstractEditor;
      import com.company.addonguidemo.entity.Customer;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.FieldGroup;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.data.Datasource;
      import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.xml.layout.ComponentsFactory;
      import javax.inject.Inject;
      import java.util.Map;
      public class CustomerEdit extends AbstractEditor<Customer> {
          private ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;
          private FieldGroup fieldGroup;
          private Datasource<Customer> customerDs;
          public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
              Stepper stepper = componentsFactory.createComponent(Stepper.class);
              stepper.setDatasource(customerDs, "score");
  • To adapt the component style, create a theme extension in the project. Click the Create theme extension link in the Project properties navigator section. Select the halo theme. After that, open the themes/halo/com.company.application/halo-ext.scss file located in the web module and add the following code:

    /* Define your theme modifications inside next mixin */
    @mixin com_company_application-halo-ext {
        /* Basic styles for stepper inner text box */
        .stepper input[type="text"] {
           @include box-defaults;
           @include valo-textfield-style;
           &:focus {
             @include valo-textfield-focus-style;
  • Start the application server. The resulting editor screen will look as follows:

customer edit result Using a JavaScript library

In this example, we will use the Slider component from the jQuery UI library. The slider will have two drag handlers that define a values range.

Create a new project in CUBA Studio and name it jscomponent.

Click the New UI component button on the Project properties navigator section. The UI component generation will open. Select the JavaScript component value in the Component type section.

studio js component wizard

Enter SliderServerComponent in the Vaadin component class name field.

Deselect the Integrate into Generic UI flag. The process of integration into the Generic UI is the same as described at Integrating a Vaadin Component into the Generic UI, so we won’t repeat it here.

After clicking the OK button Studio will generate the following files:

  • SliderServerComponent - a Vaadin component integrated with JavaScript.

  • SliderState - a state class of the Vaadin component.

  • slider-connector.js - a JavaScript connector for the Vaadin component.

Let’s examine the generated files and make necessary changes in the source code.

  • SlideState state class defines what data is transferred between the server and the client. In our case it is a minimal possible value, maximum possible value and selected values.

    package com.company.jscomponent.web.toolkit.ui.slider;
    import com.vaadin.shared.ui.JavaScriptComponentState;
    public class SliderState extends JavaScriptComponentState {
        public double[] values;
        public double minValue;
        public double maxValue;
  • Vaadin server-side component SliderServerComponent.

    package com.company.jscomponent.web.toolkit.ui.slider;
    import com.vaadin.annotations.StyleSheet;
    import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractJavaScriptComponent;
    import com.vaadin.annotations.JavaScript;
    import elemental.json.JsonArray;
    @JavaScript({"slider-connector.js", "jquery-ui.js"})
    public class SliderServerComponent extends AbstractJavaScriptComponent {
        public interface ValueChangeListener {
            void valueChanged(double[] newValue);
        private ValueChangeListener listener;
        public SliderServerComponent() {
            addFunction("valueChanged", arguments -> {
                JsonArray array = arguments.getArray(0);
                double[] values = new double[2];
                values[0] = array.getNumber(0);
                values[1] = array.getNumber(1);
                getState(false).values = values;
        public void setValue(double[] value) {
            getState().values = value;
        public double[] getValue() {
            return getState().values;
        public double getMinValue() {
            return getState().minValue;
        public void setMinValue(double minValue) {
            getState().minValue = minValue;
        public double getMaxValue() {
            return getState().maxValue;
        public void setMaxValue(double maxValue) {
            getState().maxValue = maxValue;
        protected SliderState getState() {
            return (SliderState) super.getState();
        public SliderState getState(boolean markAsDirty) {
            return (SliderState) super.getState(markAsDirty);
        public ValueChangeListener getListener() {
            return listener;
        public void setListener(ValueChangeListener listener) {
            this.listener = listener;

    The server component defines getters and setters to work with the slider state and an interface of value change listeners. The class extends AbstractJavaScriptComponent.

    The addFunction() method invocation in the class constructor defines a handler for an RPC-call of the valueChanged() function from the client.

    The @JavaScript and @StyleSheet annotations point to files that must be loaded on the web page. In our example, these are JavaScript files of the jquery-ui library, the connector and the stylesheet for jquery-ui. You should place these files to the Java package of the Vaadin server component.

Download an archive with jQuery UI from http://jqueryui.com/download and put files jquery-ui.js and jquery-ui.css from the archive to the Java package of the SliderServerComponent class. At the jQuery UI download page, you can select which components should be put into the archive. For this demo, it is enough to select only the Slider item of the Widgets group.

js project structure
  • JavaScript connector slider-connector.js.

    com_company_jscomponent_web_toolkit_ui_slider_SliderServerComponent = function() {
        var connector = this;
        var element = connector.getElement();
        $(element).css("padding", "5px 10px");
        var slider = $("div", element).slider({
            range: true,
            slide: function(event, ui) {
        connector.onStateChange = function() {
            var state = connector.getState();
            slider.slider("values", state.values);
            slider.slider("option", "min", state.minValue);
            slider.slider("option", "max", state.maxValue);

    Connector is a function that initializes a JavaScript component when the web page is loaded. The function name must correspond to the server component class name where dots in package name are replaced with underscore characters.

    Vaadin adds several useful methods to the connector function. this.getElement() returns an HTML DOM element of the component, this.getState() returns a state object.

    Our connector does the following:

    • Initializes the slider component of the jQuery UI library. The slide() function is invoked when the position of any drag handler changes. This function in turn invokes the valueChanged() connector method. valuedChanged() is the method that we defined on the server side in the SliderServerComponent class.

    • Defines the onStateChange() function. It is called when the state object is changed on the server side.

To demonstrate how the component works, let’s create the Product entity with three attributes:

  • name of type String

  • minDiscount of type Double

  • maxDiscount of type Double

Generate standard screens for the entity. Ensure that the value of the In module field is Web Module.

The slider component will set minimal and maximum discount values of a product.

Open the product-edit.xml file. Make minDiscount and maxDiscount fields not editable by adding the editable="false" attribute to the corresponding elements. Then add the new custom slider field to the fieldGroup.

As a result, the XML descriptor of the editor screen should look as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
        <datasource id="productDs"
    <layout expand="windowActions"
        <fieldGroup id="fieldGroup"
            <column width="250px">
                <field property="name"/>
                <field property="minDiscount" editable="false"/>
                <field property="maxDiscount" editable="false"/>
                <field id="slider" custom="true"/>
        <frame id="windowActions"

Open the ProductEit.java file. Replace its content with the following code:

package com.company.jscomponent.web.product;

import com.company.jscomponent.web.toolkit.ui.slider.SliderServerComponent;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.AbstractEditor;
import com.company.jscomponent.entity.Product;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.FieldGroup;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.VBoxLayout;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.data.Datasource;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.xml.layout.ComponentsFactory;
import com.haulmont.cuba.web.gui.components.WebComponentsHelper;
import com.vaadin.ui.Layout;

import javax.inject.Inject;

public class ProductEdit extends AbstractEditor<Product> {

    private FieldGroup fieldGroup;

    private ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;

    private Datasource<Product> productDs;

    protected void initNewItem(Product item) {

    protected void postInit() {

        Component box = componentsFactory.createComponent(VBoxLayout.class);
        Layout vBox = (Layout) WebComponentsHelper.unwrap(box);
        SliderServerComponent slider = new SliderServerComponent();
        slider.setValue(new double[]{getItem().getMinDiscount(), getItem().getMaxDiscount()});
        slider.setListener(newValue -> {

The initNewItem() method sets initial values for discounts of a new product.

Method init() initializes the slider custom field. It sets current, minimal and maximum values of the slider and defines the value change listener. When the drag handler moves, a new value will be set to the corresponding field of the editable entity.

Start the application server and open the product editor screen. Changing the drop handler position must change the value of the text fields.

product edit Creating a GWT component

In this section, we will cover the creation of a simple GWT component (a rating field consisting of 5 stars) and its usage in application screens.

rating field component

Create a new project in CUBA Studio and name it ratingsample.

Click the Create web-toolkit module link in the Project properties navigator section.

Click the New UI component link. The UI component generation page will open. Select the New GWT component value in the Component type section.

studio gwt component wizard

Enter RatingFieldServerComponent in the Vaadin component class name field.

Deselect the Integrate into Generic UI flag. The process of integration into the Generic UI is the same as described at Integrating a Vaadin Component into the Generic UI, so we won’t repeat it here.

After clicking the OK button Studio generates the following files:

  • RatingFieldWidget.java - a GWT widget in web-toolkit module.

  • RatingFieldServerComponent.java - a Vaadin component class.

  • RatingFieldState.java - a component state class.

  • RatingFieldConnector.java - a connector that links the client code with the server component.

  • RatingFieldServerRpc.java - a class that defines a server API for the client.

Let’s look at the generated files and make necessary changes in them.

  • RatingFieldWidget is a GWT widget. Replace its content with the following code:

    package com.company.ratingsample.web.toolkit.ui.client.ratingfield;
    import com.google.gwt.dom.client.DivElement;
    import com.google.gwt.dom.client.SpanElement;
    import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Display;
    import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM;
    import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event;
    import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.FocusWidget;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    public class RatingFieldWidget extends FocusWidget {
        private static final String CLASSNAME = "ratingfield";
        // API for handle clicks
        public interface StarClickListener {
            void starClicked(int value);
        protected List<SpanElement> stars = new ArrayList<SpanElement>(5);
        protected StarClickListener listener;
        protected int value = 0;
        public RatingFieldWidget() {
            DivElement container = DOM.createDiv().cast();
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                SpanElement star = DOM.createSpan().cast();
                // add star element to the container
                DOM.insertChild(container, star, i);
                // subscribe on ONCLICK event
                DOM.sinkEvents(star, Event.ONCLICK);
        // main method for handling events in GWT widgets
        public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
            switch (event.getTypeInt()) {
                // react on ONCLICK event
                case Event.ONCLICK:
                    SpanElement element = event.getEventTarget().cast();
                    // if click was on the star
                    int index = stars.indexOf(element);
                    if (index >= 0) {
                        int value = index + 1;
                        // set internal value
                        // notify listeners
                        if (listener != null) {
        public void setStylePrimaryName(String style) {
            for (SpanElement star : stars) {
                star.setClassName(style + "-star");
        // let application code change the state
        public void setValue(int value) {
            this.value = value;
        // refresh visual representation
        private void updateStarsStyle(int value) {
            for (SpanElement star : stars) {
                star.removeClassName(getStylePrimaryName() + "-star-selected");
            for (int i = 0; i < value; i++) {
                stars.get(i).addClassName(getStylePrimaryName() + "-star-selected");

    A widget is a client-side class responsible for displaying the component in the web browser and handling events. It defines interfaces for working with the server side. In our case these are the setValue() method and the StarClickListener interface.

  • RatingFieldServerComponent is a Vaadin component class. It defines an API for the server code, accessor methods, event listeners and data sources connection. Developers use the methods of this class in the application code.

    package com.company.ratingsample.web.toolkit.ui;
    import com.company.ratingsample.web.toolkit.ui.client.ratingfield.RatingFieldServerRpc;
    import com.company.ratingsample.web.toolkit.ui.client.ratingfield.RatingFieldState;
    import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField;
    // the field will have a value with integer type
    public class RatingFieldServerComponent extends AbstractField<Integer> {
        public RatingFieldServerComponent() {
            // register an interface implementation that will be invoked on a request from the client
            registerRpc((RatingFieldServerRpc) value -> setValue(value, true));
        // field value type
        public Class<? extends Integer> getType() {
            return Integer.class;
        // define own state class
        protected RatingFieldState getState() {
            return (RatingFieldState) super.getState();
        protected RatingFieldState getState(boolean markAsDirty) {
            return (RatingFieldState) super.getState(markAsDirty);
        // we need to refresh the state when setValue is invoked from the application code
        protected void setInternalValue(Integer newValue) {
            if (newValue == null) {
                newValue = 0;
            getState().value = newValue;
  • The RatingFieldState state class defines what data are sent between the client and the server. It contains public fields that are automatically serialized on server side and deserialized on the client.

    package com.company.ratingsample.web.toolkit.ui.client.ratingfield;
    import com.vaadin.shared.AbstractFieldState;
    public class RatingFieldState extends AbstractFieldState {
        {   // change the main style name of the component
            primaryStyleName = "ratingfield";
        // define a field for the value
        public int value = 0;
  • The RatingFieldServerRpc interface defines a server API that is used from the client-side. Its methods may be invoked by the RPC mechanism built into Vaadin. We will implement this interface in the component.

    package com.company.ratingsample.web.toolkit.ui.client.ratingfield;
    import com.vaadin.shared.communication.ServerRpc;
    public interface RatingFieldServerRpc extends ServerRpc {
        //method will be invoked in the client code
        void starClicked(int value);
  • The RatingFieldConnector connector links client code with the server.

    package com.company.ratingsample.web.toolkit.ui.client.ratingfield;
    import com.company.ratingsample.web.toolkit.ui.RatingFieldServerComponent;
    import com.company.ratingsample.web.toolkit.ui.client.ratingfield.RatingFieldServerRpc;
    import com.company.ratingsample.web.toolkit.ui.client.ratingfield.RatingFieldState;
    import com.vaadin.client.communication.StateChangeEvent;
    import com.vaadin.client.ui.AbstractFieldConnector;
    import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect;
    // link the connector with the server implementation of RatingField
    // extend AbstractField connector
    public class RatingFieldConnector extends AbstractFieldConnector {
        // we will use a RatingFieldWidget widget
        public RatingFieldWidget getWidget() {
            RatingFieldWidget widget = (RatingFieldWidget) super.getWidget();
            if (widget.listener == null) {
                widget.listener = new RatingFieldWidget.StarClickListener() {
                    public void starClicked(int value) {
            return widget;
        // our state class is RatingFieldState
        public RatingFieldState getState() {
            return (RatingFieldState) super.getState();
        // react on server state change
        public void onStateChanged(StateChangeEvent stateChangeEvent) {
            // refresh the widget if the value on server has changed
            if (stateChangeEvent.hasPropertyChanged("value")) {

The RatingFieldWidget class does not define the component appearance, it only assigns style names to key elements. To define an appearance of the component, we’ll create stylesheet files. Click Manage themesCreate theme extension on the Project properties navigator section. Select the halo theme in the dialog. Studio creates SCSS files for the theme extension in the themes directory of the web module. The halo theme uses FontAwesome font glyphs instead of icons. We’ll use this fact.

It is recommended to put component styles into a separate file componentname.scss in the components/componentname directory in the form of SCSS mixture. Create the components/ratingfield directories structure in the themes/halo directory of the web module. Then create the ratingfield.scss file inside the ratingfield directory:

gwt theme ext structure
@mixin ratingfield($primary-stylename: ratingfield) {
  .#{$primary-stylename}-star {
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    font-size: $v-font-size--h2;
    padding-right: round($v-unit-size/4);
    cursor: pointer;

    &:after {
          content: '\f006'; // 'fa-star-o'

  .#{$primary-stylename}-star-selected {
    &:after {
          content: '\f005'; // 'fa-star'

  .#{$primary-stylename} .#{$primary-stylename}-star:last-child {
    padding-right: 0;

  .#{$primary-stylename}.v-disabled .#{$primary-stylename}-star {
    cursor: default;

Include this file in the halo-ext.scss main theme file:

@import "components/ratingfield/ra0tingfield";

@mixin com_company_ratingsample-halo-ext {
    @include ratingfield;

To demonstrate how the component works let’s create a new screen in the web module.

Name the screen file rating-screen.xml.

gwt rating screen designer

Open the rating-screen.xml file in the IDE. We need a container for our component. Declare it in the screen XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
    <layout expand="container">
        <vbox id="container">
            <!-- we'll add vaadin component here-->

Open the RatingScreen.java screen controller and add the code that puts the component to the screen.

package com.company.ratingsample.web.screens;

import com.company.ratingsample.web.toolkit.ui.RatingFieldServerComponent;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.AbstractWindow;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.BoxLayout;
import com.haulmont.cuba.web.gui.components.WebComponentsHelper;
import com.vaadin.ui.Layout;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.util.Map;

public class RatingScreen extends AbstractWindow {
    private BoxLayout container;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        com.vaadin.ui.Layout containerLayout = (Layout) WebComponentsHelper.unwrap(container);
        RatingFieldServerComponent field = new RatingFieldServerComponent();
        field.setCaption("Rate this!");

Start the application server and see the result.

rating screen result Support for Custom Visual Components in CUBA Studio

This section describes how to integrate a new custom visual component into CUBA Studio. As a result of the integration, the component will be available on the component palette of the WYSIWYG screen layout designer. Developers will be able to drag and drop the component to the canvas and edit its properties in the properties panel.

Let’s walk through the process of integrating the stepper component into Studio. Creation of this component was described in Integrating a Vaadin Component into the Generic UI.

Open the project containing the stepper component.


If you didn’t create this project, you can still reproduce the steps listed below in a new project. In this case, you will see how Studio supports the component, but you won’t be able to run the application.

Click the Extend Studio link on the Project properties navigator section.

ui component extension window

In the Extend Studio screen, fill in the following fields:

  • Configuration name - a configuration identifier. Enter stepper.

  • Component XML element - a component element name to use in screen XML descriptors. It is stepper in our case.

    The Component class name and Component model class name fields are filled automatically based on the value of the Component XML element. Leave the values as is.

  • Component namespace URI - a namespace from the XSD that describes the Generic UI component. If you’ve generated the new component with Studio, then you can take the value of this field from the ui-component.xsd file located in the gui module.

  • Component namespace prefix - a prefix for the component XML element.

  • Standard properties - standard properties that should be available for editing in the component properties panel of the Studio screen layout designer.

    Select caption, datasource and property checkboxes.


    id, align, height, width, enable, stylename and visible properties are available to any component by default.

  • Custom properties - this table is used for declaring component specific properties that should be edited in the component properties panel.

    Add the following properties:

    • manualInput of type Boolean, the default value is true

    • mouseWheel of type Boolean, the default value is true

    • stepAmount, of type Integer, the default value is 0

    • maxValue, of type Integer, the default value is 0

    • minValue, of type Integer, the default value is 0

Press the OK button.

The custom visual components support is initialized when the Studio server start. Go to the Studio server window, stop the server, exit Studio, then reopen and start it again.

Re-create standard screens for the Customer entity to erase the results of our previous experiments.

Then go to the GENERIC UI navigator section and open the customer-edit.xml screen.

Remove the score field from fieldGroup because we will use a separate component for editing the score.

Find the new Stepper component on the components palette, then drag it to the screen below fieldGroup.

stepper in palette

Select the stepper component and go to the component Properties tab.

stepper component properties

Fill in the fields:

  • id - stepper

  • caption - Stepper

  • datasource - customerDs

  • property - score

  • maxValue - 50

Go to the XML tab to see the result.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
        <datasource id="customerDs"
    <layout expand="windowActions"
        <fieldGroup id="fieldGroup"
            <column width="250px">
                <field property="name"/>
        <app:stepper id="stepper"
        <frame id="windowActions"

There is a new namespace with the app prefix in the screen XML, the stepper component is added to the screen, and its properties are set correctly.

5. The Framework

This chapter contains detailed description of the platform architecture, components and mechanisms.

5.1. Architecture

This section covers the architecture of CUBA applications in different perspectives: by tiers, blocks, modules, and components.

5.1.1. Application Tiers and Blocks

The platform enables building applications according to the classic three-tier pattern: client tier, middleware, database. The tier indicates the degree of "remoteness" from the stored data.

Further on, mainly middleware and client tiers will be described, therefore the words "all tiers" will refer to these tiers only.

Each tier enables creating one or more application blocks. A block is a separate executable program interacting with other blocks in the application. CUBA platform tools enable the creation of blocks in the form of web or desktop applications.

Figure 6. Application Tiers and Blocks

The middle tier contains core business logic of the application and provides access to the database. It is represented by a separate web application running on Java EE Web Profile standard container. See Middleware Components.

Web Client

A main block of the client tier. It contains the interface designed primarily for internal users. It is represented by a separate web application running on Java EE Web Profile standard container. The user interface is implemented on the base of Vaadin framework. See Generic User Interface.

Desktop Client

An additional block of the client tier. It contains the interface designed primarily for internal users. It is represented by a desktop Java application; the user interface is implemented on the base of Java Swing framework. See Generic User Interface.

Web Portal

An additional block of the client tier. It can contain an interface for external users and entry points for integration with mobile devices and third-party applications. It is represented by a separate web application running on Java EE Web Profile standard container. The user interface is implemented on the base of Spring MVC framework. See Portal Components.

Polymer Client

An optional client designed for external users and written in pure JavaScript. It is based on Google Polymer framework and communicates with the middleware via REST API running either in Web Client or in Web Portal blocks. See Polymer User Interface.

Middleware is the mandatory block for any application. User interface can be implemented by one or several blocks, such as Web Client and Polymer Client.

All of the Java-based client blocks interact with the middle tier uniformly via HTTP protocol enabling to deploy the middle tier arbitrarily, behind a firewall as well. In the simplest case when the middle tier and the web client are deployed on the same server local interaction between them can bypass the network stack for better performance.

5.1.2. Application Modules

A module is the smallest structural part of CUBA application. It is a single module of an application project and the corresponding JAR file with executable code.

Standard modules:

  • global – includes entity classes, service interfaces, and other classes common for all tiers. It is used in all application blocks.

  • core – implements services and all other components of the middle tier. It is used only in Middleware.

  • gui – common components of the generic user interface. It is used in Web Client and Desktop Client.

  • web – the implementation of the generic user interface based on Vaadin and other specific web client classes. It is used in Web Client block.

  • desktop – an optional module – implementation of generic user interface based on Java Swing, as well as other specific desktop client classes. It is used in Desktop Client block.

  • portal – an optional module – implementation of Web portal based on Spring MVC.

  • polymer-client – an optional module – implementation of Polymer User Interface in JavaScript.

Figure 7. Application Modules

5.1.3. Application Components

The functionality of the platform is divided into several application components (aka base projects):

  • cuba – the main component containing all of the functionality described in this manual.

  • reports – reports generating subsystem.

  • fts – full-text search subsystem.

  • charts – subsystem for displaying charts and maps.

  • bpm – the mechanism of business processes execution according to the BPMN 2.0 standard.

An application always project depends on one ore more application components. It means that the application uses the component as a library and includes its functionality.

Any CUBA application depends on the cuba component. Other platform components are optional and can be included in the application only if needed. All optional components depend on cuba and can also contain dependencies between each other.

Below is a diagram showing dependencies between the platform application components. Solid lines demonstrate mandatory dependencies, dashed lines mean optional ones.


Any CUBA application can, in turn, be used as a component of another application. It enables decomposition of large projects to a set of functional modules, which can be developed independently. You can also create a set of custom application components in your organization and use them in multiple projects, effectively creating your own higher-level platform on top of CUBA. Below is an example of a possible structure of dependencies between application components.


In order to be used as a component, an application project should contain an app-component.xml descriptor and a special entry in the manifest of the global module JAR. CUBA Studio allows you to generate the descriptor and manifest entry for the current project automatically.

See the step-by-step guide to working with a custom application component in the Example of Application Component section.

5.1.4. Application Structure

The above-listed architectural principles are directly reflected in the composition of assembled application. Let us consider the example of a simple application sales, which has two blocks – Middleware and Web Client; and includes the functionality of the two application components - cuba and reports.

Figure 8. The structure of a simple application

The figure demonstrates the contents of several directories of the Tomcat server with a deployed application sales in it.

The Middleware block is represented by the app-core web application, the Web Client block – by the app web application. The executable code of the web applications can be found in directories WEB-INF/lib in sets of JAR files. Each JAR (artifact) is a result of assembly of one of the application or a component modules.

For instance, the contents of JAR files of the web application in middle tier app-core is determined by the facts that the Middleware block includes global and core modules, and the application uses cuba and reports components.

5.2. Common Components

This chapter covers platform components, which are common for all tiers of the application.

5.2.1. Data Model

Data model entities are divided into two categories:

  • Persistent – instances of such entities are stored in the database using ORM.

  • Non-persistent – instances exist only in memory, or are stored somewhere via different mechanisms.

The entities are characterized by their attributes. An attribute corresponds to a field and a pair of access methods (get / set) of the field. If the setter is omitted, the attribute becomes read-only.

Persistent entities may include attributes that are not stored in the database. For a non-persistent attribute, the field is optional and you can create only access methods.

The entity class should meet the following requirements:

  • Be inherited from one of the base classes provided by the platform (see below).

  • Have a set of fields and access methods corresponding to attributes.

  • The class and its fields (or access methods if the attribute has no corresponding field) must be annotated to provide information for the ORM (in case of a persistent entity) and metadata frameworks.

The following types can be used for entity attributes:

  • java.lang.String

  • java.lang.Boolean

  • java.lang.Integer

  • java.lang.Long

  • java.lang.Double

  • java.math.BigDecimal

  • java.util.Date

  • java.sql.Date

  • java.sql.Time

  • java.util.UUID

  • byte[]

  • enum

  • Entity

Base entity classes (see below) override equals() and hashCode() methods to check entity instances equivalence by comparing their identifiers. I.e., instances of the same class are considered equal if their identifiers are equal. Base Entity Classes

The base entity classes and interfaces are described in detail in this section.

  • Instance – declares the basic methods for working with objects of application domain:

    • getting references to the object meta-class;

    • generating the instance name;

    • reading/writing attribute values by name;

    • adding listeners receiving notifications about attribute changes.

  • Entity – extends Instance with entity identifier; at the same time Entity does not define the type of the identifier leaving this option to descendants.

  • AbstractInstance – implements the logic of working with attribute change listeners.


    AbstractInstance stores the listeners in WeakReference, and if there are no external references to the added listener, it will be immediately destroyed by garbage collector. Normally, attribute change listeners are visual components and UI datasources that are always referenced by other objects, so there is no problem with listeners dropout. However, if a listener is created by application code and no objects refer to it in a natural way, it is necessary to save it in a certain object field apart from just adding it to Instance.

  • BaseGenericIdEntity – base class of persistent and non-persistent entities. It implements Entity but does not specify the type of the identifier (i.e. the primary key) of the entity.

  • EmbeddableEntity - base class of embeddable persistent entities.

Below we consider base classes recommended for inheriting your entities from. Non-persistent entities should be inherited from the same base classes as persistent ones. The framework determines if the entity is persistent or not by the file where it is registered: persistence.xml or metadata.xml.


Inherit from StandardEntity if you want a standard set of features: the primary key of UUID type, the instances have information on who and when created and modified them, require optimistic locking and soft deletion.

EntityClasses Standard
  • HasUuid – interface for entities having a globally unique identifier.

  • Versioned – interface for entities supporting optimistic locking.

  • Creatable – interface for entities that keep the information about when and by whom the instance was created.

  • Updatable – interface for entities that keep the information about when and by whom the instance was last changed.

  • SoftDelete – interface for entities supporting soft deletion.


Inherit from BaseUuidEntity if you want an entity with the primary key of UUID type but you don’t need all features of StandardEntity. You can implement some of the interfaces Creatable, Versioned, etc. in your concrete entity class.

EntityClasses Uuid

Inherit from BaseLongIdEntity or BaseIntegerIdEntity if you want an entity with the primary key of the Long or Integer type. You can implement some of the interfaces Creatable, Versioned, etc. in your concrete entity class. Implementing HasUuid is highly recommended, as it enables some optimizations and allows you to identify your instances uniquely in a distributed environment.

EntityClasses Long

Inherit from BaseStringIdEntity if you want an entity with the primary key of the String type. You can implement some of the interfaces Creatable, Versioned, etc. in your concrete entity class. Implementing HasUuid is highly recommended, as it enables some optimizations and allows you to identify your instances uniquely in a distributed environment. The concrete entity class must have a string field annotated with the @Id JPA annotation.

EntityClasses String

Inherit from BaseIdentityIdEntity if you need to map the entity to a table with IDENTITY primary key. You can implement some of the interfaces Creatable, Versioned, etc. in your concrete entity class. Implementing HasUuid is highly recommended, as it enables some optimizations and allows you to identify your instances uniquely in a distributed environment. The id attribute of the entity (i.e. getId/setId methods) will be of type IdProxy which is designed to substitute the real identifier until it is generated by the database on insert.

EntityClasses Identity

Inherit from BaseIntIdentityIdEntity if you need to map the entity to a table with IDENTITY primary key of Integer type (compared to Long in BaseIdentityIdEntity). In other respects, BaseIntIdentityIdEntity is similar to BaseIdentityIdEntity.

EntityClasses IntIdentity

Inherit from BaseGenericIdEntity directly if you need to map the entity to a table with a composite key. In this case, the concrete entity class must have a field of the embeddable type representing the key, annotated with the @EmbeddedId JPA annotation. Entity Annotations

This section describes all annotations of entity classes and attributes supported by the platform.

Annotations from the javax.persistence package are required for JPA, annotations from com.haulmont.* packages are designed for metadata management and other mechanisms of the platform.

In this manual, if an annotation is identified by a simple class name, it refers to a platform class, located in one of the com.haulmont.* packages. Class Annotations

Defines an embedded entity stored in the same table as the owning entity.

@MetaClass annotation should be used to specify the entity name.


Indicates that the entity instances are available for recovery after soft deletion on the core$Entity.restore screen available through the Administration > Data Recovery main menu item.


Declares a class to be a data model entity.


  • name – the name of the entity, must begin with a prefix, separated by a $ sign. It is recommended to use a short name of the project as a prefix to form a separate namespace.


@Entity(name = "sales$Customer")

Indicates that the entity is an extension and it should be used everywhere instead of the base entity. See Functionality Extension.


Is used for defining a database column responsible for the distinction of entity types in the cases of SINGLE_TABLE and JOINED inheritance strategies.


  • name – the discriminator column name

  • discriminatorType – the discriminator column type


@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "TYPE", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER)

Defines the discriminator column value for this entity.



Defines the inheritance strategy to be used for an entity class hierarchy. It is specified on the entity class that is the root of the entity class hierarchy.


  • strategy – inheritance strategy, SINGLE_TABLE by default


Defines the list of listeners intended for reaction to the entity instance lifecycle events on the middle tier.

The annotation value should be a string or an array of strings containing bean names of the listeners. See Entity Listeners.



Defines that the class is an ancestor for some entities and its attributes must be used as part of descendant entities. Such class is not associated with any particular database table.


Is used for declaring non-persistent or embedded entity (meaning that @javax.persistence.Entity annotation cannot be applied)


  • name – the entity name, must begin with a prefix, separated by a $ sign. It is recommended to use a short name of the project as prefix to form a separate namespace.


@MetaClass(name = "sales$Customer")

Determines the way of getting the name of the instance returned by the Instance.getInstanceName() method.

The annotation value should be a string in the {0}|{1} format, where:

  • {0} – formatting string according to the String.format() rules, or this object method name with the prefix #. The method should return String and should have no parameters.

  • {1} – a list of field names separated by commas, corresponding to {0} format. If the method is used in {0}, the list of fields is still required as it forms the _minimal view.



This annotation can be specified for a method. Such method will be invoked right after the entity instance is created by the Metadata.create() method. This is convenient when instance initialization requires invocation of managed beans. For example, see Entity Fields Initialization.


Is used in the case of JOINED inheritance strategy to specify a foreign key column for the entity which refers to the primary key of the ancestor entity.


  • name – the name of the foreign key column of the entity

  • referencedColumnName – the name of primary key column of the ancestor entity


@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = "CARD_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")

Indicates that the entity is system only and should not be available for selection in various lists of entities, such as generic filter parameter types or dynamic attribute type.


Defines database table for the given entity.


  • name – the table name


@Table(name = "SALES_CUSTOMER")

Indicates that editor screens opening history will be recorded with the ability to display it on the sec$ScreenHistory.browse screen available through the Help > History main menu item. Attribute Annotations

Attribute annotations should be set for the corresponding fields, with the following exception: if there is a need to declare read-only, non-persistent attribute foo, it is sufficient to create getFoo() method and annotate it with @MetaProperty.


Indicates that automatic case conversion should be used for text input fields bound with annotated entity attribute.


  • type - the conversion type: UPPER (default), LOWER.


@CaseConversion(type = ConversionType.UPPER)
@Column(name = "COUNTRY_CODE")
protected String countryCode;

Defines DB column for storing attribute values.


  • name – the column name.

  • length – (optional parameter, 255 by default) – the length of the column. It is also used for metadata generation and ultimately, can limit the maximum length of the input text in visual components bound to this attribute. Add the @Lob annotation to remove restriction on the attribute length.

  • nullable – (optional parameter, true by default) – determines if an attribute can contain null value. When nullable = false JPA ensures that the field has a value when saved. In addition, visual components working with the attribute can request the user to enter a value.


Indicates that the relationship is a composition, which is a stronger variant of the association. Essentially this means that the related entity should only exist as a part of the owning entity, i.e. be created and deleted together with it.

For example, a list of items in an order (Order class contains a collection of Item instances):

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "order")
protected List<Item> items;

Another example is a one-to-one relationship:

@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "DETAILS_ID")
protected CustomerDetails details;

Choosing @Composition annotation as the relationship type enables making use of a special commit mode for datasources in edit screens. In this mode, the changes to related instances are only stored when the master entity is committed. See Composite Structures for details.


Defines a reference attribute of embeddable type. The referenced entity should have @Embeddable annotation.


protected Address address;

By default, ORM does not create an instance of embedded entity if all its attributes are null in the database. You can use the @EmbeddedParameters annotation to specify a different behavior when an instance is always non-null, for example:

@EmbeddedParameters(nullAllowed = false)
protected Address address;

Indicates that the attribute is the entity primary key. Typically, this annotation is set on the field of a base class, such as BaseUuidEntity. Using this annotation for a specific entity class is required only in case of inheritance from the BaseStringIdEntity base class (i.e. creating an entity with a string primary key).


Makes the platform to ignore the user’s time zone (if it is set for the current session) for an attribute of the timestamp type (annotated with @javax.persistence.Temporal.TIMESTAMP).


Defines DB column that determines the relationship between entities. Presence of this annotation indicates the owning side of the association.


  • name – the column name


@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "CUSTOMER_ID")
protected Customer customer;

Defines a join table on the owning side of @ManyToMany relationship.


  • name – the join table name

  • joinColumns@JoinColumn element in the join table corresponding to primary key of the owning side of the relationship (the one containing @JoinTable annotation)

  • inverseJoinColumns@JoinColumn element in the join table corresponding to primary key of the non-owning side of the relationship.

Example of the customers attribute of the Group class on the owning side of the relationship:

 joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "GROUP_ID"),
 inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "CUSTOMER_ID"))
protected Set<Customer> customers;

Example of the groups attribute of the Customer class on non-owning side of the same relationship:

@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "customers")
protected Set<Group> groups;

Indicates that the attribute does not have any length restrictions. This annotation is used together with the @Column annotation. If @Lob is set, the default or explicitly defined length in @Column is ignored.


@Column(name = "DESCRIPTION")
private String description;

Determines a method for retrieving a localized value for an attribute, using MessageTools.getLocValue() method.


  • messagePack – explicit indication of the package, from which a localized message will be taken, for example, com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.

  • messagePackExpr – expression defining the path to the attribute, containing a package name from which the localized message should be taken (for example, proc.messagesPack). The path starts from the attribute of the current entity.

The annotation in the example below indicates that localized message for the state attribute value should be taken from the package name defined in the messagesPack attribute of the proc entity.

@Column(name = "STATE")
@LocalizedValue(messagePackExpr = "proc.messagesPack")
protected String state;

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "PROC_ID")
protected Proc proc;

Defines the lookup type settings for the reference attributes.


  • type - the default value is SCREEN, so a reference is selected from a lookup screen. The DROPDOWN value enables to select the reference from a drop-down list. If the lookup type is set to DROPDOWN, Studio will generate options datasource when scaffolding editor screen. Thus, the Lookup type parameter should be set before generation of an entity editor screen. Besides, the Filter component will allow a user to select parameter of this type from a drop-down list instead of lookup screen.

  • actions - defines the actions to be used in a PickerField component inside the FieldGroup by default. Possible values: lookup, clear, open.

@Lookup(type = LookupType.DROPDOWN, actions = {"open"})
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "CUSTOMER_ID")
protected Customer customer;

Defines a collection attribute with many-to-many relationship type.

Many-to-many relationship can have an owning side and an inverse, non-owning side. The owning side should be marked with additional @JoinTable annotation, and the non-owning side – with mappedBy parameter.


  • mappedBy – the field of the referenced entity, which owns the relationship. It must only be set on the non-owning side of the relationship.

  • targetEntity – the type of referenced entity. This parameter is optional if the collection is declared using Java generics.

  • fetch – (optional parameter, LAZY by default) – determines whether JPA will eagerly fetch the collection of referenced entities. This parameter should always remain LAZY, since retrieval of referenced entities in CUBA-application is determined dynamically by the views mechanism.


The usage of cascade annotation attribute is not recommended. The entities persisted and merged implicitly using such declaration will bypass some system mechanisms. In particular, the EntityStates bean does not detect the managed state correctly and entity listeners are not invoked at all.


Defines a reference attribute with many-to-one relationship type.


  • fetch – (EAGER by default) parameter that determines whether JPA will eagerly fetch the referenced entity. This parameter should always be set to LAZY, since retrieval of referenced entity in CUBA-application is determined dynamically by the views mechanism.

  • optional – (optional parameter, true by default) – indicates whether the attribute can contain null value. If optional = false JPA ensures the existence of reference when the entity is saved. In addition, the visual components working with this attribute can request the user to enter a value.

For example, several Order instances refer to the same Customer instance. In this case the Order.customer attribute should have the following annotations:

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "CUSTOMER_ID")
protected Customer customer;

The usage of JPA cascade annotation attribute is not recommended. The entities persisted and merged implicitly using such declaration will bypass some system mechanisms. In particular, the EntityStates bean does not detect the managed state correctly and entity listeners are not invoked at all.


Indicates that metadata should include the annotated attribute. This annotation can be set for a field or for a getter method, if there is no corresponding field.

This annotation is not required for the fields already containing the following annotations from javax.persistence package: @Column, @OneToOne, @OneToMany, @ManyToOne, @ManyToMany, @Embedded. Such fields are included in metadata automatically. Thus, @MetaProperty is mainly used for defining non-persistent attributes of the entities.

Parameters (optional):

  • mandatory - determines whether the attribute can contain null value. If mandatory = true, visual components working with this attribute can request the user to enter a value.

  • datatype - explicitly defines a datatype that overrides a datatype inferred from the attribute Java type.

  • related - defines the array of related persistent attributes to be fetched from the database when this property is included in a view.

Field example:

protected String token;

Method example:

public String getLocValue() {
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(messagesPack)) {
        return AppBeans.get(Messsages.class).getMessage(messagesPack, value);
    } else {
        return value;

Specifies a format for an attribute of the Number type (it can be BigDecimal, Integer, Long or Double). Values of such attribute will be formatted and parsed throughout the UI according to the provided annotation parameters:

  • pattern - format pattern as described for DecimalFormat.

  • decimalSeparator - character used as a decimal sign (optional).

  • groupingSeparator - character used as a thousands separator (optional).

If decimalSeparator and/or groupingSeparator are not specified, the framework uses corresponding values from the format strings for the current user’s locale. The server system locale characters are used in this case for formatting the attribute values with locale-independent methods.

For example:

@Column(name = "PRECISE_NUMBER", precision = 19, scale = 4)
@NumberFormat(pattern = "0.0000")
protected BigDecimal preciseNumber;

@Column(name = "WEIRD_NUMBER", precision = 19, scale = 4)
@NumberFormat(pattern = "#,##0.0000", decimalSeparator = "_", groupingSeparator = "`")
protected BigDecimal weirdNumber;

@Column(name = "SIMPLE_NUMBER")
@NumberFormat(pattern = "#")
protected Integer simpleNumber;

@Column(name = "PERCENT_NUMBER", precision = 19, scale = 4)
@NumberFormat(pattern = "#%")
protected BigDecimal percentNumber;

Determines related entities handling policy in case of soft deletion of the entity, containing the attribute. See Soft Deletion.


@OneToMany(mappedBy = "group")
private Set<Constraint> constraints;

Determines related entities handling policy in case of soft deletion of the entity from the inverse side of the relationship. See Soft Deletion.


@JoinColumn(name = "DRIVER_ID")
private Driver driver;

Defines a collection attribute with one-to-many relationship type.


  • mappedBy – the field of the referenced entity, which owns the relationship.

  • targetEntity – the type of referenced entity. This parameter is optional if the collection is declared using Java generics.

  • fetch – (optional parameter, LAZY by default) – determines whether JPA will eagerly fetch the collection of referenced entities. This parameter should always remain LAZY, since retrieval of referenced entities in CUBA-application is determined dynamically by the views mechanism.

For example, several Item instances refer to the same Order instance using @ManyToOne field Item.order. In this case the Order class can contain a collection of Item instances:

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "order")
protected Set<Item> items;

The usage of JPA cascade and orphanRemoval annotation attributes is not recommended. The entities persisted and merged implicitly using such declaration will bypass some system mechanisms. In particular, the EntityStates bean does not detect the managed state correctly and entity listeners are not invoked at all. The orphanRemoval annotation attribute does not respect the soft deletion mechanism.


Defines a reference attribute with one-to-one relationship type.


  • fetch – (EAGER by default) determines whether JPA will eagerly fetch the referenced entity. This parameter should be set to LAZY, since retrieval of referenced entities in CUBA-application is determined dynamically by the views mechanism.

  • mappedBy – the field of the referenced entity, which owns the relationship. It must only be set on the non-owning side of the relationship.

  • optional – (optional parameter, true by default) – indicates whether the attribute can contain null value. If optional = false JPA ensures the existence of reference when the entity is saved. In addition, the visual components working with this attribute can request the user to enter a value.

Example of owning side of the relationship in the Driver class:

@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "CALLSIGN_ID")
protected DriverCallsign callsign;

Example of non-owning side of the relationship in the DriverCallsign class:

@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "callsign")
protected Driver driver;

Determines the order of elements in a collection attribute at the point when the association is retrieved from the database. This annotation should be specified for ordered Java collections such as List or LinkedHashSet to get a predictable sequence of elements.


  • value – string, determines the order in the format:

orderby_list::= orderby_item [,orderby_item]*
orderby_item::= property_or_field_name [ASC | DESC]


@OneToMany(mappedBy = "user")
protected List<UserRole> userRoles;

Specifies the type of the stored value for java.util.Date attribute: date, time or date+time.


  • value – the type of the stored value: DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP


@Column(name = "START_DATE")
protected Date startDate;

Indicates that field is not stored in the database, meaning it is non-persistent.

The fields supported by JPA types (See http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Basic.html) are persistent by default, that is why @Transient annotation is mandatory for non-persistent attribute of such type.

@MetaProperty annotation is required if @Transient attribute should be included in metadata.


Indicates that the annotated field stores a version for optimistic locking support.

Such field is required when an entity class implements the Versioned interface (StandardEntity base class already contains such field).


@Column(name = "VERSION")
private Integer version; Enum Attributes

The standard use of JPA for enum attributes involves an integer database field containing a value obtained from the ordinal() method. This approach may lead to the following issues with extending a system in production:

  • An entity instance cannot be loaded, if the value of the enum in the database does not equal to any ordinal value.

  • It is impossible to add a new value between the existing ones, which is important when sorting by enumeration value (order by).

CUBA-style approach to solving these problems is to detach the value stored in the database from ordinal value of the enumeration. In order to do this, the field of the entity should be declared with the type, stored in the database (Integer or String), while the access methods (getter / setter) should be created with the actual enumeration type.


@Entity(name = "sales$Customer")
@Table(name = "SALES_CUSTOMER")
public class Customer extends StandardEntity {

    @Column(name = "GRADE")
    protected Integer grade;

    public CustomerGrade getGrade() {
        return grade == null ? null : CustomerGrade.fromId(grade);

    public void setGrade(CustomerGrade grade) {
        this.grade = grade == null ? null : grade.getId();

In this case, the enumeration class can look like this:

public enum CustomerGrade implements EnumClass<Integer> {


    private Integer id;

    CustomerGrade(Integer id) {
        this.id = id;

    public Integer getId() {
        return id;

    public static CustomerGrade fromId(Integer id) {
        for (CustomerGrade grade : CustomerGrade.values()) {
            if (grade.getId().equals(id))
                return grade;
        return null;

For correct reflection in metadata, the enumeration class must implement the EnumClass interface.

As the examples show, grade attribute corresponds to the Integer type value stored in the database, which is specified by the id field of CustomerGrade enumeration, namely 10, 20 or 30. At the same time, the application code and metadata framework use CustomerGrade enum through access methods, which perform the actual conversion.

A call to getGrade() method will simply return null, if the value in the database does not correspond to any of the enumeration values. In order to add a new value, for example, HIGHER, between HIGH and PREMIUM, it is sufficient to add new enumeration value with id = 15, which ensures that sorting by Customer.grade field remains correct.

The Integer field type provides the ordered list of constants and enables sorting in JPQL and SQL queries (>, <, >=, , order by), not to mention the negligible issue of database space and performance. On the other hand, Integer values are not self-explanatory in query results, that complicates debugging and using raw data from the database or in serialized formats. In this regard, the String type is more convenient.

Enumerations can be created in CUBA Studio on the DATA MODEL tab (New → Enumeration). To be used as an entity attribute, choose ENUM in the Attribute type field of the attribute editor and select the Enumeration class in the Type field. Enumeration values can be associated with localized names that will be displayed in the user interface of the application. Soft Deletion

CUBA platform supports soft deletion mode, when the records are not deleted from the database, but instead, marked in a special way, so that they become inaccessible for common use. Later, these records can be either completely removed from the database using some kind of scheduled procedure or restored.

Soft deletion mechanism is transparent for an application developer, the only requirement is for entity class to implement SoftDelete interface. The platform will adjust data operations automatically.

Soft deletion mode offers the following benefits:

  • Significantly reduces the risk of data loss caused by incorrect user actions.

  • Enables making certain records inaccessible instantly even if there are references to them.

    Using Orders-Customers data model as an example, let’s assume that a certain customer has made several orders but we need to make the customer instance inaccessible for users. This is impossible with traditional hard deletion, as deletion of a customer instance requires either deletion of all related orders or setting to null all references to the customer (meaning data loss). After soft deletion, the customer instance becomes unavailable for search and modification; however, a user can see the name of the customer in the order editor, as deletion attribute is purposely ignored when the related entities are fetched.

    The standard behavior above can be modified with related entities processing policy.

The deleted entity instances can be manually restored on the Restore Deleted Entities screen available from the Administration menu of an application. This functionality is designed only for application administrators supposed to have all permissions to all entities, and should be used carefully, so it is recommended to deny access to this screen for simple users.

The negative impact of soft deletion is increase in database size and likely need for additional cleanup procedures. Use of Soft Deletion

To support soft deletion, the entity class should implement SoftDelete interface, and the corresponding database table should contain the following columns:

  • DELETE_TS – when the record was deleted.

  • DELETED_BY – the login of the user who deleted the record.

The default behavior for instances implementing SoftDelete interface, is that soft deleted entities are not returned by queries or search by id. If required, this behavior can by dynamically turned off using the following methods:

  • Calling setSoftDeletion(false) for the current EntityManager instance.

  • Calling setSoftDeletion(false) for LoadContext object when requesting data via DataManager.

  • On the datasource level – calling CollectionDatasource.setSoftDeletion(false) or setting softDeletion="false" attribute of collectionDatasource element in the screen’s XML-descriptor.

In soft deletion mode, the platform automatically filters out the deleted instances when loading by identifier and when using JPQL queries, as well as the deleted elements of the related entities in collection attributes. However, related entities in single-value (*ToOne) attributes are loaded, regardless of whether the related instance was deleted or not. Related Entities Processing Policy

For soft deleted entities, the platform offers a mechanism for managing related entities when deleting, which is largely similar to ON DELETE rules for database foreign keys. This mechanism works on the middle tier and uses @OnDelete, @OnDeleteInverse annotations on entity attributes.

@OnDelete annotation is processed when the entity in which this annotation is found is deleted, but not the one pointed to by this annotation (this is the main difference from cascade deletion at the database level).

@OnDeleteInverse annotation is processed when the entity which it points to is deleted (which is similar to cascade deletion at foreign key level in the database). This annotation is useful when the object being deleted has no attribute that can be checked before deletion. Typically, the object being checked has a reference to the object being deleted, and this is the attribute that should be annotated with @OnDeleteInverse.

Annotation value can be:

  • DeletePolicy.DENY – prohibits entity deletion, if the annotated attribute is not null or not an empty collection.

  • DeletePolicy.CASCADE – cascade deletion of the annotated attribute.

  • DeletePolicy.UNLINK – disconnect the link with the annotated attribute. It is reasonable to disconnect the link only in the owner side of the association – the one with @JoinColumn annotation in the entity class.


  1. Prohibit deletion of entity with references: DeletePolicyException will be thrown if you try to delete Customer instance, which is referred to by at least one Order.


    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "CUSTOMER_ID")
    protected Customer customer;


    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "customer")
    protected List<Order> orders;

    Messages in the exception window can be localized in the main message pack. Use the following keys:

    • deletePolicy.caption - notification caption.

    • deletePolicy.references.message - notification message.

    • deletePolicy.caption.sales$Customer - notification caption for concrete entity.

    • deletePolicy.references.message.sales$Customer - notification message for concrete entity.

  2. Cascade deletion of related collection elements: deletion of Role instance causes all Permission instances to be deleted as well.


    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "role")
    protected Set<Permission> permissions;


    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "ROLE_ID")
    protected Role role;
  3. Disconnect the links with related collection elements: deletion of Role instance leads to setting to null references to this Role for all Permission instances included in the collection.


    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "role")
    protected Set<Permission> permissions;


    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "ROLE_ID")
    protected Role role;

Implementation notes:

  1. Related entities policy is processed on Middleware when saving entities implementing SoftDelete to the database.

  2. Be careful when using @OnDeleteInverse together with CASCADE and UNLINK policies. During this process, all instances of the related objects are fetched from the database, modified and then saved.

    For example, if @OnDeleteInverse(CASCADE) policy is set on Job.customer attribute in a CustomerJob association with many jobs to one customer, if you set @OnDeleteInverse(CASCADE) policy on Job.customer attribute, all jobs will be retrieved and modified when deleting a Customer instance. This may overload the application server or the database.

    On the other hand, using @OnDeleteInverse(DENY) is safe, as it only involves counting the number of the related objects. If there are more than 0, an exception is thrown. This makes use of @OnDeleteInverse(DENY) suitable for Job.customer attribute. Unique Constraints at Database Level

In order to apply unique constraints for certain value in the soft deletion mode, at least one non-deleted record with this value and an arbitrary number of deleted records with the same value may exist in database.

This logic can be implemented in a specific way for each database server type:

  • If database server supports partial indexes (e.g. PostgreSQL), unique restrictions can be achieved as follows:

    create unique index IDX_SEC_USER_UNIQ_LOGIN on SEC_USER (LOGIN_LC) where DELETE_TS is null
  • If database server does not support partial indexes (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server 2005), DELETE_TS field can be included in the unique index:


5.2.2. Metadata Framework

Metadata framework is used to support efficient work with data model in CUBA-applications. The framework:

  • provides API for obtaining information about entities, their attributes and relations between the entities; it is also used for traversing object graphs;

  • serves as a specialized and more convenient alternative for Java Reflection API;

  • controls permitted data types and relationships between entities;

  • enables implementation of universal mechanisms for operations with data. Metadata Interfaces

Let’s consider the basic metadata interfaces.

Figure 9. Metadata Framework Interfaces

Entry point of the metadata framework. Enables obtaining MetaClass instances by name and by the corresponding Java class. Note the difference in methods: getClass() methods can return null while getClassNN() (Non Null) methods cannot.

Session object can be obtained using the Metadata infrastructure interface.


protected Metadata metadata;
Session session = metadata.getSession();
MetaClass metaClass1 = session.getClassNN("sec$User");
MetaClass metaClass2 = session.getClassNN(User.class);
assert metaClass1 == metaClass2;

Rarely used interface intended to group meta-classes.

Meta-classes are grouped by the root name of Java project package specified in metadata.xml file.


Entity class metadata interface. MetaClass is always associated with the Java class which it represents.

Basic methods:

  • getName() – entity name, according to convention the first part of the name before $ sign is the namespace code, for example, sales$Customer.

  • getProperties() – the list of meta-properties (MetaProperty).

  • getProperty(), getPropertyNN() – methods return meta-properties by name. If there is no attribute with provided name, the first method returns null, and the second throws an exception.


    MetaClass userClass = session.getClassNN(User.class);
    MetaProperty groupProperty = userClass.getPropertyNN("group");
  • getPropertyPath() – allows you to navigate by references. This method accepts string parameter – path in the format of dot-separated attribute names. The returned MetaPropertyPath object enables accessing the required (the last in the path) attribute by invoking getMetaProperty() method.


    MetaClass userClass = session.getClassNN(User.class);
    MetaProperty groupNameProp = userClass.getPropertyPath("group.name").getMetaProperty();
    assert groupNameProp.getDomain().getName().equals("sec$Group");
  • getJavaClass() – entity class, corresponding to this MetaClass.

  • getAnnotations() – collection of meta-annotations.


Entity attribute metadata interface.

Basic methods:

  • getName() – property name, corresponds to entity attribute name.

  • getDomain() – meta-class, owning this property.

  • getType()- the property type:

    • simple type: DATATYPE

    • enumeration: ENUM

    • reference type of two kinds:

      • ASSOCIATION − simple reference to another entity. For example, Order-Customer relationship is an association.

      • COMPOSITION − reference to the entity, having no consistent value without the owning entity. COMPOSITION is considered to be a "closer" relationship than ASSOCIATION. For example, the relationship between Order and its Items is a COMPOSITION, as the Item cannot exist without the Order to which it belongs.

        The type of ASSOCIATION or COMPOSITION reference attributes affects entity edit mode: in the first case the related entity is persisted to the database independently, in the second case – only together with the owning entity. See Composite Structures for details.

  • getRange()Range interface providing detailed description of the attribute type.

  • isMandatory() – indicates a mandatory attribute. For instance, it is used by visual components to signal a user that value is mandatory.

  • isReadOnly() – indicates a read-only attribute.

  • getInverse() – for reference-type attribute, returns the meta-property from the other side of the association, if such exists.

  • getAnnotatedElement() – field (java.lang.reflect.Field) or method (java.lang.reflect.Method), corresponding to the entity attribute.

  • getJavaType() – Java class of the entity attribute. It can either be the type of corresponding field or the type of the value returned by corresponding method.

  • getDeclaringClass() – Java class containing this attribute.


    Interface describing entity attribute type in detail.

    Basic methods:

  • isDatatype() – returns true for simple type attribute.

  • asDatatype() – returns Datatype for simple type attribute.

  • isEnum() – returns true for enumeration type attribute.

  • asEnumeration() – returns Enumeration for enumeration type attribute.

  • isClass() – returns true for reference attribute of ASSOCIATION or COMPOSITION type.

  • asClass() – returns metaclass of associated entity for a reference attribute.

  • isOrdered() – returns true if the attribute is represented by an ordered collection (for example List).

  • getCardinality() – relation kind of the reference attribute: ONE_TO_ONE, MANY_TO_ONE, ONE_TO_MANY, MANY_TO_MANY. Metadata Building

The main source for metadata structure generation are annotated entity classes.

Entity class will be present in the metadata in the following cases:

  • Persistent entity class is annotated by @Entity, @Embeddable, @MappedSuperclass and is located within the root package specified in metadata.xml.

  • Non-persistent entity class is annotated by @MetaClass and is located within the root package specified in metadata.xml.

All entities inside same root package are put into the same MetaModel instance, which is given the name of this package. Entities within the same MetaModel can contain arbitrary references to each other. References between entities from different meta-models can be created in the order of declaration of metadata.xml files in cuba.metadataConfig property.

Entity attribute will be present in metadata if:

  • A class field is annotated by @Column, @OneToOne, @OneToMany, @ManyToOne, @ManyToMany, @Embedded.

  • A class field or an access method (getter) is annotated by @MetaProperty.

Metaclass and metaproperty parameters are determined on the base of the listed annotations parameters as well as field types and class methods. Besides, if an attribute does not have write access method (setter), it becomes immutable (read-only). Datatype

Datatype interface defines methods for converting values to and from strings (formatting and parsing). Each entity attribute, if it is not a reference, has a corresponding Datatype, which is used by the framework to format and parse the attribute value.

Datatypes are registered in the DatatypeRegistry bean, which loads and initializes Datatype implementation classes from the metadata.xml files of the project and its application components.

Datatype of an entity attribute can be obtained from the corresponding meta-property using getRange().asDatatype() call.

You can also use registered datatypes to format or parse arbitrary values of supported types. To do this, obtain a datatype instance from DatatypeRegistry using its get(Class) or getNN(Class) methods, passing the Java type that you want to convert.

Datatypes are associated with entity attributes according to the following rules:

  • In most cases, an attribute is associated with a registered Datatype instance that can handle the attribute’s Java type.

    In the example below, the amount attribute will get BigDecimalDatatype

    @Column(name = "AMOUNT")
    private BigDecimal amount;

    because cuba-metadata.xml has the following entry:

    <datatype id="decimal" class="com.haulmont.chile.core.datatypes.impl.BigDecimalDatatype"
              format="0.####" decimalSeparator="." groupingSeparator=""/>
  • You can specify a datatype explicitly using the @MetaProperty annotation and its datatype attribute.

    In the example below, the issueYear entity attribute will be associated with the year datatype:

    @MetaProperty(datatype = "year")
    @Column(name = "ISSUE_YEAR")
    private Integer issueYear;

    if the project’s metadata.xml file has the following entry:

    <datatype id="year" class="com.company.sample.YearDatatype"/>

    As you can see, the datatype attribute of @MetaProperty contains identifier, which is used when registering the datatype implementation in metadata.xml.

Basic methods of the Datatype interface:

  • format() – converts the passed value into a string.

  • parse() – transforms a string into the value of corresponding type.

  • getJavaClass() – returns the Java type which this datatype is designed for. This method has a default implementation that returns a value of the @JavaClass annotation if it is present on the class.

Datatype defines two sets of methods for formatting and parsing: considering and not considering locale. Conversion considering locale is applied everywhere in user interface, ignoring locale – in system mechanisms, for example, serialization in REST API.

Parsing formats ignoring locale are hardcoded or specified in the metadata.xml file when registering the datatype.

See the next section for how to specify locale-dependent parsing formats. Datatype Format Strings

Locale-dependent parsing formats are provided in the main messages pack of the application or its components, in the strings with the following keys:

  • numberDecimalSeparator – decimal separator for numeric types.

  • numberGroupingSeparator – thousands separator for numeric types.

  • integerFormat – format for Integer and Long types.

  • doubleFormat – format for Double type.

  • decimalFormat – format for BigDecimal type.

  • dateTimeFormat – format for java.util.Date type.

  • dateFormat – format for java.sql.Date type.

  • timeFormat – format for java.sql.Time type.

  • trueString – string corresponding to Boolean.TRUE.

  • falseString – string corresponding to Boolean.FALSE.


Studio allows you to set format strings for languages used in your application. Edit Project Properties, click the button in the Available locales field, then click Show data format strings.

Format strings for a locale can be obtained using the FormatStringsRegistry bean. Example of a Custom Datatype

Suppose that some entity attributes in our application store calendar years, represented by integer numbers. Users should be able to view and edit a year, and if a user enters just two digits, the application should transform it to a year between 2000 and 2100. Otherwise, the whole entered number should be accepted as a year.

First, create the following class in the global module:

package com.company.sample.entity;

import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.haulmont.chile.core.annotations.JavaClass;
import com.haulmont.chile.core.datatypes.Datatype;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Locale;

public class YearDatatype implements Datatype<Integer> {

    private static final String PATTERN = "##00";

    public String format(@Nullable Object value) {
        if (value == null)
            return "";

        DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat(PATTERN);
        return format.format(value);

    public String format(@Nullable Object value, Locale locale) {
        return format(value);

    public Integer parse(@Nullable String value) throws ParseException {
        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(value))
            return null;

        DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat(PATTERN);
        int year = format.parse(value).intValue();
        if (year > 2100 || year < 0)
            throw new ParseException("Invalid year", 0);
        if (year < 100)
            year += 2000;
        return year;

    public Integer parse(@Nullable String value, Locale locale) throws ParseException {
        return parse(value);

Then add the datatypes element to the metadata.xml of your project:

<metadata xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/metadata.xsd">
        <datatype id="year" class="com.company.sample.entity.YearDatatype"/>
    <!-- ... -->

In the datatype element, you can also specify the sqlType attribute containing an SQL type of your database suitable for storing values of the new type. This SQL type will be used by CUBA Studio when it generates database scripts. Studio can automatically determine an SQL type for the following Java types:

  • java.lang.Boolean

  • java.lang.Integer

  • java.lang.Long

  • java.math.BigDecimal

  • java.lang.Double

  • java.lang.String

  • java.util.Date

  • java.util.UUID

  • byte[]

In our case the class is designed to work with Integer type (which is declared by the @JavaClass annotation with Integer.class value), so the sqlType attribute can be omitted.

Finally, specify the new datatype for the required attributes (programmatically or with the help of Studio):

@MetaProperty(datatype = "year")
@Column(name = "ISSUE_YEAR")
private Integer issueYear; Example of Data Formatting in UI

Let’s consider how the Order.date attribute is displayed in orders table.


<table id="ordersTable">
        <column id="date"/>

The date attribute in the Order class is defined using "date" type:

@Column(name = "DATE_", nullable = false)
private Date date;

If the current user is logged in with the Russian locale, the following string is retrieved from the main message pack:


As a result, date "2012-08-06" is converted into the string "06.08.2012" which is displayed in the table cell. Examples of Date and Number Formatting in the Application Code

If you need to format or parse values of BigDecimal, Integer, Long, Double, Boolean or Date types depending on the current user locale, use the DatatypeFormatter bean. For example:

private DatatypeFormatter formatter;

void sample() {
    String dateStr = formatter.formatDate(dateField.getValue());
    // ...

Below are examples of using Datatype methods directly.

  • Date formatting example:

    protected UserSessionSource userSessionSource;
    protected DatatypeRegistry datatypes;
    void sample() {
        Date date;
        // ...
        String dateStr = datatypes.getNN(Date.class).format(date, userSessionSource.getLocale());
        // ...
  • Example of formatting numeric values with up to 5 decimal places in Web Client:

    coordinateFormat = #,##0.00000
    protected Messages messages;
    protected UserSessionSource userSessionSource;
    protected FormatStringsRegistry formatStringsRegistry;
    void sample() {
        String coordinateFormat = messages.getMainMessage("coordinateFormat");
        FormatStrings formatStrings = formatStringsRegistry.getFormatStrings(userSessionSource.getLocale());
        NumberFormat format = new DecimalFormat(coordinateFormat, formatStrings.getFormatSymbols());
        String formattedValue = format.format(value);
        // ...
    } Meta-Annotations

Entity meta-annotations are a set of key/value pairs providing additional information about entities.

Meta-annotations are accessed using meta-class getAnnotations() method.

The sources of meta-annotations are:

  • @OnDelete, @OnDeleteInverse, @Extends annotations. These annotations cause creation of special meta-annotations for describing relations between entities.

  • Extendable meta-annotations marked with @MetaAnnotation. These annotations are converted to meta-annotations with a key corresponding to the full name of Java class of the annotation and a value which is a map of annotation attributes. For example, @TrackEditScreenHistory annotation will have a value which is a map with a single entry: value → true. The platform provides the following annotations of this kind: @NamePattern, @SystemLevel, @EnableRestore, @TrackEditScreenHistory. In your application or application components, you can create your own annotation classes and mark them with @MetaAnnotation annotation.

  • Optional: entity meta-annotations can also be defined in metadata.xml files. If a meta-annotation in XML has the same name as the meta-annotation created by Java entity class annotation, then it will override the latter.

    The example below shows how to override meta-annotations in metadata.xml:

    <metadata xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/metadata.xsd">
        <!-- ... -->
            <entity class="com.company.customers.entity.Customer">
                <annotation name="com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.annotation.TrackEditScreenHistory">
                    <attribute name="value" value="true" datatype="boolean"/>
                <property name="name">
                    <annotation name="length" value="200"/>
                <property name="customerGroup">
                    <annotation name="com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.annotation.Lookup">
                        <attribute name="type" class="com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.annotation.LookupType" value="DROPDOWN"/>
                        <attribute name="actions" datatype="string">
            <entity class="com.company.customers.entity.CustomerGroup">
                <annotation name="com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.annotation.EnableRestore">
                    <attribute name="value" value="false" datatype="boolean"/>


When retrieving entities from the database, we often face the question: how to ensure loading of related entities to the desired depth?

For example, you need to display the date and amount together with the Customer name in the Orders browser, which means that you need to fetch the related Customer instance. And for the Order editor screen, you need to fetch the collection of Items, in addition to that each Item should contain a related Product instance to display its name.

Lazy loading can not help in most cases because data processing is usually performed not in the transaction where the entities were loaded but, for example, on the client tier in UI. At the same time, it is unacceptable to apply eager fetching using entity annotations as it leads to constant retrieval of the entire graph of related entities which can be very large.

Another similar problem is the requirement to limit the set of local entity attributes of the loaded graph: for example, some entity can have 50 attributes, including BLOB, but only 10 attributes need to be displayed on the screen. In this case, why should we download 40 remaining attributes from the database, then serialize them and transfer to the client when it does not need them at the moment?

Views mechanism resolves these issues by retrieving from the database and transmitting to the client entity graphs limited by depth and by attributes. A view is a descriptor of the object graph required for a certain UI screen or data-processing operation.

Views processing is performed in the following way:

  • All relations in the data model are declared with lazy fetching property (fetch = FetchType.LAZY. See Entity Annotations).

  • In the data loading process, the calling code provides required view together with JPQL query or entity identifier.

  • The so-called FetchGroup is produced on the base of the view – this is a special feature of EclipseLink framework lying in the base of the ORM layer. FetchGroup affects the generation of SQL queries to the database: both the list of returned fields and joins with other tables containing related entities.

Figure 10. View Classes

A view is determined by an instance of the View class, where:

  • entityClass – the entity class, for which the view is defined. In other words, it is the "root" of the loaded entities tree.

  • name – the name of the view. It should be either null or a unique name within all views for the entity.

  • properties – collection of ViewProperty instances corresponding to the entity attributes that should be loaded.

  • includeSystemProperties – if set, system attributes (defined by basic interfaces of persistent entities, such as BaseEntity and Updatable) are automatically included in the view.

  • loadPartialEntities - specifies whether the view affects loading of local (in other words, immediate) attributes. If false, only reference attributes are affected, and local ones are loaded regardless of their presence in the view.

    This property is controlled to some extent by the platform data loading mechanisms, see the sections about loading partial entities in DataManager and EntityManager.

ViewProperty class has the following properties:

  • name – the name of the entity attribute.

  • view – for reference attributes, specifies the view which will be used to load the related entity.

  • fetch - for reference attributes, specifies how to fetch the related entity from the database. It corresponds to the FetchMode enum and can have one of the following values:

    • AUTO - the platform will choose an optimal mode depending on the relation type.

    • UNDEFINED - fetching will be performed according to JPA rules, which effectively means loading by a separate select.

    • JOIN - fetching in the same select by joining with referenced table.

    • BATCH - queries of related objects will be optimized in batches. See more here.

    If the fetch attribute is not specified, the AUTO mode is applied. If the reference represents a cacheable entity, UNDEFINED will be used regardless of the value specified in the view.


Regardless of the attributes defined in the view, the following attributes are always loaded:

  • id – entity identifier.

  • version – used for optimistic locking of the entities implementing Versioned.

  • deleteTs, deletedBy – used for the entities, implementing SoftDelete.


An attempt to get or set a value for a not loaded attribute (not included into a view) raises an exception. You can check whether the attribute was loaded using the EntityStates.isLoaded() method. Views Creation

A view can be created in two possible ways:

  • Programmatically – by creating a View instance, for example:

    View view = new View(Order.class)
            .addProperty("customer", new View(Customer.class)

    Typically, this way can be appropriate for creating views that are used in a single piece of business logic.

  • Declaratively – by creating an XML descriptor and deploying it to ViewRepository. View instances are created and cached when the XML descriptor is deployed. Further on, the required view can be retrieved in any part of the application code by a call to ViewRepository providing the entity class and the view name.

Let us consider in details the declarative way for creation and working with views.

ViewRepository is a Spring bean, accessible to all application blocks. The reference to ViewRepository can be obtained using injection or through the Metadata infrastructure interface. ViewRepository.getView() methods are used to retrieve view instances from the repository. deployViews() methods from AbstractViewRepository basic implementation are used to deploy XML descriptors to the repository.

Three views named _local, _minimal and _base are available in the views repository for each entity by default:

  • _local contains all local entity attributes.

  • _minimal contains the attributes which are included to the name of the entity instance and specified in the @NamePattern annotation. If the @NamePattern annotation is not specified at the entity, this view does not contain any attributes.

  • _base includes all local non-system attributes and attributes defined by @NamePattern (effectively _minimal + _local).

The detailed structure of view XML descriptors is explained here.

The example below shows a view descriptor for the Order entity which provides loading of all local attributes, associated Customer and the Items collection:

<view class="com.sample.sales.entity.Order"
    <property name="customer" view="_minimal"/>
    <property name="items" view="itemInOrder"/>

The recommended way of grouping and deployment of view descriptors is as follows:

  • Create views.xml file in the src root of the global module and place all view descriptors that should be globally accessible (i.e. on all application tiers) into it.

  • Register this file in the cuba.viewsConfig application property of all blocks, i.e. in app.properties of the core module, web-app.properties of the web module, etc. This will ensure automatic deployment of the views upon application startup into the repository.

  • If there are views which are used only in one application block, they can be specified in the similar file of this block, for example, web-views.xml, and registered in cuba.viewsConfig property of this block only.

    If the repository contains a view with certain name for some entity, an attempt to deploy another view with this name for the same entity will be ignored. If you need to replace the existing view in the repository with a new one and guarantee its deployment, specify overwrite = "true" attribute for it.


It is recommended to give descriptive names to the views. For example, not just "browse", but "customerBrowse". It simplifies the search of views in XML descriptors.

5.2.4. Managed Beans

Managed Beans are program components intended for implementation of the application’s business logic. "Managed" in this case means that the instance creation and dependency management is handled by the container, which is the main part of the Spring framework.


Managed Bean is a singleton by default, i.e., only one instance of such class exists in each application block. If a singleton bean contains mutable data in fields (in other words, has a state), it is necessary to synchronize access to such data. Creating a Bean

To create a managed bean, add the @org.springframework.stereotype.Component annotation to the Java class. For example:

package com.sample.sales.core;

import com.sample.sales.entity.Order;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class OrderWorker {
    public static final String NAME = "sales_OrderWorker";

    public void calculateTotals(Order order) {

It is recommended to assign a unique name to the bean in the {project_name}_{class_name} form and to define it in the NAME constant.


The @javax.annotation.ManagedBean can also be used for the managed bean definition, but it can cause problems when deploying the application into some application servers. Therefore we recommend to use only @Component annotation from Spring Framework.

The managed bean class should be placed inside the package tree with the root specified in the context:component-scan element of the spring.xml file. In this case, the spring.xml file contains the element:

<context:component-scan base-package="com.sample.sales"/>

which means that the search for annotated beans for this application block will be performed starting with the com.sample.sales package.

Managed beans can be created on any tier, because the Spring Framework container is used in all standard blocks of the application. Using the Bean

A reference to the bean can be obtained through injection or through the AppBeans class. As an example of using the bean, let us look at the implementation of the OrderService bean that delegates the execution to the OrderWorker bean:

package com.sample.sales.core;

import com.haulmont.cuba.core.Persistence;
import com.sample.sales.entity.Order;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import javax.inject.Inject;

public class OrderServiceBean implements OrderService {

    protected Persistence persistence;

    protected OrderWorker orderWorker;

    public BigDecimal calculateTotals(Order order) {
        Order entity = persistence.getEntityManager().merge(order);

In this example, the service starts a transaction, merges the detached entity obtained from the client level into the persistent context, and passes the control to the OrderWorker bean, which contains the main business logic.

5.2.5. JMX Beans

Sometimes, it is necessary to give system administrator an ability to view and change the state of some managed bean at runtime. In such case, it is recommended to create a JMX bean – a program component having the JMX interface. JMX bean is usually a wrapper delegating calls to the managed bean which actually maintains state: cache, configuration data or statistics.

Figure 11. JMX Bean Class Diagram

As you can see from the diagram, the JMX bean consists of the interface and the implementation class. The class should be a managed bean, i.e., should have the @Component annotation and unique name. The interface of the JMX bean is registered in spring.xml in a special way to create the JMX interface in the current JVM.

Calls to all JMX bean interface methods are intercepted using Spring AOP by the MBeanInterceptor interceptor class, which sets the correct ClassLoader in the current thread and enables logging of unhandled exceptions.


The JMX bean interface name must conform to the following format: {class_name}MBean.

JMX-interface can be utilized by external tools, such as jconsole or jvisualvm. In addition, the Web Client platform block includes the JMX console, which provides the basic tools to view the status and call the methods of the JMX beans. Creating a JMX Bean

The following example shows how to create a JMX bean.

  • JMX bean interface:

    package com.sample.sales.core;
    import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.*;
    @ManagedResource(description = "Performs operations on Orders")
    public interface OrdersMBean {
        @ManagedOperation(description = "Recalculates an order amount")
        @ManagedOperationParameters({@ManagedOperationParameter(name = "orderId", description = "")})
        String calculateTotals(String orderId);
    • The interface and its methods may contain annotations to specify the description of the JMX bean and its operations. This description will be displayed in all tools that work with this JMX interface, thereby helping the system administrator.

    • Optional @JmxRunAsync annotation is designed to denote long operations. When such operation is launched using the built-in JMX console, the platform displays a dialog with an indefinite progress bar and the Cancel button. A user can abort the operation and continue to work with the application. The annotation can also contain the timeout parameter that sets a maximum execution time for the operation in milliseconds, for example:

      @JmxRunAsync(timeout = 30000)
      String calculateTotals();

      If the timeout is exceeded, the dialog closes with an error message.


      Please note, that if an operation is cancelled or timed out on UI, it still continue to work in background, i.e. these actions do not abort the actual execution, they just return control back to the user.

    • Since the JMX tools support a limited set of data types, it is desirable to use String as the type for the parameters and result of the method and perform the conversion inside the method, if necessary. Alongside with String, the following parameter types are supported: boolean, double, float, int, long, Boolean, Integer.

  • The JMX bean class:

    package com.sample.sales.core;
    import com.haulmont.cuba.core.*;
    import com.haulmont.cuba.core.app.*;
    import com.sample.sales.entity.Order;
    import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
    import javax.inject.Inject;
    import java.util.UUID;
    public class Orders implements OrdersMBean {
        protected OrderWorker orderWorker;
        protected Persistence persistence;
        public String calculateTotals(String orderId) {
            try {
                try (Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction()) {
                    Order entity = persistence.getEntityManager().find(Order.class, UUID.fromString(orderId));
                return "Done";
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                return ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e);

    The @Component annotation defines the class as a managed bean with the sales_OrdersMBean name. The name is specified directly in the annotation and not in the constant, since access to the JMX bean from Java code is not required.

    Lets overview the implementation of the calculateTotals() method.

    • The method has the @Authenticated annotation, i.e., system authentication is performed on method entry in the absence of the user session.

    • The method’s body is wrapped in the try/catch block, so that, if successful, the method returns "Done", and in case of error – the stack trace of the exception as string.

      In this case, all exceptions are handled and therefore do not get logged automatically, because they never fall through to MBeanInterceptor. If logging of exceptions is required, the call of the logger should be added in the catch section.

    • The method starts the transaction, loads the Order entity instance by identifier, and passes control to the OrderWorker bean for processing.

  • The registration of the JMX bean in spring.xml:

    <bean id="sales_MBeanExporter" lazy-init="false"
        <property name="beans">
                <entry key="${cuba.webContextName}.sales:type=Orders"

    All JMX beans of a project are declared in one MBeanExporter instance in the map/entry elements of the beans property. The key is JMX ObjectName, the value – the bean’s name specified in the @Component annotation. ObjectName begins with the name of the web application, because several web applications, which export the same JMX interfaces, can be deployed into one application server instance (i.e., into one JVM). The Platform JMX Beans

This section describes some of the JMX beans available in the platform. CachingFacadeMBean

CachingFacadeMBean provides methods to clear various caches in the Middleware and Web Client blocks.

JMX ObjectName: app-core.cuba:type=CachingFacade and app.cuba:type=CachingFacade ConfigStorageMBean

ConfigStorageMBean enables viewing and setting values of the application properties in the Middleware, Web Client and Web Portal blocks.

This interface has separate sets of operations for working with properties stored in files (*AppProperties) and stored in the database (*DbProperties). These operations show only the properties explicitly set in the storage. It means that if you have a configuration interface defining a property and its default value, but you did not set the value in the database (or a file), these methods will not show the property and its current value.

Please note that the changes to property values stored in files are not persistent, and are valid only until restart of the application block.

Unlike the operations described above, the getConfigValue() operation returns exactly the same value as the corresponding method of the configuration interface invoked in the application code.

JMX ObjectName:

  • app-core.cuba:type=ConfigStorage

  • app.cuba:type=ConfigStorage

  • app-portal.cuba:type=ConfigStorage EmailerMBean

EmailerMBean enables viewing the current values of the email sending parameters, and sending test messages.

JMX ObjectName: app-core.cuba:type=Emailer PersistenceManagerMBean

PersistenceManagerMBean provides the following abilities:

  • Managing entity statistics mechanism.

  • Viewing new DB update scripts using the findUpdateDatabaseScripts() method. Triggering DB update with the updateDatabase() method.

  • Executing arbitrary JPQL queries in the Middleware context by using jpqlLoadList(), jpqlExecuteUpdate() methods.

JMX ObjectName: app-core.cuba:type=PersistenceManager ScriptingManagerMBean

ScriptingManagerMBean is the JMX facade for the Scripting infrastructure interface.

JMX ObjectName: app-core.cuba:type=ScriptingManager

JMX attributes:

JMX operations:

  • runGroovyScript() – executes a Groovy script in the Middleware context and returns the result. The following variables are passed to the script:

    • persistence of the Persistence type.

    • metadata of the Metadata type.

    • configuration of the Configuration type.

    • dataManager of the DataManager type.

      The result type should be of the String type to be displayed in the JMX interface. Otherwise, the method is similar to the Scripting.runGroovyScript() method.

      The example script for creating a set of test users is shown below:

      import com.haulmont.cuba.core.*
      import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.*
      import com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.*
      PasswordEncryption passwordEncryption = AppBeans.get(PasswordEncryption.class)
      Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction()
      try {
          EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager()
          Group group = em.getReference(Group.class, UUID.fromString('0fa2b1a5-1d68-4d69-9fbd-dff348347f93'))
          for (i in (1..250)) {
              User user = new User()
              user.setLogin("user_${i.toString().padLeft(3, '0')}")
              user.setPassword(passwordEncryption.getPasswordHash(user.id, '1'));
      } finally {
      } ServerInfoMBean

ServerInfoMBean provides the general information about this Middleware block: the build number, build date and the server id.

JMX ObjectName: app-core.cuba:type=ServerInfo

5.2.6. Infrastructure Interfaces

Infrastructure interfaces provide access to frequently used functionality of the platform. Most of them are located in the global module and can be used both on the middle and client tiers. However, some of them (Persistence, for example) are accessible only for Middleware code.

Infrastructure interfaces are implemented by Spring Framework beans, so they can be injected into any other managed components (managed beans, Middleware services, generic user interface screen controllers).

Also, like any other beans, infrastructure interfaces can be obtained using static methods of AppBeans class, and can be used in non-managed components (POJO, helper classes etc.). Configuration

The interface helps to obtain references to configuration interfaces.


// field injection

protected Configuration configuration;
String tempDir = configuration.getConfig(GlobalConfig.class).getTempDir();
// setter injection

protected GlobalConfig globalConfig;

public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {
    this.globalConfig = configuration.getConfig(GlobalConfig.class);
// location

String tempDir = AppBeans.get(Configuration.class).getConfig(GlobalConfig.class).getTempDir(); Messages

Messages interface provides methods to get localized message strings.

Let’s consider interface methods in detail.

  • getMessage() – returns the localized message by key, pack name and required locale. There are several modifications of this method with different sets of parameters. If locale is not specified in the method parameter, the current user locale is used.


    protected Messages messages;
    String message1 = messages.getMessage(getClass(), "someMessage");
    String message2 = messages.getMessage("com.abc.sales.web.customer", "someMessage");
    String message3 = messages.getMessage(RoleType.STANDARD);
  • formatMessage() – retrieves a localized message by key, pack name and required locale, then uses it to format the input parameters. The format is defined according to String.format() method rules. There are several modifications of this method with different sets of parameters. If locale is not specified in the method parameter, the current user locale is used.


    String formattedValue = messages.formatMessage(getClass(), "someFormat", someValue);
  • getMainMessage() – returns the localized message from the main message pack of the application block.


    protected Messages messages = AppBeans.get(Messages.class);
  • getMainMessagePack() – returns the name of the main message pack of the application block.


    String formattedValue = messages.formatMessage(messages.getMainMessagePack(), "someFormat", someValue);
  • getTools() – returns MessageTools interface instance (see below). MessageTools

MessageTools interface is a managed bean containing additional methods for working with localized messages. You can access MessageTools interface either using Messages.getTools() method, or as any other bean – by means of injection or through AppBeans class.

MessageTools methods:

  • loadString() – returns a localized message, specified by reference in msg://{messagePack}/{key} format

    Reference components:

    • msg:// – mandatory prefix.

    • {messagePack} – optional name of the message pack. If it is not specified, it is assumed that the pack name is passed to loadString() as a separate parameter.

    • {key} – message key in the pack.

    Examples of the message references:

  • getEntityCaption() – returns the localized entity name.

  • getPropertyCaption() – returns the localized name of an entity attribute.

  • hasPropertyCaption() – checks whether the entity attribute was given a localized name.

  • getLocValue() – returns the localized value of the entity attribute based on @LocalizedValue annotation.

  • getMessageRef() – forms a message reference for meta-property which can be used to retrieve the localized name of the entity attribute.

  • getDefaultLocale() – returns default application locale, which is the first one listed in cuba.availableLocales application property.

  • useLocaleLanguageOnly() – returns true, if for all locales supported by the application (defined in cuba.availableLocales property) only the language parameter is specified, without country and variant. This method is used by platform mechanisms which need to find the most appropriate supported locale when locale info is received from the external sources such as operation system or HTTP request.

  • trimLocale() – deletes from the passed locale everything except language, if useLocaleLanguageOnly() method returns true.

You can override MessageTools to extend the set of its methods in your application. Below are the examples of working with the extended interface:

MyMessageTools tools = messages.getTools();
((MyMessageTools) messages.getTools()).foo(); Metadata

Metadata interface provides access to metadata session and view repository.

Interface methods:

  • getSession() – returns the metadata session instance.

  • getViewRepository() – returns the view repository instance.

  • getExtendedEntities() – returns ExtendedEntities instance, intended for working with the extended entities. See more in Extending an Entity.

  • create() – creates an entity instance, taking into account potential extension.

    For persistent BaseLongIdEntity and BaseIntegerIdEntity subclasses, assigns identifiers right after creation. The new identifiers are fetched from automatically created database sequences. By default, the sequences are created in the main data store. However, if the cuba.useEntityDataStoreForIdSequence application property is set to true, sequences are created in the data store the entity belongs to.

  • getTools() – returns MetadataTools interface instance (see below). MetadataTools

MetadataTools is a managed bean, containing additional methods for working with metadata. You can access MetadataTools interface by either using Metadata.getTools() method, or as any other bean – by means of injection or through AppBeans class.

`MetadataTools `methods:

  • getAllPersistentMetaClasses() – returns the collection of persistent entities meta-classes.

  • getAllEmbeddableMetaClasses() – returns the collection of embeddable entities meta-classes.

  • getAllEnums() – returns the collection of enumeration classes used as entity attributes types.

  • format() – formats the passed value according to data type of the given meta-property.

  • isSystem() – checks if a meta-property is system, i.e. specified in one of the basic entity interfaces.

  • isPersistent() – checks if a meta-property is persistent, i.e. stored in the database.

  • isTransient() – checks if a meta-property or an arbitrary attribute is non-persistent.

  • isEmbedded() – checks if a meta-property is an embedded object.

  • isAnnotationPresent() – checks if an annotation is present on the class or on one of its ancestors.

  • getNamePatternProperties() – returns collection of meta-properties of attributes included in the instance name, returned by Instance.getInstanceName() method. See @NamePattern.

You can override MetadataTools bean in your application to extend the set of its methods. The examples of working with the extended interface:

MyMetadataTools tools = metadata.getTools();
((MyMetadataTools) metadata.getTools()).foo(); Resources

Resources interface maintains resources loading according to the following rules:

  1. If the provided location is a URL, the resource is downloaded from this URL;

  2. If the provided location begins with classpath: prefix, the resource is downloaded from classpath;

  3. If the location is not a URL and it does not begin with classpath:, then:

    1. The file is searched in the configuration folder of application using the provided location as relative pathname. If the file is found, the resource is downloaded from it;

    2. If the resource is not found at the previous steps, it is downloaded from classpath.

In practice, explicit identification of URL or classpath: prefix is rarely used, so resources are usually downloaded either from the configuration folder or from classpath. The resource in the configuration folder overrides the classpath resource with the same name.

Resources methods:

  • getResourceAsStream() – returns InputStream for the provided resource, or null, if the resource is not found. The stream should be closed after it had been used, for example:

    protected Resources resources;
    InputStream stream = null;
    try {
        stream = resources.getResourceAsStream(resourceLocation);
    } finally {

    You can also use "try with resources":

    try (InputStream stream = resources.getResourceAsStream(resourceLocation)) {
  • getResourceAsString() – returns the indicated resource content as string, or null, if the resource is not found. Scripting

Scripting interface is used to compile and load Java and Groovy classes dynamically (i.e. at runtime) as well as to execute Groovy scripts and expressions.

Scripting methods:

  • evaluateGroovy() – executes the Groovy expression and returns its result.

    cuba.groovyEvaluatorImport application property is used to define the common set of the imported classes inserted into each executed expression. By default, all standard application blocks import PersistenceHelper class.

    The compiled expressions are cached, and this considerably speeds up repeated execution.


    protected Scripting scripting;
    Integer intResult = scripting.evaluateGroovy("2 + 2", new Binding());
    Binding binding = new Binding();
    binding.setVariable("instance", new User());
    Boolean boolResult = scripting.evaluateGroovy("return PersistenceHelper.isNew(instance)", binding);
  • runGroovyScript() – executes Groovy script and returns its result.

    The script should be located either in application configuration folder or in classpath (the current Scripting implementation supports classpath resources within JAR files only). A script in the configuration folder overrides the script in classpath with the same name.

    The path to the script is constructed using separators /. The separator is not required in the beginning of the path.


    protected Scripting scripting;
    Binding binding = new Binding();
    binding.setVariable("itemId", itemId);
    BigDecimal amount = scripting.runGroovyScript("com/abc/sales/CalculatePrice.groovy", binding);
  • loadClass() – loads Java or Groovy class using the following steps:

    1. If the class is already loaded, it will be returned.

    2. The Groovy source code (file *.groovy) is searched in the configuration folder. If it is found, it will be compiled and the class will be returned.

    3. The Java source code (file *.java) is searched in the configuration folder. If it is found, it will be compiled and the class will be returned.

    4. The compiled class is searched in classpath. If it is found, it will be loaded and returned.

    5. If nothing is found, null will be returned.

    The files in configuration folder containing Java and Groovy source code can be modified at runtime. On the next loadClass() call the corresponding class will be recompiled and the new one will be returned, with the following restrictions:

    • The type of the source code must not be changed from Groovy to Java;

    • If Groovy source code was once compiled, the deletion of the source code file will not lead to loading of another class from classpath. Instead of this, the class compiled from the removed source code will still be returned.


    protected Scripting scripting;
    Class calculatorClass = scripting.loadClass("com.abc.sales.PriceCalculator");
  • getClassLoader() – returns ClassLoader, which is able to work according to the rules for loadClass() method described above.

Cache of the compiled classes can be cleaned at runtime using CachingFacadeMBean JMX bean. Security

This interface provides authorization – checking user access rights to different objects in the system. Most of the interface methods delegate to the corresponding methods of current UserSession object, but before this they search for an original meta-class of the entity, which is important for projects with extensions. Besides methods duplicating UserSession functionality, this interface contains isEntityAttrReadPermitted() and isEntityAttrUpdatePermitted() methods that check attribute path availability with respect to availability of all attributes and entities included in the path.

The Security interface is recommended to use everywhere instead of direct calling of the UserSession.isXYXPermitted() methods.

See more in User Authentication. TimeSource

TimeSource interface provides the current time. Using new Date() and similar methods in the application code is not recommended.


protected TimeSource timeSource;
Date date = timeSource.currentTimestamp();
long startTime = AppBeans.get(TimeSource.class).currentTimeMillis(); UserSessionSource

The interface is used to obtain current user session object. See more in User Authentication. UuidSource

The interface is used to obtain UUID values, including those used for entity identifiers. Using UUID.randomUUID() in the application code is not recommended.

To call from a static context, you can use the UuidProvider class, which also has an additional fromString() method that works faster than the standard UUID.fromString() method. DataManager

DataManager interface provides CRUD functionality on both middle and client tiers. It is a universal tool for loading entity graphs from the database and saving changed detached entity instances.


See DataManager vs. EntityManager for information on differences between DataManager and EntityManager.

DataManager in fact just delegates to a DataStore implementation and handles cross-database references if needed. The most implementation details described below are in effect when you work with entities stored in a relational database through the standard RdbmsStore. For another type of data store, everything except the interface method signatures can be different. For simplicity, when we write DataManager without additional clarification, we mean DataManager via RdbmsStore.

DataManager methods are listed below:

  • load(Class) - loads entities of the specified class. This method is an entry point to the fluent API:

    private DataManager dataManager;
    private Book loadBookById(UUID bookId) {
        return dataManager.load(Book.class).id(bookId).view("book.edit").one;
    private List<BookPublication> loadBookPublications(UUID bookId) {
        return dataManager.load(BookPublication.class)
            .query("select p from library$BookPublication p where p.book.id = :bookId")
            .parameter("bookId", bookId)
  • loadValues(String query) - loads key-value pairs by the query for scalar values. This method is an entry point to the fluent API:

    List<KeyValueEntity> list = dataManager.loadValues(
            "select o.customer, sum(o.amount) from demo$Order o " +
            "where o.date >= :date group by o.customer")
        .properties("customer", "sum")
        .parameter("date", orderDate)
  • loadValue(String query, Class valueType) - loads a single value by the query for scalar values. This method is an entry point to the fluent API:

    BigDecimal sum = dataManager.loadValue(
            "select sum(o.amount) from demo$Order o " +
            "where o.date >= :date group by o.customer", BigDecimal.class)
        .parameter("date", orderDate)
  • load(LoadContext), loadList(LoadContext) – load entities according to the parameters of the LoadContext object passed to it. LoadContext must include either a JPQL query or an entity identifier. If both are defined, the query is used, and the identifier is ignored.

    For example:

    private DataManager dataManager;
    private Book loadBookById(UUID bookId) {
        LoadContext<Book> loadContext = LoadContext.create(Book.class)
        return dataManager.load(loadContext);
    private List<BookPublication> loadBookPublications(UUID bookId) {
        LoadContext<BookPublication> loadContext = LoadContext.create(BookPublication.class)
                .setQuery(LoadContext.createQuery("select p from library$BookPublication p where p.book.id = :bookId")
                    .setParameter("bookId", bookId))
        return dataManager.loadList(loadContext);
  • loadValues(ValueLoadContext) - loads a list of key-value pairs. The method accepts ValueLoadContext which defines a query for scalar values and a list of keys. The returned list contains instances of KeyValueEntity. For example:

    ValueLoadContext context = ValueLoadContext.create()
                        "select o.customer, sum(o.amount) from demo$Order o " +
                        "where o.date >= :date group by o.customer")
                .setParameter("date", orderDate))
    List<KeyValueEntity> list = dataManager.loadValues(context);
  • getCount(LoadContext) - returns a number of records for a query passed to the method. When possible, the standard implementation in RdbmsStore executes select count() query with the same conditions as in the original query for maximum performance.

  • commit(CommitContext) – saves a set of entities passed in CommitContext to the database. Collections of entities for updating and deletion must be specified separately.

    The method returns the set of entity instances returned by EntityManager.merge(); essentially these are fresh instances just updated in DB. Further work should be performed with these returned instances to prevent data loss or optimistic locking. You can ensure that required attributes are present in the returned entities by setting a view for each saved instance using CommitContext.getViews() map.

    Examples of saving a collection of entities:

    private DataManager dataManager;
    private void saveBookInstances(List<BookInstance> toSave, List<BookInstance> toDelete) {
        CommitContext commitContext = new CommitContext(toSave, toDelete);
    private Set<Entity> saveAndReturnBookInstances(List<BookInstance> toSave, View view) {
        CommitContext commitContext = new CommitContext();
        for (BookInstance bookInstance : toSave) {
            commitContext.addInstanceToCommit(bookInstance, view);
        return dataManager.commit(commitContext);
  • reload(Entity, View) - convenience method to reload a specified instance from the database with the required view. It delegates to the load() method.

  • remove(Entity) - removes a specified instance from the database. Delegates to commit() method.


The rules for JPQL queries are similar to those described in Executing JPQL Queries. The difference is that the query executed via DataManager may only use named parameters; positional parameters are not supported.


DataManager always starts a new transaction and commits it on operation completion, thus returning entities in the detached state.

Partial entities

Partial entity is an entity instance that can have only a subset of local attributes loaded. By default, DataManager loads partial entities according to views (in fact, RdbmsStore just sets the loadPartialEntities property of the view to true and passes it down to EntityManager).

There are some conditions, when DataManager loads all local attributes and uses views only for fetching references:

  • The loaded entity is cached.

  • In-memory "read" constraints are defined for the entity.

  • Dynamic attribute access control is set up for the entity.

  • The loadPartialEntities attribute of LoadContext is set to false. Security in DataManager

The load(), loadList(), loadValues() and getCount() methods check user’s READ permission for entities being loaded. Additionally, loading entities from the database is subject for access group constraints.

The commit() method checks CREATE permissions for new entities, UPDATE for the updated entities and DELETE for the deleted ones.

By default, DataManager checks permissions on entity operations (READ/CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE) when invoked from a client, and ignores them when invoked from a middleware code. Attribute permissions are not enforced by default.

If you want to check entity operation permissions when using DataManager in your middleware code, obtain a wrapper via DataManager.secure() method and call its methods. Alternatively, you can set the cuba.dataManagerChecksSecurityOnMiddleware application property to turn on security check for the whole application.

Attribute permissions will be enforced on the middleware only if you additionally set the cuba.entityAttributePermissionChecking application property to true. It makes sense if Middleware serves remote clients that theoretically can be hacked, like Desktop client. In this case, set also the cuba.keyForSecurityTokenEncryption application property to a unique value. If your application uses only Web or Portal clients, you can safely keep default values of these properties.

Note that access group constraints (row-level security) are always applied regardless of the above conditions. Queries with distinct

If a screen contains a table with paging, and JPQL that is used to load data can be modified at run time as a result of applying a generic filter or access group constraints, the following can happen when distinct operator is omitted in JPQL queries:

  • If a collection is joined at the database level, the loaded dataset will contain duplicate rows.

  • On client level, the duplicates disappear in the datasource as they are added to a map (java.util.Map).

  • In case of paged table, a page may show fewer lines than requested, while the total number of lines exceeds requested.

Thus, we recommend including distinct in JPQL queries, which ensures the absence of duplicates in the dataset returned from the database. However, certain DB servers (PostgreSQL in particular) have performance problems when executing SQL queries with distinct if the number of returned records is large (more than 10000).

To solve this, the platform contains a mechanism to operate correctly without distinct at SQL level. This mechanism is enabled by cuba.inMemoryDistinct application property. When activated, it does the following:

  • The JPQL query should still include select distinct.

  • DataManager cuts distinct out of the JPQL query before sending it to ORM.

  • After the data page is loaded by DataManager, it deletes the duplicates and runs additional queries to DB in order to retrieve the necessary number of rows which are then returned to the client. Sequential Queries

DataManager can select data from the results of previous requests. This capability is used by the generic filter for sequential application of filters.

The mechanism works as follows:

  • If a LoadContext with defined attributes prevQueries and queryKey is provided, DataManager executes the previous query and saves identifiers of retrieved entities in the SYS_QUERY_RESULT table (corresponding to sys$QueryResult entity), separating the sets of records by user sessions and the query session key queryKey.

  • The current query is modified to be combined with the results of the previous one, so that the resulting data complies with the conditions of both queries combined by AND.

  • The process may be further repeated. In this case the gradually reduced set of previous results is deleted from the SYS_QUERY_RESULT table and refilled again.

The SYS_QUERY_RESULT table is periodically cleaned of old query results left by terminated user sessions. This is done by the deleteForInactiveSessions() method of the QueryResultsManagerAPI bean which is invoked by a Spring scheduler defined in cuba-spring.xml. By default, it is done once in 10 minutes, but you can set a desired interval in milliseconds using the cuba.deleteOldQueryResultsInterval application property of the core module. EntityStates

An interface for obtaining the information on persistent entities managed by ORM. Unlike the Persistence and PersistenceTools beans, this interface is available on all tiers.

The EntityStates interface has the following methods:

  • isNew() – determines if the passed instance is newly created, i.e., in the New state. Also returns true if this instance is actually in Managed state but newly-persisted in the current transaction, or if it is not a persistent entity.

  • isManaged() - determines if the passed instance is Managed, i.e. attached to a persistence context.

  • isDetached() – determines if the passed instance is in the Detached state. Also returns true, if this instance is not a persistent entity.

  • isLoaded() - determines if an attribute is loaded from the database. The attribute is loaded if it is included into a view, or if it is a local attribute and a view was not provided to the loading mechanism (EntityManager or DataManager). Only immediate attributes of the entity can be checked by this method.

  • checkLoaded() - the same as isLoaded() but throws IllegalArgumentException if at least one of the attributes passed to the method is not loaded.

  • isLoadedWithView() - accepts an entity instance and a view and returns true if all attributes required by the view are actually loaded.

  • checkLoadedWithView() - the same as isLoadedWithView() but throws IllegalArgumentException instead of returning false.

  • makeDetached() - accepts a newly created entity instance and turns it into the detached state. The detached object can be passed to DataManager.commit() or EntityManager.merge() to save its state in the database. See details in the API docs.

  • makePatch() - accepts a newly created entity instance and makes it a patch object. The patch object can be passed to DataManager.commit() or EntityManager.merge() to save its state in the database. Unlike for a detached object, only non-null attributes will be saved. See details in the API docs. PersistenceHelper

A helper class with static methods delegating to the EntityStates interface. Events

Events bean encapsulates the application-scope event publication functionality. Application events can be used to exchange information between loosely coupled components. Events bean is a simple facade for ApplicationEventPublisher of the Spring Framework.

public interface Events {
    String NAME = "cuba_Events";

    void publish(ApplicationEvent event);

It has only one method publish() that receives an event object. Events.publish() notifies all matching listeners registered with this application of an application event. You can use PayloadApplicationEvent to publish any object as an event.

Event handling in beans

First of all, we have to create a new event class. It should extend the ApplicationEvent class. An event class can contain any additional data. For instance:

package com.company.sales.core;

import com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.User;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent;

public class DemoEvent extends ApplicationEvent {

    private User user;

    public DemoEvent(Object source, User user) {
        this.user = user;

    public User getUser() {
        return user;

Beans can publish an event using the Events bean:

package com.company.sales.core;

import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.Events;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.UserSessionSource;
import com.haulmont.cuba.security.global.UserSession;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import javax.inject.Inject;

public class DemoBean {

    private Events events;
    private UserSessionSource userSessionSource;

    public void demo() {
        UserSession userSession = userSessionSource.getUserSession();
        events.publish(new DemoEvent(this, userSession.getUser()));

By default, all events are handled synchronously.

There are two ways to handle events:

  • Implement the ApplicationListener interface.

  • Use the @EventListener annotation for a method.

In the first case, we have to create a bean that implements ApplicationListener with the type of our event:

public class DemoEventListener implements ApplicationListener<DemoEvent> {
    private Logger log;

    public void onApplicationEvent(DemoEvent event) {
        log.debug("Demo event is published");

The second way can be used to hide implementation details and listen for multiple events in a single bean:

public class MultipleEventListener {
    protected void handleDemoEvent(DemoEvent event) {
        // handle event

    protected void handleUserLoginEvent(UserLoggedInEvent event) {
        // handle event

By default, Spring events require protected, package or public access modifiers for @EventListener methods. Pay attention that private modifier is not supported.


Methods with @EventListener annotation do not work in services, JMX beans and other beans with interfaces. If you define @EventListener on such bean you will get the following error on application start:

BeanInitializationException: Failed to process @EventListener annotation on bean. Need to invoke method declared on target class, but not found in any interface(s) of the exposed proxy type. Either pull the method up to an interface or switch to CGLIB proxies by enforcing proxy-target-class mode in your configuration.

If you need to listen to an event in a bean with interface, implement the ApplicationListener interface instead.

You can use Spring Framework Ordered interface and @Order annotation for event handlers ordering. All the platform beans and event handlers use order value between 100 and 1000, thus you can add your custom handling before or after the platform code. If you want to add your bean or event handler before platform beans - use a value lower than 100.

See also Login Events.

Event handling in UI screens

Usually, Events delegates event publishing to the ApplicationContext. On the web tier, you can use a special interface for event classes - UiEvent. It is a marker interface for events that are sent to UIs screens in the current UI instance (the current web browser tab). Please note that UiEvent instances are not sent to Spring beans.

Sample event class:

package com.company.sales.web;

import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.events.UiEvent;
import com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.User;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent;

public class UserRemovedEvent extends ApplicationEvent implements UiEvent {

    private User user;

    public UserRemovedEvent(Object source, User user) {
        this.user = user;

    public User getUser() {
        return user;

It can be fired using Events bean from a window controller the same way as from a bean:

Events events;
// ...
UserRemovedEvent event = new UserRemovedEvent(this, removedUser);

In order to handle an event you have to define methods in UI screens with a special annotation @EventListener (ApplicationListener interface is not supported):

protected void onUserRemove(UserRemovedEvent event) {
    showNotification("User is removed " + event.getUser());

You can use @Order annotation for event listener ordering.

If an event is UiEvent and fired using the Events bean from UI thread then opened windows and/or frames with such methods will receive the event. Event handling is synchronous. Only UI screens of the current web browser tab opened by the user receive the event.

5.2.7. AppContext

AppContext is a system class, which stores references to certain common components for each application block in its static fields:

  • ApplicationContext of Spring Framework.

  • Set of application properties loaded from app.properties files.

  • ThreadLocal variable, storing SecurityContext instances.

  • Collection of application lifecycle listeners (AppContext.Listener).

When the application is started, AppContext is initialized using loader classes, specific for each application block:

  • Middleware loader – AppContextLoader

  • Web Client loader – WebAppContextLoader

  • Web Portal loader – PortalAppContextLoader

  • Desktop Client loader – DesktopAppContextLoader

AppContext can be used in the application code for the following tasks:

  • Getting the application property values, stored in app.properties files in case they are not available through configuration interfaces.

  • Passing SecurityContext to new execution threads, see User Authentication.

  • Registering listeners, triggered after full initialization and before termination of the application, for example:

    AppContext.addListener(new AppContext.Listener() {
        public void applicationStarted() {
            System.out.println("Application is ready");
        public void applicationStopped() {
            System.out.println("Application is closing");

    Please note that the recommended way to run code on the application startup and shutdown is using Application Lifecycle Events.

5.2.8. Application Lifecycle Events

There are the following types of lifecycle events in a CUBA application:


It is sent right after AppContext is initialized. At this moment:

  • All the beans are fully initialized and their @PostConstruct methods are executed.

  • Static AppBeans.get() methods can be used for obtaining beans.

  • The AppContext.isStarted() method returns false.

  • The AppContext.isReady() method returns false.


It is sent after AppContextInitializedEvent and after running all AppContext.Listener.applicationStarted(). At this moment:

  • The AppContext.isStarted() method returns true.

  • The AppContext.isReady() method returns false.

  • On the middleware, if cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate application property is enabled, all database update scripts are successfully executed.


It is sent before the application shutdown and after running all AppContext.Listener.applicationStopped(). At this moment:

  • All the beans are operational and can be obtained via AppBeans.get() methods.

  • AppContext.isStarted() method returns false.

  • The AppContext.isReady() method returns false.

You can affect the order of listeners invocation by specifying the @Order annotation. The Events.HIGHEST_PLATFORM_PRECEDENCE and Events.LOWEST_PLATFORM_PRECEDENCE constants define the range which is used by listeners defined in the platform.

For example:

package com.company.demo.core;

import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.Events;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.events.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.context.event.EventListener;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import javax.inject.Inject;

public class MyAppLifecycleBean {

    private Logger log;

    // event type is defined by annotation parameter
    // run after all platform listeners
    protected void appInitialized() {

    // event type is defined by method parameter
    protected void appStarted(AppContextStartedEvent event) {

    protected void appStopped(AppContextStoppedEvent event) {

It is published right after initialization of Servlet and Application contexts. At this moment:

  • Static AppBeans.get() methods can be used for obtaining beans.

  • This event contains application and servlet contexts, thus enabling to register custom Servlets, Filters and Listeners, see Registration of Servlets and Filters.


It is published when Servlet and Application are about to be shut down and enables to free resources manually.

For example:

public class MyInitializerBean {

    private Logger log;

    public void foo(ServletContextInitializedEvent e) {
        log.info("Application and servlet context is initialized");

    public void bar(ServletContextDestroyedEvent e) {
        log.info("Application is about to shut down, all contexts are now destroyed");

5.2.9. Application Properties

Application properties represent named values of different types, which determine various aspects of application configuration and functionality. The platform uses application properties extensively, and you can also employ them to configure application-specific features.

Platform application properties can be classified by intended purpose as follows:

  • Configuration parameters – specify sets of configuration files and certain user interface parameters, i.e. determine the application functionality. Values of configuration parameters are usually defined for the application project at development time.

    For example: cuba.springContextConfig.

  • Deployment parameters – describe various URLs to connect application blocks, DBMS type, security settings etc. Values of deployment parameters are usually depend on the environment where the application instance is installed.

  • Runtime parameters – audit settings, email sending parameters etc. Values of these properties can be changed when needed at the application run time even without restart.

Setting Application Properties

Values of application properties can be set in the database, in the property files, or via Java system properties. Besides, a value set in a file overrides the value with the same name from the database. A value set as a Java system property overrides both values from files and from the database.

Some properties do not support setting values in the database for the following reason: their values are needed when the database is not accessible to the application code yet. These are configuration and deployment parameters mentioned above. So you can only define them in property files or via Java system properties. Runtime parameters can always be set in the database (and possibly be overridden by values in files or system properties).

Typically, an application property is used in one or several application blocks. For example, cuba.persistenceConfig is used only in Middleware, cuba.web.appWindowMode is used in Web Client, while cuba.springContextConfig is used in all blocks. It means that if you need to set some value to a property, you should do it in all blocks that use this property. Properties stored in the database are automatically available to all blocks, so you set them just in one place (in the database table) regardless of what blocks use them. Moreover, there is a standard UI screen to manage properties of this type: see Administration > Application Properties. Properties stored in files should be set separately in the respective files of the blocks.


When you need to set a value to a platform property, find this property in the documentation. If the documentation states that the property is stored in the database, use the Administration > Application Properties screen to set its value. Otherwise, find out what blocks use the property and define it in the app.properties files of these blocks. For example, if the documentation states that the property is used in all blocks, and your application consists of Middleware and Web Client, you should define the property in the app.properties file of the core module and in the web-app.properties file of the web module. Deployment parameters can also be set outside of project files in the configuration directory. See Storing Properties in Files for details.

Properties From Application Components

An application component can expose properties by defining them in its app-component.xml file. Then if an application which uses the component does not define its own value for the property, the value will be obtained from the component. If the application uses multiple components defining the same property, the actual value in the application will be obtained from the component which is the closest ancestor by the hierarchy of dependencies between components. If there are several components on the same level of the hierarchy, the value is unpredictable.

Additive Properties

Sometimes it is needed to get a combined property value from all application components used in the project. This is especially true for configuration parameters that allow platform mechanisms to configure your application based on the parameters provided by components.

Such properties should be made additive by specifying the plus sign in the beginning of their values. This sign indicates that the property value will be assembled from application components at runtime. For example, cuba.persistenceConfig should be an additive property. In your project, it specifies a persistence.xml file defining your project’s data model. But due to the fact that the real property value will include also persistence.xml files of the application components, the whole data model of your application will include also entities defined in the components.

If you omit + for a property, its value will be obtained only from the current project. It can be useful if you don’t want to inherit some configuration from components, for example, when you define a menu structure.

An additive property value obtained at runtime is formed by elements concatenated with a space symbol.

Programmatic Access to Application Properties

You can access application properties in your code using the following mechanisms:

  • Configuration interfaces. If you define application properties as annotated methods of a configuration interface, the application code will have typed access to the properties. Configuration interfaces allow you to define and access properties of all types of storage: database, files and system properties.

  • The getProperty() method of the AppContext class. If you set a property in a file or as a Java system property, you can read its value using this method. This approach has the following drawbacks:

    • Properties stored in the database are not supported.

    • Unlike invoking an interface method, you have to provide the property name as String.

    • Unlike getting a result of a specific type, you can only get the property value as String. Storing Properties in Files

Properties that determine configuration and deployment parameters are specified in special property files named according to the *app.properties pattern. Each application block contains a set of such files which is defined as follows:

  • For web application blocks (Middleware, Web Client, Web Portal) the set of property files is specified in the appPropertiesConfig parameter of web.xml.

  • For the Desktop Client block the standard way to specify the set of property files is to override the getDefaultAppPropertiesConfig() method in an application class inherited from com.haulmont.cuba.desktop.App.

For example, the set of property files of the Middleware block is specified in the web/WEB-INF/web.xml file of the core module and looks as follows:


The classpath: prefix means that the corresponding file can be found in the Java classpath, while file: prefix means that it should be loaded from the file system. A path without such prefix means the path inside the web application relative to its root. Java system properties can be used: in this example, catalina.home is the Tomcat installation path.

An order in which files are declared is important because the values, specified in each subsequent file override the values of the properties with the same name, specified in the preceding files.

The last file in the above set is local.app.properties. It can be used to override application properties upon deployment. If the file does not exist, it is silently ignored. You can create this file on the application server and define all properties specific to the environment in it. As a result, the settings will be separated from the application, and you will be able to update the application without fear of losing the specific configuration information. The Using Tomcat in Production section contains an example of using the local.app.properties file.

For Desktop Client, JVM command line arguments serve as an equivalent of local.app.properties. In this block, the properties loader treats all the arguments containing "=" sign as a key/value pair and uses them to replace corresponding application properties specified in app.properties files.


Use the following rules when create *.properties files:

  • File encoding – UTF-8.

  • The key can contain Latin letters, numbers, periods and underscores.

  • The value is entered after (=) sign.

  • Do not quote values using " or ' brackets.

  • Set file paths either in UNIX (/opt/haulmont/) or Windows (c:\\haulmont\\) format.

  • You can use \n \t \r codes. The \ sign is a reserved code, use \\ to insert it in a value. See more at: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/data/characters.html.

  • To enter a multi-line value, use \ sign at the end of each line . Storing Properties in the Database

Application properties that represent runtime parameters are stored in the SYS_CONFIG database table.

Such properties have the following distinctive features:

  • As the property value is stored in the database, it is defined in a single location, regardless of what application blocks use it.

  • The value can be changed and saved at runtime in the following ways:

    • Using the Administration > Application Properties screen.

    • Using the ConfigStorageMBean JMX bean.

    • If the configuration interface has a setter method, you can set the property value in the application code.

  • Property value can be overridden for a particular application block in its *app.properties file or via Java system property with the same name.

It is important to mention, that access to properties stored in the database on the client side leads to Middleware requests. This is less efficient than retrieving properties from local *app.properties files. To reduce the number of requests, the client caches properties for the lifetime of configuration interface implementation instance. Thus, if you need to access the properties of a configuration interface from some UI screen for several times, it is recommended to get the reference to this interface upon screen initialization and save it to a screen controller field for further access. Configuration Interfaces

The configuration interfaces mechanism enables working with application properties using Java interface methods, providing the following benefits:

  • Typed access – application code works with actual data types (String, Boolean, Integer etc.).

  • Instead of string property identifiers, the application code uses interface methods, which are checked by the compiler and you can use code completion when working in an IDE.

Example of reading the transaction timeout value in the Middleware block:

private ServerConfig serverConfig;

public void doSomething() {
    int timeout = serverConfig.getDefaultQueryTimeoutSec();

If injection is impossible, the configuration interface reference can be obtained via the Configuration infrastructure interface:

int timeout = AppBeans.get(Configuration.class)

Configuration interfaces are not regular Spring managed beans. They can only be obtained through explicit interface injection or via Configuration.getConfig() but not through AppBeans.get(). Using Configuration Interfaces

To create a configuration interface in your application, do the following:

  • Create an interface inherited from com.haulmont.cuba.core.config.Config (not to be confused with the entity class com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.Config).

  • Add @Source annotation to specify where the property values should be stored:

    • SourceType.SYSTEM – values will be taken from the system properties of the given JVM using the System.getProperty() method.

    • SourceType.APP – values will be taken from *app.properties files.

    • SourceType.DATABASE – values will be taken from the database.

  • Create property access methods (getters / setters). If you are not going to change the property value from the application code, do not create setter. A getter return type defines the property type. Possible property types are described below.

  • Add @Property annotation defining the property name to the getter.

  • You can optionally set @Source annotation for a particular property if its source differs from the interface source.

  • If the @Source value is SourceType.DATABASE, the property can be edited on the Administration > Application Properties screen provided by the platform. You can use the @Secret annotation in order to mask the value on this screen (PasswordField will be used instead of the regular text field).


@Source(type = SourceType.DATABASE)
public interface SalesConfig extends Config {

    String getCompanyName();

    String getFtpPassword();

Do not create any implementation classes because the platform will create a required proxy automatically when you inject the configuration interface or obtain it through Configuration. Property Types

The following property types are supported in the platform out-of-the-box:

  • String, primitive types and their object wrappers (boolean, Boolean, int, Integer, etc.)

  • enum. The property value is stored in a file or in the database as the value name of the enumeration.

    If the enum implements the EnumClass interface and has the static fromId() method for getting a value by an identifier, you can specify that the enum identifier should be stored instead of value with the @EnumStore annotation. For example:

    CustomerGrade getDefaultCustomerGrade();
    void setDefaultCustomerGrade(CustomerGrade grade);
  • Persistent entity classes. When accessing a property of the entity type, the instance defined by the property value is loaded from the database.

To support arbitrary types, use TypeStringify and TypeFactory classes to convert the value to/from a string and specify these classes for the property with @Stringify and @Factory annotations.

Let us consider this process using the UUID type as an example.

  • Create class com.haulmont.cuba.core.config.type.UuidTypeFactory inherited from com.haulmont.cuba.core.config.type.TypeFactory and implement the following method in it:

    public Object build(String string) {
        if (string == null) {
            return null;
        return UUID.fromString(string);
  • There is no need to create TypeStringify as toString() method is sufficient in this case.

  • Annotate the property in the configuration interface:

    @Factory(factory = UuidTypeFactory.class)
    UUID getUuidProp();
    void setUuidProp(UUID value);

The platform provides TypeFactory implementations for the following types:

  • UUIDUuidTypeFactory, as described above.

  • java.util.DateDateFactory. Date value must be specified in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS format, for example:

    cuba.test.dateProp = 2013-12-12 00:00:00.000
  • List<Integer> (the list of integers) – IntegerListTypeFactory. The property value must be specified in the form of numbers, separated by spaces, for example:

    cuba.test.integerListProp = 1 2 3
  • List<String> (the list of strings) – StringListTypeFactory. The property value must be specified as a list of strings separated by "|" sign, for example:

    cuba.test.stringListProp = aaa|bbb|ccc Default Values

You can specify default values for properties defined by configuration interfaces. These values will be returned instead of null if the property is not set in the storage location – the database or *app.properties files.

A default value can be specified as a string using the @Default annotation, or as a specific type using other annotations from com.haulmont.cuba.core.config.defaults package:

String getAdminAddress();

int getDelayCallCount();

int getDefaultSendingAttemptsCount();

@Default("2013-12-12 00:00:00.000")
@Factory(factory = DateFactory.class)
Date getDateProp();

@Default("1 2 3")
@Factory(factory = IntegerListTypeFactory.class)
List<Integer> getIntegerList();

@Factory(factory = StringListTypeFactory.class)
List<String> getStringList();

A default value for an entity is a string of the {entity_name}-{id}-{optional_view_name} format, for example:

User getAdminUser();

Role getAdminRole();

5.2.10. Messages Localization

Applications based on CUBA platform support messages localization, which means that all user interface elements can be displayed in the language, selected by user.

Language selection options are determined by the combination of cuba.localeSelectVisible and cuba.availableLocales application properties.

This section describes the localization mechanism and rules of localized messages creation. For information about obtaining messages see Getting Localized Messages. Message Packs

A message pack is a set of property files with the names in messages{_XX}.properties format located in a single Java package. XX suffix indicates the language of the messages in this file and corresponds to the language code in Locale.getLanguage(). It is also possible to use other Locale attributes, for example, country. In this case the message pack file will look like messages{_XX_YY}.properties. One of the files in the pack can have no language suffix – it is the default file. The name of the message pack corresponds to the name of the Java package, which contains the pack files.

Let us consider the following example:


This pack consists of 4 files – one for Russian, one for French, one for American English (with US country code), and a default file. The name of the pack is com.abc.sales.gui.customer.

Message files contain key/value pairs, where the key is the message identifier referenced by the application code, and the value is the message itself in the language of the file. The rules for matching pairs are similar to those of java.util.Properties property files with the following specifics:

  • File encoding – UTF-8 only.

  • Including other message packs is supported using @include key. Several packs can be included using comma-separated list. In this case, if some message key is found in both the current and the included pack, the message from the current pack will be used. Example of including packs:

    @include=com.haulmont.cuba.web, com.abc.sales.web
    someMessage=Some Message

Messages are retrieved from the packs using Messages interface methods according to the following rules:

  • At first step the search is performed in the application configuration directory.

    • messages_XX.properties file is searched in the directory specified by the message pack name, where XX is the code of the required language.

    • If there is no such file, default messages.properties file is searched in the same directory.

    • If either the required language file or the default file is found, it is loaded together with all @include files, and the key message is searched in it.

    • If the file is not found or it does not contain the proper key, the directory is changed to the parent one and the search procedure is repeated. The search continues until the root of the configuration directory is reached.

  • If the message is not found in the configuration directory, the search is performed in classpath according to the same algorithm.

  • If the message is found, it is cached and returned. If not, the fact that the message is not present is cached as well and the key which was passed for search is returned. Thus, the complex search procedure is only performed once and further on the result is loaded from the local cache of the application block.


It is recommended to organize message packs as follows:

  • If the application is not intended for internationalization, you can include message strings directly into the application code instead of using packs or use messages.properties default files to separate resources from code.

  • If the application is international, it is reasonable to use default files for the language of the application primary audience or for the English language, so that the messages from these default files are displayed to the user if the messages in the required language are not found. Main Message Pack

Each standard application block should have its own main message pack. For the client tier blocks the main message pack contains main menu entries and common UI elements names (for example, names of OK and Cancel buttons). The main pack also determines Datatype transformation formats for all application blocks, including Middleware.

cuba.mainMessagePack application property is used to specify the main message pack. The property value can be either a single pack or list of packs separated by spaces. For example:

cuba.mainMessagePack=com.haulmont.cuba.web com.abc.sales.web

In this case the messages in the second pack of the list will override those from the first pack. Thus, the messages defined in the application components packs can be overridden in the application project.

Existing messages from CUBA base projects can be also overridden by specifying new messages in the project’s main message pack:

com.haulmont.cuba.gui.backgroundwork/backgroundWorkProgress.timeoutMessage = Overridden Error Message Entity and Attributes Names Localization

To display localized names of the entities and attributes in UI, create special message packs in the Java packages containing the entities. Use the following format in message files:

  • Key of the entity name – simple class name (without package).

  • Key of the attribute name – simple class name, then the name of the attribute separated by period.

The example of default English localization of com.abc.sales.entity.Customer entity – /com/abc/sales/entity/messages.properties file:



Such message packs are usually used implicitly by the framework, for example, by Table and FieldGroup visual components. Besides, you can obtain the names of the entities and attributes using the following methods:

  • Programmatically – by MessageTools getEntityCaption(), getPropertyCaption() methods;

  • In XML screen descriptor – by reference to the message according to MessageTools.loadString() rules: msg://{entity_package}/{key}, for example:

    caption="msg://com.abc.sales.entity/Customer.name" Enum Localization

To localize the enumeration names and values, add messages with the following keys to the message pack located in the Java package of the enumeration class:

  • Enumeration name key – simple class name (without package);

  • Value key – simple class name, then the value name separated by period.

For example, for enum

package com.abc.sales;

public enum CustomerGrade {

default English localization file /com/abc/sales/messages.properties should contain the following lines:

CustomerGrade=Customer Grade

Localized enum values are automatically used by different visual components such as LookupField. You can obtain localized enum value programmatically: use getMessage() method of the Messages interface and simply pass the enum instance to it.

5.2.11. User Authentication

This section describes some access control aspects from the developer’s point of view. For complete information on configuring user data access restrictions, see Security Subsystem. UserSession

User session is the main element of access control mechanism of CUBA applications. It is represented by the UserSession object, which is associated with the currently authenticated user and contains information about user rights. The UserSession object can be obtained in any application block using the UserSessionSource infrastructure interface.

The UserSession object is created on Middleware during AuthenticationManager.login() method execution after the user is authenticated using a name and a password. The object is then cached in the Middleware block and returned to the client tier. When running in cluster, the session object is replicated to all cluster members. The client tier also stores the session object after receiving it, associating it with the active user in one way or another (for example, storing it in HTTP session). Further on, all Middleware invocations on behalf of this user are accompanied by passing the session identifier (of UUID type). This process does not need any special support in the application code, as the session identifier is passed automatically, regardless of the signature of invoked methods. Processing of client invocations in the Middleware starts from retrieving session from the cache using the obtained identifier. Then the session is associated with the request execution thread. The session object is deleted from the cache when the AuthenticationManager.logout() method is called or when the timeout defined by cuba.userSessionExpirationTimeoutSec application property expires.

Thus the session identifier created when the user logs into the system is used for user authentication during each Middleware invocation.

The UserSession object also contains methods for current user authorization – validation of the rights to system objects: isScreenPermitted(), isEntityOpPermitted(), isEntityAttrPermitted(), isSpecificPermitted(). However, it is recommended to use the Security infrastructure interface for programmatic authorization.

The UserSession object can contain named attributes of arbitrary serializable type. The attributes are set by setAttribute() method and returned by getAttribute() method. The latter is also able to return the following session parameters, as if they were attributes:

  • userId – ID of the currently registered or substituted user;

  • userLogin – login of the currently registered or substituted user in lowercase.

The session attributes are replicated in the Middleware cluster, same as the other user session data. Login

CUBA Platform provides built-in extensible authentication mechanisms. They include different authentication schemes such as login/password, remember me, trusted and anonymous login.

This section primarily describes authentication mechanisms of the middle tier. For web client specifics, see Web Login.

The platform includes the following authentication mechanisms on middleware:

  • AuthenticationManager implemented by AuthenticationManagerBean

  • AuthenticationProvider implementations

  • AuthenticationService implemented by AuthenticationServiceBean

  • UserSessionLog - see user session logging.

Figure 12. Authentication mechanisms of middleware

Also, it employs the following additional components:

  • TrustedClientService implemented by TrustedClientServiceBean - provides anonymous/system sessions to trusted clients.

  • AnonymousSessionHolder - creates and holds anonymous session instance for trusted clients.

  • UserCredentialsChecker - checks if user credentials can be used, for instance, protect against brute-force attack.

  • UserAccessChecker - checks if user can access system from the given context, for instance, from REST or using provided IP address.

The main interface for authentication is AuthenticationManager which contains four methods:

public interface AuthenticationManager {

    AuthenticationDetails authenticate(Credentials credentials) throws LoginException;

    AuthenticationDetails login(Credentials credentials) throws LoginException;

    UserSession substituteUser(User substitutedUser);

    void logout();

There are two methods with similar responsibility: authenticate() and login(). Both methods check if provided credentials are valid and corresponds to a valid user, then return AuthenticationDetails object. The main difference between them is that login method additionally activates user session, thus it can be used for calling service methods later.

Credentials represent a set of credentials for authentication subsystem. The platform has several types of credentials that are supported by AuthenticationManager:

Available for all tiers:

  • LoginPasswordCredentials

  • RememberMeCredentials

  • TrustedClientCredentials

Available only on middle tier:

  • SystemUserCredentials

  • AnonymousUserCredentials

AuthenticationManager login / authenticate methods return AuthenticationDetails instance which contains UserSession object. This object can be used to check additional permissions, read User properties and session attributes. There is only one built-in implementation of AuthenticationDetails interface - SimpleAuthenticationDetails that stores only user session object, but application can provide its own AuthenticationDetails implementation with additional information for clients.

AuthenticationManager can do one of three things in its authenticate() method:

  • return AuthenticationDetails if it can verify that the input represents a valid user.

  • throw LoginException if it cannot authenticate user with the passed credentials object.

  • throw UnsupportedCredentialsException if it does not support the passed credentials object.

The default implementation of AuthenticationManager is AuthenticationManagerBean, which delegates authentication to a chain of AuthenticationProvider instances. An AuthenticationProvider is an authentication module that can process a specific Credentials implementation, also it has a special method supports() to allow the caller to query if it supports a given Credentials type.

Figure 13. Standard user login process

Standard user login process:

  • The user enters their username and password.

  • Application client invokes Connection.login() method passing the user login and password.

  • Connection creates Credentials object and invokes login() method of AuthenticationService.

  • AuthenticationService delegates execution to the AuthenticationManager bean, which uses chain of AuthenticationProvider objects. There is LoginPasswordAuthenticationProvider that can work with LoginPasswordCredentials objects. It loads User object by the entered login, hashes the obtained password hash again using user identifier as salt and compares the obtained hash to the password hash stored in the DB. In case of mismatch, LoginException is thrown.

  • If the authentication is successful, all the access parameters of the user (roles list, rights, restrictions and session attributes) are loaded to the created UserSession instance.

  • If the user session logging is enabled, the record with the user session information is saved to the database.

Password hashing algorithm is implemented by the EncryptionModule type bean and is specified in cuba.passwordEncryptionModule application property. SHA-1 is used by default.

Built-in authentication providers

The platform contains the following implementations of AuthenticationProvider interface:

  • LoginPasswordAuthenticationProvider

  • RememberMeAuthenticationProvider

  • TrustedClientAuthenticationProvider

  • SystemAuthenticationProvider

  • AnonymousAuthenticationProvider

All the implementations load user from the database, verify the passed credentials object and create a non-active user session using UserSessionManager. That session instance can become active later in case of AuthenticationManager.login() is called.

LoginPasswordAuthenticationProvider, RememberMeAuthenticationProvider and TrustedClientAuthenticationProvider use additional pluggable checks: beans that implement UserAccessChecker interface. If at least one of the UserAccessChecker instances throw LoginException then authentication is considered failed and LoginException is thrown.

Besides, LoginPasswordAuthenticationProvider and RememberMeAuthenticationProvider check credentials instance using UserCredentialsChecker beans. There is only one built-in implementation of UserCredentialsChecker interface - BruteForceUserCredentialsChecker that checks if a user uses brute-force attack to find out valid credentials.


AuthenticationManager and AuthenticationProvider can throw LoginException or one of its descendants from authenticate() and login() methods. Also, UnsupportedCredentialsException is thrown if passed credentials object cannot be processed by available AuthenticationProvider beans.

See the following exception classes:

  • UnsupportedCredentialsException

  • LoginException

  • AccountLockedException

  • UserIpRestrictedException

  • RestApiAccessDeniedException


Standard implementation of AuthenticationManager - AuthenticationManagerBean fires the following application events during login / authentication procedure:

  • BeforeAuthenticationEvent / AfterAuthenticationEvent

  • BeforeLoginEvent / AfterLoginEvent

  • AuthenticationSuccessEvent / AuthenticationFailureEvent

  • UserLoggedInEvent / UserLoggedOutEvent

  • UserSubstitutedEvent

Spring beans of the middle tier can handle these events using Spring @EventListener subscription:

public class LoginEventListener {
    private Logger log;

    protected void onUserLoggedIn(UserLoggedInEvent event) {
        User user = event.getSource().getUser();
        log.info("Logged in user {}", user.getInstanceName());

Event handlers of all events mentioned above (excluding AfterLoginEvent, UserSubstitutedEvent and UserLoggedInEvent) can throw LoginException to interrupt authentication / login process.

For instance, we can implement maintenance mode valve for our application that will block login attempts if maintenance mode is active.

public class MaintenanceModeValve {
    private volatile boolean maintenance = true;

    public boolean isMaintenance() {
        return maintenance;

    public void setMaintenance(boolean maintenance) {
        this.maintenance = maintenance;

    protected void onBeforeLogin(BeforeLoginEvent event) throws LoginException {
        if (maintenance && event.getCredentials() instanceof AbstractClientCredentials) {
            throw new LoginException("Sorry, system is unavailable");
Extension points

You can extend authentication mechanisms using the following types of extension points:

  • AuthenticationService - replace existing AuthenticationServiceBean.

  • AuthenticationManager - replace existing AuthenticationManagerBean.

  • AuthenticationProvider implementations - implement additional or replace existing AuthenticationProvider.

  • Events - implement event handler.

You can replace existing beans using Spring Framework mechanisms, for instance by registering a new bean in Spring XML config of the core module.

<bean id="cuba_LoginPasswordAuthenticationProvider"
public class CustomLoginPasswordAuthenticationProvider extends LoginPasswordAuthenticationProvider {
    public CustomLoginPasswordAuthenticationProvider(Persistence persistence, Messages messages) {
        super(persistence, messages);

    public AuthenticationDetails authenticate(Credentials credentials) throws LoginException {
        LoginPasswordCredentials loginPassword = (LoginPasswordCredentials) credentials;
        // for instance, add new check before login
        if ("demo".equals(loginPassword.getLogin())) {
            throw new LoginException("Demo account is disabled");

        return super.authenticate(credentials);

Event handlers can be ordered using the @Order annotation. All the platform beans and event handlers use order value between 100 and 1000, thus you can add your custom handling before or after the platform code. If you want to add your bean or event handler before platform beans - use a value lower than 100.

Ordering for an event handler:

public class DemoEventListener {
    private Logger log;

    protected void onUserLoggedIn(UserLoggedInEvent event) {

AuthenticationProviders can use Ordered interface and implement getOrder() method.

public class DemoAuthenticationProvider extends AbstractAuthenticationProvider
        implements AuthenticationProvider, Ordered {
    private UserSessionManager userSessionManager;

    public DemoAuthenticationProvider(Persistence persistence, Messages messages) {
        super(persistence, messages);

    public AuthenticationDetails authenticate(Credentials credentials) throws LoginException {
        // ...

    public boolean supports(Class<?> credentialsClass) {
        return LoginPasswordCredentials.class.isAssignableFrom(credentialsClass);

    public int getOrder() {
        return 10;
Additional Features
  • The platform has a mechanism for the protection against password brute force cracking. The protection is enabled by the cuba.bruteForceProtection.enabled application property on Middleware. If the protection is enabled then the combination of user login and IP address is blocked for a time interval in case of multiple unsuccessful login attempts. A maximum number of login attempts for the combination of user login and IP address is defined by the cuba.bruteForceProtection.maxLoginAttemptsNumber application property (default value is 5). Blocking interval in seconds is defined by the cuba.bruteForceProtection.blockIntervalSec application property (default value is 60).

  • It is possible that the user password (actually, password hash) is not stored in the database, but is verified by external means, for example, by means of integration with LDAP. In this case the authentication is in fact performed by the client block, while the Middleware "trusts" the client by creating the session based on user login only, without the password, using AuthenticationService.login() method with TrustedClientCredentials. This method requires satisfying the following conditions:

  • Login to the system is also required for scheduled automatic processes as well as for connecting to the Middleware beans using JMX interface. Formally, these actions are considered administrative and they do not require authentication as long as no entities are changed in the database. When an entity is persisted to the database, the process requires login of the user who is making the change so that the login of the user responsible for the changes is stored.

    An additional benefit from login to the system for an automatic process or for JMX call is that the server log output is displayed with the current user login if the user session is set to the execution thread. This simplifies searching messages created by specific process during log parsing.

    System access for the processes within Middleware is done using AuthenticationManager.login() with SystemUserCredentials containing the login (without password) of the user on whose behalf the process will be executed. As result, UserSession object will be created and cached in the corresponding Middleware block but it will not be replicated in the cluster.

See more about processes authentication inside Middleware in System Authentication.


The following components now are considered deprecated:

  • LoginService delegates login methods execution to AuthenticationService

  • LoginWorker delegates login methods execution to AuthenticationManager

Do not use these components in your code. They will be removed in the next version of the platform. SecurityContext

SecurityContext class instance stores information about the user session for the current execution thread. It is created and passed to AppContext.setSecurityContext() method in the following moments:

  • For the Web Client and Web Portal blocks – at the beginning of processing of each HTTP request from the user browser.

  • For the Middleware block – at the beginning of processing of each request from the client tier and from CUBA Scheduled Tasks.

  • For the Desktop Client block – once after the user login, as the desktop application is running in single user mode.

In the first two cases, SecurityContext is removed from the execution thread when the request execution is finished.

If you create a new execution thread from the application code, pass the current SecurityContext instance to it as in the example below:

final SecurityContext securityContext = AppContext.getSecurityContext();
executor.submit(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        // business logic here

The same can be done using SecurityContextAwareRunnable or SecurityContextAwareCallable wrappers, for example:

executor.submit(new SecurityContextAwareRunnable<>(() -> {
     // business logic here
Future<String> future = executor.submit(new SecurityContextAwareCallable<>(() -> {
    // business logic here
    return some_string;

5.2.12. Exceptions Handling

This section describes various aspects of working with exceptions in CUBA applications. Exception Classes

The following rules should be followed when creating your own exception classes:

  • If the exception is part of business logic and requires some non-trivial actions to handle it, the exception class should be made checked (inherited from Exception). Such exceptions are handled by the invoking code.

  • If the exception indicates an error and assumes interruption of execution and a simple action like displaying the error information to the user, its class should be unchecked (inherited from RuntimeException). Such exceptions are processed by special handler classes registered in the client blocks of the application.

  • If the exception is thrown and processed in the same block, its class should be declared in corresponding module. If the exception is thrown on Middleware and processed on the client tier, the exception class should be declared in the global module.

The platform contains a special unchecked exception class SilentException. It can be used to interrupt execution without showing any messages to the user or writing them to the log. SilentException is declared in the global module, and therefore is accessible both in Middleware and client blocks. Passing Middleware Exceptions

If an exception is thrown on Middleware as a result of handling a client request, the execution terminates and the exception object is returned to the client. The object usually includes the chain of underlying exceptions. This chain can contain classes which are inaccessible for the client tier (for example, JDBC driver exceptions). For this reason, instead of sending this chain to the client we send its representation inside a specially created RemoteException object.

The information about the causing exceptions is stored as a list of RemoteException.Cause objects. Each Cause object always contains an exception class name and its message. Moreover, if the exception class is "supported by client", Cause stores the exception object as well. This enables passing information to the client in the exception fields.

Exception class should be annotated by @SupportedByClient if its objects should be passed to the client tier as Java objects. For example:

public class WorkflowException extends RuntimeException {

Thus, when an exception is thrown on Middleware and it is not annotated by @SupportedByClient the calling client code will receive RemoteException containing original exception information in a string form. If the source exception is annotated by @SupportedByClient, the caller will receive it directly. This enables handling the exceptions declared by Middleware services in the application code in the traditional way – using try/catch blocks.

Bear in mind that if you need the exception supported by client to be passed on the client as an object, it should not contain any unsupported exceptions in its getCause() chain. Therefore, if you create an exception instance on Middleware and want to pass it to the client, specify cause parameter only if you are sure that it contains the exceptions known to the client.

ServiceInterceptor class is a service interceptor which packs the exception objects before passing them to the client tier. Besides, it performs exceptions logging. All information about the exception including full stack trace is logged by default. If it is not desirable, add @Logging annotation to the exception class and specify the logging level:

  • FULL – full information, including stacktrace (default).

  • BRIEF – exception class name and message only.

  • NONE – no output.

For example:

public class FinancialTransactionException extends Exception {
... Client-Level Exception Handlers

Unhandled exceptions in Web Client and Desktop Client blocks thrown on the client tier or passed from Middleware, are passed to the special handlers mechanism. This mechanism is implemented in the gui module and available for both blocks.

You can create custom handlers classes in the root package of the gui, web, or desktop project module. The handler should be a managed bean implementing the GenericExceptionHandler interface, handle processing in its handle() method and return true, or immediately return false, if this handler is not able to handle the passed exception. This behavior enables creating a "chain of responsibility" for handlers.

It is recommended to inherit your handlers from the AbstractGenericExceptionHandler base class, which is able to disassemble the exceptions chain (including ones packed inside RemoteException) and handle specific exception types. Exception types supported by this handler are defined by passing strings array to the base constructor from the handler constructor. Each string of the array should contain one full class name of the handled exception, for example:

public class ZeroBalanceExceptionHandler extends AbstractGenericExceptionHandler {

    public ZeroBalanceExceptionHandler() {

If the exception class is not accessible on the client side, specify its name with the string literal:

public class ForeignKeyViolationExceptionHandler extends AbstractGenericExceptionHandler {

    public ForeignKeyViolationExceptionHandler() {

In the case of using AbstractGenericExceptionHandler as a base class, the processing logic is located in doHandle() method and looks as follows:

protected void doHandle(String className, String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable, WindowManager windowManager) {
    String msg = messages.getMainMessage("zeroBalance.message");
    windowManager.showNotification(msg, IFrame.NotificationType.ERROR);

If the name of the exception class is insufficient to make a decision whether this handler can be applied to the exception, canHandle() method should be defined. This method accepts also the text of the exception. If the handler is applicable for this exception, the method must return true. For example:

public class ZeroBalanceExceptionHandler extends AbstractGenericExceptionHandler {

    public ZeroBalanceExceptionHandler() {

    protected boolean canHandle(String className, String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable) {
        return StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(message, "Insufficient or zero funds in your account");

WindowManager provides a method for showing an exception with its stack trace: showExceptionDialog(). The method has the following parameters:

  • throwable - Throwable instance.

  • caption - dialog caption. It is an optional parameter, if not set, the default caption is used.

  • message - dialog message. It is an optional parameter, if not set, the default caption is used.

An example of using the method in an exception handler:

protected void doHandle(String className, String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable, WindowManager windowManager) {
    if (throwable != null)
        windowManager.showExceptionDialog(throwable, "Exception is thrown", message);
        windowManager.showNotification(message, IFrame.NotificationType.ERROR);

To localize the error messages, you should override the localization keys for the corresponding exception handlers in the main message pack. Below is an example for the RowLevelSecurityExceptionHandler used in case if row-level security constraints violation:

  • rowLevelSecurity.caption.User.create - notification caption for concrete entity and operation,

  • rowLevelSecurity.caption.Group - notification caption for concrete entity,

  • rowLevelSecurity.entityAndOperationMessage.User.create - notification message for concrete entity and operation,

  • rowLevelSecurity.entityAndOperationMessage.Group - notification message for concrete entity.

5.2.13. Bean Validation

Bean validation is an optional mechanism that provides uniform validation of data on the middleware, in Generic UI and REST API. It is based on the JSR 349 - Bean Validation 1.1 and its reference implementation: Hibernate Validator. Defining Constraints

You can define constraints using annotations of the javax.validation.constraints package or custom annotations. The annotations can be set on an entity or POJO class declaration, field or getter, and on a middleware service method.

Example of using standard validation annotations on entity fields:

@Table(name = "DEMO_CUSTOMER")
@Entity(name = "demo$Customer")
public class Customer extends StandardEntity {

    @Size(min = 3) // length of value must be longer then 3 characters
    @Column(name = "NAME", nullable = false)
    protected String name;

    @Min(1) // minimum value
    @Max(5) // maximum value
    @Column(name = "GRADE", nullable = false)
    protected Integer grade;

    @Pattern(regexp = "\\S+@\\S+") // value must conform to the pattern
    @Column(name = "EMAIL")
    protected String email;


Example of using a custom class-level annotation (see below):

@CheckTaskFeasibility(groups = {Default.class, UiCrossFieldChecks.class}) // custom validation annotation
@Table(name = "DEMO_TASK")
@Entity(name = "demo$Task")
public class Task extends StandardEntity {

Example of validation of a service method parameters and return value:

public interface TaskService {
    String NAME = "demo_TaskService";

    @Validated // indicates that the method should be validated
    String completeTask(@Size(min = 5) String comment, @Valid @NotNull Task task);

The @Valid annotation can be used if you need the cascaded validation of method parameters. In the example above, the constraints declared on the Task object will be validated as well.

Constraint Groups

Constraint groups enable applying only a subset of all defined constraints depending on the application logic. For example, you may want to force a user to enter a value for an entity attribute, but at the same time to have an ability to set this attribute to null by some internal mechanism. In order to do it, you should specify the groups attribute on the constraint annotation. Then the constraint will take effect only when the same group is passed to the validation mechanism.

The platform passes to the validation mechanism the following constraint groups:

  • RestApiChecks - when validating in REST API.

  • ServiceParametersChecks - when validating service parameters.

  • ServiceResultChecks - when validating service return values.

  • UiComponentChecks - when validating individual UI fields.

  • UiCrossFieldChecks - when validating class-level constraints on entity editor commit.

  • javax.validation.groups.Default - this group is always passed except on the UI editor commit.

Validation Messages

Constraints can have messages to be displayed to users.

Messages can be set directly in the validation annotations, for example:

@Pattern(regexp = "\\S+@\\S+", message = "Invalid format")
@Column(name = "EMAIL")
protected String email;

You can also place the message in a localized messages pack and use the following format to specify the message in an annotation: {msg://message_pack/message_key} or simply {msg://message_key} (for entities only). For example:

@Pattern(regexp = "\\S+@\\S+", message = "{msg://com.company.demo.entity/Customer.email.validationMsg}")
@Column(name = "EMAIL")
protected String email;

or, if the constraint is defined for an entity and the message is in the entity’s message pack:

@Pattern(regexp = "\\S+@\\S+", message = "{msg://Customer.email.validationMsg}")
@Column(name = "EMAIL")
protected String email;

Messages can contain parameters and expressions. Parameters are enclosed in {} and represent either localized messages or annotation parameters, e.g. {min}, {max}, {value}. Expressions are enclosed in ${} and can include the validated value variable validatedValue, annotation parameters like value or min, and JSR-341 (EL 3.0) expressions. For example:

@Pattern(regexp = "\\S+@\\S+", message = "Invalid email: ${validatedValue}, pattern: {regexp}")
@Column(name = "EMAIL")
protected String email;

Localized message values can also contain parameters and expressions.

Custom Constraints

You can create you own domain-specific constraints with programmatic or declarative validation.

In order to create a constraint with programmatic validation, do the following:

  1. Create an annotation in the global module of your project and annotate it with @Constraint. The annotation must contain message, groups and payload attributes:

    @Target({ ElementType.TYPE })
    @Constraint(validatedBy = TaskFeasibilityValidator.class)
    public @interface CheckTaskFeasibility {
        String message() default "{msg://com.company.demo.entity/CheckTaskFeasibility.message}";
        Class<?>[] groups() default {};
        Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
  2. Create a validator class in the global module of your project:

    public class TaskFeasibilityValidator implements ConstraintValidator<CheckTaskFeasibility, Task> {
        public void initialize(CheckTaskFeasibility constraintAnnotation) {
        public boolean isValid(Task value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
            Date now = AppBeans.get(TimeSource.class).currentTimestamp();
            return !(value.getDueDate().before(DateUtils.addDays(now, 3)) && value.getProgress() < 90);
  3. Use the annotation:

    @CheckTaskFeasibility(groups = UiCrossFieldChecks.class)
    @Table(name = "DEMO_TASK")
    @Entity(name = "demo$Task")
    public class Task extends StandardEntity {
        @Column(name = "DUE_DATE")
        protected Date dueDate;
        @Column(name = "PROGRESS", nullable = false)
        protected Integer progress;

You can also create custom constraints using a composition of existing ones, for example:

@Size(min = 2, max = 14)
@Pattern(regexp = "\\d+")
@Constraint(validatedBy = {})
public @interface ValidProductCode {
    String message() default "{msg://om.company.demo.entity/ValidProductCode.message}";

    Class<?>[] groups() default {};

    Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};

When using a composite constraint, the resulting set of constraint violations will contain separate entries for each enclosed constraint. If you want to return a single violation, annotate the annotation class with @ReportAsSingleViolation.

Validation Annotations Defined by CUBA

Apart from the standard annotations from the javax.validation.constraints package, you can use the following annotation defined in the CUBA platform:

  • @RequiredView - can be added to service method definitions to ensure that entity instances are loaded with all the attributes specified in a view. If the annotation is assigned to a method, then the return value is checked. If the annotation is assigned to a parameter, then this parameter is checked. If the return value or the parameter is a collection, all elements of the collection are checked. For example:

public interface MyService {
    String NAME = "sample_MyService";

    void processFoo(@RequiredView("foo-view") Foo foo);

    void processFooList(@RequiredView("foo-view") List<Foo> fooList);

    Bar loadBar(@RequiredView("foo-view") Foo foo);
} Running Validation
Validation in UI

Generic UI components connected to a datasource get an instance of BeanValidator to check the field value. The validator is invoked from the Component.Validatable.validate() method implemented by the visual component and can throw the CompositeValidationException exception that contains the set of violations.

The standard validator can be removed or initialized with a different constraint group:

public class Screen extends AbstractWindow {

    private TextField field1;
    private TextField field2;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        // Completely remove bean validation from the UI component
                .filter(validator -> validator instanceof BeanValidator)

        // Here validators will check only constraints with explicitly set UiComponentChecks group, because
        // the Default group will not be passed
                .filter(validator -> validator instanceof BeanValidator)
                .forEach(validator -> {
                    ((BeanValidator) validator).setValidationGroups(new Class[] {UiComponentChecks.class});

By default, BeanValidator has both Default and UiComponentChecks groups.

If an entity attribute is annotated with @NotNull without constraint groups, it will be marked as mandatory in metadata and UI components working with this attribute through a datasource will have required = true.

The DateField and DatePicker components automatically set their rangeStart and rangeEnd properties by the @Past and @Future annotations, but without considering time.

Editor screens perform validation against class-level constraints on commit if the constraint includes the UiCrossFieldChecks group and if all attribute-level checks are passed. You can turn off the validation of this kind using the crossFieldValidate property of the screen in the screen XML descriptor or in the controller:

<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
    <!-- ... -->
public class TaskEdit extends AbstractEditor<Task> {
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
Validation in Middleware Services

Middleware services perform validation of parameters and results if a method has annotation @Validated in the service interface. For example:

public interface TaskService {
    String NAME = "demo_TaskService";

    String completeTask(@Size(min = 5) String comment, @NotNull Task task);

The @Validated annotation can specify constraint groups to apply a certain set of constraints. If no groups are specified, the following are used by default:

  • Default and ServiceParametersChecks - for method parameters

  • Default and ServiceResultChecks - for method return value

The MethodParametersValidationException and MethodResultValidationException exceptions are thrown on validation errors.

If you perform some custom programmatic validation in a service, use CustomValidationException to inform clients about validation errors in the same format as the standard bean validation does. It can be particularly relevant for REST API clients.

Validation in REST API

Universal REST API automatically performs bean validation for create and update actions. Validation errors are returned to the client in the following way:

  • MethodResultValidationException and ValidationException cause 500 Server error HTTP status

  • MethodParametersValidationException, ConstraintViolationException and CustomValidationException cause 400 Bad request HTTP status

  • Response body with Content-Type: application/json will contain a list of objects with message, messageTemplate, path and invalidValue properties, for example:

            "message": "Invalid email: aaa",
            "messageTemplate": "{msg://com.company.demo.entity/Customer.email.validationMsg}",
            "path": "email",
            "invalidValue": "aaa"
    • path indicates a path to the invalid attribute in the validated object graph

    • messageTemplate contains a string which is defined in the message annotation attribute

    • message contains an actual value of the validation message

    • invalidValue is returned only if its type is one of the following: String, Date, Number, Enum, UUID.

Programmatic Validation

You can perform bean validation programmatically using the BeanValidation infrastructure interface, available on both middleware and client tier. It is used to obtain a javax.validation.Validator implementation which runs validation. The result of validation is a set of ConstraintViolation objects. For example:

private BeanValidation beanValidation;

public void save(Foo foo) {
    Validator validator = beanValidation.getValidator();
    Set<ConstraintViolation<Foo>> violations = validator.validate(foo);
    // ...

5.2.14. Entity Attribute Access Control

The security subsystem allows you to set up access to entity attributes according to user permissions. That is the framework can automatically make an attribute read-only or hidden depending on a set of roles assigned to the current user. But sometimes you may want to change the access to attributes dynamically depending also on the current state of the entity or its linked entities.

The attribute access control mechanism allows you to create rules of what attributes should be hidden, read-only or required for a particular entity instance, and apply these rules automatically to Generic UI components and REST API.

The mechanism works as follows:

  • When DataManager loads an entity, it locates all managed beans implementing the SetupAttributeAccessHandler interface and invokes their setupAccess() method passing the SetupAttributeAccessEvent object. This object contains the loaded instance in the managed state, and three collections of attribute names: read-only, hidden and required (they are initially empty).

  • The SetupAttributeAccessHandler implementations analyze the state of the entity and fill collections of attribute names in the event appropriately. These classes are in fact containers for the rules that define the attribute access for a given instance.

  • The mechanism saves the attribute names, defined by your rules, in the entity instance itself (in a linked SecurityState object).

  • On the client tier, Generic UI and REST API use the SecurityState object to control the access to entity attributes.

In order to create a rule for particular entity type, do the following:

  • Create a managed bean in the core module of your project and implement the SetupAttributeAccessHandler interface. Parameterize the interface with the type of handled entity. The bean must have the default singleton scope. You have to implement the interface methods:

    • supports(Class) returns true if the handler is designed to work with the given entity class.

    • setupAccess(SetupAttributeAccessEvent) manipulates with the collections of attributes to set up the access. You should fill the collections of read-only, hidden and required attributes using the addHidden(), addReadOnly() and addRequired() methods of the event. The entity instance, which is available via the getEntity() method, is in the managed state, so you can safely access its attributes and attributes of its linked entities.

For example, provided that Order entity has customer and amount attributes, you could create the following rule for restricting access to the amount attribute depending on the customer:

package com.company.sample.core;

import com.company.sample.entity.Order;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.app.SetupAttributeAccessHandler;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.app.events.SetupAttributeAccessEvent;
import org.springframework.context.event.EventListener;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class OrderAttributeAccessHandler implements SetupAttributeAccessHandler<Order> {

    public boolean supports(Class clazz) {
        return Order.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);

    public void setupAccess(SetupAttributeAccessEvent<Order> event) {
        Order order = event.getEntity();
        if (order.getCustomer() != null) {
            if ("PLATINUM".equals(order.getCustomer().getGrade().getCode())) {
            } else if ("GOLD".equals(order.getCustomer().getGrade().getCode())) {
Attribute Access Control in Generic UI

The framework automatically applies attribute access restrictions to a screen right before invoking the ready() method of the screen controller. If you don’t want this for a particular screen, override its isAttributeAccessControlEnabled() method and return false from it.

You may want to recompute and apply the restrictions while the screen is opened, in response of user actions. You can do it using the AttributeAccessSupport bean, passing the current screen and the entity which state has changed. For example:

package com.company.sample.web.order;

import com.company.sample.entity.Order;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.AttributeAccessSupport;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.AbstractEditor;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.data.Datasource;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.util.Map;

public class OrderEdit extends AbstractEditor<Order> {

    private Datasource<Order> orderDs;

    private AttributeAccessSupport attributeAccessSupport;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        orderDs.addItemPropertyChangeListener(e -> {
            if ("customer".equals(e.getProperty())) {
                attributeAccessSupport.applyAttributeAccess(this, true, getItem());

The second parameter of the applyAttributeAccess() method is a boolean value which specifies whether to reset components access to default before applying new restrictions. If it’s true, programmatic changes to the components state (if any) will be lost. When the method is invoked automatically on screen opening, the value of this parameter is false. But when invoking the method in response of UI events, set it to true, otherwise the restrictions on components will be summed and not replaced.


Attribute access restrictions are applied only to the components bound to single entity attributes, like TextField or LookupField. Table and other components implementing the ListComponent interface are not affected. So if you write a rule that can hide an attribute for some entity instances, we recommend not showing this attribute in tables at all.

5.3. Database Components

This section provides information on how to configure the application for working with particular DBMS. It also describes a script-based mechanism, which enables creating a new database and keeping it up-to-date throughout the entire cycle of the development and operation of the application.

Database components belong to the Middleware block; other blocks of the application do not have direct access to the database.

Some additional information on working with the database is provided in the Working with Databases section.

5.3.1. DBMS Types

The type of the DBMS used in the application is defined by the cuba.dbmsType and (optionally) cuba.dbmsVersion application properties. These properties affect various platform mechanisms depending on the database type.

The application connects to the database through the javax.sql.DataSource which is extracted from JNDI by the name specified in the cuba.dataSourceJndiName application property (java:comp/env/jdbc/CubaDS by default). Configuration of the data source for standard deployment is defined in the context.xml file of the core module. The data source should use a proper JDBC driver for the selected DBMS.

The platform supports the following types of DBMS "out of the box":

cuba.dbmsType cuba.dbmsVersion JDBC driver




PostgreSQL 8.4+



Microsoft SQL Server 2005




Microsoft SQL Server 2008



Microsoft SQL Server 2012+




Oracle Database 11g+



MySQL 5.6+



The table below describes the recommended mapping of data types between entity attributes in Java and table columns in different DBMS. CUBA Studio automatically chooses these types when generates scripts to create and update the database. The operation of all platform mechanisms is guaranteed when you use these types.

Java HSQL PostgreSQL MS SQL Server Oracle MySQL


























decimal(p, s)

decimal(p, s)

decimal(p, s)

number(p, s)

decimal(p, s)


double precision

double precision

double precision


double precision



















String (limited)






String (unlimited)












Usually, the whole work to convert the data between the database and the Java code is performed by the ORM layer in conjunction with the appropriate JDBC driver. This means that no manual conversion is required when working with the data using the EntityManager methods and JPQL queries; you should simply use Java types listed in the left column of the table.

When using native SQL through EntityManager.createNativeQuery() or through QueryRunner, some types in the Java code will be different from those mentioned above, depending on DBMS used. In particular, this applies to attributes of the UUID - type – only the PostgreSQL driver returns values of corresponding columns using this type; other servers return String. To abstract application code from the database type, it is recommended to convert parameter types and query results using the DbTypeConverter interface. Support for Other DBMSs

In the application project, you can use any DBMS supported by the ORM framework (EclipseLink). Follow the steps below:

  • Specify the type of database in the form of an arbitrary code in the cuba.dbmsType property. The code must be different from those used in the platform: hsql, postgres, mssql, oracle.

  • Implement the DbmsFeatures, SequenceSupport, DbTypeConverter interfaces by classes with the following names: TypeDbmsFeatures, TypeSequenceSupport, and TypeDbTypeConverter, respectively, where Type is the DBMS type code. The package of the implementation class must be the same as of the interface.

  • Create database init and update scripts in the directories marked with the DBMS type code. Init scripts must create all database objects required by the platform entities (you can copy them from the existing 10-cuba, etc. directories and modify for your database).

  • To create and update the database by Gradle tasks, you need to specify the additional parameters for these tasks in build.gradle:

    task createDb(dependsOn: assemble, type: CubaDbCreation) {
        dbms = 'my'                                            // DBMS code
        driver = 'net.my.jdbc.Driver'                          // JDBC driver class
        dbUrl = 'jdbc:my:myserver://'        // Database URL
        masterUrl = 'jdbc:my:myserver://'  // URL of a master DB to connect to for creating the application DB
        dropDbSql = 'drop database mydb;'                      // Drop database statement
        createDbSql = 'create database mydb;'                  // Create database statement
        timeStampType = 'datetime'                             // Date and time datatype - needed for SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table creation
        dbUser = 'sa'
        dbPassword = 'saPass1'
    task updateDb(dependsOn: assemble, type: CubaDbUpdate) {
        dbms = 'my'                                            // DBMS code
        driver = 'net.my.jdbc.Driver'                          // JDBC driver class
        dbUrl = 'jdbc:my:myserver://'        // Database URL
        dbUser = 'sa'
        dbPassword = 'saPass1'
    } DBMS Version

In addition to cuba.dbmsType application property, there is an optional cuba.dbmsVersion property. It affects the choice of interface implementations for DbmsFeatures, SequenceSupport, DbTypeConverter, and the search for database init and update scripts.

The name of the implementation class of the integration interface is constructed as follows: TypeVersionName. Here, Type is the value of the cuba.dbmsType property (capitalized), Version is the value of cuba.dbmsVersion, and Name is the interface name. The package of the class must correspond to that of the interface. If a class with the same name is not available, an attempt is made to find a class with the name without version: TypeName. If such class does not exist either, an exception is thrown.

For example, the com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.persistence.Mssql2012SequenceSupport class is defined in the platform. This class will take effect if the following properties are specified in the project:

cuba.dbmsType = mssql
cuba.dbmsVersion = 2012

The search for database init and update scripts prioritizes the type-version directory over the type directory. This means that the scripts in the type-version directory replace the scripts with the same name in the type directory. The type-version directory can also contain some scripts with unique names; they will be added to the common set of scripts for execution, too. Script sorting is performed by path, starting with the first subdirectory of the type or type-version directory, i.e. regardless of the directory where the script is located (versioned or not).

For example, the init script for Microsoft SQL Server versions below and above 2012 should look as follows:


5.3.2. Scripts to Create and Update the Database

A CUBA-application project always contains two sets of scripts (see also Creating the DB Schema):

  • Scripts to create the database, intended for the creation of the database from scratch. They contain a set of the DDL and DML operators, which create an empty database schema that is fully consistent with the current state of the data model of the application. These scripts can also fill the database with the necessary initialization data.

  • Scripts to update the database, intended for bringing the database structure to the current state of the data model from any of the previous states.

When changing the data model, it is necessary to reproduce the corresponding change of the database schema in Create and Update scripts. For example, when adding the address attribute to the Customer entity, it is necessary to:

  1. Change the table creation script:

    create table SALES_CUSTOMER (
      ID varchar(36) not null,
      CREATE_TS timestamp,
      CREATED_BY varchar(50),
      NAME varchar(100),
      ADDRESS varchar(200), -- added column
      primary key (ID)
  2. Add an update script, which modifies the same table:

    alter table SALES_CUSTOMER add ADDRESS varchar(200)

    Please note that Studio update scripts generator does not track changes of attributes' Column definition and custom datatype's sqlType. So if you changed them, create appropriate update scripts manually.

The create scripts are located in the /db/init directory of the core module. For each type of DBMS supported by the application, a separate set of scripts is created and located in the subdirectory specified in cuba.dbmsType application property, for example /db/init/postgres. Create scripts names should have the following format {optional_prefix}create-db.sql.

The update scripts are located in the /db/update directory of the core module. For each type of DBMS supported by the application, a separate set of scripts is created and located in the subdirectory specified in cuba.dbmsType application property, for example, /db/update/postgres.

The update scripts can be of two types: with the *.sql or *.groovy extension. The primary way to update the database is with SQL scripts. Groovy scripts are only executed by the server mechanism to launch database scripts, therefore they are mainly used at the production stage, in cases when migration or import of the data that cannot be implemented in pure SQL. If you want to skip Groovy update scripts, you can run the following in command line:

delete from sys_db_changelog where script_name like '%groovy' and create_ts > (now() - interval '1 hour')

The update scripts should have names, which form the correct sequence of their execution when sorted in the alphabetical order (usually, it is a chronological sequence of their creation). Therefore, when creating such scripts manually, it is recommended to specify the name of the update scripts in the following format: {yymmdd}-{description}.sql, where yy is a year, mm is a month, dd is a day, and description is a short description of the script. For example, 121003-addCodeToCategoryAttribute.sql. Studio also adheres to this format when generating scripts automatically.

In order to be executed by the updateDb task, the groovy scripts should have .upgrade.groovy extension and the same naming logic. Post update actions are not allowed in that scripts, while the same ds (access to datasource) and log (access to logging) variables are used for the data binding. The execution of groovy scripts can be disabled by setting executeGroovy = false in the updateDb task of build.gradle.

It is possible to group update scripts into subdirectories, however, the path to the script with the subdirectory should not break the chronological sequence. For example, subdirectories can be created by using year, or by year and month.

In a deployed application, the scripts to create and update the database are located in a special database script directory, that is set by the cuba.dbDir application property. The Structure of SQL Scripts

Create and update SQL scripts are text files with a set of DDL and DML commands separated by the "^" character. The "^" character is used, so that the ";" separator can be applied as part of complex commands; for example, when creating functions or triggers. The script execution mechanism splits the input file into separate commands using the "^" separator and executes each command in a separate transaction. This means that, if necessary, it is possible to group several single statements (e.g., insert), separated by semicolons and ensure that they execute in a single transaction.


The "^" delimiter can be escaped by doubling it. For example, if you want to pass ^[0-9\s]+$ to a statement, the script should contain ^^[0-9\s]+$.

An example of the update SQL script:

create table LIBRARY_COUNTRY (
  ID varchar(36) not null,
  CREATE_TS time,
  CREATED_BY varchar(50),
  NAME varchar(100) not null,
  primary key (ID)

alter table LIBRARY_TOWN add column COUNTRY_ID varchar(36) ^
alter table LIBRARY_TOWN add constraint FK_LIBRARY_TOWN_COUNTRY_ID foreign key (COUNTRY_ID) references LIBRARY_COUNTRY(ID)^
create index IDX_LIBRARY_TOWN_COUNTRY on LIBRARY_TOWN (COUNTRY_ID)^ The Structure of Groovy scripts

Groovy update scripts have the following structure:

  • The main part, which contains the code executed before the start of the application context. In this section, you can use any Java, Groovy and the Middleware application block classes. However, it should be kept in mind that no beans, infrastructure interfaces and other application objects have yet been instantiated and it is impossible to use them.

    The main part is primarily designed to update the database schema, as usually done with ordinary SQL scripts.

  • The PostUpdate part – a set of closures, which will be executed after the start of the application context and once the update process is finished. Inside these closures, it is possible to use any Middleware objects.

    In this part of the script, it is convenient to perform data import as it is possible to use the Persistence interface and data model objects.

The execution mechanism passes the following variables to the Groovy scripts:

  • ds – instance of javax.sql.DataSource for the application database;

  • log – instance of org.apache.commons.logging.Log to output messages in the server log;

  • postUpdate – object that contains the add(Closure closure) method to add PostUpdate closures described above.


Groovy scripts are executed only by the server mechanism to launch database scripts.

An example of the Groovy update script:

import com.haulmont.cuba.core.Persistence
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.AppBeans
import com.haulmont.refapp.core.entity.Colour
import groovy.sql.Sql

log.info('Executing actions in update phase')

Sql sql = new Sql(ds)
sql.execute """ alter table MY_COLOR add DESCRIPTION varchar(100); """

// Add post update action
    log.info('Executing post update action using fully functioning server')

    def p = AppBeans.get(Persistence.class)
    def tr = p.createTransaction()
    try {
        def em = p.getEntityManager()

        Colour c = new Colour()
        c.name = 'yellow'
        c.description = 'a description'

    } finally {

5.3.3. The Execution of Database Scripts by Gradle Tasks

This mechanism is generally used by application developers for updating their own database instance. The execution of scripts essentially comes down to running a special Gradle task from build.gradle build script. This can be done from the command line or via the Studio interface.

To run scripts to create the database, the createDb task is used. In Studio, it corresponds to the RunCreate database command in the main menu. When this task is started, the following occurs:

  1. Scripts of the application components and db/**/*.sql scripts of the core module of the current project are built in the modules/core/build/db directory. Sets of scripts for application components are located in subdirectories with numeric prefixes. The prefixes are used to provide the alphabetical order of the execution of scripts according to the dependencies between components.

  2. If the database exists, it is completely erased. A new empty database is created.

  3. All creation scripts from modules/core/build/db/init/**/*create-db.sql subdirectory are executed sequentially in the alphabetical order, and their names along with the path relative to the db directory are registered in the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table.

  4. Similarly, in the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table, all currently available modules/core/build/db/update/**/*.sql update scripts are registered. This is required for applying the future incremental updates to the database.

To run scripts to update the database, the updateDb task is used. In Studio, it corresponds to the RunUpdate database command in the main menu. When this task is started, the following occurs:

  1. The scripts are built in the same way as for the createDb command described above.

  2. The execution mechanism checks, whether all creation scripts of application components have been run (by checking the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table). If not, the application component creation scripts are executed and registered in the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table.

  3. A search is performed in modules/core/build/db/update/** directories, for update scripts which are not registered in the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table, i.e., not previously executed.

  4. All scripts found in the previous step are executed sequentially in the alphabetical order, and their names along with the path relative to the db directory are registered in the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table.

5.3.4. The Execution of Database Scripts by the Server

The mechanism to execute database scripts by the server is used for bringing the DB up to date at the start of the application server and is activated during the initialization of the Middleware block. Obviously, the application should have been built and deployed on the server – production or developer’s Tomcat instance.

Depending on the conditions described below, this mechanism either executes create or update scripts, i.e., it can initialize the DB from scratch and update it. However, unlike the Gradle createDb task described in the previous section, the database must exist to be initialized – the server does not create the DB automatically but only executes scripts on it.

The mechanism to execute scripts by the server works as follows:

  • The scripts are extracted from the database scripts directory, defined by the cuba.dbDir application property, which by default is set to tomcat/webapps/app-core/WEB-INF/db.

  • If the DB does not have the SEC_USER table, the database is considered empty and the full initialization is run using the create scripts. After executing the initialization scripts, their names are stored in the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table. The names of all available update scripts are stored in the same table, without their execution.

  • If the DB has the SEC_USER table but does not have the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table (this is the case when the described mechanism is launched for the first time on the existing production DB), no scripts are executed. Instead, the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table is created and the names of all currently available create and update scripts are stored.

  • If the DB has both the SEC_USER and SYS_DB_CHANGELOG tables, the update scripts whose names were not previously stored in the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table are executed and their names are stored in the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table. The sequence of scripts execution is determined by two factors: the priority of the application component (see database scripts directory: 10-cuba, 20-bpm, …​) and the name of the script file (taking into account the subdirectories of the update directory) in the alphabetical order.

    Before the execution of update scripts, the check is performed, whether all creation scripts of application components have been run (by checking the SYS_DB_CHANGELOG table). If the database is not initialized for use of some application component, its creation scripts are executed.

The mechanism to execute the scripts on server startup is enabled by the cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate application property.

In already running application, the script execution mechanism can be launched using the app-core.cuba:type=PersistenceManager JMX bean by calling its updateDatabase() method with the update parameter. Obviously, it is only possible to update already existing DB as it is impossible to log in to the system to run a method of the JMX bean with an empty DB. Please note, that an unrecoverable error will occur, if part of the data model no longer corresponding to the outdated DB schema is initialized during Middleware startup or user login. That is why the automatic update of the DB on the server startup before initializing the data model is only universal.

The JMX app-core.cuba:type=PersistenceManager bean has one more method related to the DB update mechanism: findUpdateDatabaseScripts(). It returns a list of new update scripts available in the directory and not registered in the DB (not yet executed).

Recommendations for usage of the server DB update mechanism can be found in Creating and Updating the Database in Production.

5.4. Middleware Components

The following figure shows the main components of the CUBA application middle tier.

Figure 14. Components of the Middle Tier

Services are container-managed components that form the application boundary and provide the interface to the client tier. Services may contain the business logic themselves or delegate the execution to managed beans.

Managed beans are container-managed components that contain the business logic of the application. They are called by services, other beans or via the optional JMX interface.

Persistence is the infrastructure interface to access the data storage functionality: ORM and transactions management.

5.4.1. Services

Services form the layer that defines a set of Middleware operations available to the client tier. In other words, a service is an entry point to the Middleware business logic. In a service, you can manage transactions, check user permissions, work with the database or delegate execution to other managed beans of the middle tier.

Below is a class diagram which shows the components of a service:


The service interface is located in the global module and is available for both middle and client tiers. At runtime, a proxy is created for the service interface on the client tier. The proxy provides invocation of service bean methods using Spring HTTP Invoker mechanism.

The service implementation bean is located in the core module and is available on the middle tier only.

ServiceInterceptor is called automatically for any service method using Spring AOP. It checks the availability of the user session for the current thread, and transforms and logs exceptions if the service is called from the client tier. Creating a Service

The name of service interface should end with Service, the names of implementation class – with ServiceBean.

The following steps are required for creating a service:

  1. Create the service interface in the global module, as the service interface must be available at all tiers), and specify the service name in it. It is recommended to specify the name in the following format: {project_name}_{interface_name}. For example:

    package com.sample.sales.core;
    import com.sample.sales.entity.Order;
    public interface OrderService {
        String NAME = "sales_OrderService";
        void calculateTotals(Order order);
  2. Create the service class in the core module and add the @org.springframework.stereotype.Service annotation to it with the name specified in the interface:

    package com.sample.sales.core;
    import com.sample.sales.entity.Order;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
    public class OrderServiceBean implements OrderService {
        public void calculateTotals(Order order) {

The service class, being a managed bean, should be placed inside the package tree with the root specified in the context:component-scan element of the spring.xml file. In this case, the spring.xml file contains the element:

<context:component-scan base-package="com.sample.sales"/>

which means that the search for annotated beans for this application block will be performed starting with the com.sample.sales package.

If different services or other Middleware components require calling the same business logic, it should be extracted and encapsulated inside an appropriate managed bean. For example:

// service interface
public interface SalesService {
    String NAME = "sample_SalesService";

    BigDecimal calculateSales(UUID customerId);
// service implementation
public class SalesServiceBean implements SalesService {

    private SalesCalculator salesCalculator;

    public BigDecimal calculateSales(UUID customerId) {
        return salesCalculator.calculateSales(customerId);
// managed bean encapsulating business logic
public class SalesCalculator {

    private Persistence persistence;

    public BigDecimal calculateSales(UUID customerId) {
        Query query = persistence.getEntityManager().createQuery(
                "select sum(o.amount) from sample$Order o where o.customer.id = :customerId");
        query.setParameter("customerId", customerId);
        return (BigDecimal) query.getFirstResult();
} Using a Service

In order to call a service, the corresponding proxy object should be created in the client block of the application. There is a special factory that creates service proxies: for the Web Client block, it is WebRemoteProxyBeanCreator, for Web Portal – PortalRemoteProxyBeanCreator, for Desktop Client – RemoteProxyBeanCreator.

The proxy object factory is configured in spring.xml of the corresponding client block and contains service names and interfaces.

For example, to call the sales_OrderService service from the web client in the sales application, add the following code into the web-spring.xml file of the web module:

<bean id="sales_proxyCreator" class="com.haulmont.cuba.web.sys.remoting.WebRemoteProxyBeanCreator">
    <property name="serverSelector" ref="cuba_ServerSelector"/>
    <property name="remoteServices">
            <entry key="sales_OrderService" value="com.sample.sales.core.OrderService"/>

All imported services should be declared in the single remoteServices property in the map/entry elements.


CUBA Studio automatically registers services in all client blocks of the project.

From the application code perspective, the service’s proxy object at the client level is a standard Spring bean and can be obtained either by injection or through AppBeans class. For example:

private OrderService orderService;

public void calculateTotals() {


public void calculateTotals() {
} DataService

DataService provides a facade for calling DataManager middleware implementation from the client tier. The usage of DataService interface in the application code is not recommended. Instead, use DataManager directly on both middle and client tiers.

5.4.2. Data Stores

A usual way of working with data in CUBA applications is manipulating entities - either declaratively through datasources and data-aware visual components, or programmatically via DataManager or EntityManager. The entities are mapped to data in a data store, which is usually a relational database. An application can connect to multiple data stores so its data model will contain entities mapped to data located in different databases.

An entity can belong only to a single data store. You can display entities from different data stores on a single UI screen, and DataManager will ensure they will be dispatched to appropriate data stores on save. Depending on the entity type, DataManager selects a registered data store represented by an implementation of the DataStore interface and delegates loading and saving entities to it. When you control transactions in your code and work with entities via EntityManager, you have to specify explicitly what data store to use. See the Persistence interface methods and @Transactional annotation parameters for details.

The platform contains a single implementation of the DataStore interface called RdbmsStore. It is designed to work with relational databases through the ORM layer. You can implement DataStore in your project to provide integration, for example, with a non-relational database or an external system having REST interface.

In any CUBA application, there is always the main data store which contains system and security entities and where the users log in. When we mention a database in this manual, we always mean the main data store if not explicitly stated otherwise. The main data store must be a relational database connected through a JDBC data source. The main data source is located in JNDI and should have a name specified in the cuba.dataSourceJndiName application property, which is jdbc/CubaDS by default.

Additional data store names should be specified in the cuba.additionalStores application property. If the additional store is RdbmsStore, you should provide the following properties for it:

  • cuba.dataSourceJndiName_{store_name} - JNDI name of the corresponding JDBC data source.

  • cuba.dbmsType_{store_name} - type of the data store DBMS.

  • cuba.persistenceConfig_{store_name} - location of the data store persistence.xml file.

If you implement the DataStore interface in your project, specify the name of the implementation bean in the cuba.storeImpl_{store_name} application property.

For example, if you need to work with two additional data stores: db1 (a PostgreSQL database) and mem1 (an in-memory storage implemented by some project bean), specify the following application properties in the app.properties file of your core module:

cuba.additionalStores = db1, mem1
cuba.dataSourceJndiName_db1 = jdbc/db1
cuba.dbmsType_db1 = postgres
cuba.persistenceConfig_db1 = com/company/sample/db1-persistence.xml
cuba.storeImpl_mem1 = sample_InMemoryStore

The cuba.additionalStores and cuba.persistenceConfig_db1 properties should also be specified in the property files of all used application blocks (web-app.properties, portal-app.properties, etc.).


CUBA Studio allows you to set up additional data stores on the Project properties > Advanced tab. It automatically creates all required application properties and JDBC data sources, as well as maintains additional persistence.xml files. After that, you can select a data store for an entity in the Data store field of the entity designer. You will also be able to select a data store when using the Generate model wizard for creation of new entities mapped to an existing database schema.

References between entities from different data stores

DataManager can automatically maintain TO-ONE references between entities from different data stores, if they are properly defined. For example, consider the case when you have Order entity in the main data store and Customer entity in an additional data store, and you want to have a reference from Order to Customer. Then do the following:

  • In the Order entity, define an attribute with the type of the Customer identifier. The attribute should be annotated with @SystemLevel to exclude it from various lists available to users, like attributes in Filter:

    @Column(name = "CUSTOMER_ID")
    private Long customerId;
  • In the Order entity, define a non-persistent reference to Customer and specify the customerId attribute as "related":

    @MetaProperty(related = "customerId")
    private Customer customer;
  • Include non-persistent customer attribute to appropriate views.

After that, when you load Order with a view including customer attribute, DataManager automatically loads related Customer from the additional data store. The loading of collections is optimized for performance: after loading a list of orders, the loading of references from the additional data store is done in batches. The size of the batch is defined by the cuba.crossDataStoreReferenceLoadingBatchSize application property.

When you commit an entity graph which includes Order with Customer, DataManager saves the instances via corresponding DataStore implementations, and then saves the identifier of the customer in the order’s customerId attribute.

Cross-datastore references are also supported by the Filter component.


CUBA Studio automatically maintains the set of attributes for cross-datastore references when you select an entity from a different data store as an association.

5.4.3. The Persistence Interface

The Persistence interface is designed to be an entry point to the data storage functionality provided by the ORM layer.

The interface has the following methods:

  • createTransaction(), getTransaction() – obtain the interface for managing transactions. The methods can accept a data store name. If it is not provided, the main data store is assumed.

  • callInTransaction(), runInTransaction() - execute an action in a new transaction with or without return value. The methods can accept a data store name. If it is not provided, the main data store is assumed.

  • isInTransaction() – checks if there is an active transaction the moment.

  • getEntityManager() – returns an EntityManager instance bound to the current transaction. The method can accept a data store name. If it is not provided, the main data store is assumed.

  • isSoftDeletion() – allows you to determine if the soft deletion mode is active.

  • setSoftDeletion() – enables or disables the soft deletion mode. Setting this property affects all newly created EntityManager instances. Soft deletion is enabled by default.

  • getDbTypeConverter() – returns the DbTypeConverter instance for the main database or for an additional data store.

  • getDataSource() – returns the javax.sql.DataSource instance for the main database or for an additional data store.


    For all javax.sql.Connection objects obtained through getDataSource().getConnection() method the close() method should be called in the finally section after using the connection. Otherwise, the connection will not be returned to the pool. Over time, the pool will overflow and the application will not be able to execute database queries.

  • getTools() – returns an instance of the PersistenceTools interface (see below). PersistenceTools

Managed bean containing helper methods related to data storage functionality. It can be obtained either by calling the Persistence.getTools() method or like any other bean, through injection or the AppBeans class.

The PersistenceTools bean has the following methods:

  • getDirtyFields() – returns a collection of entity attribute names that have been changed since the last load of the instance from the DB. For new instances an empty collection is returned.

  • isLoaded() – determines if the specified instance attribute was loaded from the DB. The attribute may not be loaded, if it was not present in the view specified when loading the instance.

    This method only works for instances in the Managed state.

  • getReferenceId() – returns an ID of the related entity without loading it from the DB.

    Let us suppose that an Order instance was loaded in the persistent context and it is necessary to get the ID value of the Customer instance related to this Order. A call to the order.getCustomer().getId() method will execute the DB query to load the Customer instance, which in this case is unnecessary, because the value of the Customer ID is also located in the Order table as a foreign key. Whereas the execution of

    persistence.getTools().getReferenceId(order, "customer")

    will not send any additional queries to the database.

    This method works only for instances in the Managed state.

The PersistenceTools bean can be overridden in your application to extend the set of default helper methods. An example of working with the extended interface is shown below:

MyPersistenceTools tools = persistence.getTools();
((MyPersistenceTools) persistence.getTools()).foo(); DbTypeConverter

The interface containing methods for conversion between data model attribute values and parameters/results of JDBC queries. An object of this interface can be obtained through the Persistence.getDbTypeConverter() method.

The DbTypeConverter interface has the following methods:

  • getJavaObject() – converts the result of the JDBC query into a type suitable for assigning to entity attribute.

  • getSqlObject() – converts the value of the entity attribute into a type suitable for assigning to the JDBC query parameter.

  • getSqlType() – returns a java.sql.Types constant that corresponds to the passed entity attribute type.

5.4.4. ORM Layer

Object-Relational Mapping is the technology for linking relational database tables to programming language objects.

Benefits of using ORM
  • Enables working with a relational DBMS by means of Java objects manipulation.

  • Simplifies programming by eliminating routine writing of SQL queries.

  • Simplifies programming by letting you load and save entire object graphs with one command.

  • Ensures easy porting of the application to different DBMS.

  • Enables use of a concise object query language – JPQL.

  • Requires understanding of how ORM works.

  • Makes direct optimization of SQL and use of the DBMS specifics difficult.

CUBA uses the ORM implementation based on the EclipseLink framework. EntityManager

EntityManager – main ORM interface for working with persistent entities.


See DataManager vs. EntityManager for information on differences between EntityManager and DataManager.

Reference to EntityManager may be obtained via the Persistence interface by calling its getEntityManager() method. The retrieved instance of EntityManager is bound to the current transaction, i.e. all calls to getEntityManager() as part of one transaction return one and the same instance of EntityManager. After the end of the transaction using the corresponding EntityManager instance is impossible.

An instance of EntityManager contains a persistence context – a set of instances loaded from the database or newly created. The persistence context is a data cache within a transaction. EntityManager automatically flushes to the database all changes made in its persistence context on the transaction commit or when the EntityManager.flush() method is called.

The EntityManager interface used in CUBA applications mainly copies the standard javax.persistence.EntityManager interface. Let us have a look at its main methods:

  • persist() – adds a new instance of the entity to the persistence context. When the transaction is committed a corresponding record is created in DB using SQL INSERT.

  • merge() – copies the state of detached instance to the persistence context the following way: an instance with the same identifier gets loaded from DB and the state of the passed Detached instance is copied into it and then the loaded Managed instance is returned. After that you should work with the returned Managed instance. The state of this entity will be stored in DB using SQL UPDATE on transaction commit.

  • remove() – removes an object from the database, or, if soft deletion mode is turned on, sets deleteTs and deletedBy attributes.

    If the passed instance is in Detached state, merge() is performed first.

  • find() – loads an entity instance by its identifier.

    When forming a request to the database the system considers the view which has been passed as a parameter to this method. As a result, the persistence context will contain a graph of objects with all view attributes loaded. If no view is passed, the _local view is used by default.

  • createQuery() – creates a Query or TypedQuery object for executing a JPQL query.

  • createNativeQuery() – creates a Query object to execute an SQL query.

  • reload() – reloads the entity instance with the provided view.

  • isSoftDeletion() – checks if the EntityManager is in soft deletion mode.

  • setSoftDeletion() – sets soft deletion mode for this EntityManager.

  • getConnection() – returns a java.sql.Connection, which is used by this instance of EntityManager, and hence by the current transaction. Such connection does not need to be closed, it will be closed automatically when the transaction is complete.

  • getDelegate() – returns javax.persistence.EntityManager provided by the ORM implementation.

Example of using EntityManager in a service:

public class SalesServiceBean implements SalesService {

    private Persistence persistence;

    public BigDecimal calculateSales(UUID customerId) {
        BigDecimal result;
        // start transaction
        try (Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction()) {
            // get EntityManager for the current transaction
            EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();
            // create and execute Query
            Query query = em.createQuery(
                    "select sum(o.amount) from sample$Order o where o.customer.id = :customerId");
            query.setParameter("customerId", customerId);
            result = (BigDecimal) query.getFirstResult();
            // commit transaction
        return result != null ? result : BigDecimal.ZERO;
Partial entities

By default, in EntityManager, a view affects only reference attributes, i.e. all local attributes are loaded.

You can force EntityManager to load partial entities if you set the loadPartialEntities attribute of the view to true (for example, DataManager does this). However, if the loaded entity is cached, this view attribute is ignored and the entity will still be loaded with all local attributes. Entity States

An instance which has just been created in memory: Car car = new Car().

A new instance may be passed to EntityManager.persist() to be stored to the database, in which case it changes its state to Managed.


An instance loaded from the database, or a new one passed to EntityManager.persist(). Belongs to a EntityManager instance, i.e. is contained in its persistence context.

Any changes of the instance in Managed state will be saved to the database when the transaction that the EntityManager belongs to is committed.


An instance loaded from the database and detached from its persistence context (as a result of the transaction end or serialization).

The changes applied to a Detached instance will be saved to the database only if this instance becomes Managed by being passed to EntityManager.merge(). Lazy Loading

Lazy loading (loading on demand) enables delayed loading of linked entities, i.e. they get loaded when their properties are accessed for the first time.

Lazy loading generates more database queries than eager fetching, but it is stretched in time.

  • For example, in case of lazy loading of a list of N instances of entity A, each containing a link to an instance of entity B, will require N+1 requests to DB.

  • In most cases, minimizing the number of requests to the database results in less response time and database load. The platform uses the mechanism of views to achieve this. Using view allows ORM to create only one request to the database with table joining for the above mentioned case.

Lazy loading works only for instances in Managed state, i.e. within the transaction which loaded the instance. Executing JPQL Queries

The Query interface is designed to execute JPQL queries. The reference to it may be obtained from the current EntityManager instance by calling createQuery() method. If the query is supposed to be used to load entities, we recommend calling createQuery() with the result type as a parameter. This will create a TypedQuery instance.

The methods of Query mainly correspond to the methods of the standard JPA javax.persistence.Query interface. Let us have a look at the differences.

  • setParameter() – sets a value to a query parameter. If the value is an entity instance, implicitly converts the instance into its identifier. For example:

    Customer customer = ...;
    TypedQuery<Order> query = entityManager.createQuery(
        "select o from sales$Order o where o.customer.id = ?1", Order.class);
    query.setParameter(1, customer);

    Note that the entity is passed as a parameter while comparison in the query is done using identifier.

    A variant of the method with implicitConversions = false does not perform such conversion.

  • setView(), addView() – define a view which is used to load data.

  • getDelegate() – returns an instance of javax.persistence.Query, provided by the ORM implementation.

If a view is set for a query, then by default the query has FlushModeType.AUTO, which affects the case when the current persistence context contains changed entity instances: these instances will be saved to the database prior to the query execution. In other words, ORM first synchronizes the state of entities in the persistence context and in the database, and only after that runs the query. It guarantees that the query results contain all relevant instances, even if they have not been saved to the database explicitly yet. The downside of this is that you will have an implicit flush, i.e. execution of SQL update statements for all currently changed entity instances, which may affect performance.

If a query is executed without a view, then by default the query has FlushModeType.COMMIT, which means that the query will not cause a flush, and the query results will not respect the contents of the current persistence context.

In most cases ignoring the current persistence context is acceptable, and is a preferred behavior because it doesn’t lead to extra SQL updates. But there is the following issue when using views: if there is a changed entity instance in the persistence context, and you execute a query with a view and FlushModeType.COMMIT loading the same instance, the changes will be lost. That is why we use FlushModeType.AUTO by default when running queries with views.

You can also set flush mode explicitly using the setFlushMode() method of the Query interface. It will override the default settings described above. JPQL Functions

The main difference in JPQL between CUBA and standard JPA is that CUBA functions always require an alias, both in SELECT and UPDATE/DELETE statements.


UPDATE app$DeliveryAddress e SET e.customer = :target WHERE e.customer = :source

UPDATE app$DeliveryAddress SET customer = :target WHERE customer = :source

The JPQL DELETE FROM statement throws an exception if launched for the soft-deleted entity and the Soft Delete mode is on. Such statement is actually transformed to SQL which deletes all instances not marked for deletion. The soft deletion is disabled by default and can be enabled using the cuba.enableDeleteStatementInSoftDeleteMode application property.

The table below describes the JPQL functions supported and not supported by CUBA Platform.

Function Support Query

Aggregate Functions


SELECT AVG(o.quantity) FROM app$Order o

Not supported: aggregate functions with scalar expression (EclipseLink feature)

SELECT AVG(o.quantity)/2.0 FROM app$Order o

SELECT AVG(o.quantity * o.price) FROM app$Order o



SELECT emp FROM app$Employee emp WHERE emp.salary > ALL (SELECT m.salary FROM app$Manager m WHERE m.department = emp.department)

Arithmetic Functions (INDEX, SIZE, ABS, SQRT, MOD)


SELECT w.name FROM app$Course c JOIN c.studentWaitlist w WHERE c.name = 'Calculus' AND INDEX(w) = 0

SELECT w.name FROM app$Course c WHERE c.name = 'Calculus' AND SIZE(c.studentWaitlist) = 1

SELECT w.name FROM app$Course c WHERE c.name = 'Calculus' AND ABS(c.time) = 10

SELECT w.name FROM app$Course c WHERE c.name = 'Calculus' AND SQRT(c.time) = 10.5

SELECT w.name FROM app$Course c WHERE c.name = 'Calculus' AND MOD(c.time, c.time1) = 2

CASE Expressions in UPDATE query


SELECT e.name, f.name, CONCAT(CASE WHEN f.annualMiles > 50000 THEN 'Platinum ' WHEN f.annualMiles > 25000 THEN 'Gold ' ELSE '' END, 'Frequent Flyer') FROM app$Employee e JOIN e.frequentFlierPlan f

Not supported: CASE in UPDATE query

UPDATE app$Employee e SET e.salary = CASE e.rating WHEN 1 THEN e.salary * 1.1 WHEN 2 THEN e.salary * 1.05 ELSE e.salary * 1.01 END




EclipseLink Functions (CAST, REGEXP, EXTRACT)


SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM e.createTs) FROM app$MyEntity e WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM e.createTs) > 2012

SELECT e FROM app$MyEntity e WHERE e.name REGEXP '.*'

SELECT CAST(e.number text) FROM app$MyEntity e WHERE e.path LIKE CAST(:ds$myEntityDs.id text)

Not supported: CAST in GROUP BY clause

SELECT e FROM app$Order e WHERE e.amount > 100 GROUP BY CAST(e.orderDate date)

Entity Type Expression

Supported: entity type passed as a parameter

SELECT e FROM app$Employee e WHERE TYPE(e) IN (:empType1, :empType2)

Not supported: direct link to an entity type

SELECT e FROM app$Employee e WHERE TYPE(e) IN (app$Exempt, app$Contractor)

Function Invocation

Supported: function result in comparison clauses

SELECT u FROM sec$User u WHERE function('DAYOFMONTH', u.createTs) = 1

Not supported: function result as is

SELECT u FROM sec$User u WHERE function('hasRoles', u.createdBy, u.login)



SELECT e FROM Employee e, IN(e.projects) p WHERE p.budget > 1000000

IS EMPTY collection


SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.projects IS EMPTY


Not supported

SELECT v.location.street, KEY(i).title, VALUE(i) FROM app$VideoStore v JOIN v.videoInventory i WHERE v.location.zipcode = '94301' AND VALUE(i) > 0



SELECT e FROM app$Employee e WHERE e.name = 'Bob'

SELECT e FROM app$Employee e WHERE e.id = 1234

SELECT e FROM app$Employee e WHERE e.id = 1234L

SELECT s FROM app$Stat s WHERE s.ratio > 3.14F

SELECT s FROM app$Stat s WHERE s.ratio > 3.14e32D

SELECT e FROM app$Employee e WHERE e.active = TRUE

Not supported: date and time literals

SELECT e FROM app$Employee e WHERE e.startDate = {d'2012-01-03'}

SELECT e FROM app$Employee e WHERE e.startTime = {t'09:00:00'}

SELECT e FROM app$Employee e WHERE e.version = {ts'2012-01-03 09:00:00.000000001'}


Supported: fields or query results

SELECT d FROM app$Department d WHERE (select e from app$Employee e where e.id = :eParam) MEMBER OF e.employees

Not supported: literals

SELECT e FROM app$Employee e WHERE 'write code' MEMBER OF e.codes



SELECT NEW com.acme.example.CustomerDetails(c.id, c.status, o.count) FROM app$Customer c JOIN c.orders o WHERE o.count > 100



SELECT NULLIF(emp.salary, 10) FROM app$Employee emp

SELECT COALESCE(emp.salary, emp.salaryOld, 10) FROM app$Employee emp



SELECT h FROM sec$GroupHierarchy h ORDER BY h.level DESC NULLS FIRST



SELECT x FROM app$Magazine x WHERE CONCAT(x.title, 's') = 'JDJs'

SELECT x FROM app$Magazine x WHERE SUBSTRING(x.title, 1, 1) = 'J'

SELECT x FROM app$Magazine x WHERE LOWER(x.title) = 'd'

SELECT x FROM app$Magazine x WHERE UPPER(x.title) = 'D'

SELECT x FROM app$Magazine x WHERE LENGTH(x.title) = 10

SELECT x FROM app$Magazine x WHERE LOCATE('A', x.title, 4) = 6

SELECT x FROM app$Magazine x WHERE TRIM(TRAILING FROM x.title) = 'D'

Not supported: TRIM with trim char

SELECT x FROM app$Magazine x WHERE TRIM(TRAILING 'J' FROM x.title) = 'D'



SELECT goodCustomer FROM app$Customer goodCustomer WHERE goodCustomer.balanceOwed < (SELECT AVG(c.balanceOwed) FROM app$Customer c)

Not supported: path expression instead of entity name in subquery’s FROM

SELECT c FROM app$Customer c WHERE (SELECT AVG(o.price) FROM c.orders o) > 100



SELECT e FROM app$Employee e JOIN TREAT(e.projects AS app$LargeProject) p WHERE p.budget > 1000000

Not supported: TREAT in WHERE clauses

SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN e.projects p WHERE TREAT(p as LargeProject).budget > 1000000 Case-Insensitive Substring Search

You can use the (?i) prefix in the value of the query parameters to conveniently specify conditions for case insensitive search by any part of the string. For example, look at the query:

select c from sales$Customer c where c.name like :name

If you pass the string (?i)%doe% as a value of the name parameter, the search will return John Doe, if such record exists in the database, even though the case of symbols is different. This will happen because ORM will run the SQL query with the condition lower(C.NAME) like ?.

It should be kept in mind that such search will not use index on the name field, even if such exists in the database. Macros in JPQL

JPQL query text can include macros, which are processed before the query is executed. They are converted into the executable JPQL and can additionally modify the set of query parameters.

The macros solve the following problems:

  • Provide a workaround for the limitation of JPQL which makes it impossible to express the condition of dependency of a given field on current time (i.e. expressions like "current_date -1" do not work).

  • Enable comparing Timestamp type fields (the date/time fields) with a date.

Let us consider them in more detail:


Has the format @between(field_name, moment1, moment2, time_unit) or @between(field_name, moment1, moment2, time_unit, user_timezone), where

  • field_name is the name of the compared attribute.

  • moment1, moment2 – start and end points of the time interval where the value of field_name should fall into. Each of the points should be defined by an expression containing now variable with an addition or subtraction of an integer number.

  • time_unit – defines the unit for time interval added to or subtracted from now in the time point expressions and time points rounding precision. May be one of the following: year, month, day, hour, minute, second.

  • user_timezone - an optional argument that defines the current user’s time zone to be considered in the query.

The macro gets converted to the following expression in JPQL: field_name >= :moment1 and field_name < :moment2

Example 1. Customer was created today:

select c from sales$Customer where @between(c.createTs, now, now+1, day)

Example 2. Customer was created within the last 10 minutes:

select c from sales$Customer where @between(c.createTs, now-10, now, minute)

Example 3. Documents dated within the last 5 days, considering current user time zone:

select d from sales$Doc where @between(d.createTs, now-5, now, day, user_timezone)

Has the format @today(field_name) or @today(field_name, user_timezone) and helps to define a condition checking that the attribute value falls into the current date. Essentially, this is a special case of the @between macro.

Example. Customer was created today:

select d from sales$Doc where @today(d.createTs)

Has the format @dateEquals(field_name, parameter) or @dateEquals(field_name, parameter, user_timezone) and allows you to define a condition checking that field_name value (in Timestamp format) falls into the date passed as parameter.


select d from sales$Doc where @dateEquals(d.createTs, :param)

Has the format @dateBefore(field_name, parameter) or @dateBefore(field_name, parameter, user_timezone) and allows you to define a condition checking that field_name value (in Timestamp format) is smaller than the date passed as parameter.


select d from sales$Doc where @dateBefore(d.createTs, :param, user_timezone)

Has the format @dateAfter(field_name, parameter) or @dateAfter(field_name, parameter, user_timezone) and allows you to define a condition that the date of the field_name value (in Timestamp format) is more or equal to the date passed as parameter.


select d from sales$Doc where @dateAfter(d.createTs, :param)

Allows you to use a fully qualified enum constant name instead of its database identifier. This simplifies searching for enum usages throughout the application code.


select r from sec$Role where r.type = @enum(com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.RoleType.SUPER) order by r.name Running SQL Queries

ORM enables execution of SQL queries returning either the lists of individual fields or entity instances. To do this, create a Query or TypedQuery object by calling one of the EntityManager.createNativeQuery() methods.

If individual columns are selected, the resulting list will include the rows as Object[]. For example:

Query query = persistence.getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(
        "select ID, NAME from SALES_CUSTOMER where NAME like ?1");
query.setParameter(1, "%Company%");
List list = query.getResultList();
for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
    Object[] row = (Object[]) it.next();
    UUID id = (UUID) row[0];
    String name = (String) row[1];

If a single column or aggregate function is selected, the result list will contain these values directly:

Query query = persistence.getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(
        "select count(*) from SEC_USER where login = #login");
query.setParameter("login", "admin");
long count = (long) query.getSingleResult();

If the resulting entity class is passed to EntityManager.createNativeQuery() along with the query text, TypedQuery is returned, and ORM attempts to map the query results to entity attributes. For example:

TypedQuery<Customer> query = em.createNativeQuery(
    "select * from SALES_CUSTOMER where NAME like ?1",
query.setParameter(1, "%Company%");
List<Customer> list = query.getResultList();

Keep in mind when using SQL, that the columns corresponding to entity attributes of UUID type are returned as UUID or as String depending on the DBMS in use:

  • HSQLDBString

  • PostgreSQLUUID

  • Microsoft SQL ServerString

  • OracleString

  • MySQLString

Parameters of this type should also be passed either as UUID or using their string representation, depending on the DBMS. To ensure that your code does not depend on the DBMS specifics, use DbTypeConverter. It provides methods to convert data between Java objects and JDBC parameters and results.

Native queries support positional and named parameters. Positional parameters are marked in the query text with ? followed by the parameter number starting from 1. Named parameters are marked with the number sign (#). See the examples above.

Behavior of SQL queries returning entities and modifying queries (update, delete) in relation to the current persistence context is similar to that of JPQL queries described above. Entity Listeners

Entity Listeners are designed to react to the entity instances lifecycle events on the middle tier. See an example in the cookbook.

A listener is a class implementing one or several interfaces from the com.haulmont.cuba.core.listener package. The listener will react to events corresponding to the implemented interfaces.


onBeforeDetach() method is called before the object is detached from EntityManager on transaction commit.

This listener can be used for populating non-persistent entity attributes before sending it to the client tier.


onBeforeAttach() method is called before the object is attached to the persistence context as a result of EntityManager.merge() operation.

This listener can be used, for example, to populate persistent entity attributes before saving it to the database.


onBeforeInsert() method is called before a record is inserted into the database. All kinds of operations can be performed with the current EntityManager available within this method.


onAfterInsert() is called after a record is inserted into database, but before transaction commit. This method does not allow modifications of the current persistence context, however, database modifications can be done using QueryRunner.


onBeforeUpdate() method is called before a record is updated in the database. All kinds of operations can be performed with the current EntityManager available within this method.


onAfterUpdate() method is called after a record was updated in the database, but before transaction commit. This method does not allow modifications of the current persistence context, however, database modifications can be done using QueryRunner.


onBeforeDelete() method is called before a record is deleted from the database (in the case of soft deletion – before updating a record). All kinds of operations can be performed with the current EntityManager available within this method.


onAfterDelete() method is called after a record is deleted from the database (in the case of soft_deletion – before updating a record), but before transaction commit. This method does not allow modifications of the current persistence context, however, database modifications can be done using QueryRunner.

An entity listener should be a managed bean, so you can use injection. For example:

public class MyEntityListener implements
        BeforeUpdateEntityListener<MyEntity> {

    protected Metadata metadata;

    public void onBeforeInsert(MyEntity entity, EntityManager entityManager) {
        Foo foo = metadata.create(Foo.class);

    public void onBeforeUpdate(MyEntity entity, EntityManager entityManager) {
        Foo foo = entityManager.find(Foo.class, entity.getFoo().getId());

An entity listener can be specified for an entity in two ways:

  • Statically – the bean names of listeners are listed in @Listeners annotation on the entity class.

    public class MyEntity extends StandardEntity {
  • Dynamically – the bean name of the listener is passed to the addListener() method of the EntityListenerManager bean. See an example in this section: Running Code on Startup.

Only one listener instance of a certain type is created for all instances of a particular entity class, therefore listener must not have a state.

If several listeners of the same type (for example from annotations of entity class and its parents and also added dynamically) were declared for an entity, they will be invoked in the following order:

  1. For each ancestor, starting from the most distant one, dynamically added listeners are invoked first, followed by statically assigned listeners.

  2. Once parent classes are processed, dynamically added listeners for the given class are invoked first, followed by statically assigned.


If you need to do some calculations and update attributes of multiple entity instances at once on transaction commit, consider using a transaction listener.

5.4.5. Transaction Management

This section covers various aspects of transaction management in CUBA applications. Programmatic Transaction Management

Programmatic transaction management is done using the com.haulmont.cuba.core.Transaction interface. A reference to it can be obtained via the createTransaction() or getTransaction() methods of the Persistence infrastructure interface.

The createTransaction() method creates a new transaction and returns the Transaction interface. Subsequent calls of commit(), commitRetaining(), end() methods of this interface control the created transaction. If at the moment of creation there was another transaction, it will be suspended and resumed after the completion of the newly created one.

The getTransaction() method either creates a new transaction or attaches to an existing one. If at the moment of the call there is an active transaction, then the method completes successfully, but subsequent calls of commit(), commitRetaining(), end() have no influence on the existing transaction. However calling end() without a prior call to commit() will mark current transaction as RollbackOnly.

Examples of programmatic transaction management:

private Metadata metadata;
private Persistence persistence;
// try-with-resources style
try (Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction()) {
    Customer customer = metadata.create(Customer.class);
    customer.setName("John Smith");
// plain style
Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction();
try {
    Customer customer = metadata.create(Customer.class);
    customer.setName("John Smith");
} finally {

Transaction interface has also the execute() method accepting an action class or a lambda expression. The action will be performed in the transaction. This enables organizing transaction management in functional style, for example:

UUID customerId = persistence.createTransaction().execute((EntityManager em) -> {
    Customer customer = metadata.create(Customer.class);
    return customer.getId();

Customer customer = persistence.createTransaction().execute(em ->
        em.find(Customer.class, customerId, "_local"));

Keep in mind that execute() method of a given instance of Transaction may be called only once because the transaction ends after the action code is executed. Declarative Transaction Management

Any method of the Middleware managed bean may be annotated with @org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional, which will automatically create a transaction when the method is called. Such method does not require invoking Persistence.createTransaction(), you can immediately get EntityManager and work with it.

@Transactional annotation supports a number of parameters, including:

  • propagation - transaction creation mode. The REQUIRED value corresponds to getTransaction(), the REQUIRES_NEW value – to createTransaction(). The default value is REQUIRED.

    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
    public void doSomething() {
  • value - data store name. If omitted, the main data store is assumed. For example:

    public void doSomething() {

Declarative transaction management allows you to reduce the amount of boilerplate code, but it has the following drawback: transactions are committed outside of the application code, which often complicates debugging because it conceals the moment when changes are sent to the database and the entities become Detached. Additionally, keep in mind that declarative markup will only work if the method is called by the container, i.e. calling a transaction method from another method of the same object will not start a transaction.

With this in mind, we recommend using declarative transaction management only for simple cases like a service method reading a certain object and returning it to the client. Examples of Transactions Interaction
Rollback of a Nested Transaction

If a nested transaction was created via getTransaction() and rolled back, then commit of the enclosing transaction will be impossible. For example:

void methodA() {
    Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction();
    try {
        // (1) calling a method creating a nested transaction

        // (4) at this point an exception will be thrown, because transaction
        // is marked as rollback only
    } finally {

void methodB() {
    Transaction tx = persistence.getTransaction();
    try {
        // (2) let us assume the exception occurs here
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // (3) handle it and exit
    } finally {

If the transaction in methodB() is created with createTransaction() instead, then rolling it back will have no influence on the enclosing transaction in methodA().

Reading and Modifying Data in a Nested Transaction

Let us first have a look at a dependent nested transaction created using getTransaction():

void methodA() {
    Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction();
    try {
        EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();

        // (1) loading an entity with name == "old name"
        Employee employee = em.find(Employee.class, id);
        assertEquals("old name", employee.getName());

        // (2) setting new value to the field
        employee.setName("name A");

        // (3) calling a method creating a nested transaction

        // (8) the changes are committed to DB, and
        // it will contain "name B"
    } finally {

void methodB() {
    Transaction tx = persistence.getTransaction();
    try {
        // (4) retrieving the same instance of EntityManager as methodA
        EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();

        // (5) loading an entity with the same identifier
        Employee employee = em.find(Employee.class, id);

        // (6) the field value is the new one since we are working with the same
        // persistent context, and there are no calls to DB at all
        assertEquals("name A", employee.getName());
        employee.setName("name B");

        // (7) no actual commit is done at this point
    } finally {

Now, let us have a look at the same example with an independent nested transaction created with createTransaction():

void methodA() {
    Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction();
    try {
        EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();

        // (1) loading an entity with name == "old name"
        Employee employee = em.find(Employee.class, id);
        assertEquals("old name", employee.getName());

        // (2) setting new value to the field
        employee.setName("name A");

        // (3) calling a method creating a nested transaction

        // (8) an exception occurs due to optimistic locking
        // and commit will fail
    } finally {

void methodB() {
    Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction();
    try {
        // (4) creating a new instance of EntityManager,
        // as this is a new transaction
        EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();

        // (5) loading an entity with the same identifier
        Employee employee = em.find(Employee.class, id);

        // (6) the field value is old because an old instance of the entity
        // has been loaded from DB
        assertEquals("old name", employee.getName());

        employee.setName("name B");

        // (7) the changes are commited to DB, and the value of
        // "name B" will now be in DB
    } finally {

In the last example, the exception at point (8) will only occur if the entity supports optimistic locking, i.e. if it implements Versioned interface. Transaction Parameters
Transaction Timeout

You can set a timeout in seconds for created transaction. When the timeout is exceeded, the transaction is interrupted and rolled back. Transaction timeout effectively limits the maximum duration of a database request.

When transactions are managed programmatically, the timeout is specified by passing TransactionParams object to the Persistence.createTransaction() method. For example:

Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction(new TransactionParams().setTimeout(2));

In case of declarative transactions management, use the timeout parameter of the @Transactional annotation:

@Transactional(timeout = 2)
public void someServiceMethod() {

The default timeout can be defined using the cuba.defaultQueryTimeoutSec application property.

Read-only Transactions

A transaction can be marked as read-only if it is intended only for reading data from the database. For example, all load methods of DataManager use read-only transactions by default. Read-only transactions yield better performance because the platform does not execute code that handles possible entity modifications. BeforeCommit transaction listeners are not invoked as well.


If the persistence context of a read-only transaction contains modified entities, IllegalStateException will be thrown on attempt to commit the transaction. It means that you should mark a transaction as read-only only when you are sure that it doesn’t modify any entity.

When transactions are managed programmatically, the read-only sign is specified by passing TransactionParams object to the Persistence.createTransaction() method. For example:

Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction(new TransactionParams().setReadOnly(true));

In case of declarative transactions management, use the readOnly parameter of the @Transactional annotation:

@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public void someServiceMethod() {
... Transaction Listeners

Transaction listeners are designed to react on transaction lifecycle events. Unlike entity listeners, they are not tied to an entity type and invoked for each transaction.

A listener is a managed bean implementing one or both BeforeCommitTransactionListener and AfterCompleteTransactionListener interfaces.


beforeCommit() method is called before transaction commit after all entity listeners if the transaction is not read-only. The method accepts a current EntityManager and a collection of entities in the current persistence context.

The listener can be used to enforce complex business rules involving multiple entities. In the following example, the amount attribute of the Order entity must be calculated based on discount value located in the order, and price and quantity of OrderLine entities constituted the order.

public class OrdersTransactionListener implements BeforeCommitTransactionListener {

    private PersistenceTools persistenceTools;

    public void beforeCommit(EntityManager entityManager, Collection<Entity> managedEntities) {
        // gather all orders affected by changes in the current transaction
        Set<Order> affectedOrders = new HashSet<>();

        for (Entity entity : managedEntities) {
            // skip not modified entities
            if (!persistenceTools.isDirty(entity))

            if (entity instanceof Order)
                affectedOrders.add((Order) entity);
            else if (entity instanceof OrderLine) {
                Order order = ((OrderLine) entity).getOrder();
                // a reference can be detached, so merge it into current persistence context
        // calculate amount for each affected order by its lines and discount
        for (Order order : affectedOrders) {
            BigDecimal amount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            for (OrderLine orderLine : order.getOrderLines()) {
                if (!orderLine.isDeleted()) {
                    amount = amount.add(orderLine.getPrice().multiply(orderLine.getQuantity()));
            BigDecimal discount = order.getDiscount().divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(100), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);

afterComplete() method is called after transaction is completed. The method accepts a parameter indicating whether the transaction was successfully committed and a collection of detached entities contained in the persistence context of the completed transaction.

Usage example:

public class OrdersTransactionListener implements AfterCompleteTransactionListener {

    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OrdersTransactionListener.class);

    public void afterComplete(boolean committed, Collection<Entity> detachedEntities) {
        if (!committed)

        for (Entity entity : detachedEntities) {
            if (entity instanceof Order) {
                log.info("Order: " + entity);

5.4.6. Entity and Query Cache

Entity Cache

Entity cache is provided by EclipseLink ORM framework. It stores recently read or written entity instance in memory, which minimizes database access and improves the application performance.

Entity cache is used only when you retrieve entities by ID, so queries by other attributes still run on the database. However, these queries can be simpler and faster if related entities are in cache. For example, if you query for Orders together with related Customers and do not use cache, the SQL query will contain a JOIN for customers table. If Customer entities are cached, the SQL query will select only orders, and related customers will be retrieved from the cache.

In order to turn on entity cache, set the following properties in the app.properties file of your core module:

  • eclipselink.cache.shared.sales$Customer = true - turns on caching of sales$Customer entity.

  • eclipselink.cache.size.sales$Customer = 500 - sets cache size for sales$Customer to 500 instances. Default size is 100.


    If the entity cache is enabled, it is always recommended to increase the value of cache size. Otherwise, if the number of records returned by the query exceeds 100, a lot of fetch operations will be performed for each record of the query result.

The fact of whether an entity is cached affects the fetch mode chosen by the platform for loading entity graphs. If a reference attribute is a cacheable entity, the fetch mode is always UNDEFINED, which allows ORM to retrieve the reference from the cache instead of executing queries with JOINs or separate batch queries.

The platform provides entity cache coordination in middleware cluster. When a cached entity is updated or deleted on one cluster node, the same cached instance on other nodes (if any) will be invalidated, so the next operation with this instance will read a fresh state from the database.

Query Cache

Query cache stores identifiers of entity instances returned by JPQL queries, so it naturally complements the entity cache.

For example, if entity cache is enabled for an entity (say, sales$Customer), and you execute the query select c from sales$Customer c where c.grade = :grade for the first time, the following happens:

  • ORM runs the query on the database.

  • Loaded Customer instances are placed to the entity cache.

  • A mapping of the query text and parameters to the list of identifiers of the returned instances is placed to the query cache.

When you execute the same query with the same parameters the second time, the platform finds the query in the query cache and loads entity instances from the entity cache by identifiers. No database operations are needed.

Queries are not cached by default. You can specify that a query should be cached on different layers of the application:

  • Using setCacheable() method of the Query interface when working with EntityManager.

  • Using setCacheable() method of the LoadContext.Query interface when working with DataManager.

  • Using setCacheable() method of the CollectionDatasource interface or cacheable XML attribute when working with datasources.


Use cacheable queries only if entity cache is enabled for the returned entity. Otherwise on every query entity instances will be fetched from the database by their identifiers one by one.

Query cache is invalidated automatically when ORM performs creation, update or deletion of instances of the corresponding entities. The invalidation works across the middleware cluster.

The app-core.cuba:type=QueryCacheSupport JMX-bean can be used to monitor the cache state and to evict cached queries manually. For example, if you have modified an instance of the sales$Customer entity directly in the database, you should evict all cached queries for this entity using the evict() operation with sales$Customer argument.

The following application properties affect the query cache:

5.4.7. System Authentication

When executing user requests, the Middleware program code always has access to the information on the current user via the UserSessionSource interface. This is possible because the corresponding SecurityContext object is automatically set for the current thread when a request is received from the client tier.

However, there are situations when the current thread is not associated with any system user, for example, when calling a bean’s method from the scheduler, or via the JMX interface. In case the bean modifies entities in the database, it will require information on who is making changes, i.e., authentication.

This kind of authentication is called "system authentication" as it requires no user participation – the application middle layer simply creates or uses an existing user session and sets the corresponding SecurityContext object for the current thread.

The following methods can be used to provide the system authentication for a code block:

  • Make use of the com.haulmont.cuba.security.app.Authentication bean:

    protected Authentication authentication;
    try {
        // authenticated code
    } finally {
  • Add the @Authenticated annotation to the bean method:

    public String foo(String value) {
        // authenticated code

The second case uses the Authentication bean implicitly, via the AuthenticationInterceptor object, which intercepts calls of all bean methods with the @Authenticated annotation.

In the examples above, the user session will be created on behalf of the user, whose login is specified in the cuba.jmxUserLogin application property. If authentication on behalf of another user is required, pass the login of the desired user to the begin() method of the first variant.


If current thread has an active user session assigned at the time of Authentication.begin() execution, it will not be replaced. Therefore the code will be executed with the existing session and the subsequent call to the end() method will not clear the thread.

For example, if a bean is in the same JVM as the Web Client block, to which the user is currently connected, the call of the JMX bean method from the Web Client built-in JMX console will be executed on behalf of the currently logged in user, regardless of the system authentication.

5.5. Generic User Interface

Generic user interface (Generic UI, GUI) subsystem allows you to create UI screens using XML and Java. The screens created using this approach work identically in both standard client blocks: Web Client and Desktop Client.

Figure 15. The Structure of Generic User Interface

Main components of Generic UI screens are marked as green:

  • XML-descriptors – XML files containing information about datasources and screen layout.

  • Controllers – Java classes containing logic for screen initialization and handling of events generated by UI controls.

The code of application screens included in the gui module interacts with visual component interfaces (VCL Interfaces) implemented separately in the web and desktop modules of the cuba application component. For Web Client the implementation is based on the Vaadin framework, for Desktop Client on the Java Swing framework.

Visual Components Library (VCL)contains a large set of ready-to-use components.

Datasources mechanism provides a unified interface that ensures functioning of data-aware visual components.

Client’s infrastructure (Infrastructure) includes main application window, mechanisms for display and interaction of UI screens and means of interaction with the middleware.

5.5.1. Screens

A generic UI screen is defined by an XML-descriptor and a controller class. The descriptor has a link to the controller class.

In order to be able to invoke the screen from the main menu or from Java code (e.g. from controller of a different screen) the XML-descriptor should be registered in the project’s screens.xml file. The default screen that should be opened after login can be set using the cuba.web.defaultScreenId application property.

The main menu of an application is generated separately for the Web Client and the Desktop Client based on the menu.xml files, located in the project’s web and desktop modules. Screen Types

This section describes the following basic types of screens: Frame

Frames are reusable parts of screens. Frames are included in screens using the frame XML element.

A frame controller must extend the AbstractFrame class.


You can create a frame in Studio using the Blank frame template.

Below are the rules of interaction between a frame and its enclosing screen:

  • Frame components can be referenced from a screen using dot: frame_id.component_id

  • List of screen components can be obtained from a frame controller by invoking getComponent(component_id) method, but only if there is no component with the same name in the frame itself. I.e. frame components mask screen components.

  • Screen datasource can be obtained from a frame by invoking getDsContext().get(ds_id) method or injection, or using ds$ds_id in query, but only if the datasource with the same name is not declared in the frame itself (same as for components).

  • From a screen, frame datasource can be obtained only by iterating the getDsContext().getChildren() collection.

The screen commit causes commit of modified datasources of all frames included in the screen. Simple Screen

Simple screens enable displaying and editing of arbitrary information including individual instances and lists of entities. Screens of this type have only the core functionality for opening in the application’s main window and working with datasources.

The controller of a simple screen must be inherited from the AbstractWindow class.


You can create a simple screen in Studio using the Blank screen template. Lookup Screen

Lookup screens are designed to select and return instances or lists of entities. The standard LookupAction in visual components like PickerField and LookupPickerField invokes lookup screens to select related entities.

When a lookup screen is invoked by the openLookup() method, it contains a panel with the buttons for selection. When a user selects an instance or multiple instances, the lookup screen invokes the handler which was passed to it, thus returning results to the calling code. When being invoked by openWindow() method or, for example, from the main menu, the selection panel is not displayed, effectively transforming the lookup screen into a simple screen.

The controller of a lookup screen should be inherited from the AbstractLookup class. The lookupComponent attribute of the screen’s XML must point to a component (for example Table), from which the selected entity instance should be taken as a result of the lookup.


You can create a lookup screen for an entity in Studio using the Entity browser or Entity combined screen templates.

By default, the LookupAction uses a lookup screen registered in screens.xml with the {entity_name}.lookup or {entity_name}.browse identifier, for example, sales$Customer.lookup. So make sure you have one when using components mentioned above. Studio registers browse screens with {entity_name}.browse identifiers, so they are automatically used as lookup screens.

Customization of the lookup screen look and behavior
  • To change the lookup panel (Select and Cancel buttons) for all lookup screens in the project, create a frame and register it with the lookupWindowActions identifier. The default frame is in /com/haulmont/cuba/gui/lookup-window.actions.xml. Your frame must contain a button linked to the lookupSelectAction action (which is added automatically to the screen when it is opened as a lookup).

  • To replace the lookup panel in a certain screen, just create a button linked to the lookupSelectAction action in the screen. Then the default frame will not be added. For example:

    <layout expand="table">
            <button id="selectBtn" caption="Select item"
        <!-- ... -->
  • To replace the default select action with a custom one, just add your action in the controller:

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        addAction(new SelectAction(this) {
            protected Collection getSelectedItems(LookupComponent lookupComponent) {
                Set<MyEntity> selected = new HashSet<>();
                // ...
                return selected;

    Use com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.SelectAction as a base class for your action and override its methods when needed. Edit Screen

Edit screen is designed to display and edit entity instances. It initializes the instance being edited and contains actions for committing changes to the database. Edit screen should be opened by the openEditor() method accepting an entity instance as an argument.

By default, the standard CreateAction and EditAction open a screen, registered in screens.xml with the {entity_name}.edit identifier, for example, sales$Customer.edit.

Edit screen controller must be inherited from the AbstractEditor class.


You can create an edit screen for an entity in Studio using the Entity editor template.

The datasource attribute of a screen’s XML should refer to a datasource containing the edited entity instance. The following standard button frames in the XML can be used to display actions that commit or cancel changes:

  • editWindowActions (file com/haulmont/cuba/gui/edit-window.actions.xml) – contains OK and Cancel buttons

  • extendedEditWindowActions (file com/haulmont/cuba/gui/extended-edit-window.actions.xml) – contains OK & Close, OK and Cancel

The following actions are implicitly initialized in the edit screen:

  • windowCommitAndClose (corresponds to the Window.Editor.WINDOW_COMMIT_AND_CLOSE constant) – an action committing changes to the database and closing the screen. The action is initialized if the screen has a visual component with windowCommitAndClose identifier. The action is displayed as an OK & Close button when the mentioned above standard extendedEditWindowActions frame is used.

  • windowCommit (corresponds to the Window.Editor.WINDOW_COMMIT constant) – an action which commits changes to the database. In absence of windowCommitAndClose action, closes the screen after committing. The action is always displayed as an OK button if the screen has the abovementioned standard frames.

  • windowClose (corresponds to the Window.Editor.WINDOW_CLOSE constant) – which closes the screen without committing any changes. The action is always initialized. If the screen has the abovementioned standard frames, it is displayed as Cancel button.

Thus, if the screen contains an editWindowActions frame, the OK button commits the changes and closes the screen, and the Cancel button – closes the screen without committing the changes. If the screen contains an extendedEditWindowActions frame, the OK button only commits the changes, OK & Close button commits the changes and closes the screen, and the Cancel button closes the screen without committing the changes.

Instead of standard frames, the actions can be visualized using arbitrary components, for example, LinkButton. Combined Screen

The combined screen allows you to display a list of entities on the left and an edit form for a selected entity on the right. So it is a combination of lookup and edit screens.

The controller of a combined screen should be inherited from the EntityCombinedScreen class.


You can create a combined screen for an entity in Studio using the Entity combined screen template. XML-Descriptor

XML-descriptor is a file in XML format describing datasources and screen layout.

Descriptor has the following structure:

window − root element.

window attributes:

  • class − name of a controller class.

  • messagesPack − a default message pack for the screen. It is used to obtain localized messages in the controller using getMessage() method and in the XML descriptor using message key without specifying the pack.

  • caption − window caption, can contain a link to a message from the above mentioned pack, for example,

  • focusComponent − identifier of a component which should get input focus when the screen is displayed.

  • lookupComponent – mandatory attribute for a lookup screen; defines the identifier of a visual component that the entity instance should be selected from. Supports the following types of components (and their subclasses):

    • Table

    • Tree

    • LookupField

    • PickerField

    • OptionsGroup

  • datasource – mandatory attribute for an edit screen which defines the identifier of the datasource containing the edited entity instance.

window elements:

  • metadataContext − the element initializing the views required for the screen. It is recommended to define all views in a single views.xml file, because all view descriptors are deployed into a common repository, so it is difficult to ensure unique names if the descriptors are scattered across multiple files.

  • dsContext − defines datasource for the screen.

  • dialogMode - defines the settings of geometry and behaviour of the screen when it is opened as a dialog.

    Attributes of dialogMode:

    • closeable - defines whether the dialog window has close button. Possible values: true, false.

    • closeOnClickOutside - defines if the dialog window should be closed by click on outside the window area, when the window has a modal mode. Possible values: true, false.

    • forceDialog - specifies that the screen should always be opened as a dialog regardless of what WindowManager.OpenType was selected in the calling code. Possible values: true, false.

    • height - sets the height of the dialog window.

    • maximized - if the true value is set, the dialog window will be maximized across the screen. Possible values: true, false.

    • modal - specifies the modal mode for the dialog window. Possible values: true, false.

    • positionX - sets the x position of the top-left corner of the dialog window.

    • positionY - sets the y position of the top-left corner of the dialog window.

    • resizable - defines whether the user can change the size of the dialog window. Possible values: true, false.

    • width - sets the width of the dialog window.

    For example:

    <dialogMode height="600"
  • actions – defines the list of actions for the screen.

  • timers – defines the list of timers for the screen.

  • companions – defines the list of companion classes for the screen controller.

    Elements of companions:

    • web – defines a companion implemented in the web module.

    • desktop – defines a companion implemented in the desktop module.

    Each of these elements contains class attribute defining the companion class.

  • layout − root element of the screen layout, a container with a vertical layout of components, similar to vbox.

    Attributes of layout: Screen Controller

Screen controller is a Java or Groovy class, linked to an XML-descriptor and containing screen initialization and event handling logic.

Controller should be inherited from one of the following base classes:


If a screen does not need additional logic, it can use the base class itself as a controller – AbstractWindow, AbstractLookup or AbstractEditor, by specifying it in the XML-descriptor (these classes are not actually abstract in a sense of impossibility of instantiating). For frames, controller class can be omitted.

Controller class should be registered in class attribute of the root element window in a screen’s XML descriptor.

Figure 16. Controller Base Classes AbstractFrame

AbstractFrame is the root of the controller classes hierarchy. Below is the description of its main methods:

  • init() is called by the framework after creating components tree described by an XML-descriptor, but before a screen is displayed.

    init() method accepts a map of parameters that can be used in controller. These parameters can be passed both from the controller of the calling screen (using openWindow(), openLookup() or openEditor() methods) or defined in the screen registration file screens.xml.

    init() method should be implemented if it is necessary to initialize screen components, for example:

    private Table someTable;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        someTable.addGeneratedColumn("someColumn", new Table.ColumnGenerator<Colour>() {
            public Component generateCell(Colour entity) {
  • getMessage(), formatMessage() – methods for retrieving localized messages from a pack, defined for a screen in the XML-descriptor. They work as shortcuts for calling the corresponding methods of the Messages interface.

  • openFrame() – loads a frame according to an identifier registered in screens.xml file. If the method receives a container component from the invoking code, the frame is shown within the container. The method returns frame controller. For example:

    private BoxLayout container;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        SomeFrame frame = openFrame(container, "someFrame");

    It is not required to pass the container immediately via openFrame() method, instead it is possible to load the frame first and then add it to the necessary container:

    private BoxLayout container;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        SomeFrame frame = openFrame(null, "someFrame");
  • openWindow(), openLookup(), openEditor() – open a simple screen, a lookup screen, or an edit screen respectively. Methods return a controller of the created screen.

    For the dialog mode, the method openWindow() can be called with parameters, for example:

    public void actionPerform(Component component) {
        openWindow("sec$User.browse", WindowManager.OpenType.DIALOG.width(800).height(300).closeable(true).resizable(true).modal(false));

    These parameters will be considered if they don’t conflict with the higher-priority parameters of the window being opened. The latter can be set either in the getDialogOptions() method of screen controller or in XML descriptor of the screen:

    <dialogMode forceDialog="true" width="300" height="200" closeable="true" modal="true" closeOnClickOutside="true"/>

    CloseListener can be added in order to perform actions after the invoked screen closes, for example:

    CustomerEdit editor = openEditor("sales$Customer.edit", customer, WindowManager.OpenType.THIS_TAB);
    editor.addCloseListener((String actionId) -> {
        // do something

    Use CloseWithCommitListener to be notified only when the invoked screen closes by an action with the Window.COMMIT_ACTION_ID name (i.e. OK button), for example:

    CustomerEdit editor = openEditor("sales$Customer.edit", customer, WindowManager.OpenType.THIS_TAB);
    editor.addCloseWithCommitListener(() -> {
        // do something
  • showMessageDialog() – shows a dialog box with a message.

  • showOptionDialog() – shows a dialog box with a message and an option for user to invoke certain actions. Actions are defined by an array of Action type items displayed as buttons in the dialog.

    It is recommended to use DialogAction objects for display of standard buttons such as OK, Cancel and other, for example:

    showOptionDialog("PLease confirm", "Are you sure?",
            new Action[] {
                new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.YES) {
                    public void actionPerform(Component component) {
                        // do something
                new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.NO)
  • showNotification() – shows a pop up notification.

  • showWebPage() – opens specified web page in a browser. AbstractWindow

AbstractWindow is a subclass of AbstractFrame and defines the following methods:

  • getDialogOptions() – returns a DialogOptions object to control geometry and behaviour of the screen when it is opened as a dialog (WindowManager.OpenType.DIALOG). These options can be set when the screen is initialized as well as can be changed at a runtime. See the examples below.

    Setting the width and height:

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

    Setting the dialog position on the screen:


    Making the dialog closeable by click on outside area:


    Making the dialog non-modal and resizable:

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

    Defining whether the dialog should be maximized across the screen:


    Specifying that the screen should always be opened as a dialog regardless of what WindowManager.OpenType was selected in the calling code:

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
  • setContentSwitchMode() - defines how the managed main TabSheet should switch a tab with the given window: hide it or unload its content.

    Three options are available:

    • DEFAULT - the switch mode is determined by the managed main TabSheet mode, defined in the cuba.web.managedMainTabSheetMode application property.

    • HIDE - the tab content should be hidden not considering the TabSheet mode.

    • UNLOAD - tab content should be unloaded not considering the TabSheet mode.

  • saveSettings() - saves the screen settings of the current user to the database when the screen is closed.

    For example, the screen contains a checkBox showPanel that manages some panel’s visibility. In the following method we create an XML element for the checkBox, then add an attribute showPanel containing the checkBox value to this element, and finally we save the settings element to the XML descriptor for the current user in the database:

    private CheckBox showPanel;
    public void saveSettings() {
        boolean showPanelValue = showPanel.getValue();
        Element xmlDescriptor = getSettings().get(showPanel.getId());
        xmlDescriptor.addAttribute("showPanel", String.valueOf(showPanelValue));
  • applySettings() - restores settings saved in the database for the current user when the screen is opened.

    This method can be overridden to restore custom settings. For example, in the method below we get the XML element of the checkBox from the previous example, then we make sure the required attribute is not null, and if it isn’t, we set the restored value to the checkBox:

    public void applySettings(Settings settings) {
        Element xmlDescriptor = settings.get(showPanel.getId());
        if (xmlDescriptor.attribute("showPanel") != null) {

    Another example of managing settings is the standard Server Log screen from the Administration menu of CUBA application that automatically saves and restores recently opened log files.

  • ready() - a template method that can be implemented in controller to intercept the moment of screen opening. It is invoked when the screen is fully initialized and opened.

  • validateAll() – validates a screen. The default implementation calls validate() for all screen components implementing the Component.Validatable interface, collects information about exceptions and displays corresponding message. Method returns false, if any exceptions were found; and true otherwise.

    This method should be overridden only if it is required to override screen validation procedure completely. It is sufficient to implement a special template method – postValidate(), if validation should be just supplemented.

  • postValidate() – a template method that can be implemented in controller for additional screen validation. The method stores validation errors information in ValidationErrors object which is passed to it. Afterwards this information is displayed together with the errors of standard validation. For example:

    private Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\d");
    protected void postValidate(ValidationErrors errors) {
        if (getItem().getAddress().getCity() != null) {
            if (pattern.matcher(getItem().getAddress().getCity()).find()) {
                errors.add("City name can't contain digits");
  • showValidationErrors() - shows validation errors alert. It can be overridden to change the default alert behavior. The notification type can be defined by the cuba.gui.validationNotificationType application property.

    public void showValidationErrors(ValidationErrors errors) {
  • close() – closes this screen.

    The method accepts string value, which is then passed to preClose() template method and to CloseListener listeners. Thus, the information about the reason why the window was closed can be obtained from the code that initiated the closing event. It is recommended to use the following constants for closing edit screens: Window.COMMIT_ACTION_ID after committing changes, Window.CLOSE_ACTION_ID – without committing changes.

    If any of the datasources contains unsaved changes, a dialog with a corresponding message will be displayed before the screen is closed. Notification type may be adjusted using the cuba.gui.useSaveConfirmation application property.

    A variant of close() method with force = true parameter closes the screen without calling preClose() and without a notification regardless of any unsaved changes.

    close() method returns true, if the screen is closed successfully, and false – if closing procedure was interrupted.

  • preClose() is a template method which can be implemented in a controller to intercept the moment when the window closes. The method receives a string value provided by the closing initiator when invoking close() method.

    If the preClose() method returns false, the window closing process is interrupted.

  • addBeforeCloseWithCloseButtonListener() - adds a listener to be notified when a screen is closed with one of the following approaches: the screen’s close button, bread crumbs, or TabSheet tabs' close actions (Close, Close All, Close Others). To prevent a user from closing a window accidentally, invoke the preventWindowClose() method of BeforeCloseEvent:

  • addBeforeCloseWithShortcutListener - adds a listener to be notified when a screen is closed with a close shortcut (for example, Esc button). To prevent a user from closing a window accidentally, invoke the preventWindowClose() method of BeforeCloseEvent:

    addBeforeCloseWithShortcutListener(BeforeCloseEvent::preventWindowClose); AbstractLookup

AbstractLookup is the base class for lookup screen controllers. It is a subclass of AbstractWindow and defines the following own methods:

  • setLookupComponent() – sets the component, which will be used to select entity instances.

    As a rule, component for selection is defined in screen XML-descriptor and there is no need to call this method in the application code.

  • setLookupValidator() – sets Window.Lookup.Validator object to the screen, which validate() method is invoked by the framework before returning selected entity instances. If validate() method returns false, the lookup and window closing process is interrupted.

    By default, the validator is not set. AbstractEditor

AbstractEditor is the base class for edit screen controller. It is a subclass of AbstractWindow.

When creating a controller class, it is recommended to parameterize AbstractEditor with the edited entity class. This enables getItem() and initNewItem() methods work with the specified entity type and application code does not need to do additional type conversion. For example:

public class CustomerEdit extends AbstractEditor<Customer> {

    protected void initNewItem(Customer item) {

AbstractEditor defines the following own methods:

  • getItem() – returns an instance of the entity being edited, which is set in the main datasource of the screen (i.e. specified in the datasource attribute of the root element of the XML-descriptor).

    If the instance being edited is not a new one, screen opening procedure will reload the instance from the database with the required view as set for the main datasource.

    Changes made to the instance returned by getItem(), are reflected in the state of the datasource and will be sent to the Middleware at commit.


    It should be considered that getItem() returns a value only after screen is initialized with setItem() method. Until this moment, this method returns null, for instance when calling from inside init() or initNewItem().

    However, in the init() method, an instance of an entity passed to openEditor() can be retrieved from parameters using the following approach:

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        Customer item = WindowParams.ITEM.getEntity(params);
        // do something

    The initNewItem() method receives an instance as a parameter of the appropriate type.

    In both cases the obtained entity instance will be reloaded afterwards unless it is a new one. Therefore you should not change it or save it in a field for future use.

  • setItem() – invoked by the framework when a window is opened using openEditor() to set the instance being edited to the main datasource. By the moment of invocation all screen components and datasources will have been created and the controller’s init() method will have been executed.

    It is recommended to use template methods initNewItem() and postInit(), instead of overriding setItem() in order to initialize a screen.

  • initNewItem() – a template method invoked by the framework before setting the edited entity instance into the main datasource.

    The initNewItem() method is called for newly created entity instances only. The method is not called for detached instances. This method can be implemented in the controller, if new entity instances must be initialized before setting them in the datasource. For example:

    private UserSession userSession;
    protected void initNewItem(Complaint item) {

    A more complex example of using the initNewItem() method can be found in the cookbook.

  • postInit() – a template method invoked by the framework immediately after the edited entity instance is set to the main datasource. In this method, getItem() can be called to return a new entity instance or an instance re-loaded during screen initialization.

    This method can be implemented in controller for final screen initialization, for example:

    private EntityStates entityStates;
    protected EntityDiffViewer diffFrame;
    protected void postInit() {
        if (!entityStates.isNew(getItem())) {
  • commit() – validates the screen and submits changes to the Middleware via DataSupplier.

    If a method is used with validate = false, commit does not perform a validation.

    It is recommended to use specialized template methods – postValidate(), preCommit() and postCommit() instead of overriding this method.

  • commitAndClose() – validates the screen, submits changes to the Middleware and closes the screen. The value of the Window.COMMIT_ACTION_ID will be passed to the preClose() method and registered CloseListener listeners.

    It is recommended to use specialized template methods – postValidate(), preCommit() and postCommit() instead of overriding this method.

  • preCommit() – a template method invoked by the framework during the commit process, after a successful validation, but before the data is submitted to the Middleware.

    This method can be implemented in controller. If the method returns false, commit process gets interrupted, as well as window closing process (if commitAndClose() was invoked). For example:

    protected boolean preCommit() {
        if (somethingWentWrong) {
            showNotification("Something went wrong", NotificationType.WARNING);
            return false;
        return true;
  • postCommit() – a template method invoked by the framework at the final stage of committing changes. Method parameters are:

    • committed – set to true, if the screen had changes and they have been submitted to Middleware.

    • close – set to true, if the screen should be closed after the changes are committed.

      If the screen does not close the default implementation of this method displays a message about successful commit and invokes postInit().

      This method can be overridden in controller in order to perform additional actions after successful commit, for example:

      private Datasource<Driver> driverDs;
      private EntitySnapshotService entitySnapshotService;
      protected boolean postCommit(boolean committed, boolean close) {
          if (committed) {
              entitySnapshotService.createSnapshot(driverDs.getItem(), driverDs.getView());
          return super.postCommit(committed, close);

The diagrams below show initialization sequence and different ways to commit changes for an edit screen.

Figure 17. Edit Screen Initialization
Figure 18. Committing And Closing a Window With an editWindowActions Frame
Figure 19. Committing a Screen With an extendedEditWindowActions Frame
Figure 20. Committing a Screen With an extendedEditWindowActions Frame EntityCombinedScreen

EntityCombinedScreen is the base class for combined screen controllers. It is a subclass of AbstractLookup.

The EntityCombinedScreen class looks up key components such as table, field group and others by hardcoded identifiers. If you name your components differently, override protected methods of the class and return your identifiers to let the controller find your components. See the class JavaDocs for details. Controller Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection in controllers can be used to acquire references to utilized objects. For this purpose it is required to declare either a field of the corresponding type or a write access method (setter) with an appropriate parameter type and with one of the following annotations:

  • @Inject – the simplest option, where an object for injection will be found according to the field/method type and the name of the field or attribute corresponding to the method according to JavaBeans rules.

  • @Named("someName") – explicitly defines the name of the target object.

The following objects can be injected into controllers:

  • This screen’s visual components defined in the XML-descriptor. If the attribute type is derived from Component, the system will search for a component with the corresponding name within the current screen.

  • Actions defined in the XML-descriptor – see Actions. The Action Interface.

  • Datasources defined in the XML-descriptor. If the attribute type is derived from Datasource, the system will search for a datasource with the corresponding name in the current screen.

  • UserSession. If the attribute type is UserSession, the system will inject an object of the current user session.

  • DsContext. If the attribute type is DsContext, the system will inject the DsContext of the current screen.

  • WindowContext. If the attribute type is WindowContext, the system will inject the WindowContext of the current screen.

  • DataSupplier. If the attribute type is DataSupplier, the corresponding instance will be injected.

  • Any bean defined in the context of a given client block, including:

  • If nothing of the mentioned above is appropriate and the controller has companions, a companion for the current client type will be injected, if the types match.

It is possible to inject parameters passed in a map to the init() method into the controller using @WindowParam annotation. The annotation has the name attribute which contains the parameter name (a key in the map) and an optional required attribute. If required = true and the map does not contain the corresponding parameter a WARNING message is added to the log.

An example of the injection of a Job entity passed to the controller’s init() method:

@WindowParam(name = "job", required = true)
protected Job job; Controller Companions

Controller base classes are located in the gui module of the cuba application component and do not contain references to the implementation of visual component classes (Swing or Vaadin). This allows you to use them in both types of clients.

At the same time concrete controller classes can be created in gui, web or desktop modules, depending on screen specifics and client blocks used in the project. If a controller is common for all client types but additional functionality is required for different client types, it can be implemented in so-called companion classes.

Companion class is located in client module of the corresponding client type (web or desktop) and implements an interface defined in the controller that uses the companion class. A companion class should be defined in the companions element of the screen XML-descriptor. Controller can retrieve a reference to the companion instance using injection or by invoking getCompanion(), and then pass control to the companion instance when appropriate, e.g. for extended initialization of visual components in a way specific to a given client type.

For example, on some screen, you need to initialize a table differently for web and desktop clients. Then in the screen controller located in gui module, define a companion interface and delegate the table initialization to it:

public class CustomerBrowse extends AbstractLookup {

    public interface Companion {
        void initTable(Table<Customer> table);

    protected Table<Customer> table;
    protected Companion companion;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        if (companion != null) {

Create companion implementations in web and desktop modules:

public class WebCustomerBrowseCompanion implements CustomerBrowse.Companion {
    public void initTable(Table<Customer> table) {
        com.vaadin.ui.Table webTable = (com.vaadin.ui.Table) WebComponentsHelper.unwrap(table);
        // do something specific to Vaadin table
public class DesktopCustomerBrowseCompanion implements CustomerBrowse.Companion {
    public void initTable(Table<Customer> table) {
        javax.swing.JTable desktopTable = (javax.swing.JTable) DesktopComponentsHelper.unwrap(table);
        // do something specific to Swing table

And register the implementation classes in the screen XML descriptor:

<window ...
      <web class="com.company.sample.web.customers.WebCustomerBrowseCompanion"/>
      <desktop class="com.company.sample.desktop.customers.DesktopCustomerBrowseCompanion"/>

The companion classes are located in web and desktop modules, therefore you can use WebComponentsHelper.unwrap() and DesktopComponentsHelper.unwrap() to get references to Vaadin and Swing components implementing the table. Screen Agent

Screen agent enables choosing a screen template according to the current device and display parameters. For example, you can create two screens with different layouts (and possibly different functionality), and register them in screens.xml with the same identifier. Then at runtime, the platform will choose a screen that better conforms to the display from which the user accesses the application.

There are three predefined screen agents in the platform: DESKTOP, TABLET, PHONE. They are defined by the following classes respectively: DesktopScreenAgent, TabletScreenAgent, PhoneScreenAgent. You can define your own agents by creating managed beans implementing the ScreenAgent interface.

A screen agent is specified for a screen in the screens.xml file. The value of the agent attribute should be either one of the predefined constants listed above or a name of the custom bean implementing ScreenAgent.

In Studio, an agent is specified on the Properties tab of the screen designer page.

5.5.2. Visual Components Library Components
















Text inputs













Date inputs






























Tables and trees































gui_tokenList AppMenu

AppMenu component provides means of customizing the main menu in the main window layout and managing menu items dynamically.

gui AppMenu

CUBA Studio provides the screen template for main window based on the standard mainWindow screen provided by the platform. This template extends the AppMainWindow class and provides direct access to the AppMenu instance:

public class ExtAppMainWindow extends AppMainWindow {

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

        AppMenu.MenuItem item = mainMenu.createMenuItem("shop", "Shop");
        AppMenu.MenuItem subItem = mainMenu.createMenuItem("customer", "Customers", null, menuItem -> {
            showNotification("Customers menu item clicked", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
        mainMenu.addMenuItem(item, 0);

Methods of the AppMenu interface:

  • addMenuItem() - adds menu item to the end of root items list or to specified position in the root items list.

  • createMenuItem() - the factory method that creates new menu item. Does not add item to the menu. id must be unique for whole menu.

  • createSeparator() - creates menu separator.

  • getMenuItem()/getMenuItemNN() - returns the item from the menu tree by its id.

  • getMenuItems() - returns the list of root menu items.

  • hasMenuItems() - returns true if the menu has items.

Methods of the MenuItem interface:

  • addChildItem() / removeChildItem() - adds/removes the menu item to the end or to the specified position of children list.

  • getCaption() - returns the String caption of the menu item.

  • getChildren() - returns the list of child items.

  • setCommand() - sets item command, or the action to be performed on this menu item click.

  • setDescription() - sets the String description of the menu item, displayed as a popup tip.

  • setIconFromSet() - sets the item’s icon.

  • getId() - returns the menu item id.

  • getMenu() - returns the menu item owner.

  • setStylename() - sets one or more user-defined style names of the component, replacing any previous user-defined styles. Multiple styles can be specified as a space-separated list of style names. The style names must be valid CSS class names.

  • hasChildren() - returns true if the menu item has child items.

  • isSeparator() - returns true if the item is a separator.

  • setVisible() - manages visibility of the menu item. BrowserFrame

A BrowserFrame is designed to display embedded web pages. It is the equivalent of the HTML iframe element.

gui browserFrame

Component’s XML-name: browserFrame

The component is implemented for Web Client.

An example of component definition in an XML-descriptor of a screen:

<browserFrame id="browserFrame"
    <url url="https://doc.cuba-platform.com/manual-6.6/"/>

Similarly to the Image component, the BrowserFrame component can also display images from different resources. You can set the resource type declaratively using the browserFrame elements listed below:

  • classpath - a resource in the classpath.

        <classpath path="com/company/sample/web/screens/myPic.jpg"/>
  • file - a resource in the file system.

        <file path="D:\sample\modules\web\web\VAADIN\images\myImage.jpg"/>
  • relativePath - resource in the application directory.

        <relativePath path="VAADIN/images/myImage.jpg"/>
  • theme - a theme resource, for example:

        <theme path="../halo/com.company.demo/myPic.jpg"/>
  • url - a resource which can be loaded from the given URL.

        <url url="http://www.foobar2000.org/"/>

browserFrame attributes:

  • alternateText - sets an alternate text for the frame in case the resource is not set or unavailable.

browserFrame resources settings:

  • bufferSize - the size of the download buffer in bytes used for this resource.

        <file bufferSize="1024" path="C:/img.png"/>
  • cacheTime - the length of cache expiration time in milliseconds.

        <file cacheTime="2400" path="C:/img.png"/>
  • mimeType - the MIME type of the resource.

        <url url="https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/17548514?v=4&#38;s=200"

Methods of the BrowserFrame interface:

  • addSourceChangeListener() - adds a listener that will be notified when the content source is changed.

    browserFrame.addSourceChangeListener(event ->
            showNotification("Content updated"));
  • setSource() - sets the content source for the frame. The method accepts the resource type and returns the resource object that can be configured using the fluent interface. Each resource type has its own methods, for example, setPath() for ThemeResource type or setStreamSupplier() for StreamResource type:

    BrowserFrame frame = componentsFactory.createComponent(BrowserFrame.class);
    try {
        frame.setSource(UrlResource.class).setUrl(new URL("http://www.foobar2000.org/"));
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    You can use the same resource types as for the Image component.

  • createResource() - creates the frame resource implementation by its type. The created object can be later passed to the setSource() method.

    UrlResource resource = browserFrame.createResource(UrlResource.class)
            .setUrl(new URL(fromString));
HTML markup in BrowserFrame:

BrowserFrame can be used to integrate HTML markup into your application. For example, you can dynamically generate HTML content at runtime from the user input.

<textArea id="textArea"
<browserFrame id="browserFrame"
textArea.addTextChangeListener(event -> {
    byte[] bytes = event.getText().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            .setStreamSupplier(() -> new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))
gui browserFrame 2
PDF in BrowserFrame:

Besides HTML, BrowserFrame can be also used for displaying PDF files content. Use the file as a resource and set the corresponding MIME type for it:

private BrowserFrame browserFrame;
private Resources resources;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
            .setStreamSupplier(() -> resources.getResourceAsStream("/com/company/demo/" +
gui browserFrame 3

Attributes of browserFrame

align - alternateText - caption - colspan - description - enable - height - icon - id - responsive - rowspan - stylename - visible - width

Attributes of browserFrame resources

bufferSize - cacheTime - mimeType

Elements of browserFrame

classpath - file - relativePath - theme - url


addSourceChangeListener - createResource - setSource Button

A button performs an action when a user clicks on it.


Component’s XML-name: button

Button component is implemented for both Web and Desktop clients.

Buttons can contain a caption, an icon, or both. The figure below shows different button types.

gui buttonTypes

An example of a button with a tooltip and a caption retrieved from a localized message pack:

<button id="textButton" caption="msg://someAction" description="Press me"/>

The button’s caption is set using the caption attribute, the tooltip – using the description attribute.

If the disableOnClick attribute is set to true the button will be automatically disabled when clicked, typically to prevent (accidental) extra clicks on a button. You can later return the button to the enabled state by invoking the setEnabled(true) method.

The icon attribute defines icon location in theme catalog or the icon name in the icon set. Detailed information on recommended icon placement is available in Icons.

Example of creating a button with an icon:

<button id="iconButton" caption="" icon="SAVE"/>

The button’s main function is to perform an action on a click. Controller method that should be invoked after a click can be defined using invoke attribute. The attribute value should contain name of the controller method satisfying the following conditions:

  • The method should be public.

  • The method should return void.

  • The method should not have any arguments, or should have a single argument of Component type. If the method has a Component argument, then an instance of the invoking button will be passed in it.

Below is the example of a button invoking someMethod:

<button invoke="someMethod" caption="msg://someButton"/>

A method named someMethod should be defined in the screen controller:

public void someMethod() {
    //some actions

The invoke attribute is ignored if action attribute is set. The action attribute contains the name of action corresponding to the button.

Example of a button with an action:

    <action id="someAction" caption="msg://someAction"/>
    <button action="someAction"/>

Any action present in the component implementing Component.ActionsHolder interface can be assigned to a button. This applies to Table, GroupTable, TreeTable, Tree. The way of adding actions (declaratively in the XML descriptor or programmatically in the controller) is irrelevant. In any case, for using an action, the name of the component and the identifier of the required action must be specified in the action attribute, separated by dot. For instance, in the next example the create action of the coloursTable table is assigned to a button:

<button action="coloursTable.create"/>

Button actions can also be created programmatically in the screen controller by deriving them from BaseAction class.


If an Action instance is defined for a Button, the button will take the following properties from it: caption, description, icon, enable, visible. The caption, description and icon properties will be imported from Action only if they are not set in the Button itself. All other listed Action properties have priority over the Button properties.

If Action properties are changed after the Action has been set for a Button, then Button properties also change accordingly, i.e. the button listens to the changes in Action properties. In this case, the caption, description and icon properties will change even if they had been initially assigned to the button itself.

Button styles

In Web Client with a Halo-based theme, you can set predefined styles to the Button component using the stylename attribute either in the XML descriptor or in the screen controller:

<button id="button"
        caption="Friendly button"

When setting a style programmatically, select one of the HaloTheme class constants with the BUTTON_ prefix:

  • borderless - borderless button.

  • borderless-colored - borderless button with a colored caption text.

  • danger - a prominent button that can be used when the action is considered unsafe for the user (i.e. it causes data loss or some other irreversible action).

  • friendly - a prominent button that can be used for primary actions when the action is considered safe for the user (i.e. does not cause any data loss or any other irreversible action).

  • icon-align-right - align the icon to the right side of the button caption.

  • icon-align-top - stack the icon on top of the button caption.

  • icon-only - only show the icon in the button, and size the button to a square shape.

  • primary - primary action button (e.g. the button that should get activated when the user presses the Enter key in a form). Use sparingly, only one default button per view should be visible.

  • quiet - "quiet" button, which looks like borderless until you hover over it with the mouse. BulkEditor

BulkEditor is a component that enables changing attribute values for several entity instances at once. The component is a button, usually added to a table or a tree, which opens the entity bulk editor on click.

gui bulkEdit

XML-name of the component: bulkEditor

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

To enable the use of BulkEditor, the table or tree must have the multiselect attribute set to "true".

The entity editor is automatically generated based on the defined view (containing the fields of this entity, including references), the entity’s dynamic attributes (if any) and the user permissions. System attributes are not displayed in the editor either.

Entity attributes in the editor are sorted alphabetically. By default, the fields are empty. At screen commit, non-empty attribute values defined in the editor, are set for all the entity instances.

The editor also enables removing a specific field value for all the instances by setting it to null. In order to do this, click gui_bulkEditorSetNullButton button next to the field. After that, the field will become non-editable. The field can be unlocked by clicking the same button again.

gui invoiceBulkEdit

Example of bulkEditor use in a table:

<table id="invoiceTable"
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->
        <bulkEditor for="invoiceTable"
bulkEditor attributes
  • The for attribute is required. It contains the identifier of a dataGrid, a table, or a tree; in this case, it is the invoiceTable.

  • The exclude attribute can contain a regular expression to exclude some fields explicitly from the list of attributes available for editing. For example: date|customer

    gui TableBulkEdit
  • includeProperties - defines the entity attributes to be included to bulk editor window. If set, other attributes will be ignored.

    includeProperties does not apply for dynamic attributes.

    When set declaratively, the list of properties should be comma-separated:

    <bulkEditor for="ordersTable" includeProperties="name, description"/>

    The list of properties can also be set programmatically in the screen controller:

    bulkEditor.setIncludeProperties(Arrays.asList("name", "description"));
  • loadDynamicAttributes defines whether or not the dynamic attributes of the edited entity should be displayed on the entity’s bulk editor screen. The default value is true.

  • useConfirmDialog defines whether or not the confirmation dialog should be displayed to the user before saving the changes. The default value is true.

    gui BulkEditor useConfirmDialog Calendar

The Calendar component is intended to organize and display calendar events.

gui calendar 1

XML-name of the component: calendar.

The component is implemented for Web Client.

An example of component definition in an XML-descriptor of a screen:

<calendar id="calendar"

The view mode is determined from the date range of the calendar, defined by the start date and the end date. The default view is the weekly view, it is used for ranges up to seven days a week. For a single-day view use the range within one date. Calendar will be shown in a monthly view when the date range is over than one week (seven days) long.

Navigation buttons to page the calendar one week forward or backward are hidden by default. To show them on a weekly view, use the attribute navigationButtonsVisible:

<calendar width="100%"
gui calendar 2

Attributes of calendar:

  • endDate - the end date for the calendar’s range.

  • endDateProperty - the name of an entity attribute that contains the end date.

  • descriptionProperty - the name of an entity attribute that contains the event description.

  • isAllDayProperty - the name of an entity attribute that determines if the event is all day long.

  • startDate - the start date for the calendar’s range.

  • startDateProperty - the name of an entity attribute that contains the start date.

  • stylenameProperty - the name of an entity attribute that contains the event style name.

  • timeFormat - time format: 12H or 24H.

    Working with Calendar events:

    To display events in the calendar cells, you can add the events directly to the Calendar object using the addEvent() method or use the CalendarEventProvider interface. An example of direct event adding:

    private Calendar calendar;
    public void generateEvent(String caption, String description, Date start, Date end, boolean isAllDay, String stylename) {
        SimpleCalendarEvent calendarEvent = new SimpleCalendarEvent();

    The removeEvent() method of CalendarEventProvider is used to remove a particular event by its index:

    CalendarEventProvider eventProvider = calendar.getEventProvider();
    List<CalendarEvent> events = new ArrayList<>(eventProvider.getEvents());

    The removeAllEvents method, in turn, removes all available events:

    CalendarEventProvider eventProvider = calendar.getEventProvider();

    There are two data providers available: ListCalendarEventProvider (created by default) and EntityCalendarEventProvider.

    ListCalendarEventProvider is filled by addEvent() method that gets a CalendarEvent object as a parameter:

    private Calendar calendar;
    public void addEvents() {
        ListCalendarEventProvider listCalendarEventProvider = new ListCalendarEventProvider();
                "Training", "Student training", "2016-10-17 09:00", "2016-10-17 14:00", false, "event-blue"));
                "Development", "Platform development", "2016-10-17 15:00", "2016-10-17 18:00", false, "event-red"));
                "Party", "Party with friends", "2016-10-22 13:00", "2016-10-22 18:00", false, "event-yellow"));
    private SimpleCalendarEvent generateEvent(String caption, String description, String start, String end, Boolean allDay, String style) {
        SimpleCalendarEvent calendarEvent = new SimpleCalendarEvent();
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
        return calendarEvent;

    EntityCalendarEventProvider is filled with data directly from an entity fields. To be used for the EntityCalendarEventProvider, an entity should at least have attributes for the event start date (DateTime type), event end date (DateTime type) and event caption (String type).

    In the example below we will assume that the datasource entity has all required attributes: eventCaption, eventDescription, eventStartDate, eventEndDate, eventStylename, and will set their names as values for calendar attributes:

    <calendar id="calendar"

The Calendar component supports several event listeners for user interaction with its elements, such as date and week captions, date/time range selections, event dragging and event resizing. Navigation buttons used to scroll forward and backward in time are also listened by the server. Below is the list of default listeners:

  • addDateClickListener(CalendarDateClickListener listener); - adds listener for date clicks:

            calendarDateClickEvent ->
                    showNotification(String.format("Date clicked: %s", calendarDateClickEvent.getDate().toString()),
  • addWeekClickListener() - adds listener for week number clicks.

  • addEventClickListener() - adds listener for calendar event clicks.

  • addEventResizeListener() - adds listener for event size changing.

  • addEventMoveListener() - adds listener for event drag and drop.

  • addForwardClickListener() - adds listener for calendar forward scrolling.

  • addBackwardClickListener() - adds listener for calendar backward scrolling.

  • addRangeSelectListener() - adds listener for calendar range selection.

Calendar events can be styled with CSS. To configure a style, create the style name and set the parameters in the .scss-file. For example, let’s configure the background color of an event:

.v-calendar-event.event-green {
  background-color: #c8f4c9;
  color: #00e026;

Then use the setStyleName method of the event:


As a result, the event’s background is green:

gui calendar 3

In order to change the names of days and months in the Calendar component, use the setDayNames() and setMonthNames() methods, passing a map with the new values to them:

Map<DayOfWeek, String> days = new HashMap<>(7);
days.put(DayOfWeek.MONDAY,"Heavens and earth");
days.put(DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY,"Dry land");
days.put(DayOfWeek.FRIDAY,"Fish and birds");
days.put(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY,"Animals and man");
calendar.setDayNames(days); CapsLockIndicator

This is a field that indicates if the Caps Lock is on when the user is typing a password in the PasswordField.

XML name of the component: capsLockIndicator.

CapsLockIndicator is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

gui capsLockIndicator

The capsLockOnMessage and capsLockOffMessage attributes allow you to define the messages that will be shown by the component depending on the current Caps Lock state.


<hbox spacing="true">
    <passwordField id="passwordField"
    <capsLockIndicator id="capsLockIndicator"/>
CapsLockIndicator capsLockIndicator = componentsFactory.createComponent(CapsLockIndicator.class);

The CapsLockIndicator component is designed to be used together with the PasswordField and handles the Caps Lock state only when this field is focused. When the field loses its focus, the state is changed to inactive.

Changing visibility of the CapsLockIndicator component dynamically using the visible attribute when the screen is already opened may not work as expected.

Attributes of capsLockIndicator

align - capsLockOffMessage - capsLockOnMessage - colspan - height - id - rowspan - stylename - visible - width CheckBox

CheckBox is a component with two states: selected or deselected.


Component’s XML-name: checkBox.

CheckBox component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

An example of a checkbox with a label retrieved from a localized messages pack:

<checkBox id="accessField" caption="msg://accessFieldCaption"/>

Selecting / deselecting of the checkbox changes its value: Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE. The value can be retrieved using getValue() method and set using setValue(). Submitting null using setValue() will change the value to Boolean.FALSE and uncheck the checkbox.

Changes of the checkbox value, as well as of any other components implementing the Field interface, can be tracked using a ValueChangeListener. For example:

private CheckBox accessField;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    accessField.addValueChangeListener(event -> {
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(event.getValue())) {
            showNotification("set", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
        } else {
            showNotification("not set", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);

The datasource and property attributes should be used to create a checkbox associated with data.

    <datasource id="customerDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Customer" view="_local"/>
    <checkBox datasource="customerDs" property="active"/>

According to the example the screen includes the description of customerDs data source for a Customer entity with active attribute. The datasource attribute of the checkBox component should contain a reference to a data source; the property attribute should contain the name of an entity attribute which value should be displayed in the checkbox. The attribute should have Boolean type. If the attribute value is null the checkbox is deselected. ColorPicker

ColorPicker is a field that allows a user to preview and select a color. Component returns a hexadecimal (HEX) value of the color as a string.

gui color picker

An example of a color picker with a caption retrieved from the localized messages pack:

<colorPicker id="colorPicker" caption="msg://colorPickerCaption"/>

The figure below shows an example of the color picker with the popup closed.

gui color picker mini

To create a color picker connected to data, use datasource and property attributes.

    <datasource id="carsDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Cars" view="_local"/>
    <colorPicker id="colorPicker" datasource="carsDs" property="color"/>

Attributes of сolorPicker:

  • buttonCaption - caption of the component button.

  • defaultCaptionEnabled - if set to true and buttonCaption is not set, displays HEX value as a button caption.

  • historyVisible - determines the visibility of history of recently picked colors in the popup window.

You can determine visibility of the popup tabs using the following attributes:

  • rgbVisible - determines the visibility of the RGB tab.

  • hsvVisible - determines the visibility of the HSV tab.

  • swatchesVisible - determines the visibility of the swatches tab.

By default, only the RGB tab is visible.

Also, if you want to redefine the labels in popup, you can use caption attributes:

  • popupCaption - caption of the popup window.

  • confirmButtonCaption - caption of the confirm button.

  • cancelButtonCaption - caption of the cancel button.

  • swatchesTabCaption - swatches tab caption.

  • lookupAllCaption - caption of lookup item for all colors.

  • lookupRedCaption - caption of lookup item for red color.

  • lookupGreenCaption - caption of lookup item for green color.

  • lookupBlueCaption - caption of lookup item for blue color.

getValue() method of the component returns a string, containing a HEX code of the selected color. CurrencyField

CurrencyField is a subtype of a text field designed for currency value input. It has a currency symbol inside the field and is aligned to the right by default.

gui currencyField

XML-name of the component: currencyField.

CurrencyField is implemented for Web Client only.

Basically, CurrencyField repeats the functionality of TextField. You can manually set a datatype for the field, except that only numeric datatypes inheriting NumericDatatype class are supported. If the datatype is unparseable, an exception will be thrown.

CurrencyField can be bound to a datasource using the datasource and the property attributes:

<currencyField currency="$"

currencyField attributes:

  • currency - a text that will be a content of the currency label.

    <currencyField currency="USD"/>
  • currencyLabelPosition - sets the position of currency label inside the field:

    • LEFT - to the left from the text input component,

    • RIGHT - to the right from the text input component (default value).

  • showCurrencyLabel - defines whether the currency label should be displayed. DataGrid

DataGrid, similarly to the Table component, is designed to display and sort tabular data, and provides means to manipulate rows and columns with greater performance due to lazy loading of data while scrolling.

gui dataGrid 1

XML name of the component: dataGrid.

The component is implemented for Web Client.

An example of component definition in an XML-descriptor of a screen:

    <collectionDatasource id="ordersDs"
            select o from sales$Order o order by o.date
<dataGrid id="ordersDataGrid"
        <column id="date" property="date"/>
        <column id="customerName" property="customer.name"/>
        <column id="amount" property="amount"/>

In the example above the id attribute is a column identifier, and the property is the name of the entity attribute from the data source that populates the column with data.

dataGrid elements:

  • columns - mandatory element that defines the DataGrid columns set. Each column is described in the nested column element with the following attributes:

    • id - an optional attribute with the column identifier. If not set, the string with the property value will be used as the column identifier. In this case setting the property value is mandatory, otherwise the GuiDevelopmentException exception will be thrown. The id attribute is still mandatory for the columns created in the screen controller.

    • property - contains the entity attribute’s name. Can be either an attribute of the entity from the data source or a linked entity – object graph traversal is indicated with a dot. For example:

          <column id="date" property="date"/>
          <column id="customer" property="customer"/>
          <column id="customerName" property="customer.name"/>
          <column id="customerCountry" property="customer.address.country"/>
    • caption - an optional attribute containing the column caption. If not specified, a localized attribute name will be displayed.

    • expandRatio - sets the column width ratio. By default, all columns have equal width (i.e. expandRatio = 1). If another value is set for at least one column, all implicit values are ignored, and only set values are considered.

    • collapsible - defines whether a user can hide or show columns using the sidebar menu in the top right of DataGrid. The default value is true

    • collapsed - an optional attribute; hides the column by default when set to true. The default value is false.

    • collapsingToggleCaption - sets the column’s caption in the sidebar menu. By default its value is null, in this case the caption remains the same as the column’s caption.

      gui dataGrid 2
    • resizable - defines whether a user can change the column’s size.

    • sortable - an optional attribute to disable sorting of the column. Takes effect if the whole DataGrid has sortable attribute set to true (which is by default).

    • width - an optional attribute controlling default column width. May contain only numeric values in pixels.

    • minimumWidth - sets the minimal column width in pixels.

    • maximumWidth - sets the maximal column width in pixels.

    The column element may contain a nested formatter element that allows you to represent the attribute value in a format different from the standard for this DataType:

    <column id="date">
        <formatter class="com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.formatters.DateFormatter"
                   format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"/>
  • actions - optional element to define actions for DataGrid. Besides custom actions, the standard actions from the ListActionType enumeration are also supported: create, edit, remove, refresh, add, exclude.

  • buttonsPanel - creates a ButtonsPanel container with action buttons above the DataGrid component.

  • rowsCount - optional element that creates a RowsCount component for the DataGrid. RowsCount enables pagination of data, the page size is set by limitation of records in the data source with the help of CollectionDatasource.setMaxResults() method from the screen controller. Another way to do this is to use a universal Filter component bound with the same data source as the DataGrid.

The RowsCount component can also display the total number of records returned by current data request without loading these records. When a user clicks the "?" button, it calls the AbstractCollectionDatasource.getCount() method that passes to the database a request with the same parameters as current but with COUNT(*) aggregation function instead of getting results. The returned number is displayed in place of "?" symbol.

dataGrid attributes:

  • columnResizeMode - sets the mode of columns resizing by user. Two modes are supported:

    • ANIMATED - the columns size follows the mouse when dragging (default mode).

    • SIMPLE - the columns size is changed after the dragging is finished.

    The column size changes can be tracked with ColumnResizeListener.

  • columnsCollapsingAllowed - defines whether a user can hide columns in the sidebar menu. Displayed columns are checked in the menu. When a column name is checked/unchecked, the value of collapsed attribute of each column is updated. When set to false, the collapsed attribute of any column cannot be set to true.

    The column collapsing changes can be tracked with ColumnCollapsingChangeListener.

  • contextMenuEnabled - enables turning on and off the context menu. Default value is true.

    The right mouse clicks on the DataGrid can be tracked with ContextClickListener.

  • editorBuffered - sets the buffered editor mode. The default mode is buffered (true).

  • editorCancelCaption - sets the caption on the cancel button in the DataGrid editor.

  • editorEnabled - enables the item inline editor UI. Default value is false. If dataGrid is bound to ValueCollectionDatasource, it is supposed to be read-only, and editorEnabled attribute becomes nonsense.

  • editorSaveCaption - sets the caption on the save button in the DataGrid inline editor.

  • frozenColumnCount - sets the number of fixed DataGrid columns. The 0 value means that no columns will be fixed except the predefined column with checkboxes for multiple choice if the multiselect mode is used. The -1 value makes even multiselect column not fixed.

  • headerVisible - defines if the DataGrid header is visible. The default value is true.

  • reorderingAllowed - defines whether a user can change the columns order by dragging them with a mouse. The default value is true.

    The column order changes can be tracked with ColumnReorderListener.

  • selectionMode - sets the rows selection mode. There are 4 predefined selection modes:

    • SINGLE - single record selection.

    • MULTI - multiple selection as in any table.

    • MULTI_CHECK - multiple selection using the embedded column with checkboxes.

    • NONE - selection is disabled.

      Rows selection events can be tracked by SelectionListener.

      gui dataGrid 3
  • sortable - enables or disables the DataGrid sorting. The default value is true. When the sorting is enabled, the click on the column name will display the sorting icon to the right of che column caption. Sorting of any specific column can be disabled by this column’s sortable attribute.

    The DataGrid sorting events can be tracked by SortListener.

  • textSelectionEnabled - enables or disables text selection in the DataGrid cells. The default value is false.

Methods of the DataGrid interface:

  • getColumns() - returns the current set of DataGrid columns in their current display order.

  • getSelected(), getSingleSelected() - return instances of the entities corresponding to the selected rows of the table. A collection can be obtained by invoking getSelected(). If nothing is selected, the application returns an empty set. If SelectionMode.SINGLE is set, it is more convenient to use getSingleSelected() method returning one selected entity or null, if nothing is selected.

  • getVisibleColumns() - returns the current set of visible DataGrid columns in their current display order.

  • scrollTo() - method allows you to scroll the DataGrid to the specified row. It takes an entity instance identifying the row as a parameter. Besides the entity instance, an overloaded method can take a ScrollDestination parameter with the following possible values:

    • ANY - scroll as little as possible to show the required record.

    • START - scroll to place the required record in the beginning of the DataGrid visible area.

    • MIDDLE - scroll to place the required record in the centre of the DataGrid visible area.

    • END - scroll to place the required record in the end of the DataGrid visible area.

  • scrollToStart() and scrollToEnd() - scroll the DataGrid to the top and to the end respectively.

  • setCellStyleProvider() - enables setting the DataGrid cell display style.

  • setRowStyleProvider() - enables setting the DataGrid row display style.

  • setEnterPressAction() - method allows you to define an action executed when Enter is pressed. If such action is not defined, the table will attempt to find an appropriate one in the list of its actions in the following order:

    • The action defined by the setItemClickAction() method.

    • The action assigned to the Enter key by the shortcut property.

    • The edit action.

    • The view action.

    If such action is found, and has enabled = true property, the action is executed.

  • setItemClickAction() - method allows you to define an action that will be performed when a table row is double-clicked. If such action is not defined, the table will attempt to find an appropriate one in the list of its actions in the following order:

    • The action assigned to the Enter key by the shortcut property.

    • The edit action.

    • The view action.

    If such action is found, and has enabled = true property, the action is executed.

    Item click events can be tracked with ItemClickListener.

  • sort() - sorts the data for the specified column in the sort direction chosen from 2 values of the SortDirection enum:

    • ASCENDING - ascending (e.g. A-Z, 1..9) sort order.

    • DESCENDING - descending (e.g. Z-A, 9..1) sort order.

Usage of description providers:

  • setCellDescriptionProvider() methods allows to set the CellDescriptionProvider instance for generating optional descriptions (tooltips) for individual DataGrid cells. The description may contain HTML markup.

        if ("name".equals(columnId)||"lastName".equals(columnId)){
            return null;
        String description="<strong>"+
                ": </strong>";
        if ("grade".equals(columnId)){
            description += messages.getMessage(entity.getGrade());
        } else if ("active".equals(columnId)){
            description += getMessage(entity.getActive() ? "trueString":"falseString");
        } else {
            description += entity.getValue(columnId);
            return description;
    gui dataGrid 11
  • setRowDescriptionProvider() sets the RowDescriptionProvider instance for generating optional descriptions (tooltips) for DataGrid rows. If a CellDescriptionProvider is also set, the row description generated by provider is used for cells for which the cell description provider returns null.

    gui dataGrid 10

Usage of the DetailsGenerator interface:

The DetailsGenerator interface allows you to create a custom component to display the details of a particular row using the setDetailsGenerator() method:

ordersGrid.setDetailsGenerator(new DataGrid.DetailsGenerator<Order>() {
    public Component getDetails(Order entity) {
        VBoxLayout mainLayout = componentsFactory.createComponent(VBoxLayout.class);

        HBoxLayout headerBox = componentsFactory.createComponent(HBoxLayout.class);

        Label infoLabel = componentsFactory.createComponent(Label.class);
        infoLabel.setValue("Order info:");

        Component closeButton = createCloseButton(entity);

        Component contentLabel = getContentLabel(entity);


        return mainLayout;


gui dataGrid 15

Usage of DataGrid inline editor:

The DataGrid component has an API for inline editing of records in the cells. When an item is being edited, the inline edit UI with default save and cancel buttons is displayed.

Methods of inline editor API:

  • getEditedItemId() - returns the id of the item that is currently being edited.

  • isEditorActive() - returns whether an item is currently being edited in the editor.

  • editItem(Object itemId)(Deprecated) - opens the editor interface for the provided item id. Scrolls the Grid to bring the item to view if it is not already visible.

  • edit(Entity entity) - opens the editor interface for the provided entity. Scrolls the Grid to bring the entity to view if it is not already visible.

You can add and remove listeners to the editor using the following methods:

  • addEditorOpenListener(), removeEditorOpenListener() - DataGrid editor open listener.

    This listener is triggered by a double click on the DataGrid area that instantiates the inline editor and enables to get the fields of the edited row. This enables to update some fields depending on other fields' values without closing the editor.

    For example:

    customersTable.addEditorOpenListener(event -> {
        Map<String, Field> fieldMap = event.getFields();
        Field active = fieldMap.get("active");
        Field grade = fieldMap.get("grade");
        ValueChangeListener listener = e ->
  • addEditorCloseListener(), removeEditorCloseListener() - DataGrid editor close listener.

  • addEditorPreCommitListener(), removeEditorPreCommitListener() - DataGrid editor pre commit listener.

  • addEditorPostCommitListener(), removeEditorPostCommitListener() - DataGrid editor post commit listener.

The changes are committed to the datasource only. The logic to save these changes in the database should be added separately.

The editor field can be customized with the help of ColumnEditorFieldGenerator interface. Apply the setEditorFieldGenerator() to a column in order to set a custom component for editing this column:

ordersGrid.getColumnNN("amount").setEditorFieldGenerator((datasource, property) -> {
    LookupField lookupField = componentsFactory.createComponent(LookupField.class);
    lookupField.setDatasource(datasource, property);
    lookupField.setOptionsList(Arrays.asList(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ONE, BigDecimal.TEN));

    return lookupField;

The result:

gui dataGrid 14

Usage of the ColumnGenerator interface:

DataGrid enables adding generated columns with the help of the methods:

  • addGeneratedColumn(String columnId, ColumnGenerator generator)

  • addGeneratedColumn(String columnId, ColumnGenerator generator, int index)

ColumnGenerator is a special interface that defines the generated, or calculated, column:

  • value of each column’s row,

  • the type of value - common for the whole column.

Below is an example of generating a column that displays users' login in the upper case:

public void init(Map<String, Object> params){
    DataGrid.Column column = usersGrid.addGeneratedColumn("loginUpperCase",new DataGrid.ColumnGenerator<User, String>(){
        public String getValue(DataGrid.ColumnGeneratorEvent<User> event){
            return event.getItem().getLogin().toUpperCase();

        public Class<String> getType(){
            return String.class;
    column.setCaption("Login Upper Case");

The result:

gui dataGrid 7

ColumnGeneratorEvent, passed in the getValue method, contains information on the entity, displayed in the current DataGrid row, and the column identifier.

By default, the generated column is added to the end of the table. There are two possible ways to manage the column’s position: either using an index in the code or adding a column in advance in the XML descriptor and pass its id to the addGeneratedColumn method.

Usage of renderers:

The way the data is displayed in columns can be customized by means of renderers. For example, to display icons as pictures in the cells, the path to an icon can be used together with the ImageRenderer class:

public void init(Map<String, Object> params){
    DataGrid.Column avatar = usersGrid.addGeneratedColumn("userAvatar", new DataGrid.ColumnGenerator<User, String>() {
        public String getValue(DataGrid.ColumnGeneratorEvent<User> event) {
            return "icons/user.png";

        public Class<String> getType() {
            return String.class;
    }, 0);

The result:

gui dataGrid 8

The WebComponentRenderer interface allows you to display components of different web components types in the DataGrid cells. This interface is implemented only in the Web Module. Below is an example of creating a column with the LookupField component:

import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.Configuration;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.GlobalConfig;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.AbstractWindow;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.DataGrid;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.LookupField;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.xml.layout.ComponentsFactory;
import com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.User;
import com.haulmont.cuba.web.gui.components.renderers.WebComponentRenderer;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

public class Users extends AbstractWindow {
    private ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;
    private Configuration configuration;
    private DataGrid<User> usersGrid;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

        Map<String, Locale> locales = configuration.getConfig(GlobalConfig.class).getAvailableLocales();
        Map<String, Object> options = new TreeMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Locale> entry : locales.entrySet()) {
            options.put(entry.getKey(), messages.getTools().localeToString(entry.getValue()));

        DataGrid.Column column = usersGrid.addGeneratedColumn("language",
                new DataGrid.ColumnGenerator<User, Component>() {
                    public Component getValue(DataGrid.ColumnGeneratorEvent<User> event) {
                        LookupField component = componentsFactory.createComponent(LookupField.class);

                        User user = event.getItem();

                        component.addValueChangeListener(e -> user.setLanguage((String) e.getValue()));

                        return component;

                    public Class<Component> getType() {
                        return Component.class;

        column.setRenderer(new WebComponentRenderer());

The result:

gui dataGrid 13

When the field type does not match the data type that can be processed by a renderer, one can use the converters to match data types of the model and the view. For example, to display a boolean value as an icon, it would be handy to use the HtmlRenderer to display HTML layout and a converter, which will convert a boolean value to the layout for icons' display.

public void init(Map<String, Object> params){
    DataGrid.Column hasEmail = usersGrid.addGeneratedColumn("hasEmail", new DataGrid.ColumnGenerator<User, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean getValue(DataGrid.ColumnGeneratorEvent<User> event) {
            return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(event.getItem().getEmail());

        public Class<Boolean> getType() {
            return Boolean.class;
    hasEmail.setCaption("Has Email");
    hasEmail.setConverter(new DataGrid.Converter<String, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean convertToModel(String value, Class<? extends Boolean> targetType, Locale locale) {
            return null;

        public String convertToPresentation(Boolean value, Class<? extends String> targetType, Locale locale) {
            return BooleanUtils.isTrue(value)
                    ? FontAwesome.CHECK_SQUARE_O.getHtml()
                    : FontAwesome.SQUARE_O.getHtml();

        public Class<Boolean> getModelType() {
            return Boolean.class;

        public Class<String> getPresentationType() {
            return String.class;

The result:

gui dataGrid 9

The renderers can be created in two ways:

  • passing a renderer interface to the fabric method of the DataGrid interface. Suits for GUI and Web modules.

  • directly creating a renderer implementation for the corresponding module:

    dataGrid.createRenderer(DataGrid.ImageRenderer.class) → new WebImageRenderer()

    For the moment this way is suitable only for the Web module.

The list of renderers supported by the Platform:

  • TextRenderer - displays plain text.

  • HtmlRenderer - displays HTML layout.

  • ProgressBarRenderer - displays double values between 0 and 1 as a ProgressBar component.

  • DateRenderer - displays dates in the defined format.

  • NumberRenderer - displays numbers in the defined format.

  • ButtonRenderer - displays string values as a button caption.

  • ImageRenderer - uses the path to an image to display the image.

  • CheckBoxRenderer - displays boolean values as a checkbox icon.

Header and Footer:

HeaderRow and FooterRow interfaces are used to represent header and footer cells respectively. They can be a merged cell for multiple columns.

The following methods of DataGrid allow to create and manage the DataGrid header and footer:

  • appendHeaderRow(), appendFooterRow() - adds a new row at the bottom of the header/footer section.

  • prependHeaderRow(), prependFooterRow() - adds a new row at the top of the header/footer section.

  • addHeaderRowAt(), addFooterRowAt() - inserts a new row at the given position to the header/footer section. Shifts the row currently at that position and any subsequent rows down incrementing their indices.

  • removeHeaderRow(), removeFooterRow() - removes the given row from the header/footer section.

  • getHeaderRowCount(), getFooterRowCount() - gets the row count for the header/footer section.

  • setDefaultHeaderRow() - sets the default row of the header. The default row is a special header row providing a user interface for sorting columns.

HeaderCell and FooterCell interfaces provide means of customization of static DataGrid cells:

  • setStyleName() - sets a custom style name for this cell.

  • getCellType() - returns the type of content stored in this cell. There are 3 types of DataGridStaticCellType enumeration available:

    • TEXT

    • HTML


  • getComponent(), getHtml(), getText() - returns the content displayed in this cell depending on its type.

Below is an example of DataGrid the header that contains merged cells, and the footer displaying calculated values.

<dataGrid id="dataGrid"
        <column property="country"/>
        <column property="year2014"/>
        <column property="year2015"/>
public class DataGridHeaderFooterFrame extends AbstractFrame {
    private DataGrid<CountryGrowth> dataGrid;
    private CollectionDatasource<CountryGrowth, UUID> countryGrowthDs;
    private UserSessionSource userSessionSource;

    private DecimalFormat percentFormat;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {


    private DecimalFormat initPercentFormat() {
        percentFormat = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(userSessionSource.getLocale());
        return percentFormat;

    private void initRenderers() {
        dataGrid.getColumnNN("year2014").setRenderer(new WebNumberRenderer(percentFormat));
        dataGrid.getColumnNN("year2015").setRenderer(new WebNumberRenderer(percentFormat));

    private void initHeader() {
        HeaderRow headerRow = dataGrid.prependHeaderRow();
        HeaderCell headerCell = headerRow.join("year2014", "year2015");
        headerCell.setText("GDP growth");

    private void initFooter() {
        FooterRow footerRow = dataGrid.appendFooterRow();
        footerRow.getCell("country").setHtml("<strong>" + getMessage("average") + "</strong>");

    private double getAverage(String propertyId) {
        double average = 0.0;
        Collection<CountryGrowth> items = countryGrowthDs.getItems();
        for (CountryGrowth countryGrowth : items) {
            Double value = countryGrowth.getValue(propertyId);
            average += value != null ? value : 0.0;
        return average / items.size();
gui dataGrid 12 DateField

DateField is a field to display and enter date and time. It is an input field, inside which there is a button with a drop-down calendar. To the right, there is a time field.

gui dateFieldSimple

XML name of the component: dateField.

The DateField component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

  • To create a date field associated with data, you should use the datasource and property attributes:

        <datasource id="orderDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Order" view="_local"/>
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date"/>

    In the example above, the screen has the orderDs data source for the Order entity, which has the date property. The reference to the data source is specified in the datasource attribute of the dateField component; the name of the entity attribute which value should be displayed in the field is specified in the property attribute.

  • If the field is associated with an entity attribute, it will automatically take the appropriate form:

    • If the attribute has the java.sql.Date type or the @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) annotation is specified, the time field will not be displayed. The date format is defined by the date datatype and is specified in the main localized message pack in the dateFormat key.

    • Otherwise, the time field with hours and minutes will be displayed. The time format is defined by the time datatype and is specified in the main localized message pack in the timeFormat key.

  • You can change the date and time format using the dateFormat attribute. An attribute value can be either a format string itself or a key in a message pack (if the value starts with msg://).

    The format is defined by rules of the SimpleDateFormat class (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html). If there are no H or h characters in the format, the time field will not be displayed.

    <dateField dateFormat="MM/yy" caption="msg://monthOnlyDateField"/>
    gui dateField format

    DateField is primarily intended for quick input by filling placeholders from keyboard. Therefore the component supports only formats with digits and separators. Complex formats with textual representation of weekdays or months will not work.

  • You can specify available dates by using rangeStart and rangeEnd attributes. If a range is set, all dates outside the range will be disabled. You can set range dates in the "yyyy-MM-dd" format in XML or programmatically by using corresponding setters.

    <dateField id="dateField" rangeStart="2016-08-15" rangeEnd="2016-08-19"/>
    gui datefield month range
  • Changes of the DateField value, as well as of any other components implementing the Field interface, can be tracked using a ValueChangeListener.

  • Date and time accuracy can be defined using a resolution attribute. An attribute value should match the DateField.Resolution enumeration − SEC, MIN, HOUR, DAY, MONTH, YEAR. Default is MIN, i.e., to within a minute.

    If resolution="DAY" and dateFormat is not specified, the format will be taken from one specified in the main message pack with the dateFormat key.

    If resolution="MIN" and dateFormat is not specified, the format will be taken from one specified in the main message pack with the dateTimeFormat key. Below is a field definition for entering a date up to within a month.

    <dateField resolution="MONTH" caption="msg://monthOnlyDateField"/>
gui dateField resolution
  • DateField can perform timestamp value conversions between server and user time zones if the user’s time zone is set by setTimeZone() method. The time zone is assigned automatically from the current user session when the component is bound to an entity attribute of the timestamp type. If the component is not bound to such attribute, you can call setTimeZone() in the screen controller to make the DateField perform required conversions..

  • In Web Client with a Halo-based theme, you can set predefined borderless style name to the DateField component to remove borders and background from the field. This can be done either in the XML descriptor or in the screen controller:

    <dateField id="dateField"

    When setting a style programmatically, select the HaloTheme class constant with the DATEFIELD_ prefix:

    dateField.setStyleName(HaloTheme.DATEFIELD_BORDERLESS); DatePicker

DatePicker is a field to display and choose a date. It has the same view as the drop-down calendar in DateField.

gui datepicker mini

XML name of the component: datePicker.

The DatePicker component is implemented for Web Client.

  • To create a date picker associated with data, you should use the datasource and property attributes:

        <datasource id="orderDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Order" view="_local"/>
        <datePicker id="datePicker" datasource="orderDs" property="date"/>

    In the example above, the screen has the orderDs data source for the Order entity, which has the date property. The reference to the data source is specified in the datasource attribute of the datePicker component; the name of the entity attribute which value should be displayed in the field is specified in the property attribute.

  • You can specify available dates to select by using rangeStart and rangeEnd attributes. If you set them, all the dates that are outside the range will be disabled.

    <datePicker id="datePicker" rangeStart="2016-08-15" rangeEnd="2016-08-19"/>
    gui datepicker month range
  • Date accuracy can be defined using a resolution attribute. An attribute value should match the DatePicker.Resolution enumeration − DAY, MONTH, YEAR. Default resolution is DAY.

    <datePicker id="datePicker" resolution="MONTH"/>
    gui datepicker month resolution
    <datePicker id="datePicker" resolution="YEAR"/>
    gui datepicker year resolution Embedded (Deprecated)

Starting from the version 6.8 of the Platform the Embedded component is deprecated. Use the Image component for displaying images or the BrowserFrame component for embedded web pages.

Embedded component is intended for displaying images and embedding arbitrary web pages into the application screens.

XML name of the component: embedded

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client. Desktop Client supports image display only.

Below is an example of using the component to display an image from a file located in FileStorage.

  • Declare the component in an XML screen descriptor:

    <groupBox caption="Embedded" spacing="true"
              height="250px" width="250px" expand="embedded">
        <embedded id="embedded" width="100%"
  • In a screen controller, inject the component itself and the FileStorageService interface. In init() method, get the FileDescriptor passed from the calling code, load the corresponding file in a byte array, create a ByteArrayInputStream for it, and pass the stream to the setSource() method of the component:

    private Embedded embedded;
    private FileStorageService fileStorageService;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        FileDescriptor imageFile = (FileDescriptor) params.get("imageFile");
        byte[] bytes = null;
        if (imageFile != null) {
            try {
                bytes = fileStorageService.loadFile(imageFile);
            } catch (FileStorageException e) {
                showNotification("Unable to load image file", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
        if (bytes != null) {
            embedded.setSource(imageFile.getName(), new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
        } else {

The Embedded component supports several different content types, which are rendered differently in HTML. You can set the content type with the setType() method. Supported types:

  • OBJECT - allows embedding certain file types inside HTML <object> and <embed> elements.

  • IMAGE - embeds an image inside a HTML <img> element.

  • BROWSER - embeds a browser frame inside a HTML <iframe> element.

In Web Client, the component enables displaying of files located inside VAADIN folder. You can set the resource path relative to the application root, for example:

<embedded id="embedded"



You can also define a resource files directory in the cuba.web.resourcesRoot application property and specify the name of a file inside this directory with the prefix for the value: file:// , url:// , or theme://:

<embedded id="embedded"



In order to display an external web page, pass its URL to the component:

try {
    embedded.setSource(new URL("http://www.cuba-platform.com"));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

Attributes of embedded

align - height - id - relativeSrc - src - stylename - visible - width FieldGroup

FieldGroup is intended for the joint display and editing of multiple entity attributes.

gui fieldGroup

XML-name of the component: fieldGroup

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

Below is an example of defining a group of fields in an XML screen descriptor:

    <datasource id="orderDs"
    <fieldGroup id="orderFieldGroup" datasource="orderDs" width="250px">
        <field property="date"/>
        <field property="customer"/>
        <field property="amount"/>

In the example above, dsContext defines an orderDs data source, which contains a single instance of the Order entity. The data source is specified in the datasource attribute of the fieldGroup component. field elements refer to the entity attributes that need to be displayed in the component.

Elements of fieldGroup:

  • column – optional element that allows you to position fields in multiple columns. For this purpose, field elements should be placed not immediately within fieldGroup, but within a column. For example:

    <fieldGroup id="orderFieldGroup" datasource="orderDs" width="100%">
        <column width="250px">
            <field property="num"/>
            <field property="date"/>
            <field property="amount"/>
        <column width="400px">
            <field property="customer"/>
            <field property="info"/>

    In this case, fields will be arranged in two columns; the first column will contain all fields with the width of 250px, the second one with the width of 400px.

    Attributes of column:

    • width – specifies the field width of a column. By default, fields have the width of 200px. In this attribute, the width can be specified both in pixels and in percentage of the total horizontal width of the column.

    • flex – a number, which indicates the degree of horizontal change in the overall size of the column relative to other columns as a result of changing the entire width of fieldGroup. For example, you can specify flex=1 for a column, and flex=3 for another one.

    • id – an optional column identifier, which allows you to refer to it in case of screen extension.

  • field – the main component element. It defines one field of the component.

    Custom fields can be included in the field element as inline XML definition:

        <field id="demo">
            <lookupField id="demoField" datasource="userDs" property="group"/>

    Attributes of field:

    • id – required attribute, if property is not set; otherwise it takes the same value as property by default. The id attribute should contain an arbitrary unique identifier either of a field with the property attribute set, or a programmatically defined field. In the latter case, the field should have the attribute custom="true" as well (see below).

    • property - required attribute, if id is not set; it should contain an entity attribute name, which is displayed in the field, for data binding.

    • caption − allows you to specify a field caption. If not specified, an entity attribute localized name will be displayed.

    • inputPrompt - if the inputPrompt attribute is available for the component used for this field, you can set its value directly for the field.

    • visible − allows you to hide the field together with the caption.

    • datasource − allows you to specify a data source for the field, other than specified for the entire fieldGroup component. Thus, attributes of different entities can be displayed in a field group.

    • optionsDatasource specifies a name of a data source, used to create a list of options. You can specify this attribute for a field connected to a reference entity attribute. By default, the selection of a related entity is made through a lookup screen. If optionsDatasource is specified, you can select the related entity from a drop-down list of options. Actually, specifying optionsDatasource will lead to the fact that LookupPickerField will be used in the field instead of PickerField.

    • width − allows you to specify the field width excluding caption. By default, the field width will be 200px. The width can be specified both in pixels and in percentage of the total horizontal width of the column. To specify the width of all fields simultaneously, you can use the width attribute of the column element described above.

    • custom – if set to true, it means that a field identifier does not refer to an entity attribute, and a component, which is in the field, will be set programmatically using setComponent() method of FieldGroup (see below).

    • the generator attribute is used for declarative creation of custom fields: you can specify the name of the method that returns a custom component for this field:

      <fieldGroup datasource="productDs">
          <column width="250px">
              <field property="description" generator="generateDescriptionField"/>
      public Component generateDescriptionField(Datasource datasource, String fieldId) {
          TextArea textArea = componentsFactory.createComponent(TextArea.class);
          textArea.setDatasource(datasource, fieldId);
          return textArea;
    • linkScreen - contains the identifier of the screen that is opened by clicking the link, enabled in the link attribute.

    • linkScreenOpenType - sets the screen opening mode (THIS_TAB, NEW_TAB or DIALOG).

    • linkInvoke - contains the controller method to be invoked instead of opening the screen.

    The following attributes of field can be applied depending on the type of the entity attribute displayed in the field:

    • If you specify a value of the mask attribute for a text entity attribute, MaskedField with an appropriate mask will be used instead of TextField. In this case, you can also specify the valueMode attribute.

    • If you specify a value of the rows attribute for a text entity attribute, TextArea with the appropriate number of rows will be used instead of TextField. In this case, you can also specify the cols attribute.

    • For a text entity attribute, you can specify the maxLength attribute similarly to one described for TextField.

    • For an entity attribute of the date or dateTime type, you can specify the dateFormat and resolution for the parameterization of the DateField component used in the field.

    • For an entity attribute of the time type, you can specify the showSeconds attribute for the parameterization of the TimeField component used in the field.

Attributes of fieldGroup:

  • The border attribute can be set either to hidden or visible. Default is hidden. If set to visible, the fieldGroup component is highlighted with a border. In the web implementation of the component, displaying a border is done by adding the cuba-fieldgroup-border CSS class.

  • captionAlignment attribute defines the position of captions relative to the fields in within the FieldGroup. Two options are available: LEFT and TOP.

  • fieldFactoryBean: declarative fields defined in the XML-descriptor are created with the FieldGroupFieldFactory interface. In order to override this factory, use this attribute with the name of your custom FieldGroupFieldFactory implementation.

    For the FieldGroup created programmatically, use the setFieldFactory() method.

Methods of the FieldGroup interface:

  • addField enables adding fields to the FieldGroup at runtime. As a parameter it takes a FieldConfig instance, you can also define the position of the new field by adding colIndex and rowIndex parameters.

  • bind() method applied to the field after setDatasource() triggers the creation of field components.

  • createField() is used to create a FieldGroup element implementing FieldConfig interface:

  • getComponent() returns a visual component, which is located in a field with the specified identifier. This may be required for additional component parameterization, which is not available through XML attributes of field described above.

    To obtain a reference to a field component in a screen controller, you can use injection instead of the explicit invocation of getFieldNN("id").getComponentNN(). To do this, use the @Named annotation and provide an identifier of fieldGroup and a field identifier after a dot.

    For example, in a field selecting a related entity, you can add an action to open an instance and remove the field cleaning action as follows:

    <fieldGroup id="orderFieldGroup" datasource="orderDs">
        <field property="date"/>
        <field property="customer"/>
        <field property="amount"/>
    protected PickerField customerField;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

    To use getComponent() or to inject field components, you need to know which component type is located in the field. The table below shows the correspondence between entity attribute types and components created for them:

    Entity attribute type Additional conditions Field component type

    Related Entity

    optionsDatasource is specified



    Enumeration (enum)



    mask is specified


    rows is specified





    date, dateTime




    int, long, double, decimal

    mask is specified




    MaskedField with hex mask

  • removeField() enables removing fields at runtime by id.

  • setComponent() method is used to set your own field view. Can be used together with the custom="true" attribute of the field element or with the field created programmatically by the createField() method (see above). When used with custom="true", the datasource and the property should be set up manually.

    The FieldConfig instance can be obtained with getField() or getFieldNN() method, then the setComponent() method is called:

    protected FieldGroup fieldGroup;
    protected ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;
    private Datasource<User> userDs;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        PasswordField passwordField = componentsFactory.createComponent(PasswordField.class);
        passwordField.setDatasource(userDs, "password");
    } FileMultiUploadField

The FileMultiUploadField component allows a user to upload files to the server. The component is a button; when it is clicked, a standard OS file picker window is shown, where the user can select multiple files for upload.

gui multipleUpload

XML name of the component: multiUpload.

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

  • Declare the component in an XML screen descriptor:

    <multiUpload id="multiUploadField" caption="msg://upload"/>
  • In the screen controller, inject the component itself, the FileUploadingAPI and DataSupplier interfaces. In the init() method, add listeners which will react on successful uploads and errors:

    private FileMultiUploadField multiUploadField;
    private FileUploadingAPI fileUploadingAPI;
    private DataSupplier dataSupplier;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        multiUploadField.addQueueUploadCompleteListener(() -> {
            for (Map.Entry<UUID, String> entry : multiUploadField.getUploadsMap().entrySet()) {
                UUID fileId = entry.getKey();
                String fileName = entry.getValue();
                FileDescriptor fd = fileUploadingAPI.getFileDescriptor(fileId, fileName);
                // save file to FileStorage
                try {
                    fileUploadingAPI.putFileIntoStorage(fileId, fd);
                } catch (FileStorageException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Error saving file to FileStorage", e);
                // save file descriptor to database
            showNotification("Uploaded files: " + multiUploadField.getUploadsMap().values(), NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
        multiUploadField.addFileUploadErrorListener(event ->
                showNotification("File upload error", NotificationType.HUMANIZED));

    The component uploads all selected files to the temporary storage of the client tier and invokes the listener added by the addQueueUploadCompleteListener() method. In this listener, the FileMultiUploadField.getUploadsMap() method is invoked to obtain a map of temporary storage file identifiers to file names. Then, corresponding FileDescriptor objects are created by calling FileUploadingAPI.getFileDescriptor() for each map entry. com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.FileDescriptor (do not confuse with java.io.FileDescriptor) is a persistent entity, which uniquely identifies an uploaded file and then is used to download the file from the system.

    Below is the list of listeners available to track the upload process:

    • FileUploadErrorListener,

    • FileUploadStartListener,

    • FileUploadFinishListener,

    • QueueUploadCompleteListener.

    FileUploadingAPI.putFileIntoStorage() method is used to move the uploaded file from the temporary client storage to FileStorage. Parameters of this method are temporary storage file identifier and the FileDescriptor object.

    After uploading the file to FileStorage, the FileDescriptor instance is saved in a database by invoking DataSupplier.commit(). The saved instance returned by this method can be set to an attribute of an entity related to this file. Here, FileDescriptor is simply stored in the database. The file will be available through the AdministrationExternal Files screen.

    After processing, the list of files should be cleared by calling the clearUploads() method in order to prepare for further uploads.

  • Maximum upload size is determined by the cuba.maxUploadSizeMb application property and is 20MB by default. If a user selects a file of a larger size, a corresponding message will be displayed, and the upload will be interrupted.

  • The accept XML attribute (and the corresponding setAccept() method) can be used to set the file type mask in the file selection dialog. Users still be able to change the mask to "All files" and upload arbitrary files.

    The value of the attribute should be a comma-separated list of masks. For example: *.jpg,*.png.

  • The fileSizeLimit XML attribute (and the corresponding setFileSizeLimit() method) can be used to set maximum allowed file size in bytes. This limit defines a maximum size for each file.

    <multiUpload id="multiUploadField" fileSizeLimit="200000"/>
  • The permittedExtensions XML attribute (and the corresponding setPermittedExtensions() method) sets the white list of permitted file extensions.

    The value of the attribute should be a set of string values, where each string is a permitted extension with leading dot. For example:

    uploadField.setPermittedExtensions(Sets.newHashSet(".png", ".jpg"));
  • The dropZone XML attribute allows you to specify a BoxLayout to be used as a target for drag-and-dropping files from outside of the browser. If the container style is not set, the selected container is highlighted when a user drags files over the container, otherwise the dropZone is not visible.

See Loading and Displaying Images for more complex example of working with uploaded files. FileUploadField

The FileUploadField component allows a user to upload files to the server. The component can contain a caption, a link to uploaded file, and two buttons: for uploading and for clearing the selected file. When the upload button is clicked, a standard OS file picker window is shown, where the user can select a file. In order to upload multiple files, use FileMultiUploadField.

gui upload

XML name of the component: upload.

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

  • FileUploadField is automatically used inside FieldGroup for entity attributes of type FileDescriptor. In this case, the field looks as shown above and does not require additional configuration. An uploaded file is immediately stored in file storage and the corresponding FileDescriptor instance is saved to the database.

  • You can use the component outside FieldGroup and connect it to a datasource. For example, here we suppose that the personDs datasource contains an entity with the photo attribute which is a reference to FileDescriptor:

    <upload fileStoragePutMode="IMMEDIATE"
  • You can also control the saving of file and FileDescriptor programmatically.

    • Declare the component in an XML screen descriptor:

      <upload id="uploadField"
  • In the screen controller, inject the component itself, the FileUploadingAPI and DataSupplier interfaces. In the init() method, add listeners which will react on successful uploads and errors:

    private FileUploadField uploadField;
    private FileUploadingAPI fileUploadingAPI;
    private DataSupplier dataSupplier;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        uploadField.addFileUploadSucceedListener(event -> {
            // here you can get the file uploaded to the temporary storage if you need it
            File file = fileUploadingAPI.getFile(uploadField.getFileId());
            if (file != null) {
                showNotification("File is uploaded to temporary storage at " + file.getAbsolutePath());
            // normally you would want to save the file to the file storage of the middle tier
            FileDescriptor fd = uploadField.getFileDescriptor();
            try {
                // save file to FileStorage
                fileUploadingAPI.putFileIntoStorage(uploadField.getFileId(), fd);
            } catch (FileStorageException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Error saving file to FileStorage", e);
            // save file descriptor to database
            showNotification("Uploaded file: " + uploadField.getFileName());
        uploadField.addFileUploadErrorListener(event ->
                showNotification("File upload error"));

    The component will upload the file to the temporary storage of the client tier and invoke the listener added by the addFileUploadSucceedListener() method. In this listener, a FileDescriptor object is requested from the component. com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.FileDescriptor is a persistent entity, which uniquely identifies an uploaded file and is used to download the file from the system.

    FileUploadingAPI.putFileIntoStorage() method is used to move the uploaded file from the temporary client storage to FileStorage. Parameters of this method are temporary storage file identifier and the FileDescriptor object. Both of these parameters are provided by FileUploadField.

    After uploading the file to FileStorage, the FileDescriptor instance is saved in the database by invoking DataSupplier.commit(). The saved instance returned by this method can be set to an attribute of an entity related to this file. Here, FileDescriptor is simply stored in the database. The file will be available through the AdministrationExternal Files screen.

    The listener added by the addFileUploadErrorListener() method will be invoked if an error occurs when uploading a file to the temporary storage of the client tier.

    Below is the list of listeners available to track the upload process:

    • AfterValueClearListener,

    • BeforeValueClearListener,

    • FileUploadErrorListener,

    • FileUploadFinishListener

    • FileUploadStartListener,

    • FileUploadSucceedListener,

    • ValueChangeListener.

fileUploadField attributes:

  • fileStoragePutMode - defines how the file and the corresponding FileDescriptor are stored.

    • In the IMMEDIATE mode it is done right after uploading file to the temporary storage of the client tier.

    • In the MANUAL mode, you should do it programmatically in a FileUploadSucceedListener.+

      The IMMEDIATE mode is selected by default when FileUploadField is used inside FieldGroup. Otherwise, the default mode is MANUAL.

  • uploadButtonCaption, uploadButtonIcon and uploadButtonDescription XML attributes allow you to set the properties of the upload button.

  • showFileName - controls whether the name of uploaded file is displayed next to upload button. It is false by default.

  • showClearButton - controls whether the clear button is visible. It is false by default.

  • clearButtonCaption, clearButtonIcon and clearButtonDescription XML attributes allow you to set the properties of the clear button if it is visible.

  • The accept XML attribute (and the corresponding setAccept() method) can be used to set the file type mask in the file selection dialog. Users still be able to change the mask to "All files" and upload arbitrary files.

    The value of the attribute should be a comma-separated list of masks. For example: *.jpg,*.png.

  • Maximum upload size is determined by the cuba.maxUploadSizeMb application property and is 20MB by default. If a user selects a file of a larger size, a corresponding message will be displayed, and the upload will be interrupted.

  • The fileSizeLimit XML attribute (and the corresponding setFileSizeLimit() method) can be used to set maximum allowed file size specified in bytes.

    <upload id="uploadField" fileSizeLimit="2000"/>
  • The permittedExtensions XML attribute (and the corresponding setPermittedExtensions() method) sets the white list of permitted file extensions.

    The value of the attribute should be a comma-separated list of extensions with leading dots. For example:

    uploadField.setPermittedExtensions(Sets.newHashSet(".png", ".jpg"));
  • dropZone - allows you to specify a BoxLayout to be used as a target for drag-and-dropping files from outside of the browser. The dropZone can cover the whole layout of a dialog window. The selected container is highlighted when a user drags a file over the container, otherwise it is not visible.

    <layout spacing="true"
        <vbox id="dropZone"
            <textField id="textField"
            <textArea id="textArea"
            <checkBox caption="Is reference document"
            <upload id="upload"
        <hbox spacing="true">
            <button caption="mainMsg://actions.Apply"/>
            <button caption="mainMsg://actions.Cancel"/>
    gui dropZone

    To make a dropZone static and display it permanently, assign the predefined dropzone-container style to its container. In this case the container should be empty with only the label component inside:

    <layout spacing="true"
        <textField id="textField"
        <checkBox caption="Is reference document"
        <upload id="upload"
        <vbox id="dropZone"
            <label stylename="dropzone-description"
                   value="Drop file here"
        <hbox spacing="true">
            <button caption="mainMsg://actions.Apply"/>
            <button caption="mainMsg://actions.Cancel"/>
    gui dropZone static
  • pasteZone allows you to specify a container to be used for handling paste shortcuts when a text input field nested in this container is focused. This feature is supported by Chromium-based browsers.

    <upload id="uploadField"

See Loading and Displaying Images for more complex example of working with uploaded files. Filter

In this section:

The Filter is a versatile tool for filtering lists of entities extracted from a database to display in a tabular form. The component enables quick data filtering by arbitrary conditions, as well as creating filters for repeated use.

Filter should be connected to the collectionDatasource containing a JPQL query. Its logic is based on the modification of this query in accordance with criteria provided by the user. Thus, filtering is done at the database level when the SQL query is executed, and only selected data is loaded to the Middleware and Client tiers.

Using a Filter

A typical filter is shown below:

gui filter descr

By default, the component is in quick filter mode. This means that a user can add a set of conditions for a one-off data search. After the screen is closed, the conditions will disappear.

To create a quick filter, click Add search condition link. The condition selection screen will be displayed:

gui filter conditions

Possible condition types are described below:

  • Attributes – attributes of this entity and related entities. Only persistent attributes are displayed. They should also either be explicitly set in the property element of the filter XML descriptor, or comply with the rules specified in the properties element.

  • Custom conditions – conditions specified by developer in the custom elements of the filter XML descriptor.

  • Create new…​ – enables creating a new arbitrary JPQL condition. This option is only available to users having the specific cuba.gui.filter.customConditions permission.

Selected conditions are displayed at the top of the filter panel. The gui_filter_remove_condition icon will appear next to each condition field, allowing them to be removed from the set.

Quick filters can be saved for further re-use. In order to save a quick filter, click the filter settings icon, select Save/Save as and provide a new filter name in the popup dialog:

gui filter name

After that, the filter will be saved and will appear in the drop-down menu of the Search button.

gui filter reset

The filter settings popup button provides the list of options for filter management:

  • Save – save changes to the current filter.

  • Save with values – save changes to the current filter using the values in parameter editors as filter default values.

  • Save as – save the filter under a new name.

  • Edit – open the filter editor (see below).

  • Make default – make the filter default for this screen. The filter will be automatically displayed on the filter panel when the screen is opened.

  • Remove – delete the current filter.

  • Pin applied – use the results of the last search for sequential data filtering (see Applying Filters Sequentially).

  • Save as search folder – create a search folder based on the current filter.

  • Save as application folder – create an application folder based on the current filter. This option is available to users having the specific cuba.gui.appFolder.global permission only.

The Edit option opens the filter editor, allowing advanced configuration of the current filter:

gui filter editor

Filter name should be provided in the Name field. This name will be displayed in available filters list for the current screen.

Filter can be made global (i.e., available to all users) using the Available to all users checkbox and global default using the Global default checkbox. These operations require a specific permission called CUBA > Filter > Create/modify global filters. If the filter is marked as global default then it will be automatically selected when users open the screen. Users can set their own default filters using the Default for me checkbox. This setting overrides the global default one.

The filter conditions are contained in the tree. They can be added using the Add button, swapped using gui_filter_cond_down/gui_filter_cond_up or removed using the Remove button.

AND or OR grouping conditions can be added with the help of the corresponding buttons. All top level conditions (i.e., without explicit grouping) are joined with AND.

Selecting a condition in the tree opens the list of its properties in the right part of the editor.

The conditions can be made hidden or required by means of corresponding checkboxes. The hidden condition parameter is invisible to the user, so it should be provided when the filter is being edited.

Width property enables selecting the width of the parameter field on the filter panel for the current condition. By default, conditions on the filter panel are displayed in three columns. The field width equals to the number of columns it will occupy (1, 2 or 3).

Default parameter value for the current condition can be selected in the Default value field.

A custom caption for filter condition can be provided in the Caption field.

Operation field enables selecting the condition operator. The list of available operators depends on the attribute type.

If an entity has an attribute of the DateTime type with no @IgnoreUserTimeZone annotation, the the user’s time zone will be respected in filters for this attribute by default. As for the Date type, you can define whether the user’s time zone should be respected by using the special Use time zone flag in the custom condition editor.

Filter Component

XML name of the component: filter.

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

An example of component declaration in XML screen descriptor is shown below:

    <collectionDatasource id="carsDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Car" view="carBrowse">
            select c from ref$Car c order by c.createTs
    <filter id="carsFilter" datasource="carsDs">
        <properties include=".*"/>
    <table id="carsTable" width="100%">
            <column id="vin"/>
            <column id="model.name"/>
            <column id="colour.name"/>
        <rows datasource="carsDs"/>

In the example above, a collectionDatasource is defined in the dsContext. The datasource selects Car entity instances using JPQL query. The datasource which is to be filtered is specified in the filter component’s datasource attribute. Data is displayed using the Table component, which is connected to the same data source.

filter may contain nested elements. They describe conditions available for user selection in Add Condition dialog:

  • properties – multiple entity attributes can be made available for selection. This element has the following attributes:

    • include – required attribute. It contains a regular expression, which should match an entity attribute name.

    • exclude – contains a regular expression. If an attribute matches the expression, it will be excluded from previously included (using include).

    • excludeProperties – contains a regular expression. If an attribute and its nested attributes matches the expression, they will be recursively excluded from previously included (using include).


    <filter id="transactionsFilter" datasource="transactionsDs">
        <properties include=".*"

    The following entity attributes are ignored when properties element is used:

    • Not accessible due to security permissions.

    • Collections (@OneToMany, @ManyToMany).

    • Non-persistent attributes.

    • Attributes that do not have localized names.

    • Attributes annotated with @SystemLevel.

    • Attributes of type byte[].

    • The version attribute.

  • property – explicitly includes an entity attribute by name. This element has the following attributes:

    • name – required attribute, containing the name of entity attribute to be included. It can be a path (using ".") in the entity graph. For example:

      <filter id="transactionsFilter" datasource="transactionDs" applyTo="table">
          <properties include=".*" exclude="(masterTransaction)|(authCode)"/>
          <property name="creditCard.maskedPan" caption="msg://EmbeddedCreditCard.maskedPan"/>
          <property name="creditCard.startDate" caption="msg://EmbeddedCreditCard.startDate"/>
    • caption – localized entity attribute name displayed in filter conditions. Generally it is a string with the msg:// prefix in accordance with MessageTools.loadString() rules.

      If the name attribute is specified as an entity graph path (using ".") , the caption attribute is required.

    • paramWhere − specifies the JPQL expression which is used to select the list of condition parameter values if the parameter is a related entity. The {E} placeholder should be used in the expression instead of the alias of the entity being selected.

      For example, let us assume that Car has a reference to Model. Then possible condition parameter values list can be limited to Audi models only:

      <filter id="carsFilter" datasource="carsDs">
          <property name="model" paramWhere="{E}.manufacturer = 'Audi'"/>

      Screen parameters, session attributes and screen components including those showing other parameters can be used in JPQL expression. Query parameters specification rules are described in CollectionDatasourceImpl Queries.

      An example of session and screen parameters usage is shown below:

      {E}.createdBy = :session$userLogin and {E}.name like :param$groupName

      With the paramWhere clause, you can introduce dependencies between parameters. For example, let us assume that Manufacturer is a separate entity. That is Car has a reference to Model which in turn has a reference to Manufacturer. Then you may want to create two conditions for the Cars filter: first to select a Manufacturer and second to select a Model. To restrict the list of models by previously selected manufacturer, add a parameter to the paramWhere expression:

      {E}.manufacturer.id = :component$filter.model_manufacturer90062

      The parameter references a component which displays Manufacturer parameter. You can see the name of the component showing condition parameter by opening context menu on a condition table row in the filter editor:

      gui filter component name
    • paramView − specifies a view, which will be used to load the list of condition parameter values if the parameter is a related entity. For example, _local. If view is not specified, _minimal view will be used.

  • custom is an element defining an arbitrary condition. The element content should be a JPQL expression (JPQL Macros can be used), which will be added to the data source query’s where clause. The {E} placeholder should be used in the expression instead of the alias of the entity being selected. The condition can only have one parameter denoted by "?" if used.

    A value of custom condition can contain special characters, for example "%" or "_" for "like" operator. If you want to escape these characters, add escape '<char>' to your condition, for example:

    {E}.name like ? escape '\'

    Then if you use foo\% as a value of the condition parameter, the search will interpret "%" as a character in your name and not as a special character.

    An example of a filter with arbitrary conditions is shown below:

    <filter id="carsFilter" datasource="carsDs">
        <properties include=".*"/>
        <custom name="vin" paramClass="java.lang.String" caption="msg://vin">
          {E}.vin like ?
        <custom name="colour" paramClass="com.company.sample.entity.Colour" caption="msg://colour"
          ({E}.colour.id in (?))
        <custom name="repair" paramClass="java.lang.String" caption="msg://repair"
                join="join {E}.repairs cr">
          cr.description like ?
        <custom name="updateTs" caption="msg://updateTs">
          @between({E}.updateTs, now-1, now+1, day)

    custom conditions are displayed in the Custom conditions section of the Add condition dialog:

    gui filter custom

    Attributes of custom:

    • name − required attribute, condition name.

    • caption − required attribute, localized condition name. Generally it is a string with the msg:// prefix in accordance with MessageTools.loadString() rules.

    • paramClass − Java class of the condition parameter. If the parameter is not specified, this attribute is optional.

    • inExpr − should be set to true, if the JPQL expression contains in (?) conditions. In this case user will be able to enter several condition parameter values.

    • join − optional attribute. It specifies a string, which will be added to the data source query from section. This can be required to create a complex condition based on an attribute of a related collection. join or left join statements should be included into the attribute value.

      For example, let us assume that the Car entity has a repairs attribute, which is a related entity Repair instances collection. Then the following condition can be created to filter Car by Repair entity’s description attribute:

      <filter id="carsFilter" datasource="carsDs">
          <custom name="repair"
                  join="join {E}.repairs cr">
              cr.description like ?

      If the condition above is used, the original data source query

      select c from sample$Car c order by c.createTs

      will be transformed into the following one:

      select c from sample$Car c join c.repairs cr
      where (cr.description like ?)
      order by c.createTs
    • paramWhere − specifies a JPQL expression used to select the list of condition parameter values if the parameter is a related entity. See the description of the property element’s attribute of the same name.

    • paramView − specifies a view, which will be used when a list of condition parameter values are loaded if the parameter is a related entity. See the description of the property element’s attribute of the same name.

filter attributes:

  • editable – if the attribute value is false, the Edit option is disabled.

  • manualApplyRequired − defines when the filter will be applied. If the attribute value is false, the filter (default or empty) will be applied when the screen is opened. It means that the datasource will be refreshed and linked components (e.g. Table) will display data. If the value is true, the filter will be applied only after the Search button is clicked.

    This attribute takes precedence over the cuba.gui.genericFilterManualApplyRequired application property.

  • useMaxResults − limits the page size of entity instances loaded into the data source. It is set to true by default.

    If the attribute value is false, the filter will not show the Show rows field. The number of records in the data source (and displayed in the table accordingly) will be limited only by the MaxFetchUI parameter of the entity statistics, which is set to 10000 by default.

    If the attribute is not specified or is true, the Show rows field will be displayed only if the user has specific cuba.gui.filter.maxResults permission. If the cuba.gui.filter.maxResults permission is not granted, the filter will force selecting only the first N rows without user to be able to disable it or specify another N. N is defined by FetchUI, DefaultFetchUI parameters. They are obtained from the entity statistics mechanism.

    A filter shown below has the following parameters: useMaxResults="true", the cuba.gui.filter.maxResults permission is denied, and cuba.gui.filter.maxResults DefaultFetchUI = 2.

gui filter useMaxRezult
  • textMaxResults - enables using the text field instead of the drop-down list as the Show rows field. false by default.

  • folderActionsEnabled − if it is set to false, the following filter actions will be hidden: Save as Search Folder, Save as Application Folder. By default, the attribute value is true, and Save as Search Folder, Save as Application Folder are available.

  • applyTo − optional attribute, contains the identifier of a component associated with the filter. It is used when access to related component presentations is required. For example, when saving the filter as a search folder or as an application folder, the presentation that will be applied when browsing this folder can be specified.

    gui filter apply to
  • caption - enables setting a custom caption for the filter panel.

  • columnsCount - defines the number of columns for conditions on the filter panel. Default value is 3.

  • defaultMode - defines the filter default mode. Possible values are generic and fts. When fts value is set then the filter will be opened in the full text search mode (if the entity is indexed). The default value is generic.

  • modeSwitchVisible - defines the visibility of the checkbox that switches the filter to the full text search mode. If full text search is unavailable then the checkbox will be invisible despite of the defined value. Possible values are true and false (true by default).

Methods of Filter interface:

  • setBorderVisible() - defines if the filter border should be displayed. The default value is true.

Listeners of Filter:

  • ExpandedStateChangeListener - enables tracking the expanded state changes.

  • FilterEntityChangeListener - is triggered when a filter is selected for the first time on a component initialization or later from the list of saved filters.

User Permissions

  • To create/change/delete global (available to all users) filters, user must have the cuba.gui.filter.global permission.

  • To create/change custom conditions user must have a cuba.gui.filter.customConditions permission.

  • To change the maximum number of rows per table page using the Show rows field, user must have the cuba.gui.filter.maxResults permission. See also the useMaxResults filter attribute.

For specific permissions configuration information, see Security Subsystem.

External Filter Control Parameters

  • Screen invocation parameters

    It is possible to specify a filter and its parameters which should be applied when the screen is opened. For this purpose, the filter should be created in advance, stored in the database, and a corresponding record in the SEC_FILTER table should have a value in the CODE field. Screen invocation parameters are set in the web-menu.xml configuration file.

    In order to store the filter in the database, the insert script for the filter should be added to the 30.create-db.sql script of the entity. To simplify the script creation, find the filter in the Entity Inspector section of the Administration menu, in the filter’s context menu choose System Information, click Script for insert button and copy the script.

    Then you can adjust the screen to use the filter by default. To specify a filter code, pass to the screen a parameter with the same name as filter component identifier in this screen. Parameter value should be the code of the filter.

    To set filter parameter values, pass to the screen parameters with the names equal to parameter names and their values in string format.

    An example of main menu item descriptor is shown below. It sets a filter with the FilterByVIN code to the carsFilter component of the sample$Car.browse screen which it opens. It also sets TMA value to the component$carsFilter.vin79216 condition:

    <item id="sample$Car.browse">
        <param name="carsFilter" value="FilterByVIN"/>
        <param name="component$carsFilter.vin79216" value="TMA"/>

    It should be noted that a filter with a defined CODE field has some specifics:

    • It cannot be edited by users.

    • Name of this filter can be displayed in several languages. To achieve this, specify a string with key equal to the filter code in the application main message pack.

Applying Filters Sequentially

If the cuba.allowQueryFromSelected application property is enabled, the last applied filter and the current filtered results can be pinned via the component’s user interface. After that another filter or other parameters of the current filter can be selected and applied to the currently selected records.

This approach helps to achieve two aims:

  • Decompose complex filters, which may lead to better performance as well.

  • Apply filters to the records selected using application or search folders.

Take the following steps to use sequential filters. First, choose and apply one of the filters. Next click the filter settings button and select Pin applied. The filter will be pinned at the top of the filter panel. Then another filter can be applied to the selected records and so on. Any number of filters can be applied sequentially. Filters can also be removed using gui_filter_remove button.

gui filter sequential

The sequential filters implementation is based on the ability of DataManager to run sequential queries.

API for Working with Filter Parameters

The Filter interface provides methods for reading and writing of filter parameter values in a screen controller:

  • setParamValue(String paramName, Object value)

  • getParamValue(String paramName)

paramName - filter parameter name. Parameter name is a part of component name that displays a parameter value. The procedure of getting a component name was described above. Parameter name is placed after the last dot in a component name. For example, if the component name is component$filter.model_manufacturer90062, then the parameter name is model_manufacturer90062.

Note that you cannot use these methods in the init() method of the screen controller, because the filter is not initialized at that moment. A good place to work with filter parameters is the ready() method.

Full-Text Search Mode in Filter

If a filter datasource contains entities that are indexed by the full-text search subsystem (see CUBA Platform. Full Text Search), then a full-text search mode is available in the filter. Use the Full-Text Search checkbox to switch to this mode.

gui filter fts

In the full-text search mode, the filter contains text fields for search criteria, and the search is performed in entity fields indexed by the FTS subsystem.

If a table is defined in the applyTo attribute, then placing the mouse cursor on the table row will display a tooltip with the information what entity attributes satisfy the search criteria.

For hiding the filter mode checkbox, set false value to the modeSwitchVisible filter attribute.

If you want the filter to be opened in the full-text search mode by default, set fts value to the defaultMode filter attribute.

Full-text search can be used combined with any number of filter conditions:

book publication fts filter

The FTS condition can be selected in the conditions selection window. GroupTable

GroupTable component is a table with an ability to group information dynamically by any field. In order to group a table by a column the required column should be dragged to the left and dropped on the gui_groupTableIcon element of the table header. Grouped values can be expanded and collapsed using gui_groupBox_plus/gui_groupBox_minus buttons.

gui groupTableDragColumn

XML name of the component: groupTable.

Component is implemented only for Web Client. In Desktop Client it behaves like a regular table.

groupDatasource must be specified for GroupTable in the datasource attribute of the rows element. Otherwise, grouping will not work. Example:

    <groupDatasource id="ordersDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Order"
            select o from sales$Order o order by o.date
    <groupTable id="ordersTable" width="100%">
                <column id="date"/>
            <column id="customer.name"/>
            <column id="amount"/>
        <rows datasource="ordersDs"/>

group is an optional element that can be present in a single instance inside columns. It contains a set of column elements, by which grouping will be performed initially when opening a screen.

Each column element can contain the groupAllowed attribute with boolean value. This attribute controls whether a user can group by this column.

If aggregatable attribute is true, the table shows aggregation results for each group and results for all rows in an additional row on the top. If showTotalAggregation attribute is false, results for all rows are not shown.

If multiselect attribute is true, the click to the group row holding down the Ctrl key will expand the group (if collapsed) and set the selection to all rows of this group. The converse is not true: if the whole group is selected, Ctrl+click will not deselect all the group. You still can deselect certain rows using the common Ctrl key behaviour.

Methods of the GroupTable interface:
  • groupByColumns() - performs grouping by the given table columns.

    The example below will group the table first by the department name, and then by city:

    groupTable.groupByColumns("department", "city");
  • ungroupByColumns() - resets grouping by the given columns.

    The following example will ungroup the table by department, while grouping by city from the previous snippet will be kept.

  • ungroup() - resets grouping at all.

The rest of the GroupTable functionality is similar to a simple Table. Image

Image component is designed for displaying images from different sources. The component can be bound to a datasource or configured programmatically.

XML name of the component: image.

The Image component can display the value of an entity attribute of FileDescriptor or byte[] type. In the simplest case image can be declaratively associated with data using the datasource and property attributes:

<image id="image" datasource="employeeDs" property="avatar"/>

In the example above, component displays the avatar attribute of the Employee entity located in the employeeDs datasource.

Alternatively, the Image component can display images from different resources. You can set the resource type declaratively using the image elements listed below:

  • classpath - a resource in the classpath.

        <classpath path="com/company/sample/web/screens/myPic.jpg"/>
  • file - a resource in the file system.

        <file path="D:\sample\modules\web\web\VAADIN\images\myImage.jpg"/>
  • relativePath - resource in the application directory.

        <relativePath path="VAADIN/images/myImage.jpg"/>
  • theme - a theme resource, e.g.,VAADIN/themes/customTheme/some/path/image.png.

        <theme path="com.company.sample/myPic.jpg"/>
  • url - a resource which can be loaded from the given URL.

        <url url="https://www.cuba-platform.com/sites/all/themes/cuba_adaptive/img/lori.png"/>

image attributes:

  • scaleMode - applies the scale mode to the image. The following scale modes are available:

    • FILL - the image will be stretched according to the size of the component.

    • CONTAIN - the image will be compressed or stretched to the minimum dimension of the component while preserving the proportions.

    • SCALE_DOWN - the content changes size by comparing the difference between NONE and CONTAIN in order to find the smallest concrete size of the object.

    • NONE - the image will retain its real size.

  • alternateText - sets an alternate text for an image in case the resource is not set or unavailable.

    <image id="image" alternateText="logo"/>

image resources settings:

  • bufferSize - the size of the download buffer in bytes used for this resource.

        <file bufferSize="1024" path="C:/img.png"/>
  • cacheTime - the length of cache expiration time in milliseconds.

        <file cacheTime="2400" path="C:/img.png"/>
  • mimeType - the MIME type of the resource.

        <url url="https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/17548514?v=4&#38;s=200"

Methods of the Image interface:

  • setDatasource() - sets the datasource and the entity attribute name. Only FileDescriptor and byte[] attributes are supported.

    The datasource can be set programmatically, for example, to display images in table cells:

    frameworksTable.addGeneratedColumn("image", entity -> {
        Image image = componentsFactory.createComponent(Image.class);
        image.setDatasource(frameworksTable.getItemDatasource(entity), "image");
        return image;
    gui Image 1
  • setSource() - sets the content source for the component. The method accepts the resource type and return the resource object that can be configured using the fluent interface. Each resource type has its own methods, for example, setPath() for ThemeResource type or setStreamSupplier() for StreamResource type:

    Image image = componentsFactory.createComponent(Image.class);


            .setStreamSupplier(() -> new FileDataProvider(fileDescriptor).provide())

    You can use one of the following resource types implementing the Resource interface or extend it to create a custom resource:

    • ClasspathResource - an image located in classpath. This resource can be also set declaratively using the classpath element of the image component.

    • FileDescriptorResource - an image which can be obtained from the FileStorage using the given FileDescriptor.

    • FileResource - an image stored in the file system. This resource can be also set declaratively using the file element of the image component.

    • RelativePathResource - an image stored in a directory of the application. This resource can be also set declaratively using the relativePath element of the image component.

    • StreamResource - an image from a stream.

    • ThemeResource - a theme image, for example, VAADIN/themes/yourtheme/some/path/image.png. This resource can be also set declaratively using the theme element of the image component.

    • UrlResource - an image which can be loaded from the given URL. This resource can be also set declaratively using the url element of the image component.

  • createResource() - creates the image resource implementation by its type. The created object can be later passed to the setSource() method.

    FileDescriptorResource resource = image.createResource(FileDescriptorResource.class)
  • addClickListener() - adds a listener that will be notified when a user clicks on an image area.

    image.addClickListener(event -> {
        if (event.isDoubleClick())
            showNotification("Double clicked");
  • addSourceChangeListener() - adds a listener that will be notified when a source of an image is changed. Label

Label is a text component that displays static text or value of an entity attribute.

XML name of the component: label

The Label component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

Below is an example of setting a label with text taken from the localized message pack:

<label value="msg://orders"/>

The value attribute sets text for a label.

In a web client, the text contained in value will be split into multiple lines if its length exceeds the width value. Therefore, to display a multiline label, it is sufficient to specify an absolute value of width. If the label text is too long and the value of width is not specified, the text will be truncated.

<label value="Label, which should be split into multiple lines"

You can set label parameters in the screen controller. To do this, you should specify a component identifier and get a reference to the component in the controller:

<label id="dynamicLabel"/>
private Label dynamicLabel;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    dynamicLabel.setValue("Some value");

The Label component can display value of an entity attribute. For this purpose, datasource and property attributes are used. For example:

    <datasource id="customerDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Customer" view="_local"/>
    <label datasource="customerDs" property="name"/>

In the example above, component displays the name attribute of the Customer entity located in the customerDs data source.

htmlEnabled attribute indicates the way the value attribute will be interpreted: if htmlEnabled="true", the attribute will be treated as HTML code, otherwise as a plain string. Note that the desktop implementation of the screen does not support all HTML tags.

Label styles

In Web Client with a Halo-based theme, you can set predefined styles to the Label component using the stylename attribute either in the XML descriptor or in the screen controller:

<label value="Label to be styled"

When setting a style programmatically, select one of the HaloTheme class constants with the LABEL_ prefix:

  • bold - bolder font weight. Suitable for important/prominent UI text.

  • colored - colored text.

  • failure - failure badge style. Adds a border around the label and an icon next to the text. Suitable for UI notifications that need to be used in the direct context of some component.

  • h1 - header style for main application headings.

  • h2 - header style for different sections in the application.

  • h3 - header style for different sub-sections in the application.

  • h4 - header style for different sub-sections in the application.

  • light - lighter font weight. Suitable for additional/supplementary UI text.

  • no-margin - removes default margins from the header.

  • spinner - spinner style. Add this style name to an empty Label to create a spinner.

  • success - success badge style. Adds a border around the label and an icon next to the text. Suitable for UI notifications that need to be used in the direct context of some component.

Attributes of label

align - datasource - enable - height - htmlEnabled - icon - id - property - stylename - value - visible - width

Elements of label


Predefined styles of label

bold - colored - failure - h1 - h2 - h3 - h4 - huge - large - light - no-margin - small - spinner - success - tiny



Link is a hyperlink, which enables uniform opening of external web resources for the Web and Desktop client.

XML-name of the component: link

An example of XML-description for link:

<link caption="Link" url="https://www.cuba-platform.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener"/>

link attributes:

Attributes of link

align - caption - description - enable - icon - id - rel - stylename - url - target - visible - width LinkButton

LinkButton is a button that looks like a hyperlink.

XML name of the component: linkButton

The link button component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

The link button can contain text or icon (or both). The figure below shows different types of buttons.

gui linkButtonTypes

The link button differs from regular Button only in its appearance. All properties and behavior are identical to those described for Button.

Below is an example of XML description of a link button that invokes the someMethod() method of a controller. The link button has a caption (the caption attribute), a tooltip (the description attribute) and an icon (the icon attribute):

<linkButton id="linkButton"
            description="Press me"

Attributes of linkButton

action - align - caption - description - enable - icon - id - invoke - stylename - visible - width LookupField

This is a component to select a value from drop-down list. Drop-down list provides the filtering of values as the user inputs some text, and the pagination of available values.

gui lookupField

XML name of the component: lookupField.

The LookupField component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

  1. The simplest case of using LookupField is to select an enumeration value for an entity attribute. For example, a Role entity has a type attribute of the RoleType type, which is an enumeration. Then you can use LookupField to edit this attribute as follows:

        <datasource id="roleDs" class="com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.Role" view="_local"/>
        <lookupField datasource="roleDs" property="type"/>

    In the example above, the screen defines roleDs data source for the Role entity. In the lookupField component, a link to a data source is specified in the datasource attribute, and a name of an entity attribute is specified in the property attribute. In this case, the entity attribute is an enumeration and the drop-down list will display localized names of all enumeration values.

  2. Similarly, LookupField can be used to select an instance of a related entity. optionsDatasource attribute is used to create a list of options:

        <datasource id="carDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Car" view="_local"/>
        <collectionDatasource id="coloursDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Colour" view="_local">
            <query>select c from sample$Colour c</query>
        <lookupField datasource="carDs" property="colour" optionsDatasource="coloursDs"/>

    In this case, the component will display instance names of the Colour entity located in the colorsDs data source, and the selected value will be set into the colour attribute of the Car entity, which is located in the carDs data source.

    captionProperty attribute defines which entity attribute can be used instead of an instance name for string option names.

  3. The list of component options can be specified arbitrarily using the setOptionsList(), setOptionsMap() and setOptionsEnum() methods, or using the XML optionsDatasource attribute.

    • setOptionsList() allows you to programmatically specify a list of component options. To do this, declare a component in the XML descriptor:

      <lookupField id="numberOfSeatsField" datasource="modelDs" property="numberOfSeats"/>

      Then inject the component into the controller and specify a list of options in the init() method:

      protected LookupField numberOfSeatsField;
      public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
          List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();

      In the component’s drop-down list the values 2, 4, 5 and 7 will be displayed. Selected number will be put into the numberOfSeats attribute of an entity located in the modelDs data source.

    • setOptionsMap() allows you to specify string names and option values separately. For example, in the numberOfSeatsField component in the XML descriptor, specify an option map in init():

      protected LookupField numberOfSeatsField;
      public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
          Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
          map.put("two", 2);
          map.put("four", 4);
          map.put("five", 5);
          map.put("seven", 7);

      In the component’s drop-down list, two, four, five, seven strings will be displayed. However, the value of the component will be a number that corresponds to the selected option. It will be put into the numberOfSeats attribute of an entity located in the modelDs data source.

    • setOptionsEnum() takes the class of an enumeration as a parameter. The drop-down list will show localized names of enum values, the value of the component will be an enum value.

  • OptionsStyleProvider enables you to use separate style names for the the options displayed by the component using the setOptionsStyleProvider() method:

    lookupField.setOptionsStyleProvider((field, item) -> {
        User user = (User) item;
        switch (user.getGroup().getName()) {
            case "Company":
                return "company";
            case "Premium":
                return "premium";
                return "company";
  • Each drop-down list component can have an icon on the left. Create an implementation of the LookupField.OptionIconProvider interface in the screen controller and set it for the lookupField:

    lookupField.setOptionIconProvider(new LookupField.OptionIconProvider<Customer>(){
        public String getItemIcon(Customer c){
            if(c.getType()== LegalStatus.LEGAL)
    gui lookupField 2

    If you use SVG icons, set the icon size explicitly to avoid icons overlay.

    <svg version="1.1"
         style="enable-background:new 0 0 55 55;"
         viewBox="0 0 55 55"
  • If the LookupField component is not required and if the related entity attribute is not declared as required, the list of component options has an empty row. If this row is selected, the component returns null. The nullName attribute allows you to specify a row to be displayed in this case instead of an empty one. Below is an example:

    <lookupField datasource="carDs" property="colour" optionsDatasource="coloursDs" nullName="(none)"/>

    In this case, instead of an empty row, (none) will be displayed. If this row is selected, null will be set to a related entity attribute.

    If you specify a list of options programmatically using setOptionsList(), you can pass one of the options into setNullOption() method. Then, if the user selects it, the component value will be null.

    LookupField filters:
    • Using the filterMode attribute, option filtering type can be defined for the user input:

      • NO − no filtering.

      • STARTS_WITH − by the beginning of a phrase.

      • CONTAINS − by any occurrence (is used by default).

    • The setFilterPredicate() method enables to setup how items should be filtered. The predicate tests whether an item with the given caption matches to the given search string. For example:

      BiFunction<String, String, Boolean> predicate = String::contains;
      lookupField.setFilterPredicate((itemCaption, searchString) ->
              predicate.apply(itemCaption.toLowerCase(), searchString));

      The functional interface FilterPredicate has the test method that enables implementing custom filtering logic, for example, to escape accents or special characters:

      lookupField.setFilterPredicate((itemCaption, searchString) ->
              StringUtils.replaceChars(itemCaption, "ÉÈËÏÎ", "EEEII")
  • The LookupField component is able to handle user input if there is no suitable option in the list. In this case, setNewOptionAllowed() and setNewOptionHandler() are used. For example:

    private Metadata metadata;
    protected LookupField colourField;
    protected CollectionDatasource<Colour, UUID> coloursDs;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        colourField.setNewOptionHandler(new LookupField.NewOptionHandler() {
            public void addNewOption(String caption) {
                Colour colour = metadata.create(Colour.class);

    The NewOptionHandler handler is invoked if the user enters a value that does not coincide with any option and presses Enter. In this case, a new Colour entity instance is created in the handler, its name attribute is set to the value entered by the user, this instance is added to the options data source and selected in the component.

    Instead of implementing the LookupField.NewOptionHandler interface for processing user input, the controller method name can be specified in the newOptionHandler XML-attribute. This method should have two parameters, one of LookupField type, and the other of String type. They will be set to the component instance and the value entered by the user, accordingly. The newOptionAllowed attribute is used to enable adding new options instead of the setNewOptionAllowed() method.

  • The nullOptionVisible XML attribute sets visibility for the null option in the drop-down list. It allows you to make LookupField not required but still without the null option.

  • The textInputAllowed XML attribute can be used to disable filtering options from keyboard. It can be convenient for short lists. The default value is true.

  • The pageLength XML attribute allows you to redefine the number of options on one page of the drop-down list, specified in the cuba.gui.lookupFieldPageLength application property.

  • In Web Client with a Halo-based theme, you can set predefined styles to the LookupField component using the stylename attribute either in the XML descriptor or in the screen controller:

    <lookupField id="lookupField"

    When setting a style programmatically, select one of the HaloTheme class constants with the LOOKUPFIELD_ prefix:


    LookupField styles:

    • align-center - align the text inside the field to center.

    • align-right - align the text inside the field to the right.

    • borderless - removes the border and background from the text field. LookupPickerField

The LookupPickerField component enables to display an entity instance in a text field, select an instance in a drop-down list and perform actions by pressing buttons on the right.

gui lookupPickerField

XML name of the component: lookupPickerField.

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

In fact, LookupPickerField is a hybrid of LookupField and PickerField. Thus it has the same features except the default list of actions added when determining the component in XML: for LookupPickerField these are lookup lookupBtn and open openBtn actions.

Below is an example of using LookupPickerField to select a value of the colour reference attribute of the Car entity:

    <datasource id="carDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Car" view="_local"/>
    <collectionDatasource id="coloursDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Colour" view="_local">
        <query>select c from sample$Colour c</query>
    <lookupPickerField datasource="carDs" property="colour" optionsDatasource="coloursDs"/> MaskedField

This is a text field, in which data is entered in a predefined format. For example, it is convenient to use MaskedField to enter telephone numbers.

XML name of the component: maskedField.

The MaskedField component is implemented for Web Client only.

Basically, MaskedField repeats the functionality of TextField, except that you cannot set datatype for it. So, MaskedField is intended for work only with text and entity attributes of type String. MaskedField has the following specific attributes:

  • mask – sets a mask for the field. To set a mask, use the following characters:

    • # – number

    • U – uppercase letter

    • L – lowercase letter

    • ? – letter

    • А – letter or number

    • * – any character

    • H – uppercase hex character

    • h – lowercase hex character

    • ~ – " +" or "-" character

  • valueMode – defines a format of a returned value (with a mask or not) and can take either masked or clear.

Example of a text field with a mask for entering telephone numbers is provided below:

<maskedField id="phoneNumberField" mask="(###)###-##-##" valueMode="masked"/>
<button caption="msg://showPhoneNumberBtn" invoke="showPhoneNumber"/>
private MaskedField phoneNumberField;

public void showPhoneNumber(){
    showNotification((String) phoneNumberField.getValue(), NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
gui MaskedField
gui MaskedField maskedValueMode OptionsGroup

This is a component that allows a user to choose from a list of options. Radio buttons are used to select a single value; a group of checkboxes is used to select multiple values.

gui optionsGroup

XML name of the component: optionsGroup.

The OptionsGroup component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

  • The simplest case of using OptionsGroup is to select an enumeration value for an entity attribute. For example, a Role entity has type attribute of the RoleType type, which is an enumeration. Then you can use OptionsGroup to edit this attribute as follows:

        <datasource id="roleDs" class="com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.Role" view="_local"/>
        <optionsGroup datasource="roleDs" property="type"/>

    In the example above roleDs data source is defined for the Role entity. In the optionsGroup component, the link to the data source is specified in the datasource attribute and the name of the entity attribute is set in the property attribute.

    As a result, the component will be as follows:

gui optionsGroup roleType
  • The list of component options can be specified arbitrarily using the setOptionsList(), setOptionsMap() and setOptionsEnum() methods, or using an optionsDatasource attribute.

  • setOptionsList() allows you to specify programmatically a list of component options. To do this, declare a component in the XML descriptor:

    <optionsGroup id="numberOfSeatsField"/>

    Then inject the component into the controller and specify a list of options in the init() method:

    protected OptionsGroup numberOfSeatsField;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();

    The component will be as follows:

    gui optionsGroup integerList

    Depending on the selected option, the getValue() method of the component will return Integer values: 2, 4, 5, 7.

  • setOptionsMap() allows you to specify string names and option values separately. For example, we can set the following options map for the numberOfSeatsField component, described the XML descriptor, in the init() method of the controller:

    protected OptionsGroup numberOfSeatsField;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        map.put("two", 2);
        map.put("four", 4);
        map.put("five", 5);
        map.put("seven", 7);

    The component will be as follows:

    gui optionsGroup integerMap

    Depending on the selected option, the getValue() method of the component will return Integer values: 2, 4, 5, 7, and not the strings that are displayed on the screen.

  • setOptionsEnum() takes a class of enumeration as a parameter. The options list will consist of localized names of enum values, the value of the component will be an enum value.

  • The component can take a list of options from a data source. For this purpose, the optionsDatasource attribute is used. For example:

        <collectionDatasource id="coloursDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Colour" view="_local">
            <query>select c from sample$Colour c</query>
        <optionsGroup id="coloursField" optionsDatasource="coloursDs"/>

    In this case, the coloursField component will display instance names of the Colour entity, located in the coloursDs data source, and its getValue() method will return the selected entity instance.

    With the help of captionProperty attribute entity attribute to be used instead of an instance name for string option names can be defined.

  • multiselect attribute is used to switch OptionsGroup to a multiple choice mode. If multiselect is turned on, the component is displayed as a group of independent checkboxes, and the component value is a list of selected options.

    For example, if we create the component in the XML screen descriptor:

    <optionsGroup id="roleTypesField" multiselect="true"/>

    and set a list of options for it – RoleType enumeration values:

    protected OptionsGroup roleTypesField;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

    then the component will be as follows:

    gui optionsGroup roleType multi

    In this case the getValue() method of the component will return a java.util.List, containing RoleType.READONLY and RoleType.DENYING values.

    The example above also illustrates an ability of the OptionsGroup component to display localized values of enumerations included in the data model.

    You can also make some values selected programmatically by passing a java.util.List of values to the setValue() method:

    optionsGroup.setValue(Arrays.asList(RoleType.STANDARD, RoleType.ADMIN));
  • The orientation attribute defines the orientation of group elements. By default, elements are arranged vertically. The horizontal value sets the horizontal orientation. OptionsList

OptionsList is a variation of the OptionsGroup component which represents the list of options as a vertical scrollable list. If multi-select is enabled, multiple items can be selected by holding the Ctrl key while clicking, or as a range by holding the Shift key.

gui optionsList

XML name of the component: optionsList.

The OptionsList component is implemented for Web Client.

By default the OptionsList component displays the first null element in suggestion popup, this can be disabled with the help of nullOptionVisible attribute set to false.

The only difference in API between OptionsList and OptionsGroup is that OptionsList has no orientation attribute. PasswordField

This is a text field that displays echo characters instead of those entered by a user.

XML name of the component: passwordField.

PasswordField is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

Basically, PasswordField is similar to TextField apart from the ability to set datatype. PasswordField is intended to work with text and entity attributes of type String only.


<passwordField id="passwordField" caption="msg://name"/>
<button caption="msg://buttonsName" invoke="showPassword"/>
private PasswordField passwordField;

public void showPassword(){
    showNotification((String) passwordField.getValue(), NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
gui PasswordField

The autocomplete attribute allows you to enable saving passwords in the web browser. It is disabled by default.

The capsLockIndicator attribute allows you to set the id of a CapsLockIndicator component that should indicate Caps Lock state for this passwordField. The Caps Lock state is handled only when the passwordField is focused. When the field loses its focus, the state changes to "Caps Lock off".


<passwordField id="passwordField"
<capsLockIndicator id="capsLockIndicator"
                   capsLockOffMessage="Caps Lock is OFF"
                   capsLockOnMessage="Caps Lock is ON"/> PickerField

PickerField displays an entity instance in a text field and performs actions when a user clicks buttons on the right.


XML name of the component: pickerField.

The PickerField component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

  • As a rule, PickerField is used for working with reference entity attributes. It is sufficient to specify datasource and property attributes for the component:

        <datasource id="carDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Car" view="_local"/>
        <pickerField datasource="carDs" property="colour"/>

    In the example above, the screen defines carDs data source for a Car entity having the colour attribute. In the pickerField element, a link to a data source is specified in the datasource attribute, and a name of an entity attribute is set in the property attribute. The entity attribute should refer to another entity, in the example above it is Colour.

  • For PickerField, you can define an arbitrary number of actions, displayed as buttons on the right.

    It can be done either in the XML descriptor using the actions nested element, or programmatically in the controller using addAction().

    • There are standard actions, defined by the PickerField.ActionType: lookup, clear, open. They perform the selection of a related entity, clearing the field and opening the edit screen for a selected related entity, respectively. When declaring standard actions in XML, you do not have to define any attributes except the identifier. If no actions in the actions element are defined when declaring the component, the XML loader will define lookup and clear actions for it. To add a default action, for example, open, you need to define the actions element as follows:

      <pickerField datasource="carDs" property="colour">
              <action id="lookup"/>
              <action id="open"/>
              <action id="clear"/>

      The action element does not extend but overrides a set of standard actions. Identifiers of all required actions have to be defined explicitly. The component looks as follows:

      gui pickerFieldActionsSt

      Use addLookupAction(), addOpenAction() and addClearAction() to set standard actions programmatically. If the component is defined in the XML descriptor without actions nested element, it is sufficient to add missing actions:

      protected PickerField colourField;
      public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

      If the component is created in the controller, it will get no default actions and you need to explicitly add all necessary actions:

      protected ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;
      public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
          PickerField colourField = componentsFactory.createComponent(PickerField.NAME);
          colourField.setDatasource(carDs, "colour");

      You can parameterize standard actions. The XML descriptor has limited abilities to do this: there is only openType attribute, in which you can specify the mode to open a selection screen (for LookupAction) or edit screen (for OpenAction).

      If you create actions programmatically, you can specify any properties of PickerField.LookupAction, PickerField.OpenAction and PickerField.ClearAction objects returned by methods of adding standard actions. For example, you can set a specific lookup screen as follows:

      PickerField.LookupAction lookupAction = customerField.addLookupAction();

      For more information, see JavaDocs for standard actions classes.

    • Arbitrary actions in the XML descriptor are also defined in the actions nested element, for example:

      <pickerField datasource="carDs" property="colour">
              <action id="lookup"/>
              <action id="show" icon="PICKERFIELD_OPEN"
                      invoke="showColour" caption=""/>

      You can programmatically set an arbitrary action as follows:

      protected PickerField colourField;
      public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
          colourField.addAction(new AbstractAction("show") {
              public void actionPerform(Component component) {
              public String getCaption() {
                  return "";
              public String getIcon() {
                  return "icons/show.png";

      The declarative and programmatic creation of actions is described in Actions. The Action Interface section.

  • PickerField can be used without binding to entities, i.e., without setting datasource and property. In this case, metaClass attribute should be used to specify an entity type for PickerField. For example:

    <pickerField id="colourField" metaClass="sample$Colour"/>

    You can get an instance of a selected entity by injecting the component into a controller and invoking its getValue() method.


    For proper operation of the PickerField component you need either set a metaClass attribute, or simultaneously set datasource and property attributes.

  • You can use keyboard shortcuts in PickerField, see Keyboard Shortcuts for details. PopupButton

This is a button with a popup. Popup may contain a drop-down list of actions or a custom content.


XML name of the component: popupButton.

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

PopupButton can contain text, which is specified using the caption attribute, or icon (or both). A tooltip can be defined in the description attribute. The figure below shows different types of buttons:

gui popupButtonTypes

popupButton elements:

  • actions - specifies the drop-down actions list.

    Only the following action properties are displayed: caption, enable, visible. The description and shortcut properties are ignored. Handling of the icon property depends on the cuba.gui.showIconsForPopupMenuActions application property and the showActionIcons attribute of the component. The latter has priority.

    Below is an example of a button with a drop-down list containing two actions:

    <popupButton id="popupButton" caption="msg://popupButton" description="Press me">
            <action id="popupAction1" caption="msg://action1" invoke="someAction1"/>
            <action id="popupAction2" caption="msg://action2" invoke="someAction2"/>
  • popup - sets custom inner content for the popup. Actions are ignored if a custom popup content is set.

    Below is an example of a custom popup layout:

    <popupButton id="popupButton"
            <vbox width="250px"
                <label value="Settings"
                <progressBar caption="Progress"
                <textField caption="New title"
                <lookupField caption="Status"
                <hbox spacing="true">
                    <button caption="Save" icon="SAVE"/>
                    <button caption="Reset" icon="REMOVE"/>
    gui popupButton custom

popupButton attributes:

  • autoClose - defines if the popup should be closed automatically after the action triggerring.

  • closePopupOnOutsideClick - if set to true, clicking on the outside the popup closes it. This does not affect clicking on the button itself.

  • menuWidth - sets the popup menu width.

  • popupOpenDirection - sets the opening direction for the popup. Possible values:




  • showActionIcons - enables displaying icons for action buttons.

  • togglePopupVisibilityOnClick - defines whether sequential click on the popup should toggle popup visibility.

Methods of the PopupButton interface:

  • addPopupVisibilityListener() - adds a listener to intercept the events of the component’s visibility changes.

    popupButton.addPopupVisibilityListener(popupVisibilityEvent -> {
        showNotification("Popup visibility changed");
    }); PopupView

PopupView is a component that allows you to open a popup with a container. The popup can be opened by clicking on minimized value or programmatically. It can be closed by mouse out or by clicking on outside area.

A typical PopupView with hidden and visible popup is shown below:

Popup hidden
Figure 21. Popup hidden
Popup visible
Figure 22. Popup visible

The component is implemented for Web Client.

An example of a PopupView with minimized value retrieved from a localized message pack:

<popupView id="popupView"
           caption="PopupView caption">
    <vbox width="60px" height="40px">
        <label value="Content" align="MIDDLE_CENTER"/>

The inner content of the PopupView should be a container, for example BoxLayout.

PopupView methods:

  • setPopupVisible() allows you to open popup window programmatically.

    private PopupView popupView;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
  • setMinimizedValue() allows you to set a minimized value programmatically.

    private PopupView popupView;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        popupView.setMinimizedValue("Hello world!");
  • addPopupVisibilityListener(PopupVisibilityListener listener) allows you to listen to the popup window visibility changes.

    private PopupView popupView;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        popupView.addPopupVisibilityListener(event ->
            showNotification(event.isPopupVisible() ? "The popup is visible" : "The popup is hidden",

PopupView attributes:

  • minimizedValue attribute defines the text of popup button. This text may contain HTML tags.

  • If the hideOnMouseOut attribute is set to false, popup container will close after click on outside area.

  • captionAsHtml attribute allows to use HTML tags in caption of component. ProgressBar

The ProgressBar component is designed to display the progress of a long process.

gui progressBar

XML name of the component: progressBar

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

Below is an example of the component usage together with the background tasks mechanism:

<progressBar id="progressBar" width="100%"/>
protected ProgressBar progressBar;

protected BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker;

private static final int ITERATIONS = 5;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    BackgroundTask<Integer, Void> task = new BackgroundTask<Integer, Void>(300, this) {
        public Void run(TaskLifeCycle<Integer> taskLifeCycle) throws Exception {
            for (int i = 1; i <= ITERATIONS; i++) {
                TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(2); // time consuming task
            return null;

        public void progress(List<Integer> changes) {
            float lastValue = changes.get(changes.size() - 1);
            progressBar.setValue(lastValue / ITERATIONS);

    BackgroundTaskHandler taskHandler = backgroundWorker.handle(task);

Here in the BackgroundTask.progress() method, which is executed in UI thread, the ProgressBar component is set to the current value. The component value should be a float number from 0.0 to 1.0.

The changes of the ProgressBar value can be tracked using the ValueChangeListener.

If a running process is unable to send information about the progress, an indeterminate state of the indicator can be displayed. Set the indeterminate to true to show an indeterminate state. Default is false. For example:

<progressBar id="progressBar" width="100%" indeterminate="true"/>

By default indeterminate progress bar is displayed as horizontal bar. To make it a spinning wheel instead, set the attribute stylename="indeterminate-circle".

To make the progress bar indicator appear as a dot which progresses over the progress bar track (instead of a growing bar), use the point predefined style:


Attributes of progressBar

align - enable - height - id - indeterminate - stylename - visible - width

Predefined styles of progressBar

indeterminate-circle - point


addValueChangeListener RelatedEntities

RelatedEntities component is a popup button with a drop-down list of classes related to the entity displayed in a table. Once the user selects the required entity class, a new browser screen is opened, containing the instances of this entity class, related to the entity instances selected in the initial table.

gui relatedEntities

The XML-name of the component: relatedEntities

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

Related entities are selected considering the user permissions for entities, entity attributes and screens.

By default, the browser screen for the class selected in the drop-down is defined by convention ({entity_name}.browse,{entity_name}.lookup). Optionally, you can define the screen explicitly in the component.

A filter selecting records related to the selected entities is dynamically created in the browser window.

Example of using the component in screen XML-descriptor:

<table id="invoiceTable"
        <action id="create"/>
        <action id="edit"/>
        <action id="remove"/>

    <buttonsPanel id="buttonsPanel">
        <button id="createBtn"
        <button id="editBtn"
        <button id="removeBtn"

        <relatedEntities for="invoiceTable"
            <property name="invoiceItems"

The for attribute is required. It contains the table identifier.

The openType="NEW_TAB" attribute sets the opening mode of the lookup windows to new tab. The entity browser is opened in the current tab by default.

The property element enables explicitly defining the related entity displayed in the drop-down.

property attributes:

  • name – the current entity attribute name, referencing the related entity.

  • screen – the identifier of the browser screen that should be opened.

  • filterCaption – the name of the dynamically generated filter.

The exclude attribute enables excluding some of the related entities from the drop-down list. The value of the property is a regular expression matching reference attributes to exclude.

gui relatedEntitiesTable

The platform provides an API for opening related entities screens without the RelatedEntities component: the RelatedEntitiesAPI interface and its implementation RelatedEntitiesBean. The logic is defined with the openRelatedScreen() method which takes the collection of entities from one side of relation, MetaClass of single entity from this collection, and a chosen field to find related entities.

<button id="related"
        caption="Related customer"
import com.company.sales.entity.Order;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.AbstractLookup;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Table;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.relatedentities.RelatedEntitiesAPI;

import javax.inject.Inject;

public class OrderBrowse extends AbstractLookup {

    private RelatedEntitiesAPI relatedEntitiesAPI;

    private Table<Order> ordersTable;

    public void onRelatedClick() {
                Order.class, "customer");

By default, the standard entity browser screen is opened. Optionally you can add a RelatedScreenDescriptor parameter to make the method open another screen or open it with parameters. The RelatedScreenDescriptor is a POJO which can store the screen identifier (String), open type (WindowManager.OpenType), filter caption (String), and screen params (Map<String, Object>).

        Order.class, "customer",
        new RelatedScreenDescriptor("sales$Customer.lookup", OpenType.DIALOG));

Attributes of relatedEntities

align - caption - description - enable - exclude - for - icon - id - openType - stylename - tabIndex - visible - width

Attributes of property

caption - filterCaption - name - screen RichTextArea

This is a text area to display and enter formatted text.

XML name of the component: richTextArea

RichTextArea is implemented only for Web Client.

Basically, RichTextArea mirrors the functionality of TextField, except that you cannot set datatype for it. So, RichTextArea is intended for work only with text and entity attributes of type String.

gui RichTextAreaInfo SearchPickerField

The SearchPickerField component is used to search for entity instances according to the entered string. A user should enter a few characters and press Enter. If several matches have been found, all of them will be displayed in a drop-down list. If only one instance matches the search query, it immediately becomes a component value. SearchPickerField also enables performing actions by clicking on buttons on the right.

gui searchPickerFieldOverlap

XML name of the component: searchPickerField.

The component is implemented for Web Client and Desktop Client.

  • To use SearchPickerField component, you need to create collectionDatasource and specify a query, which contains corresponding search conditions. Condition must contain a parameter named custom$searchString. This parameter will be populated with a substring entered by the user. A data source with a search condition should be defined in the optionsDatasource attribute of the component. For example:

        <datasource id="carDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Car" view="_local"/>
        <collectionDatasource id="coloursDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Colour" view="_local">
                select c from sample$Colour c
                where c.name like :(?i)custom$searchString
        <searchPickerField datasource="carDs" property="colour" optionsDatasource="coloursDs"/>

    In this case, the component will look for instances of Colour entity according to the occurrence of the substring in its name attribute. The (?i) prefix is used for case-insensitive search (see Case-Insensitive Search for a Substring). The selected value will be set in the colour attribute of the Car entity located in the carDs datasource.

    The escapeValueForLike attribute set to true enables searching for the values that contain special symbols %, \, and _ using like-clauses. In order to use escapeValueForLike = true, modify the query of the collection data source adding the escape value to it:

    select c from ref$Colour c
    where c.name like :(?i)custom$searchString or c.description like :(?i)custom$searchString escape '\'

    The escapeValueForLike attribute works for all databases except HSQLDB.

  • Using the minSearchStringLength attribute the minimum number of characters, which the user should enter to search for values, can be defined.

  • In the screen controller, two component methods can be implemented that will be invoked:

    • If the number of entered characters is less than the value of minSearchStringLength attribute.

    • If the search of characters entered by the user has returned no results.

    Below is an example of implementing methods to display messages to the user:

    private SearchPickerField colourField;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        colourField.setSearchNotifications(new SearchField.SearchNotifications() {
            public void notFoundSuggestions(String filterString) {
                showNotification("No colours found for search string: " + filterString,
            public void needMinSearchStringLength(String filterString, int minSearchStringLength) {
                showNotification("Minimum length of search string is " + minSearchStringLength,
  • SearchPickerField implements LookupField and PickerField interfaces. Thus, it inherits the same functionality except the default list of actions added when defining the component in XML: for SearchPickerField these are lookup lookupBtn and open openBtn actions. SideMenu

SideMenu component provides means of customizing the main window layout, managing menu items, adding icons and badges and applying custom styles.

It can also be used in any screen as any other visual component. To add the SideMenu component to the screen, you should add the xmlns:main="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/mainwindow.xsd" namespace to your screen descriptor.

gui sidemenu

XML name of the component: sideMenu.

An example of component definition in an XML-descriptor of a screen:

<main:sideMenu id="sideMenu"

CUBA Studio provides the screen template for main window with the sideMenu component and predefined styles within the side panel:

    <hbox id="horizontalWrap"
        <vbox id="sideMenuPanel"
            <hbox id="appTitleBox"
                <label id="appTitleLabel"
            <embedded id="logoImage"
            <hbox id="userInfoBox"
                <main:userIndicator id="userIndicator"
                <main:newWindowButton id="newWindowButton"
                <main:logoutButton id="logoutButton"
            <main:sideMenu id="sideMenu"
            <main:ftsField id="ftsField"
        <main:workArea id="workArea"
            <main:initialLayout margin="true"
                <label id="welcomeLabel"

sideMenu attributes:

  • The selectOnClick attribute, when set to true, highlights the selected menu item on mouse click. The default value is false.

gui sidemenu 2

Methods of the SideMenu interface:

  • createMenuItem - creates new menu item, but does not add this item to menu. Id must be unique for whole menu.

  • addMenuItem - adds menu item to the menu.

  • removeMenuItem - removes menu item from the items list.

  • getMenuItem - returns menu item from the menu tree by its id.

  • hasMenuItems - returns true if the menu has items.

SideMenu component is used to display menu items. The MenuItem API enables creating menu items in the screen controller. The methods below can be used for dynamic update of menu items depending on the application business logic. The example of adding a menu item programmatically:

SideMenu.MenuItem item = sideMenu.createMenuItem("special");
item.setCaption("Daily offer");
gui sidemenu 3

Methods of the MenuItem interface:

  • setCaption - sets item caption.

  • setCaptionAsHtml - enables or disables HTML mode for caption.

  • setBadgeText - sets badge text for the item. Badges are shown as small widget on the right side of menu items, for example:

    int count = 5;
    SideMenu.MenuItem item = sideMenu.createMenuItem("count");
    item.setBadgeText(count + " new");
    gui sidemenu 4

    The badge text can be dynamically updated with the help of the Timer component:

    public void updateCounters(Timer source) {
    gui sidemenu 5
  • setIcon - sets menu icon.

  • setCommand - sets item command, or the action to be performed on this menu item click.

  • addChildItem/removeChildItem - adds/removes menu item to the children list.

  • setExpanded - expands or collapses sub-menu with children by default.

  • setStyleName - sets one or more user-defined style names of the component, replacing any previous user-defined styles. Multiple styles can be specified as a space-separated list of style names. The style names must be valid CSS class names.

    The standard sideMenu template includes several predefined styles: c-sidemenu-layout, c-sidemenu-panel and c-sidemenu-title. The default c-sidemenu style is supported only within the Halo theme or its extensions. The Havana theme does not support sideMenu styling.

  • setTestId - sets cuba-id value for UI testing. SourceCodeEditor

SourceCodeEditor is designed to display and enter source code. It is a multi-line text area featured with code highlighting and optional print margin and gutter with line numbers.

XML-name of the component: sourceCodeEditor.

SourceCodeEditor is implemented for Web Client.

Basically, SourceCodeEditor mostly replicates the functionality of the TextField component and has the following specific attributes:

  • if handleTabKey is true, the Tab button on the keyboard is handled to indent lines, when false, it is used to advance the cursor or focus to the next tab stop. This attribute should be set when the screen is initialized and will not work if changed at a runtime.

All following properties can be easily changed at a runtime:

  • highlightActiveLine is used to highlight the line the caret is on.

  • mode provides the list of languages supported for the syntax highlight. This list is defined in the Mode enumeration of the SourceCodeEditor interface and includes the following languages: Java, HTML, XML, Groovy, SQL, JavaScript, Properties, and Text with no highlight.

  • printMargin attribute sets if the printing edge line should be displayed or hidden.

  • showGutter is used to hide or show the left gutter with line numbers.

Below is an example of SourceCodeEditor component adjustable at a runtime.


<hbox spacing="true">
    <checkBox id="highlightActiveLineCheck" align="BOTTOM_LEFT" caption="Highlight Active Line"/>
    <checkBox id="printMarginCheck" align="BOTTOM_LEFT" caption="Print Margin"/>
    <checkBox id="showGutterCheck" align="BOTTOM_LEFT" caption="Show Gutter"/>
    <lookupField id="modeField" align="BOTTOM_LEFT" caption="Mode" required="true"/>
<sourceCodeEditor id="simpleCodeEditor" width="100%"/>

The controller:

private LookupField modeField;
private SourceCodeEditor simpleCodeEditor;
private CheckBox highlightActiveLineCheck;
private CheckBox printMarginCheck;
private CheckBox showGutterCheck;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    highlightActiveLineCheck.addValueChangeListener(e -> simpleCodeEditor.setHighlightActiveLine(Boolean.TRUE.equals(e.getValue())));

    printMarginCheck.addValueChangeListener(e -> simpleCodeEditor.setShowPrintMargin(Boolean.TRUE.equals(e.getValue())));

    showGutterCheck.addValueChangeListener(e -> simpleCodeEditor.setShowGutter(Boolean.TRUE.equals(e.getValue())));

    Map<String, Object> modes = new HashMap<>();
    for (SourceCodeEditor.Mode mode : SourceCodeEditor.Mode.values()) {
        modes.put(mode.toString(), mode);

    modeField.addValueChangeListener(e -> simpleCodeEditor.setMode((SourceCodeEditor.Mode) e.getValue()));

The result will be:

gui SourceCodeEditor 1

SourceCodeEditor can also support code autocomplete provided by the Suggester class. To activate word completion, the setSuggester method should be invoked, for example:

private SourceCodeEditor suggesterCodeEditor;
private CollectionDatasource<User, UUID> usersDs;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    suggesterCodeEditor.setSuggester((source, text, cursorPosition) -> {
        List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();
        for (User user : usersDs.getItems()) {
            suggestions.add(new Suggestion(source, user.getLogin(), user.getName(), null, -1, -1));
        return suggestions;

The result:

gui SourceCodeEditor 2 SuggestionField

The SuggestionField component is designed to search for certain values according to a string entered by a user. It differs from SuggestionPickerField in that it can use any types of options: for instance, entities, strings, or enum values, and does not have action buttons. The list of options is loaded in background according to the logic defined by the application developer on the server side.

gui suggestionField 1

XML name of the component: suggestionField.

The component is implemented for the Web Client.

suggestionField attributes:

  • asyncSearchDelayMs - sets the delay between the last key press action and asynchronous search.

  • minSearchStringLength - sets the minimal string length which is required to perform suggestions search.

  • popupWidth - sets the width of the suggestion popup.

    Possible options:

    • auto - the popup width will be equal to the maximum width of suggestions,

    • parent - the popup width will be equal to the width of main component,

    • absolute (e.g. "170px") or relative (e.g. "50%") value.

  • suggestionsLimit - sets the limit of suggestions to be displayed.

suggestionField elements:

  • query - an optional element which enables defining a query for selecting suggested values. The query element, in turn, has the following attributes:

    • entityClass (required) - full qualified name of entity class.

    • view - optional attribute that specifies the view to be used for loading the queried entity.

    • escapeValueForLike - enables searching for the values that contain special symbols: %, \, etc. Default value is false.

    • searchStringFormat - a Groovy string, thus you can use any valid Groovy-string expressions.

    <suggestionField id="suggestionField"
        <query entityClass="com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.User"
            select e from sec$User e where e.login like :searchString

    If the query is not defined, the list of options must be provided by SearchExecutor, assigned programmatically (see below).

In the most common case, it is sufficient to set SearchExecutor to the component. SearchExecutor is a functional interface that contains a single method: List<E> search(String searchString, Map<String, Object> searchParams):

suggestionField.setSearchExecutor((searchString, searchParams) -> {
    return Arrays.asList(entity1, entity2, ...);

SearchExecutor can return any types of options, for example, entities, strings, or enum values.

  • Entities:

List<Customer> customers = new ArrayList<>(customersDs.getItems());
suggestionField.setSearchExecutor((searchString, searchParams) ->
                .filter(customer -> StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(customer.getName(), searchString))
  • Strings:

List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("Red", "Green", "Blue", "Cyan", "Magenta", "Yellow");
stringSuggestionField.setSearchExecutor((searchString, searchParams) ->
                .filter(str -> StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(str, searchString))
  • Enum:

List<SendingStatus> enums = Arrays.asList(SendingStatus.values());
enumSuggestionField.setSearchExecutor((searchString, searchParams) ->
                .map(sendingStatus -> messages.getMessage(sendingStatus))
                .filter(str -> StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(str, searchString))
  • OptionWrapper class is used when you need to separate a value of any type and its string representation:

List<OptionWrapper> wrappers = Arrays.asList(
        new OptionWrapper("One", 1),
        new OptionWrapper("Two", 2),
        new OptionWrapper("Three", 3);
suggestionField.setSearchExecutor((searchString, searchParams) ->
                .filter(optionWrapper -> StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(optionWrapper.getCaption(), searchString))

The search() method is executed in a background thread so it cannot access visual components or datasources used by visual components. Call DataManager or a middleware service directly; or process and return data loaded to the screen beforehand.

The searchString parameter can be used to filter candidates using the string entered by the user. You can use the escapeForLike() method to search for the values that contain special symbols:

suggestionField.setSearchExecutor((searchString, searchParams) -> {
    searchString = QueryUtils.escapeForLike(searchString);
    return dataManager.loadList(LoadContext.create(Customer.class).setQuery(
            LoadContext.createQuery("select c from sample$Customer c where c.name like :name order by c.name escape '\\'")
                .setParameter("name", "%" + searchString + "%")));
  • OptionsStyleProvider enables you to use separate style names for the suggested options displayed by suggestionField:

    suggestionField.setOptionsStyleProvider((field, item) -> {
        User user = (User) item;
        switch (user.getGroup().getName()) {
            case "Company":
                return "company";
            case "Premium":
                return "premium";
                return "company";
    }); SuggestionPickerField

The SuggestionPickerField component is designed to search for entity instances according to a string entered by a user. It differs from SearchPickerField in that it refreshes the list of options on each entered symbol without the need to press Enter. The list of options is loaded in background according to the logic defined by the application developer on the server side.

SuggestionPickerField is also a PickerField and can contain actions represented by buttons on the right.

gui suggestionPickerField 1

XML name of the component: suggestionPickerField.

The component is implemented for the Web Client.

SuggestionPickerField is used to select reference entity attributes, so you usually set its datasource and property attributes:

    <datasource id="orderDs"
    <suggestionPickerField id="suggestionPickerField"

suggestionPickerField attributes:

  • asyncSearchDelayMs - sets the delay between the last key press action and asynchronous search.

  • metaClass - sets the link to the component’s MetaClass if the component is used without binding to a datasource, i.e., without setting datasource and property.

  • minSearchStringLength - sets the minimal string length which is required to perform suggestions search.

  • popupWidth - sets the width of the suggestion popup.

    Possible options:

    • auto - the popup width will be equal to the maximum width of suggestions,

    • parent - the popup width will be equal to the width of main component,

    • absolute (e.g. "170px") or relative (e.g. "50%") value.

  • suggestionsLimit - sets the limit of suggestions to be displayed.


The appearance of suggestionPickerField and its popup can be customized using the stylename attribute. The stylename for the popup should have the same name as for the main component: for example, if the component has custom stylename "my-awesome-stylename", its popup should have the stylename "c-suggestionfield-popup my-awesome-stylename".

suggestionPickerField elements:

  • actions - an optional element describing the actions related to the component. In addition to custom arbitrary actions, suggestionPickerField supports the following standard actions, defined in the PickerField.ActionType enumeration: lookup, open, clear.

Base SuggestionPickerField usage

In the most common case, it is sufficient to set SearchExecutor to the component. SearchExecutor is a functional interface that contains a single method: List<E extends Entity> search(String searchString, Map<String, Object> searchParams):

suggestionPickerField.setSearchExecutor((searchString, searchParams) -> {
    return Arrays.asList(entity1, entity2, ...);

The search() method is executed in a background thread so it cannot access visual components or datasources used by visual components. Call DataManager or a middleware service directly; or process and return data loaded to the screen beforehand.

The searchString parameter can be used to filter candidates using the string entered by the user. You can use the escapeForLike() method to search for the values that contain special symbols:

suggestionPickerField.setSearchExecutor((searchString, searchParams) -> {
    searchString = QueryUtils.escapeForLike(searchString);
    return dataManager.loadList(LoadContext.create(Customer.class).setQuery(
            LoadContext.createQuery("select c from sample$Customer c where c.name like :name order by c.name escape '\\'")
                .setParameter("name", "%" + searchString + "%")));
ParametrizedSearchExecutor usage

In the previous examples, searchParams is an empty map. To define params, you should use ParametrizedSearchExecutor:

suggestionPickerField.setSearchExecutor(new SuggestionField.ParametrizedSearchExecutor<Customer>(){
    public Map<String, Object> getParams() {
        return ParamsMap.of(...);

    public List<Customer> search(String searchString, Map<String, Object> searchParams) {
        return executeSearch(searchString, searchParams);
EnterActionHandler and ArrowDownActionHandler usage

Another way to use the component is to set EnterActionHandler or ArrowDownActionHandler. These listeners are fired when a user presses Enter or Arrow Down keys when the popup with suggestions is hidden. They are also functional interfaces with single method and single parameter - currentSearchString. You can set up your own action handlers and use SuggestionField.showSuggestions() method which accepts the list of entities to show suggestions.

suggestionPickerField.setArrowDownActionHandler(currentSearchString -> {
    List<Customer> suggestions = findSuggestions();

suggestionPickerField.setEnterActionHandler(currentSearchString -> {
    List<Customer> suggestions = getDefaultSuggestions();
}); Table

The Table component presents information in a table view, sorts data, manages table columns and headers and invokes actions for selected rows.

gui table

XML-name of the component: table

The component is implemented for both Web Client and Desktop Client.

An example of component definition in an XML-descriptor of a screen:

    <collectionDatasource id="ordersDs"
            select o from sales$Order o order by o.date
    <table id="ordersTable" width="300px">
            <column id="date"/>
            <column id="customer.name"/>
            <column id="amount"/>
        <rows datasource="ordersDs"/>

In the example the dsContext element defines collectionDatasource, which selects Order entities using JPQL query. The rows element defines the data source, while columns element defines which entity attributes are used as table columns.

table elements:

  • rows – a required element; its datasource attribute defines the data source to be used by the table.

    Each row can have an icon in an additional column on the left. Create an implementation of the ListComponent.IconProvider interface in the screen controller and set it for the table:

    private Table<Customer> table;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        table.setIconProvider(new ListComponent.IconProvider<Customer>() {
            public String getItemIcon(Customer entity) {
                CustomerGrade grade = entity.getGrade();
                switch (grade) {
                    case PREMIUM: return "icons/premium_grade.png";
                    case HIGH: return "icons/high_grade.png";
                    case MEDIUM: return "icons/medium_grade.png";
                    default: return null;
  • columns – a required element defining the set of columns for a table.

    Each column is described in a nested column element with the following attributes:

    • id − a mandatory attribute, contains the name of an entity attribute displayed in the column. Can be either an attribute of the entity from the data source or a linked entity – object graph traversal is indicated with a dot. For example:

          <column id="date"/>
          <column id="customer"/>
          <column id="customer.name"/>
          <column id="customer.address.country"/>
    • caption − an optional attribute containing the column caption. If not specified, a localized attribute name will be displayed.

    • collapsed − an optional attribute; hides the column by default when set to true. Users can control column’s visibility using the menu available via a gui_table_columnControl button in the top right part of the table when the table’s columnControlVisible attribute is not false. By default, collapsed is false.

    • width − an optional attribute controlling default column width. May contain only numeric values in pixels.

    • align − an optional attribute that sets text alignment of column cells. Possible values: LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER. Default is LEFT.

    • editable − an optional attribute allowing editing of the corresponding column in the table. In order for a column to be editable, the editable attribute of the entire table should be set to true as well. Changing this property at runtime is not supported.

    • sortable − an optional attribute to disable sorting of the column. Takes effect if the whole table has sortable attribute set to true (which is by default).

    • maxTextLength – an optional attribute allowing to limit the number of characters in a cell. If the difference between the actual and the maximum allowed number of characters does not exceed the 10 character threshold, the "extra" characters remain unhidden. To see the entire record, users need to click on its visible part. An example of a column with a 5 character limitation:

      gui table column maxTextLength
    • linkScreen - contains the identifier of the screen that is opened by clicking the link enabled in the link attribute.

    • linkScreenOpenType - sets the screen opening mode (THIS_TAB, NEW_TAB or DIALOG).

    • linkInvoke - invokes the controller method instead of opening the screen.

      public void linkedMethod(Entity item, String columnId) {
          Customer customer = (Customer) item;
    • captionProperty - the name of an entity attribute which should be shown in the column instead of specified by id. For example, if you have a reference to the Priority entity with the name and orderNo attributes, you can define the following column:

      <column id="priority.orderNo" captionProperty="priority.name" caption="msg://priority" />

      In this case, the column will display the priority name, but the sorting of the column will be done by the priority order.

    • an optional generator attribute contains the link to a method in the screen controller that creates a visual component to be shown in table cells:

          <column id="name"/>
          <column id="imageFile"
      public Component generateImageFileCell(Employee entity) {
          Embedded embedded = componentsFactory.createComponent(Embedded.class);
          FileDescriptor userImageFile = entity.getImageFile();
          FileDataProvider dataProvider = new FileDataProvider(userImageFile);
          embedded.setSource(userImageFile.getId() + "." + userImageFile.getExtension(), dataProvider);
          return embedded;

      It can be used instead of providing an implementation of Table.ColumnGenerator to the addGeneratedColumn() method.

    • column element may contain a nested formatter element that allows you to represent the attribute value in a format different from the standard for this Datatype:

      <column id="date">
          <formatter class="com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.formatters.DateFormatter"
                     format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"/>
  • rowsCount − an optional element adding the RowsCount component for the table; this component enables loading the table data in pages. Page size can be defined by limiting the number of records in the data source using CollectionDatasource.setMaxResults() method. Typically, this is performed by a Filter component linked to the table’s data source. However, if there is no generic filter, this method can be called directly from the screen controller.

    RowsCount component can also show the total number of records returned by the current query from the datasource without extracting the records themselves. It invokes AbstractCollectionDatasource.getCount() when user clicks the ? icon, which results in performing a database query with the same conditions as the current query, but using a COUNT(*) aggregate function instead. The number retrieved is displayed instead of the ? icon.

  • actions − an optional element describing the actions, related to the table. In addition to custom arbitrary actions, the element supports the following standard actions, defined in ListActionType enum: create, edit, remove, refresh, add, exclude, excel.

  • buttonsPanel – an optional element, which adds a ButtonsPanel container to show action buttons above the table.

table attributes:

  • multiselect attribute enables setting multiple selection mode for table rows. If multiselect is true, users can select multiple rows in the table using keyboard or mouse holding Ctrl or Shift keys. By default, multiple selection mode is switched off.

  • sortable attribute enables sorting data in the table. By default, it is set to true. If sorting is allowed, clicking a column header will show a gui_sortable_down/gui_sortable_up icon to the right of the column name. You can disable sorting for a particular column by using its sortable attribute.

    Table sorting can be performed differently depending on whether all the records can be placed on one page or not. If they can, sorting is performed in memory without database queries. If there is more than one page, sorting is performed in the database by sending a new query with the corresponding ORDER BY condition.

    A table column may refer to a local attribute or a linked entity. For example:

    <table id="ordersTable">
            <column id="customer.name"/> <!-- the 'name' attribute of the 'Customer' entity -->
            <column id="contract"/>      <!-- the 'Contract' entity -->
        <rows datasource="ordersDs"/>

    In the latter case, the database sorting will be performed by attributes defined in the @NamePattern annotation of the related entity. If the entity has no such annotation, the sorting will be performed in memory only within the current page.

    If the column refers to a non-persistent entity attribute, the database sorting will be performed by attributes defined in the related() parameter of the @MetaProperty annotation. If no related attributes are specified, the sorting will be performed in memory only within the current page.

    If the table is connected to a nested datasource that contains a collection of related entities, the collection attribute must be of ordered type (List or LinkedHashSet) for table to be sortable. If the attribute is of type Set, the sortable attribute has no effect and the table cannot be sorted by users.

  • presentations attribute controls the mechanism of presentations. By default, the value is false. If the attribute value is true, a corresponding icon is added to the top right corner of the table gui_presentation. The mechanism of presentations is implemented for the Web Client only.

  • If the columnControlVisible attribute is set to false, users cannot hide columns using the drop-down menu of the gui_table_columnControl button in the right part of the table header. Currently displayed columns are marked with checkmarks in the menu.

gui table columnControl all
  • If the reorderingAllowed attribute is set to false, users cannot change columns order by dragging them with a mouse.

  • If the columnHeaderVisible attribute is set to false, the table has no header.

  • If the showSelection attribute is set to false, a current row is not highlighted.

  • contextMenuEnabled attribute enables the context menu. By default this attribute is set to true. The context menu shows table actions (if any) and the System Information item containing information on the selected entity (if the user has cuba.gui.showInfo permission).

  • Setting multiLineCells to true enables multi-line display for cells containing several lines of text. In this mode, the web browser will load all the rows of the current table page at once, instead of lazy-loading the visible part of the table. It is required for proper scrolling in the Web Client. The default value is false.

  • aggregatable attribute enables aggregation for table rows. The following operations are supported:

    • SUM – calculate the sum

    • AVG – find the average value

    • COUNT – calculate the total number

    • MIN – find the minimum value

    • MAX – find the maximum value

    The aggregation element should be set for aggregated table columns with the type attribute, which sets the aggregation function. By default, only numeric data types are supported in aggregated columns, such as Integer, Double, Long and BigDecimal. The aggregated table values are shown in an additional row at the top of the table. An example of an aggregated table description:

    <table id="itemsTable" aggregatable="true">
            <column id="product"/>
            <column id="quantity"/>
            <column id="amount">
                <aggregation type="SUM"/>
        <rows datasource="itemsDs"/>

    The aggregation element can also contain the strategyClass attribute specifying a class implementing the AggregationStrategy interface (see below the example of setting an aggregation strategy programmatically).

    A Formatter can be specified to display the aggregated value in the format other than the standard for this Datatype:

    <column id="amount">
        <aggregation type="SUM">
            <formatter class="com.company.sample.MyFormatter"/>

    The aggregationStyle attribute allows you to specify the location of the aggregation row: TOP or BOTTOM. TOP is used by default.

    In addition to the operations listed above, you can define a custom aggregation strategy by implementing the AggregationStrategy interface and passing it to the setAggregation() method of the Table.Column class inside the AggregationInfo instance. For example:

    public class TimeEntryAggregation implements AggregationStrategy<List<TimeEntry>, String> {
        public String aggregate(Collection<List<TimeEntry>> propertyValues) {
            HoursAndMinutes total = new HoursAndMinutes();
            for (List<TimeEntry> list : propertyValues) {
                for (TimeEntry timeEntry : list) {
            return StringFormatHelper.getTotalDayAggregationString(total);
        public Class<String> getResultClass() {
            return String.class;
    AggregationInfo info = new AggregationInfo();
    info.setStrategy(new TimeEntryAggregation());
    Table.Column column = weeklyReportsTable.getColumn(columnId);
  • editable attribute enables switching the table to in-place editing mode. In this mode, the columns with editable = true attribute show components to edit the attributes of the corresponding entity.

    The component type for each editable column is selected automatically based on the type of the corresponding entity attribute. For example, for string and numeric attributes, the application will use TextField, for DateDateField, for lists – LookupField, for links to other entities – PickerField.

    For a Date type editable column, you can additionally define dateFormat or resolution attributes similar to the ones described for the DateField.

    optionsDatasource and captionProperty attributes can be additionally defined for an editable column showing a linked entity. If optionsDatasource is set, the application will use LookupField instead of PickerField.

    Custom configuration (including editing) of a cell can be performed using Table.addGeneratedColumn() method – see below.

  • In Web Client with a Halo-based theme, stylename attribute enables setting predefined styles to the Table component either in the XML descriptor or in the screen controller:

    <table id="table"
            <column id="product"/>
            <column id="quantity"/>
        <rows datasource="itemsDs"/>

    When setting a style programmatically, select one of the HaloTheme class constants with the TABLE_ prefix:


    Table styles:

    • borderless - removes the outer border of the table.

    • compact - reduces the white space inside the table cells.

    • no-header - hides the table column headers.

    • no-horizontal-lines - removes the horizontal divider lines between the table rows.

    • no-stripes - removes the alternating row colors.

    • no-vertical-lines - removes the vertical divider lines between the table columns.

    • small - small font size and reduced the white space inside the table cells.

Methods of the Table interface:

  • addColumnCollapsedListener() method is useful for tracking the columns visibility with the help of the ColumnCollapsedListener interface implementation.

  • getSelected(), getSingleSelected() return instances of the entities corresponding to the selected rows of the table. A collection can be obtained by invoking getSelected(). If nothing is selected, the application returns an empty set. If multiselect is disabled, it is more convenient to use getSingleSelected() method returning one selected entity or null, if nothing is selected.

  • addGeneratedColumn() method allows you to define custom representation of data in a column. It takes two parameters: identifier of the column and an implementation of the Table.ColumnGenerator interface. Identifier can match one of the identifiers set for table columns in XML-descriptor – in this case the new column is inserted instead of the one defined in XML. If the identifier does not match any of the columns, a new column is added to the right.

    generateCell() method of the Table.ColumnGenerator interface is invoked for each row of the table. The method receives an instance of the entity displayed in the corresponding row. generateCell() method should return a visual component which will be displayed in the cell.

    Example of using the component:

    protected Table carsTable;
    protected ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        carsTable.addGeneratedColumn("colour", new Table.ColumnGenerator() {
            public Component generateCell(Entity entity) {
                LookupPickerField field = componentsFactory.createComponent(LookupPickerField.NAME);
                field.setDatasource(carsTable.getItemDatasource(entity), "colour");
                return field;

    In the example above, all cells within the colour column in the table show the LookupPickerField component. The component should save its value into the colour attribute of the entity which instance is displayed in the corresponding row. For this purpose getItemDatasource() method is used to get the datasource for the current entity instance from the table and pass it to the LookupPickerField component.

    If you want to display just dynamic text, use special class Table.PlainTextCell instead of the Label component. It will simplify rendering and make the table faster.

    If addGeneratedColumn() method receives the identifier of a column which is not declared in XML-descriptor, the header for the new column to be set as follows:


    Consider also using a more declarative approach with the generator XML attribute.

  • requestFocus() method allows you to set focus on the concrete editable field of a certain row. It takes two parameters: an entity instance which identifies the row and the column identifier. Example of requesting a focus:

    table.requestFocus(item, "count");
  • scrollTo() method allows you to scroll table to the concrete row. It takes one parameter: an entity instance identifying the row.

    Example of scrolling:

  • setClickListener() method can save you from adding generated columns with components when you need to draw something in cells and receive notifications when a user clicks inside these cells. The CellClickListener implementation passed to this method receives the selected entity and the column identifier. The cells content will be wrapped in span element with cuba-table-clickable-cell style which can be used to specify the cell representation.

  • setStyleProvider() method enables setting table cell display style. The method accepts an implementation of Table.StyleProvider interface as a parameter. getStyleName() method of this interface is invoked by the table for each row and each cell separately. If the method is invoked for a row, the first parameter contains the entity instance displayed by the row, the second parameter is null. If the method is called for a cell, the second parameter contains the name of the attribute displayed by the cell.

    Example of setting a style:

    protected Table customersTable;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        customersTable.setStyleProvider(new Table.StyleProvider() {
            public String getStyleName(Entity entity, @Nullable String property) {
                Customer customer = (Customer) entity;
                if (property == null) {
                    // style for row
                    if (hasComplaints(customer)) {
                } else if (property.equals("grade")) {
                    // style for column "grade"
                    switch (customer.getGrade()) {
                        case PREMIUM: return "premium-grade";
                        case HIGH: return "high-grade";
                        case MEDIUM: return "medium-grade";
                        default: return null;
                return null;

    Then the cell and row styles set in the application theme should be defined. Detailed information on creating a theme is available in Themes. For web client, new styles are defined in the styles.scss file. Style names defined in the controller, together with prefixes identifying table row and column form CSS selectors. For example:

    .v-table-row.unsatisfied-customer {
      font-weight: bold;
    .v-table-cell-content.premium-grade {
      background-color: red;
    .v-table-cell-content.high-grade {
      background-color: green;
    .v-table-cell-content.medium-grade {
      background-color: blue;
  • addPrintable() method enables setting a custom presentation of the data within a column when exporting to an XLS file via the excel standard action or directly using the ExcelExporter class. The method accepts the column identifier and an implementation of the Table.Printable interface for the column. For example:

    ordersTable.addPrintable("customer", new Table.Printable<Customer, String>() {
        public String getValue(Customer customer) {
            return "Name: " + customer.getName;

    getValue() method of the Table.Printable interface should return data to be displayed in the table cell. This is not necessarily a string – the method may return values of other types, for example, numeric data or dates, which will be represented in the XLS file accordingly.

    If formatted output to XLS is required for a generated column, an implementation of the Table.PrintableColumnGenerator interface passed to the addGeneratedColumn() method should be used. The value for a cell in an XLS document is defined in the getValue() method of this interface:

    ordersTable.addGeneratedColumn("product", new Table.PrintableColumnGenerator<Order, String>() {
        public Component generateCell(Order entity) {
            Label label = componentsFactory.createComponent(Label.NAME);
            Product product = order.getProduct();
            label.setValue(product.getName() + ", " + product.getCost());
            return label;
        public String getValue(Order entity) {
            Product product = order.getProduct();
            return product.getName() + ", " + product.getCost();

    If Printable presentation is not defined for a generated column in one way or another, then the column will either show the value of corresponding entity attribute or nothing if there is no associated entity attribute.

  • The setItemClickAction() method allows you to define an action that will be performed when a table row is double-clicked. If such action is not defined, the table will attempt to find an appropriate one in the list of its actions in the following order:

    • The action assigned to the Enter key by the shortcut property

    • The edit action

    • The view action

      If such action is found, and has enabled = true property, the action is executed.

  • The setEnterPressAction() allows you to define an action executed when Enter is pressed. If such action is not defined, the table will attempt to find an appropriate one in the list of its actions in the following order:

    • The action defined by the setItemClickAction() method

    • The action assigned to the Enter key by the shortcut property

    • The edit action

    • The view action

    If such action is found, and has enabled = true property, the action is executed. TextArea

TextArea is a multi-line text editor field.

XML-name of the component: textArea

TextArea component is implemented for both Web Client and Desktop Client.

TextArea mostly replicates the functionality of the TextField component and has the following specific attributes:

  • cols and rows set the number of columns and rows of text:

    <textArea id="textArea" cols="20" rows="5" caption="msg://name"/>

    The values of width and height have priority over the values of cols and rows.

  • resizableDirection – defines the way a user can change the size of the component, unless the percentage size is set for the component.

    <textArea id="textArea" resizableDirection="BOTH"/>
    gui textField resizable

    There are four resize modes available:

    • BOTH - the component is resizable in both directions. The component is not resizable if the percentage size is set for the component.

    • NONE - the component can not be resized.

    • VERTICAL - the component is resizable only vertically. The component can not be resized vertically if the percentage size is set for the component.

    • HORIZONTAL - the component is resizable only horizontally. The component can not be resized horizontally if the percentage width is set for the component.

    The area size change events can be tracked using the ResizeListener interface. For example:

    textArea.addResizeListener(e -> showNotification("Resized"));
  • wordwrap - set this attribute to false to turn off word wrapping.

TextArea supports TextChangeListener defined in its parent TextInputField interface. Text change events are processed asynchronously after typing in order not to block the typing.

textArea.addTextChangeListener(event -> {
    int length = event.getText().length();
    textAreaLabel.setValue(length + " of " + textArea.getMaxLength());
gui TextArea 2

The TextChangeEventMode defines the way the changes are transmitted to the server to cause a server-side event. There are 3 predefined event modes:

  • LAZY (default) - an event is triggered when there is a pause in editing the text. The length of the pause can be modified with setInputEventTimeout(). A text change event is forced before a possible ValueChangeEvent, even if the user did not keep a pause while entering the text.

  • TIMEOUT - an event is triggered after a timeout period. If more changes are made during this period, the event sent to the server-side includes the changes made up to the last change. The length of the timeout can be set with setInputEventTimeout().

    If a ValueChangeEvent would occur before the timeout period, a TextChangeEvent is triggered before it, on the condition that the text content has changed since the previous TextChangeEvent.

  • EAGER - an event is triggered immediately for every change in the text content, typically caused by a key press. The requests are separate and are processed sequentially one after another. Change events are nevertheless communicated asynchronously to the server, so further input can be typed while event requests are being processed.

    TextArea styles

    In Web Client with a Halo-based theme, you can set predefined styles to the TextArea component using the stylename attribute either in the XML descriptor or in the screen controller:

    <textArea id="textArea"

    When setting a style programmatically, select one of the HaloTheme class constants with the TEXTAREA_ prefix:

    • align-center - align the text inside the area to center.

    • align-right - align the text inside the area to the right.

    • borderless - removes the border and background from the text area. TextField

TextField is a component for text editing. It can be used both for working with entity attributes and entering/displaying arbitrary textual information.

XML-name of the component: textField

TextField is implemented for both Web Client and Desktop Client.

  • An example of a text field with a caption retrieved from the localized messages pack:

    <textField id="nameField" caption="msg://name"/>

    The figure below shows an example of a simple text field.

    gui textField data
  • In Web Client with a Halo-based theme, you can set predefined styles to the TextField component using the stylename attribute either in the XML descriptor or in the screen controller:

    <textField id="textField"

    When setting a style programmatically, select one of the HaloTheme class constants with the TEXTFIELD_ prefix:


    TextField styles:

    • align-center - align the text inside the field to center.

    • align-right - align the text inside the field to the right.

    • borderless - removes the border and background from the text field.

    • inline-icon - moves the default caption icon inside the text field.

    TextField supports automatic case conversion. The caseConvertion attribute can have one of the following values:

    • UPPER - the upper case,

    • LOWER - the lower case,

    • NONE - without conversion (the default value). Use this option to support key-sequence input using IME (for example, for Japanese, Korean or Chinese language).

  • To create a text field connected to data, use datasource and property attributes.

        <datasource id="customerDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Customer" view="_local"/>
        <textField datasource="customerDs" property="name" caption="msg://name"/>

    As you can see in the example, the screen describes the customerDs datasource for Customer entity, which has name attribute. The text field component has a link to the data source specified in the datasource attribute; property attribute contains the name of the entity attribute that is displayed in the text field.

  • If the field is not connected to an entity attribute (i.e. the data source and attribute name are not set), you can set the data type using the datatype attribute. It is used to format field values. The attribute value accepts any data type registered in the application metadata – see Datatype. Typically, TextField uses the following data types:

    • decimal

    • double

    • int

    • long

      As an example, let’s look at a text field with an Integer data type.

      <textField id="integerField" datatype="int" caption="msg://integerFieldName"/>

      If a user enters a value that cannot be interpreted as an integer number, then when the field looses focus, the application will show an error message and revert field value to the previous one.

  • Text field can be assigned a validator – a class implementing Field.Validator interface. The validator limits user input in addition to what is already done by the datatype. For example, to create an input field for positive integer numbers, you need to create a validator class:

    public class PositiveIntegerValidator implements Field.Validator {
        public void validate(Object value) throws ValidationException {
            Integer i = (Integer) value;
            if (i <= 0)
                throw new ValidationException("Value must be positive");

    and assign it as a validator to the text field with int datatype:

    <textField id="integerField" datatype="int">
        <validator class="com.sample.sales.gui.PositiveIntegerValidator"/>

    Unlike input check against the data type, validation is performed not when the field looses focus, but after invocation of the field’s validate() method. It means that the field (and the linked entity attribute) may temporarily contain a value that does not satisfy validation conditions (a non-positive number in the example above). This should not be an issue, because validated fields are typically used in editor screens, which automatically invoke validation for all their fields before commit. If the field is located not in an editing screen, the field’s validate() method should be invoked explicitly in the controller.

  • TextField supports TextChangeListener defined in its parent TextInputField interface. Text change events are processed asynchronously after typing in order not to block the typing.

    textField.addTextChangeListener(event -> {
        int length = event.getText().length();
        textFieldLabel.setValue(length + " of " + textField.getMaxLength());
    gui textfield 2
  • The TextChangeEventMode defines the way the changes are transmitted to the server to cause a server-side event. There are 3 predefined event modes:

    • LAZY (default) - an event is triggered when there is a pause in editing the text. The length of the pause can be modified with setInputEventTimeout(). A text change event is forced before a possible ValueChangeEvent, even if the user did not keep a pause while entering the text.

    • TIMEOUT - an event is triggered after a timeout period. If more changes are made during this period, the event sent to the server-side includes the changes made up to the last change. The length of the timeout can be set with setInputEventTimeout().

      If a ValueChangeEvent would occur before the timeout period, a TextChangeEvent is triggered before it, on the condition that the text content has changed since the previous TextChangeEvent.

    • EAGER - an event is triggered immediately for every change in the text content, typically caused by a key press. The requests are separate and are processed sequentially one after another. Change events are nevertheless communicated asynchronously to the server, so further input can be typed while event requests are being processed.

  • EnterPressListener allows you to define an action executed when Enter is pressed:

    textField.addEnterPressListener(e -> showNotification("Enter pressed"));
  • ValueChangeListener is triggered on the value changes when the user finished the text input, i.e. after the Enter press or when the component loses focus. An event object of the ValueChangeEvent type is passed to the listener. It has the following methods:

    • getPrevValue() returns the value of the component before the change.

    • getValue() method return the current value of the component.

      textField.addValueChangeListener(e ->
              showNotification("Before: " + e.getPrevValue() + ". After: " + e.getValue()));
  • If a text field is linked to an entity attribute (via datasource and property), and if the entity attribute has a length parameter defined in the @Column JPA-annotation, then the TextField will limit the maximum length of entered text accordingly.

    If a text field is not linked to an attribute, or if the attribute does not have length value defined, or this value needs to be overridden, then the maximum length of the entered text can be limited using maxLength attribute. The value of "-1" means there are no limitations. For example:

    <textField id="shortTextField" maxLength="10"/>
  • By default, text field trims spaces at the beginning and at the end of the entered string. I.e. if user enters " aaa bbb ", the value of the field returned by the getValue() method and saved to the linked entity attribute will be "aaa bbb". You can disable trimming of spaces by setting the trim attribute to false.

    It should be noted that trimming only works when users enter a new value. If the value of the linked attribute already has spaces in it, the spaces will be displayed until user edits the value.

  • Text field always returns null instead of an entered empty string. Therefore, with the trim attribute enabled, any string containing spaces only will be converted to null.

  • The setCursorPosition() method can be used to focus the field and set the cursor position to the specified 0-based index. TimeField

TimeField is a field for displaying and entering time.

gui timeField

XML-name of the component: timeField.

TimeField component is implemented for both Web Client and Desktop Client.

  • To create a time field associated with data, datasource and property attributes should be used:

        <datasource id="orderDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Order" view="_local"/>
        <timeField datasource="orderDs" property="deliveryTime"/>

    As you can see in the example above, the screen defines the orderDs data source for Order entity, which has deliveryTime attribute. The datasource attribute of the time input component contains a link to the datasource, and the property attribute – the name of the entity attribute displayed in the field.

    Related entity attribute should have java.util.Date or java.sql.Time type.

  • The time format is defined by the time datatype and is specified in the main localized messages pack in the timeFormat key.

  • The time format can also be specified in the timeFormat attribute. It can be either a format string, or a key in a message pack (with the msg:// prefix).

  • Regardless of the mentioned above format display of seconds can be controlled using showSeconds attribute. By default, seconds are displayed if the format contains ss.

    <timeField datasource="orderDs" property="createTs" showSeconds="true"/>
    gui timeFieldSec TokenList

TokenList component offers a simplified way of working with lists: instance names are listed vertically or horizontally, adding is done using drop-down list, removal – using the buttons located near each instance.

gui tokenList

XML-name of the component: tokenList

The component is implemented for both Web Client and Desktop Client.

Below is an example description of TokenList in an XML-descriptor of a screen:

    <datasource id="orderDs"
        <collectionDatasource id="productsDs" property="products"/>
    <collectionDatasource id="allProductsDs"
        <query>select p from sales$Product p order by p.name</query>
    <tokenList id="productsList" datasource="productsDs" inline="true" width="500px">
        <lookup optionsDatasource="allProductsDs"/>

In the example above, the nested productsDs datasource which includes a collection of products within an order is defined, as well as allProductsDs datasource containing a collection of all products available in the database. The TokenList component with productsList identifier displays the content of the productsDs datasource and enables changing the collection by adding instances from allProductsDs.

tokenList attributes:

  • position – sets the position for the drop-down list. The attribute can take two values: TOP, BOTTOM. Default is TOP.

gui tokenListBottom
  • inline attribute defines how the list with selected items will be displayed: vertically or horizontally. true corresponds to horizontal alignment, false – to vertical. An example of a component with horizontal alignment:

gui tokenListInline
  • simple – when set to true, the items selection component will be hidden with only the Add button left. Clicking the Add button opens the screen with the list of entity instances which type is defined by the datasource. Selection screen identifier is selected according to the rules for the PickerField.LookupAction standard action. Clicking the Clear button will remove all elements from the TokenList component datasource.

    gui tokenListSimple withClear
  • clearEnabled - when set to false, the Clear button is hidden.

tokenList elements:

  • lookup − values selection component descriptor.

    Attributes of the lookup element:

    • lookup attribute makes it possible to select items using an entity lookup screen:

      gui tokenListLookup
    • inputPrompt - a textual prompt that is displayed in the lookup field to prompt the user for input. If not set, the lookup is empty.

      <tokenList id="linesList"
          <lookup optionsDatasource="allItemsDs" inputPrompt="Choose an item" />
      gui TokenList inputPrompt
    • lookupScreen attribute sets the identifier of the screen used for items selection in lookup="true" mode. If this attribute is not set, screen identifier is selected according to the rules for the PickerField.LookupAction standard action.

    • openType attribute defines how the lookup screen will be opened, similar to what is described for the PickerField.LookupAction standard action. Default value – THIS_TAB.

    • multiselect - if this attribute’s value is set to true, then true will be passed to parameters map of the lookup screen for the MULTI_SELECT key. This flag can be used to set the screen into multiple selection mode. This flag is defined in the WindowParams enum so it is convenient to work with it in the following way:

      public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
          if (WindowParams.MULTI_SELECT.getBool(getContext())) {
  • addButton – descriptor of the button for adding items. Can contain caption and icon attributes.

tokenList listeners:

  • ItemClickListener allows you to track the click on tokenList items.

  • ValueChangeListener enables tracking the changes of the tokenList value, as well as of any other components implementing the Field interface. Tree

The Tree component is intended to display hierarchical structures represented by entities referencing themselves.

gui Tree

XML-name of the component: tree

The component is implemented for both Web Client and Desktop Client.

For the Tree component, the datasource attribute of the treechildren element should contain a reference to a hierarchicalDatasource. Declaration of a hierarchicalDatasource should contain a hierarchyProperty attribute – the name of the entity attribute which is a reference to same entity.

Below is an example of the Tree component description in a screen XML-descriptor:

    <hierarchicalDatasource id="departmentsDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Department" view="browse"
            select d from sales$Department d order by d.createTs
    <tree id="departmentsTree" width="100%" height="100%">
        <treechildren datasource="departmentsDs" captionProperty="name"/>

The name of the entity attribute to be displayed in the tree can be set using the captionProperty attribute of the treechildren element. If this attribute is not defined, the screen will show the entity instance name.

multiselect attribute enables setting multiple selection mode for tree items. If multiselect is true, users can select multiple items using keyboard or mouse holding Ctrl or Shift keys. By default, multiple selection mode is switched off.

The setItemClickAction() method may be used to define an action that will be performed when a tree node is double-clicked.

Each tree item can have an icon on the left. Create an implementation of the ListComponent.IconProvider interface in the screen controller and set it for the tree:

private Tree<Region> tree;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    tree.setIconProvider(new ListComponent.IconProvider<Region>() {
        public String getItemIcon(Region entity) {
            if (entity.getParent() == null) {
                return "icons/root.png";
            return "icons/leaf.png";

Attributes of tree

enable - height - id - multiselect - stylename - tabIndex - visible - width

Elements of tree

actions - treechildren

Attributes of treechildren

captionProperty - datasource TreeTable

TreeTable component is a hierarchical table displaying a tree-like structure in the leftmost column. The component is used for entities that have references to themselves. For example, it can be a file system or a company organization chart.

gui treeTable

XML-name of the component: treeTable

The component is implemented for both Web Client and Desktop Client.

For TreeTable, the hierarchicalDatasource should be set in the datasource attribute of the rows element. Declaration of a hierarchicalDatasource should contain hierarchyProperty attribute – the name of the entity attribute which references the same entity.

Below is an example of component description in a screen XML descriptor:

    <hierarchicalDatasource id="tasksDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Task" view="browse"
            select t from sales$Task t
    <treeTable id="tasksTable" width="100%">
            <column id="name"/>
            <column id="dueDate"/>
            <column id="assignee"/>
        <rows datasource="tasksDs"/>

The functionality of TreeTable is similar to a simple Table. TwinColumn

TwinColumn is a twin list component for multiple items selection. The left part of the list contains available unselected values, the right part – selected values. Users select the values by transferring them from the left to the right and backward using double click or dedicated buttons. A unique representation style and an icon can be defined for each value.


XML name of the component: twinColumn

The component is implemented for Web Client only.

Below is an example of a twinColumn component usage to select entity instances:

    <datasource id="carDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Car" view="_local"/>
    <collectionDatasource id="coloursDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Colour" view="_local">
        <query>select c from sample$Colour c</query>
    <twinColumn id="coloursField" optionsDatasource="coloursDs" addAllBtnEnabled="true"/>

In this example, the coloursField component will display names of Colour entity instances located in the coloursDs data source and its getValue() method will return a collection of selected instances.

addAllBtnEnabled attribute shows the buttons moving all items between the lists.

columns attribute is used to set the number of characters in a row, and the rows attribute – to set the number of rows in each list.

leftColumnCaption and rightColumnCaption attributes can be used to set captions for the columns.

The presentation of the items can be defined by implementing the TwinColumn.StyleProvider interface and returning a style name and icon path for each entity instance displayed in the component.

The list of component options can be specified arbitrarily using the setOptionsList(), setOptionsMap() and setOptionsEnum() methods as described for the OptionsGroup component. Containers Accordion

Accordion is a container for collapsible content that allows you to toggle between hiding and showing large amount of content. The Accordion container is implemented for Web Client.

gui accordion

XML-name of the component: accordion. An example description of an accordion in a screen XML-descriptor:

<accordion id="accordion" height="100%">
    <tab id="tabStamford" caption="msg://tabStamford" margin="true" spacing="true">
        <label value="msg://sampleStamford"/>
    <tab id="tabBoston" caption="msg://tabBoston" margin="true" spacing="true">
        <label value="msg://sampleBoston"/>
    <tab id="tabLondon" caption="msg://tabLondon" margin="true" spacing="true">
        <label value="msg://sampleLondon"/>

The accordion component should contain nested tab elements describing tabs. Each tab is a container with a vertical components layout similar to vbox. Accordion container can be used if the application page is limited in space or the tab title is too long to be displayed in the TabSheet. Accordion is featured with a smooth transition animation.

tab element attributes:

  • id – tab identifier. Please note that tabs are not components and their IDs are used only within the Accordion in order to work with tabs from the controller.

  • caption – tab caption.

  • icon - defines icon location in theme catalog or the icon name in the icon set. Detailed information on recommended icon placement is available in Icons.

  • lazy – sets lazy loading for tab content.

    Lazy tabs do not load their content when the screen is opened, which reduces the number of components in memory. Components within a tab are loaded only when a user selects the tab. Additionally, if a lazy-tab includes visual components linked to a datasource containing a JPQL query, this query is not executed as well. As a result, screen opens faster, and data is loaded only when the user requests it by selecting this tab.

    Please note that the components located on a lazy tab do not exist when the screen is opened. Therefore they cannot be injected into a controller and cannot be obtained by invoking getComponent() in the controller’s init() method. The lazy tab components can be accessed only after the user opens the tab. This moment may be intercepted using Accordion.SelectedTabChangeListener, for example:

    private Accordion accordion;
    private boolean tabInitialized;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        accordion.addSelectedTabChangeListener(event -> {
            if ("tabCambridge".equals(event.getSelectedTab().getName())) {
    private void initCambridgeTab(){
        if (tabInitialized) {
        tabInitialized = true;
        // initialization code here
        // use getComponentNN("comp_id") here to get lazy tab's components

    By default, tabs are not lazy, which means that all their content is loaded when a screen is opened.

  • In Web Client with a Halo-based theme, the stylename attribute allows you to set the predefined borderless style to the accordion component to remove borders and background:


An accordion tab can contain any other visual container, such as table, grid etc:

<accordion id="accordion" height="100%" width="100%" enable="true">
    <tab id="tabNY" caption="msg://tabNY" margin="true" spacing="true">
        <table id="nYTable" width="100%">
                <column id="borough"/>
                <column id="county"/>
                <column id="population"/>
                <column id="square"/>
            <rows datasource="newYorkDs"/>
gui accordion 2 BoxLayout

BoxLayout is a container with sequential placement of components.

There are three types of BoxLayout, identified by the XML-elements:

  • hbox − components are placed horizontally.

    gui hbox
    <hbox spacing="true" margin="true">
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date"/>
        <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer" optionsDatasource="customersDs"/>
        <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount"/>
  • vbox − components are placed vertically. vbox has 100% width by default.

    gui vbox
    <vbox spacing="true" margin="true">
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date"/>
        <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer" optionsDatasource="customersDs"/>
        <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount"/>
  • flowBox − components are placed horizontally with line wrapping. If there is not enough space in a line, the components that do not fit will be displayed in the next line (the behavior is similar to Swing FlowLayout).

    gui flowbox
    <flowBox spacing="true" margin="true">
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date"/>
        <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer" optionsDatasource="customersDs"/>
        <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount"/>

In Web Client with a Halo-based theme, BoxLayout may be used to create enhanced composite layouts. The stylename attribute with card or well value along with stylename="v-panel-caption" for an enclosed container will make a component look like Vaadin Panel.

  • card style name makes a layout look like a card.

  • well style makes the card look "sunken" with shaded background.

gui boxlayout
<vbox stylename="well"
    <hbox stylename="v-panel-caption"
        <label value="Widget caption"/>
        <button align="MIDDLE_RIGHT"
    <textArea id="message"
              inputPrompt="Enter your message here..."
    <button caption="Send message"

The getComponent() method allows you to obtain a child component of BoxLayout by its index:

Button button = (Button) hbox.getComponent(0);

You can use keyboard shortcuts in BoxLayout. Set the shortcut and the action to be performed using the addShortcutAction() method:

flowBox.addShortcutAction(new ShortcutAction("SHIFT-A", shortcutTriggeredEvent ->
        showNotification("SHIFT-A action" ))); ButtonsPanel

ButtonsPanel is a container that streamlines the use and placement of the components (usually, buttons) for data management in a table.

gui buttonsPanel

XML-name of the component: buttonsPanel.

A sample definition of ButtonsPanel in screen XML-descriptor:

<table id="customersTable"
       editable="false" width="100%">
        <action id="create"/>
        <action id="edit"/>
        <action id="remove"/>
        <action id="excel"/>
        <button action="customersTable.create"/>
        <button action="customersTable.edit"/>
        <button action="customersTable.remove"/>
        <button action="customersTable.excel"/>
        <column id="name"/>
        <column id="email"/>
    <rows datasource="customersDs"/>

buttonsPanel element can be located either inside a table, or in any other place of a screen.

If the buttonsPanel is located in a table, it is combined with the table’s rowsCount component thus using vertical space more effectively. Additionally, if a lookup screen is opened using Frame.openLookup() (for example, from the PickerField component) the buttons panel becomes hidden.

alwaysVisible attribute disables panel hiding in a lookup screen when it is opened by Frame.openLookup(). If the attribute value is true, the buttons panel is not hidden. By default, the attribute value is false.

Clicks on the buttonsPanel area can be intercepted with the help of the LayoutClickListener interface.

You can use keyboard shortcuts in ButtonsPanel. Set the shortcut and the action to be performed using the addShortcutAction() method:

buttonsPanel.addShortcutAction(new ShortcutAction("SHIFT-A", shortcutTriggeredEvent ->
        showNotification("SHIFT-A action" ))); CssLayout

CssLayout is a container that enables full control over placement and styling of enclosed components using CSS.

XML-name of the component: cssLayout.

Below is an example of using cssLayout for simple responsive screen.

Displaying components on a wide screen:

gui cssLayout 1

Displaying components on a narrow screen:

gui cssLayout 2

Screen’s XML-descriptor:

<cssLayout responsive="true"
    <vbox margin="true"
        <textField caption="Field One" width="100%"/>
        <textField caption="Field Two" width="100%"/>
        <button caption="Button"/>
    <vbox margin="true"
        <textField caption="Field Three" width="100%"/>
        <textField caption="Field Four" width="100%"/>
        <button caption="Button"/>

Content of modules/web/themes/halo/halo-ext.scss file (see Extending an Existing Theme for how to create this file):

/* Define your theme modifications inside next mixin */
@mixin halo-ext {
  @include halo;

  .responsive-container {
    &[width-range~="0-900px"] {
      .group-panel {
        width: 100% !important;

    &[width-range~="901px-"] {
      .group-panel {
        width: 50% !important;
  • stylename attribute enables setting predefined styles to the CssLayout component either in the XML descriptor or in the screen controller.

    • v-component-group style is used to create a grouped set of components, i.e. a row of components which are joined seamlessly together:

      <cssLayout stylename="v-component-group">
          <textField inputPrompt="Search..."/>
          <button caption="OK"/>
      gui cssLayout 3
    • well style makes container look "sunken" with shaded background.

    • card style name makes a layout look like a card. Combined with an additional v-panel-caption style name for any enclosed layout, it provides a possibility to create enhanced composite layouts, for example:

      <cssLayout height="300px"
          <hbox stylename="v-panel-caption"
              <label value="Widget caption"/>
              <button align="MIDDLE_RIGHT"
          <vbox height="100%">
              <label value="Panel content"/>

      and result will be the following:

      gui cssLayout 4 Frame

frame element is designed to include frames into a screen.


  • src − path to the frame XML-descriptor.

  • screen – frame identifier in screens.xml (if the frame is registered).

One of these attributes should be defined. If both attributes are defined, frame will be loaded from the file explicitly set in src. GridLayout

GridLayout container places components on a grid.

gui gridlayout

XML-name of the component: grid.

Example container usage:

<grid spacing="true">
    <columns count="4"/>
            <label value="Date" align="MIDDLE_LEFT"/>
            <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date"/>
            <label value="Customer" align="MIDDLE_LEFT"/>
            <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer"
            <label value="Amount" align="MIDDLE_LEFT"/>
            <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount"/>

grid elements:

  • columns – a required element, describes grid columns. It should have either a count attribute, or a nested column element for each column.

    In the simplest case, it is enough to set the number of columns in the count attribute. Then, if the container width is explicitly defined in pixels or percents, free space will be divided between the columns equally.

    In order to divide screen space non-equally, a column element with a flex attribute should be defined for each column.

    An example of a grid where the second and the fourth columns take all extra horizontal space and the fourth column takes three times more space:

    <grid spacing="true" width="100%">
            <column flex="1"/>
            <column flex="3"/>
                <label value="Date"/>
                <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date" width="100%"/>
                <label value="Customer"/>
                <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer"
                             optionsDatasource="customersDs" width="100%"/>
                <label value="Amount"/>
                <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount" width="100%"/>

    If flex is not defined, or is set to 0, the width of the column will be set according to its contents given that at least one other column has a non-zero flex. In the example above, the first and the third columns will get the width according to the maximum text length.


    In order for the free space to appear, the entire container width should be set in either pixels or percents. Otherwise, column width will be calculated according to content length, and flex attribute will have no effect.

  • rows − a required element, contains a set of rows. Each line is defined in its own row element.

    row element can have a flex attribute similar to the one defined for column, but affecting the distribution of free vertical space with a given total grid height.

    row element should contain elements of the components displayed in the grid’s current row cells. The number of components in a row should not exceed the defined number of columns, but it can be less.

Any component located in a grid container can have colspan and rowspan attributes. These attributes set the number of columns and rows occupied by the corresponding component. For example, this is how Field3 field can be extended to cover three columns:

<grid spacing="true">
    <columns count="4"/>
            <label value="Name 1"/>
            <label value="Name 2"/>
            <label value="Name 3"/>
            <textField colspan="3" width="100%"/>

As a result, the components will be placed in the following way:

gui gridlayout colspan

Clicks on the GridLayout area can be intercepted with the help of the LayoutClickListener interface.

The getComponent() method allows you to obtain a child component of GridLayout by its column and row index:

Button button = (Button) gridLayout.getComponent(0,1);

You can use keyboard shortcuts in GridLayout. Set the shortcut and the action to be performed using the addShortcutAction() method:

grid.addShortcutAction(new ShortcutAction("SHIFT-A", shortcutTriggeredEvent ->
        showNotification("SHIFT-A action" )));

Attributes of grid

align - enable - height - id - margin - spacing - stylename - visible - width

Elements of grid

columns - rows

Attributes of columns


Attributes of column


Attributes of row

flex - visible


add - addShortcutAction - addLayoutClickListener - getComponent - getComponentNN - getComponents - getMargin - getOwnComponent - getOwnComponents - remove - removeAll - setMargin - setSpacing GroupBoxLayout

GroupBoxLayout is a container that enables framing the embedded components and setting a universal header for them. Additionally, it can collapse content.

gui groupBox

Component XML-name: groupBox.

An example container description in a screen XML-descriptor:

<groupBox caption="Order">
    <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date" caption="Date"/>
    <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer"
                 optionsDatasource="customersDs" caption="Customer"/>
    <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount" caption="Amount"/>

groupBox attributes:

  • caption – group header.

  • orientation – defines components placement direction − horizontal or vertical. The default value is vertical.

  • collapsable – if the value is set to true, the component’s content can be hidden using gui_groupBox_minus/gui_groupBox_plus buttons.

  • collapsed – if set to true, component’s content will be collapsed initially. It is used with collapsable="true".

    An example of a collapsed GroupBox:

    gui groupBox collapsed

    The expanded state change events of the groupBox component can be intercepted with the help of the ExpandedStateChangeListener interface.

  • outerMargin - sets the outer margins outside the border of groupBox. If set to true, the outer margins will be added on all sides of the component. To set the outer margins for all sides individually, set true or false for each side of groupBox:

    <groupBox outerMargin="true, false, true, false">

    If the showAsPanel attribute is set to true, outerMargin is ignored.

  • showAsPanel – if set to true, the component will look like Vaadin Panel. The default value is false.

    gui groupBox Panel

By default, the groupBox container is 100% wide, similar to vbox.

In Web Client with a Halo-based theme, you can set predefined styles to the groupBox component using the stylename attribute either in the XML descriptor or in the screen controller. When setting a style programmatically, select one of the HaloTheme class constants with the LAYOUT_ or GROUPBOX_ prefix. The following styles should be used combined with showAsPanel attribute set to true:

  • borderless style removes borders and the background color of the groupBox:

  • card style name makes a layout look like a card.

  • well style makes container look "sunken" with shaded background:

    <groupBox caption="Well-styled groupBox"
    gui groupBox Panel 2

You can use keyboard shortcuts in Groupbox. Set the shortcut and the action to be performed using the addShortcutAction() method:

groupBox.addShortcutAction(new ShortcutAction("SHIFT-A", shortcutTriggeredEvent ->
        showNotification("SHIFT-A action" ))); HtmlBoxLayout

HtmlBoxLayout is a container that enables you to define locations of components in an HTML template. The layout template is included in a theme.


Do not use HtmlBoxLayout for dynamic content or if you want to embed JavaScript code. Use BrowserFrame instead.

XML-name of the component: htmlBox.

Below is an example of using htmlBox for a simple screen.

gui htmlBox 1

Screen’s XML-descriptor:

<htmlBox align="TOP_CENTER"
    <label id="logo"
    <textField id="email"
    <button id="submit"

htmlBox attributes:

  • template attribute defines the name of an HTML file located in the layouts subdirectory of your theme. You should create a theme extension or a custom theme before creating a template.

    For example, if your theme is Halo and the attribute contains my_template, the template file should be modules/web/themes/halo/layouts/my_template.html.

    Content of the HTML template located in the modules/web/themes/halo/layouts/sample.html file:

    <div location="logo" class="logo"></div>
    <table class="component-container">
                <div location="email" class="email"></div>
                <div location="submit" class="submit"></div>

    A template should contain <div> elements with location attributes. This elements will display CUBA components defined in the XML descriptor with corresponding identifiers.

    Content of modules/web/themes/halo/com.company.application/halo-ext.scss file (see Extending an Existing Theme for how to create this file):

    @mixin com_company_application-halo-ext {
      .email {
        width: 390px;
      .submit {
        width: 100px;
      .logo {
        font-size: 96px;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        margin-top: 50px;
      .component-container {
        display: inline-block;
        vertical-align: top;
        width: 100%;
  • templateContents attribute sets the contents of the template and is used to draw the custom layout directly.

    For example:

    <htmlBox height="256px"
                <table align="center" cellspacing="10"
                       style="width: 100%; height: 100%; color: #fff; padding: 20px;    background: #31629E repeat-x">
                        <td colspan="2"><h1 style="margin-top: 0;">Login</h1>
                        <td align="right">User&nbsp;name:</td>
                            <div location="username"></div>
                        <td align="right">Password:</td>
                            <div location="password"></div>
                        <td align="right" colspan="2">
                            <div location="okbutton" style="padding: 10px;"></div>
                        <td colspan="2" style="padding: 7px; background-color: #4172AE"><span
                                style="font-family: FontAwesome; margin-right: 5px;">&#xf05a;</span> This information is in the layout.
        <textField id="username"
        <textField id="password"
        <button id="okbutton"
    </htmlBox> ScrollBoxLayout

ScrollBoxLayout − a container that supports content scrolling.

gui scrollBox

Component XML-name: scrollBox

An example container description in a screen XML-descriptor:

<groupBox caption="Order" width="300" height="170">
    <scrollBox width="100%" height="100%" spacing="true" margin="true">
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date" caption="Date"/>
        <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer" optionsDatasource="customersDs" caption="Customer"/>
        <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount" caption="Amount"/>
  • The components placement direction can be defined by orientation attribute − horizontal`or `vertical. Default is vertical.

  • scrollBars attribute enables configuring scroll bars. It can be horizontal, vertical – for horizontal and vertical scrolling respectively, both – for scrolling in both directions. Setting the value to none forbids scrolling in any direction.


The components placed in the scrollBox should have fixed size or default size. Do not set the size of nested components to height="100%" or width="100%".

At the same time, scrollBox itself cannot calculate its own size based on its content. So you should either specify an absolute size in pixels, or stretched scrollBar in the parent container by setting height="100%" and width="100%".

You can use keyboard shortcuts in ScrollBox. Set the shortcut and the action to be performed using the addShortcutAction() method:

scrollBox.addShortcutAction(new ShortcutAction("SHIFT-A", shortcutTriggeredEvent ->
        showNotification("SHIFT-A action" ))); SplitPanel

SplitPanel − a container divided into two areas by a movable separator.

gui splitPanel

Component XML-name: split.

An example description of a split panel in a screen XML-descriptor:

<split orientation="horizontal" pos="30" width="100%" height="100%">
    <vbox margin="true" spacing="true">
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date" caption="Date"/>
        <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer" optionsDatasource="customersDs" caption="Customer"/>
    <vbox margin="true" spacing="true">
        <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount" caption="Amount"/>

split container must contain two nested containers or components. They will be displayed on both sides of the separator.

split attributes:

  • dockable - enables or disables the SplitPanel dock button, the default value is false.

    gui SplitPanel dockable

    Docking is available only for horizontally-oriented SplitPanel.

  • dockMode - defines the docking direction. Possible values: LEFT or RIGHT.

    <split orientation="horizontal"
  • minSplitPosition, maxSplitPosition - defines a range of the available position of the split which can be set in pixels or percents.

    For example, you can restrict moving the splitter between 100 and 300 pixels from the left side of the component as follows:

    <split id="splitPanel" maxSplitPosition="300px" minSplitPosition="100px" width="100%" height="100%">
        <vbox margin="true" spacing="true">
            <button caption="Button 1"/>
            <button caption="Button 2"/>
        <vbox margin="true" spacing="true">
            <button caption="Button 4"/>
            <button caption="Button 5"/>

    If you want to set the range programmatically, specify a unit of value with Component.UNITS_PIXELS or Component.UNITS_PERCENTAGE:

    splitPanel.setMinSplitPosition(100, Component.UNITS_PIXELS);
    splitPanel.setMaxSplitPosition(300, Component.UNITS_PIXELS);
  • orientation – defines component orientation. horizontal – nested components are placed horizontally, vertical – they are placed vertically.

  • pos – an integer number defining percentage of the first component area compared to the second one. For example, pos="30" means that the areas ration is 30/70. By default the areas are divided 50/50.

  • reversePosition - indicates that the pos attribute specifies a position of the splitter from the opposite side of the component.

  • If the locked attribute is set to true, users are unable to change the separator position.

  • The stylename attribute with the large value makes the split handle wider.


SplitPanel methods:

  • You can get a position of the splitter using the getSplitPosition() method.

  • The events of moving the splitter can be intercepted with the help of PositionUpdateListener.

  • If you need to get a unit of splitter position, use getSplitPositionUnit() method. It will return Component.UNITS_PIXELS or Component.UNITS_PERCENTAGE.

  • isSplitPositionReversed() returns true if position is set from the opposite side of the component. TabSheet

TabSheet container is a tabbed panel. The panel shows content of one tab at a time.

gui tabsheet

XML-name of the component: tabSheet.

An example description of a tabbed panel in a screen XML-descriptor:

    <tab id="mainTab" caption="Tab1" margin="true" spacing="true">
        <dateField datasource="orderDs" property="date" caption="Date"/>
        <lookupField datasource="orderDs" property="customer" optionsDatasource="customersDs" caption="Customer"/>
    <tab id="additionalTab" caption="Tab2" margin="true" spacing="true">
        <textField datasource="orderDs" property="amount" caption="Amount"/>

The description attribute of tabSheet defines a hint which is displayed in a popup when a user hovers the mouse cursor over or clicks on the tabs area.

gui tabsheet description

The tabSheet component should contain nested tab elements describing tabs. Each tab is a container with a vertical components layout similar to vbox.

tab element attributes:

  • id – tab identifier. Please note that tabs are not components and their IDs are used only within a TabSheet in order to work with tabs from the controller.

  • caption – tab caption.

  • description - the text of a hint which is displayed in a popup when a user hovers the mouse cursor over or clicks on the concrete tab.

    gui tabsheet tab description
  • closable - defines whether the x button for closing the tab is displayed. Default value is false.

  • icon - defines icon location in theme catalog or the icon name in the icon set. Applicable only for the Web Client. Detailed information on recommended icon placement is available in Icons.

  • lazy – sets lazy loading for tab content.

    Lazy tabs do not load their content when the screen is opened, which reduces the number of components in memory. Components within a tab are loaded only when a user selects the tab. Additionally, if a lazy-tab includes visual components linked to a data source containing a JPQL query, this query is not executed as well. As a result, screen opens faster, and data is loaded only when the user requests it by selecting this tab.

    Please note that the components located on a lazy tab do not exist when the screen is opened. Therefore they cannot be injected into a controller and cannot be obtained by invoking getComponent() in the controller’s init() method. The lazy tab components can be accessed only after the user opens the tab. This moment may be intercepted using TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener, for example:

    private TabSheet tabsheet;
    private boolean detailsInitialized, historyInitialized;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        tabsheet.addSelectedTabChangeListener(event -> {
            if ("detailsTab".equals(event.getSelectedTab().getName())) {
            } else if ("historyTab".equals(event.getSelectedTab().getName())) {
    private void initDetails(){
        if (detailsInitialized) {
        // use getComponentNN("comp_id") here to get tab's components
    private void initHistory(){
        if (historyInitialized) {
        // use getComponentNN("comp_id") here to get tab's components
        historyInitialized = true;

    By default, tabs are not lazy, which means that all their content is loaded when a screen is opened.

  • detachable – when it is true, a tab can be detached to a separate window in a screen desktop implementation. It enables, for example, different parts of the application UI to be located on different monitors. A detachable tab has a special button in its header:

gui tabsheetDetachable
TabSheet styles

In Web Client with a Halo-based theme, you can set predefined styles to the TabSheet container using the stylename attribute either in the XML descriptor or in the screen controller:

<tabSheet stylename="framed">
    <tab id="mainTab" caption="Framed tab"/>

When setting a style programmatically, select one of the HaloTheme class constants with the TABSHEET_ prefix:

  • centered-tabs - centers the tabs inside the tab bar. Works best if all the tabs fit completely in the tab bar (i.e. no tab bar scrolling).

  • compact-tabbar - reduces the whitespace around the tabs in the tab bar.

  • equal-width-tabs - gives equal amount of space to all tabs in the tab bar (i.e. expand ratio == 1 for all tabs). The tab captions will be truncated if they do not fit into the tab. Tab scrolling will be disabled when this style is applied (all tabs will be visible at the same time).

  • framed - adds a border around the whole component as well as around individual tabs in the tab bar.

  • icons-on-top - displays tab icons on top of the tab captions (by default the icons are place on the left side of the caption).

  • only-selected-closeable - only the selected tab has the close button visible. Does not prevent closing the tab programmatically, it only hides the button from the end user.

  • padded-tabbar - adds a small amount of padding around the tabs in the tab bar, so that they don’t touch the outer edges of the component. Miscellaneous

This section describes different elements of the generic user interface that are related to visual components. Formatter

Formatter should be used with read-only components, such as Label, Table column and similar. Editable components values, for example, TextField, should be formatted using the Datatype mechanism.

In an XML-descriptor of a screen, a component’s formatter can be defined in a nested formatter element. The element has a single attribute:

  • class − the name of a class implementing a com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Formatter

If formatter’s constructor class has a org.dom4j.Element, parameter, then it will receive an XML element, describing this formatter. This can be used to parameterize a formatter instance. For example, using a formatted string. Particularly, DateFormatter and NumberFormatter classes in the platform can take the format string from the format attribute. Example of using the component:

<column id="date">
    <formatter class="com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.formatters.DateFormatter" format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"/>

Additionally, DateFormatter class also recognizes a type attribute, which can have a DATE or DATETIME value. In this case, formatting is done using the Datatype mechanism using a dateFormat or a dateTimeFormat string respectively. For example:

<column id="endDate">
    <formatter class="com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.formatters.DateFormatter" type="DATE"/>

If a formatter is implemented as an internal class, it should be declared with a static modifier and its name should be separated by "$" for loading, for example:

<formatter class="com.sample.sales.gui.OrderBrowse$CurrencyFormatter"/>

Formatter can be assigned to a component not only using a screen XML-descriptor , but also programmatically – by submitting a formatter instance into a setFormatter() component.

An example of declaring a custom formatter and using it to format values in a table column:

public class CurrencyFormatter implements Formatter<BigDecimal> {

    protected GeneralConfiguration generalConfiguration;
    protected Currency currentCurrency;

    public CurrencyFormatter(GeneralConfiguration generalConfiguration) {
        this.generalConfiguration = generalConfiguration;
        currentCurrency = generalConfiguration.getCurrency();

    public String format(BigDecimal value) {
        return currentCurrency.format(value);
protected void initTableColumns() {
    Formatter<BigDecimal> currencyFormatter = new CurrencyFormatter(generalConfiguration);
} Presentations

The mechanism of presentations allows users to manage table settings.

gui presentations

Users can:

  • Save presentations with unique names. Table settings are automatically saved in an active presentation.

  • Edit and remove presentations.

  • Switch between presentations.

  • Set up a default presentation, which will be applied on the screen opening.

  • Create global presentations, available to all users. In order to create, change or remove global presentations, a user should have cuba.gui.presentations.global security permission.

Presentations are available to components implementing the com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component.HasPresentations interface. These components are: Timer

Timer is a non-visual component allowing certain screen controller code to be run at specified time intervals. The timer works in a thread that handles user interface events, therefore it can update screen components. Timer stops working when a screen it was created for gets closed.

The component is implemented for the Web Client and the Desktop Client. For the web client, timer implementation is based on polling from web-browser, for the desktop client it is based on javax.swing.Timer.

The main approach for creating timers is by declaring them in a screen XML-descriptor – in the timers element which is located between dsContext and layout elements.

Timers are described using the timer element.

  • delay is a required attribute; it defines timer interval in milliseconds.

  • autostart – an optional attribute; when it is set to true, timer starts immediately after the screen gets opened. By default the value is false, which means that the timer will be started by invoking its start() method.

  • repeating – an optional attribute, turns on repeating executions of the timer. If the attribute is set to true, the timer runs in cycles at equal intervals defined in the delay attribute. Otherwise, the timer runs only once – delay milliseconds after the timer start.

  • onTimer – optional attribute containing a name of a method called when the timer fires. The handling method should be defined in a screen controller with the public modifier and have one parameter of type com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Timer.

An example of using a timer to refresh table content periodically:

<window ...
      <collectionDatasource id="bookInstanceDs" ...
      <timer delay="3000" autostart="true" repeating="true" onTimer="refreshData"/>
  <layout ...
private CollectionDatasource bookInstanceDs;

public void refreshData(Timer timer) {

A timer can be injected into a controller field, or acquired using the Window.getTimer() method. Timer execution can be controlled using the timer’s start() and stop() methods. For an already active timer, start() invocation will be ignored. After stopping the timer using stop() method, it can be started again with start().

Example of defining a timer in an XML descriptor and using timer listeners in a controller:

    <timer id="helloTimer" delay="5000"/>
private Timer helloTimer;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    // add execution handler
    helloTimer.addActionListener(timer -> {
        showNotification("Hello", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
    // add stop listener
    helloTimer.addStopListener(timer -> {
        showNotification("Timer is stopped", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
    // start the timer

A timer can be created in a controller, in this case it should be added to the screen implicitly using the addTimer() method, for example:

private ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    // create timer
    Timer helloTimer = componentsFactory.createTimer();
    // add timer to the screen
    // set timer parameters
    // add execution handler
    helloTimer.addActionListener(timer -> {
        showNotification("Hello", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
    // add stop listener
    helloTimer.addStopListener(timer -> {
        showNotification("Timer is stopped", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
    // start the timer
} Validator

Validator is designed to check values entered into visual components.


Validation and input type checking should be differentiated. If a given component (e.g. TextField) data type is set to anything different than string (this can happen when binding to an entity attribute or setting datatype), then the component will not allow the user to enter a value that does not comply with this data type. When the component loses focus or when the user presses Enter, the component will show the previous correct value.

On the other hand, validation does not act immediately on data entry or focus loss, but rather when the component’s validate() method is invoked. It means that the component (and the entity attribute that it is linked to) may temporarily contain a value, which does not comply with the conditions of validation. It should not be a problem because the validated fields are typically located in edit screens, which automatically invoke validation for all their fields before commit. If the component is located not in an edit screen, its validate() method should be invoked explicitly in the screen controller.

In a screen XML-descriptor, a component validator can be defined in a nested validator elements. The validator element can have the following attributes:

  • script − path to a Groovy script performing validation.

  • class − name of a Java class implementing the Field.Validator interface.

Groovy validator scripts and standard classes of Java validators, located in the com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.validators package support message attribute − a message displayed to a user when validation fails. The attribute value should contain either a message or a message key from the messages pack of the current screen. For example:

<validator class="com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.validators.PatternValidator"
# messages.properties
validationError = Input error

Validator can be added using CUBA Studio interface. Below is an example of adding a validator to the fieldGroup field:

gui validator

The validation mechanism is selected as follows:

  • If the value of the script attribute is not set and the validator element itself does not contain text with a Groovy expression, then the system will use a class defined in the class attribute as a validator.

    <field property="amount">
        <validator class="com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.validators.DoubleValidator"/>
  • If the validator element contains text, it will be used as a Groovy expression and executed using Scripting.

    <field property="year">
            value ==~ /\d+/
  • Otherwise, the system will use Scripting to run a Groovy script defined in the script attribute.

    <field property="zipCode">
        <validator script="com.company.demo.web.address.ZipValidator"/>

The value variable will be passed to a Groovy expression or script. It contains the value entered into a visual component. The expression or the script should return a boolean value: true − valid, false − not valid.

If a Java class is being used as a validator, it should have a default constructor without parameters or a constructor with the following set of parameters:

  • org.dom4j.Element, String – this constructor will receive the validator XML-element and the message pack name of the screen.

  • org.dom4j.Element – this constructor will receive the validator XML-element.


If the validator is implemented as an internal class, it should be declared with a static modifier and its name should be separated by "$", for example:

<validator class="com.sample.sales.gui.AddressEdit$ZipValidator"/>

The platform contains the set of implementations for the most frequently used validators (see com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.validators package), which can be used in your project:

  • DateValidator

  • DoubleValidator

  • EmailValidator

  • IntegerValidator

  • LongValidator

  • PatternValidator

  • ScriptValidator

  • StringValidator

A validator class can be assigned to a component not only using a screen XML-descriptor, but also programmatically – by submitting a validator instance into the component’s addValidator() method.

Example of creating a validator class for zip codes:

public class ZipValidator implements Field.Validator {
    public void validate(Object value) throws ValidationException {
        if (value != null && ((String) value).length() != 6)
            throw new ValidationException("Zip must be of 6 characters length");

Example of using a zip code validator and a standard pattern validator for fields of a FieldGroup component:

    <field property="zip" required="true">
         <validator class="com.company.sample.gui.ZipValidator"/>
    <field property="imei">
        <validator class="com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.validators.PatternValidator"
               message="IMEI validation failed"/>

Example of setting a validator programmatically in a screen controller:

if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(parameter.getRequired())) {
    tokenList.addValidator(new Field.Validator() {
        public void validate(Object value) throws ValidationException {
            if (value instanceof Collection && CollectionUtils.isEmpty((Collection) value)) {
                throw new ValidationException(getMessage("paramIsRequiredButEmpty"));
} API of Components
  • unwrap() - returns client-specific component instance (Vaadin or Swing component). Can be used in client module to simplify invocation of underlying API, see Working with Vaadin Components section.

    com.vaadin.ui.TextField vTextField = textField.unwrap(com.vaadin.ui.TextField.class);
  • unwrapComposition() - returns the outmost external container of client-specific component instance. Can be used in client module to simplify invocation of underlying API.

Available for all components.

  • commit() - updates all changes made since the previous commit to the data source.

  • discard() - discards all changes since last commit. The object updates its value from the data source.

  • isModified() - returns true if the object value has been modified since it was last updated from the data source.

if (textArea.isModified()) {

Available for components:

  • addExpandedStateChangeListener() - adds the listener implementing the ExpandedStateChangeListener interface to intercept the component’s expanded state change events.

    groupBox.addExpandedStateChangeListener(e ->
            showNotification("Expanded: " + groupBox.isExpanded()));

    Available for components:

  • add() - adds child component to the container.

  • remove() - removes the child component from the container.

  • removeAll() - removes all children components from te container.

  • getOwnComponent() - returns the component directly owned by this container.

  • getComponent() - returns the component belonging to the whole components tree below this container.

  • getComponentNN() - returns the component belonging to the whole components tree below this container. Throws an exception if not found.

  • getOwnComponents() - returns all components directly owned by this container.

  • getComponents() - returns all components belonging to the whole components tree below this container.

Available for components:

  • indexOf() - returns the index of a given component in an ordered container.

Available for components:

  • setContextHelpIconClickHandler() - sets a context help icon click handler. Click handler has priority over context help text, i.e. no tooltip with context help text will be shown if the click handler is set.

textArea.setContextHelpIconClickHandler(event ->
        showMessageDialog("Title", "Body message",

Available for components:

  • applySettings() - restores the last user settings for this component.

  • saveSettings() - saves current user settings for this component.

Available for components:

  • addValueChangeListener() - adds the listener implementing the ValueChangeListener interface to intercept the component’s value changes. If the component is bound to a datasource, in terms of the screen lifecycle, it is often preferable to use a datasource listener instead.

    textField.addValueChangeListener(e ->
            showNotification("Before: " + e.getPrevValue() + ". After: " + e.getValue()));

Available for components:

  • addLayoutClickListener() - adds the listener implementing the LayoutClickListener interface to intercept the clicks on the component area.

    vbox.addLayoutClickListener(event ->

Available for components:

  • setMargin() - sets the margins for the component.

    • Sets margins on all sides of the component:

    • Sets margins only on the top and the bottom of the component:

      vbox.setMargin(true, false, true, false);
    • Creates new instance of MarginInfo configuration class:

      vbox.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, false, true));
  • getMargin() - returns margin configuration as an instance of MarginInfo class.

  • setOuterMargin() - sets the outer margins outside the border of the component.

    • Sets outer margins on all sides of the component:

    • Sets outer margins only on the top and the bottom of the component:

      groupBox.setOuterMargin(true, false, true, false);
    • Creates new instance of MarginInfo configuration class:

      groupBox.setOuterMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, false, true));
  • getOuterMargin() - returns outer margin configuration as an instance of MarginInfo class.

Available for component:

  • addShortcutAction() - adds an action which is triggered when the user presses a given key combination.

    cssLayout.addShortcutAction(new ShortcutAction("SHIFT-A", shortcutTriggeredEvent ->
            showNotification("SHIFT-A action" )));

Available for components:

  • setSpacing() - adds space between the component and its child components.


Available for components: XML-Attributes of Components

Defines the component position relative to the parent container. Possible values are:











Sets the component’s caption.

The attribute value can either be a message or a key in a message pack. In case of a key, the value should begin with the msg:// prefix.

There are two ways of setting a key:

  • A short key – in this case the message will be searched in the package of the current screen:

  • Full key including package name:


Defines the name of an entity attribute which is displayed by a component. captionProperty can only be used for entities contained in a datasource (for example, defined by the optionsDatasource property of the LookupField component).

If captionProperty is not defined, instance name is shown.


Sets the number of grid columns that the component should occupy (default is 1).

This attribute can be defined for any component located immediately within a GridLayout container.


Sets the context help text. If set, then a special ? icon will be added for a field. If the field has an external caption, i.e. either caption or icon attribute is set, then the context help icon will be displayed next to the caption text, otherwise next to the field itself:

gui attr contextHelpIcon

In the web client the context help tooltip appears when the users hovers over the ? icon, in the desktop client the user has to click on the ? icon to see the tooltip.

<textField id="textField"
gui attr contextHelp

Defines if context help text can be presented as HTML.

<textField id="textField"
           contextHelpText="<p><h1>Lorem ipsum dolor</h1> sit amet, <b>consectetur</b> adipiscing elit.</p><p>Donec a lobortis nisl.</p>"
gui attr contextHelpHtml

Possible values − true, false.


Sets a data source defined in the dsContext section of the screen XML descriptor.

When setting the datasource attribute for a component implementing the DatasourceComponent interface, the property attribute should also be set.


Defines a hint which is displayed in a popup when a user hovers the mouse cursor over or clicks on the component area.


Indicates that the component’s content can be edited (do not confuse with enable).

Possible values − true, false. Default value is true.

Ability to edit content of a component bound to data (inheritor of DatasourceComponent or ListComponent) is also influenced by the security subsystem. If the security subsystem information indicates that the component should not be editable, the value of its editable attribute is ignored.


Defines the component’s enabled/disabled state.

If a component is disabled, it does not accept input focus. Disabling a container disables all of its components as well. Possible values are true, false. By default all components are enabled.


Defines a component within the container that should be expanded to use all available space in the direction of component placement. For a container with vertical placement, this attribute sets 100% height to a component; for the containers with horizontal placement - 100% width. Additionally, resizing a container will resize the expanded component.


Sets the component’s height. Can be set in pixels or in percents of the parent container height. For example: 100px, 100%, 50. If it is specified without units, pixels are assumed.

Setting a value in % means that the component will occupy the corresponding height within an area provided by the parent container.

When set to AUTO or -1px, a default value will be used for the component height. For a container, default height is defined by the content: it is the sum of the heights of all nested components.


Sets a component icon.

The attribute value should contain a path to an icon file relative to the themes folder:


or the icon name in an icon set:


If different icons should be displayed depending on the user’s language, you can set paths to the icons in the message pack and specify a message key in the icon attribute, for example:


Font elements of Font Awesome can be used instead of files in web client with Halo theme (or derived from it). For this, specify the name of the required constant of the com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome class in the icon property with the font-icon: prefix, for example:


For more details on the usage of icons see the Icons section.


Sets an identifier of the component.

It is recommended to create identifiers according to the rules for Java-identifiers and use camelСase, for example: userGrid, filterPanel. The id attribute can be specified for any component and should be unique within a screen.


Defines a string which is displayed in the field when its value is null.

<suggestionField inputPrompt="Let's search something!"/>

The attribute is used for TextField, LookupField, LookupPickerField, SearchPickerField, SuggestionPickerField components in web client only.


Defines indentation between the outer borders and the container content.

It can take value of two types:

  • margin="true" − enables margins for all sides.

  • margin="true,false,true,false" − enables only the top and the bottom margin (the value format is "top,right,bottom,left").

By default margins are disabled.


Selection of the option defined in the nullName attribute is equal to setting the null value to the component.

The attribute is used for LookupField, LookupPickerField, and SearchPickerField components.

Example of setting an attribute value in an XML-descriptor:

<lookupField datasource="orderDs"
             optionsDatasource="customersDs" width="200px"/>

Example of setting an attribute value in a controller:

<lookupField id="customerLookupField" optionsDatasource="customersDs"
             width="200px" datasource="orderDs" property="customer"/>

Defines how a related screen will be opened. Corresponds to the WindowManager.OpenType enumeration with the values NEW_TAB, THIS_TAB, NEW_WINDOW, DIALOG. Default value is THIS_TAB.


Sets the name of a data source which contains a list of options.

captionProperty attribute can be used together with optionsDatasource.


Sets the enumeration class name which contains a list of options.


Sets the name of an entity attribute which value will be displayed and edited by this visual component.

property is always used together with the datasource attribute.


Indicates that this field requires a value.

Possible values − true, false. Default is false.

The requiredMessage attribute can be used together with required.


Used together with the required attribute. It sets a message that will be displayed to a user when the component has no value.

The attribute can contain a message or a key from a message pack, for example: requiredMessage="msg://infoTextField.requiredMessage"


Indicates that the component should react on change in the available space. Reaction can be customized with the help of styles.

Possible values − true, false. Default is false.


Sets the number of grid lines that the component should occupy (default is 1).

This attribute can be set for any component located immediately within a GridLayout container.


Defines if user settings for the component should be saved/restored. Settings are saved only if the component’s id is set.

Possible values − true, false. Default is true.


Sets spacing between components within a container.

Possible values − true, false.

By default spacing is disabled.


Defines a style name for a component. See Themes for details.

There are several predefined styles in halo theme available for the components:

  • huge - sets the field size to 160% of its default size.

  • large - sets the field size to 120% of its default size.

  • small - sets the field size to 85% of its default size.

  • tiny - sets the field size to 75% of its default size.


Defines whether HTML is allowed in the tab captions. If set to true, the captions are rendered in the browser as HTML, and the developer is responsible for ensuring no harmful HTML is used. If set to false, the content is rendered in the browser as plain text.

Possible values − true, false. Default is false.


Specifies whether the component is focusable and sets the relative order of the component in the sequence of focusable components on the screen.

It can can take integer values of positive or negative range:

  • negative value means that the component should be focusable, but should not be reachable via sequential keyboard navigation;

  • 0 means that the component should be focusable and reachable via sequential keyboard navigation, but its relative order follows its relative position on the screen;

  • positive value means the component should be focusable and reachable via sequential keyboard navigation; its relative order is defined by the value of the attribute: the sequential follows the increasing number of the tabIndex. If several components share the same tabIndex value, their relative order follows their relative position on the screen.


Sets whether the tab selection part should be shown in the UI.

Possible values − true, false. Default is true.


Defines if text selection is enabled in table cells.

Possible values − true, false. Default is false.


Sets visibility of the component. Possible values − true, false.

If a container is invisible all its components are invisible. By default all components are visible.


Defines component’s width.

The value can be set in pixels or in percents of the width of the parent container. For example: 100px, 100%, 50. If specified without units, pixels are assumed. Setting a value in % means that the component will occupy the corresponding width within an area provided by the parent container.

When set to AUTO or -1px, a default value will be used for a component width. For a container, the default width is defined by the content: it is the sum of the widths of all nested components.

5.5.3. Datasources

Datasources provide data to data-aware components.

Visual components themselves do not access Middleware: they get entity instances from linked datasources. Furthermore, one datasource can work with multiple visual components if they need the same instance or set of instances.

  • When a user changes a value in the component, the new value is set for the entity attribute in the datasource.

  • When the entity attribute is modified in the code, the new value is set and displayed in the visual component.

  • User input can be monitored both by datasource listeners and value listeners on the component – they are notified sequentially.

  • To read or write the value of an attribute in the application code, it is recommended to use the datasource, rather than the component. Below is an example of reading the attribute:

    private FieldGroup fieldGroup;
    private Datasource<Order> orderDs;
    private PickerField customerField;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params){
        Customer customer;
        // Get customer from component: not for common use
        Component component = fieldGroup.getFieldNN("customer").getComponentNN();
        customer = ((HasValue)component).getValue();
        // Get customer from component: recommended
        customer = customerField.getValue();
        // Get customer from datasource
        customer = orderDs.getItem().getCustomer();

    As you can see, working with entity attribute values through a component is not very straightforward. In the first example, it requires type casting and specifying FieldGroup field id as a string. The second example is more safe and direct, but requires you to know exactly the type of the field to be injected. At the same time, if the instance is obtained from the datasource via the getItem() method, the values of attributes can be read and modified directly.

Datasources also track changes in entities contained therein and can send modified instances back to the middleware for storing in the database.


Typically, a visual component is bound to an attribute that directly belongs to the entity in the datasource. In the example above, the component is bound to the customer attribute of the Order entity.

A component can also be associated with an attribute of a related entity, for example, customer.name. In this case, the component will display the value of the name attribute, however when the user changes the value, the datasource listeners will not be invoked and the changes will not be saved. Therefore, it makes sense to bind the component to second-level entity attributes only if they are intended for display. For example in a Label, a Table column, or in a TextField, where editable = false.

The basic interfaces of datasources are described below.

Figure 23. Datasource interfaces
  • Datasource is a simple datasource designed to work with one entity instance. The instance is set by the setItem() method and is accessed via getItem().

    DatasourceImpl class is the standard implementation of such datasource, which is used, for instance, as a main datasource on entity edit screens.

  • CollectionDatasource is a datasource designed to work with a collection of entity instances. The collection is loaded with the invocation of the refresh() method, instance keys are accessible through the getItemIds() method. The setItem() method sets the "current" instance of the collection and getItem() returns it (for example, the one that corresponds to the currently selected table row).

    The way of loading collections is determined by implementation. The most typical one is loading from Middleware via DataManager; in this case, setQuery(), setQueryFilter() are used to form a JPQL query.

    CollectionDatasourceImpl class is the standard implementation of such datasources, which is used on screens with entity lists.

    • GroupDatasource is a subtype of CollectionDatasource, designed to work with the GroupTable component.

      Standard implementation is the GroupDatasourceImpl class.

    • HierarchicalDatasource is a subtype of CollectionDatasource, designed to work with the Tree and TreeTable components.

      Standard implementation is the HierarchicalDatasourceImpl class.

  • NestedDatasource is a datasource designed to work with instances that are loaded in an attribute of another entity. In this case, a datasource that contains a parent entity is accessible via getMaster(), and meta property that corresponds to the parent attribute containing instances of this datasource is accessible via getProperty().

    For example an Order instance which contains a reference to the Customer instance is set in the dsOrder datasource. Then, to link the Customer instance with visual components, it is enough to create NestedDatasource with dsOrder as parent and meta property to point to the Order.customer attribute.

    • PropertyDatasource is a subtype of NestedDatasource, designed to work with one instance or collection of related entities that are not embedded.

      Standard implementations: for working with one instance – PropertyDatasourceImpl, with a collection – CollectionPropertyDatasourceImpl, GroupPropertyDatasourceImpl, HierarchicalPropertyDatasourceImpl. The latter also implements the CollectionDatasource interface, however some of its irrelevant methods like setQuery() throw UnsupportedOperationException.

    • EmbeddedDatasource is a subtype of NestedDatasource, which contains an instance of an embedded entity.

      Standard implementation is the EmbeddedDatasourceImpl class.

  • RuntimePropsDatasource is a specific datasource, designed to work with dynamic attributes of entities.

Typically, datasources are declared in the dsContext section of a screen descriptor.

Automatic CollectionDatasource refresh

When the screen opens, its visual components connected to collection datasources cause the datasources to load data. As a result, tables show data right after opening the screen, without any explicit user action. If you want to prevent automatic loading of collection datasources, set the DISABLE_AUTO_REFRESH screen parameter to true in the screen’s init() method or pass it from the calling code. This parameter is defined in the WindowParams enumeration, so it can be set as shown below:

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    WindowParams.DISABLE_AUTO_REFRESH.set(params, true);

In this case, the screen collection datasources will be loaded only when their refresh() method will be called. It can be done by the application code or when the user clicks Search in the Filter component. Creating Datasources

Datasource objects can be created both declaratively, using an XML screen descriptor, and programmatically in a controller. Typically, standard implementation of datasources is used, however, you can create your own class that is inherited from a standard one, if necessary. Declarative Creation

Typically, datasources are declared in the dsContext element of a screen descriptor. Depending on the relative position of declaration elements, datasources of two varieties are created:

  • if an element is located directly in dsContext, a normal Datasource or CollectionDatasource, which contains an independently loaded entity or collection, is created;

  • if an element is located inside an element of another datasource, NestedDatasource is created and the external datasource becomes its parent.

Below is an example of declaring a datasource:

    <datasource id="carDs" class="com.haulmont.sample.entity.Car" view="carEdit">
        <collectionDatasource id="allocationsDs" property="driverAllocations"/>
        <collectionDatasource id="repairsDs" property="repairs"/>

    <collectionDatasource id="colorsDs" class="com.haulmont.sample.entity.Color" view="_local">
            <![CDATA[select c from sample$Color c order by c.name]]>

In the example above, carDs contains one entity instance, Car, and nested allocationsDs and repairsDs contain collections of related entities from the Car.driverAllocations and Car.repairs attributes, respectively. The Car instance together with related entities is set into the datasource from the outside. If this screen is an edit screen, it happens automatically when opening the screen. The colorsDs datasource contains a collection of instances of the Color entity, which is loaded by the datasource itself using the specified JPQL query with the _local view.

Below is the XML scheme.

dsContext – root element.

dsContext elements:

  • datasource – defines a datasource that contains a single entity instance.


    • id – datasource identifier, must be unique for this DsContext.

    • class – Java class of an entity that will be contained in this datasource.

    • view – name of entity view. If the datasource itself loads instances, then this view will be used during loading. Otherwise, this view makes signals to external mechanisms on how to load an entity for this datasource.

    • allowCommit – if set to false, the isModified() method of this datasource always returns false and the commit() method does nothing. Thus, changes in entities that are contained in the datasource are ignored. By default, it is set to true, i.e., changes are tracked and can be saved.

    • datasourceClass is a custom implementation class, if necessary.

  • collectionDatasource – defines a datasource that contains a collection of instances.

    collectionDatasource attributes:

    • refreshMode – a datasource update mode, default is ALWAYS. In the NEVER mode, when refresh() method is invoked, the datasource does not load data and only changes its state to Datasource.State.VALID, notifies listeners and sorts available instances. The NEVER mode is useful if you need to programmatically fill CollectionDatasource with preloaded or created entities. For example:

      public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
          Set<Customer> entities = (Set<Customer>) params.get("customers");
          for (Customer entity : entities) {
    • softDeletion – the false value disables the soft deletion mode when loading entities, i.e., deleted instances will also be loaded. Default value is true.

    collectionDatasource elements:

    • query – query to load entities

  • groupDatasource – completely similar to collectionDatasource, but creates datasource implementation that is suitable to use in conjunction with the GroupTable component.

  • hierarchicalDatasource – similar to collectionDatasource, and creates datasource implementation that is suitable to use in conjunction with the Tree and TreeTable components.

    hierarchyProperty is a specific attribute. It specifies an attribute name, upon which a hierarchy is built.

A datasource implementation class is selected implicitly based on the name of the XML element and, as mentioned above, the mutual arrangement of elements. However, if you need to apply a custom datasource, you can explicitly specify its class in the datasourceClass attribute. Programmatic Creation

If you need to create a datasource in the Java code, it is recommended to use a special class, DsBuilder.

The DsBuilder instance is parameterized by an invocation chain of its methods in the fluent interface style. If the master and property parameters are set, then NestedDatasource will be created, otherwise – Datasource or CollectionDatasource.


CollectionDatasource ds = new DsBuilder(getDsContext())
        .buildCollectionDatasource(); Custom Implementation Classes

If you need to implement a custom mechanism of loading entities, create a custom datasource class inherited from CustomCollectionDatasource, CustomGroupDatasource, or CustomHierarchicalDatasource, and implement the getEntities() method.

For example:

public class MyDatasource extends CustomCollectionDatasource<SomeEntity, UUID> {

    private SomeService someService = AppBeans.get(SomeService.NAME);

    protected Collection<SomeEntity> getEntities(Map<String, Object> params) {
        return someService.getEntities();

To create a custom datasource instance declaratively, specify the custom class name in the datasourceClass attribute of the datasource XML element. In case of programmatic creation via DsBuilder, specify the class by invoking setDsClass() or as a parameter of one of the build*() methods. CollectionDatasourceImpl Queries

The CollectionDatasourceImpl class and its subclasses, GroupDatasourceImpl and HierarchicalDatasourceImpl, are standard implementations of datasources that work with collections of entity instances. These datasources load data via DataManager by sending a JPQL queries to the middleware. The format of these queries is described below. Returned values

A query should return entities of the type which is specified at the moment of creating a datasource. In case of declarative creation, the entity type is specified in the class attribute of an XML element, if DsBuilder is used – in the setJavaClass() or setMetaClass() method.

For example, a query of the datasource of the Customer entity may look as follows:

select c from sales$Customer c


select o.customer from sales$Order o

A query cannot return single attributes or aggregates, for example:

select c.id, c.name from sales$Customer c /* invalid – returns single fields, not the whole Customer object */

If you need to execute a query which returns scalar values or aggregates and to display the results in visual components using standard data binding, use Value Datasources. Query Parameters

A JPQL query in a datasource may contain parameters of several types. A parameter type is determined by a prefix of a parameter name. A prefix is a part of the name before the $ character. The interpretation of the name after $ is described below.

  • The ds prefix

    The parameter value is data from another datasource that is registered in the same DsContext. For example:

    <collectionDatasource id="customersDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Customer" view="_local">
             <![CDATA[select c from sales$Customer c]]>
    <collectionDatasource id="ordersDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Order" view="_local">
             <![CDATA[select o from sales$Order o where o.customer.id = :ds$customersDs]]>

    In the example above, a query parameter of the ordersDs datasource will be a current entity instance located in the customersDs datasource.

    If parameters with the ds prefix are used, dependencies between datasources are created automatically. They lead to updating the datasource if its parameter are changed. In the example above, if the selected Customer is changed, the list of its Orders is changed automatically.

    Please note that in the example of the parameterized query, the left part of the comparison operator is the value of the o.customer.id identifier, and the right part – the Customer instance that is contained in the customersDs datasource. This comparison is valid since when running a query at Middleware, the implementation of the Query interface, by assigning values to query parameters, automatically adds entity ID instead of a passed entity instance.

    A path through the entity graph to an attribute (from which the value should be used) can be specified in the parameter name after the prefix and name of a datasource, for example:

        <![CDATA[select o from sales$Order o where o.customer.id = :ds$customersDs.id]]>


        <![CDATA[select o from sales$Order o where o.tagName = :ds$customersDs.group.tagName]]>
  • The custom prefix.

    A parameter value will be taken from the Map<String, Object> object that is passed into the refresh() method of a datasource. For example:

    <collectionDatasource id="ordersDs" class="com.sample.sales.entity.Order" view="_local">
            <![CDATA[select o from sales$Order o where o.number = :custom$number]]>
    ordersDs.refresh(ParamsMap.of("number", "1"));

    Casting an instance to its identifier, if necessary, is performed similarly to parameters with the ds prefix. The path through the entity graph in the parameter name is not supported in this case.

  • The param prefix.

    A parameter value is taken from the Map<String, Object> object that is passed into the init() method of a controller. For example:

        <![CDATA[select e from sales$Order e where e.customer = :param$customer]]>
    openWindow("sales$Order.lookup", WindowManager.OpenType.DIALOG, ParamsMap.of("customer", customersTable.getSingleSelected()));

    Casting an instance to its identifier, if necessary, is performed similarly to parameters with the ds prefix. The path through the entity graph in the parameter name is supported.

  • The component prefix.

    A parameter value will be a current value of a visual component, which path is specified in the parameter name. For example:

        <![CDATA[select o from sales$Order o where o.number = :component$filter.orderNumberField]]>

    The path to a component should include all nested frames.

    Casting an instance to its identifier, if necessary, is similar to ds parameters. The path through the entity graph in the parameter name is supported as the continuation of the path to a component in this case.


    The datasource will not be refreshed automatically if the component value is changed.

  • The session prefix.

    A parameter value will be a value of the user session attribute specified in the parameter name.

    The value is extracted by the UserSession.getAttribute() method, so predefined names of session attributes are also supported.

    • userId – ID of the currently registered or substituted user;

    • userLogin – login of the currently registered or substituted user in lowercase.


        <![CDATA[select o from sales$Order o where o.createdBy = :session$userLogin]]>

    Casting an instance to its identifier, if necessary, is similar to ds parameters. In this case, the path through the entity graph in the parameter name is not supported. Query Filter

A datasource query can be modified at runtime depending on conditions entered by the user. This allows you to efficiently filter data at the database level.

The easiest way to provide such ability is to connect the datasource to a special visual component: Filter.

If the universal filter is not suitable for some reason, a special XML markup can be embedded into the query text. This allows you to create a resulting query based on values entered by the user into any visual components of the screen.

The following elements can be used in this filter:

  • filter – a root element of the filter. It can directly contain only one condition.

    • and, or – logical conditions, may contain any number of other conditions and statements.

    • c – JPQL condition, which is added to the where section of the query. If the query does not contain where clause, it will be added before the first condition. An optional join attribute can be used to specify joined entities. The value of the join attribute is added after the root entity declaration as is, so it must contain join keyword or comma.

Conditions and statements are added to the resulting query only if corresponding parameters have values, i.e. when they are not null.


Use only custom, param, component and session parameters in query filters. The ds parameter will not work as expected.


    <![CDATA[select distinct d from app$GeneralDoc d]]>
                <c join=", app$DocRole dr">dr.doc.id = d.id and d.processState = :custom$state</c>
                <c>d.barCode like :component$barCodeFilterField</c>
            <c join=", app$DocRole dr">dr.doc.id = d.id and dr.user.id = :custom$initiator</c>

In this case, if state and initiator parameters are passed to the refresh() method of the datasource, and the barCodeFilterField visual component has some value, then the resulting query will be as follows:

select distinct d from app$GeneralDoc d, app$DocRole dr
  (dr.doc.id = d.id and d.processState = :custom$state)
  (d.barCode like :component$barCodeFilterField)
(dr.doc.id = d.id and dr.user.id = :custom$initiator)

If, for example, the barCodeFilterField component is empty and only initiator parameter is passed to the refresh() method, the query will be as follows:

select distinct d from app$GeneralDoc d, app$DocRole dr
(dr.doc.id = d.id and dr.user.id = :custom$initiator) Case-Insensitive Search for a Substring

It is possible to use a special feature of JPQL queries execution in datasources, described for the Query interface of the Middleware level: for easy creation of case-insensitive search condition of any substring, (?i) prefix can be used. However, due to the fact that the query value is usually passed implicitly, the following differences take place:

  • The (?i) prefix should be specified before a parameter name and not inside the value.

  • The parameter value will be automatically converted to lowercase.

  • If the parameter value does not have % characters, they will be added to the beginning and the end.

Below is an example of how to process the following query:

select c from sales$Customer c where c.name like :(?i)component$customerNameField

In this case, the parameter value taken from the customerNameField component will be converted to lowercase and will be framed with % characters, and then an SQL query with a lower(C.NAME) like ? condition will be executed in the database.

Please note that with this search, an index created in the DB by the NAME field, will not be used. Value Datasources

Value datasources enable execution of queries that return scalar values and aggregates. For example, you can load some aggregated statistics for customers:

select o.customer, sum(o.amount) from demo$Order o group by o.customer

Value datasources work with entities of a special type named KeyValueEntity. This entity can contain an arbitrary number of attributes which are defined at runtime. So in the example above, the KeyValueEntity instances will contain two attributes: the first of type Customer and the second of type BigDecimal.

Value datasource implementations extend other widely used collection datasource classes and implement a specific interface: ValueDatasource. Below is a diagram showing the value datasource implementations and their base classes:


The ValueDatasource interface declares the following methods:

  • addProperty() - as the datasource can return entities with any number of attributes, you have to specify what attributes are expected by using this method. It accepts a name of the attribute and its type in the form of Datatype or a Java class. In the latter case, the class should be either an entity class or a class supported by one the datatypes.

  • setIdName() is an optional method which allows you to define one of the attributes as an identifier attribute of the entity. It means that KeyValueEntity instances contained in this datasource will have identifiers obtained from the given attribute. Otherwise, KeyValueEntity instances get randomly generated UUIDs.

  • getMetaClass() returns a dynamic implementation of the MetaClass interface that represents the current schema of KeyValueEntity instances. It is defined by previous calls to addProperty().

Value datasources can be used declaratively in a screen XML descriptor. There are three XML elements corresponding to the implementation classes:

  • valueCollectionDatasource

  • valueGroupDatasource

  • valueHierarchicalDatasource

XML definition of a value datasource must contain the properties element that defines the attributes of KeyValueEntity instances that will be contained in the datasource (see the addProperty() method description above). The order of property elements should conform to the order of result set columns returned by the query. For example, in the following definition the customer attribute will get its value from o.customer column and the sum attribute from sum(o.amount) column:

    <valueCollectionDatasource id="salesDs">
            <![CDATA[select o.customer, sum(o.amount) from demo$Order o group by o.customer]]>
            <property class="com.company.demo.entity.Customer" name="customer"/>
            <property datatype="decimal" name="sum"/>

Value datasources are designed only for reading data, because KeyValueEntity is not persistent and cannot be saved by standard persistence mechanisms.

You can create value datasources either manually or in Studio in the Datasources tab of the Screen designer page.

ValueDatasources Studio

The Properties editor allows you to create the datasource attributes of a certain datatype and/or a Java class.

ValueDatasources Studio properties Datasource Listeners

Datasource listeners receive notifications of changes in the state of datasources and entities contained in them.

There are four types of listeners. Three of them: ItemPropertyChangeListener, ItemChangeListener and StateChangeListener are defined in the Datasource interface and can be used in any datasource. CollectionChangeListener is defined in CollectionDatasource and can be used only in datasources working with collections of entities.

Compared to ValueChangeListener, datasource listeners give finer control over the screen lifecycle and are recommended to be used with visual components bound to datasources.

Example of using datasource listeners:

public class EmployeeBrowse extends AbstractLookup {

    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmployeeBrowse.class);

    private CollectionDatasource<Employee, UUID> employeesDs;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        employeesDs.addItemPropertyChangeListener(event -> {
            log.info("Property {} of {} has been changed from {} to {}",
                    event.getProperty(), event.getItem(), event.getPrevValue(), event.getValue());

        employeesDs.addStateChangeListener(event -> {
            log.info("State of {} has been changed from {} to {}",
                    event.getDs(), event.getPrevState(), event.getState());

        employeesDs.addItemChangeListener(event -> {
            log.info("Datasource {} item has been changed from {} to {}",
                    event.getDs(), event.getPrevItem(), event.getItem());

        employeesDs.addCollectionChangeListener(event -> {
            log.info("Datasource {} content has been changed due to {}",
                    event.getDs(), event.getOperation());

The listener interfaces are described below.

  • ItemPropertyChangeListener is added by the Datasource.addItemPropertyChangeListener() method. The listener is invoked when an attribute of an entity contained in the datasource is changed. The modified entity instance itself, the name of changed attribute, old and new values can be obtained from the event object passed to the listener.

    The ItemPropertyChangeListener can be used to react to changes made in an entity instance by UI components, i.e. when a user edits input fields.

  • ItemChangeListener is added by the Datasource.addItemChangeListener() method. The listener is invoked when a selected entity instance returned by the Datasource.getItem() method is changed.

    For Datasource, it happens when another instance (or null) is set to the datasource with setItem() method.

    For CollectionDatasource, this listener is invoked when a selected element is changed in a linked visual component. For example, it may be a selected table row, tree element or item in a drop-down list.

  • StateChangeListener is added by the Datasource.addStateChangeListener() method. The listener is invoked when a state of the datasource is changed. The datasource can be in one of three states corresponding to the Datasource.State enumeration:

    • NOT_INITIALIZED – datasource has just been created.

    • INVALID – the whole DsContext, which this datasource is related to, is created.

    • VALID – datasource is ready: Datasource contains an entity instance or null, CollectionDatasource – collection of instances or an empty collection.

    Receiving a notification about changes in datasource state may be important for complex editors, which consist of several frames where it is difficult to trace the moment of setting an edited entity into the datasource. In this case, StateChangeListener can be used for the delayed initialization of certain screen elements:

    employeesDs.addStateChangeListener(event -> {
        if (event.getState() == Datasource.State.VALID)
  • CollectionChangeListener is added by the CollectionDatasource.addCollectionChangeListener() method. The listener is invoked when a entity collection, which is stored in the datasource, is changed. The event object provides the getOperation() method returning value of type CollectionDatasource.Operation: REFRESH, CLEAR, ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE. It indicates the operation that caused the collection changes. DsContext

All datasources that are created declaratively are registered in the DsContext object which belongs to a screen. A reference to DsContext can be obtained using the getDsContext() method of a screen controller or via Controller Dependency Injection.

DsContext is designed for the following tasks:

  1. Organizes dependencies between datasources when navigation through a record set in one datasource (i.e. changing a "current" instance with the setItem() method) causes a related datasource to be updated. These dependencies allow you to organize master-detail relationships between visual components on screens.

    Dependencies between datasources are organized using query parameters with the ds$ prefix.

  2. Collects all changed entity instances and sends them to Middleware in a single invocation of DataManager.commit(), i.e. to save them into the database in a single transaction.

    As an example, let’s assume that some screen allows a user to edit an instance of the Order entity and a collection of OrderLine instances belonging to it. The Order instance is located in Datasource; the OrderLine collection – in nested CollectionDatasource, which is created using the Order.lines attribute.

    If a user changes some attribute of Order and creates a new instance, OrderLine, then, when a screen is committed to DataManager, two instances – changed Order and new OrderLine – will be sent simultaneously. After that, they will together be merged into one persistent context and saved into the database on the transaction commit. It allows you to not specify cascade parameters on the ORM level and avoid the problems mentioned in the @OneToMany annotation description.

    As a result of committing the transaction, DsContext receives a set of saved instances from Middleware (in the case of optimistic locking they, at least, have an increased value of the version attribute), and sets these instances in datasources replacing old ones. It allows you to work with the latest instances immediately after committing without an extra datasource refresh that produces queries to Middleware and the database.

  3. Declares two listeners: BeforeCommitListener and AfterCommitListener. They receive notifications before and after committing modified instances. BeforeCommitListener enables to supplement a collection of entities sent to DataManager to save arbitrary entities in the same transaction. A collection of saved instances that are returned from DataManager can be obtained after commit in the AfterCommitListener listener.

    This mechanism is required if some entities, with which a screen works, are not under control of datasources, but are created and changed directly in the controller code. For example, a visual component, FileUploadField, after uploading a file, creates a new entity instance, FileDescriptor, which can be saved together with other screen entities by adding to CommitContext in BeforeCommitListener.

    In the following example, a new instance of Customer will be sent to Middleware and saved to the database together with other modified screen entities when the screen is committed:

    protected Customer customer;
    protected void createNewCustomer() {
        customer = metadata.create(Customer.class);
        customer.setName("John Doe");
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        getDsContext().addBeforeCommitListener(context -> {
            if (customer != null)
    } DataSupplier

DataSupplier – interface, through which the datasources refer to Middleware for loading and saving entities. The standard implementation simply delegates to DataManager. A screen can define its implementation of the DataSupplier in dataSupplier attribute of the window element.

A reference to DataSupplier can be obtained either by injection into a screen controller or through the DsContext or Datasource instances. In both cases, an own implementation is returned if defined for the screen.

5.5.4. Actions. The Action Interface

Action is an interface that abstracts an action (in other words, some function) from a visual component. It is particularly useful when the same action can be invoked from different visual components ((for example, from button and table context menu). In addition, this interface allows you to provide the action with additional properties, such as name, flags of accessibility and visibility, etc.

Below are the Action interface methods:

  • actionPerform() is invoked by a visual component associated with this action. An instance of the caller is passed to the method.

  • getId() returns an identifier of the action. The identifier is usually set by a constructor of a class that implements Action and does not change throughout the lifecycle of the created action object.

  • Methods for getting and setting caption, description, shortcut, icon, enabled, visible properties. Typically, all these properties are used by related visual components to set their own corresponding properties.

  • addPropertyChangeListener(), removePropertyChangeListener() methods used to add and remove listeners which handle changes to the abovementioned properties. A listener receives notification of java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent type, which contains the name of the changed property, its old and new values.

  • refreshState() - a method that can be implemented in a particular action class to initialize the abovementioned properties in accordance to some external factors, such as user rights. It is usually invoked in constructors of implementing classes or from related visual components.

  • addOwner(), removeOwner(), getOwner(), getOwners() – methods used to control relation between the action and visual components.

It is recommended to implement actions using the declarative creation or by inheriting from the BaseAction class. Furthermore, there is a set of standard actions applicable for tables and picker components. You can also derive action classes from standard actions to modify their behavior or to intercept events.

Visual components associated with an action can be of two types:

  • Visual component with a single action implements the Component.ActionOwner interface. These are Button and LinkButton.

    Action is linked to the component by the invocation of the ActionOwner.setAction() component method. At this point, the component replaces its properties with corresponding properties of the action (see components overview for details).

  • Visual component containing several actions implements the Component.ActionsHolder interface. These are Window, Frame, Table and its inheritors, Tree, PopupButton, PickerField, LookupPickerField.

    The ActionsHolder.addAction() method is used to add actions to the component. Implementation of this method in the component checks whether it already contains an action with the same identifier. If yes, then the existing action will be replaced with the new one. Therefore, it is possible, for example, to declare a standard action in a screen descriptor and then create a new one in the controller with overridden methods and add it to the component. Declarative Creation of Actions

You can specify a set of actions in an XML screen descriptor for any component that implements the Component.ActionsHolder interface, including the entire screen or frame. This is done in the actions element, which contains nested action elements.

The action element can have the following attributes:

  • id − identifier, which should be unique within the ActionsHolder component.

  • caption – action name.

  • description – action description.

  • enable – accessibility flag (true / false).

  • icon – action icon.

  • invoke - name of the controller method to be invoked. The method should be public void, and either not have arguments or have one argument of the Component type. If the method has a Component argument, then an instance of the visual component that launches this action will be passed to it when invoked.

  • shortcut - keyboard shortcut for invocation.

    Shortcut values can be hard-coded in the XML descriptor. Possible modifiers, ALT, CTRL, SHIFT, are separated by the "-" character. For example:

    <action id="create" shortcut="ALT-N"/>

    To avoid the hard code, you can use the predefined shortcut aliases from the list below, for example:

    <action id="edit" shortcut="${TABLE_EDIT_SHORTCUT}"/>










    Another option is to use the full qualified name of the Config interface and method which returns shortcut:

    <action id="remove" shortcut="${com.haulmont.cuba.client.ClientConfig#getTableRemoveShortcut}"/>
  • visible – visibility flag (true / false).

The examples of declaration are provided below.

  • Declaring actions at the screen level:

    <window ...>
            <action id="sayHelloAction" caption="msg://sayHello" shortcut="ALT-T" invoke="sayHello"/>
            <button action="sayHelloAction"/>
    // controller
    public void sayHello(Component component) {
        showNotification("Hello!", NotificationType.TRAY);

    In the example above, an action with sayHelloAction identifier and a name from message pack is declared. This action is bound with a button, which caption will be set to the action name. The action will invoke the sayHello() controller method when clicking on the button, or when pressing the ALT-T shortcut if at that moment the screen has input focus.

  • Declaring actions for PopupButton:

    <popupButton caption="Say something">
            <action id="helloAction" caption="Say hello" invoke="sayHello"/>
            <action id="goodbyeAction" caption="Say goodbye" invoke="sayGoodbye"/>
  • Declaring actions for Table:

    <table id="usersTable" width="100%">
            <action id="create"/>
            <action id="edit"/>
            <action id="copy" caption="msg://copy" icon="COPY"
                    invoke="copy" trackSelection="true"/>
            <action id="changePassw" caption="msg://changePassw" icon="EDIT"
                    invoke="changePassword" trackSelection="true"/>
            <button action="usersTable.create"/>
            <button action="usersTable.edit"/>
            <button action="usersTable.copy"/>
            <button action="usersTable.changePassw"/>
            <column id="login"/>
        <rows datasource="usersDs"/>

    In this example copy and changePassw actions are declared in addition to create and edit standard actions of the table. These actions invoke corresponding methods of the controller. In addition, the trackSelection="true" attribute is specified for them, which means that the action and corresponding button become disabled if no row is selected in the table. It is useful if the action is intended to be executed over a currently selected table row.

    An optional openType attribute can be specified for create and edit actions to define edit screen opening mode, as described for the setOpenType() method of the CreateAction class.

  • Declaring PickerField actions:

    <pickerField id="colourField" datasource="carDs" property="colour">
            <action id="lookup"/>
            <action id="show" icon="PICKERFIELD_LOOKUP"
                    invoke="showColour" caption="" description="Show colour"/>

    In the example above, the standard lookup action and an additional show action invoking the showColour() method of the controller, are declared for the PickerField component. Since PickerField buttons that display actions use icons instead of captions, the caption attribute is explicitly set to an empty string, otherwise action name and button caption would be set to the action identifier. The description attribute allows you to display a tooltip when hovering over the action button.

You can obtain references to any declared actions in the screen controller either directly by injection, or from components that implement the Component.ActionsHolder interface. This can be useful to set action properties programmatically. For example:

private CreateAction createAction;

private Action copyAction;

private PickerField colourField;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
    values.put("type", CarType.PASSENGER);


    Action showAction = colourField.getAction("show");
} Standard Actions

Standard actions are classes that implement the Action interface and are intended to solve common tasks, such as invocation of an edit screen for an entity selected in a table. Standard actions have strictly defined identifiers; therefore, for the declaration of a standard action in XML, it is enough to specify its identifier.

There are two types of standard actions: Standard Actions over Collection

For inheritors of ListComponent (Table, GroupTable, TreeTable and Tree) the set of standard actions is defined in ListActionType enumeration; their implementation classes are located in com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.actions package.

The example of using standard actions in a table:

<table id="usersTable" width="100%">
      <action id="create"/>
      <action id="edit"/>
      <action id="remove"/>
      <action id="refresh"/>
      <button action="usersTable.create"/>
      <button action="usersTable.edit"/>
      <button action="usersTable.remove"/>
      <button action="usersTable.refresh"/>
      <column id="login"/>
  <rows datasource="usersDs"/>

These actions are described in details below.


CreateAction – action with create identifier. It is intended to create new entity instance and open its edit screen. If the edit screen successfully commits a new instance to the database, CreateAction adds this new instance to the table data source and makes it selected.

The following specific methods are defined in the CreateAction class:

  • setOpenType() allows you to specify new entity edit screen open mode. THIS_TAB by default.

    Since it is quite often required to open edit screens in another mode (typically, DIALOG), you can specify an openType attribute with desired value in the action element when using declarative creation of the create action. This eliminates the need to obtain action reference in the controller and set this property programmatically. For example:

    <table id="usersTable">
          <action id="create" openType="DIALOG"/>
  • setWindowId() allows you to specify the identifier of the entity edit screen. By default, {entity_name}.edit is used, for example sales$Customer.edit.

  • setWindowParams() allows you to set edit screen parameters passed into its init() method. The parameters can be further used directly in the datasource query via the param$ prefix or injected into the screen controller using the @WindowParam annotation.

  • setWindowParamsSupplier() is different from setWindowParams() in that it allows you to get parameter values right before the action is invoked. Supplied parameters are merged with ones set by the setWindowParams() method and can override them. For example:

    createAction.setWindowParamsSupplier(() -> {
       Customer customer = metadata.create(Customer.class);
       customer.setCategory(/* some value dependent on the current state of the screen */);
       return ParamsMap.of("customer", customer);
  • setInitialValues() allows you to set initial values of attributes of the entity being created. It takes a Map object, where keys are attribute names, and values are attribute values. For example:

    Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
    values.put("type", CarType.PASSENGER);

    An example of setInitialValues() usage is also provided in the section of development recipes.

  • setInitialValuesSupplier() is different from setInitialValues() in that it allows you to get values right before the action is invoked. Supplied values are merged with ones set by the setInitialValues() method and can override them. For example:

    carCreateAction.setInitialValuesSupplier(() ->
        ParamsMap.of("type", /* value depends on the current state of the screen */));
  • setBeforeActionPerformedHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be invoked by the action before its execution. The method should return true to proceed with the execution and false to abort. For example:

    customersTableCreate.setBeforeActionPerformedHandler(() -> {
        showNotification("The new customer instance will be created");
        return isValid();
  • afterCommit() is invoked by the action after the new entity has been successfully committed and the edit screen has been closed. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden in inheritors to handle this event.

  • setAfterCommitHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after the new entity has been successfully committed and the edit screen has been closed. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterCommit() to avoid creating the action subclass. For example:

    private CreateAction customersTableCreate;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        customersTableCreate.setAfterCommitHandler(new CreateAction.AfterCommitHandler() {
            public void handle(Entity entity) {
                showNotification("Committed", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
  • afterWindowClosed() is the last method invoked by the action after closing the edit screen regardless of whether the new entity has been committed or not. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden in inheritors to handle this event.

  • setAfterWindowClosedHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after closing the edit screen regardless of whether the new entity has been committed or not. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterWindowClosed() to avoid creating the action subclass.


EditAction is an action with edit identifier, intended to open an edit screen for a selected entity instance. If the edit screen successfully commits the instance to the database, then EditAction updates this instance in the table datasource.

The following specific methods are defined in the EditAction class:

  • setOpenType() allows you to specify entity edit screen open mode. THIS_TAB by default.

    Since it is quite often required to open edit screens in another mode (typically DIALOG), you can specify openType attribute with desired value in the action element when creating the action declaratively. This eliminates the need to obtain action reference in the controller and set this property programmatically. For example:

    <table id="usersTable">
          <action id="edit" openType="DIALOG"/>
  • setWindowId() allows you to specify entity edit screen identifier. {entity_name}.edit is used by default, for example, sales$Customer.edit.

  • setWindowParams() allows you to set edit screen parameters, passed to its init() method. The parameters can be further used directly in the datasource query via the param$ prefix or injected into the screen controller using the @WindowParam annotation.

  • setWindowParamsSupplier() is different from setWindowParams() in that it allows you to get parameter values right before the action is invoked. Supplied parameters are merged with ones set by the setWindowParams() method and can override them. For example:

    customersTableEdit.setWindowParamsSupplier(() ->
        ParamsMap.of("category", /* some value dependent on the current state of the screen */));
  • setBeforeActionPerformedHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be invoked by the action before its execution. The method should return true to proceed with the execution and false to abort. For example:

    customersTableEdit.setBeforeActionPerformedHandler(() -> {
        showNotification("The customer instance will be edited");
        return isValid();
  • afterCommit() is invoked by the action after the entity has been successfully committed and the edit screen has been closed. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden in inheritors to handle this event.

  • setAfterCommitHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after the new entity has been successfully committed and the edit screen has been closed. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterCommit() to avoid creating the action subclass. For example:

    private EditAction customersTableEdit;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        customersTableEdit.setAfterCommitHandler(new EditAction.AfterCommitHandler() {
            public void handle(Entity entity) {
                showNotification("Committed", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
  • afterWindowClosed() is the last method invoked by the action after closing the edit screen regardless of whether the edited entity has been committed or not. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden in inheritors to handle this event.

  • setAfterWindowClosedHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after closing the edit screen regardless of whether the new entity has been committed or not. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterWindowClosed() to avoid creating the action subclass.

  • getBulkEditorIntegration() provides a possibility of bulk editing for the table records. The table should have the multiselect attribute enabled. The BulkEditor component will be opened, if multiple table lines are selected when the EditAction is called.

    The returned BulkEditorIntegration instance can be further modified by the following methods:

    • setOpenType(),

    • setExcludePropertiesRegex(),

    • setFieldValidators(),

    • setModelValidators(),

    • setAfterEditCloseHandler().

    private EditAction clientsTableEdit;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {


RemoveAction - action with remove identifier, intended to remove a selected entity instance.

The following specific methods are defined in the RemoveAction class:

  • setAutocommit() allows you to control the moment of entity removal from the database. By default commit() method is invoked after triggering the action and removing the entity from the datasource. As result, the entity is removed from the database. You can set autocommit property into false using setAutocommit() method or corresponding parameter of the constructor. In this case you will need to explicitly invoke the datasource commit() method to confirm the removal after removing the entity from the datasource.

    The value of autocommit does not affect datasources in the Datasource.CommitMode.PARENT mode, i.e. the datasources that provide composite entities editing.

  • setConfirmationMessage() allows you to set message text for the removal confirmation dialog.

  • setConfirmationTitle() allows you to set removal confirmation dialog title.

  • setBeforeActionPerformedHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be invoked by the action before its execution. The method should return true to proceed with the execution and false to abort. For example:

    customersTableRemove.setBeforeActionPerformedHandler(() -> {
        showNotification("The customer instance will be removed");
        return isValid();
  • afterRemove() is invoked by the action after the entity has been successfully removed. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden.

  • setAfterRemoveHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be called after the new entity has been successfully removed. This handler can be used instead of overriding afterRemove() to avoid creating the action subclass. For example:

    private RemoveAction customersTableRemove;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        customersTableRemove.setAfterRemoveHandler(new RemoveAction.AfterRemoveHandler() {
            public void handle(Set removedItems) {
                showNotification("Removed", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);


RefreshAction - an action with refresh identifier. It is intended to update (reload) entities collection. When triggered, it invokes refresh() method of a datasource associated with the corresponding component.

The following specific methods are defined in the RefreshAction class:

  • setRefreshParams() allows you to set parameters passed into the CollectionDatasource.refresh() method to be used in the query. By default, no parameters are passed.

  • setRefreshParamsSupplier() is different from setRefreshParams() in that it allows you to get parameter values right before the action is invoked. Supplied parameters are merged with ones set by the setRefreshParams() method and can override them. For example:

    customersTableRefresh.setRefreshParamsSupplier(() ->
        ParamsMap.of("number", /* some value dependent on the current state of the screen */));


AddAction – action with add identifier, intended for selecting an existing entity instance and adding it to the collection. When triggered, opens entities lookup screen.

The following specific methods are defined in the AddAction class:

  • setOpenType() allows you to specify entity selection screen open mode. THIS_TAB by default.

    Since it is often required to open the lookup screens in a different mode (usually DIALOG), the openType attribute can be specified in the action element, when creating the add action declaratively. This eliminates the need to get a reference to the action in the controller and set this property programmatically. For example:

    <table id="usersTable">
            <action id="add" openType="DIALOG"/>
  • setWindowId() allows you to specify entity selection screen identifier. {entity_name}.lookup by default, for example, sales$Customer.lookup. If such screen does not exist, attempts to open {entity_name}.browse screen, for example, sales$Customer.browse.

  • setWindowParams() allows you to set selection screen parameters, passed into its init() method. The parameters can be further used directly in the datasource query via the param$ prefix or injected into the screen controller using the @WindowParam annotation.

  • setWindowParamsSupplier() is different from setWindowParams() in that it allows you to get parameter values right before the action is invoked. Supplied parameters are merged with ones set by the setWindowParams() method and can override them. For example:

    tableAdd.setWindowParamsSupplier(() ->
        ParamsMap.of("customer", getItem()));
  • setHandler() allows you to set an object implementing Window.Lookup.Handler interface which will be passed to the selection screen. By default, AddAction.DefaultHandler object is used.

  • setBeforeActionPerformedHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be invoked by the action before its execution. The method should return true to proceed with the execution and false to abort. For example:

    customersTableAdd.setBeforeActionPerformedHandler(() -> {
        showNotification("The new customer will be added");
        return isValid();


ExcludeAction - an action with exclude identifier. It allows a user to exclude entity instances from a collection without removing them from the database. The class of this action is an inheritor of RemoveAction, however, when triggered it invokes excludeItem() of CollectionDatasource instead of removeItem(). In addition, for an entity in a nested datasource, the ExcludeAction disconnects the link with the parent entity. Therefore this action can be used for editing one-to-many associations.

The following specific methods are defined in the ExcludeAction class in addition to RemoveAction:

  • setConfirm() – flag to show the removal confirmation dialog. You can also set this property via the action constructor. By default it is set to false.

  • setBeforeActionPerformedHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be invoked by the action before its execution. The method should return true to proceed with the execution and false to abort. For example:

    customersTableExclude.setBeforeActionPerformedHandler(() -> {
        showNotification("The selected customer will be excluded");
        return isValid();


ExcelAction - an action with excel identifier, intended to export table data into XLS and download the resulting file. You can add this action only to Table, GroupTable and TreeTable components.

When creating the action programmatically, you can set the display parameter with an ExportDisplay interface implementation for file download. Standard implementation is used by default.

The following specific methods are defined in the ExcelAction class:

  • setFileName() - sets the Excel file name without extension.

  • getFileName() - returns the Excel file name without extension.

  • setBeforeActionPerformedHandler() allows you to provide a handler which will be invoked by the action before its execution. The method should return true to proceed with the execution and false to abort. For example:

    customersTableExcel.setBeforeActionPerformedHandler(() -> {
        showNotification("The selected data will ve downloaded as an XLS file");
        return isValid();
    }); Standard Actions of the Picker Field

For PickerField, LookupPickerField and SearchPickerField components, a set of standard actions is defined in the PickerField.ActionType enumeration. Implementations are inner classes of the PickerField interface, which are described in details below.

The example of standard actions usage in a picker component:

<searchPickerField optionsDatasource="coloursDs"
                 datasource="carDs" property="colour">
      <action id="clear"/>
      <action id="lookup"/>
      <action id="open"/>


LookupAction – action with lookup identifier, intended for selecting an entity instance and setting it as the component’s value. When triggered, it opens an entities lookup screen.

The following specific methods are defined in the LookupAction class:

  • setLookupScreenOpenType() allows you to specify entity selection screen open mode. THIS_TAB by default.

  • setLookupScreen() allows you to specify entity selection screen identifier. {entity_name}.lookup by default, for example, sales$Customer.lookup. If such screen does not exist, attempts to open {entity_name}.browse screen, for example, sales$Customer.browse.

  • setLookupScreenParams() allows you to set selection screen parameters, passed into its init() method.

  • afterSelect() is invoked by the action after the selected instance is set as the component’s value. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden.

  • afterCloseLookup() is the last method invoked by the action after closing the lookup screen regardless of whether an instance has been selected or not. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden.


ClearAction - an action with clear identifier, intended for clearing (i.e. for setting to null) the value of the component.


OpenAction - action with open identifier, intended for opening an edit screen for the entity instance which is the current value of the component.

The following specific methods are defined in the OpenAction class:

  • setEditScreenOpenType() allows you to specify entity selection screen open mode. THIS_TAB by default.

  • setEditScreen() allows you to specify entity edit screen identifier. {entity_name}.edit screen is used by default, for example, sales$Customer.edit.

  • setEditScreenParams() allows you to set edit screen parameters, passed to its `init()`method.

  • afterWindowClosed() is invoked by the action after closing the edit screen. This method does not have implementation and can be overridden in inheritors to handle this event. BaseAction

BaseAction is a base class for actions implementation. It is recommended to derive custom actions from it when declarative actions creation functionality is insufficient.

When creating a custom action class, you should implement actionPerform() method and pass action identifier to the BaseAction constructor. You can override any property getters: getCaption(), getDescription(), getIcon(), getShortcut(), isEnabled(), isVisible(). Standard implementations of these methods return values set by setter methods, except the getCaption() method. If the action name is not explicitly set by setCaption() method, it retrieves message using action identifier as key from the the localized message pack corresponding to the action class package. If there is no message with such key, then the key itself, i.e. the action identifier, is returned.

Alternatively, you can use the fluent interface for setting properties and providing a lambda expression for handling the action: see withXYZ() methods.

BaseAction can change its enabled and visible properties depending on user permissions and current context.

BaseAction is visible if the following conditions are met:

  • setVisible(false) method was not called;

  • there is no hide UI permission for this action.

The action is enabled if the following conditions are met:

  • setEnabled(false) method was not called;

  • there are no hide or read-only UI permissions for this action;

  • isPermitted() method returns true;

  • isApplicable() method returns true.

Usage examples:

  • Button action:

    private Button helloBtn;
    public void init(Map<String, Object>params) {
        helloBtn.setAction(new BaseAction("hello") {
            public void actionPerform(Component component) {
                showNotification("Hello!", NotificationType.TRAY);
        // OR
        helloBtn.setAction(new BaseAction("hello")
                .withHandler(e -> showNotification("Hello", NotificationType.TRAY)));

    In this example, the helloBtn button caption will be set to the string located in the message pack with the hello key. You can override the getCaption() action method to initialize button name in a different way.

  • Action of a programmatically created PickerField:

    private ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;
    private BoxLayout box;
    public void init(Map<String, Object>params) {
        PickerField pickerField = componentsFactory.createComponent(PickerField.NAME);
        pickerField.addAction(new BaseAction("hello") {
            public String getCaption() {
                return null;
            public String getDescription() {
                return getMessage("helloDescription");
            public String getIcon() {
            public void actionPerform(Component component) {
                showNotification("Hello!", NotificationType.TRAY);
        // OR
        pickerField.addAction(new BaseAction("hello")
                .withHandler(e -> showNotification("Hello", NotificationType.TRAY)));

    In this example an anonymous BaseAction derived class is used to set the action of the picker field button. The button caption is not displayed, as an icon with a description, which pops up when hovering mouse cursor, is used instead.

  • Table action:

    private Table table;
    private Security security;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        table.addAction(new HelloAction());
    private class HelloAction extends BaseAction {
        public HelloAction() {
        public void actionPerform(Component component) {
            showNotification("Hello " + table.getSingleSelected(), NotificationType.TRAY);
        protected boolean isPermitted() {
            return security.isSpecificPermitted("myapp.allow-greeting");
        public boolean isApplicable() {
            return target != null && target.getSelected().size() == 1;

    In this example, the HelloAction class is declared, and its instance is added to the table’s actions list. The action is enabled for users who have myapp.allow-greeting security permission and only when a single table row is selected. The latter is possible because BaseAction’s target property is automatically assigned to the action when it is added to a ListComponent descendant (Table or Tree).

  • If you need an action, which becomes enabled when one or more table rows are selected, use BaseAction’s descendant - ItemTrackingAction, which adds default implementation of isApplicable() method:

    private Table table;
    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        table.addAction(new ItemTrackingAction("hello") {
            public void actionPerform(Component component) {
                showNotification("Hello " + table.getSelected().iterator().next(), NotificationType.TRAY);

5.5.5. Dialogs and Notifications

Dialogs and notifications can be used to display messages to users.

Dialogs have a title with a closing button and are always displayed in the center of the application main window. Notifications can be displayed both in the center and in the corner of the window, and can automatically disappear. Dialogs
General-purpose dialogs

General-purpose dialogs are invoked by showMessageDialog() and showOptionDialog() methods of the Frame interface. This interface is implemented by screen controller, so these methods can be invoked directly in the controller code.

  • showMessageDialog() is intended to display a message. The method has the following parameters:

    • title – dialog title.

    • message - message. For HTML type (see below), you can use HTML tags for formatting the message. When using HTML, make sure you escape data loaded from the database to avoid code injection in web client. You can use \n characters for line breaks in non-HTML messages.

    • messageType – message type. Possible types:

      • CONFIRMATION, CONFIRMATION_HTML – confirmation dialog.

      • WARNING, WARNING_HTML – warning dialog.

        The difference in message types is reflected in desktop user interface only.

        Message type can be set with parameters:

        • width - the dialog width,

        • modal - if the dialog is modal,

        • maximized - if the dialog should be maximized across the screen,

        • closeOnClickOutside - if the dialog can be closed by clicking on area outside the dialog.

          An example of showing a dialog:

          showMessageDialog("Warning", "Something is wrong", MessageType.WARNING.modal(true).closeOnClickOutside(true));
  • showOptionDialog() is intended to display a message and buttons for user actions. In addition to parameters described for showMessageDialog(), the method takes an array or a list of actions. A button is created for each dialog action. After a button is clicked, the dialog closes invoking actionPerform() method of the corresponding action.

    It is convenient to use anonymous classes derived from DialogAction for buttons with standard names and icons. Five types of actions defined by the DialogAction.Type enum are supported: OK, CANCEL, YES, NO, CLOSE. Names of corresponding buttons are extracted from the main message pack.

    Below is an example of a dialog invocation with Yes and No buttons and with a caption and messages taken from the message pack of the current screen:

        new Action[] {
            new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.YES, Status.PRIMARY).withHandler(e -> copySettings()),
            new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.NO, Status.NORMAL)

    The Status parameter of DialogAction is used to assign a special visual style for a button representing the action. Status.PRIMARY highlights the corresponding button and makes it selected. The Status parameter can be omitted, in this case default highlighting is applied. If multiple actions with Status.PRIMARY are passed to the showOptionDialog, only the first action’s button will get the cuba-primary-action style and focus.

File upload dialog

The FileUploadDialog window provides the base functionality for loading files into the temporary storage. It contains the drop zone for drag-and-dropping files from outside of the browser and the upload button.

gui fileUploadDialog

The dialog is opened with the openWindow() method, in case of successful upload it is closed with COMMIT_ACTION_ID. You can track the close action of the dialog with CloseListener or CloseWithCommitListener and use the getFileId() and getFileName() methods to get the UUID and the name of uploaded file. Then you can create a FileDescriptor for referencing the file from the data model objects or implement any other logic.

FileUploadDialog dialog = (FileUploadDialog) openWindow("fileUploadDialog", OpenType.DIALOG);
dialog.addCloseWithCommitListener(() -> {
    UUID fileId = dialog.getFileId();
    String fileName = dialog.getFileName();

    FileDescriptor fileDescriptor = fileUploadingAPI.getFileDescriptor(fileId, fileName);
    // your logic here
}); Notifications

Notifications can be invoked using showNotification() method of the Frame interface. This interface is implemented by screen controller, so this method can be invoked directly from the controller code.

showNotification() method takes the following parameters:

  • caption - notification text. In case of HTML-type (see below), you can format message text using HTML-tags. When using HTML, don’t forget to escape data to prevent code injection in the web-client. You can use \n characters for line breaks in non-HTML messages.

  • description – an optional description displayed under the caption. You can also use \n character or HTML-formatting.

  • type – notification type. Possible values:

    • TRAY, TRAY_HTML - a notification is displayed in the bottom right corner of the application and disappears automatically.

    • HUMANIZED, HUMANIZED_HTML – a standard notification displayed in the center of the screen, disappears automatically.

    • WARNING, WARNING_HTML – a warning. Disappears when clicked.

    • ERROR, ERROR_HTML – a notification about an error. Disappears when clicked.

Examples of invoking a notification:

showNotification(getMessage("selectBook.text"), NotificationType.HUMANIZED);

showNotification("Validation error", "<b>Date</b> is incorrect", NotificationType.TRAY_HTML);

5.5.6. Background Tasks

Background tasks mechanism is designed for performing tasks at the client tier asynchronously without blocking the user interface.

In order to use background tasks, do the following:

  1. Define a task as an inheritor of the BackgroundTask abstract class. Pass a link to a screen controller which will be associated with the task and the task timeout to the task constructor.

    Closing the screen will interrupt the tasks associated with it. Additionally, the task will be interrupted automatically after the specified timeout.

    Actual actions performed by the task are implemented in the run() method.

  2. Create an object of BackgroundTaskHandler class controlling the task by passing the task instance to the handle() method of the BackgroundWorker bean. A link to BackgroundWorker can be obtained by an injection in a screen controller, or through the AppBeans class.

  3. Run the task by invoking the execute() method of BackgroundTaskHandler.


protected BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
    // Create task with 10 sec timeout and this screen as owner
    BackgroundTask<Integer, Void> task = new BackgroundTask<Integer, Void>(10, this) {
        public Void run(TaskLifeCycle<Integer> taskLifeCycle) throws Exception {
            // Do something in background thread
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); // time consuming computations
                taskLifeCycle.publish(i);  // publish current progress to show it in progress() method
            return null;

        public void canceled() {
            // Do something in UI thread if the task is canceled

        public void done(Void result) {
            // Do something in UI thread when the task is done

        public void progress(List<Integer> changes) {
            // Show current progress in UI thread
    // Get task handler object and run the task
    BackgroundTaskHandler taskHandler = backgroundWorker.handle(task);

Detailed information about methods is provided in JavaDocs for BackgroundTask, TaskLifeCycle, BackgroundTaskHandler classes.

Please note the following:

  • BackgroundTask<T, V> is a parameterized class:

    • T − the type of objects displaying task progress. Objects of this type are passed to the task’s progress() method during an invocation of TaskLifeCycle.publish() in the working thread.

    • V − task result type passed to the done() method. It can also be obtained by invoking BackgroundTaskHandler.getResult() method, which will wait for a task to complete.

  • canceled() method is invoked only during a controlled cancellation of a task, i.e. when cancel() is invoked in the TaskHandler.

  • handleTimeoutException() is invoked when the task timeout expires. If the window where the task is running closes, the task is stopped without a notification.

  • run() method of a task should support external interruptions. To ensure this, we recommend checking the TaskLifeCycle.isInterrupted() flag periodically during long processes and stopping execution when needed. Additionally, you should not silently discard InterruptedException (or any other exception) - instead you should either exit the method correctly or not handle the exception at all.

    • isCancelled() method returns true if a task was interrupted by calling the cancel() method.

      public String run(TaskLifeCycle<Integer> taskLifeCycle) {
          for (int i = 0; i < 9_000_000; i++) {
              if (taskLifeCycle.isCancelled()) {
                  log.info(" >>> Task was cancelled");
              } else {
                  log.info(" >>> Task is working: iteration #" + i);
          return "Done";
  • BackgroundTask objects are stateless. If you did not create fields for temporary data when implementing task class, you can start several parallel processes using a single task instance.

  • BackgroundHandler object (its execute() method) can only be started once. If you need to restart a task frequently, use BackgroundTaskWrapper class.

  • Use BackgroundWorkWindow or BackgroundWorkProgressWindow classes with a set of static methods to show a modal window with progress indicator and Cancel button. You can define progress indication type and allow or prohibit cancellation of the background task for the window.

  • If you need to use certain values of visual components in the task thread, you should implement their acquisition in getParams() method, which runs in the UI thread once, when a task starts. In the run() method, these parameters will be accessible via the getParams() method of the TaskLifeCycle object.

  • If any exception occurs, the framework invokes BackgroundTask.handleException() method in the UI thread, which can be used to display the error.

  • Background tasks are affected by cuba.backgroundWorker.maxActiveTasksCount and cuba.backgroundWorker.timeoutCheckInterval application properties.


In Web Client, background tasks are implemented using HTTP push provided by the Vaadin framework. See https://vaadin.com/wiki/-/wiki/Main/Working+around+push+issues for information on how to set up your web servers for this technology.


If you don’t use background tasks, but want to update UI state from a non-UI thread, use methods of the UIAccessor interface. You should get a reference to UIAccessor using the BackgroundWorker.getUIAccessor() method in the UI thread, and after that you can invoke its access() and accessSynchronously() methods from a background thread to safely read or modify the state of UI components.

5.5.7. Themes

Themes are used to manage the visual presentation of the application. Themes in Web Applications

A theme consists of SCSS files and other resources like images. Using Existing Themes

The platform includes two ready to use themes: Halo and Havana. By default, the application will use the one specified in the cuba.web.theme application property. The user may select the other theme in the standard Help > Settings screen. If you want to disable the option of selecting themes, register the settings screen in the web-screens.xml file of your project and set the changeThemeEnabled = false parameter for it:

<screen id="settings" template="/com/haulmont/cuba/web/app/ui/core/settings/settings-window.xml">
    <param name="changeThemeEnabled" value="false"/>
</screen> Extending an Existing Theme

A platform theme can be modified in the project. In the modified theme, you can:

  • Change branding images.

  • Add icons to use them in visual components. See the Icons section below.

  • Create new styles for visual components and use them in the stylename attribute. This requires some expertise in CSS.

  • Modify existing styles of the visual components.

  • Modify common parameters, such as background color, margins, spacing, etc.

Themes are defined in SCSS files. To modify (extend) a theme in the project, you should create a specific file structure in the web module. A convenient way to do this is to use CUBA Studio: open the Project properties section and click Create theme extension. Select the theme you want to extend in the popup window. As a result, the following directory structure will be created in the modules/web directory (for Halo theme extension):


Apart from that, the build.gradle script will be complemented with the buildScssThemes task, which is executed automatically each time the web module is built. The optional deployThemes task can be used to quickly apply changes in themes to the running application.


If your project contains an application component with extended theme, and you want this extension to be used for the whole project, then you should create theme extension for the project too. For more details on how to inherit the component’s theme, see the Using Themes from Application Components section.

Changing branding

You can configure some branding properties, such as icons, login and main application window captions, and the website icon (favicon.ico).

To use custom images, replace default ones in the modules/web/themes/halo/branding directory.

To set window captions and the login window welcome text, edit Project properties in CUBA Studio and click Branding at the bottom of the page. Set window captions and the login window welcome text using the appropriate links.

These parameters are saved in the main message pack of the web module (i.e the modules/web/<root_package>/web/messages.properties file and its variants for different locales). Message packs allow you to use different image files for different user locales. The sample messages.properties file:

application.caption = MyApp
application.logoImage = branding/myapp-menu.png

loginWindow.caption = MyApp Login
loginWindow.welcomeLabel = Welcome to MyApp!
loginWindow.logoImage = branding/myapp-login.png

The path to favicon.ico is not specified since it must be located in the root directory of the theme.

Adding fonts

You can add custom fonts to your web theme. To add a font family, import it in the first line of the styles.scss file, for example:

@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto);
Creating new styles

Consider the example of setting the yellow background color to the field displaying the customer’s name.

In an XML descriptor, the FieldGroup component is defined:

<fieldGroup id="fieldGroup" datasource="customerDs">
    <field property="name"/>
    <field property="address"/>

The field elements of FieldGroup do not have the stylename attribute, therefore we have to set the field’s style name in the controller:

private TextField nameField;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

In the halo-ext.scss file, add the new style definition to the halo-ext mixin:

@mixin com_company_application-halo-ext {
  .name-field {
    background-color: lightyellow;

After rebuilding the project, the fields will look as follows:

gui themes fieldgroup 1
Modifying existing styles of the visual components

To modify style parameters of existing components, add the corresponding CSS code to the halo-ext mixin of the halo-ext.scss file. Use developer tools of your web browser to find out CSS classes assigned to the elements of visual components. For example, to display the application menu items in bold, the contents of the halo-ext.scss file should be as follows:

@mixin com_company_application-halo-ext {
  .v-menubar-menuitem-caption {
      font-weight: bold;
Modifying common parameters

Themes contain a number of SCSS variables that control application background colour, component size, margins and other parameters.

Below is the example of a Halo theme extension, since it is based on Valo theme from Vaadin, and provides the widest range of options for customization.

The themes/halo/halo-ext-defaults.scss file is intended for overriding theme variables. Most of the Halo variables correspond to those described in the Valo documentation. Below are the most common variables:

$v-background-color: #fafafa;        /* component background colour */
$v-app-background-color: #e7ebf2;    /* application background colour */
$v-panel-background-color: #fff;     /* panel background colour */
$v-focus-color: #3b5998;             /* focused element colour */
$v-error-indicator-color: #ed473b;   /* empty required fields colour */

$v-line-height: 1.35;                /* line height */
$v-font-size: 14px;                  /* font size */
$v-font-weight: 400;                 /* font weight */
$v-unit-size: 30px;                  /* base theme size, defines the height for buttons, fields and other elements */

$v-font-size--h1: 24px;              /* h1-style Label size */
$v-font-size--h2: 20px;              /* h2-style Label size */
$v-font-size--h3: 16px;              /* h3-style Label size */

/* margins for containers */
$v-layout-margin-top: 10px;
$v-layout-margin-left: 10px;
$v-layout-margin-right: 10px;
$v-layout-margin-bottom: 10px;

/* spacing between components in a container (if enabled) */
$v-layout-spacing-vertical: 10px;
$v-layout-spacing-horizontal: 10px;

/* basic table dimensions */
$v-table-row-height: 30px;
$v-table-header-font-size: 13px;
$v-table-cell-padding-horizontal: 7px;

/* input field focus style */
$v-focus-style: inset 0px 0px 5px 1px rgba($v-focus-color, 0.5);
/* required fields focus style */
$v-error-focus-style: inset 0px 0px 5px 1px rgba($v-error-indicator-color, 0.5);

/* animation for elements is enabled by default */
$v-animations-enabled: true;
/* popup window animation is disabled by default */
$v-window-animations-enabled: false;

/* inverse header is controlled by cuba.web.useInverseHeader property */
$v-support-inverse-menu: true;

/* show "required" indicators for components */
$v-show-required-indicators: false !default;

The sample halo-ext-defaults.scss for a theme with a dark background and slightly minimized margins is provided below:

$v-background-color: #444D50;

$v-font-size--h1: 22px;
$v-font-size--h2: 18px;
$v-font-size--h3: 16px;

$v-layout-margin-top: 8px;
$v-layout-margin-left: 8px;
$v-layout-margin-right: 8px;
$v-layout-margin-bottom: 8px;

$v-layout-spacing-vertical: 8px;
$v-layout-spacing-horizontal: 8px;

$v-table-row-height: 25px;
$v-table-header-font-size: 13px;
$v-table-cell-padding-horizontal: 5px;

$v-support-inverse-menu: false;
Migration from Havana to feature-rich Halo theme

Halo theme is more extensible and supports some new visual components, such as DataGrid or SideMenu. If you want to use these components and keep your components library up-to-date, it is recommended to use the Halo theme. At the same time, if you want to keep the old Havana enterprise look, you can use the following variables in halo-ext-defaults.scss:

$cuba-menubar-background-color: #315379;
$cuba-menubar-border-color: #315379;
$v-table-row-height: 25px;
$v-selection-color: rgb(77, 122, 178);
$v-table-header-font-size: 12px;
$v-textfield-border: 1px solid #A5C4E0;

$v-selection-item-selection-color: #4D7AB2;

$v-app-background-color: #E3EAF1;
$v-font-size: 12px;
$v-font-weight: 400;
$v-unit-size: 25px;
$v-border-radius: 0px;
$v-border: 1px solid #9BB3D3 !default;
$v-font-family: Verdana,tahoma,arial,geneva,helvetica,sans-serif,"Trebuchet MS";

$v-panel-background-color: #ffffff;
$v-background-color: #ffffff;

$cuba-menubar-menuitem-text-color: #ffffff;

$cuba-app-menubar-padding-top: 8px;
$cuba-app-menubar-padding-bottom: 8px;

$cuba-menubar-text-color: #ffffff;
$cuba-menubar-submenu-padding: 1px;
Changing the application header

Halo theme supports the cuba.web.useInverseHeader property, which controls the colour of the application header. By default, this property is set to true, which sets a dark (inverse) header.You can make a light header without any changes to the theme, simply by setting this property to false. Creating a Custom Theme

You can create one or several application themes in the project and give the users an opportunity to select the most appropriate one. Creating new themes also allows you to override the variables in the *-theme.properties files, which define a few server-side parameters:

  • Default dialog window size.

  • Default input field width.

  • Dimensions of some components (Filter, FileMultiUploadField).

  • Correspondence between icon names and constants of the com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome enumeration for using Font Awesome in standard actions and screens of the platform, if cuba.web.useFontIcons is enabled.

Creating a new theme

Below is the example of creating a Halo-based Facebook theme, which resembles the interface of a popular social network.

  1. In CUBA Studio, open Project Properties section and click Create custom theme. Set the theme name - facebook, select halo as the base theme and click Create. The new theme directory will be created in the project:

                app-component.scss                  // cuba app-component include
            facebook.scss                           // main theme file
            facebook-defaults.scss                  // main theme variables
            styles.scss                             // entry point of SCSS build procedure

    The styles.scss file contains the list of your themes:

    @import "facebook-defaults";
    @import "facebook";
    .facebook {
      @include facebook;

    The facebook.scss file:

    @import "../halo/halo";
    @mixin facebook {
      @include halo;

    The app-component.scss file inside com.haulmont.cuba:

    @import "../facebook";
    @mixin com_haulmont_cuba {
      @include facebook;
  2. Modify the theme variables in facebook-defaults.scss. You can do it in Studio by clicking Manage theme > Edit Facebook theme variables or in IDE:

    @import "../halo/halo-defaults";
    $v-background-color: #fafafa;
    $v-app-background-color: #e7ebf2;
    $v-panel-background-color: #fff;
    $v-focus-color: #3b5998;
    $v-border-radius: 0;
    $v-textfield-border-radius: 0;
    $v-font-family: Helvetica, Arial, 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif;
    $v-font-size: 14px;
    $v-font-color: #37404E;
    $v-font-weight: 400;
    $v-link-text-decoration: none;
    $v-shadow: 0 1px 0 (v-shade 0.2);
    $v-bevel: inset 0 1px 0 v-tint;
    $v-unit-size: 30px;
    $v-gradient: v-linear 12%;
    $v-overlay-shadow: 0 3px 8px v-shade, 0 0 0 1px (v-shade 0.7);
    $v-shadow-opacity: 20%;
    $v-selection-overlay-padding-horizontal: 0;
    $v-selection-overlay-padding-vertical: 6px;
    $v-selection-item-border-radius: 0;
    $v-line-height: 1.35;
    $v-font-size: 14px;
    $v-font-weight: 400;
    $v-unit-size: 25px;
    $v-font-size--h1: 22px;
    $v-font-size--h2: 18px;
    $v-font-size--h3: 16px;
    $v-layout-margin-top: 8px;
    $v-layout-margin-left: 8px;
    $v-layout-margin-right: 8px;
    $v-layout-margin-bottom: 8px;
    $v-layout-spacing-vertical: 8px;
    $v-layout-spacing-horizontal: 8px;
    $v-table-row-height: 25px;
    $v-table-header-font-size: 13px;
    $v-table-cell-padding-horizontal: 5px;
    $v-focus-style: inset 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba($v-focus-color, 0.5);
    $v-error-focus-style: inset 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba($v-error-indicator-color, 0.5);
  3. The facebook-theme.properties file in the src directory of the web module can be used to override the server-side theme variables from the halo-theme.properties file of the platform.

  4. The new theme has been automatically added to the web-app.properties file:

    cuba.web.theme = facebook
    cuba.themeConfig = havana-theme.properties halo-theme.properties /com/company/application/web/facebook-theme.properties

    The cuba.themeConfig property defines which themes will be available for the user in the Settings menu of an application.

  5. Rebuild the application and start the server. Now the user will see the application in Facebook theme on first login, and will be able to choose between Facebook, Halo and Havana in the Help > Settings menu.

Modifying server-side theme parameters

In Halo theme, Font Awesome icons are used for standard actions and platform screens by default (if cuba.web.useFontIcons is enabled). In this case, you can replace a standard icon by setting the required mapping between the icon and the font element name in <your_theme>-theme.properties file. For example, to use "plus" icon for the create action in the new Facebook theme, the facebook-theme.properties file should contain the following:


cuba.web.icons.create.png = font-icon:PLUS

The fragment of the standard users browser screen in the Facebook theme with the modified create action:

gui theme facebook 1 Using Themes from Application Components

If your project contains an application component with a custom theme, you can use this theme for the whole project.

To inherit the theme as is, simply add it to the cuba.themeConfig application property:

cuba.web.theme = {theme-name}
cuba.themeConfig = havana-theme.properties halo-theme.properties /com/company/{app-component-name}/{theme-name}-theme.properties

In case you want to override some variables from the parent theme, you need to create a theme extension in your project first.

In the following example we will use the facebook theme from the Creating a Custom Theme section.

  1. Follow the steps to create the facebook theme for you app component.

  2. Install the app component using Studio menu as described in the Example of Application Component section.

  3. Extend the halo theme in the project that uses your application component.

  4. By means of your IDE, rename all halo occurrences in themes directory, including file names, to facebook in order to get the following structure:

  5. The app-component.scss file aggregates theme modifications of the application component. During the SCSS build process, the Gradle plugin automatically finds the app components and imports them in the generated modules/web/build/themes-tmp/VAADIN/themes/{theme-name}/app-components.scss file.

    By default app-component.scss does not include variables modifications from {theme-name}-ext-defaults. To include variables modifications to app component bundle, you should import it manually in app-component.scss:

    @import "facebook-ext";
    @import "facebook-ext-defaults";
    @mixin com_company_application {
      @include com_company_application-facebook-ext;

    At this stage the facebook theme is already imported from the app component to the project.

  6. Now you can use facebook-ext.scss and facebook-ext-defaults.scss files inside the com.company.application package to override variables from app component’s theme and customize it for the concrete project.

  7. Add the following properties to the web-app.properties file to make the facebook theme available in the Settings menu of the application. Use the relative path to reference facebook-theme.properties from the app component.

    cuba.web.theme = facebook
    cuba.themeConfig = havana-theme.properties halo-theme.properties /com/company/{app-component-name}/facebook-theme.properties

In case of any trouble with themes building check modules/web/build/themes-tmp directory. It contains all the files and generated app-component.scss includes, thus enabling you to investigate SCSS compilation problems. Creating a Reusable Theme

Any theme can be packed and reused without an application component. To create a theme package, you need to create a Java project from scratch and bundle it in a single JAR file. Follow the steps below to create a distribution of facebook theme from the previous examples.

  1. Create a new project with the following structure in IDE. It will be a simple Java project that consists of SCSS files and theme properties:

        src/                                            //sources root

    This sample theme project can be downloaded from GitHub.

    • build.gradle script:

      allprojects {
          group = 'com.haulmont.theme'
          version = '0.1'
      apply(plugin: 'java')
      apply(plugin: 'maven')
      sourceSets {
          main {
              java {
                  srcDir 'src'
              resources {
                  srcDir 'src'
    • settings.gradle file:

      rootProject.name = 'halo-facebook'
    • app-component.scss file:

      @import "../halo-facebook";
      @mixin com_haulmont_cuba {
        @include halo-facebook;
    • halo-facebook.scss file:

      @import "../@import "../";
      @mixin halo-facebook {
        @include halo;
    • halo-facebook-defaults.scss file:

      @import "../halo/halo-defaults";
      $v-background-color: #fafafa;
      $v-app-background-color: #e7ebf2;
      $v-panel-background-color: #fff;
      $v-focus-color: #3b5998;
      $v-border-radius: 0;
      $v-textfield-border-radius: 0;
      $v-font-family: Helvetica, Arial, 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif;
      $v-font-size: 14px;
      $v-font-color: #37404E;
      $v-font-weight: 400;
      $v-link-text-decoration: none;
      $v-shadow: 0 1px 0 (v-shade 0.2);
      $v-bevel: inset 0 1px 0 v-tint;
      $v-unit-size: 30px;
      $v-gradient: v-linear 12%;
      $v-overlay-shadow: 0 3px 8px v-shade, 0 0 0 1px (v-shade 0.7);
      $v-shadow-opacity: 20%;
      $v-selection-overlay-padding-horizontal: 0;
      $v-selection-overlay-padding-vertical: 6px;
      $v-selection-item-border-radius: 0;
      $v-line-height: 1.35;
      $v-font-size: 14px;
      $v-font-weight: 400;
      $v-unit-size: 25px;
      $v-font-size--h1: 22px;
      $v-font-size--h2: 18px;
      $v-font-size--h3: 16px;
      $v-layout-margin-top: 8px;
      $v-layout-margin-left: 8px;
      $v-layout-margin-right: 8px;
      $v-layout-margin-bottom: 8px;
      $v-layout-spacing-vertical: 8px;
      $v-layout-spacing-horizontal: 8px;
      $v-table-row-height: 25px;
      $v-table-header-font-size: 13px;
      $v-table-cell-padding-horizontal: 5px;
      $v-focus-style: inset 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba($v-focus-color, 0.5);
      $v-error-focus-style: inset 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba($v-error-indicator-color, 0.5);
      $v-show-required-indicators: true;
    • halo-facebook-theme.properties file:

  2. Build and install the project with the Gradle task:

    gradle assemble install
  3. Add the theme to your CUBA-based project as a Maven dependency in two configurations: themes and compile, by modifying you build.gradle file:

    configure(webModule) {
        dependencies {

    If you install the theme locally, don’t forget to add mavenLocal() to the list of repositories: open the Advanced tab of Project Properties section in Studio and check the Use local Maven repository checkbox.

  4. To inherit this theme and modify it in your project, you have to extend this theme. Extend the halo theme and rename themes/halo folder to themes/halo-facebook:

  5. Modify styles.scss file:

    @import "halo-facebook-defaults";
    @import "com.company.application/halo-ext-defaults";
    @import "app-components";
    @import "com.company.application/halo-ext";
    .halo-facebook {
      // include auto-generated app components SCSS
      @include app_components;
      @include com_company_application-halo-ext;
  6. The last step is to define halo-facebook-theme.properties file in web-app.properties file:

    cuba.themeConfig = havana-theme.properties halo-theme.properties /halo-facebook/halo-facebook-theme.properties

Now, you can choose halo-facebook theme from Help > Settings menu or set the default theme using cuba.web.theme application property. Themes in Desktop Applications

The base theme for desktop applications is Nimbus.

To add any changes to the standard theme, you need to create a res.nimbus package in the com.sample.sales.desktop package of the desktop module. Theme files will be stored in the res.nimbus package.

gui themes desktop structure

The icons folder contains icon files, the nimbus.xml file contains the description of the theme style.

The properties file of a desktop application should have cuba.desktop.resourceLocations property defined (defines a set of folders containing the style files):

cuba.desktop.resourceLocations = \
com/haulmont/cuba/desktop/res \

Below are examples of common tasks.

Adding an icon

If you need to add a new icon to a desktop application, for example an icon for a button, you should create a res.nimbus.icons package within the com.sample.sales.desktop package of the desktop module and put the corresponding icon there.

gui themes example4

Description of a button in the descriptor with a path to an icon set in the icon attribute:

<button id="button1" caption="Attention"  icon="WARNING"/>

Below you can see a button with the attention.png icon.

gui themes example5
Redefining default values of theme properties

For example, let us change text field background color for mandatory fields.

The nimbus.xml file with the following content should be created in the res.nimbus package:

<theme xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/desktop-theme.xsd">
        <color property="cubaRequiredBackground" value="#f78260"/>

The ui-defaults element redefines the values of platform theme properties set by default.

The ui-defaults element includes both the properties contained in a standard Nimbus (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/lookandfeel/_nimbusDefaults.html) theme and the properties created in the CUBA platform.

In this example, we redefined the value of the CUBA property – cubaRequiredBackground, which stores the background color for required fields. This change will affect all required input fields.

Creating a style for an element using standard tools

Let’s consider an example of highlighting a text in bold.

To create a style like that you need to define style element in the theme file nimbus.xml in the following way:

<theme xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/desktop-theme.xsd">
    <style name="boldlabel">
 <font style="bold"/>

style element can also contain other elements which can define different properties: background, foreground, icon.

You should add stylename attribute with the name of the created style into the description of the corresponding label in an xml-descriptor.

<label id="label1" value="msg://labelVal" stylename="boldlabel"/>

In such way the style will be applied only to the labels that have stylename attribute with the value of boldlabel.

Creating a custom style

If standard style adjustment capabilities are insufficient, you can create a custom style.

Let us create a custom style that will be applied to the Button component. With this style, the the button caption will be underlined.

First, create a decorator class UnderlinedLabelDecorator:

public class UnderlinedButtonDecorator implements ComponentDecorator {
    public void decorate(Object component, Set<String> state) {
        DesktopButton item = (DesktopButton) component;
        JButton jButton = (JButton) item.getComponent();
        Font originalFont = jButton.getFont();
        Map attributes = originalFont.getAttributes();

        attributes.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON);

Define a custom style in nimbus.xml:

<theme xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/desktop-theme.xsd">
    <style name="button-underlined" component="com.haulmont.cuba.desktop.gui.components.DesktopButton">
 <custom class="com.sample.sales.desktop.gui.decorators.UnderlinedButtonDecorator"/>

The component attribute of the style element contains the name of the component that the style with the name button-underlined can be applied to.

The custom element should contain a path to the decorator class defined above.

When creating an XML element for a button that should have the custom style, specify the style name in the stylename attribute:

<button stylename="button-underlined" caption="decorated"/>

The button with the custom style:

gui themes example6

5.5.8. Icons

Image files used in the icon properties for actions and visual components, e.g. Button, can be added to your theme extension.

For example, to add an icon to the Halo theme extension, you have to add the image file to the modules/web/themes/halo directory described in the Extending an Existing Theme section (it is recommended to create a subfolder):


In the following sections, we consider using the icons in visual components and adding icons from arbitrary font libraries. Icon Sets

Icon sets allow you to decouple usage of icons in visual components from real paths to images in theme or font element constants. They also simplify overriding of icons used in the UI inherited from application components.

Icon sets are enumerations with items corresponding to icons. An icon set must implement the Icons.Icon interface which has one parameter: a string which denotes the source of an icon, for example, font-icon:CHECK or icons/myawesomeicon.png. To obtain the source, use the Icons bean provided by the platform.

Icon sets should be created in the gui module to be accessible from desktop and web modules. If only web module is used, the icon set can be created in the web module. All names of icon set items should match the regexp: [A-Z]_, i.e. they should contain only upper-case letters and underscores.

For example:

public enum MyIcon implements Icons.Icon {

    // adding new icon

    // overriding a CUBA default icon

    protected String source;

    MyIcon(String source) {
        this.source = source;

    public String source() {
        return source;

Icon sets should be registered in cuba.iconsConfig application property, e.g:

cuba.iconsConfig = +com.company.demo.gui.icons.MyIcon

To make the icon set from an application component accessible in the target project, this property should be added to the component descriptor.

Now you can use the icons from this icon set simply by its name declaratively in screen XML descriptor:

<button icon="COOL_ICON"/>

or programmatically in the screen controller:


The following prefixes allow you to use icons from different sources in declarative way:

  • theme - the icon will be served from the current theme directory, for example, web/themes/halo/awesomeFolder/superIcon.png:

    <button icon="theme:awesomeFolder/superIcon.png"/>
  • file - the icon will be served from file system:

    <button icon="file:D:/superIcon.png"/>
  • classpath - icon will be served from classpath, for example, com/company/demo/web/superIcon.png

    <button icon="classpath:/com/company/demo/web/superIcon.png"/>

There is one predefined icon set provided by the platform - CubaIcon. It includes almost full FontAwesome icon set and CUBA-specific icons. These icons can be selected in Studio icon editor:

icon set Using Icons from Other Font Libraries

To enhance the theme extension, you may need to create icons and embed them into fonts, as well as use any external icons library.

  1. In the web module create the enum class implementing com.vaadin.server.FontIcon interface for the new icons:

    import com.vaadin.server.FontIcon;
    import com.vaadin.server.GenericFontIcon;
    public enum IcoMoon implements FontIcon {
        public static final String FONT_FAMILY = "IcoMoon";
        private int codepoint;
        IcoMoon(int codepoint) {
            this.codepoint = codepoint;
        public String getFontFamily() {
            return FONT_FAMILY;
        public int getCodepoint() {
            return codepoint;
        public String getHtml() {
            return GenericFontIcon.getHtml(FONT_FAMILY, codepoint);
        public String getMIMEType() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(FontIcon.class.getSimpleName()
                    + " should not be used where a MIME type is needed.");
        public static IcoMoon fromCodepoint(final int codepoint) {
            for (IcoMoon f : values()) {
                if (f.getCodepoint() == codepoint) {
                    return f;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Codepoint " + codepoint
                    + " not found in IcoMoon");
  2. Add new styles to the theme extension. We recommend creating a special subfolder fonts in the main folder of theme extension, for example, modules/web/themes/halo/com.company.demo/fonts. Put the styles and font files in their own subfolders, for example, fonts/icomoon.

    Files of fonts are represented by the following extensions:

    • .eot,

    • .svg,

    • .ttf,

    • .woff.

      The set of fonts icomoon from an open library, used in this example, consists of 4 joint used files: icomoon.eot, icomoon.svg, icomoon.ttf, icomoon.woff.

  3. Create a file with styles that includes @font-face and a CSS class with the icon style. Below is an example of the icomoon.scss file, where IcoMoon class name corresponds to the value returned by FontIcon#getFontFamily method:

    @mixin icomoon-style {
        /* use !important to prevent issues with browser extensions that change fonts */
        font-family: 'icomoon' !important;
        speak: none;
        font-style: normal;
        font-weight: normal;
        font-variant: normal;
        text-transform: none;
        line-height: 1;
        /* Better Font Rendering =========== */
        -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
        -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
    @font-face {
        font-family: 'icomoon';
        src:url('icomoon.eot?hwgbks#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
            url('icomoon.ttf?hwgbks') format('truetype'),
            url('icomoon.woff?hwgbks') format('woff'),
            url('icomoon.svg?hwgbks#icomoon') format('svg');
        font-weight: normal;
        font-style: normal;
    .IcoMoon {
        @include icomoon-style;
  4. Create a reference to the file with font styles in halo-ext.scss or other file of theme extension:

    @import "fonts/icomoon/icomoon";
  5. Then create new icon set which is an enumeration implementing the Icons.Icon interface:

    import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.icons.Icons;
    public enum IcoMoonIcon implements Icons.Icon {
        protected String source;
        IcoMoonIcon(String source) {
            this.source = source;
        public String source() {
            return source;
  6. Create new IconProvider.

    For managing custom icon sets CUBA platform provides the mechanism that consists of IconProvider and IconResolver.

    IconProvider is a marker interface that exists only in the web module and can provide resources (com.vaadin.server.Resource) by the icon path.

    The IconResolver bean obtains all beans that implement IconProvider interface and iterates over them to find the one that can provide a resource for the icon.

    There are two IconResolver interfaces and two corresponding implementations for desktop and web modules. They both are facade beans designed for resolving module-specific icon objects by the icon paths:

    • com.vaadin.server.Resource in the web module,

    • javax.swing.Icon for the desktop module.

    In order to use this mechanism, you should create your implementation of IconProvider:

    import com.haulmont.cuba.web.gui.icons.IconProvider;
    import com.vaadin.server.Resource;
    import org.slf4j.Logger;
    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
    public class IcoMoonIconProvider implements IconProvider {
        private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IcoMoonIconProvider.class);
        public Resource getIconResource(String iconPath) {
            Resource resource = null;
            iconPath = iconPath.split(":")[1];
            try {
                resource = ((Resource) IcoMoon.class
            } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException e) {
                log.warn("There is no icon with name {} in the FontAwesome icon set", iconPath);
            return resource;
        public boolean canProvide(String iconPath) {
            return iconPath.startsWith("ico-moon:");

    Here we explicitly assign order for this bean with @Order annotation.

  7. Register you icon set in the application properties file:

    cuba.iconsConfig = +com.company.demo.gui.icons.IcoMoonIcon

Now you can use new icons by direct reference to their class and enum element in XML-descriptor of the screen:

<button caption="Headphones" icon="ico-moon:HEADPHONES"/>

or in the Java controller:


As a result, new icons are added to the buttons:

add icons
Overriding icons with icon sets

The mechanism of icon sets enables you to override icons from other sets. In order to do this, you should create and register a new icon set (enumeration) with the same icons (options) but with different icon paths (source). In the following example the new MyIcon enum is created to override the standard icons from CubaIcon set.

  1. The default icon set:

    public enum CubaIcon implements Icons.Icon {
  2. The new icon set:

    public enum MyIcon implements Icons.Icon {
  3. Register the new icon set in web-app.properties:

    cuba.iconsConfig = +com.company.demo.gui.icons.MyIcon

Now, the new OK icon will be used instead of the standard one:

Icons icons = AppBeans.get(Icons.NAME);

In case you need to ignore redefinitions, you still can use the standard icons by using the path to an icon instead of the option name:

<button caption="Created" icon="icons/create.png"/>



5.5.9. Web Client Specifics

Implementation of the generic user interface of the Web Client block is based on the Vaadin framework. The main classes available in the web client infrastructure are described below.

Figure 24. Web Client Infrastructure Classes
  • App - the central class of the application infrastructure. Contains links to Connection and other infrastructure objects. Only one instance of App exists for a given HTTP session. You can get a reference to the App instance by using the App.getInstance() static method. If you want to customize functionality of App in your project, create a class extending DefaultApp in the root package of your web module and register it in web-spring.xml as the cuba_App bean, for example:

    <bean name="cuba_App" class="com.company.sample.web.MyApp" scope="vaadin"/>
  • Connection is an interface providing functionality of connecting to middleware and holding a user session. ConnectionImpl is a standard implementation of this interface.

  • ExceptionHandlers class contains a collection of client-level exception handlers.

  • AppUI is a platform class inherited from com.vaadin.ui.UI class. There is one instance of this class for each open tab of a web browser. Contains a link to a TopLevelWindow implementation – either a login window or main window, depending on the connection state. You can get a reference to the AppUI for the current browser tab by using the AppUI.getCurrent() static method.

  • AppLoginWindow – the window displayed before a user logs in. You can customize the login window by extending AppLoginWindow or create completely new one by extending AbstractWindow and implementing the TopLevelWindow marker interface. In Studio, go to the Screens section and click Create login window. If you override the init() method, make sure you invoke super.init(params).

  • AppMainWindow – main application window displayed after a user logs in. You can customize the main window by extending AppMainWindow or create completely new one by extending AbstractMainWindow and defining desired layout in XML descriptor. In Studio, go to the Screens section and click Create main window. If you override the init() method, make sure you invoke super.init(params).

    You can control certain main window parameters without redefining the default implementation using the following application properties:

  • WindowManager - the central class implementing application screens management logic. openWindow(), openEditor(), showMessageDialog() and other methods of the Frame interface implemented by screen controllers delegate to the window manager. WindowManager class is located in the platform’s common gui module and is abstract. The web module has a dedicated WebWindowManager class that implements web client specifics. You can get a reference to WindowManager from any Window implementation (e.g. a screen controller), or via the WindowManagerProvider bean.

If you want to handle the browser Back button, implement the CubaHistoryControl.HistoryBackHandler interface in your TopLevelWindow (login and/or main windows). Its onHistoryBackPerformed() method is invoked instead of standard browser behavior if the cuba.web.allowHandleBrowserHistoryBack application property is set to true. Working with Vaadin Components

In order to work directly with Vaadin components that implement interfaces of the visual components library in Web Client, use the following methods of the Component interface:

  • unwrap() – retrieves an underlying Vaadin component for a given CUBA component.

  • unwrapComposition() - retrieves a Vaadin component that is the outmost external container in the implementation of a given CUBA component. For simple components, such as Button, this method returns the same object as unwrap() - com.vaadin.ui.Button. For complex components, such as Table, unwrap() will return the corresponding object - com.vaadin.ui.Table, while unwrapComposition() will return com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout, which contains the table together with ButtonsPanel and RowsCount defined with it.

The methods accept a class of the underlying component to be returned, for example:

com.vaadin.ui.TextField vTextField = textField.unwrap(com.vaadin.ui.TextField.class);

You can also use the unwrap() and getComposition() static methods of the WebComponentsHelper class, passing a CUBA component into them.

Please note that if a screen is located in the project’s gui module, you can only work with generalized interfaces of CUBA components. In order to use unwrap() you should either put the entire screen into the web module, or use the controller companions mechanism. Main Window Layout

The mechanism described below allows you to design the application main window layout with CUBA Generic UI technology by creating an XML-descriptor and Java controller, and using UI components and data sources.

The main window is defined by a specific screen with mainWindow identifier. Its controller should be derived from the AbstractMainWindow class.

The following special components may be used in the main window in addition to the standard UI components:

  • AppMenu - main application menu.

  • FoldersPane - application and search folders panel.

  • AppWorkArea - work area, the required component for opening screens in the THIS_TAB, NEW_TAB and NEW_WINDOW modes.

  • UserIndicator - the field which displays the name of the current user, as well as enables selecting substituted users, if any.

    The setUserNameFormatter() method allows you to represent the user’s name in a format different from the User instance name:

    userIndicator.setUserNameFormatter(value -> value.getName() + " - [" + value.getEmail() + "]");
  • NewWindowButton - the button which opens a new main window in a separate browser tab.

  • LogoutButton - the application logout button.

  • TimeZoneIndicator - the label displaying the current user’s time zone.

  • FtsField - the full text search field.

In order to define the special components, add the xmlns:main namespace to the screen:

<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"

The AppWorkArea component is designed to show application screens. If the cuba.web.appWindowMode application property is TABBED (default), the work area shows a TabSheet with open screens. Otherwise a single open screen is shown. The cuba.web.mainTabSheetMode and cuba.web.managedMainTabSheetMode application properties define how the tabs content is handled when the tabs are switched. When no screens are opened, the work area shows components defined in the initialLayout internal element:

<main:workArea id="workArea" width="100%" height="100%">
    <main:initialLayout spacing="true" margin="true">
        <!-- content shown when there are no open screens -->

The initial screen layout (initialLayout) is removed from AppWorkArea when the first application screen is opened, and added back when all screens are closed. You can add AppWorkArea.StateChangeListener to handle changing the work area between the initial layout and application screens. Such listener can, for example, refresh the initial layout data.

The platform provides 2 standard main window implementations. XML descriptor of the default main window with horizontal menu on top is available in /com/haulmont/cuba/web/app/mainwindow/mainwindow.xml, its corresponding controller class is AppMainWindow. Another available template contains the vertical side menu.

The standard implementation can be extended in the project, like any other application screen. Example of an extending screen:

<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
        <vbox ext:index="0">
            <label value="This is my main window!" stylename="h2"/>

This screen should be registered in web-screens.xml file with the mainWindow identifier.

The easiest way to extend the main screen is provided by CUBA Studio: click New on the GENERIC UI tab of the navigation panel and choose the template for the new main screen in the Generic UI templates visual designer. The new ext-mainwindow.xml file will be created in the Web module and automatically registered in web-screens.xml.

CUBA Platform provides 2 standard main window layout templates: with horizontal menu and with the side menu. The standard main window implementation may be fully replaced with a custom one. For example:

<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
    <layout expand="middlePanel">
        <hbox margin="true"
            <label align="MIDDLE_CENTER"
        <main:menu width="100%"/>
        <split id="middlePanel"
            <main:workArea id="workArea"
                <main:initialLayout stylename="red">
                    <label align="MIDDLE_CENTER"
                           value="Work Area (Initial Layout)"/>
            <main:foldersPane height="100%"
        <hbox margin="true"
            <label align="MIDDLE_CENTER"

The resulting main window is shown below:

main window 1

The same main window with an open screen:

main window 2

The cuba.web.showBreadCrumbs application property allows you to hide the navigation panel (breadcrumbs) above the opened screen. Web Login

This section describes how the web client authentication works and how to extend it in your project. For information about authentication on the middle tier, see Login.

Implementation of the login procedure of the Web Client block has the following mechanisms:

  • Connection implemented by ConnectionImpl.

  • LoginProvider implementations.

  • HttpRequestFilter implementations.

Figure 25. Login mechanisms of the Web Client

The main interface of Web login subsystem is Connection which contains the following key methods:

  • login() - authenticates a user, starts a session and changes the state of the connection.

  • logout() - log out of the system.

  • substituteUser() - substitute a user in the current session with another user. This method creates a new UserSession instance, but with the same session ID.

  • getSession() - get the current user session.

After successful login, Connection sets UserSession object to the attribute of VaadinSession and sets SecurityContext. The Connection object is bound to VaadinSession thus it cannot be used from non-UI threads, it throws IllegalConcurrentAccessException in case of login/logout call from a non UI thread.

Usually, login is performed from the AppLoginWindow screen that supports login with login/password and "remember me" credentials.

The default implementation of Connection is ConnectionImpl, which delegates login to a chain of LoginProvider instances. A LoginProvider is a login module that can process a specific Credentials implementation, also it has a special supports() method to allow the caller to query if it supports a given Credentials type.

Figure 26. Standard user login process

Standard user login process:

  • Users enter their username and password.

  • Web client block creates a LoginPasswordCredentials object passing the login and password to its constructor and invokes Connection.login() method with this credentials.

  • Connection uses chain of LoginProvider objects. There is LoginPasswordLoginProvider that works with LoginPasswordCredentials instances. It hashes the password using the getPlainHash() method of PasswordEncryption bean and invokes AuthenticationService.login(Credentials).

  • If the authentication is successful, the created AuthenticationDetails instance with the active UserSession is passed back to Connection.

  • Connection creates a ClientUserSession wrapper and sets it to VaadinSession.

  • Connection creates a SecurityContext instance and sets it to AppContext.

  • Connection fires StateChangeEvent that triggers UI update and leads to the AppMainWindow initialization.

All LoginProvider implementations must:

  • Authenticate user using Credentials object.

  • Start a new user session with AuthenticationService or return another active session (for instance, anonymous).

  • Return authentication details or null if it cannot login user with this Credentials object, for instance, if the login provider is disabled or is not properly configured.

  • Throw LoginException in case of incorrect Credentials or pass LoginException from the middleware to the caller.

HttpRequestFilter - marker interface for beans that will be automatically added to the application filter chain as HTTP filter: https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/servlet/Filter.html. You can use it to implement additional authentication, pre- and post-processing of request and response.

You can expose additional Filter if you create Spring Framework component and implement HttpRequestFilter interface:

public class CustomHttpFilter implements HttpRequestFilter {
    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
                         FilterChain chain)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
        // delegate to the next filter/servlet
        chain.doFilter(request, response);

    public void destroy() {

Please note that the minimal implementation has to delegate execution to FilterChain otherwise your application will not work. By default, filters added as HttpRequestFilter beans will not receive requests to VAADIN directory and other paths specified in cuba.web.cubaHttpFilterBypassUrls app property.

Built-in login providers

The platform contains the following implementations of LoginProvider interface:

  • AnonymousLoginProvider - provides anonymous login for non-logged-in users.

  • LoginPasswordLoginProvider - delegates login to AuthenticationService with LoginPasswordCredentials.

  • RememberMeLoginProvider- delegates login to AuthenticationService with RememberMeCredentials.

  • LdapLoginProvider - performs authentication using LDAP and logs in users with ExternalUserCredentials.

  • ExternalUserLoginProvider - can be used from event handlers to perform login as provided user name.

All the implementations create an active user session using AuthenticationService.login().

You can override any of them using Spring Framework mechanisms.


Standard implementation of Connection - ConnectionImpl fires the following application events during login procedure:

  • BeforeLoginEvent / AfterLoginEvent

  • LoginFailureEvent

  • UserConnectedEvent / UserDisconnectedEvent

  • UserSessionStartedEvent / UserSessionFinishedEvent

  • UserSessionSubstitutedEvent

Event handlers of BeforeLoginEvent and LoginFailureEvent may throw LoginException to cancel login process or override the original login failure exception.

For instance, you can permit login to Web Client only for users with login that includes a company domain using BeforeLoginEvent.

public class BeforeLoginEventListener {
    protected void onBeforeLogin(BeforeLoginEvent event) throws LoginException {
        if (event.getCredentials() instanceof LoginPasswordCredentials) {
            LoginPasswordCredentials loginPassword = (LoginPasswordCredentials) event.getCredentials();

            if (loginPassword.getLogin() != null
                    && !loginPassword.getLogin().contains("@company")) {
                throw new LoginException(
                        "Only users from @company are allowed to login");

Additionally, the standard application class - DefaultApp fires the following events:

  • AppInitializedEvent - fired after App initialization, performed once per HTTP session.

  • AppStartedEvent - fired on the first request processing of an App right before login as anonymous user. Event handlers may login the user using the Connection object bound to App.

  • AppLoggedInEvent - fired after UI initialization of App when a user is logged in.

  • AppLoggedOutEvent - fired after UI initialization of App when a user is logged out.

  • SessionHeartbeatEvent - fired on heartbeat requests from a client web browser.

AppStartedEvent can be used to implement SSO login with third-party authentication system, for instance Jasig CAS. Usually, it is used together with a custom HttpRequestFilter bean that should collect and provide additional authentication data.

Let’s assume that we will automatically log in users if they have a special cookie value - PROMO_USER.

public class AppStartedEventListener implements ApplicationListener<AppStartedEvent> {

    private static final String PROMO_USER_COOKIE = "PROMO_USER";

    private Logger log;

    public void onApplicationEvent(AppStartedEvent event) {
        String promoUserLogin = event.getApp().getCookieValue(PROMO_USER_COOKIE);
        if (promoUserLogin != null) {
            Connection connection = event.getApp().getConnection();
            if (!connection.isAuthenticated()) {
                try {
                    connection.login(new ExternalUserCredentials(promoUserLogin));
                } catch (LoginException e) {
                    log.warn("Unable to login promo user {}: {}", promoUserLogin, e.getMessage());
                } finally {

Thus if users have "PROMO_USER" cookie and open the application, they will be automatically logged in as promoUserLogin.

If you want to perform additional actions after login and UI initialization you could use AppLoggedInEvent. Keep in mind that you have to check if a user is authenticated or not in event handlers, all the events are fired for anonymous user as well.

Extension points

You can extend login mechanisms using the following types of extension points:

  • Connection - replace existing ConnectionImpl.

  • HttpRequestFilter - implement additional HttpRequestFilter.

  • LoginProvider implementations - implement additional or replace existing LoginProvider.

  • Events - implement event handler for one of the available events.

You can replace existing beans using Spring Framework mechanisms, for instance by registering a new bean in Spring XML config of the web module.

<bean id="cuba_LoginPasswordLoginProvider"

Custom implementation of the CubaAuthProvider interface can be enabled by setting the following application properties:

cuba.web.externalAuthentication = true
cuba.web.externalAuthenticationProviderClass = com.company.sample.web.MyAuthProvider

The following components are now deprecated:

  • CubaAuthProvider and its implementations are available in compatibility mode. Use events, LoginProvider and HttpRequestFilter instead.

  • LdapAuthProvider has been replaced with LdapLoginProvider that can be enabled as described here: LDAP integration

  • IdpAuthProvider has been replaced with IdpLoginProvider that can be enabled as described here: IDP SSO

Do not use these components. They will be removed in the next major version of the platform.

5.5.10. Desktop Client Specifics

Implementation of the generic user interface in the Desktop Client block is based on Java Swing. The main classes available in the desktop client infrastructure are described below.

Figure 27. Classes of the Desktop Client Infrastructure
  • App – central class of the desktop application infrastructure. Contains links to Connection and main TopLevelFrame, as well as methods for initialization and retrieval of application settings.

    In your application, you should create a custom class – inheritor of App and override the following methods:

    • getDefaultAppPropertiesConfig() - should return a string where all application properties files should be listed separated by spaces:

      protected String getDefaultAppPropertiesConfig() {
          return "/cuba-desktop-app.properties /desktop-app.properties";
    • getDefaultHomeDir() - should return path to the folder, where temporary and work files should be stored. For example:

      protected String getDefaultHomeDir() {
          return System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.mycompany/sales";
    • getDefaultLogConfig() - should return name of the Logback configuration file, if it is defined for the project. For example:

      protected String getDefaultLogConfig() {
          return "sales-logback.xml";

      Additionally, for your custom class inheriting from the App you should define main() method in the following way:

      public static void main(final String[] args) {
          SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                  app = new App();
  • Connection - is a class that provides the functionality of connecting to middleware and storing a user session.

  • LoginDialog – the dialog to enter credentials. In your application you can create an inheritor of LoginDialog and redefine the createLoginDialog() method of the App class to use it.

  • TopLevelFrame – inheritor of JFrame, which is the top level window. The application has at least one instance of this class created when application is started and containing the main menu. This instance is returned by the getMainFrame() method of the App class.

    When a user detaches tabs from the main window or a TabSheet (see detachable attribute), additional instances of TopLevelFrame that do not contain main menu are created.

  • WindowManager - the central class implementing application screens management logic. openEditor(), showMessageDialog() and other methods of the Frame interface implemented by screen controllers delegate to the window manager. WindowManager class is located in the platform’s common gui module and is abstract. The desktop desktop module has a dedicated DesktopWindowManager class that implements desktop client specifics.

    Typically, WindowManager is not used in the application code directly.

  • ExceptionHandlers - contains a collection of client-level exception handlers. Working with Swing Components

In order to work directly with Swing components that implement interfaces of the visual components library in Desktop Client, use the following methods of the Component interface:

  • unwrap() – retrieves an underlying Swing component for a given CUBA component.

  • unwrapComposition() - retrieves a Swing component that is the outmost external container in the implementation of a given CUBA component. For simple components, such as Button, this method returns the same object as unwrap() - javax.swing.JButton. For complex components, such as Table, unwrap() will return the corresponding org.jdesktop.swingx.JXTable instance, while unwrapComposition() will return an instance of javax.swing.JPanel, which contains a table together with ButtonsPanel and RowsCount defined with it.

The methods accept a class of the underlying component to be returned, for example:

javax.swing.JButton jButton = button.unwrap(javax.swing.JButton.class);

You can also use the unwrap() and getComposition() static methods of the DesktopComponentsHelper class, passing a CUBA component into them.

Please note that if a screen is located in the project’s gui module, you can only work with generalized interfaces of CUBA components. In order to use unwrap() you should either put the entire screen in the desktop module, or use the controller companions mechanism.

5.5.11. Custom Visual Components

This section contains an overview of different ways of creating custom web UI components in CUBA applications. The practical tutorial of using these approaches is located in the Creating Custom Visual Components section.

A new component can be created with the following technologies:

  1. On the basis of a Vaadin add-on.

    This is the simplest method. The following steps are required to use an add-on in your application:

    • Add a dependency to the add-on artifact to build.gradle.

    • Create the web-toolkit module in your project. This module contains a GWT widgetset file and allows you to create client-side parts of visual components.

    • Include the add-on widgetset to the widgetset of your project.

    • If the component’s look does not fit the application theme, create a theme extension and define some CSS for the new component.

    See an example in the Using a Third-party Vaadin Component section.

  2. As a wrapper of a JavaScript library.

    This method is recommended if you already have a pure JavaScript component that does what you need. To use it in your application, you need to do the following:

    • Create a server-side Vaadin component in the web module. A server component defines an API for server code, access methods, event listeners, etc. The server component must extend the AbstractJavaScriptComponent class. Note that the web-toolkit module with a widgetset is not required when integrating a JavaScript component.

    • Create a JavaScript connector. A connector is a function that initializes the JavaScript component and is responsible for interaction between JavaScript and the server-side code.

    • Create a state class. Its public fields define what data are sent from the server to the client. The class must extend JavaScriptComponentState.

    See an example in the Using a JavaScript library section.

  3. As a resource from WebJar. See the section below for details.

  4. As a new GWT component.

    This is the recommended method of creating completely new visual components. The following steps are required to create and use a GWT component in your application:

    • Create the web-toolkit module.

    • Create a client-side GWT widget class.

    • Create a server-side Vaadin component.

    • Create a component state class that defines what data are sent between the client and the server.

    • Create a connector class that links the client code with the server component.

    • Create an RPC interface that defines a server API that is invoked from the client.

    See an example in the Creating a GWT component section.

There are three levels of integration of a new component into the platform.

  • On the first level, the new component becomes available as a native Vaadin component. An application developer can use this component in screen controllers directly: create a new instance and add it to an unwrapped container. All methods of creating new components described above give you a component on this level of integration.

  • On the second level, the new component is integrated into CUBA Generic UI. In this case, from an application developer perspective, it looks the same as a standard component from the visual components library. The developer can define the component in a screen XML descriptor or create it through ComponentsFactory in a controller. See an example in the Integrating a Vaadin Component into the Generic UI section.

  • On the third level, the new component is available on the Studio components palette and can be used in the WYSIWYG layout editor. See an example in the Support for Custom Visual Components in CUBA Studio section. Using WebJars

This method allows you to use various JS libraries packaged into JAR files and deployed on Maven Central. The following steps are required to use a component from a WebJar in your application:

  • Add dependency to the compile method of web module:

    compile 'org.webjars.bower:jrcarousel:1.0.0'
  • Create the web-toolkit module.

  • Create a client-side GWT widget class and implement the native JSNI method for creating the component.

  • Create a server-side component class with @WebJarResource annotation.

    This annotation should be used only with ClientConnector inheritors (which are classes of UI components from the web-toolkit module usually).

    The value of the @WebJarResource annotation, or the resource definition, should follow one of the two possible templates:

    1. <webjar_name>:<sub_path>, for example:

    2. <webjar_name>/<resource_version>/<webjar_resource>, for example:


    The annotation value can have one or more (String array) WebJar resource String definitions:

    public class CubaFileUpload extends CubaAbstractUploadComponent {

    Specifying the WebJar version is not required, as due to Maven version resolution strategy the WebJar with the higher version will be used automatically.

    Optionally, you can specify a directory inside VAADIN/webjars/ from which the static resources will be served. Thus you can override WebJar resources by placing new versions of resources in this directory. To set the path, use the overridePath property of the @WebJarResource annotation, for example:

    @WebJarResource(value = "pivottable:plugins/c3/c3.min.css", overridePath = "pivottable")
  • Add new component to the screen.

5.5.12. Pluggable Component Factories

The pluggable component factories mechanism extends the standard component creation procedure and allows you to create different edit fields in FieldGroup, Table and DataGrid. It means that application components or your project itself can provide custom strategies that will create non-standard components and/or support custom data types.

An entry point to the mechanism is the ComponentsFactory.createComponent(ComponentGenerationContext) method. It works as follows:

  • Tries to find ComponentGenerationStrategy implementations. If at least one strategy exists, then:

    • Iterates over strategies according to the org.springframework.core.Ordered interface.

    • Returns the first created not null component.

ComponentGenerationStrategy implementations are used to create UI components. A project can contain any number of such strategies.

ComponentGenerationContext is a class which stores the following information that can be used when creating a component:

  • metaClass - defines the entity for which the component is created.

  • property - defines the entity attribute for which the component is created.

  • datasource - a datasource.

  • optionsDatasource - a datasource that can be used to show options.

  • xmlDescriptor - an XML descriptor which contains additional information, in case the component is declared in an XML descriptor.

  • componentClass - a component class for which a component is created, e.g. FieldGroup, Table, DataGrid.

There are two built-in component strategies:

  • DefaultComponentGenerationStrategy - used to create a component according to the given ComponentGenerationContext object. Has the order value ComponentGenerationStrategy.LOWEST_PLATFORM_PRECEDENCE (1000).

  • DataGridEditorComponentGenerationStrategy - used to create a component according to the given ComponentGenerationContext object for a DataGrid Editor. Has the order value ComponentGenerationStrategy.HIGHEST_PLATFORM_PRECEDENCE + 30 (130).

The sample below shows how to replace the default FieldGroup component generation for a certain attribute of a specific entity.

public class SalesComponentGenerationStrategy implements ComponentGenerationStrategy, Ordered {

    public static final String NAME = "sales_SalesComponentGenerationStrategy";

    private ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;
    private Metadata metadata;

    public Component createComponent(ComponentGenerationContext context) {
        String property = context.getProperty();
        MetaClass orderMetaClass = metadata.getClassNN(Order.class);

        // Check the specific field of the Order entity
        // and that the component is created for the FieldGroup component
        if (orderMetaClass.equals(context.getMetaClass())
                && "date".equals(property)
                && context.getComponentClass() != null
                && FieldGroup.class.isAssignableFrom(context.getComponentClass())) {
            DatePicker datePicker = componentsFactory.createComponent(DatePicker.class);

            Datasource datasource = context.getDatasource();
            if (datasource != null) {
                datePicker.setDatasource(datasource, property);

            return datePicker;

        return null;

    public int getOrder() {
        return 50;

Pay attention that overriding existing generation strategies may produce errors in case of changing returned component type, because some screen controllers may have code that expects a certain component type.

For example, in case of using the strategy above, the following injection will produce the exception:

private DateField dateField;

If you try to open such screen you will get the following exception:

IllegalArgumentException: Can not set com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.DateField field com.company.sales.web.order.OrderEdit.dateField to com.haulmont.cuba.web.gui.components.WebDatePicker

The sample below shows how to define a ComponentGenerationStrategy for a specific datatype.

public class ColorComponentGenerationStrategy implements ComponentGenerationStrategy {

    public static final String NAME = "colordatatype_ColorComponentGenerationStrategy";

    private ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;

    public Component createComponent(ComponentGenerationContext context) {
        String property = context.getProperty();
        MetaPropertyPath mpp = resolveMetaPropertyPath(context.getMetaClass(), property);

        if (mpp != null) {
            Range mppRange = mpp.getRange();
            if (mppRange.isDatatype()
                    && ((Datatype) mppRange.asDatatype()) instanceof ColorDatatype) {
                ColorPicker colorPicker = componentsFactory.createComponent(ColorPicker.class);

                Datasource datasource = context.getDatasource();
                if (datasource != null) {
                    colorPicker.setDatasource(datasource, property);

                return colorPicker;

        return null;

    protected MetaPropertyPath resolveMetaPropertyPath(MetaClass metaClass, String property) {
        MetaPropertyPath mpp = metaClass.getPropertyPath(property);

        if (mpp == null && DynamicAttributesUtils.isDynamicAttribute(property)) {
            mpp = DynamicAttributesUtils.getMetaPropertyPath(metaClass, property);

        return mpp;

5.5.13. Keyboard Shortcuts

This section provides a list of keyboard shortcuts used in the generic user interface of the application. All the application properties listed below belong to the ClientConfig interface and can be used in Web Client and Desktop Client application blocks.

  • Main application window.

    • CTRL-SHIFT-PAGE_DOWN – switch to the next tab. Defined by the cuba.gui.nextTabShortcut property.

    • CTRL-SHIFT-PAGE_UP – switch to the previous tab. Defined by the cuba.gui.previousTabShortcut property.

  • Folders panel.

    • ENTER – open the selected folder.

    • SPACE - select/deselect the focused folder.

    • ARROW UP, ARROW DOWN - switch between folders.

    • ARROW LEFT, ARROW RIGHT - collapse/expand a folder with subfolders or jump to the owning folder.

  • Screens.

    • ESCAPE – close the current screen. Defined by the cuba.gui.closeShortcut property.

    • CTRL-ENTER – close the current editor and save the changes. Defined by the cuba.gui.commitShortcut property.

  • Standard actions for list components (Table, GroupTable, TreeTable, Tree). In addition to these application properties, a shortcut for a particular action can be set by calling it’s setShortcut() method.

    • CTRL-\ – call the CreateAction. Defined by the cuba.gui.tableShortcut.insert property.

    • CTRL-ALT-\ – call the AddAction. Defined by the cuba.gui.tableShortcut.add property.

    • ENTER – call the EditAction. Defined by the cuba.gui.tableShortcut.edit property.

    • CTRL-DELETE – call the RemoveAction and ExcludeAction. Defined by the cuba.gui.tableShortcut.remove property.

  • Drop-down lists (LookupField, LookupPickerField).

    • SHIFT-DELETE – clear the value.

  • Standard actions for lookup fields (PickerField, LookupPickerField, SearchPickerField). In addition to these application properties, a shortcut for a particular action can be set by calling its setShortcut() method.

    • CTRL-ALT-L – call the LookupAction. Defined by the cuba.gui.pickerShortcut.lookup.

    • CTRL-ALT-O – call the OpenAction. Defined by the cuba.gui.pickerShortcut.open property.

    • CTRL-ALT-C – call the ClearAction. Defined by the cuba.gui.pickerShortcut.clear property.

    In addition to these shortcuts, lookup fields support action calls with CTRL-ALT-1, CTRL-ALT-2 and so on, depending on the number of actions. If you click CTRL-ALT-1 the first action in the list will be called; clicking CTRL-ALT-2 calls the second action, etc. The CTRL-ALT combination can be replaced with any other combination specified in cuba.gui.pickerShortcut.modifiers property.

  • Filter component.

    • SHIFT-BACKSPACE – open the filter selection popup. Defined by the cuba.gui.filterSelectShortcut property.

    • SHIFT-ENTER – apply the selected filter. Defined by the cuba.gui.filterApplyShortcut property.

5.6. Polymer User Interface

The Polymer UI client block provides an ability to quickly create front-end portals with mobile-first responsive web UI. It is based on Google Polymer framework and enables tight integration with mobile browsers for adding web applications to the device home screen and for offline work.

The CUBA platform Polymer UI has the following features:

  • The Polymer build system is fully integrated into the project build system based on Gradle, so all building tools are downloaded and installed automatically. At the same time, once the Polymer module is created in the project, it can be developed further by front-end developers separately using the standard Polymer toolchain.

  • The platform provides a set of web components for working with the middleware through the standard CUBA REST API. The components are described below.

  • CUBA Studio enables easy creation of the Polymer client module and scaffolding of the application web components around the data model and middleware services of the project. Studio contains an extendable set of templates for creation of application level components.

Our current approach is to stick to Polymer’s techniques and tools which are used for creating Progressive Web Apps. The aim is to follow Polymer’s guidelines and best practices to provide similar learning curve and development experience. Polymer applications have component-based architecture and consist of Web Components.

By default, the UI generated by Studio is based on paper-elements - a set of elements by Polymer team which implement Google’s material design guidelines. It is possible to use other components by specifying custom templates in Studio.

In order to start developing effectively, you need to be familiar with basic Polymer concepts. Here is a very quick intro to the Polymer: https://github.com/Polymer/polymer#polymer-in-1-minute. However, it’s better to learn it more in depth: https://www.polymer-project.org/2.0/start/. Since the Polymer is built around the standards by learning it in most cases you learn the web platform itself.

5.6.1. Requirements

Git should be installed and available from the command line. It’s required for bower - the package manager for front-end applications.

5.6.2. Supported Browsers

See the list of supported browsers on the Polymer’s website


Please do not to use Polymer client if you are targeting legacy browsers.

5.6.3. Polymer UI in Studio

In order to add the Polymer client module to your project, open it in CUBA Studio and click Create module > Create polymer client module on the Project Properties navigator tab. Studio will create the polymer-client module in the project and configure it in build.gradle. The module will contain an application stub that is able to connect to the REST API and login/logout user to the middleware.

After creating the module, start the application server and open http://localhost:8080/app-front in a web browser. You will be presented with a login form. After logging in, the main window with a vertical menu and responsive layout will be shown.

In order to create a UI screen working with an entity, select an entity in Studio navigator and click New > Polymer UI component. Select a template (e.g. Entity cards list with editor), fill in required properties and click Create. The web component will be created and added to the menu. Studio provides hot-deploy of Polymer components, so you just need to refresh the page in the browser and you will see the newly created screen in the menu.

5.6.4. Build System and Project Structure

The following tools are used in Polymer client build chain:

By default Gradle handles installation and invocation of these tools. It’s possible to use them directly, see Using Native Polymer Tools.

Polymer 2.x and its native elements are written using ES6, thus it requires additional build step (ES6 → ES5 compilation) in order to support old browsers.


The default preset used in Polymer client is es6-unbundled. It means that if you are targeting old browsers and production deployment you should change it to es5-bundled.

In order to change build preset open polymer.json and change builds property accordingly e.g.:

  "builds": [
      "preset": "es5-bundled",
      "basePath": "/app-front/",
      "addServiceWorker": false

You can specify several presets or customize build process in polymer.json. More info about presets and options is available on Polymer website.

In order the results of specific preset build being deployed to Tomcat you need to change deploy task in build.gradle:

    task deploy(type: Copy, dependsOn: [assemble, deployUnbundled]) {
        from file('build/es5-unbundled')
        into "$cuba.tomcat.dir/webapps/$frontAppDir"

Notice es6-bundledes5-unbundled change in polymer.json and build.gradle. Directory Structure
|-- src/
|   |-- app-shell.html
|   |-- shared-styles.html
|-- images
|   |-- app-icon/
|   |-- favicon.ico
|-- .gitignore
|-- bower.json
|-- index.html
|-- manifest.json
|-- package.json
|-- polymer.json
|-- service-worker.js
|-- sw-precache-config.js

Folder where components are placed.


Lists dependencies on Node.js modules which will be used in a build purposes.


Lists dependencies on web libraries (primarily web components) which will be used at runtime.


Polymer build configuration.


An application entry point. Contains logic on loading polyfills and <appname>-shell.html import.


Web app manifest. Contains information which used when the application is being added to a device’s home screen. More info: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Manifest


Service worker stub.


Config used by sw-precache library in order to generate service worker at build time (disabled by default). See Offline Capabilities. Hot Deploy

When you run and deploy your application using CUBA Studio or Gradle the build system will bundle your components according to the configuration in polymer.json file. By default, it will bundle the whole application into a single app-shell.html file. When you change some of your app components Studio will hot deploy it to the tomcat. Also, it will replace bundled app-shell.html with an unbundled version in order changes to be picked. Keep it in mind if you deploy your application on production directly from tomcat/webapps.


If you use es5-bundled build preset, hot deploy will not work as expected since Studio does not perform any JavaScript transpilation on the fly.


If you use TypeScript based client you have to run npm run watch command manually to hot-deploy changes in components classes. Using Native Polymer Tools

You can use native Polymer framework toolchain when developing Polymer UI components. It can be convenient if a separate team of front-end developers works on the project. In this case, Node.js should be installed on the system.

Install bower and polymer-cli globally:

npm install bower polymer-cli -g

Then you can build and run the web application without Gradle:

cd modules/polymer-client
npm install
bower install
polymer serve

You need to specify the absolute path to REST API in modules/polymer-client/index.html if you want to serve the app by polymer server (instead of Tomcat), e.g.:

<myapp-shell api-url="http://localhost:8080/app/rest/"></myapp-shell>

After that, the web application will be available at http://localhost:8081 (see the particular port in command line output) and it will work with the REST API running at http://localhost:8080/app/rest/.

5.6.5. CUBA Web Components

The detailed API reference of CUBA elements can be found here. Initialization

In order to use any cuba- element you need to initialize common library and connection to the REST API using cuba-app element :

<cuba-app api-url="/app/rest/"></cuba-app>

It should be placed once in your app as early as possible. Do not change properties dynamically or detach/attach the element after initialization. Working With Data

In order to load data just place some of cuba-data elements in HTML and specify required attributes.

Entities Loading

Use cuba-entities to load entities. Once entity-name and view attributes are specified the element loads list of entities and exposes it to the Polymer data binding via data property:

<cuba-entities entity-name="sec$User" view="_local" data="{{users}}"></cuba-entities>

Then you can display the data as simple as:

<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[users]]" as="user">

Entities Querying

Define a query as described here.

Use cuba-query element to retrieve query results. You can optionally pass parameters using params property:

<cuba-query id="query"

<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[users]]" as="user">

Service Invocation

Expose a service and it’s method as described here. Use cuba-service element to invoke the method:

<cuba-service service-name="cuba_ServerInfoService"

Release number: [[releaseNumber]]

Entity Creation

cuba-entity-form and cuba-service-form elements facilitate sending data to the backend.

In the example below, we bind user object which should be persisted to the entity property.

<cuba-entity-form id="entityForm"

  <label>Login: <input type="text" name="login" value="{{user.login::input}}"></label>
  <label>Name: <input type="text" name="login" value="{{user.name::input}}"></label>

  <button on-tap="_submit">Submit</button>


<paper-toast id="successToast">Entity created</paper-toast>
<paper-toast id="errorToast">Entity creation error</paper-toast>
_submit: function() {
_handleFormResponse: function() {
  this.user = getUserStub();
_handleFormError: function() {

You should enable anonymous access in the REST API if you want to use the examples above without forcing users to log in.

5.6.6. Styling

See the Polymer’s styling guide. The most noticeable difference between traditional approach is how global styles are specified. Since Polymer elements use Shadow DOM global styles do not leak inside the components. You need to use style-modules instead. There is a shares-styles.html file in Polymer client which is automatically being imported to any new component created in Studio.

5.6.7. Offline Capabilities



The technologies listed below are not supported by all browsers yet (e.g. service workers are not yet implemented in Safari).

Currently, together with the Polymer we offer to use Progressive Web Applications techniques such as web app manifest 2 to have native-like presence on the user’s home screen. See the manifest.json file in Polymer client module.

There are two main approaches:

  • Service Workers which primarily used to cache the app itself. Take a look at sw-precache-config.js file generated with Polymer client. In order to enable service worker generation set "addServiceWorker": true in polymer.json.

More info on how to setup and use service workers can be found here.

5.6.8. TypeScript Support

Since Release 6.9 you can scaffold TypeScript based Polymer client in Studio. When creating Polymer client module you will be able to select polymer2-typesript preset of the client. Main differences with basic JavaScript version:

Component classes are placed in separate *.ts files
namespace myapp {

  const {customElement} = Polymer.decorators;

  class MyappComponent extends Polymer.Element {
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">

<link rel="import" href="./shared-styles.html">

<dom-module id="myapp-component">
     <!-- some html markup -->
  <script src="myapp-component.js"></script>
There is an additional phase of build process - TypeScript compilation

See scripts section of package.json

  "scripts": {
    "build": "npm run compile && polymer build",
    "compile": "tsc",
    "watch": "tsc -w"

Now before polymer build there is npm run compile command which effectively runs TypeScript compilation (tsc).


If you change the source code of component classes and expect your changes to be picked by Studio’s hot deploy you should manually run npm run watch command in modules/polymer-client directory. Create Polymer Components with TypeScript

TypeScript decorators by Polymer team provide more convenient and less verbose way to create component classes. Let’s look at the following example:

/// <reference path="../bower_components/cuba-app/cuba-app.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../bower_components/app-layout/app-drawer/app-drawer.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../bower_components/app-layout/app-drawer-layout/app-drawer-layout.d.ts" />

namespace myapp {

  // Create shortcuts to decorators
  const {customElement, property, observe, query} = Polymer.decorators;

  class MyappComponent extends (Polymer.mixinBehaviors([CubaAppAwareBehavior, CubaLocalizeBehavior], Polymer.Element) as
    new () => Polymer.Element & CubaAppAwareBehavior & CubaLocalizeBehavior) {

    @property({type: Boolean})
    enabled: boolean;

    @property({type: String})
    caption: string;

    drawer: AppDrawerElement;

    _init(app: cuba.CubaApp) {

    @computed('enabled', 'caption')
    get enabledCaption() {
  • /// <reference path="…​"/> - allows you to import TypeScript declarations of other elements or libraries.

  • @customElements('element-name') decorator eliminates necessity to define static get is() method and manual invocation of customElements.define().

  • @property() decorator allows you to specify component’s properties.

  • @query('.css-selector') decorator allows you to select DOM elements of your component.

  • @observe('propertyName') decorator allows you to define property observers.

  • @computed() decorator allows you to define computed methods.

See polymer-decorators github repository for more examples.

5.6.9. Troubleshooting


If you work behind a proxy you may need to configure bower and npm accordingly. In order to allow bower and npm to work behind a proxy create the following files in the modules/polymer-client/ directory:

NPM install failed

There is a known issue with npm install command on Windows.

You may experience the following error in the build process:

npm ERR! code EPERM
npm ERR! errno -4048
npm ERR! syscall rename
npm ERR! Error: EPERM: operation not permitted,

As a workaround, you can try to disable Windows Defender/any other antivirus software, make sure you do not open project in any IDE and run build again.

Track the following issue for upcoming possible solution.

5.7. Portal Components

In this manual, a portal is a client block, which is designed to:

  • provide an alternative web-interface, which is usually intended for users outside of the organization;

  • provide an interface for integration with mobile applications and third-party systems.

A specific application may contain several portal modules intended for different purposes; for example, in an application, which automates business tasks, it can be a public web site for customers, an integration module for a mobile application for ordering a taxi, an integration module for a mobile application for drivers, etc.

The cuba application component includes the portal module, which is a template to create portals in projects. It provides basic functionality of the client block to work with Middleware. Besides, the universal REST API, included to the portal module as a dependency, is turned on by default.

Below is an overview of the main components provided by the platform in the portal module.

  • PortalAppContextLoader – the AppContext loader; must be registered in the listener element of the web.xml file.

  • PortalDispatcherServlet – the central servlet that distributes requests to Spring MVC controllers, for both the web interface and REST API. The set of Spring context configuration files is defined by the cuba.dispatcherSpringContextConfig application property. This servlet must be registered in web.xml and mapped to the root URL of the web application.

  • App – the object that contains information on the current HTTP request and the reference to Connection object. The App instance can be obtained in the application code by calling the App.getInstance() static method.

  • Connection – allows a user to log in/out of the Middleware.

  • PortalSession – the object of a user session that is specific for the portal. It is returned by the UserSessionSource infrastructure interface and by the PortalSessionProvider.getUserSession() static method.

    It has an additional isAuthenticated() method, which returns true if this session belongs to a non-anonymous user, i.e. a user explicitly registered with the login and password.

    When a user first accesses the portal, the SecurityContextHandlerInterceptor creates an anonymous session for him (or ties to an already existing one) by registering at Middleware with a user name specified in the cuba.portal.anonymousUserLogin application property. The registration is made by loginTrusted() method, so it is necessary to set the cuba.trustedClientPassword property in the portal block as well. Thus, any anonymous user of the portal can work with Middleware with cuba.portal.anonymousUserLogin user rights.

    If the portal contains user registration page with name and password SecurityContextHandlerInterceptor assigns the session of the explicitly registered user to the execution thread after Connection.login() is executed, and the work with Middleware is performed on this user’s behalf.

  • PortalLogoutHandler – handles the navigation to the logout page. It must be registered in the portal-security-spring.xml project file.


The universal REST API provides the following functionality:

  • CRUD operations on entities.

  • Execution of predefined JPQL queries.

  • Execution of service methods.

  • Getting metadata (entities, views, enumerations, datatypes).

  • Getting current user permissions (access to entities, attributes, specific permissions).

  • Getting current user information (name, language, time zone, etc.).

  • Uploading and downloading files.

REST API uses the OAuth2 protocol for authentication and supports anonymous access.

The detailed documentation of the API endpoints: http://files.cuba-platform.com/swagger/6.9.

The Using REST API cookbook section contains a lot of examples demonstrating REST API features in action. Below we provide a formal description of some features and configuration options.

5.8.1. Predefined JPQL Queries Configuration

In the CUBA application, predefined JPQL queries must be specified in files registered in the cuba.rest.queriesConfig application property of the web or portal module (e.g in the web-app.properties file):

cuba.rest.queriesConfig = +com/company/myapp/rest-queries.xml

The rest-queries.xml file must be placed in the root package of the web or portal module (e.g. com.company.myapp). Its content is defined by the rest-queries.xsd schema, for example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<queries xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/rest-queries.xsd">
    <query name="carByVin" entity="sample$Car" view="carEdit">
        <jpql><![CDATA[select c from sample$Car c where c.vin = :vin]]></jpql>
            <param name="vin" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <query name="allColours" entity="sample$Colour" view="_local">
        <jpql><![CDATA[select u from sample$Colour u order by u.name]]></jpql>
    <query name="carsByIds" entity="sample$Car" view="carEdit" cacheable="true">
        <jpql><![CDATA[select c from sample$Car c where c.id in :ids]]></jpql>
            <param name="ids" type="java.util.UUID[]"/>
    <query name="myOrders" entity="sample$Order" view="orderBrowse">
        <jpql><![CDATA[select o from sample$Order o where o.createdBy = :session$userLogin]]></jpql>

An example of how to configure and execute a query can be found in the Executing a JPQL Query (GET) and Executing a JPQL Query (POST) chapter.

The platform also provides the predefined all query for getting all instances of a specified entity type. It can be used with /count to receive the total number of entity instances, for example:


The query element can have the cacheable attribute that enables caching of the query.

A query can contain predefined parameters that take the values of the current user id and login: session$userId and session$userLogin. You don’t have to declare them in the params element (see the example above).

5.8.2. Services Configuration

The list of service methods that are available via the REST API must be configured in the CUBA application in files registered in the cuba.rest.servicesConfig application property of the web or portal module (e.g in the web-app.properties file):

cuba.rest.servicesConfig = +com/company/myapp/rest-services.xml

The content of the rest-services.xml must be placed in the root package of the web or portal module (e.g. com.company.myapp). Its content is defined by the rest-services-v2.xsd schema, for example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<services xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/rest-services-v2.xsd">
    <service name="myapp_SomeService">
        <method name="sum">
            <param name="number1"/>
            <param name="number2"/>
        <method name="emptyMethod"/>
        <method name="overloadedMethod">
            <param name="intParam" type="int"/>
        <method name="overloadedMethod">
            <param name="stringParam" type="java.lang.String"/>

Method parameter types can be omitted if the service doesn’t contain an overloaded method with the same number of parameters. Otherwise, types must be defined.

An example of how to configure and invoke a service can be found in the Service Method Invocation (GET) chapter.

5.8.3. Data Model Versioning

REST API can handle data model changes. It is useful when, for example, some entity attribute was renamed, but REST API client doesn’t know about this modification and expects the attribute to have an old name.

For such cases REST API allows you to define transformation rules for entities JSON. If the client application sends the data model version in the request query parameter then the JSON in REST API method response or request body will be transformed according to transformation rules defined for that particular domain model version.

JSON transformation rules must be specified in files registered in cuba.rest.jsonTransformationConfig application property of the web or portal module (e.g in the web-app.properties file):

cuba.rest.jsonTransformationConfig = +com/company/myapp/rest-json-transformations.xml

The rest-json-transformations.xml file must be placed in the web or portal module (e.g. in package com.company.myapp). Its content is defined by the rest-json-transformations.xsd schema. File example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<transformations xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/rest-json-transformations.xsd">

    <transformation modelVersion="1.0" oldEntityName="sales$OldOrder" currentEntityName="sales$NewOrder">
        <renameAttribute oldName="oldNumber" currentName="number"/>
        <renameAttribute oldName="date" currentName="deliveryDate"/>
            <removeAttribute name="discount"/>

    <transformation modelVersion="1.0" currentEntityName="sales$Contractor">
        <renameAttribute oldName="summary" currentName="total"/>
        <renameAttribute oldName="familyName" currentName="lastName"/>
            <removeAttribute name="city"/>
            <removeAttribute name="country"/>
            <removeAttribute name="phone"/>

    <transformation modelVersion="1.1" currentEntityName="sales$NewOrder">
        <renameAttribute oldName="date" currentName="deliveryDate"/>


Standard transformers configured in the config file can perform the following transformations of entity JSON:

  • rename entity

  • rename entity attribute

  • remove entity attribute

JSON transformation works for the following REST API endpoints:

  • /entities - getting entities list, getting a single entity, entity create, entity update, entity delete

  • /queries - entities JSON returned by the query will be transformed

  • /services - JSON transformations will be applied both to entities returned by the service method and to entities passed as a service method argument

JSON transformations are applied if the request to the REST API contains the modelVersion URL parameter with the data model version number.

See the Data Model Versioning Example to understand how to configure data model versioning and use it from the client application.

5.8.4. CORS Settings

By default, all CORS requests to the REST API are allowed. To restrict the origins list you can define the cuba.rest.allowedOrigins application property.

5.8.5. Anonymous Access

By default, anonymous access is disabled. To enable it, use the cuba.rest.anonymousEnabled application property. A request is considered to be anonymous if it doesn’t contain an Authentication header. In this case, the SecurityContext will contain an anonymous user session.

To set up permissions for anonymous user you must define roles for the user specified by the cuba.anonymousLogin application property.

5.8.6. Other REST API Settings

cuba.rest.client.id - defines a default REST API client id.

cuba.rest.client.secret - defines a default REST API client secret.

cuba.rest.client.tokenExpirationTimeSec - defines an access token expiration time for the default client in seconds.

cuba.rest.client.refreshTokenExpirationTimeSec - defines a refresh token expiration time for the default client in seconds.

cuba.rest.client.authorizedGrantTypes - a list of authorized grant types for the default client. To disable refresh tokens remove the refresh_token item from the property value.

cuba.rest.maxUploadSize - defines a maximum file size that can be uploaded with the REST API.

cuba.rest.reuseRefreshToken - specifies whether a refresh token should be reused.

cuba.rest.requiresSecurityToken - indicates that additional system attribute must be sent in JSON. See details in Security Constraints for Collection Attributes.

cuba.rest.tokenMaskingEnabled - specifies whether REST API token values should be masked in application logs.

5.8.7. Creating Custom OAuth2 Protected Controllers

If you need to create a custom REST controller protected with the OAuth2 authentication then you have to do the following:

  1. Suppose you have the following REST controller:

    package com.company.test.portal.myapi;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
    import com.company.test.services.SomeService;
    public class MyController {
        protected SomeService someService;
        public String doSmth() {
            return someService.getResult();
  2. Create a new Spring configuration file with name rest-dispatcher-spring.xml under the root package (com.company.test) of web or portal module. The content of the file must be as follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
           xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-4.3.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-4.3.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/security http://www.springframework.org/schema/security/spring-security-4.2.xsd">
        <!-- Define a base package for your controllers-->
        <context:component-scan base-package="com.company.test.portal.myapi"/>
        <security:http pattern="/rest/myapi/**"
            <!-- Specify one or more protected URL patterns-->
            <intercept-url pattern="/rest/myapi/**" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
            <anonymous enabled="false"/>
            <csrf disabled="true"/>
            <cors configuration-source-ref="cuba_RestCorsSource"/>
            <custom-filter ref="resourceFilter" before="PRE_AUTH_FILTER"/>
            <custom-filter ref="cuba_AnonymousAuthenticationFilter" after="PRE_AUTH_FILTER"/>
  3. Define an additive application property cuba.restSpringContextConfig in the properties file of the module,.e.g. portal-app.properties:

    cuba.restSpringContextConfig = +com/company/test/rest-dispatcher-spring.xml
  4. The new controller runs in the context of the CubaRestApiServlet. So the URL for controller methods will start with the /rest, i.e. the doSmth() method will be accesed by the URL: http://localhost:8080/app-portal/rest/myapi/dosmth.


    URL of the custom controller MUST NOT start with the /rest/v2.

5.8.8. Security Constraints for Collection Attributes

Let’s consider the following situation:

  • Your data model contains Order and OrderLine entities which form the one-to-many composition.

  • Your REST client loads an instance of Order together with the nested collection of OrderLine instances.

  • There are security constraints that filter out some OrderLine instances, so the client does not load them and doesn’t know they exist. Say line5 is not loaded by the client but exists in the database.

  • If your client removes, say, line2 from the collection and then saves the whole composition using the /entities/{entityName}/{entityId} endpoint, there are two outcomes:

    1. If the constraints were not changed since the entities were loaded, the framework restores the filtered line5 instance in the collection and deletes only line2, which is the correct behavior.

    2. If the constraints were changed in a way that line5 is now available to the client, the framework cannot restore the information about filtered collection elements correctly. As a result, both line2 and line5 will be deleted.

If you are concerned with the case described above, you can eliminate possible data loss by sending a special system attribute in the JSON representing your entities. This attribute is called __securityToken and automatically included in resulting JSON if the cuba.rest.requiresSecurityToken application property is set to true. The responsibility of your REST client is to return this attribute back when saving entities.

An example of entity JSON including security token:

  "id": "fa430b56-ceb2-150f-6a85-12c691908bd1",
  "number": "OR-000001",
  "items": [
      "id": "82e6e6d2-be97-c81c-c58d-5e2760ae095a",
      "description": "Item 1"
      "id": "988a8cb5-d61a-e493-c401-f717dd9a2d66",
      "description": "Item 2"
  "__securityToken": "0NXc6bQh+vZuXE4Fsk4mJX4QnhS3lOBfxzUniltchpxPfi1rZ5htEmekfV60sbEuWUykbDoY+rCxdhzORaYQNQ=="

The __securityToken attribute contains encoded identifiers of filtered instances, so the framework can always restore the required information regardless of changes in constraints.

5.8.9. Persistent Token Store

By default, OAuth tokens are stored in memory only. If you want to persist them in the database as well, you should set the cuba.rest.storeTokensInDb application property to true. The property value is stored in the database, so you can change its value in the Administration > Application Properties screen.

Expired tokens in the database store must be periodically deleted. The cron expression for scheduled removing of expired tokens is specified in the cuba.rest.deleteExpiredTokensCron application property.

5.8.10. Project-specific Swagger Documentation

The generic documentation on the REST API is available at http://files.cuba-platform.com/swagger/6.9.

Any running CUBA application also exports the project-specific documentation generated according to the Swagger specification version 2.0.

The documentation is available at the following URLs:

  • /rest/v2/docs/swagger.yaml - YAML version of generic documentation.

  • /rest/v2/docs/swagger.json - JSON version of generic documentation.

  • /rest/v2/docs/swaggerDetailed.yaml - YAML version of project-specific Swagger documentation.

  • /rest/v2/docs/swaggerDetailed.json - JSON version of project-specific Swagger documentation.

For example:


The documentation can be used to visualize, test or generate a client code for the REST API. See the following tools: Swagger UI, Swagger Inspector, Postman, Swagger Codegen.

The generated documentation includes:

  1. CRUD operations, such as:

    All CRUD parameters and responses have a model available, for example:

    swagger crud model
  2. Predefined REST queries:

    swagger query
  3. Exposed services:

    swagger service

5.9. Platform Features

This section provides overview on various optional features provided by the platform.

5.9.1. Dynamic Attributes

Dynamic attributes are additional entity attributes, that can be added without changing the database schema and restarting the application. Dynamic attributes are usually used to define new entity properties at deployment or production stage.

CUBA dynamic attributes implement the Entity-Attribute-Value model.

dynamic attributes
Figure 28. Dynamic Attributes Classes Diagram
  • Category - defines a category of objects and the corresponding set of dynamic attributes. The category must be assigned to some entity type.

    For example, there is an entity of the Car type. We can define two categories for it: Truck and Passenger. The Truck category will contain Load Capacity and Body Type attributes, and the Passenger category – Number of Seats and Child Seat.

  • CategoryAttribute - defines a dynamic attribute related to some category. Each attribute describes a single field of a definite type. The required Code field contains the system name of the attribute. The Name field contains the human-readable attribute name.

  • CategoryAttributeValue - dynamic attribute value for a particular entity instance. Dynamic attribute values are physically stored in the dedicated SYS_ATTR_VALUE table. Each table record has a reference to some entity (ENTITY_ID column).

An entity instance can have dynamic attributes of all categories related to the entity type. So if you create two categories of the Car entity mentioned above, you will be able to specify any dynamic attribute from both categories for a Car instance. If you want to be able to classify an entity instance as belonging to a single category (a car can be either truck or passenger), the entity must implement Categorized interface. In this case an entity instance will have the reference to a category, and dynamic attributes from this category only.

Loading and saving of dynamic attribute values is handled by DataManager. The LoadContext.setLoadDynamicAttributes() method is used to indicate that dynamic attributes should be loaded for entity instances. By default, dynamic attributes are not loaded. At the same time, DataManager always saves dynamic attributes contained in entity instances passed to commit().

Dynamic attribute values are available through getValue() / setValue() methods for any persistent entity inherited from BaseGenericIdEntity. An attribute code with the + prefix should be passed to these methods, for example:

LoadContext lc = new LoadContext(Car.class).setId(id);
Entity entity = dataManager.load(lc);

Double capacity = entity.getValue("+loadCapacity");
entity.setValue("+loadCapacity", capacity + 10);


In fact, the direct access to attribute values in the application code is rarely needed. Any dynamic attribute can be automatically displayed in any Table or FieldGroup component bound to a datasource containing the entity, for which the dynamic attribute was created. The attribute editor described below allows you to specify screens and components that should show the attribute.

User permissions to access dynamic attributes can be set in the security role editor in the same way as for regular attributes. Dynamic attributes are displayed with the + prefix. Managing Dynamic Attributes

Managing attributes categories and descriptions is done via special screens available in Administration > Dynamic Attributes menu.

The category browser shows the list of all registered categories.

Figure 29. Categories Browser

The category editor allows you to create a new category for an entity and define a set of dynamic attributes. The category name and the related entity type fields are mandatory. The Default checkbox indicates that this category will be automatically selected for a new instance of an entity implementing Categorized interface.

Figure 30. Category Editor

The Name localization groupbox is shown if the application supports more than one language. It enables setting the localized values of category names for each available locale.

Figure 31. Category name localization

Dynamic attribute editor enables setting the name, system code, value type and the default value of the attribute.

Figure 32. Dynamic Attribute Editor

For all value types, except Boolean, there is a Width field available to set up the field width in FieldGroup in pixels or as a percentage. If the Width field is empty, its assumed value is 100%.

For all value types, except Boolean and Enumeration, there is also an Is collection checkbox available. It allows you to create multi-valued dynamic attributes of a selected type.

Localization is supported for all types of dynamic attributes:

Figure 33. Dynamic Attribute Localization

For the Enumeration value type, the set of named values is defined in the Enumeration field via the list editor.

Figure 34. Dynamic Attribute Editor for Enumeration type

Each enumeration value can also be localized to the languages, available for the application.

Figure 35. Dynamic Attribute Localization for Enumeration type

A dynamic attribute also has visibility settings, which define the screens where it should be displayed. By default, the attribute is invisible on any screen.

Figure 36. Dynamic Attribute Visibility Settings

In addition to the screen, you can also specify a component in which the attribute is to appear (for example, for screens, where several FieldGroup components show the fields of the same entity).

If the attribute is marked as visible on a screen, it will automatically appear in all field groups and tables displaying entities of the corresponding type on the screen.

Access to dynamic attributes can also be restricted by user role settings. Security settings for dynamic attributes are similar to those for regular attributes.

In order for changes in attribute and visibility settings to take effect, click Apply settings in the categories browser. Changes can also be applied via Administration > JMX Console by calling the clearDynamicAttributesCache() method of the app-core.cuba:type=CachingFacade JMX bean.

The dynamic attribute added to the screen automatically by specifying visibility settings is shown below:


Dynamic attributes can be added to a screen manually. To do this, follow these steps:

  • In the dsContext section of the screen XML-descriptor, set the loadDynamicAttributes property to true for a datasource that loads the entity (entities), for example:

        <datasource id="carDs" class="com.company.sample.entity.Car" view="_local" loadDynamicAttributes="true"/>
  • Specify the dynamic attribute code with the + prefix in the property XML attribute of a component definition:

    <textField id="numberOfSeats" datasource="carDs" property="+numberOfSeats"/> Categorized Entities

If an entity implements com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.Categorized interface, you can use com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.RuntimePropertiesFrame component for displaying dynamic attributes of this entity. This component allows a user to select a category for the particular entity instance and specify values of dynamic attributes of this category.

In order to use the RuntimePropertiesFrame component in an edit screen, do the following:

  • Two datasources should be declared in the dsContext section:

    • runtimePropsDatasource - a specific datasource to load the CategoryAttributeValue instances. The mainDs attribute must refer to the main datasource, which contains the edited entity.

    • A regular collectionDatasource to load the list of categories of this entity type.


      <datasource id="carDs"
      <runtimePropsDatasource id="runtimePropsDs"
      <collectionDatasource id="categories"
             select c from sys$Category c where c.entityType='sample$Car'
  • Now, the runtimeProperties visual component may be included in the XML-descriptor of the screen:

    <runtimeProperties id="runtimePropsFrame"

5.9.2. Email Sending

The platform provides email sending facilities with the following features:

  • Synchronous or asynchronous sending. In case of synchronous sending, the calling code waits till the message is sent to the SMTP server. In case of asynchronous sending, the message is persisted to the database and the control is returned immediately to the calling code. The actual sending is done later by a scheduled task.

  • Reliable tracking of message sending timestamp or errors in the database for both synchronous and asynchronous modes.

  • User interface to search and view information about sent messages, including all message attributes and content, sending status and the number of attempts.

See an example of using this mechanism in the Sending Emails development recipe. Sending Methods

To send an email, the EmailerAPI bean should be used at the Middleware, and the EmailService service – at the client tier.

The basic methods of these components are described below:

  • sendEmail() – synchronous message sending. The calling code is blocked while sending the message to the SMTP server.

    The message can be transmitted in the form of a set of parameters (the comma-separated list of recipients, subject, content, array of attachments), and in the form of a special EmailInfo object, which encapsulates all this information and allows you to explicitly set the sender’s address and to form the message body using a FreeMarker template.

    EmailException may be thrown during synchronous sending, containing the information on the recipient addresses, where delivery has failed, and the corresponding error messages.

    During the execution of the method, a SendingMessage instance is created in the database for each recipient. It has the initial SendingStatus.SENDING status, and SendingStatus.SENT after successful sending. In case of a message sending error, the message status changes to SendingStatus.NOTSENT.

  • sendEmailAsync() – asynchronous message sending. This method returns the list (by the number of recipients) of SendingMessage instances in SendingStatus.QUEUE status, which were created in the database. The actual sending is performed with the subsequent call of the EmailerAPI.processQueuedEmails() method, which should be invoked from a scheduled task with the desired frequency. Email Attachments

The EmailAttachment object is a wrapper that holds the attachment as a byte array (the data field), the file name (the name field), and, if necessary, the attachment identifier which is unique for this message (the optional but useful contentId field).

The attachment identifier may be used to insert images in the message body. For this, a unique contentId (for example, myPic) is specified when creating EmailAttachment. Expression like cid:myPic can be used as a path to insert the attachment in the message body. So, to insert an image you can specify the following HTML element:

<img src="cid:myPic"/> Configuring Email Sending Parameters

Email sending parameters can be configured using the application properties listed below. All of them are runtime parameters and are stored in the database, but can be overridden for a specific Middleware block in its app.properties file.

All email sending parameters are available via the EmailerConfig configuration interface.

  • cuba.email.fromAddress – the default sender’s address. It is used if the EmailInfo.from attribute is not specified.

    Default value: DoNotReply@localhost

  • cuba.email.smtpHost – the address of the SMTP server.

    Default value: test.host

  • cuba.email.smtpPort – the port of the SMTP server.

    Default value: 25

  • cuba.email.smtpAuthRequired flags whether the SMTP server requires authentication. It corresponds to the mail.smtp.auth parameter, which is passed at the creation of the javax.mail.Session object.

    Default value: false

  • cuba.email.smtpSslEnabled flags whether SSL protocol is enabled. It corresponds to the mail.transport.protocol parameter with the smtps value, which is passed at the creation of the javax.mail.Session object.

    Default value: false

  • cuba.email.smtpStarttlsEnable – flags the use of the STARTTLS command when authenticating on the SMTP server. It corresponds to the mail.smtp.starttls.enable parameter, which is passed at the creation of the javax.mail.Session object.

    Default value: false

  • cuba.email.smtpUser – the user name for SMTP server authentication.

  • cuba.email.smtpPassword – the user password for SMTP server authentication.

  • cuba.email.delayCallCount – is used in asynchronous sending of emails to skip first few calls of EmailManager.queueEmailsToSend() after server startup to reduce the load during application initialization. Email sending will start with the next call.

    Default value: 2

  • cuba.email.messageQueueCapacity – for asynchronous sending, the maximum number of messages read from the queue and sent in one call of EmailManager.queueEmailsToSend().

    Default value: 100

  • cuba.email.defaultSendingAttemptsCount for asynchronous sending, the default number of attempts to send an email. It is used if the attemptsCount parameter is not specified when calling Emailer.sendEmailAsync().

    Default value: 10

  • cuba.email.maxSendingTimeSec – the maximum expected time in seconds, which is required to send an email to the SMTP server. It is used for asynchronous sending to optimize the selection of SendingMessage objects from the DB queue.

    Default value: 120

  • cuba.email.sendAllToAdmin – indicates that all messages should be sent to the cuba.email.adminAddress address, regardless of the specified recipient’s address. It is recommended to use this parameter during system development and debugging.

    Default value: false

  • cuba.email.adminAddress – the address, to which all messages are sent if the cuba.email.sendAllToAdmin property is switched on.

    Default value: admin@localhost

  • cuba.emailerUserLogin – the login of system user, used by asynchronous email sending code to be able to persist the information to the database. It is recommended to create a separate user (for example, emailer) without a password, so that it will be impossible to log in under their name via user interface. This is also convenient to search for messages related to email sending in the server log.

    Default value: admin

  • cuba.email.exceptionReportEmailTemplateBody - path to the exception report email body *.gsp-template location.

    The templates are based on Groovy SimpleTemplateEngine syntax, thus you can use Groovy blocks inside of the template content:

    • toHtml() method converts the string to HTML string by escaping and replacing special symbols,

    • timestamp - last attempt date to send the email,

    • errorMessage - the message of error,

    • stacktrace - stack trace of the error.

    Example of a template file:

  • cuba.email.exceptionReportEmailTemplateSubject - path to the exception report email subject *.gsp template location.

    Example of a template file:

    [${systemId}] [${userLogin}] Exception Report

You can also use properties from JavaMail API, adding them to the app.properties file of the core module. The mail.* properties are passed at the creation of the javax.mail.Session object.

You can view the current parameter values and send a test message using the app-core.cuba:type=Emailer JMX bean.

5.9.3. Entity Inspector

The entity inspector enables working with any application objects without having to create dedicated screens. The inspector dynamically generates the screens to browse and edit the instances of the selected entity.

This gives the system administrator an opportunity to review and edit the data that is not accessible from standard screens due to their design, and to create the data model and main menu sections linked to the entity inspector only, at prototyping stage.

The entry point for the inspector is the com/haulmont/cuba/gui/app/core/entityinspector/entity-inspector-browse.xml screen.

If a String-type parameter named entity with an entity name has been passed to the screen, the inspector will show a list of entities with the abilities for filtering, selection and editing. The parameter can be specified when registering the screen in screens.xml, for example:


<screen id="sales$Product.lookup"
  <param name="entity"


<item id="sales$Product.lookup"/>

Screen identifier defined as {entity_name}.lookup allows PickerField and LookupPickerField components to use this screen within the PickerField.LookupAction standard action.

Generally, the screen may be called without any parameters. In this case, the top part will contain an entity selection field. In the cuba application component, the inspector screen is registered with the entityInspector.browse identifier, so it can be simply referenced in a menu item:

<item id="entityInspector.browse"/>

5.9.4. Entity Log

This mechanism tracks entity persistence at the entity listeners level, i.e. it is guaranteed to track all changes passing through persistent context of the EntityManager. Direct changes to entities in the database using SQL, including the ones performed using NativeQuery or QueryRunner, are not tracked.

Modified entity instances are passed to registerCreate(), registerModify() and registerDelete() methods of the EntityLogAPI bean before they are saved to the database. Each method has auto parameter, allowing separation of automatic logs added by entity listeners from manual logs added by calling these methods from the application code. When these methods are called from entity listeners the value of auto parameter is true.

The logs contain information about the time of modification, the user who has modified the entity, and the new values of the changed attributes. Log entries are stored in the SEC_ENTITY_LOG table corresponding to the EntityLogItem entity. Changed attribute values are stored in the CHANGES column and are converted to instances of EntityLogAttr entity when they are loaded by the Middleware. Setting Up Entity Log

The simplest way to set up the entity log is using the Administration > Entity Log > Setup application screen.

You can also set up Entity Log by entering some records in the database, if you want to include the configuration to the database initialization scripts.

Logging is configured using the LoggedEntity and LoggedAttribute entities corresponding to SEC_LOGGED_ENTITY and SEC_LOGGED_ATTR tables.

LoggedEntity defines the types of entities that should be logged. LoggedEntity has the following attributes:

  • name (NAME column) – the name of the entity meta-class, for example, sales$Customer.

  • auto (AUTO column) – defines if the system should log the changes when EntityLogAPI is called with auto = true parameter (i.e. called by entity listeners).

  • manual (MANUAL column) – defines if the system should log the changes when EntityLogAPI is called with auto = false parameter.

LoggedAttribute defines the entity attribute to be logged and contains a link to the LoggedEntity and the attribute name.

To set up logging for a certain entity, the corresponding entries should be added into the SEC_LOGGED_ENTITY and SEC_LOGGED_ATTR tables. For example, logging the changes to name and grade attributes of the Customer entity can be enabled using:

values ('25eeb644-e609-11e1-9ada-3860770d7eaf', now(), 'admin', 'sales$Customer', true, true);

values (newid(), now(), 'admin', '25eeb644-e609-11e1-9ada-3860770d7eaf', 'name');

values (newid(), now(), 'admin', '25eeb644-e609-11e1-9ada-3860770d7eaf', 'grade');

The logging mechanism is activated by default. If you want to stop it, set the Enabled attribute of the app-core.cuba:type=EntityLog JMX bean false and then invoke the its invalidateCache() operation. Alternatively, set the cuba.entityLog.enabled application property to false and restart the server. Viewing the Entity Log

The entity log content can be viewed on a dedicated screen available at Administration > Entity Log.

The change log for a certain entity can also be accessed from any application screen by loading a collection of EntityLogItem and the associated EntityLogAttr instances into the datasources and creating the visual components connected to these datasources. For example:

    <datasource id="customerDs"
    <collectionDatasource id="logDs"
            select i from sec$EntityLog i
            where i.entityRef.entityId = :ds$customerDs order by i.eventTs
        <collectionDatasource id="logAttrDs"
<split orientation="vertical" width="100%" height="100%">

    <table id="logTable" width="100%" height="100%">
            <column id="eventTs"/>
            <column id="user.login"/>
            <column id="type"/>
        <rows datasource="logDs"/>

    <table id="logAttrTable" width="100%" height="100%">
            <column id="name"/>
            <column id="value"/>
        <rows datasource="logAttrDs"/>


Logged attributes should contain the @LocalizedValue annotation in order to display localized values. When annotated, the logging mechanism populates the EntityLogAttr.messagesPack field, and the table in the example above is able to use locValue column instead of value:

<table id="logAttrTable" width="100%" height="100%">
      <column id="name"/>
      <column id="locValue"/>
  <rows datasource="logAttrDs"/>

5.9.5. Entity Snapshots

The entity saving mechanism, much like the entity log, is intended to track data changes at runtime. It has the following distinct features:

  • The whole state (or snapshot) of a graph of entities defined by a specified view is saved.

  • Snapshot saving mechanism is explicitly called from the application code.

  • The platform allows the snapshots to be viewed and compared. Saving Snapshots

In order to save a snapshot of a given graph of entities, you need to call the EntitySnapshotService.createSnapshot() method passing the entity which is an entry point to the graph and the view describing the graph. The snapshot will be created using the loaded entities without any calls to the database. As a result, the snapshot will not contain the fields that are not included in the view used to load the entity.

The graph of Java objects is converted into XML and saved in the SYS_ENTITY_SNAPSHOT table (corresponding to the EntitySnapshot enitity) together with the link to the primary entity.

Usually, snapshots need to be saved after editor screen commit. This may be achieved by overriding the postCommit() method of the screen controller, for example:

public class CustomerEditor extends AbstractEditor<Customer> {

    protected Datasource<Customer> customerDs;
    protected EntitySnapshotService entitySnapshotService;

    protected boolean postCommit(boolean committed, boolean close) {
        if (committed) {
            entitySnapshotService.createSnapshot(customerDs.getItem(), customerDs.getView());
        return super.postCommit(committed, close);
} Viewing Snapshots

Viewing snapshots for arbitrary entities is possible using the com/haulmont/cuba/gui/app/core/entitydiff/diff-view.xml frame. For example:

<frame id="diffFrame"

The snapshots should be loaded into the frame from the edit screen controller:

public class CustomerEditor extends AbstractEditor<Customer> {

    private EntityStates entityStates;
    protected EntityDiffViewer diffFrame;

    protected void postInit() {
        if (!entityStates.isNew(getItem())) {

The diff-view.xml frame shows the list of snapshots for the given entity, with an ability to compare them. The view for each snapshot includes the user, date and time. When a snapshot is selected from the list, the changes will be displayed compared to the previous snapshot. All attributes are marked as changed for the first snapshot. Selecting two snapshots shows the results of the comparison in a table.

The comparison table shows attribute names and their new values. When a row is selected, the detailed information on attribute changes across two snapshots is shown. Reference fields are displayed according to their instance name. When comparing collections, the new and removed elements are highlighted with green and red color respectively. Collection elements with changed attributes are displayed without highlighting. Changes to element positions are not recorded.

5.9.6. Entity Statistics

The entity statistics mechanism provides the information on the current number of entity instances in the database. This data is used to automatically select the best lookup strategy for linked entities and to limit the size of search results displayed in UI screens.

Statistics is stored in the SYS_ENTITY_STATISTICS table which is mapped to the EntityStatistics entity. It can be updated automatically using the refreshStatistics() method of the PersistenceManagerMBean JMX bean. If you pass an entity name as a parameter, the statistics will be collected for the given entity, otherwise - for all entities. If you want to update the statistics regularly, create a scheduled task invoking this method. Keep it mind that the collection process will execute select count(*) for each entity and can put significant load on the database.

Programmatic access to entity statistics is available via PersistenceManagerAPI interface on the middle tier and PersistenceManagerService on the the client tier. Statistics is cached in memory, so any direct changes to statistics in the database will be applied only after the server restart or after calling the PersistenceManagerMBean.flushStatisticsCache() method.

The EntityStatistics attributes are described below.

  • name (NAME column) – the name of the entity meta-class, for example, sales$Customer.

  • instanceCount (INSTANCE_COUNT column) – the approximate number of entity instances.

  • fetchUI (FETCH_UI column) – the size of the data displayed on a page when extracting entity lists.

    For example, the Filter component uses this number in the Show N rows field.

  • maxFetchUI (MAX_FETCH_UI column) – the maximum number of entity instances that can be extracted and passed to the client tier.

    This limit is applied when showing entity lists in such components as LookupField or LookupPickerField, as well as tables without a filter, when no limitations are applied to the connected datasource via CollectionDatasource.setMaxResults(). In this case the data source itself limits the number of extracted instances to maxFetchUI.

  • lookupScreenThreshold (LOOKUP_SCREEN_THRESHOLD column) – the threshold, measured in number of entities, which determines when lookup screens should be used instead of dropdowns for entity lookup.

    The Filter component takes this parameter into account when choosing filter parameters. Until the threshold is reached, the system uses the LookupField component, and once the threshold is exceeded, the PickerField component is used. Hence, if lookup screens should be used for a specific entity in a filter parameter, it is possible to set the value of lookupScreenThreshold to a value lower than instanceCount.

PersistenceManagerMBean JMX bean enables setting default values for all of the parameters mentioned above via DefaultFetchUI, DefaultMaxFetchUI, DefaultLookupScreenThreshold attributes. The system will use the corresponding default values when an entity has no statistics, which is a common case.

Besides, PersistenceManagerMBean.enterStatistics() method allows a user to enter statistics data for an entity. For example, the following parameters should be passed to the method to set a default page size to 1,000 and maximum number of loaded into LookupField instances to 30,000:

entityName: sales$Customer
fetchUI: 1000
maxFetchUI: 30000

Another example: suppose that you have a filter condition by the Customer entity, and you want to use a lookup screen instead of dropdown list when selecting Customer in the condition parameter. Then invoke the enterStatistics() method with the following parameters:

entityName: sales$Customer
instanceCount: 2
lookupScreenThreshold: 1

Here we ignore the actual number of Customer records in the database and manually specify that the threshold is always exceeded.

5.9.7. Export and Import Entities in JSON

The platform provides an API for exporting and importing graphs of entities in JSON format. It is available on Middleware via the EntityImportExportAPI interface and on the client tier via EntityImportExportService. These interfaces have an identical set of methods which are described below. The export/import implementation delegates to the EntitySerializationAPI interface which can also be used directly.

  • exportEntitiesToJSON() - serializes a collection of entities to JSON.

    private EntityImportExportService entityImportExportService;
    private GroupDatasource<Customer, UUID> customersDs;
    String jsonFromDs = entityImportExportService.exportEntitiesToJSON(customersDs.getItems());
  • exportEntitiesToZIP() - serializes a collection of entities to JSON and packs the JSON file into ZIP archive. In the following example, the ZIP archive is saved to the file storage using the FileLoader interface:

    private EntityImportExportService entityImportExportService;
    private GroupDatasource<Customer, UUID> customersDs;
    private Metadata metadata;
    private DataManager dataManager;
    byte[] array = entityImportExportService.exportEntitiesToZIP(customersDs.getItems());
    FileDescriptor descriptor = metadata.create(FileDescriptor.class);
    descriptor.setSize((long) array.length);
    descriptor.setCreateDate(new Date());
    try {
        fileLoader.saveStream(descriptor, () -> new ByteArrayInputStream(array));
    } catch (FileStorageException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
  • importEntitiesFromJSON() - deserializes the JSON and persists deserialized entities according to the rules, described by the entityImportView parameter (see JavaDocs on the EntityImportView class). If an entity is not present in the database, it will be created. Otherwise the fields of the existing entity that are specified in the entityImportView will be updated.

  • importEntitiesFromZIP() - reads a ZIP archive that contains a JSON file, deserializes the JSON and persists deserialized entities like the importEntitiesFromJSON() method.

    private EntityImportExportService entityImportExportService;
    private FileLoader fileLoader;
    private FileDescriptor descriptor;
    EntityImportView view = new EntityImportView(Customer.class);
    try {
        byte[] array = IOUtils.toByteArray(fileLoader.openStream(descriptor));
        Collection<Entity> collection = entityImportExportService.importEntitiesFromZIP(array, view);
    } catch (FileStorageException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

5.9.8. File Storage

File storage enables uploading, storing and downloading arbitrary files associated with the entities. In the standard implementation, the files are stored outside of the main database using a specialized structure within the file system.

File storage mechanism includes the following parts:

  • FileDescriptor entity – the descriptor of the uploaded file (not to be confused with java.io.FileDescriptor) enables referencing the file from the data model objects.

  • FileStorageAPI interface – provides access to the file storage at the middle tier. Its main methods are:

    • saveStream() – saves the contents of the file passed as the InputStream according to the specified FileDescriptor.

    • openStream() – returns the contents of the file defined by the FileDescriptor in the form of an opened InputStream.

  • FileUploadController class – a Spring MVC controller, which enables sending files from the Client to the Middleware with HTTP POST requests.

  • FileDownloadController class – Spring MVC controller which enables retrieving files from the Middleware to the Client with HTTP GET requests.

  • FileUpload and FileMultiUpload visual components – enable uploading files from the user’s computer to the client tier of the application and then transferring them to the Middleware.

  • FileUploadingAPI interface – temporary storage for files uploaded to the client tier. It is used for uploading files to the client tier by the visual components mentioned above. The application code can use putFileIntoStorage() method for moving a file into the persistent storage of the Middleware.

  • FileLoader - an interface for working with the file storage using the same set of methods on both middle and client tiers.

  • ExportDisplay – client tier interface allowing downloading various application resources to the user’s computer. Files can be retrieved from persistent storage using the show() method, which requires a FileDescriptor. An instance of ExportDisplay may be obtained either by calling the AppConfig.createExportDisplay() static method, or through injection into the controller class.


File transfer between the user’s computer and the storage in both directions is always performed by copying data between input and output streams. Files are never fully loaded into memory at any application level, which enables transferring files of almost any size. Uploading Files

Files from the user’s computer can be uploaded into the storage using the FileUpload and FileMultiUpload components. Usage examples are provided in this manual in the appropriate component descriptions, as well as in Loading and Displaying Images.

FileUpload component is also available within the ready-to-use FileUploadDialog window designed to load files in the temporary storage.

The temporary client-level storage (FileUploadingAPI) stores temporary files in the folder defined by cuba.tempDir application property. Temporary files can remain in the folder in case of any failures. The clearTempDirectory() method of the cuba_FileUploading bean is invoked periodically by the scheduler defined in the cuba-web-spring.xml file. Downloading Files

Files can be downloaded from the file storage to the user’s computer by using the ExportDisplay interface. It can be obtained by calling the AppConfig.createExportDisplay() static method or via injection in the controller class. For example:


The show() method accepts an optional ExportFormat type parameter, which defines the type of the content and the file extension. If the format has not been provided, the extension is retrieved from the FileDescriptor, and the content type is set to application/octet-stream.

The file extension defines whether the file is downloaded via the browser’s standard open/save dialog (Content-Disposition = attachment), or if the browser will attempt to show the file in the browser window (Content-Disposition = inline). The list of extensions for files that should be shown in the browser window is defined by the cuba.web.viewFileExtensions application property.

ExportDisplay also enables downloading of arbitrary data if ByteArrayDataProvider is used as a parameter of the show() method. For example:

public class SampleScreen extends AbstractWindow {

    private ExportDisplay exportDisplay;

    public void onDownloadBtnClick(Component source) {
        String html = "<html><head title='Test'></head><body><h1>Test</h1></body></html>";
        byte[] bytes;
        try {
            bytes = html.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        exportDisplay.show(new ByteArrayDataProvider(bytes), "test.html", ExportFormat.HTML);
} FileLoader Interface

The FileLoader interface allows you to work with file storage using the same set of methods on both middle and client tiers. Uploading and downloading of files is performed using streams:

  • saveStream() – saves an InputStream contents into file storage.

  • openStream() – returns an input stream to load a file contents from file storage.


Both client-side and server-side implementations of FileLoader follow the common rule: file transfer is always performed by copying data between input and output streams. Files are never fully loaded into memory at any application level, which enables transferring files of almost any size.

As an example of using FileLoader let’s consider a simple task of saving a user input into the text file and displaying the file content in another field on the same screen.

The screen contains two textArea fields. Suppose the user inputs text in the first textArea, clicks the buttonIn below, and the text is saved to the FileStorage. The second textArea will display the content of the saved file on buttonOut click.

Below is the fragment of the screen XML descriptor:

<hbox margin="true"
    <vbox spacing="true">
        <textArea id="textAreaIn"/>
        <button id="buttonIn"
                caption="Save text in file"
    <vbox spacing="true">
        <textArea id="textAreaOut"
        <button id="buttonOut"
                caption="Show the saved text"

The screen controller contains two methods invoked on buttons click:

  • In the onButtonInClick() method we create a byte array from the first textArea input. Then we create a FileDescriptor object and define the new file name, extension, size, and creation date with its attributes.

    Then we save the new file with the saveStream() method of FileLoader, passing the FileDescriptor to it and providing the file content with an InputStream supplier. We also commit the FileDescriptor to the data store using the DataManager interface.

  • In the onButtonOutClick() method we extract the content of the saved file using the openStream() method of the FileLoader. Then we display the content of the file in the second textArea.

import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.FileDescriptor;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.DataManager;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.FileLoader;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.FileStorageException;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.Metadata;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.AbstractWindow;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.ResizableTextArea;
import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.upload.FileUploadingAPI;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Date;

public class FileLoaderScreen extends AbstractWindow {

    private Metadata metadata;
    private FileLoader fileLoader;
    private DataManager dataManager;
    private ResizableTextArea textAreaIn;
    private ResizableTextArea textAreaOut;

    private FileDescriptor fileDescriptor;

    public void onButtonInClick() {
        byte[] bytes = textAreaIn.getRawValue().getBytes();

        fileDescriptor = metadata.create(FileDescriptor.class);
        fileDescriptor.setSize((long) bytes.length);
        fileDescriptor.setCreateDate(new Date());

        try {
            fileLoader.saveStream(fileDescriptor, () -> new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
        } catch (FileStorageException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


    public void onButtonOutClick() {
        try {
            InputStream inputStream = fileLoader.openStream(fileDescriptor);
        } catch (FileStorageException | IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
fileLoader recipe Standard File Storage Implementation

The standard implementation stores files in a dedicated folder structure within one or several file locations.

The roots of the structure can be defined in the cuba.fileStorageDir application property in the format of comma-separated paths list. For example:


If the property is not defined, the storage will be located in the filestorage sub-folder of the Middleware’s work directory. This folder is tomcat/work/app-core/filestorage in standard Tomcat deployment.

With several locations defined, the storage behaves as follows:

  • First folder in the list is considered as primary, others – as backup.

  • Stored files are first placed in the primary folder, and then copied to all of the backup directories.

    The system checks that each folder is accessible before storing a file. If the primary directory is not accessible, the system throws an exception without storing the file. If any of the backup directories are not accessible, the file gets stored in available ones and the corresponding error is logged.

  • The files are read from the primary directory.

    If the primary directory is not accessible, the system reads files from the first available backup directory containing the required files. A corresponding error is logged.

The storage folder structure is organized in the following way:

  • There are three levels of subdirectories representing the files upload date – year, month, and day.

  • The actual files are saved in the day directory. The file names match the identifiers of the corresponding FileDescriptor objects. The file extension matches that of the source file.

  • The root folder of the structure contains a storage.log file with the information on each stored file, including the user and upload time. This log is not required for operation of the storage mechanism, but it could be useful for troubleshooting.

The app-core.cuba:type=FileStorage JMX bean displays the current set of storage roots and offers the following methods for troubleshooting:

  • findOrphanDescriptors() – finds all instances of FileDescriptor in the database that do not have a matching file in the storage.

  • findOrphanFiles() – finds all files in the storage that do not have a corresponding FileDescriptor instance in the database. Amazon S3 File Storage Implementation

The standard file storage implementation can be replaced by a cloud storage service. We recommend to use separate cloud file storage services for cloud deployments which, commonly, don’t guarantee the persistence of external files on their hard drives.

The platform provides support of Amazon S3 file storage service out-of-the-box. To support other services, you need to implement your custom logic.

To add Amazon S3 support, firstly, you need to register AmazonS3FileStorage class in the spring.xml file of the core module:

<bean name="cuba_FileStorage"

Next, you should define your Amazon settings in the app.properties file in the core module:

cuba.amazonS3.accessKey = <Access Key>
cuba.amazonS3.secretAccessKey = <Secret Access Key>
cuba.amazonS3.region = <Region>
cuba.amazonS3.bucket = <Bucket Name>

The accessKey and secretAccessKey should be those of your AWS IAM user account, not the AWS account itself. You can find the correct credentials on the Users tab of your AWS console.

The storage folder structure is organized similarly to the standard implementation.

5.9.9. Folders Panel

The folders panel provides quick access to frequently used information. It is a panel on the left side of the main application window containing a hierarchical structure of folders. Clicking on folders shows the corresponding system screens with certain parameters.

At the moment of writing, the panel is available for the Web Client only.

The platform supports three types of folders: application folders, search folders and record sets. Application folders are displayed at the top of the panel as a separate folder tree. Search folders and record sets are displayed at the bottom of the panel in a combined tree. Folders support keyboard shortcuts if the cuba.web.foldersPaneEnabled property is true.

  • Application folders:

    • Open screens with or without a filter.

    • The set of folders depend on the current user session. Folder visibility is defined by a Groovy script.

    • Application folders can be created and changed only by users with special permissions.

    • Folder headers may show the record count calculated by a Groovy script.

    • Folder headers are updated on timer events, which means that record count and display style for each folder can be updated.

  • Search folders:

    • Open screens with a filter.

    • Search folders can be local or global, accessible only by the user who created them or by all users, respectively.

    • Local folders can be created by any user, while global are created only by users with special permissions.

  • Record sets:

    • Open screens with a filter containing a condition to select specific records by their identifiers.

    • Record set content can be edited using the dedicated table actions: Add to set and Remove from set.

    • Record sets are available only to the user who created them.

The following application properties can influence the functionality of the folder panel: Application Folders

Creating application folders requires special permissions to create/edit application folders (cuba.gui.appFolder.global).

A simple application folder can be created via the folder panel context menu. Such folder will not be connected to the system screens and can be only used to group other folders within a folder tree.

A folder that opens a screen with a filter can be created as follows:

  • Open a screen and filter the records as necessary.

  • Select Save as application folder option in the Filter…​ button menu.

  • Fill in the folder attributes in the Add dialog:

    • Folder name.

    • Window title – a string to be added to the window title when opening it from the folder.

    • Parent folder – determines the location of the new folder in the folder tree.

    • Visibility script – a Groovy script defining folder visibility, executed at the start of user session.

      The script should return a Boolean. The folder is visible, if the script is not defined or returns true or null. Example of a Groovy script:

      userSession.currentOrSubstitutedUser.login == 'admin'
    • Count script – a Groovy script defining the record count and display style for a folder. Executed at the start of the user session and on timer.

      The script should return a numeric value, the integer part of which will be used as the record count value. If the script is not defined or returns null, the counter will not be displayed. In addition to the returned value, the script can also set the style variable, which will be used as folder display style. Example of a Groovy script:

      def em = persistence.getEntityManager()
      def q = em.createQuery('select count(o) from sales$Order o')
      def count = q.getSingleResult()
      style = count > 0 ? 'emphasized' : null
      return count

      In order for the style to be displayed, the application theme should contain this style for the v-tree-node element in cuba-folders-pane, for example:

      .c-folders-pane .v-tree-node.emphasized {
        font-weight: bold;

Scripts can use the following variables defined in the groovy.lang.Binding context:

  • folder – an instance of AppFolder entity for which the script is executed.

  • userSession – instance of UserSession for current user session.

  • persistence – implementation of the Persistence interface.

  • metadata – implementation of the Metadata interface.

The platform uses the same instance of groovy.lang.Binding for all scripts when the folders are being updated. So it is possible to pass variables between them in order to eliminate duplicate requests and increase performance.

Script sources can be stored within the attributes of the AppFolder entity or in separate files. In the latter case, the attribute should include a file path with a mandatory ".groovy" extension, as required by the Resources interface. If an attribute contains a string ending with ".groovy", the script will be loaded from the corresponding file; otherwise, the attribute content itself will be used as a script.

Application folders are instances of the AppFolder entity and are stored in the related SYS_FOLDER and SYS_APP_FOLDER tables. Search Folders

Search folders can be created by the users similar to application folders. Group folders are created directly via the context menu of the folder panel. The folders connected to screens are created from the Filter…​ button menu, using the Save as search folder option.

Creating global search folders, requires the user to have Create/edit global search folders permission (cuba.gui.searchFolder.global).

Search folder’s filter can be edited once the folder is created by opening the folder and changing the Folder:{folder name} filter. Saving the filter will change the folder filter as well.

Search folders are instances of the SearchFolder entity stored in the related SYS_FOLDER and SEC_SEARCH_FOLDER tables. Record Sets

Using records sets within a screen is possible, if the Filter has a corresponding Table component defined in the applyTo attribute. For example:

  <filter id="customerFilter"

  <groupTable id="customersTable"
          <button action="customersTable.create"/>

Add to set or Add to current set / Remove from set buttons should now appear in table context menu. If a table includes a buttonsPanel (as in the example above), the corresponding table buttons will also be added.

Record sets are the instances of the SearchFolder entity stored in the related SYS_FOLDER and SEC_SEARCH_FOLDER tables.

5.9.10. Information about Software Components

The platform provides an ability to register the information about third party software components used in the application (credits) and to display this information in the UI. The information includes a software component name, a website link and the license text.

Application components of the platform contain their own files with descriptions, like cuba-credits.xml, reports-credits.xml. The cuba.creditsConfig application property can be used to specify a description file of the application.

The structure of the credits.xml file is as follows:

  • The items element lists the used libraries with license texts included either as an embedded license element, or as a license attribute with a link to the text in the licenses section.

    It is possible to reference licenses declared in the current file as well as any other file declared in cuba.creditsConfig variable prior to the current one.

  • The licenses element lists the texts of general licenses used (e.g. LGPL).

The entire list of third-party software components can be displayed using the com/haulmont/cuba/gui/app/core/credits/credits-frame.xml frame, which loads the information from the files defined in the cuba.creditsConfig property. An example of the frame within a screen:

<dialogMode width="500" height="400"/>
<layout expand="creditsBox">
  <groupBox id="creditsBox"
      <frame id="credits"

If the dialog mode (WindowManager.OpenType.DIALOG) is used when opening the screen that contains the frame, the height must be specified; otherwise, the scrolling may work not correctly. See the dialogMode element in the example above.

5.9.11. Integration with MyBatis

The platform includes MyBatis framework, which offers wider capabilities for running SQL and mapping query results to objects compared to ORM native query or QueryRunner.

The following beans must be added into spring.xml file of the core module to use MyBatis in the project:

<bean id="sqlSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean">
    <property name="dataSource" ref="cubaDataSource"/>
    <property name="configLocation" value="cuba-mybatis.xml"/>
    <property name="mapperLocations" value="classpath*:com/sample/sales/core/sqlmap/*.xml"/>

<bean id="sqlSession" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate">
    <constructor-arg index="0" ref="sqlSessionFactory" />

The MapperLocations parameter defines a path to mapperLocations mapping files (according to the rules of ResourceLoader Spring interface).

Below is the an example of a mapping file for loading an instance of Order together with a related Customer and a collection of Order items:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.sample.sales">

    <select id="selectOrder" resultMap="orderResultMap">
        o.ID as order_id,
        o.DATE as order_date,
        o.AMOUNT as order_amount,
        c.ID as customer_id,
        c.NAME as customer_name,
        c.EMAIL as customer_email,
        i.ID as item_id,
        i.QUANTITY as item_quantity,
        p.ID as product_id,
        p.NAME as product_name
        SALES_ORDER o
        left join SALES_CUSTOMER c on c.ID = o.CUSTOMER_ID
        left join SALES_ITEM i on i.ORDER_ID = o.id and i.DELETE_TS is null
        left join SALES_PRODUCT p on p.ID = i.PRODUCT_ID
        c.id = #{id}

    <resultMap id="orderResultMap" type="com.sample.sales.entity.Order">
        <id property="id" column="order_id"/>
        <result property="date" column="order_date"/>
        <result property="amount" column="order_amount"/>

        <association property="customer" column="customer_id" javaType="com.sample.sales.entity.Customer">
            <id property="id" column="customer_id"/>
            <result property="name" column="customer_name"/>
            <result property="email" column="customer_email"/>

        <collection property="items" ofType="com.sample.sales.entity.Item">
            <id property="id" column="item_id"/>
            <result property="quantity" column="item_quantity"/>
            <association property="product" column="product_id" javaType="com.sample.sales.entity.Product">
                <id property="id" column="product_id"/>
                <result property="name" column="product_name"/>


The following code can be used to retrieve query results from the example above:

Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction();
try {
  SqlSession sqlSession = AppBeans.get("sqlSession");
  Order order = (Order) sqlSession.selectOne("com.sample.sales.selectOrder", orderId);
} finally {

5.9.12. Pessimistic Locking

Pessimistic locking should be used when there is a high probability of simultaneous editing of a single entity instance. In such cases the standard optimistic locking, based on entity versioning, usually creates too many collisions.

Pessimistic locking explicitly locks an entity instance when it is opened in the editor. As a result, only one user can edit this particular entity instance in a given moment of time.

Pessimistic locking mechanism can also be used to manage simultaneous execution of arbitrary processes. The key benefit is that the locks are distributed, since they are replicated in the Middleware cluster. More information is available in JavaDocs for the LockManagerAPI and LockService interfaces.

Pessimistic locking can be enabled for any entity class on application development or production stage using Administration > Locks > Setup screen, or as follows:

  • Insert a new record with the following field values into the SYS_LOCK_CONFIG table with the following field values:

    • ID – an arbitrary UUID-type identifier.

    • NAME – the name of the object to be locked. For an entity, it should be the name of its meta class.

    • TIMEOUT_SEC – lock expiration timeout in seconds.


    insert into sys_lock_config (id, create_ts, name, timeout_sec) values (newid(), current_timestamp, 'sales$Order', 300)
  • Restart the server or call reloadConfiguration() method of the app-core.cuba:type=LockManager JMX bean.

Current state of locks can be tracked via the app-core.cuba:type=LockManager JMX bean or through the Administration > Locks screen. This screen also enables unlocking of any object.

5.9.13. Running SQL Using QueryRunner

QueryRunner is a class designed to run SQL. It should be used instead of JDBC in all cases where using plain SQL is necessary and working with the ORM tools of the same purpose is not desired.

The platform’s QueryRunner is a variant of Apache DbUtils QueryRunner with the added ability to use Java Generics.

Usage example:

QueryRunner runner = new QueryRunner(persistence.getDataSource());
try {
  Set<String> scripts = runner.query("select SCRIPT_NAME from SYS_DB_CHANGELOG",
          new ResultSetHandler<Set<String>>() {
              public Set<String> handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
                  Set<String> rows = new HashSet<String>();
                  while (rs.next()) {
                  return rows;
  return scripts;
} catch (SQLException e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);

There are two ways of using QueryRunner: current transaction or separate transaction in autocommit mode.

  • To run a query in current transaction QueryRunner must be instantiated using a parameterless constructor. Then, query() or update() methods should be called with a Connection parameter retrieved via EntityManager.getConnection(). There is no need to close the Connection after the query, as it will be closed when the transaction is committed.

  • To run a query in a separate transaction, QueryRunner instance must be created using a constructor with the DataSource parameter retrieved using Persistence.getDataSource(). Then, query() or update() methods should be called without the Connection parameter. Connection will be created from the specified DataSource and immediately closed afterwards.

5.9.14. Scheduled Tasks Execution

The platform offers two ways to run scheduled tasks:

  • By using the standard TaskScheduler mechanism of the Spring Framework.

  • By using platform’s own mechanism of scheduled tasks execution. Spring TaskScheduler

This mechanism is described in details in the Task Execution and Scheduling section of the Spring Framework manual.

TaskScheduler can be used to run methods of arbitrary Spring beans in any application block both at the middleware and client tiers.

Example of configuration in spring.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-4.3.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-4.3.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/task http://www.springframework.org/schema/task/spring-task-4.3.xsd">


  <task:scheduled-tasks scheduler="scheduler">
      <task:scheduled ref="sales_Processor" method="someMethod" fixed-rate="60000"/>
      <task:scheduled ref="sales_Processor" method="someOtherMethod" cron="0 0 1 * * MON-FRI"/>

In the example above, two tasks are declared, which invoke someMethod() and someOtherMethod() of the sales_Processor bean. someMethod() will be invoked at fixed time intervals (60 seconds) from the moment of application startup. someOtherMethod() is invoked according to the schedule specified by Cron expression (for the description of the format of such expressions, see http://quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-1.x/tutorials/crontrigger).

The actual launch of tasks is performed by the bean specified in the scheduler attribute of the scheduled-tasks element. It is the bean of the CubaThreadPoolTaskScheduler class which is configured in the core and web modules of the cuba application component (see cuba-spring.xml, cuba-web-spring.xml). This class provides some CUBA-specific housekeeping functionality.

In order to provide SecurityContext to the code executed by Spring scheduled tasks on the middle tier, use System Authentication. CUBA Scheduled Tasks

CUBA scheduled tasks mechanism is intended to perform scheduled execution of arbitrary Spring beans methods on Middleware. The purposes of this mechanism and its distinction from the above mentioned standard Spring Framework schedulers are:

  • The ability to configure tasks while running an application without restarting the server.

  • The coordination of singleton tasks in the Middleware cluster, including:

    • Reliable protection from simultaneous execution.

    • Binding tasks to servers by priorities.

A singleton task is a task which must be executed only on one server at a certain moment of time. For example, reading from a queue and sending emails. Task Registration

Tasks are registered in the SYS_SCHEDULED_TASK database table, which corresponds to the ScheduledTask entity. There are browser and editor screens for working with tasks, which are available through the AdministrationScheduled Tasks menu.

Task attributes are described below:

  • Defined by – describes which software object implements the task. Possible values are:

    • Bean – the task is implemented by a method of a Spring managed bean. Additional attributes:

      • Bean name – the name of the managed bean.


        The bean is listed and available for selection only if it is defined in the core module and has an interface, which contains methods appropriate for invocation from the task. Beans without an interface are not supported.

      • Method name – the bean interface method that is executed. The method must either have no parameters, or all parameters must be of String type. The return type of the method can either be void or String. In the latter case the returning value will be stored in the executions table (see Log finish below).

      • Method parameters – the parameters of the chosen method. Only String type parameters are supported.

    • Class – the task is a class that implements the java.util.concurrent.Callable interface. The class must have a public constructor without parameters. Additional attributes:

      • Class name – the name of the class.

    • Script – the task is a Groovy script. The script is executed by Scripting.runGroovyScript(). Additional attributes:

      • Script name – the name of the script.

  • User name – the name of a user on whose behalf the task will be executed. If not specified, the task will be executed on behalf of the user specified in the cuba.jmxUserLogin application property.

  • Singleton – indicates that the task is a singleton, i.e. should be run only on one application server.

  • Scheduling type – the means of task scheduling:

    • Cron – Cron expression is a sequence of six fields, separated by spaces: second, minute, hour, day, month, day of a week. The month and the day of a week can be represented by the first three letters of their English names. Examples:

      • 0 0 * * * * – the beginning of every hour of every day

      • */10 * * * * * – every 10 seconds

      • 0 0 8-10 * * * – every day at 8, 9 and 10 o’clock

      • 0 0/30 8-10 * * * – every day at 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30 and 10 o’clock

      • 0 0 9-17 * * MON-FRI – every hour from 9 to 17 on working days

      • 0 0 0 25 DEC ? – every Christmas at midnight.

    • Period – task execution interval in seconds.

    • Fixed Delay – task will be executed with the specified in Period delay after completion of the preceding execution.

  • Period – task execution interval or delay in seconds if Scheduling type is Period or Fixed Delay.

  • Timeout – time in seconds, upon the expiration of which it is considered that the execution of the task is completed, regardless of whether there is information about task completion or not. If the timeout is not set explicitly, it is assumed to be 3 hours.

  • Start date – the date/time of the first launch. If not specified, the task is launched immediately on server startup. If specified, the task is launched at startDate + period * N, where N is an integer.

    It is reasonable to specify Start date only for "infrequent" tasks, i.e. running once an hour, once a day, etc.

  • Timeout – time in seconds, upon the expiration of which it is considered that the execution of the task is completed, regardless of whether there is information about task completion or not. If the timeout is not set explicitly, it is assumed to be 3 hours.

  • Time frame – if Start date is specified, Time frame defines the time window in seconds, during which the task will be launched after startDate + period * N time expires. If Time frame is not specified explicitly, it is equal to period / 2.

    If Start date is not specified, Time frame is ignored, i.e. the task will be launched at any time after Period since the previous execution of the task expires.

  • Start delay - delay of execution in seconds after the server is started and scheduling is activated. Set this parameter for a heavy task if you think that it slows down the server startup process.

  • Permitted servers – the list of comma-separated identifiers of servers that have the permission to run this task. If the list is not specified, the task may be executed on any server.

    For singleton tasks, the order of the servers in the list defines the execution priority: the first server has a higher priority than the last. The server with a higher priority will intercept the execution of the singleton as follows: if the server with a higher priority detects that the task has been previously executed by a server with lower priority, it launches the task regardless of whether the Period has elapsed or not.


    Server priority works only if Scheduling type is Period and the Start date attribute is not specified. Otherwise, start occurs at the same time and the interception is impossible.

  • Log start – flags if the task launch should be registered in the SYS_SCHEDULED_EXECUTION table, which corresponds to the ScheduledExecution entity.

    In the current implementation, if the task is a singleton, the launch is registered regardless of this flag.

  • Log finish – flags if the task completion should be registered in the SYS_SCHEDULED_EXECUTION table, which corresponds to the ScheduledExecution entity.

    In the current implementation, if the task is a singleton, completion is registered regardless of this flag.

  • Description – an arbitrary text description of the task.

The task also has activity flag, which can be set in the tasks list screen. Inactive tasks are ignored. Tasks Handling Control
  • cuba.schedulingActive application property should be set to true to enable tasks processing. You can do it either in the Administration > Application Properties screen, or through the app-core.cuba:type=Scheduling JMX bean (see its Active attribute).

  • All changes to tasks made via system screens take effect immediately for all servers in the cluster.

  • The removeExecutionHistory() method of the app-core.cuba:type=Scheduling JMX bean can be used to remove old execution history. The method has two parameters:

    • age – the time (in hours) elapsed after the task execution.

    • maxPeriod – the maximum Period (in hours) for tasks that should have their execution history removed. This enables removing the history for frequently run tasks only, while keeping the history for tasks executed once a day.

      The method can be invoked automatically. Create a new task with the following parameters:

      • Bean namecuba_SchedulingMBean

      • Method nameremoveExecutionHistory(String age, String maxPeriod)

      • Method parameters – for example, age = 72, maxPeriod = 12. Scheduling Implementation Details
  • Tasks processing invocation (the SchedulingAPI.processScheduledTasks() method) interval is specified in cuba-spring.xml and is equal to 1 second by default. It sets the minimal interval between task launches, which should be twice higher, i.e. 2 seconds. Reducing these values is not recommended.

  • The current implementation of the scheduler is based on the synchronization using row locks in the database table. This means that under significant load the database may not respond to the scheduler in time and it might be necessary to increase the launch interval (>1 second), thus the minimum period of launching tasks will be increased accordingly.

  • If the Permitted servers attribute is not specified, singleton tasks are performed only on the master node of the cluster (in case other conditions are met). It should be kept in mind that a standalone server outside the cluster is also considered a master.

  • The task will not be launched if its previous execution has not yet finished and the specified Timeout has not expired. For singleton tasks in the current implementation, this is achieved using the information in the database; for non-singletons, the execution status table is maintained in the server memory.

  • The execution mechanism creates and caches user sessions for users, specified in the User name attribute of the tasks or in the cuba.jmxUserLogin application property. The session is available in the execution thread of a launched task through the standard UserSessionSource interface.


Precise time synchronization of Middleware servers is required for correct execution of singleton tasks!

The Web Client block enables opening application screens by commands provided in the URL. If the browser does not have an active session with a logged in user, the application will show the login screen first, and then, after successful authentication, proceed to the main application window with the requested screen.

The list of supported commands is defined by the cuba.web.linkHandlerActions application property. By default, these are open and o. When the HTTP request is being processed, the last part of the URL is analyzed, and if it matches a registered command, control is passed to an appropriate processor, which is a bean implementing the LinkHandlerProcessor interface.

The platform provides a processor that accepts the following request parameters:

  • screen – name of the screen defined in screens.xml, for example:

  • item – an entity instance to be passed to the edit screen, encoded according to conventions of the EntityLoadInfo class, i.e. entityName-instanceId or entityName-instanceId-viewName. Examples:


    In order to create a new entity instance directly in the opened editor screen, add the NEW- prefix before the entity class name, for example:

  • params – parameters passed to the screen controller’s init() method. Parameters are encoded as name1:value1,name2:value2. Parameter values may include entity instances encoded according to the conventions of the EntityLoadInfo class. Examples:


If you want to provide additional URL commands, do the following:

  • Create a bean implementing the LinkHandlerProcessor interface in the web module of your project.

  • The canHandle() method of your bean must return true if the current URL, which parameters are passed in the ExternalLinkContext object, should be processed by your bean.

  • In the handle() method, perform required actions.

Your bean can optionally implement Spring’s Ordered interface or contain the Order annotation. Then you can specify the order of your bean in the chain of processors. Use the HIGHEST_PLATFORM_PRECEDENCE and LOWEST_PLATFORM_PRECEDENCE constants of the LinkHandlerProcessor interface to put your bean before or after processors defined in the platform. So if you specify the order lesser than HIGHEST_PLATFORM_PRECEDENCE, your bean will be requested earlier and you can override actions defined by a platform processor if needed.

5.9.16. Sequence Generation

This mechanism enables generating unique numerical sequences via a single API, independent of the DBMS type.

The main part of this mechanism is the UniqueNumbers bean with the UniqueNumbersAPI interface. The bean is available in the Middleware block. The interface has the following methods:

  • getNextNumber() – get the next value in a sequence. The mechanism enables simultaneous management of several sequences, identified by arbitrary strings. The name of the sequence from which you want to retrieve the value is passed in the domain parameter.

    Sequences do not require initialization. When getNextNumber() is called for the first time, the corresponding sequence will be created and 1 will be returned.

  • getCurrentNumber() – obtain the current, i.e. the last generated value of the sequence. The domain parameter sets the sequence name.

  • setCurrentNumber() – set the current value of the sequence. This value incremented by 1 will be returned by the next call to getNextNumber().

Below is an example of getting the next value in a sequence in a Middleware bean:

private UniqueNumbersAPI uniqueNumbers;

private long getNextValue() {
  return uniqueNumbers.getNextNumber("mySequence");

The getNextNumber() method of the UniqueNumbersService service is used to get sequence values in client blocks.

The app-core.cuba:type=UniqueNumbers JMX bean with methods duplicating the methods of the UniqueNumbersAPI is used for sequence management.

The implementation of the sequence generation mechanism depends on the DBMS type. Sequence parameters can also be managed directly in the database, but in different ways.

  • For HSQL, Microsoft SQL Server 2012+, PostgreSQL and Oracle each UniqueNumbersAPI sequence corresponds to a SEC_UN_{domain} sequence in the database.

  • For Microsoft SQL Server before 2012 each sequence corresponds to a SEC_UN_{domain} table with a primary key of IDENTITY type.

  • For MySQL sequences correspond to records in the SYS_SEQUENCE table.

5.9.17. User Session Log

This mechanism is designed for retrieving historical data on the users' login and logout by the system administrators. The logging mechanism is based on tracking user sessions. Each time the UserSession object is created, the log record is saved to the database containing the following fields:

  • user session ID.

  • user ID.

  • substituted user ID.

  • user’s last action (login / logout / expiration / termination).

  • remote IP address where login request came from.

  • user session client type (web, desktop, portal).

  • server ID (for example, localhost:8080/app-core).

  • event start date.

  • event end date.

  • client information (session environment: OS, web browser etc).

By default, the user session logging mechanism is not activated. The simplest way to activate logging is using the Enable Logging button on the Administration > User Session Log application screen. Alternatively, you can use cuba.UserSessionLogEnabled application property.

If needed, you can create a report for the sec$SessionLogEntry entity.

5.10. Functionality Extension

The platform enables extending and overriding the following aspects of its functionality in applications:

  • Extending entity attributes set.

  • Extending screens functionality.

  • Extending and overriding business logic contained in Spring beans.

Below is an example of the first two operations, illustrated by adding the "Address" field to the User entity of the platform security subsystem.

5.10.1. Extending an Entity

In the application project, derive an entity class from com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.User and add the required attribute with the corresponding access methods:

@Entity(name = "sales$ExtUser")
public class ExtUser extends User {

    @Column(name = "ADDRESS", length = 100)
    private String address;

    public String getAddress() {
        return address;

    public void setAddress(String address) {
        this.address = address;

The new name of the entity should be specified in the @Entity annotation. Since the parent entity does not declare the inheritance strategy, it is assumed to be SINGLE_TABLE by default. It means that the child entity will be stored in the same table as the parent one, and the @Table annotation is not required. Other parent entity annotations ( @NamePattern, @Listeners, etc.) are automatically applied to the child entity, but can be overridden in its class.

An important element of the new entity class is the @Extends annotation, which takes the parent class as a parameter. It enables creating a registry of child entities and forces the platform mechanisms to use them everywhere instead of the parent ones. The registry is implemented by the ExtendedEntities class, which is a Spring bean named cuba_ExtendedEntities, and is also accessible via the Metadata interface.

Add a localized name of the new attribute to the com.sample.sales.entity package:





Register the new entity in the persistence.xml file of the project:


Add the update script for the corresponding table to the database create and update scripts:

-- add column for "address" attribute
alter table SEC_USER add column ADDRESS varchar(100)
-- add discriminator column required for entity inheritance
alter table SEC_USER add column DTYPE varchar(100)
-- set discriminator value for existing records
update SEC_USER set DTYPE = 'sales$ExtUser' where DTYPE is null

In order to use new entity attributes in screens, create views for the new entity with the same names as the views of the base entity. A new view should extend the base view and define new attributes, for example:

<view class="com.sample.sales.entity.ExtUser"

    <property name="address"/>

The extended view will include all attributes from its parent view. An extended view is not required if the base one extends _local and you add only local attributes, so in the described case this step can be omitted.

5.10.2. Extending Screens

The platform supports creating new XML descriptors by inheriting them from the existing ones.

XML inheritance is implemented by specifying the parent descriptor path in the extends attribute of the root window element.

XML screen elements overriding rules:

  • If the extending descriptor has a certain element, the corresponding element will be searched for in the parent descriptor using the following algorithm:

    • If the overriding element is a view, the corresponding element will be searched by the name, class and entity attributes.

    • If the overriding element is a property, the corresponding element will be searched by the name attribute.

    • In other cases, if the overrinding element has the id attribute, the corresponding element with the same id will be searched for.

    • If the search is successful, the found element is overridden.

    • Otherwise, the platform determines how many elements with the provided path and name are contained in the parent descriptor. If there is only one element, it is overridden.

    • If search yields no result and there is either zero or more than one element with the given path and name in the parent descriptor, a new element is added.

  • The text for the overridden or added element is copied from the extending element.

  • All attributes from the extending element are copied to the overridden or added element. If attribute names match, the value is taken from the extending element.

  • By default, the new element is added to the end of the list of adjacent elements. In order to add a new element to the beginning or with an arbitrary index, you can do the following:

    • Define an additional namespace in the extending descriptor: xmlns:ext="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window-ext.xsd".

    • Add the ext:index attribute with a desired index, for example: ext:index="0" to the extending element.

In order to debug the descriptor conversion, you can output the resulting XML to the server log by specifying the TRACE level for the com.haulmont.cuba.gui.xml.XmlInheritanceProcessor logger in the Logback configuration file.

Below is an example descriptor of the ExtUser entities browser screen:

<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
      <groupTable id="usersTable">
              <column id="address" ext:index="2"/>

In this example, the descriptor is inherited from the standard User entities browser of the platform. The address column is added to the table with index 2, so it is displayed after login and name.

If you register a new screen in screens.xml with the same identifiers that were used for the parent screen, the new screen will be invoked everywhere instead of the old one.

<screen id="sec$User.browse"
<screen id="sec$User.lookup"

Similarly, let us create an edit screen:

<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/window.xsd"
      <fieldGroup id="fieldGroup">
          <column id="fieldGroupColumn2">
              <field property="address" ext:index="4"/>

Register it in screens.xml with the identifier of the parent screen:

<screen id="sec$User.edit"

Once all the abovementioned actions are completed, the application will use ExtUser with the corresponding screens instead of the standard User entity of the platform.

Screen controller can be extended by creating a new class that is inherited from the base screen controller. Class name is specified in the class attribute of the root element of the extending XML descriptor; the usual rules of inheriting XML described above will apply.

5.10.3. Extending Business Logic

The main part of platform business logic is contained in Spring beans. This enables to easily extend or override it in the application.

To substitute a bean implementation, you should create your own class that implements the interface or extends the base platform class and register it in spring.xml of the application. You cannot apply the @Component annotation to the extending class; overriding beans is possible only in the XML configuration.

Below is an example of adding a method to the PersistenceTools bean.

First, create a class with the necessary method:

public class ExtPersistenceTools extends PersistenceTools {

  public Entity reloadInSeparateTransaction(final Entity entity, final String... viewNames) {
      Entity result = persistence.createTransaction().execute(new Transaction.Callable<Entity>() {
          public Entity call(EntityManager em) {
              return em.reload(entity, viewNames);
      return result;

Register the class in spring.xml of the project core module with the same identifier as the platform bean:

<bean id="cuba_PersistenceTools" class="com.sample.sales.core.ExtPersistenceTools"/>

After that, the Spring context will always return ExtPersistenceTools instead of the base PersistenceTools instance. A checking code example:

Persistence persistence;
PersistenceTools tools;

persistence = AppBeans.get(Persistence.class);
tools = persistence.getTools();
assertTrue(tools instanceof ExtPersistenceTools);

tools = AppBeans.get(PersistenceTools.class);
assertTrue(tools instanceof ExtPersistenceTools);

tools = AppBeans.get(PersistenceTools.NAME);
assertTrue(tools instanceof ExtPersistenceTools);

The same logic can be used for overriding services, for example, from application components: to substitute a bean implementation, you should create a class that extends the base service functionality. In the example below the NewOrderServiceBean class is created to override the method from the base OrderServiceBean:

public class NewOrderServiceBean extends OrderServiceBean {
    public BigDecimal calculateOrderAmount(Order order) {
        BigDecimal total = super.calculateOrderAmount(order);
        BigDecimal vatPercent = new BigDecimal(0.18);
        return total.multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.add(vatPercent));

Then, if you register the new class in spring.xml, the new implementation will be used instead of the one from OrderServiceBean. Note that the base service id from the application component is used with the fully qualified name of the new class:

<bean id="workshop_OrderService" class="com.company.retail.service.NewOrderServiceBean"/>

5.10.4. Registration of Servlets and Filters

To use servlets and security filters, defined in the application component, in the owning application you need to register them in this component. The servlets are normally registered in the web.xml configuration file, however, this configuration is not propagated in the application where this app component is used.

The ServletRegistrationManager bean enables to register servlets and filters dynamically with correct ClassLoader and enables using such static classes as AppContext. It also guarantees the correct work for all deployment options.

ServletRegistrationManager has two methods:

  1. createServlet() - creates a servlet of the given servlet class. It loads the servlet class with the correct ClassLoader that is obtained from the application context object. It means that a new servlet will be able to use static classes, for example, AppContext or Messages bean.

  2. createFilter() - create filters in the same way.

In order to use this bean, we recommend creating a managed initializer bean in the application component. This bean should be annotated with the @Component annotation and contain event listeners that are subscribed to the application context initialization and destroy: ServletContextInitializedEvent and ServletContextDestroyedEvent.

An example of such bean:

public class WebInitializer {

    private ServletRegistrationManager servletRegistrationManager;

    public void initializeHttpServlet(ServletContextInitializedEvent e) {
        Servlet myServlet = servletRegistrationManager.createServlet(e.getApplicationContext(), "com.demo.comp.MyHttpServlet");

        e.getSource().addServlet("my_servlet", myServlet)

Here, the WebInitializer class has only one event listener which is used to register an HTTP servlet from an application component in the owning application.

The createServlet() method takes the application context obtained from ServletContextInitializedEvent and the HTTP servlet FQN. Then we register the servlet by its name (my_servlet) and define HTTP-mapping (/myservlet/). Now, if you add this app component to you application, MyHttpServlet will be registered right after the initialization of servlet and application contexts.

For more complex example, see the Registering DispatcherServlet from Application Component section.

Registration of Servlets for single WAR deployment

For correct class loading of custom filters and servlets in single WAR deployment, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a class that extends javax.servlet.ServletContextListener. This class will be in charge of servlets/filters creation:

    public class CustomWebListener implements ServletContextListener {
        public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent servletContextEvent) {
            ServletContext servletContext = servletContextEvent.getServletContext();
        public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {
        protected void registerServlet(ServletContext servletContext) {
            Servlet testServlet = new TestServlet();
            ServletRegistration.Dynamic servletReg = servletContext.addServlet("test_servlet", cubaServlet);
  2. Add a new parameter context-param in the single-war-web.xml file with the reference to the created class:


6. Application Development

This chapter contains practical information on how to create platform-based applications.

Code Formatting

  • For Java and Groovy code, it is recommended to follow the standard style described in Java Code Conventions. When programming in IntelliJ IDEA, you can just use the default style and Ctrl-Alt-L shortcut for formatting.

    The maximum line length is 120 characters. The indentation is 4 characters; using spaces instead of tabs is enabled.

  • XML code: indentation is 4 characters; using spaces instead of tabs is enabled.

Naming Conventions

Identifier Naming Rule Example

Java and Groovy classes

Screen controller class


Browse screen controller − {EntityClass}Browse

Edit screen controller − {EntityClass}Edit.



XML screen descriptors

Component identifier, parameter names in queries

lowerCamelCase, only letters and numbers.




Datasource identifier

lowerCamelCase, only letters and numbers ending with Ds.


SQL scripts

Reserved words


create table


UPPER_CASE. The name is preceded by the project name to form a namespace. It is recommended to use singular form in table names.






Foreign key columns

UPPER_CASE. Consists of the table referred by the column (without the project prefix) and the _ID suffix.



UPPER_CASE. Consists of the IDX_ prefix, name of the table that the index is created for (with the project prefix) and names of the fields included in the index.


6.2. Project File Structure

Below is the project file structure of a simple application, Sales, consisting of the Middleware, Web Client and Web Portal blocks.

project structure
Figure 37. Project File Structure

The project root contains build scripts (build.gradle, settings.gradle) and IntelliJ IDEA project files.

The modules directory includes the subdirectories of the project modulesglobal, core, gui, portal, web.

project structure global
Figure 38. The global Module Structure

The global module contains the source code directory, src, with configuration files – metadata.xml, persistence.xml and views.xml. The com.sample.sales.service package contains interfaces of the Middleware services; the com.sample.sales.entity package contains entity classes and localization files for them.

project structure core
Figure 39. The core Module Structure

The core module contains the following directories:

project structure gui
Figure 40. The gui Module Structure

The gui module includes the source code directory, src, with the screens.xml configuration file. The com.sample.sales.gui package contains XML descriptors and screen controllers, and localization files for them.

project structure web
Figure 41. The web Module Structure

The web module contains the following directories:

6.3. Build Scripts

Platform based projects are built using Gradle build system. Build scripts are two files in the project root directory:

  • settings.gradle – defines the project name and the set of modules.

  • build.gradle – defines the build configuration.

This section describes the structure of the scripts and the purpose and parameters of Gradle tasks.

6.3.1. Structure of build.gradle

This section describes the structure and main elements of the build.gradle script.


The buildscript section of the script defines the following:

  • A version of the platform.

  • A set of repositories for loading project dependencies. See how to configure access to the repositories below.

  • Dependencies used by the build system, including the CUBA Gradle plugin.

Below the buildscript section, a few variables are defined. They are used in the script later.


The CUBA-specific build logic is encapsulated in the cuba Gradle plugin. It is included in the root of the script and in the configure section of all modules by the following statement:

apply(plugin: 'cuba')

The settings of the cuba plugin are defined in cuba section:

cuba {
    artifact {
        group = 'com.company.sales'
        version = '0.1'
        isSnapshot = true
    tomcat {
        dir = "$project.rootDir/build/tomcat"
    ide {
        copyright = '...'
        classComment = '...'
        vcs = 'Git'

Let us consider the available options:

  • artifact - this section defines the group and version of the project artifacts being built. Artifact names are based on module names specified in settings.gradle.

    • group - artifact group.

    • version - artifact version.

    • isSnapshot - if true, artifact names will have the SNAPSHOT suffix.

      You can override the artifact version from the command line, for example:

      gradle assemble -Pcuba.artifact.version=1.1.1
  • tomcat - this section defines the settings of the Tomcat server which is used for fast deployment.

    • dir - location of the Tomcat installation directory.

    • port - listening port; 8080 by default.

    • debugPort - Java debug listening port; 8787 by default.

    • shutdownPort - port listening to the SHUTDOWN command; 8005 by default.

    • ajpPort - AJP connector port; 8009 by default.

  • ide - this section contains instructions for Studio and IDE.

    • vcs - a version control system for the project. Only Git and svn are currently supported.

    • copyright - copyright text to be inserted into beginning of each source file.

    • classComment - comment text to be placed above class declarations in Java source files.

  • uploadRepository - this section defines the settings of the repository where assembled project artifacts will be uploaded to upon completion of the uploadArchives task.

    • url - the repository URL. If not specified, Haulmont’s repository is used.

    • user - the repository user.

    • password - the repository password.

      You can pass the upload repository parameters from the command line with the following arguments:

      gradlew uploadArchives -PuploadUrl=http://myrepo.com/content/repositories/snapshots -PuploadUser=me -PuploadPassword=mypassword

This section contains a set of application components used by the project. Components are specified by their global module artifact. In the following example, three components are used: com.haulmont.cuba (cuba component of the platform), com.haulmont.reports (reports premium add-on) and com.company.base (a custom component):

dependencies {

The configure sections contain configuration of modules. The most important part of the configuration is the declaration of dependencies. For example:

configure(coreModule) {

    dependencies {
        // standard dependencies using variables defined in the script above
        // add a custom repository-based dependency
        // add a custom file-based dependency
        // add all JAR files in the directory to dependencies
        compile(fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']))

Non-standard module dependencies can be specified in Studio on the Project properties > Advanced tab. See Studio context help for details.


In case of transitive dependencies and version conflicts, the Maven strategy of dependencies resolution will be used. According to it, the release versions have priority over the snapshot ones, and the more precise numeric qualifier is the newest. Other things being equal, the string qualifiers are prioritized in alphabetical order. For example:

1.0-beta1-SNAPSHOT         // the lowest priority
1.0-beta2-SNAPSHOT         |
1.0-rc1-SNAPSHOT           |
1.0-rc1                    |
1.0-SNAPSHOT               |
1.0                        |
1.0-sp                     V
1.0.1                      // the highest priority

6.3.2. Configuring Access to Repository

Main Repository

When you create a new project, you have to select a main repository containing CUBA artifacts. By default, there are two options (and you can have more if you set up a private repository):

  • https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/work - a repository located at Haulmont’s server. It requires common credentials which are specified right in the build script (cuba / cuba123).

  • https://dl.bintray.com/cuba-platform/main - a repository hosted at JFrog Bintray. It has anonymous access.

Both repositories have identical contents for the latest platform versions, but Bintray does not contain snapshots. We assume that Bintray is more reliable for worldwide access.

In case of Bintray, the build script of the new project is also configured to use Maven Central, JCenter and Vaadin Add-ons repositories separately.

Access to CUBA Premium Add-ons

If your project uses CUBA Premium Add-ons, Studio adds one more repository:

  • In case of repo.cuba-platform.com it is https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/premium

  • In case of Bintray it is https://cuba-platform.bintray.com/premium

If you use a private repository, nothing is added automatically, because it is assumed that it proxies all CUBA repositories including premium ones.

Both Premium Add-ons repositories require a user name and a password which are provided by per-developer subscription. The first part of your license key before dash is the repository user name, the part after dash is the password. For example, if your key is 111111222222-abcdefabcdef, then the user name is 111111222222 and the password is abcdefabcdef.

When you build the project from Studio, it passes repository credentials to Gradle automatically. If you want to build the project outside Studio, you can pass premiumRepoUser and premiumRepoPass in the command line arguments with -P prefix. In case of Bintray, the user name must be followed by @cuba-platform.

Example of building with repo.cuba-platform.com:

gradlew assemble -PpremiumRepoUser=111111222222 -PpremiumRepoPass=abcdefabcdef

Example of building with Bintray:

gradlew assemble -PpremiumRepoUser=111111222222@cuba-platform -PpremiumRepoPass=abcdefabcdef

Instead of passing credentials each time you build the project from the command line, you can set them once in one of the following ways.

  • Either create a ~/.gradle/gradle.properties file and set properties in it:

  • Or set the following environment variables for your operating system:

    • CUBA_PREMIUM_USER - will be used if premiumRepoUser is not passed.

    • CUBA_PREMIUM_PASSWORD - will be used if premiumRepoPass is not passed.

Custom Repositories

Your project can use any number of custom repositories containing application components. They should be specified in build.gradle manually after the main repository, for example:

repositories {
    // main repository containing CUBA artifacts
    maven {
        url 'https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/work'
        credentials {
            // ...
    // custom repository
    maven {
        url 'http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-snapshots'

6.3.3. Build Tasks

Tasks are executable units in Gradle. They are defined both in the plugins and in the build script itself. Below are CUBA-specific tasks; their parameters can be configured in build.gradle. buildInfo

The buildInfo task is automatically added to your global module configuration by the CUBA Gradle plugin. It writes the build-info.properties file with the information about your application into the global artifact (e.g. app-global-1.0.0.jar). This information is read by the BuildInfo bean at runtime and is displayed on the Help > About window. This bean can also be invoked by different mechanisms to get the information about the application name, version, etc.

You can optionally change the following task parameters:

  • appName - application name. By default, the project name set in settings.gradle is used.

  • artifactGroup - artifact group, which is by convention equal to the root package of the project.

  • version - application version. By default, the version set in the cuba.artifact.version property is used.

  • properties - a map of arbitrary properties, empty by default.

Example of specifying custom properties of the buildInfo task:

configure(globalModule) {
    buildInfo {
        appName = 'MyApp'
        properties = ['prop1': 'val1', 'prop2': 'val2']
    // ... buildUberJar

buildUberJar – the task of the CubaUberJarBuilding type that creates JAR files containing the application code and all its dependencies together with embedded Jetty HTTP server. You can create either a single all-in-one JAR file or separate JARs for each application block, e.g. app-core.jar for the middleware and app.jar for the web client.

The task must be declared in the root of build.gradle. The resulting JAR files are located in the build/distributions project subdirectory. See the UberJAR Deployment section for how to run the generated JAR files.


The task can be configured using the Deployment settings > Uber JAR page in Studio. See its context help for details.

Task parameters:

  • coreJettyEnvPath - required parameter that defines a relative (from the project root) path to a file which contains JNDI resource definitions for Jetty HTTP server. The file must at least contain definition of a JDBC data source for the main database. Studio can generate this file on the basis of entered database connection parameters.

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        coreJettyEnvPath = 'modules/core/web/META-INF/jetty-env.xml'
        // ...

    You can also provide different DB settings for one and the same UberJar at run time using different jetty-env.xml files and the -jettyEnvPath command line argument.

  • appProperties - a map defining application properties. These properties will be added to the WEB-INF/local.app.properties files inside generated JARs.

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate' : true]
        // ...
  • singleJar - if set to true, a single JAR containing all modules (core, web, portal) will be created. false by default.

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        singleJar = true
        // ...
  • webPort - port for single (if singleJar=true) or web JAR embedded HTTP server, 8080 if not defined. Can also be set at run time using the -port command line argument.

  • corePort - port for core JAR embedded HTTP server, 8079 if not defined. Can also be set at run time using the -port command line argument for the respective JAR.

  • portalPort - port for portal JAR embedded HTTP server, 8081 if not defined. Can also be set at run time using the -port command line argument for the respective JAR.

  • appName - name of the application, which is app by default. You can change it for the whole project if you set Module prefix field on the Project Properties > Advanced tab in Studio, or you can set it only for the buildUberJar task using this parameter. For example:

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        appName = 'sales'
        // ...

    After changing the application name to sales the task will generate sales-core.jar and sales.jar files and the web client will be available at http://localhost:8080/sales. You can also change web contexts at run time without changing the application name using the -contextName command line argument or just by renaming the JAR file itself.

  • logbackConfigurationFile - defines a relative path to a file to be used for logging configuration.

    For example:

    logbackConfigurationFile = "/modules/global/src/logback.xml"
  • useDefaultLogbackConfiguration - while true (default value), the task will copy its own standard logback.xml configuration file.

  • webJettyConfPath - a relative path to a file to be used for Jetty server configuration for the single (if singleJar=true) or web JAR (if singleJar=false). See https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/9.4.x/jetty-xml-config.html.

  • coreJettyConfPath (do not confuse with coreJettyEnvPath described above) - a relative path to a file to be used for Jetty server configuration for the core JAR (if singleJar=false).

  • portalJettyConfPath - a relative path to a file to be used for Jetty server configuration for the portal JAR (if singleJar=false).

  • coreWebXmlPath - a relative path to a file to be used as a web.xml for the core module web application.

  • webWebXmlPath - a relative path to a file to be used as a web.xml for the web module web application.

  • portalWebXmlPath - a relative path to a file to be used as a web.xml for the portal module web application.

  • excludeResources - a file pattern of resources to not include in JARs.

  • mergeResources - a file pattern of resources to be merged in JARs.

  • webContentExclude - a file pattern of web content to not include in web JAR.

  • coreProject - a Gradle project representing the core module (Middleware). If not defined, the standard core module is used.

  • webProject - a Gradle project representing the web module (Web Client). If not defined, the standard web module is used.

  • portalProject - a Gradle project representing the portal module (Web Portal). If not defined, the standard portal module is used.

  • polymerProject - a Gradle project representing the Polymer UI module. If not defined, the standard polymer-client module is used.

  • polymerBuildDir - the name of the directory where the Polymer UI is built. It is es6-unbundled by default. Set this parameter if you have changed the build preset in polymer.json. buildWar

buildWar – the task of the CubaWarBuilding type, which builds a WAR file from the application code and its dependencies. It should be declared in the root of build.gradle. The resulting WAR file(s) are located in the build/distributions project subdirectory.


The task can be configured using the Deployment settings > WAR page in Studio. See its context help for details.

Any CUBA application consists of at least two blocks: Middleware and Web Client. So the most natural way to deploy an application is to create two separate WAR files: one for Middleware and one for Web Client. This also allows you to scale your application when the number of users grows. However, separate WAR files contain some duplicated dependencies that increase overall size. Besides, extended deployment options are often not needed and rather complicate the process. The CubaWarBuilding task can create both types of WAR files: one per block or single WAR containing both blocks. In the latter case, the application blocks are loaded into separate class loaders inside one web application.

Creating separate WAR files for Middleware and Web Client

To create separate WAR files for Middleware and Web Client, use the following task configuration:

task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
    appHome = '${app.home}'
    appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate': 'true']
    singleWar = false

Task parameters:

  • appName - the name of the web application. By default, it corresponds to the Modules prefix, e.g. app.

  • appHome – the path to the application home directory. You can specify an absolute or relative path to the home directory, or a placeholder for Java system variable which should be set at server start.

  • appProperties - an optional map defining application properties. These properties will be added to the /WEB-INF/local.app.properties files inside generated WAR.

    appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate': 'true'] will create the database at the first launch, if there wasn’t any.

  • singleWar - should be set to false for building separate WAR files.

  • includeJdbcDriver - include JDBC driver which is currently used in the project. false by default.

  • includeContextXml - include Tomcat context.xml file which is currently used in the project. false by default.

  • coreContextXmlPath - the relative path to a file which should be used instead of project’s context.xml if includeContextXml is set to true.

  • hsqlInProcess - if set to true, the database URL in context.xml will be modified for HSQL in-process mode.

  • coreProject - the Gradle project representing the core module (Middleware). If not defined, the standard core module is used.

  • webProject - the Gradle project representing the web module (Web Client). If not defined, the standard web module is used.

  • portalProject - the Gradle project representing the portal module (Web Portal). Set this property if the application project contains the portal module. For example, portalProject = project(':app-portal').

  • coreWebXmlPath, webWebXmlPath, portalWebXmlPath - a relative path to a file to be used as a web.xml of the corresponding application block.

    Example of using custom web.xml files:

    task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
        singleWar = false
        // ...
        coreWebXmlPath = 'modules/core/web/WEB-INF/production-web.xml'
        webWebXmlPath = 'modules/web/web/WEB-INF/production-web.xml'
  • logbackConfigurationFile - defines a relative path to a file to be used for logging configuration.

    For example:

    logbackConfigurationFile = "/modules/global/src/logback.xml"
  • useDefaultLogbackConfiguration - while true (default value), the task will copy its own standard logback.xml configuration file.

  • polymerBuildDir - the name of the directory where the Polymer UI is built. It is es6-unbundled by default. Set this parameter if you have changed the build preset in polymer.json.

Creating a single WAR file

To create a single WAR file that comprises both Middleware and Web Client blocks, use the following task configuration:

task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
    appHome = '${app.home}'
    webXmlPath = 'modules/web/web/WEB-INF/single-war-web.xml'

The following parameters should be specified in addition to the ones described above:

  • singleWar - should be omitted or set to true.

  • webXmlPath - the relative path to a file to be used as a web.xml of the single WAR. This file defines two servlet context listeners that load the application blocks: SingleAppCoreServletListener and SingleAppWebServletListener. All initialization parameters are passed to them through context parameters.

    Example of single-war-web.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
             xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd"
        <!--Application components-->
        <!-- Web Client parameters -->
            <description>List of app properties files for Web Client</description>
            <description>Web resources version for correct caching in browser</description>
        <!-- Middleware parameters -->
            <description>List of app properties files for Middleware</description>
        <!-- Servlet context listeners that load the application blocks -->

All filters and servlets for single WAR deployment should be registered programmatically, see Registration of Servlets for single WAR deployment.

Single WAR contains only core and web modules (Middleware and Web Client). To deploy the portal module, use separate WAR files.

See also WAR deployment to Jetty section for step-by-step instructions on some variants of WAR deployment. buildWidgetSet

buildWidgetSet - the task of the CubaWidgetSetBuilding which builds a custom GWT widgetset if the web-toolkit module exists in the project. This module enables development of custom visual components.

Available parameters:

  • style - the script output style: OBF, PRETTY or DETAILED. OBF by default.

  • logLevel - the logging level: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or ALL. INFO by default.

  • draft - compile quickly with minimal optimizations. false by default.

Example usage:

task buildWidgetSet(type: CubaWidgetSetBuilding) {
    widgetSetClass = 'com.company.sample.web.toolkit.ui.AppWidgetSet'
    style = 'PRETTY'
} createDb

createDb – the task of the CubaDbCreation type which creates application database by executing the corresponding scripts. It is declared in the core module. Parameters:

  • dbms – the DBMS type, specified as the string hsql, postgres, mssql, or oracle.

  • dbName – the database name.

  • dbUser – the DBMS username.

  • dbPassword – the DBMS user password.

  • host – the DBMS host and port (optional) in the host[:port] format. If not specified, localhost is used.

  • connectionParams - an optional connection parameters string which will be appended to the end of the connection URL.

  • masterUrl – the URL used to connect when creating the database. If not specified, the default value that depends on the DBMS type and the host parameter is used.

  • dropDbSql – the SQL command to delete the database. If not specified, the default value that depends on the DBMS type is used.

  • createDbSql – the SQL command to create a database. If not specified, the default value that depends on the DBMS type is used.

  • driverClasspath – the list of JAR files containing the JDBC driver. The items in the list are separated by ":" on Linux and by ";" on Windows. If not specified, the system uses the dependencies that are part of the current module’s jdbc configuration. Explicit definition of driverClasspath is necessary when using Oracle, because its JDBC driver is not available in the dependencies.

  • oracleSystemPassword – the SYSTEM user password for Oracle.

Example for PostgreSQL:

task createDb(dependsOn: assemble, description: 'Creates local database', type: CubaDbCreation) {
    dbms = 'postgres'
    dbName = 'sales'
    dbUser = 'cuba'
    dbPassword = 'cuba'

Example for MS SQL Server:

task createDb(dependsOn: assemble, description: 'Creates local database', type: CubaDbCreation) {
    dbms = 'mssql'
    dbName = 'sales'
    dbUser = 'sa'
    dbPassword = 'saPass1'
    connectionParams = ';instance=myinstance'

Example for Oracle:

task createDb(dependsOn: assemble, description: 'Creates database', type: CubaDbCreation) {
    dbms = 'oracle'
    host = ''
    dbName = 'orcl'
    dbUser = 'sales'
    dbPassword = 'sales'
    oracleSystemPassword = 'manager'
    driverClasspath = "$tomcatDir/lib/ojdbc6.jar"
} debugWidgetSet

debugWidgetSet - the task of the CubaWidgetSetDebug type which launches GWT Code Server for debugging widgets in the browser.

Example usage:

task debugWidgetSet(type: CubaWidgetSetDebug) {
    widgetSetClass = 'com.company.sample.web.toolkit.ui.AppWidgetSet'

Ensure that the web-toolkit module has a dependency on Servlet API library in the runtime configuration:

configure(webToolkitModule) {
    dependencies {

See Debugging Web Widgets for information on how to debug code in the browser. deploy

deploy – the task of the CubaDeployment type which performs fast deployment of a module to Tomcat. It is declared in the core, web and portal modules. Parameters:

  • appName – name of the web application that will be created from the module. In fact, it is the name of a subdirectory inside tomcat/webapps.

  • jarNames – the list of JAR file names (without versions) produced as a result of building a module and intended to be placed into the WEB-INF/lib catalog of the web application. All other module artifacts and dependencies will be copied to tomcat/shared/lib.

For example:

task deploy(dependsOn: assemble, type: CubaDeployment) {
    appName = 'app-core'
    jarNames = ['cuba-global', 'cuba-core', 'app-global', 'app-core']
} deployThemes

deployThemes - the task of the CubaDeployThemeTask type which builds and deploys themes defined in the project to the running web application deployed by the deploy task. Changes in the themes are applied without the server restart.

For example:

task deployThemes(type: CubaDeployThemeTask, dependsOn: buildScssThemes) {
} deployWar

deployWar - the task of the CubaJelasticDeploy type which deploys the WAR file to Jelastic server.


The task can be configured using the Deployment settings > Cloud page in Studio. See its context help for details.

For example:

task deployWar(type: CubaJelasticDeploy, dependsOn: buildWar) {
   email = '<your@email.address>'
   password = '<your password>'
   context = '<app contex>'
   environment = '<environment name or ID>'
   hostUrl = '<Host API url>'

Task parameters:

  • appName - the name of the web application. By default, it corresponds to the Modules prefix, e.g., app.

  • email - Jelastic server account login.

  • password - Jelastic account password.

  • context - the application context. Default value: ROOT.

  • environment - the environment where the application WAR will be deployed. You can set either the environment name or its ID.

  • hostUrl - URL of the API host. Typically it is app.jelastic.<host name>.

  • srcDir - the directory where the WAR is located. By default it is "${project.buildDir}/distributions/war". enhance

enhance – the task of the CubaEnhancing type which performs bytecode enhancement (weaving) of entity classes. It is declared in the global module.

For example:

task enhance(type: CubaEnhancing)

Optional parameters:

  • persistenceConfig - allows you to specify the set of persistence.xml files explicitly. If not set, the task will enhance all persistent entities listed in the *persistence.xml files located in the CLASSPATH.

  • metadataXml - allows you to specify the metadata.xml project file explicitly. If not set, the task will enhance all non-persistent entities listed in the *metadata.xml files located in the module source tree. restart

restart – the task that stops the local Tomcat server, runs fast deployment, and starts the server once again. setupTomcat

setupTomcat – the task of the CubaSetupTomcat type which performs installation and initialization of the local Tomcat server for subsequent fast deployment of the application. This task is automatically added to the project when you apply the cuba Gradle plugin, so you don’t need to declare it in build.gradle. Tomcat installation directory is specified by the tomcat.dir property of the cuba section. By default, it is the project’s build/tomcat subdirectory. start

start – the task of the CubaStartTomcat type which starts the local Tomcat server installed by the setupTomcat task. This task is automatically added to the project when you add the cuba plugin, so you don’t need to declare it in build.gradle. startDb

startDb – the task of the CubaHsqlStart type which starts the local HSQLDB server. Parameters:

  • dbName – database name, default is cubadb.

  • dbDataDir – database directory, default is the deploy/hsqldb subfolder of the project.

  • dbPort – server port, default is 9001.

For example:

task startDb(type: CubaHsqlStart) {
    dbName = 'sales'
} stop

stop – the task of CubaStopTomcat type which stops the local Tomcat server installed by the setupTomcat task. This task is automatically added to the project when you include the cuba plugin, so you don’t need to declare it in build.gradle. stopDb

stopDb – the task of the CubaHsqlStop type which stops the local HSQLDB server. The parameters are similar to startDb. tomcat

tomcat – the task of the Exec type which starts the local Tomcat server in the opened terminal window and keeps it open even if the start failed. This task may be useful for troubleshooting, e.g., to detect problems caused by Java version mismatch etc, on the server start. updateDb

updateDb – the task of the CubaDbUpdate type which updates the database by executing the corresponding scripts. It is similar to the createDb task, except that the dropDbSql and createDbSql parameters are omitted. zipProject

zipProject is the task of the CubaZipProject type which creates a ZIP archive of your project. The archive will not contain IDE project files, build results and Tomcat server. But HSQL database is included to the archive if present in the build directory.

This task is automatically added to the project when you apply the cuba Gradle plugin, so you don’t need to declare it in build.gradle.

6.3.4. Starting Build Tasks

Gradle tasks described in build scripts can be launched in the following ways:

  • If you are working with the project in CUBA Studio, all commands under the Build and Run main menu items actually connect to the Gradle daemon (launched at the start of Studio server) and run corresponding tasks.

  • Alternatively, you can use the executable gradlew script (Gradle wrapper) included in the project. The script should be located in the project root directory and can be created in Studio using the Build > Create Gradle wrapper command.

  • One more way is to use the manually installed Gradle version 4.3.1. In this case, run the gradle executable located in the bin subdirectory of the Gradle installation.


It is recommended to run the gradlew and gradle commands with the --daemon argument; in this case the Gradle daemon is retained in memory, which significantly accelerates the subsequent execution.

To remove the daemon from memory, you can use the --stop argument.

For example, in order to compile the Java files and build the JAR files for project artifacts, you need to run the following command:

gradlew --daemon assemble

If your project uses Premium Add-ons and you are starting build tasks outside Studio, you should pass the Premium Add-ons repository credentials to Gradle. See the section above for details.

Typical build tasks in their normal usage sequence are provided below.

  • idea, eclipse – create IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse project files. When this task is executed, dependencies with their source code are loaded from the artifact repository to the local Gradle cache.

  • cleanIdea, cleanEclipse – remove IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse project files.

  • assemble – compile Java files and build JARs for project artifacts in the build subdirectories of the modules.

  • clean – remove build subdirectories of all project modules.

  • setupTomcat – setup the Tomcat server to the path that is specified by the cuba..tomcat.dir property of the build.gradle script.

  • deploy – deploy the application to the Tomcat server that has been pre-installed by the setupTomcat task.

  • createDb – create an application database and run the corresponding scripts.

  • updateDb – update the existing application database by running the corresponding scripts.

  • start – start the Tomcat server.

  • stop – stop the running Tomcat server.

  • restart – sequentially run the stop, deploy, start tasks.

6.3.5. Setting Up a Private Artifact Repository

This section describes how to set up a private Maven repository and use it instead of the CUBA public repository for storing the platform artifacts and other dependencies. It is recommended in the following cases:

  • You have an unstable or slow connection to the internet. In spite of the fact that Gradle caches downloaded artifacts on the developer’s machine, you may need to connect to the artifact repository from time to time, for example when you run build for the first time or switch to a newer version of the platform.

  • You cannot have direct access to the internet due to a security policy of your organization.

  • You are not going to prolong your subscription to CUBA Premium Add-ons, but you need to be able to build your application in the future using the downloaded version of the artifacts.

The process of setting up a private repository consists of the following steps:

  • Install the repository manager software in a network connected to the internet.

  • Configure the private repository as a proxy for the CUBA public repository.

  • Make your project build script use the private repository. It can be done in Studio or right in build.gradle.

  • Perform full build of your project to cache all required artifacts in the private repository. Install the Repository Manager

For the purpose of this example, we will use Sonatype Nexus OSS repository manager and Microsoft Windows operating system.

  • Download Sonatype Nexus OSS version 2.x (2.14.3 has been tested)

  • Unpack zip file to the directory c:\nexus-2.14.3-02

  • Modify settings located in file c:\nexus-2.14.3-02\conf\nexus.properties:

    • You may configure server port; default is 8081

    • Configure repository data folder:



      with any convenient path to cached data, for example

  • Navigate to the folder c:\nexus-2.14.3-02\bin

  • To start and stop Nexus as a service, install the wrapper (run command as Administrator):

    nexus.bat install
  • Launch nexus service.

  • Open http://localhost:8081/nexus in the web browser and log in with the default credentials: login admin and password admin123. Configure the Proxy Repository

Click to the Repositories link on the left panel.

On the opened Repositories page click the Add button, then choose Proxy Repository. A new repository will be added. Fill in required fields at Configuration tab:

  • Repository ID: cuba-work

  • Repository Name: cuba-work

  • Provider: Maven2

  • Remote Storage Location: https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/work

  • Auto Blocking Enabled: false

  • Enable Authentication, set Username: cuba, Password: cuba123

  • Click Save button.

Create a Repository Group, in Nexus click Add button, then choose Repository Group and do the following on Configuration tab:

  • Enter the Group ID: cuba-group

  • Enter the Group Name: cuba-group

  • Provider: Maven2

  • Add the repository cuba-work from Available Repositories to Ordered Group Repositories

  • Click Save button.

If you have a subscription to the Premium Add-ons, add one more repository with the following settings:

  • Repository ID: cuba-premium

  • Repository Name: cuba-premium

  • Provider: Maven2

  • Remote Storage Location: https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/premium

  • Auto Blocking Enabled: false

  • Enable Authentication, set the first part of your license key (before dash) in the Username field and the second part of your license key (after dash) in the Password field.

  • Click Save button.

  • Click Refresh button.

  • Select the cuba-group group.

  • On the Configuration tab, add cuba-premium repository to the group below cuba-work.

  • Click Save button. Using the Private Repository

Now your private repository is ready to use. Find the cuba-group URL at the top of the screen, for example:

  • If you are creating a new project, click the button next to the Repository field in the New project window.

  • For an existing project, edit Project properties and click the button next to the Repository field.

  • In the opened dialog, click Add, enter the repository URL and credentials: admin / admin123.

  • Select the new repository and click OK to use it in the project.

  • Save the Project properties page.

  • Build the project.

During the first build your new repository downloads necessary artifacts and keeps them in the cache for the next usage. You may find them in c:\nexus-2.14.3-02\sonatype-work folder. Repository in an Isolated Network

If you need to develop on CUBA in a network without connection to the internet, do the following:

  • Install a copy of the repository manager in the target network.

  • Copy the cached content of the repository from the open network to the isolated one. If you followed the instructions above, the content is stored in

  • Restart the nexus service.

If you need to add artifacts of a new platform version to the isolated repository, go to the environment connected to the internet, make a build through its repository and then copy the contents to the isolated environment again. CUBA Studio in an Isolated Network

In order to use CUBA Studio in an isolated network, follow the steps below:

  • Download Gradle (version 4.3.1 is required) and install it onto developers machines.

  • Open CUBA Studio Server window.

  • Press Advanced button and set path to the folder where you have installed Gradle.

  • Start the Studio server.

  • Follow the steps above to configure your project.

6.4. Creating a Project

The recommended way to create a new project is to use CUBA Studio. An example can be found in the Quick Start chapter of this manual.

Once the project is created, you can keep developing it in the Studio, or create IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse project files and open the project in the IDE.

6.5. Logging

The platform uses Logback framework for logging.

To output to the log, use SLF4J API: get a logger for the current class and invoke one of its methods, for example:

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class Foo {
    // create logger
    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Foo.class);

    private void someMethod() {
        // output message with DEBUG level
        log.debug("someMethod invoked");

Logs for the Middleware, Web Client and Web Portal blocks are configured at the application server level; in fast deployment mode the server is Tomcat. Logs for the Desktop Client block are configured separately.

6.5.1. Setting up Logging in Tomcat

This section covers the setup of logging in development environment.

Running Gradle setupTomcat task installs the Tomcat server into the project directory and performs its additional configuration. Particularly, setenv.bat and setenv.sh files are created in the tomcat/bin subfolder, and logback.xml is created in the tomcat/conf subfolder.

Among other things, the setenv.* files define loading parameters for the logback.xml configuration file using the CATALINA_OPTS variable.

logback.xml defines logging configuration. The file has the following structure:

  • appender elements define the "output device" for the log. The main appenders are FILE and CONSOLE. The level parameter of ThresholdFilter defines the message threshold. By default, it is DEBUG for a file and INFO for console. It means that ERROR, WARN, INFO and DEBUG messages are written to a file, while ERROR, WARN and INFO are written to console.

    The path to the log file for the file appender is defined in the file parameter. The default is tomcat/logs/app.log.

  • logger elements define the logger parameters that are used to print messages from the program code. Logger names are hierarchical, i.e. the settings of the com.company.sample logger have effect on the com.company.sample.core.CustomerServiceBean and com.company.sample.web.CustomerBrowse loggers, if the loggers do not explicitly override the settings with their own.

    Minimum logging level is defined by the level attribute. For example, if the category is INFO, then DEBUG and TRACE messages will not be logged. It should be kept in mind that message logging is also affected by the level threshold set in the appender.

You can quickly change logger levels and appender thresholds for a running server using the Administration > Server Log screen available in the web client. Any changes to the logging settings are effective only during server runtime and are not saved to a file. The screen also enables viewing and loading log files from the server logs folder (tomcat/logs).

The platform automatically adds the following information to the messages written to the file log:

  • application – the name of the web application that has logged the message. This information enables identifying messages from different application blocks (Middleware, Web Client), since they are written into the same file.

  • user – the login name of the user who invoked the code logging the message. This helps to track activity of a certain user in the log. If the code that logged a message was not invoked within a specific user session, the user information is not added.

For example, the following message has been written to the log by the code of the Middleware block (app-core), running under the admin user:

16:12:20.498 DEBUG [http-nio-8080-exec-7/app-core/admin] com.haulmont.cuba.core.app.DataManagerBean - loadList: ...

6.5.2. Setting up Logging in The Desktop Client

For the desktop client, the logback.xml file should be located in the source files directory of the project’s desktop module. When an application is built, it is packed into the corresponding JAR file and is accessible in CLASSPATH.

Make the following steps to set up logging for your project:

  • Create a new file, for example sample-logback.xml, in the src directory of the desktop module, and copy the contents of cuba-logback.xml to this new file. cuba-logback.xml file is located in one of the platform’s JAR files and can be easily found using search in the IDE.

  • Define path to a log file in the file parameter of the FILE appender.

  • Add settings for loggers of your project.

  • In the inheritor class of com.haulmont.cuba.desktop.App of your project, for example SampleApp, override the getDefaultLogConfig() method and use it to return the path to your log file relative to the CLASSPATH root. For example:

    public class SampleApp extends App {
        protected String getDefaultLogConfig() {
            return "sample-logback.xml";
  • If necessary, you can override the location of the configuration file at the application start using logback.configurationFile system property.

6.6. Debugging

This section explains how to use step-by-step debugging in CUBA applications.

6.6.1. Connecting a Debugger

You can start Tomcat server in debug mode by either running the Gradle task

gradlew start

or by running the bin/debug.* command file of the installed Tomcat.

After this, the server will accept debugger connections over port 8787. Port number can be changed in the bin/setenv.* file, in the JPDA_OPTS variable.

For debugging in Intellij IDEA you need to create a new Remote type Run/Debug Configuration element in the application project and set its Port property to 8787.

6.6.2. Debug Version of Widgetset

The easiest way to debug the application on the client side without GWT Super Dev Mode is to use the debug configuration inside the web module configuration.

  1. Add the new debug configuration inside webModule:

    configure(webModule) {
        configurations {
            debug // a new configuration
  2. Add the debug dependency inside the dependencies block of webModule:

    dependencies {

    If the charts add-on is added, then debug("com.haulmont.charts:charts-web-toolkit:$cubaVersion:debug@zip") must be used.

  3. Add deploy.doLast task to the webModule configure block:

    task deploy.doLast {
        project.delete "$cuba.tomcat.dir/webapps/app/VAADIN/widgetsets"
        project.copy {
            from zipTree(configurations.debug.singleFile)
            into "$cuba.tomcat.dir/webapps/app"

The debug scenarios will be deployed in the $cuba.tomcat.dir/webapps/app/VAADIN/widgetsets/com.haulmont.cuba.web.toolkit.ui.WidgetSet directory of the project.

6.6.3. Debugging Web Widgets

You can use GWT Super Dev Mode to debug web widgets on the browser side.

  1. Setup the debugWidgetSet task in build.gradle.

  2. Deploy the application and start Tomcat.

  3. Run the debugWidgetSet task:

    gradlew debugWidgetSet

    The running GWT Code Server will recompile your widgetset on modification.

  4. Open http://localhost:8080/app?debug&superdevmode in Chrome web browser and wait for the widgetset is built for the first time.

  5. Open the debug console in Chrome:

    debugWidgetSet chrome console
  6. After changing the Java code in the web-toolkit module, refresh the web page in the browser. The widgetset will be rebuilt incrementally in approximately 8-10 seconds.

6.7. Testing

This section covers the ways of testing CUBA applications on different layers.

6.7.1. Unit Tests

Unit tests can be created and run both at the Middleware and the Client tiers. The platform includes JUnit and JMockit frameworks for this purpose.

Let us assume you have the following screen controller:

public class OrderEditor extends AbstractEditor {

    protected AddAction addAction;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
        addAction.setHandler(new Lookup.Handler() {
            public void handleLookup(Collection items) {
                // some code

You can write the following test checking the init() method:

public class OrderEditorTest {

    OrderEditor editor;

    Window.Editor frame;

    AddAction addAction;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        editor = new OrderEditor();
        editor.addAction = addAction;

    public void testInit() {
        editor.init(Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap());
        editor.setItem(new Order());

        new Verifications() {

6.7.2. Middleware Integration Tests

In the middle tier, you can create integration tests which run in a fully functional Spring container connected to the database. In such tests you can run code from any layer of the Middleware, from services to ORM.

First, create the test directory in your core module next to the src directory. Re-create IDE project files to be able to run tests from the IDE.

The platform contains the TestContainer class which can be used as a base class for the test container in the application project. Create a subclass in the test directory of your core module and, in its constructor, redefine parameters for loading components and application properties and test database connection parameters. For example:

public class SalesTestContainer extends TestContainer {

    public SalesTestContainer() {
        appComponents = Arrays.asList(
                // add CUBA premium add-ons here
                // "com.haulmont.bpm",
                // "com.haulmont.charts",
                // "com.haulmont.fts",
                // "com.haulmont.reports",
                // and custom app components if any
        appPropertiesFiles = Arrays.asList(
                // List the files defined in your web.xml
                // in appPropertiesConfig context parameter of the core module
                // Add this file which is located in CUBA and defines some properties
                // specifically for test environment. You can replace it with your own
                // or add another one in the end.
        dbDriver = "org.postgresql.Driver";
        dbUrl = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sales_test";
        dbUser = "cuba";
        dbPassword = "cuba";

An example of the custom test-app.properties file:

cuba.webContextName = app-core
sales.someProperty = someValue

We recommend using a separate test database, which can be created, for example, by the following Gradle task defined in build.gradle:

configure(coreModule) {
    task createTestDb(dependsOn: assemble, description: 'Creates local Postgres database for tests', type: CubaDbCreation) {
        dbms = 'postgres'
        dbName = 'sales_test'
        dbUser = 'cuba'
        dbPassword = 'cuba'

The test container should be used in test classes as a JUnit rule specified by the @ClassRule annotation:

public class CustomerLoadTest {

    public static SalesTestContainer cont = SalesTestContainer.Common.INSTANCE;

    private Customer customer;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        customer = cont.persistence().createTransaction().execute(em -> {
            Customer customer = cont.metadata().create(Customer.class);
            return customer;

    public void tearDown() throws Exception {

    public void test() {
        try (Transaction tx = cont.persistence().createTransaction()) {
            EntityManager em = cont.persistence().getEntityManager();
            TypedQuery<Customer> query = em.createQuery(
                "select c from sales$Customer c", Customer.class);
            List<Customer> list = query.getResultList();
            assertTrue(list.size() > 0);

In the example above, the test container is initialized once for all test methods of this class, and disposed after all of them finished.

As the container startup takes some time, you may want to initialize the container once for all tests contained in several test classes. In this case, create a common singleton instance of your test container:

public class SalesTestContainer extends TestContainer {

    public SalesTestContainer() {

    public static class Common extends SalesTestContainer {

        public static final SalesTestContainer.Common INSTANCE = new SalesTestContainer.Common();

        private static volatile boolean initialized;

        private Common() {

        public void before() throws Throwable {
            if (!initialized) {
                initialized = true;

        public void after() {
            // never stops - do not call super

And use it in your test classes:

public class CustomerLoadTest {

    public static SalesTestContainer cont = SalesTestContainer.Common.INSTANCE;

Useful container methods

The TestContainer class contains the following methods that can be used in the test code (see the CustomerLoadTest example above):

  • persistence() – returns the reference to the Persistence interface.

  • metadata() – returns the reference to the Metadata interface.

  • deleteRecord() – this set of overloaded methods is aimed to be used in @After methods to clean up the database after tests.


The test container sets up logging according to the test-logback.xml file provided by the platform. It is contained in the root of the cuba-core-tests artifact.

If you want to configure logging levels for your tests, do the following:

  • Copy test-logback.xml from the platform artifact to the root of the test folder of your project’s core module, e.g. as my-test-logback.xml.

  • Configure appenders and loggers in my-test-logback.xml.

  • Add a static initializer to your test container to specify the location of your logback configuration file in the logback.configurationFile system property:

    public class MyTestContainer extends TestContainer {
        static {
            System.setProperty("logback.configurationFile", "my-test-logback.xml");
        // ...
Additional Data Stores

If your project uses additional data stores, you should create corresponding JDBC data sources in your test container. For example, if you have mydb datastore which is a PostgreSQL database, add the following method to the test container class:

public class MyTestContainer extends TestContainer {
    // ...

    protected void initDataSources() {
        try {
            TestDataSource mydbDataSource = new TestDataSource("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mydatabase", "cuba", "cuba");
            TestContext.getInstance().bind(AppContext.getProperty("cuba.dataSourceJndiName_mydb"), mydbDataSource);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NamingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error initializing datasource", e);

    // ...

6.7.3. Client Tier Integration Tests

Client tier integration tests can be implemented using JMockit framework. It helps isolating the tests from the Middleware and creating the required infrastructure objects.

Client integration test class should be inherited from CubaClientTestCase. In the @Before method, you should call the inherited methods addEntityPackage(), setViewConfig() and then setupInfrastructure() to create Metadata and Configuration objects and deploy metadata for selected entities. Then, in the @Before method, you can extend the infrastructure with required mock objects using Expectations or NonStrictExpectations.

An example of an initialized @Before method from one of the platform tests:

public void setUp() throws Exception {

    metadataSession = metadata.getSession();
    dataSupplier = new TestDataSupplier();

    dataSupplier.commitCount = 0;

    new NonStrictExpectations() {
        @Mocked ClientConfig clientConfig;
        @Mocked PersistenceHelper persistenceHelper;
            configuration.getConfig(ClientConfig.class); result = clientConfig;

            clientConfig.getCollectionDatasourceDbSortEnabled(); result = true;

            persistenceManager.getMaxFetchUI(anyString); result = 10000;

            PersistenceHelper.isNew(any); result = false;

6.8. Hot Deploy

CUBA Platform supports Hot Deploy technology which helps to apply project changes to the running application immediately without the need to restart the application server. In essence, hot deployment is performed by copying updated resources and Java source files of the project to the configuration directory of the application, and then the running application compiles the source code and loads new classes and resources.

How it works

When you make some changes in the source code, Studio copies the changed files to the configuration directory of the web application (tomcat/conf/app or tomcat/conf/app-core). The resources in the configuration directory have priority over the resources in the JAR files of the application, so the running application will load these resources next time it needs them. If it encounters Java source files, it compiles them on the fly and loads the resulting classes.

Studio also sends signals to the application to clear appropriate caches in order to make it load the changed resources. These are messages cache and the configurations of views, registered screens and menu.

When the application server is restarted, all files in the configuration directory are removed, and the JAR files contain the latest versions of your code.

What can be hot deployed

Other UI and middleware classes and beans, including their static methods, are hot deployed only if some screen file or a middleware service implementation that uses them has also been changed.

The reason for this is that class reloading is started by a signal: for screen controllers it is the screen reopening by a user, for services - Studio generates a special trigger file that is recognized by the server and is used to reload the particular service class and all its dependencies.

What cannot be hot deployed
Usage of hot deploy in Studio

Hot deploy settings can be configured in Studio on the Help > Settings page:

  • The Hot deploy settings dialog allows you to configure mappings between source paths and Tomcat directories.

  • The Instant hot deploy checkbox allows you to turn off automatic hot deploy for the current project.

When the instant hot deploy is disabled, you can manually trigger it by running Run > Hot deploy conf menu command.

7. Application Deployment

This chapter describes different aspects of CUBA applications deployment and operation.

Below is a diagram showing a possible deployment structure. It eliminates a single point of failure, provides load balancing and connection of different clients.


In the simplest case, however, an application can be installed on a single computer that contains also the database. Various deployment options depending on load and fault tolerance requirements are described in detail in Application Scaling.

7.1. Application Home

Application home is a file system directory where Application Directories described below can be placed together. It is used in all deployment scenarios except Fast Deployment in Tomcat. In the latter case, the application directories are located in specific Tomcat folders.

The application home is formed simply by specifying a common root for the application directories. It is normally done in the /WEB-INF/local.app.properties file inside of a WAR or UberJAR file.

  • If you build a WAR file, you have to define the path to the application home in the buildWar Gradle task. You can specify an absolute path or a path relative to the server working directory if you know in advance where the WAR will be deployed. If not, you can specify a placeholder for a Java system property and provide the real path at runtime.

    Example of an application home set at runtime:

    • Task configuration:

      task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
          appHome = '${app.home}'
          // ...
    • Content of /WEB-INF/local.app.properties after building the WAR:

      cuba.logDir = ${app.home}/logs
      cuba.confDir = ${app.home}/${cuba.webContextName}/conf
      cuba.tempDir = ${app.home}/${cuba.webContextName}/temp
      cuba.dataDir = ${app.home}/${cuba.webContextName}/work
    • Command line providing app.home system property:

      java -Dapp.home=/opt/app_home ...

      The way to set the Java system property depends on your application server. For Tomcat, it is recommended to set it in the bin/setenv.sh (or bin/setenv.bat) file.

    • Resulting directory structure:

  • In case of UberJAR, the home is set to the working directory by default, but can be redefined by the app.home Java system property. So in order to have the home in the same directory as described above for WAR example, it is enough to specify it in the command line as follows:

    java -Dapp.home=/opt/app_home -jar app.jar

7.2. Application Directories

This section describes file system directories used by various application blocks at runtime.

7.2.1. Configuration Directory

The configuration directory can contain resources that complement and override configuration, user interface, and business logic after the application is deployed. Overriding is provided by the loading mechanism of the Resources infrastructure interface. Firstly it performs the search in the configuration directory and then in the classpath, so that resources from the configuration directory take precedence over identically named resources located in JAR files and class directories.

The configuration directory may contain resources of the following types:

The location of the configuration directory is determined by the cuba.confDir application property. In case of fast deployment in Tomcat, it is a subdirectory with the web application name in the tomcat/conf directory, for example, tomcat/conf/app-core for the Middleware. For other deployment scenarios, the configuration directory is located inside the application home.

7.2.2. Work Directory

The application uses the work directory to store some persistent data and configuration.

For example, the file storage mechanism by default uses the filestorage subdirectory of the work directory. Besides, the Middleware block writes generated persistence.xml and orm.xml files into the work directory on startup.

Work directory location is determined by the cuba.dataDir application property. In case of fast deployment in Tomcat, it is a subdirectory with the name of the web application in the tomcat/work directory. For other deployment scenarios, the work directory is located inside the application home.

7.2.3. Log Directory

The content of log files is determined by the configuration of the Logback framework. The platform provides a default configuration file logback.xml in the classpath root. According to its settings, the log messages will be printed to the standard output.

In order to specify your own logging configuration, provide the logback.configurationFile Java system property with the path to your configuration file. See Setting up Logging in Tomcat for how to do it in case of fast deployment.

The logging configuration determines where the log file is located. It can be a directory inside a specific Tomcat folder (tomcat/logs in case of fast deployment), or a directory inside the application home. You can control it if you take the logback.xml from the deploy/tomcat/conf folder of your project and modify the logDir property, for example:

<configuration debug="false">
    <property name="logDir" value="${app.home}/logs"/>
    <!-- ... -->

The application should know where you store log files in order to allow administrators to view and load them in the Administration > Server Log screen. Use the cuba.logDir application property to set the location to the same directory as defined by logback.xml.

See also Logging.

7.2.4. Temporary Directory

This directory can be used by the application for creating arbitrary temporary files at runtime. The path to the temporary directory is determined by the cuba.tempDir application property. In case of fast deployment in Tomcat, it is a subdirectory with the name of the web application in the tomcat/temp directory. For other deployment scenarios, the temporary directory is located inside the application home.

7.2.5. Database Scripts Directory

This directory contains the set of SQL scripts to create and update the database. It is specific to the Middleware block.

The script directory structure reproduces the one described in Scripts to Create and Update the Database, but it also has an additional top level that separates application components and the application scripts. The numbering of top-level directories is performed by project build tasks.

The DB scripts directory location is determined by cuba.dbDir application property. For fast deployment in Tomcat, it is the WEB-INF/db subdirectory of the middleware web application directory: tomcat/webapps/app-core/WEB-INF/db. For other deployment scenarios, the database scripts are located in the /WEB-INF/db directory inside WAR or UberJAR files.

7.3. Deployment Options

This section describes different ways to deploy CUBA applications:

7.3.1. Fast Deployment in Tomcat

Fast deployment is used by default when developing an application, as it provides minimum time for building, installation and starting the application. This option can also be used in production.

Fast deployment is performed using the deploy task that is declared for core and web modules in the build.gradle file. Before the first execution of deploy, a local Tomcat server should be set up and initialized using the setupTomcat task.


Please make sure your environment does not contain CATALINA_HOME, CATALINA_BASE and CLASSPATH variables. They may cause problems starting Tomcat without any reflection in logs. Reboot your computer after removing the variables.

As result of fast deployment, the following structure is created in the directory that is specified by the cuba.tomcat.dir property of the build.gradle script (only important directories and files are listed below):

    setenv.bat, setenv.sh
    startup.bat, startup.sh
    debug.bat, debug.sh
    shutdown.bat, shutdown.sh







  • bin – the directory that contains tools to start and stop the Tomcat server:

    • setenv.bat, setenv.sh – the scripts that set environment variables. These scripts should be used for setting JVM memory parameters, specifying a configuration file for logging, configuring access to JMX, parameters to connect the debugger.


      If you experience slow startup of Tomcat on Linux installed in a virtual machine (VPS), try to configure a non-blocking entropy source for JVM in setenv.sh:

      CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom"
    • startup.bat, startup.sh – the scripts that start Tomcat. The server starts in a separate console window on Windows and in the background on *nix.

      To start the server in the current console window, use the following commands instead of startup.*:

      > catalina.bat run

      $ ./catalina.sh run

    • debug.bat, debug.sh – the scripts that are similar to startup.*, but start Tomcat with an ability to connect the debugger. These scripts are launched when running the start the task of the build script.

    • shutdown.bat, shutdown.sh – the scripts that stop Tomcat.

  • conf – the directory that contains configuration files of Tomcat and its deployed applications.

    • catalina.properties – the Tomcat properties. To load shared libraries from the shared/lib directory (see below), this file should contain the following line:

    • server.xml – Tomcat configuration descriptor.

    • logback.xml – application logging configuration descriptor.

    • logging.properties – Tomcat server logging configuration descriptor.

    • Catalina/localhost – in this directory, context.xml application deployment descriptors can be placed. Descriptors located in this directory take precedence over the descriptors in the META-INF directories of the application. This approach is often convenient for the production environment. For example, with this descriptor, it is possible to specify the database connection parameters that are different from those specified in the application itself.

      Server-specific deployment descriptor should have the application name and the .xml extension. So, to create this descriptor, for example, for the app-core application, copy the contents of the webapps/app-core/META-INF/context.xml file to the conf/Catalina/localhost/app-core.xml file.

    • app – web client application configuration directory.

    • app-core – middleware application configuration directory.

  • lib – directory of the libraries that are loaded by the server’s common classloader. These libraries are available for both the server and all web applications deployed in it. In particular, this directory should have JDBC drivers of the utilized databases (hsqldb-XYZ.jar, postgresql-XYZ.jar, etc.)

  • logs – application and server logs directory. The main log file of the application is app.log (see Setting up Logging in Tomcat).

  • shared/lib – directory of libraries that are available to all deployed applications. These libraries classes are loaded by the server’s special shared classloader. Its usage is configured in the conf/catalina.properties file as described above.

    The deploy task of the build script copies all libraries not listed in the jarNames parameter, i.e. not specific for the given application, into this directory.

  • temp/app, temp/app-core – web client and the middleware applications temporary directories.

  • webapps – web application directories. Each application is located in its own subdirectory in the exploded WAR format.

    The deploy task of the build script create application subdirectories with the names specified in the appName parameters and, among other things, copy the libraries listed in the jarNames parameter to the WEB-INF/lib subdirectory for each application.

  • work/app, work/app-core – web client and the middleware applications work directories. Using Tomcat in Production

By default, the fast deployment procedure creates the app and app-core web applications running on port 8080 of the local Tomcat instance. It means that the web client is available at http://localhost:8080/app.

You can use this Tomcat instance in production just by copying the tomcat directory to the server. All you have to do is to set up the server host name in both conf/app/local.app.properties and conf/app-core/local.app.properties files (create the files if they do not exist):

cuba.webHostName = myserver
cuba.webAppUrl = http://myserver:8080/app

Besides, set up the connection to you production database. You can do it in the context.xml file of your web application (webapps/app-core/META-INF/context.xml), or copy this file to conf/Catalina/localhost/app-core.xml as described in the previous section to separate development and production settings.

You can create the production database from a development database backup, or set up the automatic creation and further updating of the database. See Creating and Updating the Database in Production.

Optional Configuration
  1. If you want to change the Tomcat port or web context (the last part of the URL after /), use Studio:

    • Open the project in Studio.

    • Go to Project Properties > Edit > Advanced.

    • To change the web context, edit the Modules prefix field.

    • To change the Tomcat port, edit the Tomcat ports > HTTP port field.

  2. If you want to use the root context (http://myserver:8080/), rename app (or whatever you set on the previous step) directories to ROOT


    and use / as the web context name in conf/ROOT/local.app.properties:

    cuba.webContextName = /

7.3.2. WAR deployment to Jetty

Below is an example of deployment of the WAR files to the Jetty web server. It is assumed that the application uses a PostgreSQL database.

  1. Use Deployment settings > WAR page in Studio or just manually add the buildWar task to the end of build.gradle:

    task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
        appHome = '${app.home}'
        appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate': 'true']
        singleWar = false

    Please note that we are building two separate WAR files for Middleware and Web Client blocks here.

  2. Start build process by running buildWar from the Search dialog in Studio or from the command line (provided that you have created the Gradle wrapper beforehand):

    gradlew buildWar

    As a result, the app-core.war and app.war files will be created in the build\distributions\war project subdirectory.

  3. Create an application home directory, for example, c:\work\app_home.

  4. Download and install Jetty to a local directory, for example, c:\work\jetty-home. This example has been tested on jetty-distribution-9.3.6.v20151106.zip.

  5. Create the c:\work\jetty-base directory, open the command prompt in it and execute:

    java -jar c:\work\jetty-home\start.jar --add-to-start=http,jndi,deploy,plus,ext,resources
  6. Create the c:\work\jetty-base\app-jetty.xml file with the following contents (for a PostgreSQL database named test):

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-" "http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/configure_9_0.dtd">
    <Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
        <New id="CubaDS" class="org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jndi.Resource">
                <New class="org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource">
                    <Set name="ServerName">localhost</Set>
                    <Set name="PortNumber">5432</Set>
                    <Set name="DatabaseName">test</Set>
                    <Set name="User">cuba</Set>
                    <Set name="Password">cuba</Set>

    The app-jetty.xml file for MS SQL databases should correspond to the following template:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-" "http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/configure_9_0.dtd">
    <Configure id='wac' class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
        <New id="CubaDS" class="org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jndi.Resource">
                <New class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource">
                    <Set name="driverClassName">com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver</Set>
                    <Set name="url">jdbc:sqlserver://server_name;databaseName=db_name</Set>
                    <Set name="username">username</Set>
                    <Set name="password">password</Set>
                    <Set name="maxIdle">2</Set>
                    <Set name="maxTotal">20</Set>
                    <Set name="maxWaitMillis">5000</Set>
  7. Optionally (for example, for MS SQL database) you may be required to download the following JARs and add them to the c:\work\jetty-base\lib\ext folder:

  8. Add the following text to the beginning of c:\work\jetty-base\start.ini file:

    # ---------------------------------------
  9. Copy the JDBC driver for your database to the c:\work\jetty-base\lib\ext directory. You can take the driver file from the CUBA Studio lib directory or from the build\tomcat\lib project directory. In case of PostgreSQL database, it is postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc4.jar.

  10. Copy WAR files to the c:\work\jetty-base\webapps directory.

  11. Open the command prompt in the c:\work\jetty-base directory and run:

    java -jar c:\work\jetty-home\start.jar
  12. Open http://localhost:8080/app in your web browser.

7.3.3. WAR deployment to WildFly

The WAR files with CUBA application can be deployed to the WildFly application server. An example below demonstrates how to deploy a CUBA application using PostgreSQL 9.6 to the WildFly 14.0.0 server on Windows.

  1. Assemble and deploy the project to the default Tomcat server in order to get all necessary dependencies locally.

  2. Configure the application home directory for the application:

    • Create a folder that will be fully available for WildFly server’s process. For example: C:\Users\UserName\app_home.

    • Copy the logback.xml file from tomcat/conf to this folder and edit the logDir property:

    <property name="logDir" value="${app.home}/logs"/>
  3. Configure the WildFly server

    • Install WildFly to a local folder, for example, to C:\wildfly.

    • Edit the C:\wildfly\bin\standalone.conf.bat file and add the following line to the end of the file:

    set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dapp.home=%USERPROFILE%/app_home -Dlogback.configurationFile=%USERPROFILE%/app_home/logback.xml"

    Here we define the app.home system property with the application home directory and configure the logging by setting the path to the logback.xml file. You can also use an absolute path instead of %USERPROFILE% variable.

    • Compare the Hibernate Validator versions in WildFly and CUBA application. If the platform uses a newer version, replace the C:\wildfly\modules\system\layers\base\org\hibernate\validator\main\hibernate-validator-x.y.z-sometext.jar with the newer file from tomcat\shared\lib, for example, hibernate-validator-5.4.2.Final.jar.

    • Update the JAR file version number in the \wildfly\modules\system\layers\base\org\hibernate\validator\main\module.xml file.

    • To register PostgreSQL driver in WildFly, copy the postgresql-9.4.1212.jar from tomcat\lib to C:\wildfly\standalone\deployments.

    • Setup WildFly logger: open the \wildfly\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml file and add two lines to the <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:{version}" block:

      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:6.0">
          <add-logging-api-dependencies value="false"/>
          <use-deployment-logging-config value="false"/>
          . . .
  4. Create JDBC Datasource

    • Start WildFly by running standalone.bat

    • Open the administration console on http://localhost:9990. The first time you log in, you will be asked to create a user and a password.

    • Open the Configuration - Subsystems - Datasources and Drivers - Datasources tab and create a new datasource for your application:

    Name: Cuba
    JNDI Name: java:/jdbc/CubaDS
    JDBC Driver: postgresql-9.4.1212.jar
    Driver Module Name: org.postgresql
    Driver Class Name: org.postgresql.Driver
    Connection URL: your database URL
    Username: your database username
    Password: your database password

    The JDBC driver will be available on the list of detected drivers if you have copied postgresql-x.y.z.jar as described above.

    Check the connection by clicking the Test connection button.

    • Activate the datasource.

  5. Build the application

    • Open Deployment settings > WAR in Studio.

    • Check Build WAR checkbox.

    • Set ${app.home} in the Application home directory field.

    • Save the settings.

    • Open build.gradle in IDE and add the doAfter property to the buildWar task. This property will copy the WildFly deployment descriptor:

      task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
          appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate' : true]
          singleWar = false
          appHome = '${app.home}'
          doAfter = {
              copy {
                  from 'jboss-deployment-structure.xml'
                  into "${project.buildDir}/buildWar/core/war/META-INF/"
              copy {
                  from 'jboss-deployment-structure.xml'
                  into "${project.buildDir}/buildWar/web/war/META-INF/"

      For a singleWAR configuration the task will be different:

      task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
          webXmlPath = 'modules/web/web/WEB-INF/single-war-web.xml'
          appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate' : true]
          appHome = '${app.home}'
          doAfter = {
              copy {
                  from 'jboss-deployment-structure.xml'
                  into "${project.buildDir}/buildWar/war/META-INF/"

      If your project also contains a Polymer module, add the following configuration to your single-war-web.xml file:

    • In the project root folder, create the jboss-deployment-structure.xml file and add the WildFly deployment descriptor to it:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jboss-deployment-structure xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment-structure:1.0">
                <module name="org.apache.commons.logging" />
                <module name="org.apache.log4j" />
                <module name="org.jboss.logging" />
                <module name="org.jboss.logging.jul-to-slf4j-stub" />
                <module name="org.jboss.logmanager" />
                <module name="org.jboss.logmanager.log4j" />
                <module name="org.slf4j" />
                <module name="org.slf4j.impl" />
                <module name="org.slf4j.jcl-over-slf4j" />
    • Run the buildWar task to create WAR files.

  6. Copy the files app-core.war and app.war from build\distributions\war to WildFly directory \wildfly\standalone\deployments.

  7. Restart the WildFLy server.

  8. Your application will become available on http://localhost:8080/app. The log files will be saved in the application home: C:\Users\UserName\app_home\logs.

7.3.4. WAR deployment to Tomcat Windows Service

  1. Add the buildWar task to the end of build.gradle:

    task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
        appHome = './app_home'
        singleWar = false
        includeContextXml = true
        includeJdbcDriver = true
        appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate': true]

    If the target server parameters differ from what you have on the local Tomcat used for fast deployment, provide appropriate application properties. For example, if the target server runs on port 9999, the task definition should be as follows:

    task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
        appHome = './app_home'
        singleWar = false
        includeContextXml = true
        includeJdbcDriver = true
        appProperties = [
            'cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate': true,
            'cuba.webPort': 9999,
            'cuba.connectionUrlList': 'http://localhost:9999/app-core'

    You can also specify a different context.xml file to setup the connection to the production database, for example:

    task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
        appHome = './app_home'
        singleWar = false
        includeContextXml = true
        includeJdbcDriver = true
        appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate': true]
        coreContextXmlPath = 'modules/core/web/META-INF/production-context.xml'
  2. Run the buildWar Gradle task. As a result, app.war and app-core.war files will be generated in the build/distributions directory of your project.

    gradlew buildWar
  3. Download and run Tomcat 8 Windows Service Installer.

  4. Go to the bin directory of the installed server and run tomcat8w.exe with the administrative rights. Set Maximum memory pool to 1024MB on the Java tab. Then go to the General tab and restart the service.

  5. Add -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 to the Java Options field.

  6. Copy the generated app.war and app-core.war files to the webapps directory of the server.

  7. Start the Tomcat service.

  8. Open http://localhost:8080/app in your web browser.

7.3.5. WAR deployment to Tomcat Linux Service

The example below has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04

  1. Add the buildWar task to the end of build.gradle. You can also specify a different context.xml file to setup the connection to the production database:

    task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
        appHome = '${catalina.base}/work'
        singleWar = true
        includeContextXml = true
        includeJdbcDriver = true
        appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate': true]
        webXmlPath = 'modules/web/web/WEB-INF/single-war-web.xml'
        coreContextXmlPath = 'modules/core/web/META-INF/war-context.xml'

    If the target server parameters differ from what you have on the local Tomcat used for fast deployment, provide appropriate application properties. For example, if the target server runs on port 9999, the task definition should be as follows:

    task buildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
        appHome = './app_home'
        singleWar = false
        includeContextXml = true
        includeJdbcDriver = true
        appProperties = [
            'cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate': true,
            'cuba.webPort': 9999,
            'cuba.connectionUrlList': 'http://localhost:9999/app-core'
  2. Run the buildWar gradle task. As a result, app.war file will be generated in the build/distibutions directory of your project.

    gradlew buildWar
  3. Install Tomcat 8 Linux Service:

    sudo apt-get install tomcat8
  4. Copy the generated app.war file to the empty /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps directory of the server.


    Tomcat service runs from tomcat8 user by default. The owner of webapps folder is tomcat8 as well.

  5. Create configuration file /usr/share/tomcat8/bin/setenv.sh with the following text:

    export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Xmx1024m"
  6. Restart the Tomcat service:

    sudo service tomcat8 restart
  7. Open http://localhost:8080/app in your web browser.

7.3.6. UberJAR Deployment

This is the simplest way to run your CUBA application in a production environment. You need to build an all-in-one JAR file using the buildUberJar Gradle task (see also the Deployment settings > Uber JAR page in Studio) and then you can run the application from the command line using the java executable:

java -jar app.jar

All parameters of the application are defined at the build time, but can be overridden when running (see below). The default port of the web application is 8080 and it is available at http://host:8080/app. If your project has Polymer UI, by default it will be available at http://host:8080/app-front.

If you build separate JAR files for Middleware and Web Client, you can run them in the same way:

java -jar app-core.jar

java -jar app.jar

The default port of the web client is 8080 and it will try to connect to the middleware running on localhost:8079. So after running the above commands in two separate terminal windows, you will be able to connect to the web client at http://localhost:8080/app.

You can change the parameters defined at the build time by providing application properties via Java system properties. Besides, ports, context names and paths to Jetty configuration files can be provided as command line arguments.

Command line arguments
  • port - defines the port on which the embedded HTTP server will run. For example:

    java -jar app.jar -port 9090

    Please note that if you build separate JARs and specify a port for the core block, you need to provide the cuba.connectionUrlList application property with the corresponding address to the client blocks, for example:

    java -jar app-core.jar -port 7070
    java -Dcuba.connectionUrlList=http://localhost:7070/app-core -jar app.jar
  • contextName - a web context name for this application block. For example, in order to access your web client at http://localhost:8080/sales, run the following command:

    java -jar app.jar -contextName sales
  • frontContextName - a web context name for the Polymer UI (makes sense for single, web or portal JARs).

  • portalContextName - a web context name for the portal module running in the single JAR.

  • jettyEnvPath - a path to the Jetty environment file which will override build time settings specified in the coreJettyEnvPath parameter. It can be an absolute path or a path relative to the working directory.

  • jettyConfPath - a path to the Jetty server configuration file which will override build time settings specified in the webJettyConfPath/coreJettyConfPath/portalJettyConfPath parameter. It can be an absolute path or a path relative to the working directory.

Application Home

By default, the application home is the working directory. It means that application directories will be created in the folder where you have run the application. It can be redefined by the app.home Java system property. So for example, in order to have the home in /opt/app_home, specify the following on the command line:

java -Dapp.home=/opt/app_home -jar app.jar

If you want to modify built-in logging settings, provide the logback.configurationFile Java system property with an URL to load your configuration file, for example:

java -Dlogback.configurationFile=file:./logback.xml -jar app.jar

Here it is assumed that the logback.xml file is located in the folder where you start the application from.

In order to set the log output directory correctly, make sure the logDir property in the logback.xml points to the logs subdirectory of the application home:

<configuration debug="false">
    <property name="logDir" value="${app.home}/logs"/>
    <!-- ... -->
Stopping an application

You can gracefully stop the application in the following ways:

  • Pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal window where the application is running.

  • Executing kill <PID> on Unix-like systems.

  • Sending a stop key (i.e. a character sequence) on a port specified in the command line of the running application. There are the following command line arguments:

    • stopPort - a port to listen for a stop key or to send the key to.

    • stopKey - a stop key. If not specified, SHUTDOWN is used.

    • stop - to stop another process by sending the key.

For example:

# Start application 1 and listen to SHUTDOWN key on port 9090
java -jar app.jar -stopPort 9090

# Start application 2 and listen to MYKEY key on port 9090
java -jar app.jar -stopPort 9090 -stopKey MYKEY

# Shutdown application 1
java -jar app.jar -stop -stopPort 9090

# Shutdown application 2
java -jar app.jar -stop -stopPort 9090 -stopKey MYKEY Configuring HTTPS for UberJAR

Below is an example of configuring HTTPS with a self-signed certificate for UberJAR deployment.

  1. Generate keys and certificates with in-built JDK tool Java Keytool:

    keytool -keystore keystore.jks -alias jetty -genkey -keyalg RSA
  2. Create the jetty.xml file with SSL configuration in the project root folder:

    <Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
        <Call name="addConnector">
                <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector">
                    <Arg name="server">
                        <Ref refid="Server"/>
                    <Set name="port">8090</Set>
        <Call name="addConnector">
                <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector">
                    <Arg name="server">
                        <Ref refid="Server"/>
                        <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory">
                            <Set name="keyStorePath">keystore.jks</Set>
                            <Set name="keyStorePassword">password</Set>
                            <Set name="keyManagerPassword">password</Set>
                            <Set name="trustStorePath">keystore.jks</Set>
                            <Set name="trustStorePassword">password</Set>
                    <Set name="port">8443</Set>

    The keyStorePassword, keyManagerPassword, and trustStorePassword should correspond to those set by Keytool.

  3. Add jetty.xml to the build task configuration:

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        singleJar = true
        coreJettyEnvPath = 'modules/core/web/META-INF/jetty-env.xml'
        appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate' : true]
        webJettyConfPath = 'jetty.xml'
  4. Build Uber JAR as described in the UberJAR Deployment section.

  5. Put the keystore.jks in the same folder with JAR distribution of your project and start Uber JAR.

    The application will be available at https://localhost:8443/app.

7.3.7. Deployment to Jelastic Cloud

CUBA Studio allows you to deploy your application to the Jelastic cloud in a few easy steps.


Please note that only projects using PostgreSQL or HSQL databases are currently supported.

  1. Click the Deployment settings link on the Project properties section and switch to the CLOUD tab.

  2. If the project is not yet set up for cloud deployment, you can use the field on top to create a free trial Jelastic account.

  3. After completing your registration, enter the email, password and selected provider.

    jelastic 1
  4. Environment field defines the environment in which the application WAR will be deployed. Click on the ellipsis button and select an existing environment or create a new one. You can check the selected environment for compatibility with your project. A compatible environment should have Java 8, Tomcat 8 and PostgreSQL 9.1+ (if the project uses PostgreSQL database). If your project uses PostgreSQL, you will receive an email with the database connection details. Please use them when generating custom context.xml file, see Custom context.xml path field below. Besides, you should create an empty PostgreSQL database using the provider’s web interface link containing in the email. The database name should be specified later in custom context.xml (see below).

    jelastic 6
  5. Press Generate button next to the Custom web.xml path field. Studio will generate a special web.xml of the single WAR comprising the Middleware and Web Client application blocks.

    jelastic 2
  6. If your project uses HSQLDB, that is all - you can press OK and start deployment by clicking Run > Deploy to cloud main menu item. The deployment parameters can be later adjusted in build.gradle.

  7. If your project uses PostgreSQL, go to the database administration web interface by the link in the email received after creation of the environment and create a database.

  8. Press Generate button next to the Custom context.xml path field and specify the database user, password, host, and name.

    jelastic 3
  9. Leave the Include JDBC driver and Include context.xml checkboxes selected.

    jelastic 4
  10. Now you can press OK and start deployment by clicking Run > Deploy to cloud main menu item.

  11. After completing the deployment, use the link at the bottom left corner to open the application web interface.

    jelastic 5

7.3.8. Deployment to Bluemix Cloud

CUBA Studio provides support of IBM® Bluemix® cloud deployment in a few easy steps.


Bluemix cloud deployment is currently applicable only to projects using PostgreSQL database. HSQLDB is available with in-process option only, that means the database will be recreated on every application restart, and the user data will be lost.

  1. Create an account on the Bluemix. Download and install:

    1. Bluemix CLI: http://clis.ng.bluemix.net/ui/home.html

    2. Cloud Foundry CLI: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli/releases

    3. Make sure the commands bluemix and cf work in the command line. If not, add your \IBM\Bluemix\bin path to the PATH environment variable.

  2. Create a Space in the Bluemix with any space name. You can group several applications within one space if needed.

  3. In the Space create an application server: Create AppCloudFoundry AppsTomcat.

  4. Specify the name of the application. The name should be unique as it will be used as part of the URL of your application.

  5. To create a Database service, click Create service in the Space dashboard and choose ElephantSQL.

  6. Open the application manager and connect the created DB Service to the application. Click Connect Existing. For the changes to take effect, the system requires restaging (updating) the application. In our case, it is not necessary, as the application will be redeployed.

  7. After the DB Service is connected, DB credentials become available with the View Credentials button. The DB properties are also stored in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable of the application runtime and could be viewed by calling the cf env command. The created database is also accessible from outside of the Space, so you can work with it from your development environment.

  8. Setup your CUBA project to run with the PostgreSQL (the DBMS similar to the one you have in the Bluemix).

  9. Generate DB scripts and start the local Tomcat server. Make sure the application works.

  10. Generate WAR-file to deploy the application to Tomcat.

    1. Click Deployment Settings in the Project Properties section of Studio navigation panel.

    2. Switch to the WAR tab.

    3. Enable all the options using checkboxes, as for correct deployment it should be the Single WAR with JDBC driver and context.xml inside.

      bluemix war settings
    4. Click Generate button near the Custom context.XML field. In the opened dialog fill the credentials of the Database you have created in Bluemix.

      Use the credentials from uri of your DB service following the example below:

        "elephantsql": [
            "credentials": {
              "uri": "postgres://ixbtsvsq:F_KyeQjpEdpQfd4n0KpEFCYyzKAbN1W9@qdjjtnkv.db.elephantsql.com:5432/ixbtsvsq",
              "max_conns": "5"

      Database user: ixbtsvsq

      Database password: F_KyeQjpEdpQfd4n0KpEFCYyzKAbN1W9

      Database URL: qdjjtnkv.db.elephantsql.com:5432

      Database name: ixbtsvsq

    5. Click Generate button to generate the custom web.xml file required for the single WAR.

    6. Save the settings. Generate the WAR-file using the buildWar Gradle task in Studio or command line.

      bluemix buildWar

      As a result, the app.war appears in the build/distributions/war/ sub-directory of the project.

  11. In the root directory of the project create manually the manifest.yml file. The contents of the file should be as follows:

    - path: build/distributions/war/app.war
      memory: 1G
      instances: 1
      domain: eu-gb.mybluemix.net
      name: myluckycuba
      host: myluckycuba
      disk_quota: 1024M
      buildpack: java_buildpack
        JBP_CONFIG_TOMCAT: '{tomcat: { version: 8.0.+ }}'
        JBP_CONFIG_OPEN_JDK_JRE: '{jre: { version: 1.8.0_+ }}'


    • path is the relative path to WAR-file.

    • memory: the default memory limit is 1G. You may want to allocate less or more memory to your application, this can also be done via Bluemix WEB interface. Note that the allocated memory affects the Runtime Cost.

    • name is the name of the Tomcat application you have created in the Cloud above (depends on your application location, see your App URL, for example, https://myluckycuba.eu-gb.mybluemix.net/).

    • host: the same as name.

    • env: the environment variables used to set the Tomcat and Java versions.

  12. In the command line switch to the root directory of your CUBA project.

    cd your_project_directory
  13. Connect to Bluemix (double check the domain name).

    cf api https://api.eu-gb.bluemix.net
  14. Log in to your Bluemix account.

    cf login -u your_bluemix_id -o your_bluemix_ORG
  15. Deploy your WAR to your Tomcat.

    cf push

    The push command gets all the required parameters from the manifest.yml file.

  16. You can find Tomcat server logs via Bluemix WEB-interface in the Logs tab on the application dashboard, as well as in command line using the command

    cf logs cuba-app --recent
  17. After the deployment process is completed, your application will become accessible in browser using the URL host.domain. This URL will be displayed in the ROUTE field in the table of your Cloud Foundry Apps.

7.3.9. Deployment to Heroku Cloud

The section describes how to deploy CUBA applications to the Heroku® cloud platform.


This tutorial covers deployment of a project using PostgreSQL database. WAR Deployment to Heroku
Heroku account

First, create an account on Heroku using the web browser, free account hobby-dev is enough. Then login to the account and create new application using New button at the top of the page.

Select unique name (or left the field blank to assign automatically) and choose a server location. Now you have an application, for example, morning-beach-4895, this is the Heroku application name.

At the first time, you will be redirected to the Deploy tab. Use Heroku Git deployment method.

Heroku CLI
  • Install Heroku CLI on your computer.

  • Navigate to the folder containing your CUBA project. Further on we will use $PROJECT_FOLDER for it.

  • Open command prompt in $PROJECT_FOLDER and type:

    heroku login
  • Enter your credentials when prompted. From now on you don’t need to enter credentials for this project anymore.

  • Install Heroku CLI deployment plugin:

    heroku plugins:install heroku-cli-deploy
PostgreSQL database

Using the web browser go to Heroku data page

You can choose existent Postgres database or create one. Next steps describe how to create a new database.

  • Find Heroku Postgres block and click Create one

  • On the next screen click Install Heroku Postgr…​

  • Connect the database to Heroku application selected from a dropdown list

  • Select your Plan (for example: hobby-dev)

Alternatively, you can install PostgreSQL using Heroku CLI:

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app morning-beach-4895

Here morning-beach-4895 is your Heroku application name.

Now you can find the new database on the Resources tab. The database is connected to the Heroku application. To obtain database credentials go to the Datasource page of your Heroku database, scroll down to Administration section and click View credentials button.

Host compute.amazonaws.com
Database d2tk
User nmmd
Port 5432
Password 9c05
URI postgres://nmmd:9c05@compute.amazonaws.com:5432/d2tk
Project deployment settings
  • We assume that you use PostgreSQL with your CUBA project.

  • Open your CUBA project in Studio, navigate to Deployment settings, go to WAR tab and then configure options as described below.

    • Select Build WAR

    • Set application home directory to '.' (dot)

    • Select Include JDBC driver

    • Select Include Tomcat’s context.xml

    • Click Generate button next to the Custom context.xml path field. Fill your database connection details in modal window.

    • Open the file generated modules/core/web/META-INF/war-context.xml and check connection params and credentials:

    • Select Single WAR for Middleware and Web Client

    • Click Generate button next to the Custom web.xml path field

    • Copy the code shown below and paste it into the App properties field:

        'cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate' : true
    • Save deployment settings.

Build WAR file

Build WAR file by executing the buildWar Gradle task. You can do it right from the Studio Search dialog or from the command line:

gradlew buildWar

In order to use gradlew command in the command line, create Gradle wrapper using Studio Build menu command beforehand.

Application setup
  • Download Tomcat Webapp Runner from https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.jsimone/webapp-runner. The version of Webapp Runner must conform to the Tomcat version in use. For example, version of Webapp Runner is suitable for Tomcat version 8.5.11. Rename JAR to webapp-runner.jar and place it into $PROJECT_FOLDER.

  • Download Tomcat DBCP from https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.tomcat/tomcat-dbcp. Use the version corresponding to your Tomcat version, for example, 8.5.11. Create $PROJECT_FOLDER/libs, rename JAR to tomcat-dbcp.jar and place it into the $PROJECT_FOLDER/libs folder.

  • Create a file named Procfile in $PROJECT_FOLDER. The file should contain the following text:

    web: java $JAVA_OPTS -cp webapp-runner.jar:libs/* webapp.runner.launch.Main --enable-naming --port $PORT build/distributions/war/app.war
Git setup

Open the command prompt in $PROJECT_FOLDER and run the commands listed below:

git init
heroku git:remote -a morning-beach-4895
git add .
git commit -am "Initial commit"
Application deployment

Open the command prompt and run the following command:

On *nix:

heroku jar:deploy webapp-runner.jar --includes libs/tomcat-dbcp.jar:build/distributions/war/app.war --app morning-beach-4895

On Windows:

heroku jar:deploy webapp-runner.jar --includes libs\tomcat-dbcp.jar;build\distributions\war\app.war --app morning-beach-4895

Open the Resources tab in Heroku dashboard. A new Dyno should appear with a command from your Procfile:

heroku dyno

The application is deploying now. You can monitor logs to track the process.

Logs monitoring

Wait for a message https://morning-beach-4895.herokuapp.com/ deployed to Heroku in command window.

In order to track application logs, run the following command on the command line:

heroku logs --tail --app morning-beach-4895

After the deployment process is completed your application will be accessible in web browser by an URL like https://morning-beach-4895.herokuapp.com.

You can also open the application from the Heroku dashboard using the Open app button. Deployment from GitHub to Heroku

This guide is intended for developers who have a CUBA project located on GitHub.

Heroku account

Create an account on Heroku using the web browser, free account hobby-dev is enough. Then login to the account and create new application using New button at the top of the page.

Select unique name (or left the field blank to assign automatically) and choose a server location. Now you have an application, for example, space-sheep-02453, this is a Heroku application name.

At the first time, you will be redirected to Deploy tab. Use GitHub deployment method. Follow the screen instructions how to authorize your GitHub account. Click Search button to list all available Git repositories then connect to desired repo. When your Heroku application is connected to GitHub you are able to activate Automatic Deploys. This allows you to redeploy Heroku application automatically on each Git push event. In this tutorial, the option is enabled.

Heroku CLI
  • Install Heroku CLI

  • Open command prompt in any folder of your computer and type:

    heroku login
  • Enter your credentials when prompted. From now on you don’t need to enter credentials for this project.

PostgreSQL database
  • Return to web browser with Heroku dashboard

  • Go to Resources tab

  • Click Find more add-ons button to find the database add-on

  • Find Heroku Postgres block and click it. Follow the instruction on the screen, click Login to install / Install Heroku Postgres.

Alternatively, you can install PostgreSQL using Heroku CLI:

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app space-sheep-02453

where space-sheep-02453 is your Heroku application name.

Now you can find the new database on the Resources tab. The database is connected to the Heroku application. To obtain database credentials go to the Datasource page of your Heroku database, scroll down to Administration section and click View credentials button.

Host compute.amazonaws.com
Database zodt
User artd
Port 5432
Password 367f
URI postgres://artd:367f@compute.amazonaws.com:5432/zodt
Project deployment settings
  • Navigate to your local CUBA project folder ($PROJECT_FOLDER)

  • Copy the content of modules/core/web/META-INF/context.xml to modules/core/web/META-INF/heroku-context.xml

  • Fill heroku-context.xml with your actual database connection details (see example below):

        <Resource driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver"
        <Manager pathname=""/>
Build configuration

Add the following Gradle task to your $PROJECT_FOLDER/build.gradle

task stage(dependsOn: ['setupTomcat', ':app-core:deploy', ':app-web:deploy']) {
    doLast {
        // replace context.xml with heroku-context.xml
        def src = new File('modules/core/web/META-INF/heroku-context.xml')
        def dst = new File('deploy/tomcat/webapps/app-core/META-INF/context.xml')
        dst << src.text

        // change port from 8080 to heroku $PORT
        def file = new File('deploy/tomcat/conf/server.xml')
        file.text = file.text.replace('8080', '${port.http}')

        // add local.app.properties for core application
        def coreConfDir = new File('deploy/tomcat/conf/app-core/')
        def coreProperties = new File(coreConfDir, 'local.app.properties')
        coreProperties.text = ''' cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate = true '''

        // rename deploy/tomcat/webapps/app to deploy/tomcat/webapps/ROOT
        def rootFolder = new File('deploy/tomcat/webapps/ROOT')
        if (rootFolder.exists()) {

        def webAppDir = new File('deploy/tomcat/webapps/app')
        webAppDir.renameTo( new File(rootFolder.path) )

        // add local.app.properties for web application
        def webConfDir = new File('deploy/tomcat/conf/ROOT/')
        def webProperties = new File(webConfDir, 'local.app.properties')
        webProperties.text = ''' cuba.webContextName = / '''

A command that launches the application on Heroku side is passed by special file Procfile. Create a file named Procfile in $PROJECT_FOLDER with following text:

web: cd ./deploy/tomcat/bin && export 'JAVA_OPTS=-Dport.http=$PORT' && ./catalina.sh run

This provides JAVA_OPTS environment setting to Tomcat which starts with the Catalina script.

Premium addons

If your project uses CUBA Premium Add-ons, set additional variables for the Heroku application.

  • Open the Heroku dashboard.

  • Go to the Settings tab.

  • Expand the Config Variables section clicking the Reveal Config Vars button.

  • Add new Config Vars using your license key parts (separated by dash) as username and password:

CUBA_PREMIUIM_USER    | username
Gradle wrapper

Your project requires Gradle wrapper. You can use CUBA Studio to add it: see the Build > Create or update Gradle wrapper main menu command.

  • Create the system.properties file in $PROJECT_FOLDER with the following content (example corresponds to local JDK 1.8.0_121 installed):

  • Check that files Procfile, system.properties, gradlew, gradlew.bat and gradle are not in .gitignore

  • Add these files to repository and commit it

git add gradlew gradlew.bat gradle/* system.properties Procfile
git commit -am "Added Gradle wrapper and Procfile"
Application deployment

Once you commit and push all changes to GitHub, Heroku starts redeploying the application.

git push

The building process is available on the dashboard on the Activity tab. Click View build log link to track the build log.

After building process is completed, your application will become accessible in browser using the https://space-sheep-02453.herokuapp.com/. You can open the application from Heroku dashboard using the Open app button.

Logs monitoring

Heroku application log is shown by console command:

heroku logs --tail --app space-sheep-02453

Tomcat logs are also available in web application: Menu > Administration > Server Log

7.3.10. Deployment to Docker

The section describes how to deploy CUBA applications with Docker®.


This tutorial covers deployment of a project using PostgreSQL database.

The simplest way to run your CUBA application in a production environment is to use the Uber JAR approach. You can build an all-in-one JAR file using the Gradle task, and then you will be able to run the application from the command line using the java executable, so there is no need to use special web servers or servlet containers. Simply start your application as an executable. All parameters of the application are defined at the build time but can be overridden when running.

We will show you how to set up monolithic and distributed application configurations with Docker containers. Single Uber JAR Deployment

Open your project in CUBA Studio, navigate to Deployment settings, go to Uber JAR tab and then configure options as described below.

  1. Select Build Uber JAR

  2. Select Single Uber JAR if it is not selected.

  3. Click Generate button next to the Logback configuration file field.

  4. Click Generate button next to the Custom Jetty environment file field. Fill your database connection details in modal window. To use standard PostgreSQL container in application, change the localhost to postgres in the Database URL field.

Studio adds the buildUberJar task to the build.gradle file. Run this task to create the JAR file:

gradle buildUberJar

A Docker image with the CUBA app should be based on OpenJDK. We recommend to use a Dockerfile to specify the information that Docker needs to know to run the app — a base Docker image to run from, the location of your project code, any dependencies it has, and what commands to run at startup.

  1. Create the docker-image folder in the project.

  2. Copy the JAR file into this folder.

  3. Create a Dockerfile with the simple instructions:

### Dockerfile

FROM openjdk:8

COPY . /usr/src/cuba-sales

CMD java -Dapp.home=/usr/src/cuba-sales/home -jar /usr/src/cuba-sales/app.jar
  • The FROM instruction initializes a new build stage and sets the Base Image for subsequent instructions.

  • The COPY instruction copies new files or directories from <src> and adds them to the filesystem of the container at the path <dest>. Multiple <src> resources may be specified but they must be relative to the source directory that is being built (the context of the build).

  • The main purpose of a CMD is to provide defaults for an executing container. These defaults can include an executable, or they can omit the executable, in which case you must specify an ENTRYPOINT instruction as well.

To get more information about Dockerfile instructions see the Dockerfile reference.

Now build the image:

  1. Open the Terminal from the docker-image folder.

  2. Run the build command. The docker build command is quite simple - it takes an optional tag name with the -t flag and the location of the directory containing the Dockerfile, the . indicates the current directory.

docker build -t cuba-sample-sales .

If you don’t have the openjdk:8 image the client will first pull the base image and then create the image.

To define and run multi-container Docker application use the Docker Compose tool. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services, so they can be run together in an isolated environment.

A docker-compose.yml file looks like this:

version: '2'

    image: postgres:9.6.6
      - POSTGRES_USER=cuba
      - POSTGRES_DB=sales
     - "5433:5432"
     - sales-network
    image: cuba-sample-sales
     - "8080:8080"
     - sales-network


This compose file defines two services, web and postgres. The web service:

  • uses an image that’s built from the Dockerfile in the current directory.

  • forwards the exposed port 8080 on the container to port 8080 on the host machine.

The postgres service uses a public Postgres image pulled from the Docker Hub registry.

To start the application, go to the directory of the docker-compose.yml file and run:

docker-compose up

After the task is completed you will be able to open the application at http://localhost:8080/app Distributed Uber JAR Deployment

To set up the distributed application configuration, open your CUBA project in Studio, navigate to Deployment settings, go to Uber JAR tab and then configure options as described below:

  1. Open the Uber JAR tab.

  2. Untick Single Uber JAR property.

Add the following changes to the appProperties:

appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate': true,
                 'cuba.connectionUrlList': 'http://sales-core:8079/app-core',
                 'cuba.webAppUrl': 'http://sales-web:8080/app',
                 'cuba.useLocalServiceInvocation': false,
                 'cuba.trustedClientPermittedIpList': '*.*.*.*']
  • cuba.webHostName property defines the host name of the machine, on which this application block is running. The name has to correspond to the core service name described in Dockerfile.

  • cuba.connectionUrlList property sets Middleware server connection URL for client blocks. The host has to be named the same as the core service described in Dockerfile and the contextName has to correspond to the core *.jar file name.

  • cuba.webAppUrl property defines URL of the Web Client application. The host has to be named the same as the web service described in Dockerfile.

  • cuba.useLocalServiceInvocation property should be set to false in our case, because we deploy core and web servers in the different containers.

  • cuba.trustedClientPermittedIpList property defines the list of IP addresses, from which the login to the application is allowed.


If you have more than one Middleware server you have to list all of them in the cuba.connectionUrlList property and configure a cluster of Web Client servers, as you can see in the Application Scaling section.

Run the buildUberJar task to regenerate the JARs:

gradle buildUberJar

Create two subfolders in the docker-image folder for the web and core JARs. You should create separate containers for each JAR, so you need to configure two Dockerfiles.

Dockerfile for the core:

### Dockerfile

FROM openjdk:8

COPY . /usr/src/cuba-sales

CMD java -Dapp.home=/usr/src/cuba-sales/home -jar /usr/src/cuba-sales/app-core.jar

Dockerfile for the web:

### Dockerfile

FROM openjdk:8

COPY . /usr/src/cuba-sales

CMD java -Dapp.home=/usr/src/cuba-sales/home -jar /usr/src/cuba-sales/app.jar

A docker-compose.yml file contains separated core and web containers and looks like this:

version: '2'

    image: postgres:9.6.6
      - POSTGRES_USER=cuba
      - POSTGRES_DB=sales
     - "5433:5432"
     - sales-network
    image: cuba-sample-sales-core
     - sales-network
    image: cuba-sample-sales-web
     - "8080:8080"
     - sales-network


Build the images with the following commands:

docker build -t cuba-sample-sales-web ./web
docker build -t cuba-sample-sales-core ./core

To start the application, go to the directory of the docker-compose.yml file and run:

docker-compose up

After the task is completed you will be able to open the application at http://localhost:8080/app.


For deploying containers on several physical machines, you may be required to install and configure Docker Swarm or Kubernetes. Gradle Plugin for Docker

In this section, we cover the building and pushing the Docker images into the single Uber JAR using Gradle.

There are many Gradle plugins for Docker. We are going to use the bmuschko/gradle-docker-plugin.

In the build.gradle file import the necessary classes for managing images and add the buildscript dependency on the plugin:

buildscript {

    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.bmuschko:gradle-docker-plugin:X.Y.Z'

import com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.image.Dockerfile
import com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.image.DockerBuildImage
import com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.image.DockerPushImage
import com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.DockerRegistryCredentials

The plugin com.bmuschko.docker-remote-api allows interacting with Docker via its remote API. You can model any workflow imaginable by creating enhanced task of the custom task provided by the plugin. To use the plugin, include the following code snippet in your build script:

apply plugin: 'com.bmuschko.docker-remote-api'

A Dockerfile can be created by the Dockerfile custom tasks. The Dockerfile instructions need to be declared in the correct order.

task createDockerfile(type: Dockerfile, dependsOn: buildUberJar)  {
    destFile = project.file('build/distributions/uberJar/Dockerfile')
    from 'openjdk:8'
    addFile("app.jar", "/usr/src/cuba-sales/app.jar")
    defaultCommand("java", "-Dapp.home=/usr/src/cuba-sales/home", "-jar", "/usr/src/cuba-sales/app.jar")
  • from property adds the base Docker image used during building images.

  • addFile property defines the path to the source JAR that will be copied to the image. Note, that the source JAR should be in the same folder as the Dockerfile.

  • defaultCommand property defines the command for running the application.

Image pull or push operations against the public Docker Hub registry or a private registry may require authentication. You can provide your credentials with the registryCredentials closure. Set your credentials in the gradle.properties file:

dockerHubEmail = 'example@email.com'
dockerHubPassword = 'docker-hub-password'
dockerHubUsername = 'docker-hub-username'

You can access a project property in your build script simply by using its name as you would use a variable:

def dockerRegistryCredentials = new DockerRegistryCredentials()
dockerRegistryCredentials.email = dockerHubEmail
dockerRegistryCredentials.password = dockerHubPassword
dockerRegistryCredentials.username = dockerHubUsername

Define the following tasks to build a Docker image from a Dockerfile and to push this image to the public Docker Hub registry:

task buildImage(type: DockerBuildImage, dependsOn: createDockerfile) {
    inputDir = createDockerfile.destFile.parentFile
    tags = ['sample-sales', '{docker-hub-username}/{default-repo-folder-name}:sample-sales']
    registryCredentials = dockerRegistryCredentials

task pushImage(type: DockerPushImage, dependsOn: buildImage) {
    tag = 'sample-sales'
    imageName = '{docker-hub-username}/{default-repo-folder-name}'
    registryCredentials = dockerRegistryCredentials

Set up the single Uber JAR as it is described in the Single Uber JAR Deployment section. Then run the pushImage task from the terminal or from the Search field in Studio.

gradle pushImage

This task successively builds Uber JAR, generates the Dockerfile, builds the image and pushes this image to your Docker Hub registry. Container Deployment to Heroku

Set up the single Uber JAR as it is described in the Single Uber JAR Deployment section. Create a Heroku account and install Heroku CLI. For this purpose, please refer to the WAR Deployment to Heroku section.

Create the app and connect it to the database with the following command

heroku create cuba-sales-docker --addons heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

After the task is completed you have to configure the database credentials in the jetty-env.xml file for the connection to the database created by Heroku.

  1. Go to the https://dashboard.heroku.com.

  2. Select your project, open the Resources tab and select the database.

  3. In the newly opened window open the Settings tab and click the View Credentials button.


Switch to the IDE and open the jetty-env.xml file. You have to change the URL (host and database name), user name and password. Copy credentials from the site and paste them into the file.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-" "http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/configure_9_0.dtd">
<Configure id='wac' class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
    <New id="CubaDS" class="org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jndi.Resource">
            <New class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource">
                <Set name="driverClassName">org.postgresql.Driver</Set>
                <Set name="url">jdbc:postgresql://<Host>/<Database></Set>
                <Set name="username"><User></Set>
                <Set name="password"><Password></Set>
                <Set name="maxIdle">2</Set>
                <Set name="maxTotal">20</Set>
                <Set name="maxWaitMillis">5000</Set>

Build the single Uber JAR file using the Gradle task:

gradle buldUberJar

Also, you have to add some changes to the Dockerfile. First of all, if you use the free account, you have to restrict the amount of memory consumed by the application. Then you need to obtain the port of the app from the Heroku and add it to the image.

The Dockerfile should look like the following:

### Dockerfile

FROM openjdk:8

COPY . /usr/src/cuba-sales

CMD java -Xmx512m -Dapp.home=/usr/src/cuba-sales/home -jar /usr/src/cuba-sales/app.jar -port $PORT

Set up Git with the following commands:

git init
heroku git:remote -a cuba-sales-docker
git add .
git commit -am "Initial commit"

Then log in to the container registry. It’s the Heroku location for storing images.

heroku container:login

Next, build the image and push it to Container Registry

heroku container:push web

Here web is the process type of the application. When you run this command, by default Heroku is going to build the image using the Dockerfile in the current directory, and then push it to Heroku.

After the deployment process is completed, your application will be accessible in web browser by an URL like https://cuba-sales-docker.herokuapp.com/app

You can also open the application from the Heroku dashboard using the Open app button.

The third way to open a running application is to use the following command (remember to add the app context to the link, e.g. https://cuba-sales-docker.herokuapp.com/app):

heroku open

7.4. Proxy Configuration for Tomcat

For integration tasks, you may need a proxy server. This part describes the configuration of Nginx HTTP-server as a proxy for CUBA application.


If you set up a proxy, do not forget to set cuba.webAppUrl value.


For Nginx there are 2 configurations described below. All examples were tested on Ubuntu 16.04.

For example, your web application works on http://localhost:8080/app.


Tomcat should be configured as well.

Tomcat Setup

First, add Valve to Tomcat configuration conf/server.xml, copy and paste the following code:

<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve"
        internalProxies="127\.0\.0\.1"  />

and restart Tomcat:

sudo service tomcat8 restart

This is required to dispatch Nginx headers by Tomcat without modifying the web application.

Then install Nginx:

sudo apt-get install nginx

Navigate to http://localhost and ensure that Nginx works, you will see Nginx welcome page.

Now you may delete the symlink to default Nginx site:

rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Next, configure your proxy one of the options selected below.

Direct Proxy

In this case the requests are handled by proxy, transparently passing to the application.

Create Nginx site configuration file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/direct_proxy:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    location /app/ {
        proxy_set_header Host               $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto  $scheme;

        # Required to send real client IP to application server
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For    $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP          $remote_addr;

        # Optional timeouts
        proxy_read_timeout      3600;
        proxy_connect_timeout   240;
        proxy_http_version      1.1;

        # Required for WebSocket:
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

        proxy_pass    ;

and restart Nginx

sudo service nginx restart

Now you can access your site via http://localhost/app.

Redirect to Path

This example describes how to change the application’s URL path from /app to /, as if the application were deployed in the root context (similar to /ROOT). This will allow you to access the application at http://localhost.

Create Nginx site configuration file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/root_proxy:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {
        proxy_set_header Host               $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto  $scheme;

        # Required to send real client IP to application server
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For    $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP          $remote_addr;

        # Optional timeouts
        proxy_read_timeout      3600;
        proxy_connect_timeout   240;
        proxy_http_version      1.1;

        # Required for WebSocket:
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

        proxy_pass    ;

        # Required for folder redirect
        proxy_cookie_path       /app /;
        proxy_set_header Cookie $http_cookie;
        proxy_redirect http://localhost/app/ http://localhost/;

and restart Nginx

sudo service nginx restart

Now you can access your site via http://localhost.


Please note, that similar deployment instructions are valid for Jetty, WildFly etc. In such cases, you may need an additional configuration of those servers.

7.5. Proxy Configuration for Uber JAR

This part describes the configuration of Nginx HTTP-server as a proxy for CUBA Uber JAR application.


For Nginx there are 2 configurations described below. All examples were tested on Ubuntu 16.04.

  1. Direct Proxy

  2. Redirect to Path

For example, your web application works on http://localhost:8080/app.


Uber JAR application uses Jetty 9.2 server. It is required to preconfigure Jetty in JAR to dispatch Nginx headers by Jetty.

Jetty Setup
  • Using Internal jetty.xml

    First, create Jetty configuration file jetty.xml in the root of your project, copy and paste the following code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" "http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/configure_9_0.dtd">
    <Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
        <New id="httpConfig" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConfiguration">
            <Set name="outputBufferSize">32768</Set>
            <Set name="requestHeaderSize">8192</Set>
            <Set name="responseHeaderSize">8192</Set>
            <Call name="addCustomizer">
                    <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.ForwardedRequestCustomizer"/>
        <Call name="addConnector">
                <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector">
                    <Arg name="server">
                        <Ref refid="Server"/>
                    <Arg name="factories">
                        <Array type="org.eclipse.jetty.server.ConnectionFactory">
                                <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnectionFactory">
                                    <Arg name="config">
                                        <Ref refid="httpConfig"/>
                    <Set name="port">8080</Set>

    Add webJettyConfPath property to the task buildUberJar in your build.gradle:

    task buildUberJar(type: CubaUberJarBuilding) {
        singleJar = true
        coreJettyEnvPath = 'modules/core/web/META-INF/jetty-env.xml'
        appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate' : true]
        webJettyConfPath = 'jetty.xml'

    You may use Studio to generate jetty-env.xml by following Project Properties > Deployment Settings > Uber Jar tab, or use an example below:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-" "http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/configure_9_0.dtd">
    <Configure id='wac' class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
        <New id="CubaDS" class="org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jndi.Resource">
                <New class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource">
                    <Set name="driverClassName">org.postgresql.Driver</Set>
                    <Set name="url">jdbc:postgresql://<Host>/<Database></Set>
                    <Set name="username"><User></Set>
                    <Set name="password"><Password></Set>
                    <Set name="maxIdle">2</Set>
                    <Set name="maxTotal">20</Set>
                    <Set name="maxWaitMillis">5000</Set>

    Build Uber JAR using the following command:

    gradlew buildUberJar

    Your application will be located in build/distributions/uberJar, the default name is app.jar.

    Run your application:

    java -jar app.jar

    Then install and configure Nginx as described in Tomcat section.

    Depending on your schema, you can access your site via http://localhost/app or http://localhost URL.

  • Using External jetty.xml

    Use the same configuration file jetty.xml from the project root, as described above. Place it in your home folder and do not modify buildUberJar task in build.gradle.

    Build Uber JAR using the following command:

    gradlew buildUberJar

    Your application will be located in build/distributions/uberJar folder, default name is app.jar.

    First, run the application with a parameter -jettyConfPath:

    java -jar app.jar -jettyConfPath jetty.xml

    Then install and configure Nginx as described in Tomcat section.

    Depending on your schema and setings in jetty.xml file, you can access your site via http://localhost/app or http://localhost URL.

7.6. Application Scaling

This section describes ways to scale a CUBA application that consists of the Middleware and the Web Client for increased load and stronger fault tolerance requirements.

Stage 1. Both blocks are deployed on the same application server.

This is the simplest option implemented by the standard fast deployment procedure.

In this case, maximum data transfer performance between the Web Client and the Middleware is provided, because when the cuba.useLocalServiceInvocation application property is enabled, the Middleware services are invoked bypassing the network stack.


Stage 2. The Middleware and the Web Client blocks are deployed on separate application servers.

This option allows you to distribute load between two application servers and use server resources better. Furthermore, in this case, the load coming from web users has smaller effect on the other processes execution. Here, the other processes mean handling other client types (for example, Desktop), running scheduled tasks and, potentially, integration tasks which are performed by the middle layer.

Requirements for server resources:

  • Tomcat 1 (Web Client):

    • Memory size – proportional to the number of simultaneous users

    • CPU power – depends on the usage intensity

  • Tomcat 2 (Middleware):

    • Memory size – fixed and relatively small

    • CPU power – depends on the intensity of web client usage and of other processes

In this case and when more complex deployment options are used, the Web Client’s cuba.useLocalServiceInvocation application property should be set to false, and cuba.connectionUrlList property should contain the URL of the Middleware block.


Stage 3. A cluster of Web Client servers works with one Middleware server.

This option is used when memory requirements for the Web Client exceed the capabilities of a single JVM due to a large number of concurrent users. In this case, a cluster of Web Client servers (two or more) is started and user connection is performed through a Load Balancer. All Web Client servers work with one Middleware server.

Duplication of Web Client servers automatically provides fault tolerance at this level. However, the replication of HTTP sessions is not supported, in case of unscheduled outage of one of the Web Client servers, all users connected to it will have to login into the application again.

Configuration of this option is described in Setting up a Web Client Cluster.


Stage 4. A cluster of Web Client servers working with a cluster of Middleware servers.

This is the most powerful deployment option providing fault tolerance and load balancing for the Middleware and the Web Client.

Connection of users to the Web Client servers is performed through a load balancer. The Web Client servers work with a cluster of Middleware servers. They do not need an additional load balancer – it is sufficient to determine the list of URLs for the Middleware servers in the cuba.connectionUrlList application property. Another option is to use Apache ZooKeeper Integration Add-on for dynamic discovery of middleware servers.

Middleware servers exchange the information about user sessions, locks, etc. In this case, full fault tolerance of the Middleware is provided – in case of an outage of one of the servers, execution of requests from client blocks will continue on an available server without affecting users.

Configuration of this option is described in Setting up a Middleware Cluster.


7.6.1. Setting up a Web Client Cluster

This section describes the following deployment configuration:

cluster webclient

Servers host1 and host2 host Tomcat instances with the app web-app implementing the Web Client block. Users access the load balancer at http://host0/app, which redirects their requests to the servers. Server host3 hosts a Tomcat instance with the app-core web-app that implements the Middleware block. Installing and Setting up a Load Balancer

Let us consider the installation of a load balancer based on Apache HTTP Server for Ubuntu 14.04.

  1. Install Apache HTTP Server and its mod_jk module:

    $ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-jk

  2. Replace the contents of the /etc/libapache2-mod-jk/workers.properties file with the following:

  3. Add the lines listed below to /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        <Location /jkmanager>
            JkMount jkstatus
            Order deny,allow
            Allow from all
        JkMount /jkmanager/* jkstatus
        JkMount /app loadbalancer
        JkMount /app/* loadbalancer
  4. Restart the Apache HTTP service:

    $ sudo service apache2 restart Setting up Web Client Servers

In the examples below, we provide paths to configuration files as if Fast Deployment in Tomcat is used.

On the Tomcat 1 and Tomcat 2 servers, the following settings should be applied:

  1. In tomcat/conf/server.xml, add the jvmRoute parameter equivalent to the name of the worker specified in the load balancer settings for tomcat1 and tomcat2:

    <Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
      <Service name="Catalina">
        <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="tomcat1">
  2. Set the following application properties in tomcat/conf/app/local.app.properties:

    cuba.useLocalServiceInvocation = false
    cuba.connectionUrlList = http://host3:8080/app-core
    cuba.webHostName = host1
    cuba.webPort = 8080
    cuba.webContextName = app

    cuba.webHostName, cuba.webPort and cuba.webContextName parameters are not mandatory for WebClient cluster, but they allow easier identification of a server in other platform mechanisms, such as the JMX console. Additionally, Client Info attribute of the User Sessions screen shows an identifier of the Web Client that the current user is working with.

7.6.2. Setting up a Middleware Cluster

This section describes the following deployment configuration:

cluster mw

Servers host1 and host2 host Tomcat instances with the app web application implementing the Web Client block. Cluster configuration for these servers is described in the previous section. Servers host3 and host4 host Tomcat instances with the app-core web application implementing the Middleware block. They are configured to interact and share information about user sessions, locks, cash flushes, etc.


In the examples below, we provide paths to configuration files as if Fast Deployment in Tomcat is used. Setting up Connection to the Middleware Cluster

In order for the client blocks to be able to work with multiple Middleware servers, the list of server URLs should be specified in the cuba.connectionUrl application property. For the Web Client, this can be done in tomcat/conf/app/local.app.properties:

cuba.useLocalServiceInvocation = false
cuba.connectionUrlList = http://host3:8080/app-core,http://host4:8080/app-core

cuba.webHostName = host1
cuba.webPort = 8080
cuba.webContextName = app

A middleware server is randomly determined on the first remote connection for a user session, and it is fixed for the whole session lifetime ("sticky session"). Requests from anonymous session and without session do not stick to a server and go to random servers.

The algorithm of selecting a middleware server is provided by the cuba_ServerSorter bean which is by default implemented by the RandomServerSorter class. You can provide your own implementation in your project. Configuring Interaction between Middleware Servers

Middleware servers can maintain shared lists of user sessions and other objects and coordinate invalidation of caches. cuba.cluster.enabled property should be enabled on each server to achieve this. Example of the tomcat/conf/app-core/local.app.properties file is shown below:

cuba.cluster.enabled = true

cuba.webHostName = host3
cuba.webPort = 8080
cuba.webContextName = app-core

For the Middleware servers, correct values of the cuba.webHostName, cuba.webPort and cuba.webContextName properties should be specified to form a unique Server ID.

Interaction mechanism is based on JGroups. The platform provides two configuration files for JGroups:

  • jgroups.xml - a UDP-based stack of protocols which is suitable for local network with enabled broadcast communication. This configuration is used by default when the cluster is turned on.

  • jgroups_tcp.xml - TCP-based stack of protocols which is suitable for any network. It requires explicit setting of cluster members addresses in TCP.bind_addr and TCPPING.initial_hosts parameters. In order to use this configuration, set cuba.cluster.jgroupsConfig application property.

In order to set up JGroups parameters for your environment, copy the appropriate jgroups.xml file from the root of cuba-core-<version>.jar to your project core module or to tomcat/conf/app-core and modify it.

ClusterManagerAPI bean provides the program interface for interaction between servers in the Middleware cluster. It can be used in the application – see JavaDocs and usages in the platform code. Using ZooKeeper for Cluster Coordination

There is an application component that enables dynamic discovery of middleware servers for communication between middleware blocks and for requesting middleware from client blocks. It is based on integration with Apache ZooKeeper - a centralized service for maintaining configuration information. When this component is included in your project, you need to specify only one static address when running your application blocks - the address of ZooKeeper. Middleware servers will advertise themselves by publishing their addresses on the ZooKeeper directory and discovery mechanisms will request ZooKeeper for addresses of available servers. If a middleware server goes down, it will be automatically removed from the directory immediately or after a timeout.

The source code of application component is available on GitHub, the binary artifacts are published in the standard CUBA repositories. See README for information about including and configuring the component.

7.6.3. Server ID

Server ID is used for reliable identification of servers in a Middleware cluster. The identifier is formatted as host:port/context:


The identifier is formed based on the configuration parameters cuba.webHostName, cuba.webPort, cuba.webContextName, therefore it is very important to specify these parameters for the Middleware blocks working within the cluster.

Server ID can be obtained using the ServerInfoAPI bean or via the ServerInfoMBean JMX interface.

7.7. Using JMX Tools

This section describes various aspects of using Java Management Extensions in CUBA-based applications.

7.7.1. Built-In JMX Console

The Web Client module of the cuba application component contains JMX objects viewing and editing tool. The entry point for this tool is com/haulmont/cuba/web/app/ui/jmxcontrol/browse/display-mbeans.xml screen registered under the jmxConsole identifier and accessible via Administration > JMX Console in the standard application menu.

Without extra configuration, the console shows all JMX objects registered in the JVM where the Web Client block of the current user is running. Therefore, in the simplest case, when all application blocks are deployed to one web container instance, the console has access to the JMX beans of all tiers as well as the JMX objects of the JVM itself and the web container.

Names of the application beans have a prefix corresponding to the name of the web-app that contains them. For example, the app-core.cuba:type=CachingFacade bean has been loaded by the app-core web-app implementing the Middleware block, while the app.cuba:type=CachingFacade bean has been loaded by the app web-app implementing the Web Client block.

jmx console
Figure 42. JMX Console

JMX console can also work with the JMX objects of a remote JVM. This is useful when application blocks are deployed over several instances of a web container, for example, separate Web Client and Middleware.

To connect to a remote JVM, a previously created connection should be selected in the JMX Connection field of the console, or a new connection can be created:

jmx connection edit
Figure 43. Editing a JMX Connection

To get a connection, JMX host, port, login, and password should be specified. There is also the Host name field, which is populated automatically if any CUBA-application block is detected at the specified address. In this case, the value of this field is defined as the combination of cuba.webHostName and cuba.webPort properties of this block, which enables identifying the server that contains it. If the connection is done to a 3rd party JMX interface, then the Host name field will have the "Unknown JMX interface" value. However, it can be changed arbitrarily.

In order to allow a remote JVM connection, the JVM should be configured properly (see below).

7.7.2. Setting up a Remote JMX Connection

This section describes Tomcat startup configuration required for a remote connection of JMX tools. Tomcat JMX for Windows
  • Edit bin/setenv.bat in the following way:

    -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote ^
    -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= ^
    -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false ^
    -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=7777 ^
    -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=true ^
    -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file=../conf/jmxremote.password ^

    Here, the java.rmi.server.hostname parameter should contain the actual IP address or the DNS name of the computer where the server is running; com.sun.management.jmxremote.port sets the port for JMX tools connection.

  • Edit the conf/jmxremote.access file. It should contain user names that will be connecting to the JMX and their access level. For example:

    admin readwrite
  • Edit the conf/jmxremote.password file. It should contain passwords for the JMX users, for example:

    admin admin
  • The password file should have reading permissions only for the user running the Tomcat. server. You can configure permissions the following way:

    • Open the command line and go to the conf folder

    • Run the command:

      cacls jmxremote.password /P "domain_name\user_name":R

      where domain_name\user_name is the user’s domain and name

    • After this command is executed, the file will be displayed as locked (with a lock icon) in Explorer.

  • If Tomcat is installed as a Windows service, then the service should be started on behalf of the user who has access permissions for jmxremote.password. It should be kept in mind that in this case the bin/setenv.bat file is ignored and the corresponding JVM startup properties should be specified in the application that configures the service. Tomcat JMX for Linux
  • Edit bin/setenv.sh the following way:

    CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote \
    -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= \
    -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=7777 \
    -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false \
    CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file=../conf/jmxremote.password -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.access.file=../conf/jmxremote.access"

    Here, the java.rmi.server.hostname parameter should contain the real IP address or the DNS name of the computer where the server is running; com.sun.management.jmxremote.port sets the port for JMX tools connection

  • Edit conf/jmxremote.access file. It should contain user names that will be connecting to the JMX and their access level. For example:

    admin readwrite
  • Edit the conf/jmxremote.password file. It should contain passwords for the JMX users, for example:

    admin admin
  • The password file should have reading permissions only for the user running the Tomcat server. Permissions for the current user can be configured the following way:

    • Open the command line and go to the conf folder.

    • Run the command:

      chmod go-rwx jmxremote.password

7.8. Server Push Settings

CUBA applications use server push technology in the Background Tasks mechanism. It may require an additional setup of the application and proxy server (if any).

By default, server push uses the WebSocket protocol. The following application properties affect the platform server push functionality:

The information below is obtained from the Vaadin website - Configuring push for your environment.


This is completely normal and means that the (long-polling) push connection was aborted by a third party. This typically happens when there is a proxy between the browser and the server and the proxy has a configured timeout and cuts the connection when the timeout is reached. The browser should reconnect to the server normally after this happens.

Tomcat 8 + Websockets
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.WebSocketFactory$Acceptor

This implies you have Jetty deployed on the classpath somewhere. Atmosphere gets confused and tries to use its Websocket implementation instead of Tomcat’s. One common reason for this is that you have accidentally deployed vaadin-client-compiler, which has Jetty as a dependency (needed by SuperDevMode for instance).

Glassfish 4 + Streaming

Glassfish 4 requires the comet option to be enabled for streaming to work.


(Configurations → server-config → Network Config → Protocols → http-listener-1 → HTTP → Comet Support)

or use

asadmin set server-config.network-config.protocols.protocol.http-listener-1.http.comet-support-enabled="true"
Glassfish 4 + Websockets

If you are using Glassfish 4.0, upgrade to Glassfish 4.1 to avoid problems.

Weblogic 12 + Websockets

Use WebLogic 12.1.3 or newer. WebLogic 12 specifies a timeout of 30 sec by default for websocket connections. To avoid constant reconnects, you can set the weblogic.websocket.tyrus.session-max-idle-timeout init parameter to either -1 (no timeout in use) or a higher value than 30000 (value is in ms).

JBoss EAP 6.4 + Websockets

JBoss EAP 6.4 includes support for websockets but they are disabled by default. To make websockets work you need to change JBoss to use the NIO connector by running:

$ bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect

and the following commands:


Then add a WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml to you war file with the following contents to enable websockets:

<jboss-web version="7.2" xmlns="http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/javaee"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/javaee schema/jboss-web_7_2.xsd">
Duplicate resource

If server logs contain

Duplicate resource xyz-abc-def-ghi-jkl. Could be caused by a dead connection not detected by your server. Replacing the old one with the fresh one

This indicates that first, the browser connected to the server and used the given identifier for the push connection. Everything went as expected. Later on, a browser (probably the same one) connected again using the same identifier but according to the server, the old browser connection should still be active. The server closes the old connection and logs the warning.

This happens because typically there was a proxy between the browser and the server, and the proxy was configured to kill open connections after a certain inactivity timeout on the connection (no data is sent before the server issues a push command). Because of how TCP/IP works, the server has no idea that the connection has been killed and continues to think that the old client is connected and all is well.

You have a couple of options to avoid this problem:

  1. If you are in control of the proxy, configure it not to timeout/kill push connections (connections to the /PUSH url).

  2. If you know what the proxy timeout is, configure a slightly shorter timeout for push in the application so that the server terminates the idle connection and is aware of the termination before the proxy can kill the connection.

    1. Set the cuba.web.pushLongPolling parameter to true to enable long polling transport instead of websocket.

    2. Use the cuba.web.pushLongPollingSuspendTimeoutMs parameter to set push timeout in milliseconds.

If you do not configure the proxy so that the server knows when the connection is killed, you also have a small chance of losing pushed data. If it so happens that the server does a push right after the connection was killed, it will not realize that it pushed data into a closed connection (because of how sockets work and especially how they work in Java). Disabling the timeout or setting the timeout on the server also resolves this potential issue.

Using Proxy

If users connect to the application server via a proxy that does not support WebSocket, set cuba.web.pushLongPolling to true and increase proxy request timeout to 10 minutes or more.

Below is an example of the Nginx web server settings for using WebSocket:

location / {
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_read_timeout     3600;
    proxy_connect_timeout  240;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-RealIP $remote_addr;

    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

7.9. Health Check URL

Every application block deployed as a web application provides a health check URL. An HTTP GET request for this URL returns ok if the block is ready to work.

The URL paths for different blocks are listed below:

  • Middleware: /remoting/health

  • Web Client: /rest/health

  • Web Portal: /rest/health

So for an application named app and deployed at localhost:8080 the URLs will be:

  • http://localhost:8080/app-core/remoting/health

  • http://localhost:8080/app/rest/health

  • http://localhost:8080/app-portal/rest/health

You can replace ok in response with any text using the cuba.healthCheckResponse application property.

The health check controllers also send an application event of type HealthCheckEvent. Therefore you can add your own logic of checking the application health. In the example on GitHub, a bean of the web tier listens to the health check events and invokes a middleware service, which in turn executes an operation on the database.

8. Working with Databases

This section provides practical advice on working with databases during application development and in production.

For information on configuration parameters for working with particular DBMS, see the Database Components section.

8.1. Creating the DB Schema

In the process of application development, you need to create and maintain the database schema that corresponds to the model entities. The platform offers an approach based on DB create and update scripts to solve this task. The practical steps to apply this approach are provided below.

The task to create and maintain the DB schema consists of two parts: creating the scripts and executing them.

Scripts can be created both manually and using Studio. The process of creating scripts in Studio is provided below. Run the Generate DB scripts command in the Entities section. In this case, Studio will connect to the database defined on the Project properties page and compare the available DB schema with the current data model.

If the database does not exist or does not have SYS_DB_CHANGELOG and SEC_USER tables, the system generates only DB initialization scripts. Otherwise, update scripts are created as well. Then, a page with the generated scripts is opened.

Update scripts are displayed on the Update scripts tab. Scripts with the new status reflect the difference between the current state of the data model and the DB schema. A separate script is created for each new or modified table. Some scripts also contain sets of referential integrity constraints. When the page is closed by clicking OK, the scripts are saved in the db/update/{db_type} directory of the core module.

Scripts that exist in the project and have been applied to the DB before are displayed with the applied status. They cannot be edited or removed.

The Update scripts tab can also display scripts with to be deleted status. These are the scripts available in the project, but not applied to the DB yet. These scripts are removed when you close the page by clicking OK. This is the standard behavior in case the scripts are created during previous scripts generation, but not applied by invoking Update database. In this case, you don’t need them any longer, because the current difference between the DB schema and the data model is reflected in newly generated scripts. However, if the scripts were authored by another developer and retrieved from a version control system, you should cancel the saving and apply the other party’s scripts to your DB first, and then generate new ones.

The Init tables, Init constraints and Init data tabs display DB create scripts that are located in the db/init/{db_type} directory of the core module.

The Init tables tab displays the 10.create-db.sql script that creates the tables. The code related to one and the same table is separated by begin {table_name} ... end {table_name} comments. When an entity in the model is changed, Studio will replace code only for the corresponding table between the comments, while leaving the rest of the code, where manual changes could have been made, untouched. Therefore, do not remove these comments when editing the code manually, otherwise, Studio will not be able to properly apply the changes to the existing files.

The Init constraints tab displays the 20.create-db.sql script that creates integrity constraints. It also has table-separating comments that you should not remove.

The Init data tab displays the 30.create-db.sql script designed to provide additional information when initializing the DB. These may be, for example, functions, triggers or DML operators to fill the database with the necessary data. The contents of this script are created manually, if necessary.


At the initial stage of application development, when the data model is being actively changed, we recommend using only the DB creation scripts (located in the Init tables, Init constraints, Init data) tabs) and removing the update scripts in the Update scripts tab immediately after invoking the Generate DB scripts command. This is the most simple and reliable way to keep the DB up to date. Of course, it has a major drawback, since applying these scripts recreates the DB from scratch, and all data are lost. You can partially compensate this drawback at the development stage by adding commands to the Init data script that will create primary data upon initialization.

Update scripts become a convenient and necessary tool for developing and maintaining the DB at a later stage, when the data model is relatively stable, and the development and production databases have the data that can not be lost as a result of recreating the DB from scratch.

Use DB script execution by Gradle tasks to apply scripts: invoke Run > Create database to recreate the database and Run > Update database to apply the scripts. Please note that these items are available only if the application server is stopped. Of course, you can invoke the corresponding Gradle tasks (createDb and updateDb) at any time from the command line, but if the database or any of its objects are locked, script execution may fail.

8.2. MS SQL Server Specifics

Microsoft SQL Server uses cluster indexes for tables.

By default, a clustered index is based on the table’s primary key, however, keys of the UUID type used by CUBA applications are poorly suited for clustered indexes. We recommend creating UUID primary keys with the nonclustered modificator:

create table SALES_CUSTOMER (
    ID uniqueidentifier not null,
    CREATE_TS datetime,
    primary key nonclustered (ID)

8.3. Oracle Database Specifics

Due to the distribution policy of Oracle JDBC driver, it can only be downloaded manually from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/jdbc/index-091264.html.

After downloading, copy the ojdbc6.jar file to the lib subdirectory of the CUBA Studio installation path and to the lib subdirectory of the installed Tomcat server. Then stop Studio, stop Gradle daemon by executing

gradle --stop

in the command line, then start Studio again.

For SE version, copy the JAR file to the ~/.haulmont/studio/lib/ directory and to the lib subdirectory of the installed Tomcat server.

8.4. MySQL Database Specifics

The MySQL JDBC driver is not distributed with CUBA Studio due to the license restrictions, so you should do the following:

  • Download the driver archive from https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j

  • Extract JAR file and rename it to mysql-connector-java.jar

  • Copy the JAR file to the ~/.haulmont/studio/lib/ directory and to the lib subdirectory of the installed Tomcat server

  • Stop Studio and Gradle daemon by executing gradle --stop in the command line, then start Studio again


For the databases with the charset different from UTF-8, the framework scripts with constraints cannot be executed. In this case, modify the Charset and Collation name database properties by passing the following parameters in the Connection params field of the project properties:


MySQL does not support partial indexes, so the only way to implement a unique constraint for a soft deleted entity is to use the DELETE_TS column in the index. But there is another problem: MySQL allows multiple NULLs in a column with a unique constraint. Since the standard DELETE_TS column is nullable, it cannot be used in the unique index. We recommend the following workaround for creating unique constraints for soft deleted entities:

  1. Create a DELETE_TS_NN column in the database table. This column is not null and is initialized by a default value:

    create table DEMO_CUSTOMER (
        DELETE_TS_NN datetime(3) not null default '1000-01-01 00:00:00.000',
  2. Create a trigger that will change DELETE_TS_NN value when DELETE_TS value is changed:

    create trigger DEMO_CUSTOMER_DELETE_TS_NN_TRIGGER before update on DEMO_CUSTOMER
    for each row
        if not(NEW.DELETE_TS <=> OLD.DELETE_TS) then
            set NEW.DELETE_TS_NN = if (NEW.DELETE_TS is null, '1000-01-01 00:00:00.000', NEW.DELETE_TS);
        end if
  3. Create a unique index including unique columns and DELETE_TS_NN:


8.5. Connecting to a Non-Default Database Schema

PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server support connection to a specific database schema. By default, the schema is public on PostgreSQL and dbo on SQL Server.


In order to use non-default schema on PostgreSQL, specify the currentSchema parameter in the connectionParams property of the createDb and updateDb Gradle tasks, for example:

task createDb(dependsOn: assembleDbScripts, type: CubaDbCreation) {
    dbms = 'postgres'
    host = 'localhost'
    dbName = 'my_db'
    connectionParams = '?currentSchema=my_schema'
    dbUser = 'cuba'
    dbPassword = 'cuba'

If you are using Studio, add this connection parameter to the Connection params field on the Project properties page. Studio will update build.gradle automatically. After that, you can update or re-create the database, and all tables will be created in the specified schema.

Microsoft SQL Server

On Microsoft SQL Server, providing a connection property is not enough, you have to link the schema with the database user. Below is an example of creating a new database and using a non-default schema in it.

  • Create a login:

    create login JohnDoe with password='saPass1'
  • Create a new database:

    create database my_db
  • Connect to the new database as sa, create a schema, then create a user and give him owner rights:

    create schema my_schema
    create user JohnDoe for login JohnDoe with default_schema = my_schema
    exec sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'JohnDoe'

Now you should specify the currentSchema parameter in the connectionParams property of the updateDb Gradle task (or in Studio project properties). In fact, this property is not handled by SQL Server JDBC driver, but it tells Studio and CUBA Gradle plugin what schema to use.

task updateDb(dependsOn: assembleDbScripts, type: CubaDbUpdate) {
    dbms = 'mssql'
    dbmsVersion = '2012'
    host = 'localhost'
    dbName = 'my_db'
    connectionParams = ';currentSchema=my_schema'
    dbUser = 'JohnDoe'
    dbPassword = 'saPass1'

Keep in mind, that you cannot re-create the SQL Server database from Studio or by executing createDb in the command line, because non-default schema requires association with a user. But if you run Update database in Studio or updateDb in the command line, all required tables will be created in the existing database and specified schema.

8.6. Creating and Updating the Database in Production

This section describes different ways of creating and updating a database during application deployment and operation. To learn more about the structure and the rules of database scripts, please see Scripts to Create and Update the Database and Creating the DB Schema.

8.6.1. Execution of Database Scripts by Server

The execution of DB scripts by server mechanism can be used for both database initialization and its further update during the application development and data schema modification.

The following actions should be completed to initialize a new database:

  • Enable the cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate application property by adding the following line to the local.app.properties file of the Middleware block:

    cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate = true

    For fast deployment to Tomcat, this file is located in the tomcat/conf/app-core directory. If the file does not exist, create it.

  • Create an empty database corresponding to the URL specified in the data source description in context.xml.

  • Start the application server containing the Middleware block. At application start, the database will be initialized and ready for work.

After that, each time when the application server starts, a scripts execution mechanism will compare the set of scripts located in the database scripts directory with the list of already executed scripts registered in the database. If new scripts are found, they will be executed and registered as well. Typically it is enough to include the update scripts in each new application version, and the database will be actualized each time when the application server is restarted.

When using the database scripts execution mechanism at server start, the following should be considered:

  • If any error occurs when running a script, the Middleware block stops initialization and becomes inoperable. The client blocks generate messages about inability to connect to the Middleware.

    Check the app.log file located in the server’s log folder for a message about SQL execution from the com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.DbUpdaterEngine logger and, possibly, further error messages to identify the error reasons.

  • The update scripts, as well as the DDL and the SQL commands within the scripts separated with "^", are executed in separate transactions. That is why when an update fails there is still a big chance that a part of the scripts or even individual commands of the last script will have been executed and committed to the database.

    With this in mind, creating a backup copy of the database immediately before starting the server is highly recommended. Then, when the error reason is fixed, the database can be restored and the automatic process restarted.

    If the backup is missing, you should identify which part of the script was executed and committed after the error is fixed. If the entire script failed to execute, the automatic process can be simply restarted. If some of the commands before the erroneous one were separated with the "^" character, executed in a separate transaction and committed, then the remaining part of the commands should be run and this script should be registered in SYS_DB_CHANGELOG manually. After that, the server can be started and the automatic update mechanism will start processing the next unexecuted script.

    CUBA Studio generates update scripts with ";" delimiter for all database types except Oracle. If update script commands are separated by semicolons, the script is executed in one transaction and entirely rolled back in case of failure. This behavior ensures consistency between the database schema and the list of executed update scripts.

8.6.2. Initializing and Updating a Database from The Command Line

Database create and update scripts can be run from the command line using the com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.utils.DbUpdaterUtil class included in the platform’s Middleware block. At startup, the following arguments should be specified:

  • dbTypeDBMS type, possible values: postgres, mssql, oracle, mysql.

  • dbVersionDBMS version (optional argument).

  • dbDriver - JDBC driver class name (optional argument). If not provided, the driver class name will be derived from dbType.

  • dbUser – database user name.

  • dbPassword – database user password.

  • dbUrl – database connection URL. For primary initialization, the specified database should be empty; the database is not cleared automatically in advance.

  • scriptsDir – absolute path to the folder containing scripts in the standard structure. Typically, this is the database scripts directory supplied with the application.

  • one of the possible commands:

    • create – initialize the database.

    • check – show all unexecuted update scripts.

    • update – update the database.

An example of a script for Linux running DbUpdaterUtil:




for jar in `ls "$TOMCAT/"`

for jar in `ls "$WEBLIB/"`

for jar in `ls "$SHARED/"`

java -cp $CLASSPATH com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.utils.DbUpdaterUtil \
 -dbType postgres -dbUrl $DB_URL \
 -dbUser $1 -dbPassword $2 \
 -scriptsDir $SCRIPTS \

This script is designed to work with the database named mydb running on the local PostgreSQL server. The script should be located in the bin folder of the Tomcat server and should be started with {username}, {password} and {command}, for example:

./dbupdate.sh cuba cuba123 update

Script execution progress is displayed in the console. If any error occurs, same actions as described in the previous section for the automatic update mechanism should be performed.


When updating the database from the command line, the existing Groovy scripts are started, but only their main part gets executed. Due to the lack of the server context, the script’s PostUpdate part is ignored with the corresponding message written to the console.

8.7. Connecting to HSQLDB with Squirrel SQL

HSQLDB, also called HyperSQL, is a convenient DBMS for application prototyping that does not require installation and is started automatically within CUBA Studio if the project has been configured to work with this DBMS. This section describes the way of connecting to HSQLDB with an external tool that allows working with DB schema and data directly via SQL.

SQuirreL SQL Client is an open-source Java application that enables working with databases via JDBC. You can download Squirrel SQL here: http://squirrel-sql.sourceforge.net.

Before starting Squirrel SQL, find the hsqldb-x.x.x.jar file in the lib folder of your CUBA Studio installation and copy it to the lib folder of Squirrel SQL.

Start Squirrel SQL and go to Drivers. Make sure that HSQLDB Server driver is active.

Open Aliases tab and click the Create a new Alias button.

Fill in the connection properties in the window that appears: Database URL, User Name and Password. The default user name is "sa", the password is empty. The database URL can be copied from the Project properties tab in CUBA Studio, or from the modules/core/web/META-INF/context.xml file of the application project.

db hsql setAliasProperties

9. Security Subsystem

The CUBA platform uses the following methods to control access rights:

  • The role-based system for assigning user permissions. A set of roles and permissions can be configured by the system administrator during the system deployment or later in production.

  • A hierarchical structure of access groups with constraint inheritance.

  • Access control at the following levels:

    • Operations on entities (read, create, update, delete): for example, user Smith can view documents, but cannot create, update or delete them.

    • Entity attributes (modify, read, access denied): user Smith can view all document attributes except for amount.

    • Access to particular entity instances (access control at the row level): user Smith can view the documents that have been created in their department only.

  • Integration with LDAP with an ability to implement SSO (Single Sign-On) for Windows users.

9.1. Web Security

Are CUBA applications secure?

CUBA Platform as a framework follows good security practices and provides you with automatic protection against some of the most common vulnerabilities in web applications. Its architecture promotes a secure programming model, allowing you to concentrate on your business and application logic.

  1. UI State and Validation

    Web Client is a server-side application, where all of your application state, business and UI logic resides on the server. Unlike client driven frameworks, Web Client never exposes its internals to the browser, where vulnerabilities can be leveraged by an attacker. The data validation is always done on the server and therefore cannot be by-passed with client-side attacks, the same applies to REST API validation.

  2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

    Web Client has built-in protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. It converts all data to use HTML entities before the data is rendered in the user’s browser.

  3. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

    All requests between the client and the server are included with a user session specific CSRF token. All communication between the server and the client is handled by Vaadin Framework, so you do not need to remember to include the CSRF tokens manually.

  4. Web Services

    All communication in Web Client goes through one web service used for RPC requests. You never open up your business logic as web services and thus there are less attack entry points to your application.

    Generic REST API automatically applies roles, permissions and all security constraints for both logged in and anonymous users.

  5. SQL Injection

    The platform uses ORM layer based on EclipseLink that is protected against SQL injections. Parameters of SQL queries are always passed to JDBC as parameters array and not interpolated into SQL queries as raw strings.

9.2. Security Subsystem Components

The main CUBA security subsystem components are shown in the diagram below.

Figure 44. Security Subsystem Components Diagram

Below is an overview of these components.

Security management screens – screens available to system administrator for configuring user access rights.

Login screen − system login window. This window provides user authentication by username and password. The database stores password hashes for security.

The UserSession object is created upon login. This is the central security element associated with the currently authenticated user and containing information on data access rights.

The user login process is described in Login.

Roles − user roles. A role is a system object, which, on the one hand, matches the permission set required to perform specific functions, and on the other hand, the subset of users who must have these permissions.

The permissions can have the following types:

  • Screen Permissions − an ability to open a screen.

  • Entity Operation Permissions − an ability to perform operations with an entity: read, create, update, delete.

  • Entity Attribute Permissions − access to an arbitrary entity attribute: modify, read only, access denied. See also Entity Attribute Access Control.

  • Specific Permissions − permissions for some named functionality.

  • UI Permissions − control access to screen elements.

Access Groups − user access groups. The groups have a hierarchical structure, with each element defining a set of constraints, allowing controlling access to individual entity instances (at table row level). For example, users can view the documents that have been created in their department only.

9.2.1. Login Screen

The login screen provides the ability to register within the system with a login name and password. The login name is case-insensitive.

The Web Client’s Remember Me checkbox can be configured by using the cuba.web.rememberMeEnabled application property. The drop-down list of supported languages on the standard login screen can be configured with the cuba.localeSelectVisible and cuba.availableLocales application properties.

In Web Client, the standard login window can be customized or completely replaced in the project using the Generic UI > New > Login Window link in Studio. See also Web Client Specifics.

The platform has a mechanism for the protection against password brute force cracking: see the cuba.bruteForceProtection.enabled application property.

For deeper customization of the authentication procedure, see Login and Web Login sections.

9.2.2. Users

Each system user has a corresponding instance of sec$User entity, containing unique login, password hash, reference to access group and list of roles, and other attributes. User management is carried out using the Administration > Users screen:

security user browser

In addition to the standard actions to create, update and delete records, the following actions are available:

  • Copy – quickly creates a new user based on the selected one. The new user will have the same access group and role set. Both can be changed in the new user edit screen.

  • Copy settings – enables copying user interface settings from one user to several others. The settings include the table presentations, the SplitPanel separator position, filters and search folders.

  • Change password – allowing changing password for a selected user.

  • Reset passwords – enables performing the following actions on selected users:

    • If Generate new passwords flag is not selected in the Reset passwords for selected users dialog, the Change password at next logon flag will be assigned to selected users. These users will be asked to change the password on the next successful login.


      In order to be able to change their passwords, the users must have permission to the sec$User.changePassword screen. Keep it in mind when configuring roles, especially if you assign a Denying role to all users. The screen can be found under the Other screens entry in the role editor.

    • If Generate new passwords flag is selected, new random passwords will be generated for selected users and displayed to the system administrator. The list of passwords can be exported to XLS and sent to related users. Additionally, the Change password at next logon flag will be set for each user, ensuring that users change the password on next login.

    • If Send emails with generated passwords flag is selected in addition to Generate new passwords, the automatically generated one-time passwords will be sent to corresponding users directly, and not shown to system administrator. The sending is done asynchronously so it requires a special scheduled task mentioned in section Sending Methods.

      The template of password reset emails can be modified. Create custom templates in the core module, taking reset-password-subject.gsp and reset-password-body.gsp as an example. In order to localize templates, if needed, create files with locale suffixes, as it is done in the platform.

      The templates are based on Groovy SimpleTemplateEngine syntax, thus you can use Groovy blocks inside of the template content. For instance:

      Hello <% print (user.active ? user.login : 'user') %>
      <% if (user.email.endsWith('@company.com')) { %>
      The password for your account has been reset.
      Please login with the following temporary password:
      and immediately create a new one for the further work.
      Thank you
      <% } else {%>
      Please contact your system administrator for a new password.

      Data binding for these templates contains user, password, and persistence variables. You can also use any Spring beans of the middleware if you import AppBeans class and get them using AppBeans.get() method.

      Having overridden the templates, in the app.properties of the core module specify the following properties:

      cuba.security.resetPasswordTemplateBody = <relative path to your file>
      cuba.security.resetPasswordTemplateSubject = <relative path to your file>

      For easier configuration in production, the templates can also be located or overridden in the configuration directory, with the properties added to the local.app.properties file.

The user edit screen is described below:

security user editor
  • Login – unique login name (required).

  • Groupaccess group.

  • Last name, First name, Middle name – parts of user’s full name.

  • Name – automatically generated user’s full name. Based on full name parts above and a rule defined in the cuba.user.fullNamePattern application property. The name can also be changed manually.

  • Position – job position.

  • Language – the user interface language that will be set for the user, if the ability to choose a language on login is turned off using the cuba.localeSelectVisible application property.

  • Time Zone – the time zone that will be used for displaying and entering timestamp values.

  • Email – email address.

  • Active – if not set, the user is unable to login to the system.

  • Permitted IP Mask – IP address mask, defining addresses from which the user is allowed to login.

    The mask is a list of IP addresses, separated by commas. Both the IPv4 and IPv6 address formats are supported. IPv4 address should consist of four numbers separated with periods. IPv6 address represents eight groups of four hexadecimal characters separated with colons. The "*" symbol can be used in place of an address part, to match any value. Only one type of address format (IPv4 or IPv6) can be used in the mask at the same time.

    Example: 192.168.*.*

  • Roles – user roles list.

  • Substituted Userssubstituted users list. User Substitution

The system administrator can give a user an ability to substitute another user. The substituting user will have the same session, but a different set of roles, constraints and attributes, assigned from the substituted user.


It is recommended to use the UserSession.getCurrentOrSubstitutedUser() method for retrieving the current user in the application code, which returns the substituted user, if there is an active substitution. The platform audit mechanisms (the createdBy and updatedBy attributes, change log and entity snapshots) always register the real logged-in user.

If the user has substituted users, a drop-down list will be shown in the application upper right corner instead of the plain text with the current user name:

user subst select

If another user is selected in this list, all opened screens will be closed and the substitution will be made active. The UserSession.getUser() method will still return the user that has logged in, however, the UserSession.getSubstitutedUser() method will return the substituted user. If there is no substitution, the UserSession.getSubstitutedUser() method will return null.

Substituted users can be managed through the Substituted Users table in the user edit screen. The user substitution screen is described below:

user subst edit
  • User – the edited user. This user will substitute another user.

  • Substituted user – the substituted user.

  • Start date, End date – optional substitution period. User substitution will be unavailable outside of this period. If no period is specified, substitution will be available until this table entry is removed. Time Zone

By default, all temporal values are displayed in the server’s time zone. The server’s time zone is the one returned by TimeZone.getDefault() method of an application block. This default time zone is typically obtained from the operating system but can be set explicitly by user.timezone Java system property. For example, to set the time zone to GMT for web client and middleware running on Tomcat under Unix, add the following line to tomcat/bin/setenv.sh file:


A user can view and edit timestamp values in a time zone different from the server’s time zone. There are two ways to manage user’s time zone:

  • An administrator can do it in the User editor screen.

  • The user can change their time zone in the Help > Settings window.

In both cases, the time zone settings consist of two fields:

  • Time zone name dropdown allows a user to select the time zone explicitly.

  • Auto checkbox indicates that the time zone will be obtained from the current environment (web browser for the web client or OS for the desktop client).

If both fields are empty, no time zone conversions are performed for the user. Otherwise, the platform saves time zone in the UserSession object when the user logs in and uses it for displaying and entering timestamp values. The application code can also use the value returned by UserSession.getTimeZone() for custom functionality.

If a time zone is in use for the current session, its short name and offset from GMT are displayed in the application main window next to the current user’s name.


Time zone conversions are performed only for DateTimeDatatype entity attributes, i.e., timestamps. Attributes storing date (DateDatatype) and time (TimeDatatype) separately are not affected. You can also deny conversions for a timestamp attribute by annotating it with @IgnoreUserTimeZone.

9.2.3. Permissions

The permission determines the user’s right to any system object or functionality, such as screen, entity operation, etc. The permission can either grant the user the right to the object, or revoke it (in essence, it is actually a prohibition).


By default, the user has the right to an object, unless explicitly denied by a permission.

The permissions are granted by the sec$Permission entity instances and contain the following attributes:

  • type – permission type: determines the object type the permission is imposed on.

  • target – permission object: determines the specific object the permission is imposed on. The format of the attribute depends on the permission type.

  • value – permission value. The value range depends on the permission type.

The permission types are described below:

  • PermissionType.SCREEN – screen permission.

    The screen identifier should be specified in the target attribute; the value attribute can be 0 or 1 (the screen is denied or allowed, respectively).

    The screen permissions are checked when building the system main menu and with each invocation of the openWindow(), openEditor(), openLookup() methods of the Frame interfaces.

    To check the screen permission in the application code, use the isScreenPermitted() method of the Security interface.

  • PermissionType.ENTITY_OP – entity operation permission.

    The entity name should be specified in the target attribute, followed by a colon, and then an operation type: create, read, update, delete. For example: library$Book:delete. The value attribute can be 0 or 1 (the operation is denied or allowed, respectively).

    The entity operation permissions are checked when working with data through the DataManager, in data-aware visual components, and in standard actions, which work with entity lists. As a result, the operation permissions affect the behavior of the client blocks and the REST API. The permissions are not checked when working with data on the Middleware directly via the EntityManager.

    To check the entity operation permission in the application code, use the isEntityOpPermitted() method of the Security interface.

  • PermissionType.ENTITY_ATTR – entity attribute permission.

    The entity name should be specified in the target attribute, followed by a colon, and then an attribute name. For example: library$Book:name. The value attribute can be 0, 1 or 2 (the attribute is hidden, read-only or read-write, respectively).

    The entity attribute permissions are only checked in the data-aware visual components and the REST API.

    To check the entity attribute permission in the application code, use the isEntityAttrPermitted() method of the Security interface.

  • PermissionType.SPECIFIC – permission on an arbitrary named functionality. Specific permissions can be used instead of roles for binary permitting/denying some project-specific functionality, as roles are designed for aggregating permissions.

    The functionality identifier should be specified in the target attribute; the value attribute can be 0 or 1 (denied or allowed, respectively).

    Specific permissions for this project are set in the configuration file permissions.xml.

    For example:

    private Security security;
    private void calculateBalance() {
        if (!security.isSpecificPermitted("myapp.calculateBalance"))
  • PermissionType.UI – arbitrary screen component permission.

    The screen identifier should be specified in the target attribute, followed by a colon, and then a component path. The format of the component path is described in the next section.


To check permissions, instead of directly using methods of the UserSession class, it is recommended to use the same methods of Security interface that works with possible entity extension.

9.2.4. Roles

The role combines a set of permissions that can be granted to the user.

The user may have several roles, in which case a logical sum (OR) is devised from all of the assigned roles. For example, if a user has roles A, B and C, role A denies X, role B allows X, role C does not set explicit permissions on X, then X will be allowed.

If no user roles explicitly define permission on the object, the user will have the permission for this object. Therefore, the users have rights to all the objects if they have no roles that explicitly define the permission, or have at least one role that grants the permission.


If a user has a single role without explicitly set permissions, or does not have any roles at all, he will have all rights to all objects.

The role list is displayed in the Administration > Roles screen. In addition to the standard actions to create, update, and delete records, the screen has the Assign to users button, allowing assigning the selected role to multiple users.

The role edit screen is described below. The role attributes are displayed in the upper part:

role attributes
  • Name – unique role name or id (required). The name cannot be changed after the role has been created.

  • Localized name – user-friendly role name.

  • Description – arbitrary role description.

  • Type – role type, can be:

    • Standard – the role of this type grants only explicitly set permissions.

    • Super – the role of this type automatically grants all permissions. It should be assigned to system administrators, since it removes all prohibitions set by other roles.

    • Read-only – the role of this type automatically denies the permissions for the following entity operations: CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE. Therefore, the user with this role can only read the data and is unable to update it (unless there are other user roles explicitly allowing these operations).

    • Denying – the role of this type automatically denies the permissions for all objects, except entity attributes. In order to view or update something in the system, the user should be assigned an additional role that explicitly gives the necessary rights.

      Permissions can be explicitly set for all the role types; for example, you can add the permissions to modify entities for the Read-only role. However, it does not make sense to prohibit anything for the Super role, because this special role type removes all prohibitions.

  • Default role – default role flag. All roles with this flag are automatically assigned to the newly created users.

The permission management tabs are described below.

  • The Screens tab configures screen permissions:

    role screen permissions

    The tree in the left part of the tab reflects the structure of the application’s main menu. The last tree element is Other screens, which contains screens without a main menu item (for example, entity edit screens).

  • The Entities tab – configures entity operation permissions:

    role entity permissions

    The Assigned only is selected by default, so that the table contains only the entities that have explicit permissions in this role. Therefore, the table for a new role will be empty. In order to add permissions, uncheck Assigned only and click Apply. The entity list can be filtered by entering a part of an entity name in the Entity field and clicking Apply.

    System level checkbox enables viewing and selecting system entities marked with the @SystemLevel annotation, which are not shown by default.

    When a constraint of this kind is violated, the error notification will be shown to the user. To localize the error messages, you should override the localization keys for the RowLevelSecurityExceptionHandler in the main message pack.

  • The Attributes tab – configures entity attribute permissions:

    role attr permissions

    The Permissions column in the entity table shows the list of the attributes that have explicit permissions. The modify (full access) permissions are marked with green, read-only (read-only) – with blue, hide (the attribute is hidden) – with red.

    Entity list can be managed similarly to the list in the Entities tab.


    To change the access to attributes dynamically depending also on the current state of the entity or its linked entities, use the Entity Attribute Access Control mechanism with the SetupAttributeAccessHandler interface.

  • The Specific tab configures named functionality permissions:

    role specific permissions

    The permissions.xml project configuration file defines the object names to which specific permissions can be assigned.

  • The UI tab configures UI screen component permissions:

    role ui permissions

    The permissions on this screen allow restricting access to any screen component, including the ones not associated with any data (for example, a container). The component identifiers must be known to create such permissions, therefore access to the screen source code is required.

    In order to create a constraint, select the desired screen in the Screen drop-down list, specify the component path in the Component field, and click Add. Then set the access mode for the selected component in the Permissions panel.

    The rules to forming the component path are listed below:

    • If the component belongs to the screen, simply specify the component identifier, id.

    • If the component belongs to the frame that is embedded within the screen, specify the frame identifier, and then the component identifier separated by period.

    • If configuring permission for the TabSheet tab or the FieldGroup field, specify the component identifier, and then the tab or field identifier in square brackets.

    • To configure permission for an action, specify the component, holding the action, and then the action identifier in angle brackets. For example: customersTable<changeGrade>.

9.2.5. Access Groups

With access groups, users can be organized into a hierarchical structure and assigned constraints and arbitrary session attributes.

The user can be added to one group only, however the list of constraints and session attributes from all the groups up the hierarchy will be inherited.

User access groups can be managed from the Administration > Access Groups screen:

group users Constraints

Constraints restrict user access to entity instances. Unlike the permissions which are applied to classes of entities, constraints are applied to particular entity instances that do not match the constraint conditions. Constraints can be set for creation, reading, updating and deletion. Besides, one can add custom constraints not related to CRUD actions.


A user gets the constraints list from all groups starting with their own one, and up the hierarchy. Thus, the following principle is implemented: the lower the users are in the groups hierarchy, the more constraints they have.

Note that constraints are checked for all operations performed from the client tier through the standard DataManager. If an entity does not match the constraints conditions during creation, modification or deletion, the RowLevelSecurityException is thrown.

There are three types of constraint check: check in database, check in memory, check in database and in memory.

  1. For the constraints with check in database, conditions are specified using JPQL expression fragments. These fragments are appended to all entity instance selection queries. So the entities not matching the conditions are filtered on the database level. Constraints with database check can be used only for the read operation.

  2. For the constraints with check in memory, the conditions are specified using Groovy expressions. The expressions are executed for every entity in the checked graph of objects, and if the entity does not match the conditions, it is filtered from the graph.

  3. The constraints with check in database and in memory are combination of previous two types.

In order to create a constraint, open the Access Groups screen, select a group to create the constraint for, go to the Constraints tab and click Create:

constraint edit

Select an entity from the Entity Name drop-down list, operation type from the Operation Type drop-down list, check type from the Check type drop-down list. Depending on selected check type, you have to set JPQL conditions in the Join Clause and Where Clause fields and/or Groovy condition in the Groovy Script field. You can use the Constraint Wizard, which enables visual creation of the JPQL and Groovy conditions. When you select custom operation type, the required Code field appears, and you should set a specific code, which will be used to identify the constraint.


The JPQL editor in the Join Clause and Where Clause fields supports autocompletion for entity names and their attributes. In order to invoke autocompletion, press Ctrl+Space. If the invocation is made after the period symbol, an entity attributes list matching the context will be shown, otherwise – a list of all data model entities.

The following JPQL constraint rules apply:

  • The {E} string should be used as an alias of the entity being extracted. On execution of the query, it will be replaced with a real alias, specified in the query.

  • The following predefined constants can be used in JPQL parameters:

    • session$userLogin – login name of the current user (in case of substitution – the login name of the substituted user).

    • session$userId – ID of the current user (in case of substitution – ID of the substituted user).

    • session$userGroupId – group ID of the current user (in case of substitution − group ID of the substituted user).

    • session$XYZ – arbitrary attribute of the current user session, where XYZ is the attribute name.

  • The Where Clause field content is added to the where query clause using and condition. Adding where word is not needed, as it will be added automatically.

  • The Join Clause field content is added to the from query clause. It should begin with a comma, join or left join.

The simplest constraint example is shown on the figure above: users with this constraint will see only ref$Car entity instances that have VIN starting with '00'.

Another common example: if an entity refers to the User entity with many-to-many association, and you want the users to see only the instances they are referred to, you can use the member of JPQL operator in the Where Clause:

(select u from sec$User u where u.id = :session$userId) member of {E}.users

For an in-memory constraint, the userSession variable of the UserSession type is passed to the Groovy script. So you can use it to get attributes of the current user session, for example:

{E}.createdBy == userSession.user.login

A developer can check the constraints conditions for the particular entity using the following methods of the Security interface:

  • isPermitted(Entity, ConstraintOperationType) - to check constraints by the operation type.

  • isPermitted(Entity, String) - to check constraints by the string code.

Also, it is possible to link any any action based on the ItemTrackingAction class with a certain constraint. The constraintOperationType attribute should be set for the action XML element or using the setConstraintOperationType() method.


        <action id="create"/>
        <action id="edit" constraintOperationType="update"/>
        <action id="remove" constraintOperationType="delete"/>

When a constraint is violated, a notification is shown to the user. Notification caption and message for each constraint can be overridden at runtime by a user. Select a constraint on the Constraints tab of the Access Groups screen and click Localization, then set the notification caption and message text. Session Attributes

The access group can determine the session attribute list for the users in this group. These attributes can be used when setting the constraints. The availability of the session attributes can be checked in the application code at the development stage, so the final system behavior for particular user groups can be controlled at the operation stage.

When logging in, all the attributes set for the user group and for all the groups up the hierarchy will be placed into the user session. If an attribute is found in several levels of the hierarchy, the uppermost group value will be used. Hence, overriding the attribute values at the lower levels of the hierarchy is not possible. In case of the override attempt, the WARN level message will be written to the server log.

In order to create an attribute in the Access Groups screen, select the group to create the attribute for, go to the Session Attributes tab, and click Create:

session attr edit

A unique attribute name, data type, and value must be specified.

A session attribute can be accessed in the application code in the following way:

private UserSessionSource userSessionSource;
Integer accessLevel = userSessionSource.getUserSession().getAttribute("accessLevel");

A session attribute can be used in the constraints as a JPQL parameter by adding the session$ prefix:

{E}.accessLevel = :session$accessLevel

9.3. Access Control Examples

This section provides some practical recommendations on how to configure data access for users.

9.3.1. Configuring Roles

The recommended way to configure roles and permissions is as follows:

  1. Create a Default role, which revokes all system rights. The simplest way to do it is to create a role of the Denying type. Select the Default role checkbox to automatically assign this role to all new users.

  2. Create a set of roles for granting specific rights to different user categories. There are two strategies for creating such roles:

    • Coarse-grained roles – each role has a permission set for the full range of user responsibilities in the system. For example, Sales Manager, Accountant. Only one role is assigned to each user when using this strategy, excluding the Default role.

    • Fine-grained roles – each role has a small permission set to execute specific functions within the system. For example, Task Creator, References Editor. Each user will then be assigned numerous roles according to their range of responsibilities.

    The strategies can also be combined. Create a set of roles for granting specific rights to different user categories. There are two strategies for creating such roles:

  3. It is possible to leave the system administrator without any assigned roles, in which case, they will have all the rights to all the system objects. Alternatively, a Super type role, overriding any restriction imposed by other roles, can be assigned.

9.3.2. Creating Local Administrators

The hierarchical structure of access groups combined with the constraints inheritance enables creating local administrators, by delegating creation and configuration of users and their rights under organization departments.

The local administrators have access to the security subsystem screens; however, they only see the users and groups in their access group and below. Local administrators can create subgroups and users and assign roles available in the system, however, they will have at least the same constraints as the administrator who created them.

The global administrator in the root access group should create the roles that will be available to the local administrators for assigning to the users. The local administrators should not be able to create and update the roles.

An example access group structure is presented below:

local admins groups


  • The users under the Departments group should only see the users of their own group and the groups below.

  • Each subgroup – Dept 1, Dept 2, etc. should have its own administrator, who can create users and assign them the available roles.


  • Add the following constraints for the Departments group:

    local admins constraints
    • For the sec$Group entity:

      {E}.id in (
        select h.group.id from sec$GroupHierarchy h
        where h.group.id = :session$userGroupId or h.parent.id = :session$userGroupId

      With this constraint, the users will not be able to see the groups higher than their own.

    • For the sec$User entity:

      {E}.group.id in (
        select h.group.id from sec$GroupHierarchy h
        where h.group.id = :session$userGroupId or h.parent.id = :session$userGroupId

      With this constraint, the users will not be able to see the users in groups higher than their own.

    • For the sec$Role entity:

      ({E}.description is null or {E}.description not like '[hide]')

      With this constraint, the users will not be able to view the roles that have the [hide] string in the description attribute.

  • Create a role that denies editing roles and permissions:

    local admins role
    • Select the Default role checkbox:

    • Add the [hide] string to the Description field.

    • In the Entities tab, deny create, update and delete operations for the sec$Role and sec$Permission entities (to add permissions for the sec$Permission object, select the System level checkbox).

    All created users, including the local administrators, will get the local_user role. This role is invisible to the users in the Departments group, so even the local administrators are unable to unassign this role from themselves. Local administrators can only operate on the existing roles that have been created for them by the global administrator. Obviously, the roles available to department users should not remove restrictions imposed by the local_user role.

9.4. Integration with LDAP

CUBA applications can be integrated with LDAP to provide the following benefits:

  1. Storing user passwords centrally in the LDAP database.

  2. For Windows domain users, ability to log in using Single Sign-On without having to specify the username and password.

If the LDAP integration is enabled, a user still needs an account in the application. All the user permissions and properties (except password) are stored in the application database, LDAP is used only for authentication. It is recommended to leave the application password empty for most users except the ones that require the standard authentication (see below). The password field in the user editor screen is not required if the cuba.web.requirePasswordForNewUsers property is set to false.

If the user login is listed in the cuba.web.standardAuthenticationUsers application property, the application tries to authenticate the user only by the password hash stored in the database. As a result, a user from this list can log in to the system with this password if he is not registered in LDAP.

A CUBA-based application interacts with LDAP via the LdapLoginProvider bean.

You can use the Jespa library with the corresponding CubaAuthProvider described in the Active Directory Integration Using Jespa section in order to enable advanced integration with Active Directory, including Single Sign-On for Windows domain users.

You can implement your own login mechanism using custom LoginProvider, HttpRequestFilter or events described in Web Login Specifics.

Also, you can enable LDAP authentication for REST API clients: REST API Authentication with LDAP.

9.4.1. Basic LDAP Integration

If the cuba.web.ldap.enabled property is set to true, the LdapLoginProvider is enabled. In this case, the Spring LDAP library is used for user authentication.

The following Web Client application properties are used to set up LDAP integration:

Example of local.app.properties file for the Web Client block:

cuba.web.ldap.enabled = true
cuba.web.ldap.urls = ldap://
cuba.web.ldap.base = ou=Employees,dc=mycompany,dc=com
cuba.web.ldap.user = cn=System User,ou=Employees,dc=mycompany,dc=com
cuba.web.ldap.password = system_user_password

In case of the integration with Active Directory, when creating users in the application, specify their sAMAccountName without domain as a login.

9.4.2. Active Directory Integration Using Jespa

Jespa is a Java library that enables integration of Active Directory service and Java applications using NTLMv2. For details, see http://www.ioplex.com. Including the Library

Download the library at http://www.ioplex.com and place the JAR in a repository registered in your build.gradle script. This can be mavenLocal() or an in-house repository.

Add the following dependencies to the web module configuration section in build.gradle:

configure(webModule) {
    dependencies {
        compile('com.company.thirdparty:jespa:1.1.17')  // from a custom repository
        compile('jcifs:jcifs:1.3.17')                   // from Maven Central

Create a CubaAuthProvider implementation class in the web module:

package com.company.sample.web;

import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.AppBeans;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.Configuration;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.GlobalConfig;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.Messages;
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.AppContext;
import com.haulmont.cuba.security.global.LoginException;
import com.haulmont.cuba.web.auth.CubaAuthProvider;
import com.haulmont.cuba.web.auth.DomainAliasesResolver;
import jespa.http.HttpSecurityService;
import jespa.ntlm.NtlmSecurityProvider;
import jespa.security.PasswordCredential;
import jespa.security.SecurityProviderException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

public class JespaAuthProvider extends HttpSecurityService implements CubaAuthProvider {

    private static class DomainInfo {
        private String bindStr;
        private String acctName;
        private String acctPassword;

        private DomainInfo(String bindStr, String acctName, String acctPassword) {
            this.acctName = acctName;
            this.acctPassword = acctPassword;
            this.bindStr = bindStr;

    private static Map<String, DomainInfo> domains = new HashMap<>();

    private static String defaultDomain;

    private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    private Configuration configuration;

    private Messages messages;

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {


        Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();

        properties.put("jespa.bindstr", getBindStr());
        properties.put("jespa.service.acctname", getAcctName());
        properties.put("jespa.service.password", getAcctPassword());
        properties.put("jespa.account.canonicalForm", "3");
        properties.put("jespa.log.path", configuration.getConfig(GlobalConfig.class).getLogDir() + "/jespa.log");
        properties.put("http.parameter.anonymous.name", "anon");


        try {
        } catch (SecurityProviderException e) {
            throw new ServletException(e);

    public void destroy() {

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
        if (httpServletRequest.getHeader("User-Agent") != null) {
            String ua = httpServletRequest.getHeader("User-Agent").toLowerCase();
            boolean windows = ua.contains("windows");
            boolean gecko = ua.contains("gecko") && !ua.contains("webkit");
            if (!windows && gecko) {
                chain.doFilter(request, response);
        super.doFilter(request, response, chain);

    public void authenticate(String login, String password, Locale loc) throws LoginException {
        DomainAliasesResolver aliasesResolver = AppBeans.get(DomainAliasesResolver.NAME);

        String domain;
        String userName;

        int atSignPos = login.indexOf("@");
        if (atSignPos >= 0) {
            String domainAlias = login.substring(atSignPos + 1);
            domain = aliasesResolver.getDomainName(domainAlias).toUpperCase();
        } else {
            int slashPos = login.indexOf('\\');
            if (slashPos <= 0) {
                throw new LoginException("Invalid name: %s", login);
            String domainAlias = login.substring(0, slashPos);
            domain = aliasesResolver.getDomainName(domainAlias).toUpperCase();

        userName = login;

        DomainInfo domainInfo = domains.get(domain);
        if (domainInfo == null) {
            throw new LoginException("Unknown domain: %s", domain);

        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("bindstr", domainInfo.bindStr);
        params.put("service.acctname", domainInfo.acctName);
        params.put("service.password", domainInfo.acctPassword);
        params.put("account.canonicalForm", "3");

        NtlmSecurityProvider provider = new NtlmSecurityProvider(params);
        try {
            PasswordCredential credential = new PasswordCredential(userName, password.toCharArray());
        } catch (SecurityProviderException e) {
            throw new LoginException("Authentication error: %s", e.getMessage());

    private void initDomains() {
        String domainsStr = AppContext.getProperty("cuba.web.activeDirectoryDomains");
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(domainsStr)) {
            String[] strings = domainsStr.split(";");
            for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
                String domain = strings[i];
                domain = domain.trim();
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(domain)) {
                    String[] parts = domain.split("\\|");
                    if (parts.length != 4) {
                        log.error("Invalid ActiveDirectory domain definition: " + domain);
                    } else {
                        domains.put(parts[0], new DomainInfo(parts[1], parts[2], parts[3]));
                        if (i == 0)
                            defaultDomain = parts[0];

    public String getDefaultDomain() {
        return defaultDomain != null ? defaultDomain : "";

    public String getBindStr() {
        return getBindStr(getDefaultDomain());

    public String getBindStr(String domain) {
        DomainInfo domainInfo = domains.get(domain);
        return domainInfo != null ? domainInfo.bindStr : "";

    public String getAcctName() {
        return getAcctName(getDefaultDomain());

    public String getAcctName(String domain) {
        DomainInfo domainInfo = domains.get(domain);
        return domainInfo != null ? domainInfo.acctName : "";

    public String getAcctPassword() {
        return getAcctPassword(getDefaultDomain());

    public String getAcctPassword(String domain) {
        DomainInfo domainInfo = domains.get(domain);
        return domainInfo != null ? domainInfo.acctPassword : "";

    public void fillFromSystemProperties(Map<String, String> params) {
        for (String name : AppContext.getPropertyNames()) {
            if (name.startsWith("jespa.")) {
                params.put(name, AppContext.getProperty(name));
} Setting Up Configuration
  • Follow the steps described in InstallationStep 1: Create the Computer Account for NETLOGON Communication of the Jespa Operator’s Manual, which is available at http://www.ioplex.com/support.html.

  • Set domain parameters in the cuba.web.activeDirectoryDomains property in the local.app.properties file. Each domain descriptor should have the following format: domain_name|full_domain_name|service_account_name|service_account_password. Domain descriptors are separated by semicolons.


    cuba.web.activeDirectoryDomains = MYCOMPANY|mycompany.com|JESPA$@MYCOMPANY.COM|password1;TEST|test.com|JESPA$@TEST.COM|password2
  • Enable the Active Directory integration by setting the cuba.web.externalAuthentication property in the local.app.properties file:

    cuba.web.externalAuthentication = true
  • Configure Jespa authentication provider by setting its FQN for the the cuba.web.externalAuthenticationProviderClass property in the local.app.properties file:

    cuba.web.externalAuthenticationProviderClass = com.company.sample.web.JespaAuthProvider
  • Configure additional Jespa properties in the local.app.properties file (see Jespa Operator’s Manual). For example:


    If the application is deployed to Tomcat, Jespa log file can be found in tomcat/logs.

  • Add the server address to the local intranet in the browser settings:

    • For Internet Explorer and Chrome: Settings > Security > Local intranet > Sites > Advanced

    • For Firefox: about:config > network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris=http://myapp.mycompany.com

9.5. Single-Sign-On for CUBA Applications

Single-sign-on (SSO) for CUBA applications allows a user to log in to the multiple running applications by entering a single login name and password once in a browser session.

When using SSO, there are two types of applications:

  • Identity Provider (IDP) is an application that provides user authentication. It contains a login form for entering user credentials and checks the credentials against the list of registered users. Only one Identity Provider is allowed in an SSO environment.

  • Service Provider (SP) is a regular application that redirects to IDP for user authentication. SP should contain the same list of users as IDP (passwords do not matter though). SP provides authorization using CUBA security roles and access groups. There may be any number of Service Providers in an SSO environment.

An application can be an Identity Provider and a Service Provider at the same time, so you don’t have to setup a dedicated IDP. The SSO functionality is provided by the cuba-idp module which is a part of the Web Client block. You can develop your applications as usual and setup SSO just on deployment stage if needed.


CUBA SSO uses custom HTTP-based protocol and currently does not provide integration with systems using standard authentication protocols like SAML or OIDC.

In SSO environment, when a user enters a Service Provider URL, the SP redirects to the IDP page for entering login name and password. After successful authentication, IDP redirects back to the SP application and the user transparently logs in to SP.

In order to set up SSO, do the following:

  • On Identity Provider:

    • Add the following settings to the web.xml file of the web module (if you do it on the deployment stage, this file is located at tomcat/webapps/app/WEB-INF/web.xml):

    • Set the application properties:

  • On Service Providers:

9.5.1. Customization of IDP

IDP Login Form

The login form files are located in the idp folder of your web application. In case of deployment to Tomcat it is the tomcat/webapps/app/idp folder. You can replace the standard files by creating files with the same name in the web/idp folder of your project’s web module.

By default, the IDP login form uses a localization mechanism based on the webL10n JavaScript library and contains messages for English and Russian locales. In order to create messages for other languages, create file modules/web/web/idp/l10n/locales.ini and define the list of message files in it:

@import url(messages.properties)

@import url(messages_ru.properties)

@import url(messages_es.properties)

Additional message files must be located in the same folder (modules/web/web/idp/l10n). As a template for your message files, use the corresponding files from the cuba-idp module which is available as a dependency JAR in your project.

You can also completely replace the login form by creating your own login.html and js/login.js files, or modify the styles in the css/login.css file.

IDP Implementation

IDP entry points are implemented in the cuba_IdpController and cuba_IdpServiceController Spring MVC controllers. You can create your own controllers and define them in the idp-dispatcher-spring.xml file of your web module with the same names to provide a customized behaviour.

In the standard implementation, the IDP sessions are stored on Middleware and replicated in cluster. This functionality is provided by the cuba_IdpSessionStore bean. You can customize the sessions storage by creating a bean with the same name in the core module of your project and registering it in the corresponding spring.xml file. See details in the Extending Business Logic section.

9.5.2. Single-Sign-On Example

In this section, we consider an example of setting up SSO for two applications: Fish and Chips. Fish will be an Identity Provider and Service Provider at the same time, Chips will be a Service Provider.

  1. Both applications will be running on localhost, so start with creating aliases in your hosts file:    fish    chips
  2. Create two projects in Studio and assign different sets of Tomcat ports.

    Project HTTP port AJP port Shutdown port









  3. In the Fish project, edit the modules/web/web/WEB-INF/web.xml file and add the following IDP configuration:

  4. In the Fish project, edit the web-app.properties file of the web module and add the following properties:

    cuba.idp.serviceProviderUrls = http://fish:8081/app/,http://chips:8082/app/
    cuba.idp.serviceProviderLogoutUrls = http://fish:8081/app/dispatch/idpc/logout,http://chips:8082/app/dispatch/idpc/logout
    cuba.idp.trustedServicePassword = mdgh12SSX_pic2
    cuba.webAppUrl = http://fish:8081/app/
    cuba.web.idp.enabled = true
    cuba.web.idp.baseUrl = http://fish:8081/app/idp/
    cuba.web.idp.trustedServicePassword = mdgh12SSX_pic2
  5. In the Chips project, edit the web-app.properties file of the web module and add the following properties:

    cuba.webAppUrl = http://chips:8082/app/
    cuba.web.idp.enabled = true
    cuba.web.idp.baseUrl = http://fish:8081/app/idp/
    cuba.web.idp.trustedServicePassword = mdgh12SSX_pic2
  6. Start the Fish server by launching its tomcat/bin/startup.* script.

  7. Go to http://fish:8081/app/ in your web browser. You will be redirected to the IDP login page. Log in with the admin / admin credentials. Create a new user, for example u1.

  8. Start the Chips server by launching its tomcat/bin/startup.* script.

  9. Go to http://chips:8082/app/ in the same web browser. If you are still logged in to the Fish application, you will be automatically logged in as admin to Chips. Create the same u1 user (password does not matter) in the Chips application.

  10. Now you can log in as admin or u1 to both applications via the single login form, and if you are logged in in one application, the login process for the second application will be automatic, bypassing the login form.

9.6. Social Login

Social login is a form of single sign-on that allows you to use credentials from a social networking site such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+, to sign in to a CUBA application instead of creating a new login account explicitly for the application.

In the following example, we will consider the social login using Facebook. Facebook uses OAuth2 authorization mechanism, for more details consult the documentation on Facebook API and Facebook Login Flow: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow.

The source code of this sample project is available on GitHub, below are the key points of the social login implementation.

  1. In order to connect your application to Facebook, you will need to create the App ID (unique application identifier) and App Secret (a kind of password that authenticates requests from your application to Facebook servers). Follow the instruction and register the generated values in app.properties file of the core module as the facebook.appId and facebook.appSecret application properties respectively, for example:

    facebook.appId = 123456789101112
    facebook.appSecret = 123456789101112abcde131415fghi16

    Also register the URL that you used for the Facebook app registration in the cuba.webAppUrl property in the core and web application properties files, for example:

    cuba.webAppUrl = http://cuba-fb.test:8080/app
  2. Extend the login screen and add the button for social login. This button will invoke the loginFacebook() method - the entry point to the social login flow.

  3. To use Facebook user accounts, we need to add one extra field to the standard CUBA user account. Extend the User entity and add the facebookId attribute of String type to it:

    @Column(name = "FACEBOOK_ID")
    protected String facebookId;
  4. Create a service that will look for a user with a given facebookId in the application database and either return the existent user or create a new one:

    public interface SocialRegistrationService {
        String NAME = "demo_SocialRegistrationService";
        User findOrRegisterUser(String facebookId, String email, String name);
    public class SocialRegistrationServiceBean implements SocialRegistrationService {
        private Metadata metadata;
        private Persistence persistence;
        private Configuration configuration;
        public User findOrRegisterUser(String facebookId, String email, String name) {
            EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();
            TypedQuery<SocialUser> query = em.createQuery("select u from sec$User u where u.facebookId = :facebookId",
            query.setParameter("facebookId", facebookId);
            SocialUser existingUser = query.getFirstResult();
            if (existingUser != null) {
                return existingUser;
            SocialRegistrationConfig config = configuration.getConfig(SocialRegistrationConfig.class);
            Group defaultGroup = em.find(Group.class, config.getDefaultGroupId(), View.MINIMAL);
            SocialUser user = metadata.create(SocialUser.class);
            return user;
  5. Create a service to manage the login process. In this example it is FacebookService that contains two methods: getLoginUrl() and getUserData().

    • getLoginUrl() will generate the login URL based on the application URL and OAuth2 response type (code, access token or both; see more on response types in Facebook API documentation). The complete implementation of this method you can find in the FacebookServiceBean.java file.

    • getUserData() will look for the Facebook user by the given application URL and code, and either return the personal data of the existent user or create a new one. In this example we want to get the user’s id, name and email, the id will correspond the facebookId attribute created above.

  6. Define the facebook.fields and facebook.scope application properties in the app.properties file of the core module:

    facebook.fields = id,name,email
    facebook.scope = email
  7. Go back to the loginFacebook() method in the controller of the extended login window. The full code of the controller you can find in the ExtAppLoginWindow.java file.

    In this method we add the request handler to the current session, save the current URL and invoke the redirect to the Facebook authentication form in the browser:

    private RequestHandler facebookCallBackRequestHandler =
    private URI redirectUri;
    private FacebookService facebookService;
    private GlobalConfig globalConfig;
    public void loginFacebook() {
        this.redirectUri = Page.getCurrent().getLocation();
        String loginUrl = facebookService.getLoginUrl(globalConfig.getWebAppUrl(), OAuth2ResponseType.CODE);

    The handleFacebookCallBackRequest() method will handle the callback after the Facebook authentication form. Firstly, we use the UIAccessor instance to lock the UI until the login request is proceeded.

    Then, FacebookService will get the Facebook user account email and id. After that, the corresponding CUBA user will be found by facebookId or registered on the fly in the system.

    Next, the authentication is triggered, the user session on behalf of this user is loaded, and the UI is updated. After that, we remove the Facebook callback handler, as far as we no longer expect authentication.

    public boolean handleFacebookCallBackRequest(VaadinSession session, VaadinRequest request,
                                                VaadinResponse response) throws IOException {
        if (request.getParameter("code") != null) {
            uiAccessor.accessSynchronously(() -> {
                try {
                    String code = request.getParameter("code");
                    FacebookUserData userData = facebookService.getUserData(globalConfig.getWebAppUrl(), code);
                    User user = socialRegistrationService.findOrRegisterUser(
                            userData.getId(), userData.getEmail(), userData.getName());
                    App app = App.getInstance();
                    Connection connection = app.getConnection();
                    Locale defaultLocale = messages.getTools().getDefaultLocale();
                    connection.login(new ExternalUserCredentials(user.getLogin(), defaultLocale));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.error("Unable to login using Facebook", e);
                } finally {
            ((VaadinServletResponse) response).getHttpServletResponse().
            return true;
        return false;

Now, when a user clicks the Facebook button on the login screen, the application will ask them for permission to use their Facebook profile and email, and if this permission is granted, the logged in user will be redirected to the main application page.

You can implement your own login mechanism using custom LoginProvider, HttpRequestFilter or events described in the Web Login section.

Appendix A: Configuration Files

This appendix describes the main configuration files included in CUBA-applications.

A.1. app-component.xml

app-component.xml file is required for using the current application as a component of another application. The file defines the dependencies on other components, describes the existing application modules, generated artifacts and exposed application properties.

The app-component.xml file should be located in a package, specified in the App-Component-Id entry of the global module JAR manifest. This manifest entry allows the build system to find components for a project in the build class path. As a result, in order to use some component in your project, just define the component’s global artifact coordinates in the dependencies/appComponent items of your build.gradle.

By convention, the app-component.xml is located in the root package of the project (defined in metadata.xml) which is also equal to the projects’s artifact group (defined in build.gradle):

App-Component-Id == root-package == cuba.artifact.group == e.g. 'com.company.sample'

Use CUBA Studio to generate the app-component.xml descriptor and the manifest entries for the current project automatically.

Using 3rd party dependencies as appJars:

If you want the component’s 3rd party dependencies to be deployed with your application module’s artifacts (e.g. app-comp-core or app-comp-web) into the tomcat/webapps/app[-core]/WEB-INF/lib/ folder, you should add these dependencies as appJar libraries:

<module blocks="core"
    <artifact appJar="true"
    <artifact classifier="db"
    <!-- Specify only the artifact name for your appJar 3rd party library -->
    <artifact name="javamelody-core"

If you don’t want to use a project as an app component, you should add such dependencies as appJars to the deploy task of your build.gradle:

configure(coreModule) {
    task deploy(dependsOn: assemble, type: CubaDeployment) {
        appName = 'app-core'
        appJars('app-global', 'app-core', 'javamelody-core')

A.2. context.xml

context.xml file is the application deployment descriptor for the Apache Tomcat server. In a deployed application, this file is located in the META-INF folder of the web application directory or the WAR file, for example, tomcat/webapps/app-core/META-INF/context.xml. In an application project, this file can be found in the /web/META-INF folders of the core, web and portal modules.

The main purpose of this file in the Middleware block is to define a JDBC data source with the JNDI name, specified in the cuba.dataSourceJndiName application property.

An example of a data source declaration for PostgreSQL:


An example of a data source declaration for Microsoft SQL Server 2005:


An example of a data source declaration for Microsoft SQL Server 2008+:


An example of a data source declaration for Oracle:


An example of a data source declaration for MySQL:


The following line disables the serialization of HTTP sessions:

<Manager pathname=""/>

A.3. dispatcher-spring.xml

The files of this type define configuration of an additional Spring Framework container for client blocks containing Spring MVC controllers.

The additional container for controllers is created with the main container (configured by spring.xml files) as its parent. Therefore, the beans of the controllers container can use the beans of the main container, while the beans of the main container cannot "see" the beans of the controllers container.

The dispatcher-spring.xml file of the project is specified in the cuba.dispatcherSpringContextConfig application property.

The platform web and portal modules already contain such configuration files: cuba-dispatcher-spring.xml and cuba-portal-dispatcher-spring.xml respectively.

If you have created Spring MVC controllers in your project (for example, in the web module), add the following configuration:

  • Assuming that your controllers are located inside the com.company.sample.web.controller package, create the modules/web/src/com/company/sample/web/dispatcher-config.xml file with the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
           xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-4.2.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-4.2.xsd">
        <context:component-scan base-package="com.company.sample.web.controller"/>
  • Include the file into the cuba.dispatcherSpringContextConfig application property in the web-app.properties file:

    cuba.dispatcherSpringContextConfig = +com/company/sample/web/dispatcher-config.xml

Controllers defined in the web module will be available on addresses starting with the URL of the dispatcher servlet, which is /dispatch by default. For example:


Controllers defined in the portal module will be available in the root context of the web application. For example:


The files of this type are used in the application blocks implementing the generic user interface, such as the Web Client and the Desktop Client. These files define the main menu structure of the application.

The file location is specified in the cuba.menuConfig application property. When you create a new project in Studio, it creates the web-menu.xml file in the root package of the web module, for example modules/web/src/com/company/sample/web-menu.xml.

The file has the following structure:

menu-config – the root element.

Elements of menu-config form a tree structure:

  • menu – a folding menu containing menu items and other folding menus.

    menu attributes:

    • id – identifier of an element, used for name localization (see below).

    • description - a text shown as a tooltip on mouse hover. You can use localized messages from the main message pack.

    • icon - icon of the menu element. See icon for details.

    • insertBefore, insertAfter – determines whether the item should be inserted before or after a particular element or a menu item with the specified identifier. This attribute is used to insert an element to an appropriate place in the menu defined in files of application components. Before and after elements cannot be used at the same time.

    • stylename - defines a style name for the menu item. See Themes for details.

    menu elements:

    • menu

    • item – menu item (see below).

    • separator – separator.

  • item – menu item.

    item attributes:

    • id – unique identifier of an element, used for caption localization (see below). Can be used as screen id for linking to one of the UI screen elements registered in screens.xml file, if no actions declared. When a user clicks on a menu item, the corresponding screen will be opened in the main application window.

    • bean - the name of bean which can be obtained by AppBeans (e.g. cuba_Messages).

    • beanMethod - the name of method from bean (should be used together with the bean attribute).

      <item bean="cuba_Messages"
    • class - fully qualified name of class which extends Runnable.

      <item class="com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.SecurityContextAwareRunnable"/>
    • description - a text which is shown as a tooltip on mouse hover. You can also use localized messages from the main message pack.

      <item id="ref$Colour.browse"
    • screen - non-unique screen identifier (e.g. sec$User.browse). Can be used as item’s id if it wasn’t defined.

      <item screen="sec$User.browse"/>
    • shortcut – a keyboard shortcut for this menu item. Possible modifiers – ALT, CTRL, SHIFT – are separated with “-”. For example:


      Shortcuts can also be configured in application properties and then used in menu.xml file in the following way:

    • openType – screen open mode. The following modes are available: WindowManager.OpenType: NEW_TAB, THIS_TAB, DIALOG, NEW_WINDOW.

      Default value – NEW_TAB.

      NEW_WINDOW mode is only supported in the Desktop Client. For the Web Client it is equivalent to NEW_TAB mode.

    • icon - icon of the menu element. See icon for details.

    • insertBefore, insertAfter – determines whether the item should be inserted before or after a particular element or a menu item with the specified identifier.

    • resizable – only relevant to DIALOG screen open mode. Controls window resizing ability. Possible values − true, false.

      By default, the main menu does not affect the ability to resize dialog windows.

    • stylename - defines a style name for the menu item. See Themes for details.

    item elements:

    • param – screen parameters passed to the controller’s init() method. The properties configured in menu.xml override the parameters set in screens.xml with the same name.

      param attributes:

      • name – parameter name.

      • value – parameter value. String value, may be converted to an arbitrary object according to the following rules:

        • If a string is an entity identifier, specified according to the rules of the EntityLoadInfo class, the system loads the specified entity instance.

        • If a string has the format ${some_name}, the value of the parameter will be set to the some_name application property.

        • Strings true and false are converted to the corresponding Boolean values.

        • Otherwise, the string itself becomes the parameter value.

    • permissions – an element defining a set of permissions required to make the menu item available to the current user. This mechanism should only be used when item availability should be tied to a specific permission, or to more than one arbitrary permissions. In most cases, the standard capabilities of the security subsystem should be sufficient to manage the menu item availability based on screen identifiers.

      The element should contain nested permission elements, each describing a single required permission. The menu item will only be accessible if all permissions are granted.

      permission attributes:

      • type – permission type. The following types are available for PermissionType: SCREEN, ENTITY_OP, ENTITY_ATTR, SPECIFIC, UI.

      • target – an object checked for permission. Depends on permission type:

        • SCREEN – screen identifier, for example sales$Customer.lookup.

        • ENTITY_OP – a string formatted as {entity_name}:{op}, where {op}read, create, update, delete. For example: sales$Customer:create.

        • ENTITY_ATTR – a string formatted as {entity_name}:{attribute}, for example sales$Customer:name.

        • SPECIFIC – specific permission identifier, for example sales.runInvoicing.

        • UI – path to a visual component of a screen.

Example of a menu file:

<menu-config xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/menu.xsd">

  <menu id="sales" insertBefore="administration">
      <item id="sales$Customer.lookup"/>
      <item id="sales$Order.lookup"/>


If the id is not set, the name of the menu element will be generated from the class name (if the class attribute is set) or the bean name and the bean method name (if the bean attribute is set), therefore setting the id attribute is recommended.

A.5. metadata.xml

Files of this type are used for registering custom datatypes and non-persistent entities and assigning meta annotations.

The metadata.xml file of the project is specified in the cuba.metadataConfig application property.

The file has the following structure:

metadata – root element.

metadata elements:

  • datatypes - an optional descriptor of custom datatypes.

    datatypes elements:

    • datatype - the datatype descriptor. It has the following attributes:

      • id - identifier, which should be used to refer to this datatype from @MetaProperty annotation.

      • class - defines the implementation class.

      • sqlType - optional attribute which specifies an SQL type of your database suitable for storing values of this data type. The SQL type will be used by CUBA Studio when it generates database scripts. See Example of a Custom Datatype for details.

      The datatype element can also contain other attributes that depend on the implementation of the datatype.

  • metadata-model – the project’s meta model descriptor.

    metadata-model attribute:

    • root-package – the project’s root package.

      metadata-model elements:

    • class – a non-persistent entity class.

  • annotations – contains assignments of entity meta-annotations.

    The annotations element contains entity elements which define entities to assign meta-annotation to. Each entity element must contain the class attribute which specifies an entity class, and a list of annotation elements.

    The annotation element defines a meta-annotation. It has the name attribute which corresponds to the meta-annotation name. The map of meta-annotation attributes is defined using the list of nested attribute elements.


<metadata xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/metadata.xsd">

    <metadata-model root-package="com.sample.sales">

        <entity class="com.haulmont.cuba.security.entity.User">
            <annotation name="com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.annotation.TrackEditScreenHistory">
                <attribute name="value" value="true" datatype="boolean"/>

            <annotation name="com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.annotation.EnableRestore">
                <attribute name="value" value="true" datatype="boolean"/>

        <entity class="com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.Category">
            <annotation name="com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.annotation.SystemLevel">
                <attribute name="value" value="false" datatype="boolean"/>


A.6. permissions.xml

Files of this type are used in the Web Client and the Desktop Client blocks for registration of specific user permissions.

The file location is defined in the cuba.permissionConfig application property. When you create a new project in Studio, it creates the web-permissions.xml file in the root package of the web module, for example modules/web/src/com/company/sample/web-permissions.xml.

The file has the following structure:

permission-config - root element.

permission-config elements:

  • specific - specific permissions descriptor.

    specific elements:

    • category - permissions category which is used for grouping permissions in the role edit screen. id attribute is used as a key for retrieving a localized category name from the main message pack.

    • permission - named permission. id attribute is used to obtain the permission value by the Security.isSpecificPermitted() method, and as a key for retrieving a localized permission name form the main message pack to display the permission in the role edit screen.

For example:

<permission-config xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/permissions.xsd">
        <category id="app">
            <permission id="app.doSomething"/>
            <permission id="app.doSomethingOther"/>

A.7. persistence.xml

Files of this type are standard for JPA, and are used for registration of persistent entities and configuration of ORM framework parameters.

The persistence.xml file of the project is defined in the cuba.persistenceConfig application property.

When the Middleware block starts, the specified files are combined into a single persistence.xml, stored in the application work folder. File order is important, because each subsequent file in the list can override previously defined ORM parameters.

Example of a file:

<persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence" version="1.0">
  <persistence-unit name="sales" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

A.8. remoting-spring.xml

Files of this type configure an additional Spring Framework container for the Middleware block, used for exporting services and other middleware components accessed by the client tier (hereafter remote access container).

The remoting-spring.xml file of the project is specified in the cuba.remotingSpringContextConfig application property.

Remote access container is created with the main container (configured by spring.xml files) as its parent. Therefore, the beans of the remote access container can use the beans of the main container, while the beans of the main container cannot "see" the beans of the remote access container.

The primary goal of remote access is to make Middleware services accessible to the client level using the Spring HttpInvoker mechanism. The cuba-remoting-spring.xml file in the cuba application component defines the servicesExporter bean of RemoteServicesBeanCreator type, which receives all service classes from the main container and exports them. In addition to regular annotated services, remote access container exports a number of specific beans, such as LoginService.

Furthermore, the cuba-remoting-spring.xml file defines a base package that serves as a starting point for lookup of annotated Spring MVC controller classes used for file uploading and downloading.

The remoting-spring.xml file in the application project should only be created when specific Spring MVC controllers are used. Application project services will be imported by the standard servicesExporter bean defined in the cuba application component.

A.9. screens.xml

Files of this type are used in the generic user interface of the Web Client and the Desktop Client for registration of screen XML-descriptors.

The file location is specified in the cuba.windowConfig application property. When you create a new project in Studio, it creates the web-screens.xml file in the root package of the web module, for example modules/web/src/com/company/sample/web-screens.xml.

The file has the following structure:

screen-config – the root element. It contains the following elements:

  1. screen – screen descriptor.

    screen attributes:

    • id – screen identifier used to reference this screen from the application code (e.g. in the Frame.openWindow() and other methods) and in the menu.xml.

    • template – path to screen’s XML-descriptor. Resources interface rules apply to loading the descriptor.

    • class – if the template attribute is not set, this attribute should contain the name of the class implementing either Callable or Runnable.

      In case of Callable, the call() method should return an instance of Window, which will be returned to the invoking code as the result of calling WindowManager.openWindow(). The class may contain a constructor with string parameters, defined by the nested param element (see below).

    • agent - if multiple templates are registered with the same id, this attribute is used to choose a template to open. There are three standard agent types: DESKTOP, TABLET, PHONE. They enable selection of a screen template depending on the current device and display parameters. See Screen Agent for details.

    • multipleOpen – optional attribute, allowing a screen to be opened multiple times. If set to false or not defined and the screen with this identifier has already been opened in the main window, the system will show the existing screen instead of opening a new one. If set to true, any number of screen instances can be opened.

    screen elements:

    • param – defines a screen parameter submitted as a map to the controller's init() method. Parameters, passed to the openWindow() methods by the invoking code, override the matching parameters set in screens.xml.

      param attributes:

      • name – parameter name.

      • value – parameter value. Strings true and false are converted into the corresponding Boolean values.

  2. include – includes a different file, e.g. screens.xml.

    include attributes:

    • file – path to a file according to the rules of the Resources interface.

Example of a screens.xml file:

<screen-config xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/screens.xsd">

  <screen id="sales$Customer.lookup" template="/com/sample/sales/gui/customer/customer-browse.xml"/>
  <screen id="sales$Customer.edit" template="/com/sample/sales/gui/customer/customer-edit.xml"/>

  <screen id="sales$Order.lookup" template="/com/sample/sales/gui/order/order-browse.xml"/>
  <screen id="sales$Order.edit" template="/com/sample/sales/gui/order/order-edit.xml"/>


A.10. spring.xml

The files of this type configure the main Spring Framework container for each application block.

The spring.xml file of the project is specified in the cuba.springContextConfig application property.

Most of the configuration of the main container is performed using bean annotations (e.g. @Component, @Service, @Inject and others), therefore the only mandatory part of spring.xml in an application project is the context:component-scan element, which specifies the base Java package for lookup of annotated classes. For example:

<context:component-scan base-package="com.sample.sales"/>

The remaining configuration depends on the block that a container is being configured for, e.g. the registration of JMX-beans for the Middleware block, or services import for client blocks.

A.11. views.xml

Files of this type are used to describe views, see Views.

XML schema is available at http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/6.9/view.xsd.

views – root element.

views elements:

  • viewview descriptor.

    view attributes:

    • class – entity class.

    • entity – the name of the entity, for example sales$Order. This attribute can be used instead of the class attribute.

    • name – view name, unique within the entity.

    • systemProperties – enables inclusion of system attributes defined in base interfaces for persistent entities BaseEntity and Updatable. Optional attribute, true by default.

    • overwrite – enables overriding a view with the same class and name already deployed in the repository. Optional attribute, false by default.

    • extends – specifies an entity view, from which the attributes should be inherited. For example, declaring extends="_local", will add all local attributes of an entity to the current view. Optional attribute.

    view elements:

    • propertyViewProperty descriptor.

    property attributes:

    • name – entity attribute name.

    • view – for reference type attributes, specifies a view name the associated entity should be loaded with.

    • fetch - for reference attributes, specifies how to fetch the related entity from the database. See Views for details.

    property elements:

    • property – associated entity attribute descriptor. This enables defining an unnamed inline view for an associated entity in the current descriptor.

  • include – include another views.xml file.

    include attributes:

    • file – file path according to the Resources interface rules.


<views xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/view.xsd">

  <view class="com.sample.sales.entity.Order"
      <property name="customer" view="_minimal"/>

  <view class="com.sample.sales.entity.Item"
      <property name="quantity"/>
      <property name="product" view="_minimal"/>

  <view class="com.sample.sales.entity.Order"
      <property name="customer">
          <property name="name"/>
          <property name="email"/>


See also the cuba.viewsConfig application property.

A.12. web.xml

The web.xml file is a standard descriptor of a Java EE web application and should be created for the Middleware, Web Client and Web Portal blocks.

In an application project, web.xml files are located in the web/WEB-INF folders of the corresponding modules.

  • web.xml for the Middleware block (core project module) has the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
             xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd"
        <!-- Application properties config files -->
        <!--Application components-->
            <param-value>com.haulmont.cuba com.haulmont.reports</param-value>

    The context-param elements define initializing parameters for the ServletContext object of the current web application. The list of application components is defined in the appComponents parameter, the list of application property files is defined in the appPropertiesConfig parameter.

    The listener element defines a listener class implementing the ServletContextListener interface. The Middleware block uses the AppContextLoader class as a listener. This class initializes the AppContext.

    Servlet descriptions follow, including the RemotingServlet class, mandatory for the Middleware block. This servlet is accessible via the /remoting/* URL, and is related to the remote access container (see remoting-spring.xml).

  • web.xml for the Web Client block (web project module) has the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
             xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd"
            <description>Web resources version for correct caching in browser</description>
        <!-- Application properties config files -->
        <!--Application components-->
            <param-value>com.haulmont.cuba com.haulmont.reports</param-value>

    In the context-param elements, the lists of application components and application property files are defined. The webResourcesTs parameter with the value substituted at build time ensures correct caching of static resources in web browser.

    The Web Client block uses the WebAppContextLoader class as a ServletContextListener.

    The JSR356WebsocketInitializer listener is required for WebSockets protocol support.

    CubaApplicationServlet provides the generic user interface implementation based on the Vaadin framework.

    CubaDispatcherServlet initializes an additional Spring context for Spring MVC controllers. This context is configured in the dispatcher-spring.xml file.

    CubaRestApiServlet provides the universal REST API.

Appendix B: Application Properties

This appendix describes all available application properties in alphabetical order.


Defines the names of additional data stores used in the application.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.additionalStores = db1, mem1

Allows the generic filter to use sequential filtering mode. See also Sequential Queries.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in the Web Client and the Middleware blocks.


Login name of the user on behalf of which the anonymous session is created (see cuba.anonymousSessionId).

Default value: anonymous

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines the UUID of the anonymous user session which is available before user login. This session is always created automatically on the server startup. See also cuba.anonymousLogin.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Determines whether server should run DB update scripts at application start.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


List of supported user interface languages.

Property format: {language_name1}|{language_code_1};{language_name2}|{language_code_2};…​



{language_name} – name displayed in the list of available languages. For example, such lists can be found on the login screen and on the user edit screen.

{language_code} – corresponds to language code returned by the Locale.getLanguage() method. Used as a suffix for message pack file names. For example, messages_fr.properties.

The first language listed in the cuba.availableLocales property will be selected in the list of available languages by default if the list does not contain the user’s operating system language. Otherwise, user’s operating system language will be selected by default.

Default value: English|en;Russian|ru;French|fr

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


The maximum number of active background tasks.

Default value: 100

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines an interval in milliseconds for checking timeouts of background tasks.

Default value: 5000

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client.


Enables a mechanism for the protection against password brute force cracking.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Blocking interval in seconds after exceeding a maximum number of failed login attempts, if the cuba.bruteForceProtection.enabled property is on.

Default value: 60

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


A maximum number of failed login attempts for the combination of user login and IP address, if the cuba.bruteForceProtection.enabled property is on.

Default value: 5

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Enables interaction between Middleware servers in a cluster. See Configuring Interaction between Middleware Servers for details.

Default value: false

Used in the Middleware block.


Path to JGroups configuration file. The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

For example:

cuba.cluster.jgroupsConfig = my_jgroups_tcp.xml

Default value: jgroups.xml

Used in the Middleware block.


Limits the queue of middleware cluster messages. When the queue exceeds its maximum size, new messages are rejected.

Default value: Integer.MAX_VALUE

Used in the Middleware block.


Sets the timeout in milliseconds for receiving state from cluster on node start.

Default value: 10000

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines location of the configuration folder for an application block.

Default value for Fast Deployment in Tomcat: ${catalina.home}/conf/${cuba.webContextName}, which points to a subdirectory with the name of the web app inside the tomcat/conf folder, for example, tomcat/conf/app-core.

Default value for WAR and UberJAR deployment: ${app.home}/${cuba.webContextName}/conf, which points to a subdirectory of the application home.

Default value for the Desktop Client block: ${cuba.desktop.home}/conf.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Sets Middleware connection timeout for client blocks. Non-negative value is passed to the setReadTimeout() method of URLConnection.

Default value: -1

Used in the Web Client, Web Portal and Desktop Client blocks.


Sets Middleware connection timeout for client blocks. Non-negative value is passed to the setConnectTimeout() method of URLConnection.

Default value: -1

Used in the Web Client, Web Portal and Desktop Client blocks.


Sets Middleware server connection URL for client blocks.

Property value should contain one or more comma separated URLs http[s]://host[:port]/app-core, where host is the server hostname, port is the server port, and app-core is the name of the the Middleware block web application. For example:

cuba.connectionUrlList = http://localhost:8080/app-core

When using a cluster of Middleware servers, their addresses should be listed separated with commas:

cuba.connectionUrlList = http://server1:8080/app-core,http://server2:8080/app-core

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client, Web Portal and Desktop Client blocks.


Additive property defining a credits.xml file containing information about the software components used by the application.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in the Web Client and the Desktop Client blocks.


cuba.creditsConfig = +com/company/base/credits.xml

Batch size for loading related entities from different data stores by DataManager.

Default value: 50

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Indicates that DataManager should apply security restrictions when invoked on the middleware.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines JNDI name of the javax.sql.DataSource object used for connection to the application database.

Default value: java:comp/env/jdbc/CubaDS

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines the location of the work folder for an application block.

Default value for Fast Deployment in Tomcat: ${catalina.home}/work/${cuba.webContextName}, which points to a subdirectory with the name of the web app inside the tomcat/work folder, for example, tomcat/work/app-core.

Default value for WAR and UberJAR deployment: ${app.home}/${cuba.webContextName}/work, which points to a subdirectory of the application home.

Default value for the Desktop Client block: ${cuba.desktop.home}/work.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Defines the location of the database scripts directory.

Default value for Fast Deployment in Tomcat: ${catalina.home}/webapps/${cuba.webContextName}/WEB-INF/db, which points to the WEB-INF/db subdirectory of the web application in Tomcat.

Default value for WAR and UberJAR deployment: web-inf:db, which points to the WEB-INF/db subdirectory inside the WAR or UberJAR.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines the DBMS type. Affects the choice of DBMS integration interface implementations and the search for database init and update scripts together with cuba.dbmsVersion.

See DBMS Types for details.

Default value: hsql

Used in the Middleware block.


An optional property that sets the database version. Affects the choice of DBMS integration interface implementations and the search for database init and update scripts together with cuba.dbmsType.

See DBMS Types for details.

Default value: none

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines default transaction timeout.

Default value: 0 (no timeout).

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Enables adjustment of the time provided by the TimeSource interface of the Desktop Client block.The time will approximately equal to the time of the Middleware the client is connected to.

Default value: true

Interface: DesktopConfig

Used in the Desktop Client block.


Enables adjustment of the Desktop Client block’s JVM timezone to the timezone of the Middleware the client is connected to.

Default value: true

Interface: DesktopConfig

Used in the Desktop Client block.


Contains a list of data stores for which the platform should disable ESCAPE in JPQL queries with LIKE operator in filters.

Stored in the database.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Disables automatic generation of the orm.xml file for extended entities.

Default value: false (orm.xml will be created automatically if any extended entity exists).

Used in the Middleware block.


Additive property defining a dispatcher-spring.xml file of a client block.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


cuba.dispatcherSpringContextConfig = +com/company/sample/portal-dispatcher-spring.xml

Defines a list of folders from which the Middleware files can be downloaded from via com.haulmont.cuba.core.controllers.FileDownloadController. For example, file downloading is utilized by the server log display mechanism found in the Administration > Server Log web client screen.

The folder list should be separated with a semicolon.

Default value: ${cuba.tempDir};${cuba.logDir} (files can be downloaded from the temporary folder and the logs folder).

Used in the Middleware block.


Email sending parameters described in Configuring Email Sending Parameters.


Defines file storage folder structure roots. For more information, see Standard File Storage Implementation.

Default value: null

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Backward compatibility toggle. If set to true, enables running JPQL delete from statement for soft-deleted entities when soft deletion mode is on. Such statement is transformed to SQL which deletes all instances not marked for deletion. This is counter-intuitive and disabled by default.

Default value: false

Used in the Middleware block.


Backward compatibility toggle. If set to false, the filter conditions in datasource query filters and Filter component will be applied once at least one parameter value is supplied; the session parameters will not work.

Default value: true

Used in the Web Client block.


If set to true, turns on checking entity attribute permissions on Middleware. When false, attribute permissions are checked on the client tier, e.g. in Generic UI or REST API.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Used in the Middleware block.


Activates the entity log mechanism.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: EntityLogConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Sets the maximum number of unused compiled Groovy expressions in the pool during Scripting.evaluateGroovy() method execution. It is recommended to increment this parameter when intensive execution of Groovy expressions is required, for example, for a large number of application folders.

Default value: 8

Used in all standard blocks.


Defines a list of classes imported by all Groovy expressions executed through Scripting.

Class names in the list should be separated with commas or semicolons.

Default value: com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.PersistenceHelper

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.groovyEvaluatorImport = com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.PersistenceHelper,com.abc.sales.CommonUtils

Influences the behavior of the Filter component.

When set to true, does not allow to apply a filter without specifying parameters.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Defines the number of columns with conditions for the Filter component.

Default value: 3

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Defines the location of the conditions panel in the Filter component. Two locations are available: top (above the filter control elements) and bottom (below the filter control elements).

Default value: top

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Sets a template for Filter controls layout. Each control has the following format: [component_name | options-comma-separated], e.g. [pin | no-caption, no-icon].

Available controls:

  • filters_popup - popup button for selecting a filter, combined with the Search button.

  • filters_lookup - lookup field for selecting a filter. The Search button should be added as a separate control.

  • search - Search button. Do not add if use filters_popup.

  • add_condition - link button for adding new conditions.

  • spacer - an empty space between controls.

  • settings - Settings button. Specify action names that should be displayed in Settings popup as options (see below).

  • max_results - group of controls for setting the maximum number of records to be selected.

  • fts_switch - checkbox for switching to the Full-Text Search mode.

The following actions can be used as options of the settings control: save, save_as, edit, remove, pin, make_default, save_search_folder, save_app_folder, clear_values.

The actions can also be used as independent controls outside of the Settings popup. In this case, they can have the following options:

  • no-icon - if an action button should be displayed without an icon. For example: [save | no-icon].

  • no-caption - if an action button should be displayed without a caption. For example: [pin | no-caption].

Default value:

[filters_popup] [add_condition] [spacer] \
[settings | save, save_as, edit, remove, make_default, pin, save_search_folder, save_app_folder, clear_values] \
[max_results] [fts_switch]

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Influences the behavior of the Filter component.

When set to true, the screens containing filters will not load the corresponding datasources automatically, until the user clicks the filter Apply button.

The value of cuba.gui.genericFilterManualApplyRequired is ignored, when opening browser screens using an application or search folders, i.e. the filter is applied. The filter will not be applied, if the applyDefault value for a folder is explicitly set to false.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Defines the options for the Show rows drop-down list of the Filter component.

NULL option indicates that the list should contain an empty value.

Default value: NULL, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Defines the number of items displayed in the popup list of the Search button. If the number of filters exceeds this value, Show more…​ action is added to the popup list. The action opens a new dialog window with a list of all possible filters.

Default value: 10

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Defines whether all generic filters should trim input values. When set to false, the text filter will not trim values.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Allows you to disable the screen analyzer available in the context menu of the main window tabs and the modal window captions.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Defines the default number of options on one page of the drop-down list in the LookupField and LookupPickerField components. It can be overridden for a concrete instance of the component using the pageLength XML attribute.

Default value: 10

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client.


If the property is set to true, screens will not save their settings automatically on close. In this mode, a user can save or reset settings using the context menu which appears on clicking a screen tab or a dialog window caption.

Default value: false

Interface: ClientConfig

Stored in the database.

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Enables displaying action icons in Table context menu and PopupButton items.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables the display of SQL-scripts for creating / updating / retrieving an entity instance in the System Information window.

Such scripts actually show the contents of the database rows that store the selected entity instance, regardless of security settings that may deny viewing of some attributes. That is why it is reasonable to revoke the CUBA / Generic UI / System Information specific permission for all user roles except the administrators, or set the cuba.gui.systemInfoScriptsEnabled to false for the whole application.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and the Desktop Client blocks.


Defines the layout of the dialog displayed when a user attempts closing a screen with unsaved changes in datasources.

Value of true corresponds to a layout with three possible actions: Save changes, Don’t Save, Don’t close the screen.

The value of false corresponds to a form with two options: Close the screen without saving changes, Don’t close the screen.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Defines the standard window validation error validation error notification type.

Possible values are the elements of com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Frame.NotificationType enumeration:

  • TRAY - tray popup with plain text message,

  • TRAY_HTML - tray popup with HTML message,

  • HUMANIZED - standard popup with plain text message,

  • HUMANIZED_HTML - standard popup with HTML message,

  • WARNING - warning popup with plain text message,

  • WARNING_HTML - warning popup with HTML message,

  • ERROR - error popup with plain text message,

  • ERROR_HTML - error popup with HTML message.

Default value: TRAY.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Enables using JOINED inheritance strategy for composite entities. If set to true, provides the correct order of inserting new entities in the database.

Default value: false


Defines the text returned from a request to the health check URL.

Default value: ok

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all blocks except Desktop Client.


Defines HTTP-session inactivity timeout in seconds.

Default value: 1800

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


It is recommended to use the same values for cuba.userSessionExpirationTimeoutSec and cuba.httpSessionExpirationTimeoutSec properties.


Additive property defining icon sets.

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


cuba.iconsConfig = +com.company.demo.web.MyIconSet

For a SSO Identity Provider, disables access to the IDP HTTP cookie from JavaScript.

Default value: true (no access from JS)

Interface: IdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


For a SSO Identity Provider, sets a life time for the IDP HTTP cookie in seconds.

Default value: 31536000 (~1 year)

Interface: IdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


For a SSO Identity Provider, sets a list of URLs that are used to notify service providers about user logout or session expiration. The values must be separated with commas.

For example:

cuba.idp.serviceProviderLogoutUrls = http://foo:8081/app/dispatch/idpc/logout,http://bar:8082/app/dispatch/idpc/logout

Interface: IdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


For a SSO Identity Provider, sets a list of service provider URLs. The values must be separated with commas. Trailing '/' in URLs is required.

For example:

cuba.idp.serviceProviderUrls = http://foo:8081/app/,http://bar:8082/app/

Interface: IdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


For a SSO Identity Provider, sets a comma-separated list of Java Regex masks for permitted service URLs. This property enables to handle external links correctly if user is not signed in.

Choose the masks carefully to avoid redirecting to untrusted URLs, so trailing '/' in URLs is required.

For example:

cuba.idp.serviceProviderUrlMasks = http://your-foo.com/.*,http://your-bar.com/.*

Interface: IdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


For a SSO Identity Provider, sets a timeout of IDP session inactivity in seconds.

Default value: 18000 (5 hours)

Interface: IdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


For a SSO Identity Provider, sets an interval of checking IDP session inactivity in milliseconds.

Default value: 30000 (30 sec)

Interface: IdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


A comma-separated list of users that are not allowed to use external authentication (using SSO Identity Provider) and should log in to the system using standard authentication only, see also cuba.web.standardAuthenticationUsers.

An empty list means that everyone is allowed to login using external authentication.

For example:

cuba.web.standardAuthenticationUsers = admin

Default value: <empty list>

Interface: IdpAuthConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


For a SSO Identity Provider, sets a timeout of SSO ticket in seconds.

Default value: 180 (3 min)

Interface: IdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


For a SSO Identity Provider, sets a password which is used in server-to-server communication between SP and IDP.

Interface: IdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables in-memory filtering of duplicate records instead of using select distinct at the database level. Used by the DataManager.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines a user login that should be used for system authentication.

Default value: admin

Used in the Middleware block.


Used as a key for AES encryption of the entity security token. The token is sent inside an entity instance when it is loaded from the middleware in the following cases:

Although the security token does not contain any attribute values (only attribute names and filtered entity identifiers), it is highly recommended to change the default value of the encryption key in the production environment.

Default value: CUBA.Platform

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


When an instance of entity inherited from BaseLongIdEntity or BaseIntegerIdEntity is created in memory via Metadata.create() method, an identifier value is assigned to the entity right away. This value is obtained from the mechanism that fetches the next id from a database sequence. In order to reduce the number of middleware and database calls, the sequence’s increment is set by default to 100, which means that the framework obtains the range of ids on each invocation. So it "caches" this range and yields the ids without going for the next value to the database until the whole range is used.

The property defines the sequence’s increment and the corresponding size of the cached range in memory.


If you change the value of this property when there are already some entities in the database, recreate also all existing sequences with the new increment (which must be equal to cuba.numberIdCacheSize) and the starting values corresponding to the maximum values of existing ids.

Do not forget to set the property on all blocks used in the application. For example, if you have Web Client, Portal Client and Middleware, you should set the same value in web-app.properties, portal-app.properties and app.properties.

Default value: 100

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Disables the user interface language selection when logging in.

If cuba.localeSelectVisible is set to false, the locale for a user session is selected in the following way:

  • If the User entity instance has a language attribute defined, the system will use this language.

  • If the user’s operating system language is included in the list of available locales (set by the cuba.availableLocales property), the system will use this language.

  • Otherwise, the system will use the first language defined in the cuba.availableLocales property.

Default value: true

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Defines the location of the log folder for an application block.

Default value for Fast Deployment in Tomcat: ${catalina.home}/logs, which points to the tomcat/logs folder.

Default value for WAR and UberJAR deployment: ${app.home}/logs, which points to the logs subdirectory of the application home.

Default value for the Desktop Client block: ${cuba.desktop.home}/logs.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Additive property defining a main message pack for an application block.

The value may include a single pack or a list of packs separated with spaces.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.mainMessagePack = +com.company.sample.gui com.company.sample.web

Maximum file size (in megabytes) that can be uploaded using the FileUploadField and FileMultiUploadField components.

Default value: 20

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the Web Client and the Desktop Client blocks.


Additive property defining a menu.xml file.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


cuba.menuConfig = +com/company/sample/web-menu.xml

Additive property defining a metadata.xml file.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.metadataConfig = +com/company/sample/metadata.xml

Defines the name of the bean used for user password hashing.

Default value: cuba_Sha1EncryptionModule

Used in all standard blocks.


Enables password policy enforcement. If the property is set to true, all new user passwords will be checked according to the cuba.passwordPolicyRegExp property.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the client blocks: Web Client, Web Portal, Desktop Client.


Defines a regular expression used by the password checking policy.

Default value:

((?=.*\\d)(?=.*\\p{javaLowerCase}) (?=.*\\p{javaUpperCase}).{6,20})

The expression above ensures that password contains from 6 to 20 characters, uses numbers and Latin letters, contains at least one number, one lower case, and one upper case letter. More information on regular expression syntax is available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression and http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html.

Stored in the database.

Interface: ClientConfig

Used in the client level blocks: Web Client, Web Portal, Desktop Client.


Must be set to true when the application is running performance tests.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Default value: false

Used in Web Client and Middleware blocks.


Additive property defining a permissions.xml file.

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


cuba.permissionConfig = +com/company/sample/web-permissions.xml

Additive property defining a persistence.xml file.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.persistenceConfig = +com/company/sample/persistence.xml

Defines a user login that should be used for anonymous session in the Web Portal block.

The user with the specified login should exist in the security subsystem and should have the required permissions. User password is not required, because anonymous portal sessions are created via the loginTrusted() method with the password defined in the cuba.trustedClientPassword property.

Interface: PortalConfig

Used in the Web Portal block.


If set to false, the query cache functionality is disabled.

Default value: true

Interface: QueryCacheConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Maximum number of query cache entries. A cache entry is defined by the query text, query parameters, paging parameters and soft deletion.

As the cache size grows close to the maximum, the cache evicts entries that are less likely to be used again.

Default value: 100

Interface: QueryCacheConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Additive property defining a remoting-spring.xml file of the Middleware block.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in the Middleware block.


cuba.remotingSpringContextConfig = +com/company/sample/remoting-spring.xml

Defines a comma-separated list of origins that can access the REST API.

Default value: *

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Enables an anonymous access to the REST API endpoints.

Default value: false

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Defines a list of supported grant types for the default REST API client. To disable refresh token support remove the refresh_token item from the value.

Default value: password,external,refresh_token

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Defines an identifier of the REST API client. Client, in this case, is not a platform user, but an application (some web portal or mobile app) that uses REST API. Client credentials are used for basic authentication when accessing the REST API token endpoint.

Default value: client

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Defines a password for the REST API client. Client, in this case, is not a platform user, but an application (some web portal or mobile app) that uses REST API. Client credentials are used for basic authentication when accessing the REST API token endpoint.

Default value: secret

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Defines a REST API access token expiration timeout for the default client in seconds.

Default value: 43200 (12 hours)

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Defines a REST API refresh token expiration timeout for the default client in seconds.

Default value: 31536000 (365 days)

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Specifies cron expression for scheduled removing of expired tokens from the database.

Default value: 0 0 3 * * ?

Used in the Middleware block.


Additive property defining a file that contains JSON transformation configurations used by the REST API when the client needs data in format of some particular data model version.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Default value: none


cuba.rest.jsonTransformationConfig = +com/company/sample/json-transformations.xml

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Maximum file size (in bytes) that can be uploaded with the REST API.

Default value: 20971520 (20 Mb)

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


If true, a special system attribute is included in JSON for loaded entities, and the same attribute is expected to be passed back to REST when saving the entities. See details in Security Constraints for Collection Attributes.

Default value: false

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Specifies whether a refresh token may be reused. If set to false then when an access token is requested using the refresh token, a new refresh token will be issued, and the old refresh token will be revoked.

Default value: true

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Additive property defining a file that contains a list of services available for application REST API calls.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

The XSD of the file is available at http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/6.9/rest-services-v2.xsd.

Default value: none


cuba.rest.servicesConfig = +com/company/sample/app-rest-services.xml

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Enables storing of REST API security tokens in the database. By default, tokens are stored in memory only.

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Default value: false

Used in the Middleware block.


Specifies whether REST API token values should be masked in application logs.

Default value: true

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Additive property defining a file that contains a list of JPQL queries available for application REST API calls.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

The XSD of the file is available at http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/6.9/rest-queries.xsd.

Default value: none


cuba.rest.queriesConfig = +com/company/sample/app-rest-queries.xml

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Enables the CUBA scheduled tasks mechanism.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Specifies an implementation of the Serialization interface which is used for serialization of objects transferred between the application blocks. The platform contains two implementations:

  • com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.serialization.StandardSerialization - standard Java serialization.

  • com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.serialization.KryoSerialization - serialization based on the Kryo framework.

Default value: com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.serialization.StandardSerialization

Used in all standard blocks.


Additive property defining a spring.xml file in all standard application blocks.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.springContextConfig = +com/company/sample/spring.xml

Specifies an email address to which exception reports from the default exception handler screen, as well as user messages from the Help > Feedback screen, will be sent.

Report button in the exception handler screen will be hidden if this property is set to an empty string.

In order to successfully send emails, the parameters described in Configuring Email Sending Parameters must also be configured.

Default value: empty string.

Stored in the database.

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the location of the temporary directory for an application block.

Default value for Fast Deployment in Tomcat: ${catalina.home}/temp/${cuba.webContextName}, which points to a subdirectory with the name of the web app inside the tomcat/temp folder, for example, tomcat/temp/app-core.

Default value for WAR and UberJAR deployment: ${app.home}/${cuba.webContextName}/temp, which points to a subdirectory of the application home.

The default value for the Desktop Client block: ${cuba.desktop.home}/temp.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in all standard blocks.


Must be set to true when the application is running automatic UI tests.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Default value: false

Used in Web Client, Desktop Client and Middleware blocks.


Defines a set of *-theme.properties files that store theme variables, such as default popup window dimensions and input field width.

The property takes a list of files separated with spaces. The files are loaded as defined by the Resources interface.

Default value for Web Client: havana-theme.properties halo-theme.properties

Default value for Desktop Client: nimbus-theme.properties

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client block.


Enables the processing of bean invocation trigger files.

The trigger file is a file that is placed in the triggers subdirectory of the application block’s temporary directory. The trigger file name consists of two parts separated with a period. The first part is the bean name, the second part is the method name of the bean to invoke. For example: cuba_Messages.clearCache. The trigger files handler monitors the folder for new trigger files, invokes the appropriate methods and then removes the files.

By default, the trigger files processing is configured in the cuba-web-spring.xml file and performed for the Web Client block only. At the project level, the processing for other modules can be performed by periodically invoking the process() method of the cuba_TriggerFilesProcessor bean.

Default value: true

Used in blocks with the configured processing, the default is Web Client.


Defines the period in milliseconds of trigger files processing if the cuba.triggerFilesCheck is set to true.

Default value: 5000

Used in blocks with the configured processing, the default is Web Client.


Defines password used by the LoginService.loginTrusted() method. The Middleware layer can authenticate users who connect via the trusted client block without checking the user password.

This property is used when user passwords are not stored in the database, while the client block performs the actual authentication itself. For example, by integrating with Active Directory.

Interfaces: ServerConfig, WebAuthConfig, PortalConfig

Used in blocks: Middleware, Web Client, Web Portal.


Defines the list of IP addresses, from which the invocation of the LoginService.loginTrusted() method is allowed. For example:

cuba.trustedClientPermittedIpList =, 10.17.*.*

Default value:

Interfaces: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


A regular expression which is used to find out that the exception is caused by a database unique constraint violation. The constraint name will be obtained from the first non-empty group of the expression. For example:

ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "(.+)"

The constraint name can be used to display a localized message that indicates what entity is concerned. For this, the main message pack should contain keys equal to constraint names. For example:

IDX_SEC_USER_UNIQ_LOGIN = A user with the same login already exists

This property allows you to define a reaction to unique constraint violations depending on DBMS locale and version.

Default value is returned by the PersistenceManagerService.getUniqueConstraintViolationPattern() method for the current DBMS.

Can be defined in the database.

Used in all client blocks.


Enables using current transaction, if there is one at the moment, for loading entity instances via the configuration interfaces. This could have a positive impact on performance. Otherwise, a new transaction is always created and committed, and the detached instances are returned.

Default value: false

Used in the Middleware block.


If the property is set to true, sequences for generating identifiers for BaseLongIdEntity and BaseIntegerIdEntity subclasses are created in the data store the entity belongs to. Otherwise, they are created in the main data store.

Default value: false

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Indicates that EclipseLink ORM will use JOIN ON clause for inner joins instead of conditions in WHERE clause.

Default value: false

Used in the Middleware block.


When set to true, the Web Client and Web Portal blocks invoke the Middleware services locally, bypassing the network stack, which has a positive impact on system performance. It is possible when Tomcat fast deployment is used, as well as single WAR or single Uber-JAR. This property should be set to false for all other deployment options.

Default value: false

Used in the Web Client and Web Portal blocks.


Indicates that all load methods of DataManager use read-only transactions.

Default value: true

Stored in the database.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Defines the full name pattern for user.

Default value: {FF| }{LL}

The full name pattern can be formed from the user’s first, last and middle names. The following rules apply to the pattern:

  • The pattern parts are separated with {}

  • The pattern inside {} must contain one of the following characters followed by the | character without any spaces:

    LL – long form of user’s last name (Smith)

    L – short form of user’s last name (S)

    FF – long form of user’s first name (John)

    F – short form of user’s first name (J)

    MM – long form of user’s middle name (Paul)

    M – short form of user’s middle name (P)

  • The | character can be followed by any symbols including spaces.

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


Defines the display name pattern for the User entity. The display name is used in different places, including the upper right corner of the system’s main window.

Default value: {1} [{0}]

{0} is substituted with the login attribute, {1} – with the name attribute.

Used in the Middleware, Web Client, and Desktop Client blocks.


Defines the user session expiration timeout in seconds.

Default value: 1800

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


It is recommended to use the same values for cuba.userSessionExpirationTimeoutSec and cuba.httpSessionExpirationTimeoutSec.


Activates the user session log mechanism.

Default value: false

Stored in the database.

Interface: GlobalConfig.

Used in all standard blocks.


Defines the Middleware block URL used for logging users in.

This parameter should be set in additional middleware blocks that execute client requests but do not share the user session cache. If there is no required session in the local cache at the start of the request, this block invokes the LoginService.getSession() method at the specified URL, and caches the retrieved session.

Interface: ServerConfig

Used in the Middleware block.


Additive property defining a views.xml file. See Views.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in all standard blocks.


cuba.viewsConfig = +com/company/sample/views.xml

Defines URL of the Web Client application.

In particular, used to generate external application screen links, as well as by the ScreenHistorySupport class.

Default value: http://localhost:8080/app

Stored in the database.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Can be used in all standard blocks.


Additive property defining a screens.xml file.

The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

Used in the Web Client and Desktop Client blocks.


cuba.windowConfig = +com/company/sample/web-screens.xml

Enables handling of browser Back button in the application if the login and/or main window implements the CubaHistoryControl.HistoryBackHandler interface. If the property is true, the standard browser behavior is replaced with this method invocation.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines application folders refresh period in seconds.

Default value: 180

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Determines the initial mode for the main application window – "tabbed" or "single screen" (TABBED or SINGLE respectively). In the "single screen" mode, when a screen opens with the NEW_TAB parameter, it completely replaces the current screen instead of opening a new tab.

The user is able to change the mode later using the Help > Settings screen.

Default value: TABBED

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines whether the Web Client can close the UIs and the session when the session timeout is expired after the last non-heartbeat request.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Additive property defining a configuration file containing information about the application components supplied in separate jars or defined in cuba-ui-component.xml descriptor of web module.

For example:

cuba.web.componentsConfig =+demo-web-components.xml

Defines whether the default screen can be closed by close button, ESC button or TabSheet context menu when TABBED work area mode is used.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the screen to be opened after login. This setting will be applied to all users.

For example:

cuba.web.defaultScreenId = sys$SendingMessage.browse

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Deprecated. Use Web login extension points instead.

Indicates that the authentication is done through an external mechanism like LDAP or SSO Identity Provider. See also cuba.web.externalAuthenticationProviderClass.

Default value: false

Interface: WebAuthConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Deprecated. Use Web login extension points instead.

A class implementing the CubaAuthProvider interface which is used when cuba.web.externalAuthentication is set to true.

Interface: WebAuthConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines default width (in pixels) for the folders panel.

Default value: 200

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables the folders panel functionality.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Determines whether the folders panel should be expanded by default.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables/disables LDAP login mechanism of the Web Client.

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.enabled = true

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Specifies LDAP server URLs.

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.urls = ldap://

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Specifies base DN for user search in LDAP.

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.base = ou=Employees,dc=mycompany,dc=com

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


The distinguished name of a system user which has the right to read the information from the directory.

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.user = cn=System User,ou=Employees,dc=mycompany,dc=com

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


The password for the system user defined in the cuba.web.ldap.user property.

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.password = system_user_password

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


The name of an LDAP user attribute that is used for matching the login name. sAMAccountName by default (suitable for Active Directory).

For example:

cuba.web.ldap.userLoginField = username

Interface: WebLdapConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


For a SSO Service Provider, enables/disables Identity Provider login mechanism.

For example:

cuba.web.idp.enabled = true

Interface: WebIdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


For a SSO Service Provider, sets the URL of an Identity Provider. Standard CUBA IDP uses the idp/ path (the trailing / is required).

For example:

cuba.web.idp.baseUrl = http://main:8080/app/idp/

Interface: WebIdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


For a SSO Service Provider, sets a password which is used in server-to-server communication between SP and IDP. Must be equal to cuba.idp.trustedServicePassword.

Interface: WebIdpConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines a list of URL commands handled by the LinkHandler bean. See Screen Links for more information.

The elements should be separated with the | character.

Default value: open|o

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines default user name, which will be automatically populated in the login screen. This is very convenient during development. This property should be set to <disabled> value in production environment.

Default value: admin

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines default user password, which will be automatically populated in the login screen. This is very convenient during development. This property should be set to <disabled> value in production environment.

Default value: admin

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Set to false to hide the "powered by CUBA Platform" link on the login dialog.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines which component will be used for TABBED mode of main window. May have one of two possible string values from the MainTabSheetMode enumeration:

  • DEFAULT: CubaTabSheet component is used. It loads and unloads components each time the user switches tabs.

  • MANAGED: CubaManagedTabSheet is used. It doesn’t unload components from the tab when the user selects another tab.

Default value: DEFAULT.

Interface: WebConfig.

Used in the Web Client block.


If the cuba.web.mainTabSheetMode property is set to MANAGED, defines the way the managed main TabSheet switches its tabs: hides or unloads them.

Default value: HIDE_TABS

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the maximum number of tabs that can be opened in the main application window. The value of 0 disables this limitation.

Default value: 7

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Allows you to completely disable opening the Vaadin developer console in browser by adding ?debug to the application URL, and, therefore, disabling the JavaScript debug mode and reducing the amount of server information available from the browser.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Allows you to completely disable server push. The Background Tasks mechanism will not work in this case.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


Enables switching to long polling instead of WebSocket for server push implementation.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


Defines push timeout in milliseconds, which is used in case of setting long polling instead of WebSocket for server push implementation, i.e. cuba.web.pushLongPolling="true".

Default value: -1

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


Enables displaying Remember Me checkbox in the standard login screen of the web client.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


Sets a directory for loading files to display by Embedded component. For example:

cuba.web.resourcesRoot = ${cuba.confDir}/resources

Default value: null

Interface: WebConfig

Used in Web Client.


Enables hiding of the breadcrumbs panel which normally appears on top of the main window working area.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Enables the folders panel icons. When enabled, the following application theme files are used:

  • icons/app-folder-small.png – for application folders.

  • icons/search-folder-small.png – for search folders.

  • icons/set-small.png – for record sets.

Default value: false

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


If set to true then password is required on user creation from the Web Client. It is recommended to set value to false if you use LDAP authentication.

Default value: true

Interface: WebAuthConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


A comma-separated list of users that are not allowed to use external authentication (such as LDAP or IDP SSO) and should log in to the system using standard authentication only.

An empty list means that everyone is allowed to login using external authentication.

Default value: <empty list>

Interface: WebAuthConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Adjusts Table caching in the web browser. The amount of cached rows will be cacheRate multiplied with pageLength both below and above visible area.

Default value: 2

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Sets the number of rows to be fetched from the server into the web browser when Table is rendered first time on refresh. See also cuba.web.table.cacheRate.

Default value: 15

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the name of the theme used as default for the web client. See also cuba.themeConfig.

Default value: halo

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the interval of the heartbeat requests for Web Client UI. If not set, the calculated value cuba.httpSessionExpirationTimeoutSec / 3 is used.

Default value: HTTP-session inactivity timeout, sec / 3

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


If this property is enabled for Halo theme, Font Awesome glyphs will be used for standard actions and platform screens instead of images.

The correspondence between the name in the icon attribute of a visual component or action and font element is defined in the halo-theme.properties file of the platform. Keys with cuba.web.icons prefixes correspond to icon names, and their values - to com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome enumeration constants. For example, a font element for the standard create action is defined as follows:

cuba.web.icons.create.png = font-icon:FILE_O

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Controls the web client application header for Halo theme and its inheritors. If true, the header will be dark (inverse), if false - the header takes the colour of the main application background.

This property is ignored in case

$v-support-inverse-menu: false;

property is set in the application theme. This makes sense for a dark theme, if the user has the option to choose between a light and a dark theme. In this case, the header will be inverse for the light theme, and the same as the main background in the dark theme.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines whether a user is able to choose the default screen. If the false value is set, the Default screen field in the Settings screen is read-only.

Default value: true

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines a list of file extensions displayed in the browser when downloading the file using ExportDisplay.show(). The | character should be used to separate the list items.

Default value: htm|html|jpg|png|jpeg|pdf

Interface: WebConfig

Used in the Web Client block.


Defines the web application context name. It is usually equivalent to the name of the directory or WAR-file containing this application block.

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in blocks: Middleware, Web Client, Web Portal.

For example, for the Middleware block, located in tomcat/webapps/app-core and available at http://somehost:8080/app-core, the property should be set to the following value:

cuba.webContextName = app-core

Defines the host name of the machine, on which this application block is running.

Default value: localhost

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in blocks: Middleware, Web Client, Web Portal.

For example, for the Middleware block, available at http://somehost:8080/app-core, the property should be set to the following value:

cuba.webHostName = somehost

Defines the port, on which this application block is running.

Default value: 8080

Interface: GlobalConfig

Used in blocks: Middleware, Web Client, Web Portal.

For example, for the Middleware block, available at http://somehost:8080/app-core, this property should be set to the following value:

cuba.webPort = 8080

Appendix C: System Properties

System properties can be specified at JVM startup, using the command line argument -D. Additionally, system properties can be read or set using the getProperty() and setProperty() methods of the System class.

You can use system properties to set or override values of application properties. For example, the following command line argument will override the value of the cuba.connectionUrlList property which is normally set in the web-app.properties file:


Keep in mind, that system properties affect the whole JVM, i.e all application blocks running on the JVM will get the same value of a property.

Below are the system properties that are used by the platform but are not application properties.


Defines the location of the Logback framework configuration file.

For application blocks running on the Tomcat web server, this system property is configured in the tomcat/bin/setenv.bat and tomcat/bin/setenv.sh files. By default, it points to the tomcat/conf/logback.xml configuration file.

For the Desktop Client block, the application code configures this property if it is not defined at JVM startup. By default it points to the cuba-logback.xml file in the CLASSPATH root. See Setting up Logging in The Desktop Client.


For the Desktop Client block, this property defines the root for the folders defined in the cuba.confDir, cuba.logDir, cuba.tempDir, and cuba.dataDir application properties.

If this property is not defined at JVM startup, the default value of ${user.home}/.haulmont/cuba will be used. A different location can be specified by overriding the getDefaultHomeDir() method of the com.haulmont.cuba.desktop.App class.


This system property is set to true when the CubaTestCase base class is running integration tests.


if (!Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("cuba.unitTestMode")))
  return "Not in test mode";

10. Glossary

Application Tiers

See Application Tiers and Blocks.

Application Properties

Application properties are named data values of various types that define different aspects of application configuration or functions. See Application Properties.

Application Blocks

See Application Tiers and Blocks.


In the context of this manual, an artifact is a file (usually a JAR or ZIP file) that contains executable code or other code obtained as a result of building a project. An artifact has a name and a version number defined according to specific rules and can be stored in the artifact repository.

Artifact Repository

A server that stores  artifacts  in a specific structure. The artifacts that the project depends on are loaded from the repository when that project is built.

Base Projects

The same as application components. This term was used in the previous versions of the platform and documentation.


Containers control lifecycle and configuration of application objects. This is a base component of the dependency injection mechanism also known as Inversion of Control.

CUBA platform uses the Spring Framework container.


A relational database.


See Datasources.

Dependency Injection

Also known as Inversion of Control (IoC) principle. A mechanism for retrieving links to the objects being used, which assumes that an object should only declare which objects it depends on, while the container creates all the necessary objects and injects them in the dependent object.

Eager Fetching

Loading data from subclasses and related objects together with the requested entity.


Main element of the data model, see Data Model.

Entity Browser

A screen containing a table with a list of entities and buttons to create, edit and delete entities.


A middle tier component for working with persistent  entities.


An element of aspect-oriented programming that enables changing or extending object method invocations.

Java EE Web Profile

Simplified Java Enterprise Edition profile created for web applications that do not use technologies like EJB, JTA and others.


Java Management Extensions − a technology that provides tools to manage applications, system objects and devices. Defines the standard for JMX-components.

See also Using JMX Tools.


Java Persistence API – a standard specification of the object-relational mapping technology (ORM). CUBA platform uses  EclipseLink framework that implements this specification.


Platform independent object-oriented query language, defined as a part of the JPA specification.

Additional details are available at https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Java_Persistence/JPQL.

Lazy loading

See Lazy Loading.

Local attribute

An entity attribute that is not a reference or a collection of references to other entities. Values of all local entity attributes are typically stored in one table (with the exception of certain entity inheritance strategies).

Localized message pack

See Message Packs.

Managed Beans

 Components that contain application business logic.

Main Message Pack

See Main Message Pack.


Managed Beans that have a JMX-interface. Typically, such beans have an internal state (e.g. cache, configuration data or statistics) that needs to be accessible through JMX.


Middle tier –  the application tier  that contains the business logic, works with the database and provides a common interface for higher client tier of an application.

Optimistic locking

Optimistic locking – an approach to managing access to shared data by different users that assumes a very low probability of simultaneous access to the same entity instance. With this approach, locking itself is not applied, instead the system checks if a newer version of the data is available in the database at the moment when the changes are being saved. If so, an exception is thrown and the user must reload the entity instance.


Object-Relational Mapping – a technology that links tables in a relational database to objects of a programming language.

See ORM Layer.

Persistent context

A set of entity instances loaded from the database or just created. Persistent context serves as data cache within the current transaction. When transaction is committed, all persistent context entity changes are saved to a database.

Screen Controller

A Java class containing screen initialization and event handling logic. Works in conjunction with screen’s XML-descriptor.


Middleware services provide the business interface for client calls and form the Middleware boundary. Services can encapsulate the business logic or delegate the execution to Managed Beans.

See Services.

Soft deletion

See Soft Deletion.


User Interface.


See Views


An XML file containing layout of visual components and datasources for a screen.

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